The Crow Remake: Pennywise the Lxaon Enters John Wick Universe...ofc it Sucks!

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:09:07 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] hey you guys welcome back to the channel it's Trey and let's talk about the crow because the crow came out over the weekend and oh wait to nobody's surprise it was horrible but who could have guessed it all right anybody with a working brain we all knew it was going to be hot trash and yet y'all continue to do it in the first place do you not understand like read the room like at some point you got to say self was this the best decision whether is for right holders or whatever at least if you're going to do this kind of stuff at least you know try to make it something like the crow because it didn't look like the crow it didn't feel like the crow at all um and then when your fans once again when people saw the trailer and saw the reaction and nobody learns from Sonic the Hedgehog like how we were like no this looks like dog doooo change it it is not that hard to do you know the crow it's really not um me and my grandma we had watched The Crow um recently and we enjoyed the movie we enjoyed the atmosphere the gothic 90 Punk look of the city the down dreary black Black Sheath and honestly that's all you had to do what was so hard about that why couldn't you do that that's all I'm saying that's all I'm asking for is like okay you do realize y'all could have easily just did The Crow and maybe like do like a a darker grittier rated version of the Brandon Lee movie the cult classic it's a cult classic for a reason people love that the Crow movie you know it sucks that you know Brandon Lee had to die for it but it's a good movie people enjoyed it and you had an opportunity to do something close it this reminds me of the reboot of of Devil May Cry but they call it DMC right where they got rid of the long hair they got rid of the gothic I mean the personality and then they changed everything around about the character and then got mad that people didn't like like it like but I'm quite sure if people watch the movie they like oh well it has it few ups and downs or whatever and honestly when I was looking at the trailer I didn't know it was Crow I thought it was um a character that came from the John Wick Universe you get what I'm saying so honestly you could have easily turned this into something completely different I wouldn't even have called it the crow honestly I would have we would have figured out a way to redo scenes without the crow we would have figured out something else and we just would have made it made it a brand new hero or anti-hero whatever the hell you want to call it I don't care what you want to call it you know what I'm saying because this didn't make sense it didn't work it didn't work and now Hollywood is like confused that people didn't like it really are you confused that people didn't like it I could have told you nobody was going to like it because it just didn't make sense it is it is pathetic and it was is awful you know people were like what's in in God's name you know happen show people you just thought what we were going to just be like hey let's just let's watch it like honestly the crow is is hot garbage you know and of course there are some people there are some there are some people in the media trying to Shi for it but for the most part the audience thought it was jeury um that it [Music] trash in the movie now some people are saying that the soundtrack is great I have heard the soundtrack so I can't really say anything about the soundtrack but what I can say about the movie is that it it didn't feel like the crow it felt like a John Wick movie where um he's in the John Wick universe but this guy can heal himself that's what it felt like it felt like a it felt like that kind of movie if that makes sense and I know that's probably not what they're um that they're going for but honestly at this point it it just it felt like it was a dull lifeless meaningless remake that went nowhere it didn't say anything and that's the problem it didn't say anything it didn't it didn't differ yourself from the Crow it didn't make you want to you know get invested into the crow at all um honestly i' rather you guys just watch the sequel movies from the crow yes the crow do do have sequel movies um and they're they they not all that well you know well liked but hey this is what they wanted you know what I mean um and all it does is just remind us of like the brilliant actor and poal um of Brandon Lee that we lost tragically in this movie when we could have I don't know it it's kind of hard to put in words because is it's kind of crazy because people want to do things with the crow and one of one of my friends suggested that they could do Anthology series maybe um and I said that could probably work but the problem is with being in cult classic with such a tragedy happening with Brandon Lee why is still in why this movie why the original Crow movie is still intriguing why people um like the crow even though you know they haven't really done much with the crow in years is because of the performance that we were given um in in the crow by Brandon Lee if that makes sense I I know it's kind of really hard to kind of like talk about it but is kind of like damn anytime you bring up the crow you can you cannot not think of Brandon Lee which also cannot make you which kind of make you think about Bruce Lee you just like H the tragedy of both of those people dying so young um while doing the thing that they love you know what I'm saying um and then just get this remake it feels like you just say hey Brandon what had to like you you spit you spit in his face just to what do a cash grab that a lot of people don't like people didn't like this movie and it could have been something it could have been something if you went back listen to the criticism or you you changed this title to something else I understand that companies have me um need to make movies or shows because of the the rights retainer or whatever but at this point i' rather you had lost the the rights to the character then to drag out the crow and then give a filthy ugly remake to it and that's the that's the sad thing because it should never have been but yeah those my thoughts um did you guys go and see the crow remake are you guys excited for the crow remake um did any of you guys watch the original Crow movie did you watch the um other sequels did you read the book let me know in the comments below and I'll put [Music]

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