Uncle Matt's Bedtime Story - Saturday, March 16, 2024
Published: Mar 15, 2024
Duration: 00:07:03
Category: Film & Animation
Trending searches: matt landers
[Music] it's time once again for Uncle Matt's bedtime [Music] [Applause] [Music] story hello everybody it's Uncle Matt and I'm here to read another bedtime story and it is National Panda day today National Panda day have you ever seen a panda maybe at a zoo I have and uh actually it wasn't a zoo it was it was an amusement park I I saw a panda in Hong Kong but this story we're going to read is called cheeki a panda in bearland by suene RIM this story was copyright in 2017 are you ready here we go bearland is a great country that lies across a vast ocean the citizens of barland are special Bears indeed be land's families and friends work as hard as they play bearland is welcome to all woo woo wow what did you say asked the great brown bear oh that is how we say peace and happiness explained the new visitor I am Mr Lou this is Mrs Lou and our son chilu we traveled cross the ocean from the island of con to live in this great land of yours H island of Coney hello it's nice to meet you Lou family wow are those spots hm they look nice also says where did they say they are from the island of Cony even though bearland was very different and they would miss the island of Cony Mr Mrs Lou felt so fortunate to be able to come and make a new home in barland but cheeki felt he might never feel at home he wanted to be just like everyone else but he couldn't help noticing that he was just so different wow what is that oh this it's just a fork wow what is that oh this is just a skateboard wow what is that oh this it's just a pair of sunglass when a little bearcub pointed and cried you look funny Mrs Lou said oh thank you you look funny too how lovely the Lou family continued on their way cheeky thought he would be more comfortable if he wasn't noticeable but it seemed that trying to be less noticeable was impossible so cheeky went to his favorite spot alone as he watched a big soccer game being played nearby he felt even more alone I don't know how to use a fork or ride a skateboard I will never fit in I wear a sun hat and then look at this oh no what happened stuck cheeky got to work look at that what do you think he's gonna do whoa nice moves cheeky wow what is that oh this it's just a bamboo pole hooray cheeky L woo woo bearland is a great country with very special Bears indeed the end says here be land is welcome to all well that's all the time we have for Uncle Matt's bedtime story I hope you enjoyed that story and I'll see you next time bye for [Music] now [Music]