Reactions to Coke Zero 400

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:19:15 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: coke zero 400
all right hello guys welcome back to a another uh YouTube video This is my first uh reactions um and we're going to be reacting to the C zero 400 cuz I uh just want to react to it uh hopefully this goes well um but I have muted the video because I don't want to get copyrighted cuz this is the highlights cuz I don't feel like watching the whole race so um yeah just enjoy um so I'm just going to be uh voice overing on cap cut because yeah I screen recorded the whole thing oh shoot I don't think I was supposed to say that whatever okay I'm going to still be reacting to it cuz I was looking away from the screen so yeah hopefully it goes well um as we're already on six laps come on let's go all right Barry to the lead let's go uh come on Bush where's Bush where did he go I thought he qualified like very short oh he's right there uh Michael like Dow pretty strong oh oh we're already at night for a replay what o contact all right Barry let's go so far I think um well I can't really say anything about the race right now oh coming to the White Flag okay all I'm telling you whoever wants to win stage one can except for Lano oh here comes Barry oh Mike wasowski Mike wasowski is right there let's go come on Mike wasowski win stage one win win oh no he doesn't really have a lot of help oh no all right Barry let's go Barry block yeah let's go RFK RFK RFK all right um my predictions I know nobody asked let's go Barry let's go okay so my predictions is that bush is going to win cuz I'm a bush fan there's going to be two flips there oh oh what happened wait why I saw it does his car go on fire oh god oh oh yeah I I would get out there right now I don't care if the car is still going he even made sure to park in his own pit box wow what a nice man wow just imagine looking behind you oh my gosh the car is on fire oh oh my oh my looks like he's like in outer space right next to the sun okay so as I was saying um wait what was I saying um I have no clue but um what was I say so yeah um I can't stop talking because uh the audio is obviously muted so yeah so you're going to see the NBC subscribe thing I I have subscribe cuz I don't want to see any spoilers whenever I'm just growing on YouTube before I actually watched the race and then boom right there all right playoff bubble come I really want Bush to win cuz he's in a must win situation right now it's already stage two wait who won stage one oh god oh oh oh oh my oh I finally remember what I was saying uh predictions I predict that there's going to be two flips uh no true oh my gosh he is a crap okay um but if there isn't two flips at least one get insanely airborne and one barrel or just I don't know just like one barrel please it's going to be hard to do that but maybe weight shift or most likely blow over cuz jeez cor Joy went over so easily let's watch a replay oh oh speaking of cor Joy I'm pretty sure he just started that wreck there's no way he did not start that wreck I'm board yep he did he so yeah I'm reacting to this the next day because um I was at Hershey Park yesterday and we didn't and there was a pit bull concert so we didn't get home until 1:00 so I just went straight to bed so dang that's a big crash um one I [Music] H I think a one of the blowovers somebody is going to almost like maybe inches away like inches like inches uh hit the almost hit the catch fence um and then the other one is going to go airborne and barroll cor Joy did one barrel at Michigan and I still remember whenever Ryan priest flipped my friends kept saying that he flipped 12 times I'm like no he didn't cuz well they were younger than me so he went on his roof so they counted that as one and went oh my oh good save and whenever he went over the like on his wheels the first time they con that as a flip so then he flipped 10 times and is that Shane no what happened to Shane right from Tire down oh oh oh oh my God that looks like a cloud bro what is up oh my and a right front tire down just as I said dang that's what what are the odds that is absolutely just like look like he can't even see where he's going like how do you know that somebody's not going to come in front of you they're just wishing looks like it's fading away right there oh he was on fire yep yeah he's done yeah he would have been UND done anyways so yeah oh stage two three to go probably going to show like the whole end of the stage which I am completely fine with so yeah um let's go let's go Mike wasowski I haven't been talking about the race like at all but let's go Mike wasowski okay this is the only time on I'm on loo side Lego push Mike wasowski to the Finish but not yourself don't push yourself to the Finish cuz I would very much hate that where's bush bush is in six maybe Bush can win stage two M maybe so I'm recording this in my house so uh you might hear some noises I hope no one intrudes me and come on oh wait oh I thought that was checkered race has been decently good I bet you if I watched the full race it would be better Nascar nonstop NBC lues but right here I'm watching it um on YouTube and oh I didn't even notice loo took the lead okay anybody win other than logo come on come on blay blay blay or Mike wasowski Mike wasowski could win let's go get a big run get a big run get no no come on go go on the outside go on the inside bro both stages were close finishes dang so that was stage two oh c go seventh still okay let's go Barry I like Berry that makes me hungry for raspberries sorry Barry uh um hopefully Austin Dylan wins like isn't he in the playoffs or have I been missing out and he got penalized for that thing all right 45 to go there's probably not going to be a caution cuz I was at Daytona 500 earlier this year literally I thought it was going to be such a good Daytona 500 because literally um with only five laps in there was a massive crash burton all messed up and then the next crash was with nine laps to go FYI for you guys that don't know the day 2500 is 200 laps oh oh that was a close one there okay the 3 2500 is 200 laps long and what happened five five laps in I already told you this wreck of course it was Kowski though good thing he didn't uh Harrison Burton him 2.0 but yeah and then the next one wasn't until like nine laps to go in the whole entire race off oh there he go there he goes excuse me dang yeah bro if that if that grass was still there just be in the grass out of the grass still in the grass and he's he the splinters don't keep messing this up not splinters Splitters and of course it was lson I mean I'm like I'm not a hater of lison but like come on lson all right let's go M wasowski let's go come on let's go okay sorry sorry guys all right noce I haven't seen Bush all day where the heck is he wait why does my wasi have a penalty please don't tell me he hit the throttle too early no Mike wasowski he hit the throttle to early bro he he beat him to the other line gosh dang it all right whatever nine to go hopefully something uh good happens and oh oh oh my gosh how did he not get air how did he how did he not flip and bro I predicted that too inches away from the cat fence he landed like on the wall that on sounded funny it was like bone o dang oh my gosh and O off of the 48 and look how many inches away he was from the cat fence I can't believe I predicted that all right the next flip will um be on the final lap they're going to end under caution and it'll be down the back straightway and Barrel into the catch fence that's my prediction the inside catchments Ambush wins nervous laugh oh my gosh he just I don't know how he went over but if that was in the front straight away he would be long gone or back straight away just seeing Oh and you can't see the rest if you were Dylan you're like oh my gosh did he go over I'm so confused cuz the smoke you can only see him like going airborne that's pretty much it okay anyways to come on Barry let's win bush is right behind let's go oh they reing oh there goes Barry bar into the catch fence come on okay whatever oh oh oh my oh he's spinning like a Matchbox car oh I hope he's okay bro wait okay I I really hope he's okay but two two literally two races in a row there has been flip and yeah and thumbs up he's okay let's go okay it's not fatal I'm glad so what happened just a bad push dang it it look looked like he went off of a bump like dang and look at this hit oh and it's pretty scary cuz he's not on his seat he's just hanging from his seat belts and whenever he makes that impact with the wall he's still hanging with on his seat belts like that's so scary like the only thing supporting him is his seat belt same with me whenever I went upside down on a roller coaster those are most fun roller coasters ever and he just spawn like a Matchbox car just keep on spinning keep on spinning keep on spinning keep on spinning wow here's an on board with Austin Dylan another on board with Austin Dylan GE barely even see anything I think he oh oh no I thought he was going to win whatever it's fine it looks like he flipped because of the bump and then just got the tiniest air and then the air is just like o i see a car off the ground let's flip him over bro Nascar has to do something about that though even though I love flips they got to do something about that like they got to take a look at those car and if NASCAR NASCAR if you are watching this tell your engineers that maybe they have to add side flaps like not the side roof flaps whatever like like where they Jack the car up maybe there can be a button on the inside of the car whenever they go sorry there was a malfunction but whenever they like Jack the car up and they go into the pits like they should um you guys should add a button where the side flap just comes up so you can jack the car up and Bush is leading on the final appp and then you just push the button down and then the side flap is down to add more down fors so you don't really get up in the air like that come but come on Bush let's go oh no he's going to fall behind he's going to fall behind because Parker red laugh is pushing the 21 now and come on to no come on oh okay I thought he was going to wreck come on okay see he I'm predicting he's going to get a big run a humongous run off of the back straight away back up to the 20 good good now go to the outside inside oh come on come on come on go to the inside quick quick quick [Music] no gosh dang it whatever thank you guys so much for watching and dang it oh so close whatever dang well see you guys next weekend

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