all right good afternoon everybody and welcome back welcome to this last 32 game from between Kieran trainer of Ireland Steven bror of England Kieran trainer with the green balls Taylor Internationals Steve Proctor is bowling with Taylor elit enjoy the game first end players just finding the L finding the way to the match K adjust well here shot and he's backhand step Ro's forehand he's just looking to play the wood slightly under the line see proor I can just move this check just need to tickle nothing too much Pace looks good is he on the line he's close as he done enough quite safe from here so prop having a good close look onire so first measure of the game first end try to get you a better view what's going on sdge experienced bowler just putting the two rubber rings in just to get the jack in place and using the calipers the balls are too close to use a standard measure just using a caliper very very accurate way of measuring it's good to set it to one side and then make sure you're very accurate one side so by calls the green ball so one shot to Kieran trainer after the first end and move on to the second end [Music] so to Second end Kieran trying to lead leading on his back Hand Middle Jack so welcome to everybody just joining us quite a few come on the last few minutes uh we're in the last 32 game in the plate we' got Steven Pro of England playing with the black Taylor Elites he's playing against Kieran trainer of Ireland playing with green Taylor Internationals so both swingy balls but the elites are swing K's just dra shot there Steve looks close this time yeah good ball from Steve still an opportunity for Craig just a little just to Nestle in onto those two blacks looks to be in the area just slightly over paac just held a line good draw from Steven proor having a look had a good look at that certainly ly Two Shots down looks we just looking to play a little bit of weight on his forehand nothing excessive I think he's a little bit wide yeah St Pro to line two Last Bow of the end what did just draw that's quite there afternoon to everybody just joining us picks a jack UPS the mar where he wants to Jack Jack goes short and the scoreboard will tick over we'll just let you see that Steve proy goes in two shots to one lead after two ends played on to the third End St Pro to Jack short again toward on the back hand very good Pace try on his back hand yeah very good Pace this perfect drawing in White St just look to move that green bow slightly looks in the in the area certainly good Ball but no touch think that Sean's coming on his for hand is he yeah just playing a little bit of run Jackle ball here he's got a touch certainly changed the shape of the head St proor up on his back hand just looking to draw very close here just catches that ball uh tough call but I think St Pro are probably line shot K looks a bit wider here might sit his ball over that's probably gone too far not sure I think I think it's one to stay propped at the moment St on a good line this [Applause] time so St picks a jack up it's only one [Applause] hi Chris kieren just taking a look K stepping out a little bit suspect he's looking to play contact onto the the black ball close to the Jack certainly very close oh he's a bit unlucky he's just come under the line just got half of the ball one shot to Steven Proctor he moves into a three shots to one advantage three ends played to the fourth end Steven proy leads off short check again drops very short on that foot short Kieran looks to be close good ball good first ball from Kieran there's a few more just joined us welcome to the Belfast indoor Bowls Club shaes Bridge just outside Belfast this is the Irish open hosted and run by the short M Players Tour and we are watching the last 32 of the plate competition it's Kieran trainer with the green balls Kieran trainer of Ireland Sean proor sorry kieran's bowling with green Taylor Internationals Steve proor is bowling with black Tor Elites Kieran just attacking this one probably not how he played it but gets a result so Jack's gone dead a it's a draw into the line game now Ste Pro is quite here with this no still want to Kieran by Natalie K drawing on his back end certainly looks close yeah good ball trying to put a bit more Pace on this one how is he doing it's a good effort Ah that's a that's a measure just fancy State practice so I think the last bow you saw there was shot K looking to remove that I think just about get under the front short ball all good John good to see you on here Kieran looks to be very close here good bow this will as well yeah Super Bowl turns a one shot deficit into a three shot Advantage I think three shots three shots to kieren trainer four ends played Kier and try up will go into a four shots to three advantage K trying to LS off in his back hand good start this yeah M ja perfect CW nice to see you at one of these John about time can have a look at some of the standard bowls here now superb as ever Ste clock looks to be shaping up to be a little bit of run here it's just under the line I think yeah gets not quite a result it's a touch up but knocks the Jack back to Kieran Sandy lad yes mate good to see yours welcome to Sandra welcome to Richard hi Dennis by Nathan hope you're keeping well mate that young family's doing well Kieran looking to draw another one on his forehand just shy very good Pace very good line I should say just shy the pace just 6 Ines Ste proor takes a look you think the obvious shot would be on the forehand just a decent contact probably couple of foot on this gets it clean the Jack may come back he's looking to move the green ball basically certainly in the region slightly tight but you might get a result here anyway yeah so did Pro toiz to Kieran coming to take a look so Kieran now looking to play a little bit of weight into these two bals certainly in the region isn't he looks like he's picked one up out of that looks like green bow is lying shot Steve Pro with the last ball of this end it also be looking to move that Jack back a little bit I would think just under the line again Pace was good just under the line looks like one to Kiran from here so the ire called missing for second shot just one out for car in Trina currently yes that's one shot to Kieran trainer so after five ends played Kieran trer moves into a five shots to three Advantage gets placed just past the middle Kieran laads off his backand decent start sticks with the back hand another ball coming in good ball not sure how that ball stain up down it goes hi Alana props are looking to draw he's forand Kieran asking a question and Kieran lies shot K would love this Jack wouldn't he what's he doing here though yeah very good turns a one into a three sure stay here with this no Kieran line three one ball for to come for Kier wide draw needed from Kieran here he certainly sent it wide enough will it come back all that way and how the pace the answer to both is it didn't come back and the pace was a little bit shy but still his line three be happy with that Steve proor is already loosening his arm up looks like he play a bit of weight here yeah so looking to play ways here good Pace caugh his own front ball so three shots to Kieran trainer scoreboard will check over three shots to Kieran trainer it goes into an eight shots to three Advantage six ends played K puts Jack middle again just a bit short this time proor looks to be close good ball stve back back toucher K's quite here again now just falling short again St prop to balling with his black T Le borrowed for the weekend another very good bow from Steve H Lin sta hope you both well TR just stops his delivery Steve's ball Falls over what's he playing there a little bit of pace maybe yeah oh that's a good ball isn't it got to say that's a good [Applause] ball Steve proor will not be phased by that just keep on drawing dra shot again Kieran weighing this up does he play the draw or does he get rid of Steve's last ball which he shot puts a bit of pressure on Steve then get Steve to try and draw again certainly the positive approach he's close isn't he yeah that's good and he balls close as well so he's lying it's possibly all four at the minute so State proor always puts a bit of pressure on the opponent State proor going with this doesn't like it think he's dropped certainly dropped two is it three they've agreed on through yeah agreed on three so scoreboard ticks over Kieran trainer moves into an 11 shots to three Advantage seven ends played Rachel mcdonal where were you this weekend sadly missed moving on to the eighth end Kieran Trina leads off good Advantage at the moment leading by eight by Sorry by eight shots 11 shots to three after seven ends played five ends to go these games played over 12 ends St Pro as a better start in this end Alisa thanks for joining us everybody good first ball from Steve proor needs a couple of good ends here Steve not based by this he'll be looking to pick up a one or a two two would be nice anything else is a bonus good reply Kieran on his backand stays forehand same side of the mat looks to be good Pace from Steve is it enough no just pulls up certainly don't hang about these two players straight down to play the ball Kieran closer this time yeah draw shot perfect draw I Roy from Shirley Soo is where I grew up proor just looking to change some gets result there steep mve to Jack back stay proed in our line one shot so okay with last his last ball of this end he Kevin sorry you've had a disappointing weekend mate don't give up please so Kieran looking to play a little bit of run on this pace looks good what's he going to do here oh I think he's done enough have a quick [Music] look it looks like shots are Kieran to me hi Julie coflin yes there are singles competitions coming up in [Music] 2025 if you search for the short back Players Tour and click in the link there you will see all of the upcoming tournaments and all the information's on there Steven Pro are just trying to change some did quite get that looks to be certainly two down find out in a minute it's one out yeah it's certainly two looks two from here Steve not impressed with his own game there see the scoreboard check over yeah 13 shots to three eight in played pretty well done dusted this game I think Steve needs a bit of a miracle here to come back swwa to the side Jack middle pretty good draw that isn't it [Applause] comes up on his backhand again G looks very good Pace just true still good two foot stay prop just slight more positive yeah good ball there good B Alan Paul good afternoon I see would have been nice to see you here little bit unlucky from Steve Proctor there ball sat down from here looks like one shot to Kieran we're on the ninth end of Kieran currently leaded by 13 shots to three King on his back end where is he is he there certainly blocked it off hasn't he it's a good bow that it's not quite on the jck but he's made the angle very difficult for Steve Proctor St Pro with his last ball of this end he really game shot now this is he doesn't get a result here I think he'll shake hands looks to be a bit tight what's he got here oh he's got a shot out of it he makes contact he won't give up just yet scoreboard ticks over one shot to Steve proor n ends played 13 shots to P three ends to play 12 shots available yes we're asking a lot looking at two thre and a four to win this which is a big ask hi Emma there St Pro to leads goes long with the Jack uh probably 8 Ines short K bowling his forehand not sure the pace here don't think he's see yeah no ST proon needs a big end now he needs he needs three big ends doesn't he nine shots behind three ends to play he's got to reach he cannot be sure he looks disgusted with that just made his life much more difficult kieran's definitely reaching this time just steeve looking to reach this time really needs to be up here Kieran as who's holding I think you're quite sure kieran's looking to play his own bow on the right as you look certainly in the area looks very good this might have just pushed it out St proor probably line one here one's no good to him needs at least two from this game to have a chance to win it one will get him a very slim chance of the draw he's got to find two somehow y are against him one he's n shots down two which his last ball K and three Kieran has the last ball of the end so whatever Steve does here k 11 opportuni to change that Steve thinking long and hard on this one is there a shot something that gets him on to two just joining us Kieran trainer 13 shots to for Advantage three ends to go Steve must be line one so he's drawn two that's a good draw from Steve is it enough and what I said Steve proor needs at least two off this end to win the game and then he will need two fours this is a big ask Kieran trer has been bowling very well and a welld deserved 134 Advantage Kieran not going to be showing this is a looking to lose any of them bows in his game he's probably got shot there as well Steve having a quick look sayp we see a handshake here yeah there's the handshake so game balls thanks for watching everybody that was the last 32 of the plate uh we'll be back later please keep watching keep joining us Julie who asked earlier I'll just reiterate what I said earlier if you go on to the short map Players Tour just Google it uh you find the short map Players Tour there's Simon PR one of our directors if you go to the short map Players Tour website and search for upcoming tournaments you will see all of the tournaments for 2025 uh some of those are already booked all of the invitations for you to enter go live uh 6 months before the event so your next event that you could join would be there is a peirs event in Belgium in next May that's due to go live on the 1st of next month so go on the website YouTube and you yeah YouTube and you yeah you can watch the games on YouTube um but to join to actually come and join one of these and to enter an event you need to go on the short M Players Tour thanks for watching Everybody catch up with you later quick look around the arena before we log off on this one thanks for watching and we'll come back to you later on