Category: Education
Don't allow anybody to pull you so low as to make you hate them don't allow anybody to cause you to lose your self-respect to the point that you do not struggle for justice however young you are you have a responsibility to seek to make your nation a better nation in which to live you have a responsibility... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Russia was so paranoid that the united states was going to launch a preemptive nuclear attack against it during the cold war that it created a deadhand system what is that it's kind of like it sounds they created a system whereby ground sensors would be able to determine nuclear bombs hitting the russian... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This is the sit report if your football fandom leads to felony charges you're in deep trouble zavier babar better known as chief aah holik is trading his wolf costume for prison stripes this diehard kansas city chief super fan just got slapped with 17.5 years behind bars for a string of bank robberies... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ka get closer get closer get closer Read more
Category: Education
The most bizarre and crazy history facts that your teacher probably hid from you brel gets its name because in late medieval england houses of prostitution would very often serve broth aka sup urine from public urinals was a valuable commodity in ancient rome and was used as a stain remover in laundries... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
If you don't like history but still love epic stories then this is for you august 24th 79 ad started like any other day in pompei people went about their lives unaware that mount vvus was about to change history forever by midday the volcano erupted violently spewing ash pmus and deadly gases into the... Read more
Category: Education
This house has been red tagged the whole building has sunk feet into the ground at this point a portion of rancho palace brus is sinking into the ocean there was a lot of rainfall last year which is speeding up the process the land is moving about a foot a week they did have to raise up a lot of their... Read more
Category: Entertainment
When the un is creating the state of israel they took palestine and they actually cut it up into eight pieces here are the parameters the israeli part would be jewish only at that moment it would mean that the jewish only state would be about 55% of palestine the israelis owned about 5% of palestine... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
A mission that nearly resulted in a future president being eaten alive on the 2nd of september 1944 lieutenant junior grade george hw bush embarked on a dangerous mission over chichi jima a japanese held island in the pacific as he dove towards his target a japanese radio transmitter enemy fire struck... Read more
Category: Entertainment
कोई तो जल जिद पड़िए ूब जरिए या मरिए चक है हजक दे इंडिया चक दे हो जक दे इंडिया चक दे हजक देग इंडिया चक दे हजक देग इंडिया र Read more
Category: Entertainment
The shape of colorado looks so boring and rectangular on a map but it's not like that at all and moreover it's not just four sides but as many as 697 and here's why in 1876 congress defined the borders of colorado as a rectangle stretching from 37 to 41 latitude and from 25 to 32 longitude from washington... Read more
Category: Entertainment
You've heard about the horrors of 911 but have you ever delved into the hidden stories that remain shrouded in mystery secret one many british people lost their lives the united kingdom bore a heavy burden that tragic day second only to the united states and casualties at least 67 british lives were... Read more