Category: Film & Animation
Sin embargo hay una presencia que ellos no imaginan que está detrás de todos ellos y que es la que impulsa este mundo que a su vez tiene asombrado al mundo afuera al grado de que las autoridades están pendientes y tratan de ver qué es lo que está pasando aquí Read more
Category: Entertainment
At the end of wanda vision agatha lost her magic how long have i been here the most hated witch on the planet quote unquote evil has to recruit a rag tag group of witches to open the door to this road and go set out on this adventure cuz that's the only way i get my power back what witch in her right... Read more
Category: Entertainment
At the end of wanda vision agatha lost her magic how long have i been here the most hated witch on the planet quote unquote evil has to recruit a rag tag group of witches to open the door to this road and go set out on this adventure cuz that's the only way i get my power back what witch in her right... Read more
Category: Comedy
Resumen de la serie wanda visión recordemos que la bruja escarlata se presentó formalmente en el mcu en los vengadores la era de ultron y en esa misma película perdió a su hermano pietro conocido como mercurio por cierto wanda y pietro son hijos de magneto en los cómics aunque en el mcu no se ha mencionado... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Enjoy if we all talk on top of each other so we find out together um but uh yeah i think it really um i i think a family is a funny thing it's almost like a a rashon everybody's got their version of events would you guys say that's true absolutely i would agree with that well the truth is somewhere... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What's up everybody welcome back to another episode of comic le boston i'm your host big cam and today we're going to be discussing the weekly nerdy news that happened over the last week and this is a big old chunk of show uh first we got up some dc news uh getting into some how jordan the new lanterns... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Play right and so it's very important to us that things be well constructed we just don't see it very often i think the first thing that um that i mean it's it's kind of impossible to ignore was the use of language and um i i' i've never opened a script and seen a page and a half of one character speaking... Read more
Category: Entertainment
All women have some kind of you know witchiness witches are healers and they're in touch with nature and i think it's really powerful when you get a bunch of women together historically you know they don't like when women gather you know because it becomes very powerful that's how cuins are formed Read more
Category: People & Blogs
You'll be happy to know i'm catching up with the lovely kathern han in new york later this week we're do oh great are they doing press for agatha they're starting i'm going to do one of my fun live events with her to talk about the her show and her lovely career what's it like for you to see what you... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
-our first guest tonight is an emmy-nominated actress you know from the movies "step brothers," "glass onion," and "bad moms," and shows like "wandavision," "mrs. fletcher," and "tiny beautiful things." she stars in "agatha all along," which premieres september 18th on disney+. let's take a look. -come... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Uh that will be hitting our cinema screens looking at three strange sisters in very different stages of their lives who move back in together during their dying father's final days as i mentioned it's his three daughters it stars k as katie elizabeth olsen as christina and natasha leon as rachel and... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Before oh i do it all the time my agents are like stop doing that no but i do it to the person you're like you got to look this up and yeah i'll be like oh you know who would actually really yes me too like you know who you need yeah absolutely so you're always doing so don't think it changes it but... Read more