NFP Session interview with Ben Marshan from Impaktful

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:02:50 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] Ben thanks for making the time to come along this morning obviously a meaningful and I think somewhat a vulnerable conversation around the table with men and the work or the impact that they're having in the men's mental health space really curious to understand what your takeway is or what was it that you could take away from today that you can see having an impact in your life I think the whole community and finding your your tribe group of people um I know is incredibly challenging for a lot of people out there and having a mechanism that that brings people together to have manful conversations to be vulnerable with to have a friendships outside of who you might otherwise connect with engage with it was um I think the most exciting yeah it's really powerful space the group is doing yeah I think one of the things that I took away was that a safe space for one person doesn't necessarily mean it's a safe space for another and so creating a brave space is a real differentiator absolutely and I think the you know the message around the vulnerability of the communities in particular um resonated quite a lot with me and yeah you know some of the experiences as you go through with life or you see with with friends and family and you don't quite know how to engage with those issues you know it's nice to hear that someone's come up with a solution in a community to help help men engage form groups find friends find find their connection yeah you otherwise wouldn't have yeah yeah I think one of the things that is also really amazing is for uh an NF P that is only 3 years old to see the demand and you can see the demand obviously through the growth that they've experienced in the different groups that they have around the country um I'm really excited to see what you know they keep delivering and what the future looks like for them it's such a clever idea and I you know as when Tim started talking about it I was like oh I assume this is everywhere but you know three years in 15 you have location I think you got to any Community that's going to resonate that that this is something something good so it's it's going to be great to see how it evolves and builds over time yeah terrific awesome thanks so much [Music]

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