These Small Businesses Are Raking in CASH w/ NFL QB Jeff Driskel
Published: Mar 27, 2024
Duration: 00:38:00
Category: Sports
Trending searches: jeff driskel
Welcome Jeff Driskel To The Show! you have to leverage the fact that hey you're an NFL player you've done something really cool in your past the natural response from somebody that has done something cool in their past is that they're going to do something cool in their future why small business acquisition for you instead of wanting to become a realtor an accountant a venture capitalist you don't have to do deals all the time like you do in real estate to really move the needle just need a handful of really good ones that you continue to uh you know slowly grow over time you know and eventually put yourself in a position to exit that's life changing for a lot of people everything everything's for sale out there you know even if it's not for sale it's always for sale at a certain price your pitch to Central Florida business owners of why they should consider working with four pillars versus anyone else all right Jeff so in 2018 all right you threw your first touchdown pass against the Browns while you're on the Bengals and Tyler Boyd takes the ball and just kind of Chucks the ball towards the stands yeah uh did you ever get that ball back yeah Jeff's First Touchdown Was Thrown Into The Stands! Did He Ever Get It Back? it was funny like he caught the ball and you know ran in the end zone or whatever and he was excited you know and he went to throw it at the there's like a wall behind there that separates the field and stands and he tried to throw it at the wall and it sailed on him a little bit and it went into the stands and uh you know I was kind of running around back I didn't see it go on the stands so I like was I ran down there I asked the ref like Hey where's the ball and he's like I know like that's something my job you know and I'm all freaking out where's the ball where's the ball and come to fight out it went in the stands and I told the equipment managers hey like I would love to get that ball back that was my first touchdown pass and uh they ended up trapping it down or at least they told me they did and gave me a ball and uh you know they said they found it so it's it's in the office somewhere here you know so so it wasn't a random ball that they like pumped up out of the locker room as far as I know not yeah as far as I know it was the real one you know they might have just said a just give him a ball and he'll never know but uh you know in my mind that's the ball that I threw to Tyler that day yeah that is uh I had to do the reference check there was seing that and I was like did he ever get the ball back yeah yeah I think I did okay good good well welcome to athletes and assets man we you know for those who don't know we take your favorite athletes and have them chat about a business topic I'm your host Noak I'm here with Jeff Driscoll nf8 8-year NFL QB SMB ETA entrepreneurship through acquisition uh expert uh here as the NFL representative of the SNB group um with four pillars uh former Florida Gator Alum Louisiana Tech and is uh in Sunny Orlando ready about about to play 18 after this after this podcast yeah if you're gonna live here as well take advantage of it are you by a golf course yeah I am I'm R the road from a golf course don't get out as as much as I would like but uh right down the way I'm more of more of a tennis guy these days really oh yeah yeah okay you know a little bit you know you can get it done in an hour and a half rather than five so easier easier sell to the family that's so true I love playing golf but I'm a big nine hole guy yeah I can't like the 18's a lot and no that's a whole day it is a whole day it takes up your entire time yeah so yeah you know not not the season of life with uh you know three kids five and under and only in town half the year so you know my in my next life I'll be a golfer have you ever thought about acquiring a cash flowing Golf Course is that a thing I I it's definitely a thing I've seen like public listings for golf courses um but I have I have not pursued them I have not pursued okay that's more of a you know it seems like more of a passion project than anything else so but I'm sure there's people out there making money on golf courses right like people make money on literally everything I feel like the maintenance it takes to to Manicure a great Golf Course feel like that costs more unless you are a gusta or somewhere where there is a tea time every hour if you're not fully booked I I feel like it's hard to make to be super profitable I could be wrong I don't know anything about it yeah I have no idea how much it costs and I know like when members are paying a bunch of money to play the last thing they want is a bunch of you know tea times all the time and the and the course gets worn out but then you ask you know the MERS for more money and they don't want to pay it so it's you know there's always uh there's always give and take there but uh but yeah I'm sure there's a bunch of people out there making a bunch of money on vault courses um maybe me one day I don't know we'll see yeah why why Why Small Business Acquisition? small business acquisition for you instead of wanting to become a realtor an accountant a venture capitalist like what was some why why was like this the route that you decided to uh to choose yeah well early on I thought like I'm going to be this real estate right like couple years into the league you know a lot of people are Real Estate Investors you you talk about it in the locker room um you know guys are investing money they're doing rental properties um you know investing with with bigger operations and so I I dabbled in real estate for you know probably three years I probably did around 15 deals you know whether if it was by myself or with a bigger group um thinking all the while that when I'm done I'm going to be a real estate professional and over those three four years I just realized like operationally I don't enjoy it right like you buy a building you paint it you put some light fixtures in there you raise the rents um and then you go do it again it's very transactional so still like the asset class as far as like passive investment but with my professional time like I realized that I didn't want to do that didn't you know it didn't uh bring the professional purpose that I was you know hoping to to set myself up for and then I came across the idea of buying an established business and you know working with a team to create a Ser or create a product or provide a service you know with a bunch of great people uh you know and really service the community and uh you know that along with the uh the return profile that comes with buying and established small business you know makes a lot of sense to me and uh you know I've really love getting to know the players in the space that are you know doing it at a high level whether it's at the owner operator model or you know all the way up into private equity and the lower Middle Market there's a there's a bunch of really good folks that are doing it a bunch of different ways so um so yeah it's it's been a blast to to learn and get to know people you know that are doing similar things I mean how many years ago like was when did you get first introduced to this term SMB yeah it was about a year and a half ago now oh so recently okay yeah relatively recent you know I probably spent six months reading the books you know there there's a handful of books that are kind of like the core introduction to you know buying a small business if if I needed to get if I needed if you were like Noah read this book and then come talk to me about SMB what would like the book be what is this what is the curriculum here it would be it would be B and build by Walker D it's you know it it's Pro it's the classic book right like it outlines you know if you're stuck in your career and you want to be entrepreneurial but you don't want to go 0o to one this you need to talk to that person or you need to talk to these few people and then they do the same thing and then the network rapidly builds and uh and next thing you know you you have a really good community that you can lead on yeah Twitter is very powerful like Twitter is is a I mean it's a great networking tool probably as good or better than LinkedIn but I've had this Burning question because I can't find it online Jeff what are the four pillars what are your what What Are The 4 Pillars To Jeff's Company? are the four pillars yeah so that's our that's our uh that's our holding company so we have a holding company with one operating company and you know it always takes longer than it should to create an entity name right like and we wanted something you know that was really going to remind us why why did we start you know this holding company that in 20 years hopefully has you know a bunch of uh companies underneath it and uh we always wanted to uh we want to do things with Integrity we want to you know first display Integrity we want to work with people um who possess Integrity um we want to be strategic in our decision- making we don't want to just you know how did you make that decision well it felt good at the time or you know my gut told me to do it we want to be strategic you know he beat you in a game of golf you lost the betat or 10 yeah so we we want to be strategic uh we want to be people oriented we understand that uh you know any any good organization uh you know it's only as good as it's people and then we want to be operationally focused right it's easy to you know look at a potential investment and say hey it looks really good on paper let's pull the trigger you know we want to make sure that we can execute on you know what's going into the performa so those are kind of the four pillars in uh you know how we make decisions and how we want to uh build out the team and build out the companies that we work with and um the people that we want to surround ourselves with so I got from that I got um Integrity strategy what was the was the third one uh people people oriented people okay and operationally focus so operationally Focus my fingers are weird I can't do the for but okay boom there you go right there yeah poor pillar so that that's how we came up with it we uh you know we wanted we wanted to create something that was you know question provoking how can we sell ourselves without selling ourselves oh if you ask us what it is you know we can kind of get into U you know some of the things that make us tick okay absolutely so I guess the next logical thing is like what are you looking at man what what what what is What Is Jeff Interested In Currently? Which Businesses Are They Scouting? talk about this Florida small business landscape and um where have you been scouting you know the the like what looks good to you and what you guys are you guys pursuing yeah I mean first of all like before I really dove into this world I just I don't know it's weird I didn't realize that like driving down the street or in any random Business Park in the country there's a bunch of really really good businesses where people are making a you know a really good living and you know producing a widget you know that helps somebody and the people that are working in set building are providing for their family but you just drive by it and you don't think about it um so there's so many opportunities out there you know whether they're like publicly posted or you know you reach out to them and say hey if you ever think about selling you know we would love to have a conversation um but naturally being in Central Florida you know we wanted to kind of build relationships here in town um so we've seen a lot opportunities here locally you know than uh than elsewhere but uh but yeah we want to we want to focus on Florida um but I mean other opportunities present themselves as well you tell somebody hey you know we're looking for you know business in Central Florida they say well I got one that you might like but it's in Georgia right so you naturally look at some of those as well um but yeah really what we're looking at is is Cash flowing businesses um that uh that have been around a while um you know something that not going anywhere with AI you know maybe you can Implement some some technology that's going to make the company better but we don't want to you know buy something that is solely reliant on one specific technology yeah why why would someone sell you a profitable business if it's profitable because they're retiring yeah defly the case you know there there's so many things that come up right like people get tired you know whether it's hey I'm 65 and I want to retire or hey I started this business business when I was 25 now I'm 45 and I've kind of been on cruise control and it's going to take you know it's going to take somebody else to get this business to the next level um so there there's a lot of cases but um you know more often than not it's hey I want to retire in the next handful of years I want to see my business go to somebody who's going to run it well take care of my clients take care of my employees and uh you know essentially preserve the Legacy that that poured my heart and soul in um you know for the past however however many years how do you know that they're profitable do you do they allow you access to their balance sheet to see if like they're making the dough or do you know like how does that vetting process work so there's there's a little bit of a dance right like you know the the process typically goes like you sign an NDA they give you a marketing Prof forat in that performant there's some high level kind of financial stats right and then you say hey can I see the balance sheet the pnl and the tax returns and then a lot of times you'll get the balance sheet in the p&l and you have to have another conversation to get the tax returns so um if a business is going to close you you really have to see all of the financials but you know this game is more about building relationships and building trust that it is simply looking at numbers and uh and yeah so you're you when they are more vulnerable you also have to be more vulnerable and there needs to be a level of honesty because if you're going to get to the closing table table it's all going to come out eventually but it takes time can we walk through an example it doesn't have to be a real one but let's say you know I own like a hardware shop in Central Florida I'm selling like Hammers and nails and like appliances and it's cash flowing and I want to like sell it What Happens After Acquiring A Business? basically if this is a four per uh a store with one owner and four employees and I want to sell it essentially you're taking over this store and then are you supplying your own you guys are fing the employees to continue continuously run it you're the owner now yeah so in like like I mentioned earlier there's different like models of like this ETA space you know in the buy and build book that I referenced a lot of times that is an owner operator you know that person is you know getting personal debt that person is either you know has a big cash Equity injection or funds investors and then they fill the CEO role right that the former owner is is leaving so when I'm looking at a business my first question is always why are you why are you selling it right like I want to make sure that you're not just like running from the law like you know are you guys in yeah like why why why are you selling it and most of the time there's a very reasonable explanation right like hey I just had two grandkids and you know I want to spend more time with them and I can't do it if I'm R of this business by myself essentially um you know so it's it's most of the time I just it's time for me to move on in my life so then you know when I get a good answer for why are you selling it you know I talk about the organization chart right you know you what what do you do on a day day what I expect you know whether it's it's not be myself but what can you expect you know my operating partner to be doing you know when you're going CU there's there's a transition period as well and it can be as short as like 30 days up to 5 years so there there's always a transition period involveed but I want to understand what does this person do on a dayto day and then I want to understand who second in command you know what does this person do on a dayto day why aren't you selling it to this person you know most of the time it's they don't have enough cash uh which is very reasonable explanation um and then I and then I kind of say like all right well how long do I think that it'll take you know the new operating partner to learn as much as he needs to know from the seller in order for that seller to walk away and hang out with his Grand Kates every day so that that's the that's the first two things is why are you selling it what do you do all the day today what's the organizational chart look like interesting okay I'm learning man this is great what what is the specific like what has been exciting for you I mean you so let's talk about what you don't like actually because you mentioned that earlier all right let's talk about that for a second you don't um you're not a fan of the e-commerce stuff the restaurants correct and then there was one more that you weren't a fan of ecover restaurants and I mean I mentioned earlier you know something that's totally relying on technology I okay yeah okay so that that that's like that gets a that gets rid of a lot in the pile right uh what what's something that so what are you actively scouting um you know in in Central Florida like what kind of businesses um have you been chatting with that you could share like what's what's in the pipeline what yeah so we you know the way that I see it is you know the the number one factor in the success of a business is who's who's the leader who's the person in the chair that's running the day-to-day and uh you know so once once you have you know kind of found that person I kind of tailor what we're looking for based off of that person you know what have they done before what are their preferences where do I think this person will succeed what type of business environment um so from there we we basically just look for something that matches up well so right now we're looking for something more uh you know in the blueco collar type of space whether it's some type of construction HVAC Pest Control uh Plumbing kind of kind of things of that nature there's a there's a lot of other things that fall into more of a blue collar type of Competition In The Space business uh but just the people that we've identified um you know so do you compete with do you do you compete with other SMB guys to smoo with like the top plumber in like Central Florida because you know that that guy is getting a lot of business he has a good name and reputation it's almost like recruiting a guy out of the portal or something you know what I mean yeah I mean you're you're competing against owner operators you're competing against private Equity you're competing against strategic buying groups so most of the most of the deals that you're going to look at it's just not going to be a fit right like there was one I was looking at the other day you know built I guess it was more than the other day but built really good rapport with the seller I think he wanted to sell it to us you know but some whether it was Private Equity or strategic group came in and paid over asking price cash closing 30 days like I can't compete with that congratulations to that seller like obviously I'm excited for you and like fruit of your labor over the last however many years um but in that situation we weren't the right fit um so yeah there's there's a there's a lot of people that uh you know that are that are competing for the really good businesses that's tough I me it's sorry for you to compete like you're smooz in that plumber and all of a sudden like KKR or Blackstone or Black Rock comes comes in that's a that's tough but it's also like it's a long game for in our first acquisition we looked at over a 100 businesses relatively closely uh until we found one that you know fit for us and for the seller um but I mean one or two or three business Acquisitions is lifechanging right you don't have to you don't have to do deals all the time like you do in real estate to really move the needle you know you just need a handful of really good ones that you continue to uh you know slowly grow over time um you know and eventually put yourself in a position to exit and uh like I mentioned that's that's lifechanging for a lot of people absolutely and let's let me not forget you know your advantage you know being an athlete playing at Florida I'm sure some of these small businesses in Gainesville who rely on Fraternity Row to come through their businesses or or the student po student body um and the people that live around Gainesville I mean you have a name around there so has that been a competitive Advantage for you as you you know Network and make your way through the the cash flowing businesses over there yeah I mean it's a foot in the door right like I mentioned earlier that you know I was able to meet a bunch of people through Twitter kind of the the movers and Groovers you know of the SMB world and you know I you have to leverage the fact that hey you're an NFL player you know you've done something really cool in your past people are interested by that you know the natural response you know from somebody that has done something cool in their past is that they're going to do something cool in their future future um so it's a it's a really good foot in the door but it doesn't mean that that person's just going to sell you their business at some crazy discount you know because you you played at Florida or you played x amount of years in the NFL um but it's it's a good way to build early trust and Report uh which goes a long way um that that's something that I don't think is uh you know gets enough attention here is that you know most of the time this is the only transaction that these sellers will ever make it's more than just their job it's what they've poured everything into you know over the course of their professional career and uh you know it's it's an emotional transaction and they want to see their go to somebody that they that they like frankly yeah going into this going into this I didn't realize how much of it is like an emotional Thing versus just looking at the numbers and making uh the transaction do you raise money before you acquire a business or is this all coming out of uh the Driscoll Foundation the Driscoll Incorporated yeah no they like I said we we've won we've done one deal we did it in Q4 of 23 um and it was it was personal money like I taking taking other people's money is and not taking it it's investing it in being a steward of their money but you know I didn't really want to do that at all until I had a little bit of a track record you know I I took some bumps and brazes you know it's not you good thing that you know the first transaction that that we ever do is going to go seamless right there's going to be some learning experiences and I want didn't want to do that with somebody else's money to uh you know jeopardize relationships a lot of athletes do raise money for certain things and just kind of off their success of their career and you know um you know myself I've raised money um for for what we're doing and it's a it's a responsibility it's it's not easy and it's a lot of pressure um and so would you say that for folks that are in the space though um if I could be wrong but it feels like there's a lot of a lot of people who start off in the SMB space are like are well off from something else um is that how most guys get started with ETA I mean do you have to have this sort of like you have to have like not a lot of I don't want to say like obnoxiously but you have to have like some money to do this instead of just you know one day out of college like I'm going to be a you know an ETA you know stud you kind of have to have money before this right yeah so I think there's two things right like you have to have you have to be in a in a position financially if you want to take on SBA debt that's the kind of financing that a bunch of people um you know use in buy small businesses so um whatever Bank you use they're going to look at your position you know have you have you been you know Financial responsible in your past but more importantly than like your balance sheet or you know how much how liquid are you they're going to look at your experience why do I think that you're going to be able to run this business running a small business is hard so as much as like the available cash and being well off most of the time people have that cash or they're in a position in life where they're doing well it's because they it's because they're smart it's because they D direct things you know it's because they are um successful in what they're doing and the cash is just a fruit of that um so the banks are are looking at the person and not just Most Unassuming Business That Is Crushing It the the cash behind the person for sure what is like the most unassuming business you've ever seen that's just raking in do oh man um I mean there's a lot right like in any industry you can have some ranking company and you can have some massive player right like that's that's every business I remember you know one of the most interesting ones I saw it was super Niche and you know the old riches and niches they built bridges for golf cpses oh like if there was a little Pond that you have to golf cart over those are the guys you call to build a bridge they were the guy that's the I have a you know a golf court Bridge guy you know that's and that that's cool was doing really well you know so can you can make a lot of Mia with any widget uh but how how busy how busy are those guys like are there a golf are there golf cours that need bridges on a daily basis can't be right I mean a lot of golf courses out there man that is true that is true I and it's it's it's funny um now it wouldn't now it doesn't seem like a good idea to acquire a cash flowing golf course just acquire the the bridge guy yeah just yeaha better business riches and nches right like it's it's crazy and I can't I can't even like begin to Rattle off all of the stuff that I've seen cuz everything everything's for sale out there you know even if it's not for sale even if it's not for sale it's always you know it's always for sale at a certain price most of the type is that sort of the sentiment in in the space yeah I mean a lot of these businesses that are of a certain size you know private Equity they want they want bigger deals so companies that are doing we'll call it you know 8 to 12 million in Revenue you know those guys get get hit up by private Equity left and there uh so they they get pretty numb to people reaching out and uh and yeah they basically say hey I'm not willing to sell this for less than an X multiple and it's not realistic um so they so they don't sell it at that time but uh you know when you have a motivated seller you know they have a legitimate reason for selling then they'll get back down to reality and uh you know and move it at a price point that makes sense for most most parties I love that golf Bridge example do you have another one like that that was a good one I mean there's like golf cart manufacturing companies that I've seen that were doing really well um Christmas like a like a Christmas light installation company you know they they come in they put up your Christmas lights they take them down and then they Warehouse them for you um you know and do it again next year yeah and then do it again next year and so they have some some type of recurring Revenue it's very cyclical but it's it's recurring in nature yeah 11 months out of the year like one month out of the Year cyclical yeah but like very lucrative that month for sure hope they do well um see fireworks businesses that have done really really well again like pretty cyclical um like sprinkler repair company they are doing really well so if I were to buy a if I were to buy a very profitable firework company is the strategy to like do this around winter time when they have no business or they're they're sort of like you know Timing The Market When Purchasing fiddling their thumbs or is it actually to do it around the fourth no it it definitely like when they're when they're not very busy right like in a small business the owner is typically like wearing a ton of hats like they're putting out fires left or right it's they're not very responsive um so if you try to like if you try to court you know an owner of a fireworks stand on Ju July 3rd they're not going to talk to you they just don't have the bandwidth they have other you know bigger fish to fry but in the AL season they can take it you know take a breath they can have have the bandwidth that it takes um you know to create a relationship to go back and forth to go through do diligence is there's a lot of there's a lot of back and forth right it's there's a lot that you have to uncover to fully understand what a business does on the dayto day and then more to uncover like the fight financials um that allow that to happen The Audacity Of to come up to a firework business owner on July 3rd asking to buy his business yeah that wouldn't go over so well have you made a mistake like that you know this process where like you're courting the owner at like maybe the absolute wrong time I mean probably you know not that not that they are telling me like hey tomorrow is July 4th what are you thinking yeah they're not going to be mean about it but you look back and you're like maybe I shouldn't have like tried to buy the golf cart the golf Bridge guy before like the Masters you know you know I don't know and like I live in a world right now in the NFL where like our mistakes are very obvious like I know what my mistake is right when I throw it and then I know I'm going to go watch it on film and then somebody else is going to tell me how stupid it was that I made that pass so like feedback is very obvious and it's instantaneous you know feedback in this world is It's just sometimes non-existent you know why didn't I get this deal there's a ton of reasons why but you know it's hard to pinpoint so it's uh it's a numbers game and you know the more reps that you get the more you know the more comfortable you'll be um you know in your discussions with owners because you know a lot of times the first uh you know the first impressions go a long way can we can we as much insight as you can provide let's talk about that the your your Q4 2023 debut Walkthrough Of The First Business Acquisition Last Year By Jeff acquisition four pillars group on the map now right um You talk about a little bit about why that process was a success I think we could learn something here yeah I mean first of all like the business was a good business it was a 30-year-old business uh you know with an organizational chart that made sense with an ownership group that wanted to slowly transition you know they they wanted to sell but they wanted to do it slowly they weren't you know sell it and then moveing to you know Mexico or Canada or you know somewhere else they were going to be around for a while and they wanted to do that to make sure that U the transition with clients went very smooth the transition with their staff went smooth they wanted to make sure that they could transfer the knowledge to the new owner um so their their availability and their willingness and commitment to making sure that the future of the company goes as well as the past uh was was huge in in building the relationship um it made sense on paper right like the the asking price for for the business um it simply made sense for for both parties they were realistic um they didn't you know come to the table with some price point that was never going to get done um and then just the the people in the business you know not the owners but the people that made up the business they loved working there um you know they they'd been there for a long time the morale was high um and it was you know it was it was the leader in the region for what they do yeah so it was just a solid business with solid people that made sense on paper and we had the right person to uh to come in and run the show so it was uh it was a it was a fit and even something that you know seems to fit like a glove it still took you know from the first Balancing Playing In The NFL & Running The Business time we spoke till close it still took probably six months that is that's it's an intense process were you talking to them you know how would you uh balance the season because you're I mean it's your it's during NFL season with making sure this things closes I mean was it mostly your your team handling this your partners or was um so yeah like like I mentioned earlier like can't do anything significant by yourself without having a really good people um so yeah I mean from the from the initial like reach out you you talk to the broker you know that person is typically the gatekeeper sell yourself sell your group how are you going to finance it you know what's what's your plan um who's who's coming to to be here on day one things like that and then you kind of sell a vision you kind of sell yourself a little bit they say okay well I'll pass you on to the next round and then you speak with the ownership group you essentially do the same thing right you fill each other out you know why would be why would we be a good fit all the while you kind of go back and forth on email uh you know fill it in your internal team with what's sping on um so I mean you know a handful of phone conversations handful of emails and then uh and then that process kind of got passed to the operating partner uh yeah so it was it was again it it was it was somebody else leading the charge you know I I was the relationship Builder early on uh being fully transparent that I'm not going to be the one that's that you're going to be working with you know whenever this thing closes uh but I will be involved at a high level you know more of like a a board member strategic advisor type of role but definitely not there physically so you won't you won't be there putting the gunpowder in the the fireworks and stocking the no you know no more more of like quarter quarterly visits uh you know when when it when it can when I can get there uh you know we weekly meetings with the leadership team um just to say plugged in and you know figure out how can I help from afar you know what can I do to support this organization and make sure that it not only continues like it was before but you know grows at a pace that makes sense yeah Jeff what's next for you you What's Next For Jeff - Why A Business Should Choose 4 Pillars? know football and and sort of the timeline you're if you could set your own timeline which never happens but you might as well hear it yeah no I keep looking down in my phone hoping it's my agent calling me so if I could set my own time they you know I I sign with somebody uh you know as soon as possible get out to OTAs have a great you know offseason program and take some time with the family you know before training camp and go into go into year n and and have a successful season so um hoping hoping to play as long as possible love playing the game of football it's the greatest job in career in the world and uh you know my body my body my body says it makes sense to play it makes sense for my family I'm still loving it and uh you know it's it's something that not many people get to do and you know I cherish every every every day that that I'm in the league and uh you know hopefully I get to play for for years to come that's amazing man and um anything you could share with the future four pillars like actually I want to I want let me ask you let me ask this a different way I need you to give your pitch to Central Florida business owners of why they should consider working with four pillars versus anyone else right yeah I mean there's like I said there's a lot of competition out there right we're not going to be the group that's going to give you the most money we want to pay a price that is going to make sense for both parties but we're we're committed to the future of the firm we understand that you know these business owners they've poured their heart and soul into their business they want to see it go to somebody who's going to Steward their company and treat it like they have um for the past x amount of years um so we we want to build relationships in the community we want to build relationships with the people that are already on board and we also want to grow that grow the staffs of each individual company um you know to kind of propel it to the next level so you know we're committed to the Past we're committed to the Future and uh you know hopefully we have the opportunity to get to know a lot of these really great people that are the backb of our community and we want to um you know see small business continue to thrive especially here in Central Florida Jeff Thanks For Watching! Like & Subscribe! still got the arm and four pillars on the rise at the same time thank you so much for joining the Pod man this been another great episode of athletes and assets with my guy Jeff Driscoll NFL QB man someone give him the call man give him the call Jeff thanks so much brother I really appreciate it all right thanks [Music] man go