St. John Bosco (CA) vs. Chaminade-Madonna (FL) - ESPN High School Kickoff
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:11:49
Category: Sports
Trending searches: chaminade madonna
number inos sh's s about as good as you including quick dump off to Carson clar early stos it's caught by Madden Williams sh Def [Music] H up shaman conect Lopez Lopez sh the lead yown pass from Tyler CH he's confident he young but he doesn't panic he has been run outand Tempo off right over the line throw Jason Lopez basketb able to quickly cut up fi this is a beautiful right over that second line of defense puts it right on his receiver Lopez does the rest carson1 y [Music] danavis for Lopez Lo the sh Kobe Howard the player that brings the energy to that group and a nice throw there but it just drops it in Defender running there Kobe's able to loc it just really nice job there by the Young quarterback chance and guess what no penalty marker OD be to his left the ins receiver breaks to the outside he gets lost traffic you see Pi off by Leon M just made that open Feld tack out hand straight UPS the Y [Music] a coup gu guard in cover dve two semi TRS in there leing shos St stos the lead I want to change my answer give the ball to going to be a little up yard on orive INE will be the end of the game final SC the [Music]