Jonah Williams (2025 S) Highlight Tape Evaluation

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:07:20 Category: Sports

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usually with these players I'm going to start trying to do their breakdowns right before they commit um just be a bit more strategic in the way I do it but um yeah here's Jonah Williams he just committed to Texas yesterday not exactly sure anything about his recruiting process like who it was between But ultimately he's ending up in Austin so this is his junior year highlights uh it's about 3 minutes 30 seconds it is 3 minutes 30 seconds um which is not long for a highlight tape in the sense of I wish was longer so I had a longer video but in terms of like an actual evaluation I mean I'm I'm probably going to be my opinion is probably be set in stone within the first two minutes of the video but um he plays safety I think he plays receiver also so we'll see just exactly uh how that works out um meaning how he looks on both sides of the ball uh second pick six this game it looks like so didn't really get the chance to see him put on the burners there because there's nobody within the area so he's like um this is this is for me when I watch safeties this is what gets me really excited like yeah I like the rangey plays where you see them you know cover s uh you know hash to Hash number to number whatever but it's really these plays here um yeah two pick sixes in row whatever I don't I do care but just watch him right here how quick that that trigger is to come downhill so he's at uh what he's at like 12 yards from the line of scrimmage now he's at 10 right now but you know from the ball carrier he's like 13 yards watch how much ground he covers in the first like two seconds here you know right here you know he just puts it on and he's he's you know full go somehow you know I mean this guy has the ball at two yards and he covers 10 yards and he meets him at the line of scrimmage I mean that's that's really impressive I mean even that was a tackle you know for loss so right there um yeah it shows up on on the Run support stuff but you'll also see it in uh you know when he's playing like Zone coverage it's it's an eye thing and then it's an athletic thing but you know when he's droing it here like that's when you get exciting see him jump the route and stuff um that quarterback just threw into like triple coverage and he's got some serious speed to him also like I didn't see it on the P sixes before because I didn't really see him go like full but he can seriously uh you know put them up pick them up and put them down so um obviously safety it's a wide range of positions you know a free safety is different from strong safety is different from a Nickelback you know so um but what you're looking for him him being like 63 he kind of looks more like a a center fielder like a free safety type to me um he's also just not filled out yet obviously him only being 17 in this video but uh to me that's what it looks like so you want to see the range um you know ball skills yeah ball skills are more or less something I think you can you can pick up I don't think that's something like you're either born with or you're not but as a pure athlete it's kind of hard to really knock this kid at all uh next thing you're looking for is is that change of Direction you know how stiff is he he's he's probably like 6'2 is my read on it um I might be saying that because he's skinnier and he might be a bit shorter but I don't know what his height is but he looks like 62 63 to me um I'll buy that and then you're looking for the physicality yeah you know him being a bit of a a skinnier guy um as he get low he physical sometimes that stuff won't show up on the highlight tape doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't do it but you GNA want to see him get his his nose dirty I think I've seen that so far yeah fast don't got that much much else to say about him to be honest um he's got the requisite height even this one it looked like his eyes were a bit slow to pick it up and then you just see uh that burst he has to make up for that those lost yards a lot of times I see a lot of safeties do this and maybe it's just because I played linebacker but they I just see them in these unathletic stances he's not necessarily that bad here where he's like standing straight up but I'm just going to run it one more time just watch how he's he's he's like so flat footed and then somehow he's able to just cover three yards in the in the blink of an eye and you know this probably should have been a touchdown to be honest like right here I'm thinking touchdown honestly the quarterback didn't even make a bad decision throwing that you know uh any other safety in the country really that's probably six for the offense he plays with a bit of a high pad level him being taller it's it's kind of tough to get low like when you come at tackle guys like that at the next level it's it's not going to work out most times obviously the low man winning but all coachable stuff in my opinion yeah like you just see how fast he is um he's ass and he's long you know that's that's that's a recipe for a good a good safety He's listed at at 63 uh like 200 I think it was he's he's not quite 200 um I I'll believe 63 um I'm going to give him a six on the frame just so you guys are aware of how these grades work six is the highest one's the lowest I don't know why I do it like that but I do uh burst is a six I mean you just see him um you just see him when he when he sees it he not only sees it he's he's there you know right away so really got no no no qualms with with that uh change of Direction I'm going to give him a five on that for now uh I didn't really see anything to tell me otherwise um even though I guess that one play where he just like I said he's flat footed all of a sudden he's three yards behind he wasn't even facing that way that was a crazy play uh give him a five for now ball skills uh five I'm just kind of pulling these out of my ass to be honest they're lower weighted than these first three so it doesn't matter as much I'll give him a four on the physical just cuz he plays a bit high so he grades out to a 91 I think that's the highest Prospect I've done so far um I got to put his name in and everything but I I'll deal with that anyways yeah that's my two cents on Jonah Williams uh just committed to Texas uh let me know what you guys think it's an easy easy kid to watch I mean like any you can play anywhere in the country realistically um like I said he's he's like when you watch these videos when you watch me doing these videos every time I'm going to say the kid has to fill out you know nine times out of 10 and tce on Sunday to tell you that this kid has to fill out it's just how it is you know it's just obviously a bigger game it's a bigger and a faster game at the next level you got to get bigger and faster um I think he's got the speed right now I think he just has to has to bulk up a little bit but like I said you could say that about literally every Prospect in the country so yeah let me know what you guys think if you guys have any uh any different opinions on him if he's uh if you think he's better than I think he is even though I pretty much you know I loved him he loved him and if you think he's uh worse which I don't really know what there's not to like about him and again like another thing with with these recruiting processes is it's it's also dependent on the kid's personality a good kid or not that's just something I won't be able to to tell on these videos but you know that's sometimes why kids get under recruited but uh not necessarily the case with this kid him committing to Texas but yeah let me know what you guys think thank you

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