This is How Ian Wheeler Can Make the 53-Man Roster | Bears Country Podcast
Published: Aug 15, 2024
Duration: 03:12:03
Category: Sports
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[Music] y [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is going on what's going on people it's another Thursday night it's like every time I look up it's another Thursday they come so quickly the weeks pass so quickly here we are going into now the second well is this actually the second week of uh preseason official preseason yeah yeah and um going probably pretty fast wow time flies P what's up my man how you doing tonight I can't complain man how are you I can't complain busy day busy time at work going good working late yeah yeah yeah getting show started late sorry for that guys how many uh how many uh hours a day you putting in now uh at least 10 I eat while I'm working so I just you know geez I'll throw I'll make something real quick and just sit eat while I work I don't take breaks so it's it's pretty much like 10 hours at least a day who cares about that I don't want I don't want we don't want to bring everybody down with that [ __ ] how are you guys doing tonight chips a Hoy boy Patty Laura uh Cliff Victor uh dou Van Dorne Cornelius qus welcome back I haven't seen you in a while what's up pornelius good to see fer where's your uncle at where is your uncle Mr Mayhem Mayhem chips a Hoy boy Minister Charles Johnson arando Lara Jr and paty Lara thank you for joining us again truly appreciate you guys joining us thank you guys coming in the chat see we getting in here slowly so appreciate it my podcast Jason UK Jason UK was in the beginning he'll listen to us tomorrow yeah Vernon good to see you again custard on your spot we've got Carl here he's in the back right now we just wanted to hang out PJ and I and start the show I don't know where Foster is Foster is awall right now Scottish bear Scottish bear thanks for joining us show me that what got his Bears say show me it's so weird I look at my Mr Shorty side and I I can't see everybody that I can see on this in in the actual chat here it's weird it's like my my shorty account doesn't pull up everybody strange yeah so um yes you know I you know it's it's interesting that we do a show on Thursday nights because right now everything has is so far past and everyone is just you know diving into giving everyone immediate content on the Bears and it's just you know we just we don't choose to do that because we just want to have fun doing this and we appreciate all of you guys having already delved into all of that before us and still coming here to hang out with us because ultimately we are here to have a good time and talk some bears so um I appreciate everyone for joining us tonight thank you so much I'm sure you've already absorbed everything you've watched Hard Knocks like I have twice you know you've been in everyone's podcasts and in their chats and watching everything and and absorbing it like you know I put it on too in the background while I'm working and listen to everything right so uh I thank you all of you guys for your time tonight hanging out with us because that really means something to us because you don't have to do that we already got all of it yeah so we appreciate you guys I think I think the thing that's important that we try to convey to uh the uh people in the chat is it's just like you're not going to always be right I'm not going to always be right we're going to have some wrong takes be wrong about certain things but we're just guys talking football I mean we're not experts we don't sit up there and study the whole breakdowns and everything for 20 hours a day anything like that we're just guys talking bars and we try to give our honest opinions but at the end of the day they're just our opinions it's not facts it's just opinions and pontifications a lot of those a lot of pontificating a lot of I started I actually started another Channel called the pontificators and I did one show about the alien the UFO that we saw with all all the video clips check that out if you guys haven't seen that the pontificators podcast that's to do the X Files telling you man I saw a UFO two three times in two nights and the entire everything is right there on the pontificators podcast you can see the entire story and the videos zoomed in it's it I'm not making this crap up so the pontificators the pontificators we love to pontificate uh let us please remind you that we are brought to you tonight by bet us every Sports better favorite sports book sign up now get 125% sign up bonus with the link below Bears country podcast DB us and go check out the the new uh pro sports fans app the psf app uh find the Bears chat room uh last year ler wiltfong Jr and I we did uh several we did a bunch of game cats on there and you can hop in and join us I don't know if we're doing that this year but uh it's it's a pretty cool kind of a Twitter like Bears room that everyone can get involved in and upload videos to and pictures to and you know tweets to and stuff so check that check that out as well guys and uh PJ if you're gonna bet please bet responsibly please do so getting on to this last game because I think I want to go in order because we'll just but before you go I want to acknowledge what Aunt must is saying real quick he says I don't watch TV I get all my news updates from BCP oh thank you appreciate that anas hopefully we're giv you some accurate information and again I know we we give a lot of opinions so don't confuse our opinions with facts please do not yeah we we don't want to give you miss misinformation please do not please do not uh take p ifications for fact right what just happened to our background what is what is our what is Carl doing there we go Austin Booker had a bad game check out the th SM podcast too guys that's where please don't please do Carl has his uh his own channel uh th SM check them out too guys um so uh yeah what were we just talking about he just threw me all off with that so I believe you guys we're going to be doing a little bit of a rundown of kind of everything that's happened since our last Thursday Endeavor well yes of course the the game let's start with the game okay what was just I I just want to know what stood out to you the most in that game because I I mine my answer might surprise you what stood out the most you in that game like what was the biggest what what do you what's the what's when you think about that game right now what do you think what's the first thing that comes to mind whe whether it's a play or two or what well actually it's not it the overall thought I have is I was glad that erlu played Hala were the starting the starters for the first quarter that's what I was really happy because I was like man you know because as I've been saying for weeks now I'm like my biggest fear is we're going to come into the C season unprepared and that right there giving them two drives offensive drives I was like man I was happy for that I really was happy for that I mean the play the play yeah I can nitpick about but the overall the fact that he actually played in starters for a whole quarter I was happy about that you know what you know what comes to mind when I think of this game Ian wheeler oh yeah he was not of course Kaleb comes to mind Caleb played a great game I mean everyone they Bal out for him on offense as well the offensive line bowled out the running backs bald out the receivers bowled out KT dropped that I know he he's still laughing about it uh DJ Moore dropped one that was a little bit tougher but in the end like Ian wheeler was the sup and this is kind of why it why it stands out to me the most is because I remember remember during the draft I was like okay who's we were like in the third or fourth round I'm like who's left that who's the fastest person left like who's the fastest guy left and then the Dolphins take him it's like who's the fastest guy left now you know the Chiefs take him right all right who's the fastest guy I'm like we need a kickoff returner we need a kickoff returner velis Jones wasn't even my mind and then we get then we get Ian wheeler in as a udfa and I was like okay this guy's got some speed this guy this guy could be the exact guy that I was thinking of I kept asking it during the draft and um he comes out with that speed you can see it in practice too on Hard Knocks then he comes out and has this game and he just he really impressed me yeah yeah I really think that that's his I think this is Ian Wheeler's job I think he's going to take it from velis Jones I think he's I I I look at him as more of taking it from Travis Homer I think okay even better yeah I think love that I think that's who he does is replaces Travis Homer but the thing that I really enjoyed about the Ian wheeler story the dude's a doctor I'm like I mean just to have show I I I know we had a what deer eand he's a he was a I know he went to Yale I forgot what he was majoring in so he was really smart too yeah doctor or something right so to have this guy pursuing his dreams of playing football and you know he's going to take it as far as he can take it but he got that doctor I mean that that that uh being able to be the doctor to fall into or fall back into so man that I'm happy for him I'm really happy for him so am I and I'm I'm I'm I'm jacked for like just seeing what he did in that game like what he can offer in a in a game he hits that hole quick he is quick put him on put him on kickoff returns man can I be honest though because you know me I I always try to keep it balanced I was concerned when I was watching him in hard knocks and throwing him the ball and he kept dropping him I'm like uh oh uh oh but to his credit in the game he played great but it's just when I seen him dropping him in uh practice I'm like uh oh yeah yeah you're talking about Ian wheeler Dro yes yes I didn't see any of those but yeah because they like did the DRS machine when kept on trying to get him to catch dropping yeah yeah right yeah I was like oh but to his credit I keep getting screwed up by by 33 and him wearing 33 yeah because that's Jaylen that's Peanut Tillman and it got handed down to Jaylen Johnson who earned the right to wear that right after him in my opinion and then he changes his number to one right after yeah right after one of the most beloved players in a long time in Bears history comes around and gets traded and go that whole thing with him yeah with Justin field and then he takes number one right after that that was kind of like that kind of threw me off a little bit but whatever he has the right to do that I just don't like when players be established and then they change their numbers because remember Eddie Jackson did the same thing he was 39 went to four it's like you know again because I'm I'm All About You know as a fan I invest $100 in this jersey of 39 and then it's no longer there same way you know then you know invested 33 then he's no longer wearing it that to me come on guy stop I mean I mean but look at it I mean Jordan went from 23 to 45 didn't work he went back to 23 but uh well you know that you know why that happened right because they I think they retired the number so they had to go get League approval in order to get it back because that's why he couldn't get oh I did not know that that would make absolutely perfect sense I did not know that because when he first came back because he didn't want to wear it but then he tried to wear it for the playoffs when the Bulls got into now I'm not a bulls fan so if I'm wrong guys I'm I apologize well I remember the story as as a different out outcome but if you yeah yeah but they said to the playoffs it was but they said he couldn't because it had been retired or something so he gave he gave his Own Story on it but but he would of course why would he why would he say that why would why would he say that if that was the truth right yeah that would make sense but you know um what's his name the the basketball player Jordan no the next guy see that's how like uh little I think of him um James J Kobe Kobe Bryant they he they changed their numbers but it wasn't retired weird yeah I mean because with Kobe uh they did it on on their own valtion yeah he was number eight and I don't know what I was trying to remember the reason why he switched to number 24 I'm trying to remember in my mind I thought I thought it was because he wanted to be the next number after Jordan oh okay my opinion I was wondering was it his birthday because again I'm not trying to be disrespectful I don't know if it's birth birthday was August 24th or was that the day he died I'm not trying to be morbid or nothing but I'm just trying to because I remember seeing something about 824 H I don't know yeah I really can't I really can't remember but yeah I mean even with LeBron I mean LeBron was 23 then when he went down to uh Miami he switched to number six yeah what do he now 20 is he 23 again yeah then he came to the to the Lakers and when he when we went back to Cleveland went to number 23 again and when he went to Lakers he went to number 23 but then when they got Anthony Davis he wanted to go to number six and give Anthony Davis number 23 but Anthony Davis just stuck with number three so all these that's what all these different type things ridiculous it's like can you get one number and stick with it please right exactly thank you you know that is a number that is a way for right full circle back to my point I wish that he would have just kept 33 because he had earned the right to wear it from peanut after you know the next cornerback preceding him in that number I want to address uh Doug vanor uh he's saying with Jordan Jordan Ward number 23 when he came back after his first retirement when he first came back he wore 45 it wasn't until uh the next year that he actually went back to 23 but when he first came back he had to wear number 45 it was 45 yeah yeah he was number 45 because that's what he wore in the uh baseball if I'm not mistaken I think he wore number 45 playing baseball when he was in the white sock organization I believe he did there was a reason for it I think he wore it as a kid or yeah wore it as a kid and then he wore it when he was playing baseball with the in a White Sox organization that's that's that's how I remember him telling the story it's why he he he didn't want to come back with 23 it but that would make perfect sense that it was retired so they had to unretire it yeahuh yeah interesting if there's an actual legal process to that I assume there probably would be right oh my fault Doug he said he corrected that so my apologies Doug Carl I'd like to know what's your uh what's your thought just the first thing that comes to mind when you when you think about this last preseason game The Last preseason game the bills um it was a big opportunity for veis right he finally got a chance to show himself on the kickoffs he debuted I believe as a running back I'm sure he's lined up in the back field for the Bears before but this was after essentially a week of practice or however much planning was into him being a running back right and he scored a touchdown he had a really good play he got to the Edge I think I saw um Cliffy V in chat there said no one can get to the edge faster than veus which might be true but in the same breath probably a little bit of an exchange weird exchange with I think it was beun at that time tripped over himself in you know wide open space so that was a really terrible look and then um obviously with the kickoffs veis tried to field one and fair play to him he had a lot of ground to cover he got his hands on the ball but the way he went to catch it over like this you know that's not good enough he ended up muffing it I mean as a Bears fan who grew up watching Devon Hester that stuff is really in you know inexcusable for me um oh chips a Hoy boy is feeling really really good tonight shout out to you buddy um but I'm wearing the shirt for a reason I'll get to that but um I don't know I I believe I don't know if veis had a good game I mean everyone else in in the running back room has a really good role um PJ mentioned that he likes did you say you like Travis Homer PJ or you think that that's the position that um wheeler would replace I think that's be position of Wheeler replaces I can um I can bring up my spreadsheet that is the uh the um roster and see if we can kind of explain the thought process there if you'd like um but I don't know I think that Travis Homer actually like he he had a third third down or a a shotgun carry where it was a draw play and he got a first down and that's what I always envisioned him being good as and he Chad has been saying that um Homer actually has good special teams value so it's going to be a really interesting roster like how they compile everything and who they choose to keep and I don't know I I think that wheeler can make the roster and that was kind of I was going to talk out loud essentially with you guys and figure that out how exactly he can make it in um but the game is a whole I mean Caleb Williams man that is a special football player I was SOC we're we're no no no we're not talking about Caleb Williams tonight okay just wheeler oh boy now you got me like stuck in my head it's kind to the point now whenever whenever we start talking about Caleb whenever I start talking about Caleb Williams I feel like I feel like I was engaged to PJ's daughter and then I dumped her for like a hotter chick and that's all I'm talking about out because we're like we were best friends before that it's like sorry man like I really love this chick like I didn't mean to dump your daughter tell me about it man so I I I'm I'm like it's like I don't even want to talk about Caleb William you guys look at all your finally I get my quarterback and I can't talk about yeah that's how man I know exactly why you went into that mode to get shorts I know I wanted to talk to you but I forgot about it but this is so optimal man this would be this would be it um do you want me to throw up the roster real quick and we can talk about things like very quickly or do we not care as far as the roster e yeah so I I I have a way to explain how wheeler can make it uh it's just that there's like a couple things that would have to break his way essentially well go and explain that go and explain your point there okay let me uh let me see if I can present the screen and I'll do my best to decipher what you guys are looking at um how can I do this so I don't know how well you guys are going to be able to see this so I'll try and zoom into stuff so it's easier to see I'm trying to get the logo oh wait yeah there you go Okay so um the last few years I looked at the last few years roster composition the numbers that I'm seeing with the composition is out of a 53 man roster you've got your three um special teams players or uh the Specialists so obviously kicker punter long Stamper so we're down to 50 players the split that I've been seeing from the Bears recently and this is going to change with how they handle the kickoff units um it's been 24 players on defense and 26 six on offense so that's where I'm kind of breaking down where you know what players are allocated where out of those okay keep going now out of those what out of those 26 players that we believe could make the team on the offense uh 10 of them are probably going to be offensive linemen right you got five positions you want to have a first and second string disagree with that sir the the Bears value positional flexibility right but in the past 2 three years I believe it's been 10 offensive linemen on the roost right hold on a second nine nine nine yeah I would say nine yeah they don't go with 10 they go with nine here's the here's the most important part of this conversation tonight and which is pretty much the thumbnail and the title of the show is like Ian wheeler mixes up two positions really so phis Jones makes up one and that position yeah could you just explain that explain that uh so two positions meaning well he's a he's already a running back so if they do cut um oh jeez hom Homer if they do cut Homer then he fills that rock that roster spot Meanwhile we're still down to does veis Jones make the team as that last receiver because I'm not sure that he does I think that could be that Johnson kid Johnson I well I think veis falls in the category of wide receiver slash kick returner SL running back so he fills actually three roles I ain't saying he's great at him but he can that's that's what I'm saying Ian wheeler would fill that as well but he won't feel the receiver spot of it and and to what I noticed by them not playing Johnson this last game I'm like so are they trying not to show him anymore because they want to stab him on the practice squad who is that his name I I don't think they're gonna stash him on the if he well he didn't show up this last game did he he didn't have any stats this past game I don't I'm sure he dressed but he didn't play I don't think so that's why that's why I'm wondering but I think it it sounds like James Hunter is saying that Colin Johnson was hurt okay oh really okay which didn't hear any of that in hard knock to my understanding he had a really nice tackle in the first game on special teams yeah that was something that I was digging for too and I simply couldn't find so I I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Travis Homer is a much better tackler than Ian wheeler just because Travis Homer has more experience with it he's done it in the past um and essentially he might be more willing to do that um I don't I don't know I I just can't get past you guys um jumping on me and saying that the offensive line is going to only have nine humans I I don't know how that's possible or why you'd s think that way because they most some team well for the longest bears would sometimes have eight only eight players so they had 10 last year though that's for certain yeah last year was a first year they had 10 but they normally have nine I mean even even Greg Gabriel has said you know that's the normal rate is a nine offensive line okay well I guess I don't really want to split hairs on who is where right um let let me stick to my point and if you guys disagree with me that's fine but my logic here is with a te Jenkins who you don't know what's going on a Nate Davis who's potentially a revolving door let's just say that out of the 26 humans on offense 10 of those are going to be offensive linemen if I'm wrong I'm wrong so the next group would be wide receivers last year they brought in six and I still think it's going to be six um I I have in wide receivers one and two obviously there's more wide receiver positions than just one and two but out of these groups this is the current most recent depth chart I'm saying three from each category so more than likely DJ Moore Tyler Scott I would have to imagine DeAndre Carter makes this roster somehow these guys no wide receiver position two Keenan Allen Roman Dunes absolute locks is it veis Jones Jr I don't know is it Colin Johnson I don't know but I don't want to debate that I just want to say it's three and three so now we're down to 16 add another three tight ends which is what they had last year and I that's how I see that room shaking out that's 19 so 26 minus 19 is seven spots left so what it all boils down to is this composition in my opinion so obviously out of seven you're going to have three running backs these three are locks in my opinion to make the roster if khil I I've heard the conversation to about CLE Herbert just straight up getting cut right if it's not CLE Herbert it's someone else and he's there's still three running backs ahead in my opinion so that's another three we're down to four wait wait khil Herbert getting cut I said I've heard the argument for it I don't like it oh there's no what here's my point Ian wheeler is his replacement but if you think that Roshan Johnson is a better Runner of the football for whatever reason and he has more special teams value than khil Herbert this is also assuming that you've got two better returners than khil Herbert right would you rather have a Travis Homer making tackles on special team I'm not saying this year I'm saying he's he's his eventual replacement for when KH Herbert because I don't think they're gonna pay him so I I think that Ian weer is the eventual replacement for KH Herbert that's what I'm saying after Herbert's contract is up and he leaves because they're not going to pay him yeah exactly that that's kind of what I'm alluding to right again not trying to really split hairs it's just roster composition and what the last few roster spots in my opinion are so yeah so kind of got the show yeah it comes down to phis Jones I mean not necessarily there's a world where Travis Homer gets cut there's a world where they decide to try and bounce Brett rippen or Tyson beon I don't know who wins uh as per the The Legend here when they're bolded like this I'm saying that they're tied on the depth chart so I don't know if they would mess around with Tyson bent on the practice squad and have a Brett rip and be or qb2 or vice versa beans are quarterback too and you have rip on the practice squad can I just take a second you know people I'm I've become known as like this bent lover so can I just along with record of that say that have you has anyone else noticed that bent looks less like a quarterback this year and more like a bodybuilder yeah like hanging out with his de yeah he like he's he just I don't know I thought he was maybe gonna gain some arm strength or something but he just seems to have just gained physique and I think it's made him less quarterbacking to me I don't know I don't know something something's different about him I I could almost see him like being replaced I totally disagree I totally disagree with both of you guys PJ I want you to go off on this as soon as I'm done Tyson bent earned his way into the roster last year and started and won I think he won games last year as a starter under a different offensive coordinator there's a very real possibility that the Shane Waldren offense simply does not fit a Tyson be so are you done go PJ yeah I I wanted PJ to say what he needs to say well I I think that I think Tyson Bas is a locked to be our second Stringer I I just do I think he's a locked to be it and by the way they played him in both of the games shows me that they really he's the guy and because of the new rules with the uh emergency quarterback can come up from the practice squad and dress every game and we only going to keep two quarterbacks we we're only keeping two and ripping being a journeyman of six years they feel like hey we can stash we can have him on the practice squad and just call him up every week or if Reed proves to be better we'll do that for re but I don't see us in under no circumstances having three active quarterbacks on the roster especially with that rule where you can call him up and have him dress every game off the practice squad I think it would also be stupid to allocate a very precious roster spot on a very competitive roster to a third quarterback PJ um what I'm not clear about because I think that Brett rippen's real value is still the clipboard holder even though he had a really good Hall of Fame game is is he allowed to be in that quarterback room each and every week as a member of the practice squad everybody yeah only only difference is because I was watching thing last night as a matter of fact guy explained the difference between practice squad players and a regular roster player they do everything except game day some dress and uh the practice well the practice squad players don't dress some of them on some teams don't even have get to be on the sideline some of them don't even travel with the team when they're on their way games so but other than that everything else is the same but when they're practicing cuz I've heard of something called a scout team right I've heard of players saying oh I'm going to run the scout team is that essentially the composition yeah the practice squad yeah okay cool okay well that makes a lot of sense then I I'm going to have to strongly agree that the quarterback room in this graphic here is going to come down to uh two so uh it'll be it'll be bent I'm just sorry I didn't I didn't want to open this can of worms I think that this is a much better conversation essentially after the Chiefs game or yeah after the Chiefs game because that's we're going to be going live on a Thursday I believe after that next preseason game once we have all the footage um that said I I I still think it's going to boil down to like chat's already alluding to my point I I haven't seen a lot of Ki blasting game in the preseason and I don't know if Waldren would prefer to have a cardi blasting game on the field to a Mercedes l so um it's a whole new thing it's really hard to talk about cuz um Richard hiow the Special Teams coordinator just talked about how you're not seeing the actual way that the kickoff is being played it's very vanilla it's very mono andano which is actually good for evaluating the roster in my opinion but you're not going to see real schemes right like that line up so H how does how do you want to line up your coverage do you want more tight ends do you want more linebackers or do you want maybe more agile players like a running back can Ian wheeler become a guy who's going to be tackling on special teams I don't know but with your seven you you you left off at three running backs and two wi I mean two two quarterbacks so who is the other two seven seven minus three would be four minus two quarterbacks would be three players right right so that comes down to this group right here sorry excluding Roshan Johnson so that three could become Ian wheeler Travis Homer and then I don't know who the seven or the third player would be then because if Colin Johnson makes it veis Jones automatically is in that conversation right so yeah I see but to my point like I just said they might want to carry four tight ends if that's what they feel is best on let's get a cons right now from everybody in chat all you guys on the panel do you think they're going to keep velis Jones Jr yes or no I do I can't answer that until I see more footage because I I feel like his performance against the bills what's Your Gut telling you my gut is telling me that they should keep Ian wheeler over veis Jones Jr because veis Jones has been an experiment right the first couple years have been really bad he's literally directly contributed to losses of games for the Chicago Bears I think him being shifted from a wide receiver to now a running back after you've signed a DeAndre Swift and you have the other talent in that room I think it's a major red flag but that's just me I don't I I think I think they should not keep him I think my God what a comment I think it comes down to that last spot actually because I think veers makes it uh I think Ian wheeler makes it uh Colin Johnson I'm not so sure about probably not yeah uh and the fact that I think between blasting game or a fourth tight end I think that's a conversation they got to have and that enters in because if you want to have blasting game or this tight end then you can let Homer go because you can then keep wheeler so I think it's one affecting the other so if Homer stays yeah the likelihood of Wheeler being there I don't think it be there but if wheeler is there I think they're now deciding between that fourth tight end whether he's more useful because I think the top three is making it we all know who the top three is right I mean that's pretty I don't have to let's get in the running back room let's get the chat really quick chat is blowing up on the no top three in tight answer but yeah go ahead go ahead shy uh we got uh B Foster is talking about veis Jones here which is something concerning to me um I I don't want um that to be ps's like ego showing like oh I drafted him third in the third round he needs to stay on this roster I'm going to prove everyone that I'm right I hope he's not thinking that way and can have more of like a logical approach to it you know whether he drafted the player or not cuz most of these players on this roster were fired by this regime like he's saying it's he sees something in him I know that's that's scary to me like they're they're I I see it as a red flag you could also interpret it as they're breaking their back to make sure that veis Jones contributes on the roster every single one of us see something in veis Jones we we've all been expecting to see it come up by now I think I think I think what we're overlooking is the fact that they're now using him because the kickoff is going to be such a big part of the game now I like I said said last week Percy Percy Harvin Vibes that's that's what he's giving me Percy Harin Vibes yeah per Percy Harvin's hands yeah yeah but if you think about it if you K if you returning the kicks except for the ones trying to kick you know going over his head Let It Go but if he return and kicks he becomes a weapon if you give him what three four handoffs a game two maybe three passes a game he's effectively a weapon because again and then you can you know make him the Gunner on the uh special team I mean who vs Jones yeah yeah V Jones now that that is something that I have not seen him do one single time whether it's been in the b-roll footage from Hard Knocks or anything else I have never seen him do that and let me just quickly take you over to the all right let's get to the chat now [Music] chat Bey film says yes he he he I wouldn't but they're doing everything to try to keep him all right are you done you're you're mute you're muted in I'm unmuting you so shut the [ __ ] up and let me finish this oh hold on I have some that's it get the [ __ ] out of here berki says yes James Hunter says yes James Hunter what's up thanks for joining us but that but they shouldn't this is to the to the question would would you keep should you are they are they going to keep phis Jones in your gut what does your gut tell you cor Cornelius Squall says yes chips Hoy boy says no he says I pray no tell me to shut up okay shut tell me to shut up Doug Doug VOR I think they both keep fellous and Wheeler I agree with that I agree Scottish Bear yes but they shouldn't let's see what else we got here all right thank you guys because I I I really think I really thought before that last game that that he was going to it was going to be velis Jones was going to make the team this year but after that last game I'm just not sure like I asked my wife to be honest sitting on the couch I'm like why is he asking the ref right now watching Hard Knock is is it if I catch it in the in the end zone is it a is it a touch an automatic Touchback remember that part in hard KN yeah I'm like this is his only job like study that like you don't know that that's not his only job though it's pretty much is only like he got three jobs that's that's that may be the problem I guess that's true I guess that's true because he's you know learning the still doing the wide receiver now trying to learn the uh football I mean the running back now he's doing a kickoff with the new rules so yeah it's I mean I'm not saying he's dumb I mean I'm not saying he's dumb either I'm just like I just think that I would just have expected him to know that since he's clarification returner for but then you see him try to catch the ball like that I don't know that wasn't yeah I don't that's a rookie mistake that's a rookie mistake you do not catch the ball a kick off over your head you don't do that you know you know Bread Basket you know yeah I don't know what he was doing on that Cliff oh geeez I'm not sure that you're correct on that Cliff I don't think he's dumb he's he's clearly a a bright clid a bright clid a bright kid when he talks yeah so just I don't know just little things like that just him not it just seems like he hasn't been able to get the offense for a while you know like I expected I had big expectations for velis Jones when they drafted him just by you know just a quick slant to that kid he could take it to the house every time if we could if we could just do that Packers quick slant like they do to us all the time we' never run a slant but he he was like the perfect guy to do it with I couldn't figure out but we never run one it's like must be in the bylaws of the NFL that Chicago Bears can't run Slants we never R A SL oh man I you know I I I'm hoping those those are going to come in the future and those are what I always Envision for him I just don't think he's gonna make the team at this point I don't know I could be wrong though where the hell is is this that is this the time well I was looking at this Kenny what Kenny was saying about veas Kenny saying that veas has talent but is unreliable and hasn't developed all that much in the time here and I agree he hasn't developed much I mean I I I can totally agree with that and I I really don't know who to point the finger at I mean if I'm being honest I don't know if it's the previous quarterback the previous uh offensive coordinator he himself I don't know I mean maybe a little bit of all of them but I just I I just don't know because if I if I'm not mistaken I think you told you said last week that he had what 62 catches his senior his last year in college I think he had like 62 catches who valis Jones yeah so he wasn't I mean he's not a scrum I mean he's not a scrub right by any means so I don't know what the disconnect is so his hands he's got like he doesn't have soft hands man his hands are like boards he's like trying to to just bounce off of his board his hard hands yeah I mean I I I I I really can't speak on it I mean that's what I'm saying I just think I mean he's a talent though I mean that's why I'm like if PS is thinking this I'm like I'm not trying to give up on that talent because again whether it's I can use him as a running back if need be uh special teamer uh receiver he's a weapon to be had I just I know it's just and that's what I'm saying so with wheeler though I think with wheeler wheeler is more of strictly a running back I mean he's man he got that get up and go speed I mean him him and V both I mean they both have great speed so it's it it it's hard I mean I just don't know um where they going to go with that per se but my personal opinion I think the the battle is between Travis Homer and Ian wheeler for the fourth running back spot and then with b i bis is uh in between uh or battling with Colin Johnson for the uh six receiver spot thank you very much Scottish bear guys sorry for being a knob we're giving V JJ too much airtime we certainly are let's move on Carl are you done being in your timeout you're going to play nice I don't know I was just following your lead man I was trying to get the chat and you interrupted me you had to be pulled yeah that's totally fine what's with that screen I don't know I'm trying to figure out the best way for us three to be on screen so what do you guys think about Hard Knocks let's just get to that let's let's just talk about the elevant in the room everyone wants to talk about Hard Knocks right what you guys think I don't really I didn't do much care for this last episode seemed like it wasn't just it wasn't enough j2k what's up j2k yeah just just just didn't seem like it was enough information I mean yeah I I get you know you show you know people families and yeah it just didn't seem something that is like captivating me it was just like okay thanks for the information I mean well thanks for showing me that but I mean that's kind of like where I was at man you're I mean the first episode I I en in the first episode I enjoyed better it's just this last episode it just seemed like it would just wasn't here here's what I take from from from Hard Knocks okay my entire life when I was much younger I should say I always wanted the Bears to be H it because that's I just wanted to see the behind the scenes stuff and then it got to the point where they were so pathetic that I didn't want to be embarrassed by my team being exposed to that and now here we are with this team and all I can think of is that I'm watching my Bears on Hard Knocks and and I'm and I'm watching a ticker at the bottom talking about Caleb Williams stats in the game and the Bears winning 33 to6 and I'm and then they go to a a commercial and it's about the Bears and it's like this is the first time in my life that we are thrust into the spotlight and we are what everyone is talking about the Bears the Bears are what everyone is God it is so fun just to go onto YouTube and just type Chicago Bears Caleb Williams and just see everyone just knob gobbing us as as a as a team not us you know our our team is finally being knob gobbed everyone is talking about the Bears and it's for good reason it's it's it's ridiculous how exciting this is right now to be a bear a bear's fan and then I'm watching Hard Knocks going I could give a [ __ ] what is going on right now the fact that they're even on here is all I need is all I need that is all I need and I have no critical [ __ ] to say about it at all like you like oh well I just think that you know they could have done it better it just was a little [ __ ] that they're on Hard Knocks every every episode is gold I I again maybe I'm maybe I'm Maybe I'm Wrong maybe I'm Debbie Downer if that if I am I apologize but I like some I like some B I I like some own botles I do I agree I agree I agree with that all these other stories it's like can we see some action on the field because you know I'm not going to training camp I want to see some uh action on the field all these Back stories and oh well uh DJ took his family to the uh ice cream or place or whatever I I really don't care about that I'm sorry I I don't damn you PJ you're right I'm like let me see some action on the field bro I mean that's what I want to see really hot dog flavored ice cream god with mustard and Relic right I'm like what information did that help me with I like come on man look at us look look at us we love our hot dog so much that we make hot dog flavored ice cream and serve it with relish and mustard Yu I'm like come on man that's what I saying I'm like that's stuff I'm like okay if you want to show a minute of that I'll give you that but to go on and on and on I'm like come on I think some people actually saw the Olympics so you ain't got to revisit the whole Simone bios stop one time PJ is super cool right like it makes sense it's during a an Olympic here one time makes perfect sense but twice like please can we just go with my take I'm sorry like I apologize for being Debbie da but I'm like watching it going this show is only 50 minutes this time and I'm like you show me most of all this I'm like come on now I know the last time the final what eight minutes of it 10 minutes of it was the game so and now I'm like they're starting to show the game I'm like wow it's already over and I look up there's like the bars are like three quarters of the it's like it's like I'm like golly I'm like I mean that's what I'm saying I mean it was like no action or no battles that I'm seeing in training camp and that's what I'm like really interested investing and trying to see but you know they giving us all these other stories and I'm like and I'm not trying to diminish the stories it's cool but the show was only 50 minutes so can we not show that story on that thing that Jeff jonc does uh 19 20 or whatever the thing show it there but they show it on Hard Knocks come on man yeah CH multiple people in chat have said the same thing which I agree with I I think that for the Bears to finally have kind of like the straw that broke the camels back they finally got themselves inside of H Halls to do this recording the Bears are still in full control they're not going to let any sort of negative image whatsoever leave that building so it all is filtered through the Masis and all this lovey doy happy lucky stuff that's what's coming out you better believe that they they are the kings of keeping [ __ ] under WS have we heard one swear word in Hard Knocks yes this last episode I heard who was it uh I forgot but I heard I heard it TW I heard twice two of them two if anything it felt like the coach who was coaching elen wheeler was the one who was the hardest you know person on the whole thing so if he probably he was one of them yeah he was one of them said I forgot who the other one was uh yeah but yeah I mean but but then I seen what it uh Adam rank he said Bears fans you complaining that we're not they're not cussing too much like the Bears fans go complaining about something I was like come on we want to be represented [ __ ] you guys do over here you know what I mean hey grabing the balls like hey get your ass on the [ __ ] field you know like why why are we watching Detroit oh Detroit can swear he can you know because you know you know you know Mrs M's probably loving this she's probably watching this so I I'm I'm I imagine they're this is basically an homage to her right now if you will so they have mentioned her one time with it correct they have not mentioned her one time yeah I mean with all these Back stories they haven't mentioned her one time yet well yeah yet is a good point they're saving it for the they're saving it for the best for the did that at the beginning you know franchise is own by blah blah blah I mean no no no they're saving that they had to start with Cale yeah oh oh from the Bears pers perspective maybe um the the the thing that I'm looking forward to the most and uh I heard this from Sylvie he's the one who pointed out that whatever happens regarding the Kansas City Chiefs week that episode is going to be loaded there are going to be so many story lines obviously you're playing against the Super Bowl champions you're going to get a little bit momes and Reed sprinkled in and then polls he's the one who formerly was with the Kansas City Chiefs so there's going to be so many links there kind of the roster composition and how he views things there's going to obviously be direct comparisons from momes to Caleb to Mahomes and vice versa so that's the one that I'm looking forward to the most do you think that one do you think that one would be better than the one coming up with the joint practices yeah because the joint practices were a little bit scuffed I mean the Bears did dominate today we can talk about that but um oh but really quickly I want to say so I'm I'm going I'm coming back home for uh for like three weeks so I'm I'm actually leaving next weekend P if you want to have some p to's on the 24th let me check my calendar here so I decided since I'm going to be home for because I'm going home for my mom's birthday which is September 4th so I'm like if I'm going to be home like and there's a Bears game that weekend and it's Caleb Williams for sorry I'm sorry to talk about Caleb Williams PJ and it's Caleb Williams first game like there's no way in I'm missing that so I just I I bought two tickets for me and me and my cousin Steve who's probably listening Steve Steve Phillips you guys have seen him in here what's your face Steve yeah what's that the game on the eth yeah so not I'm going to that game now all right 400 section I don't give a crap I'm I'm gonna walk around the ah there he is what's up Steve I knew you were here yeah 24 should work un unless there's some unforeseen thing happening but yeah 24 should work all right cool but yeah I'm excited for that me too I'm stoked man I like there's there's no way I'm missing this first game of the season you know we're not here here's the thing it's a 400 section but we're not even going to sit we're going to barely be there man that is that's like you're going to need a gas mask like an oxygen mask I should say to be up there it's that high so we're just going to like hang out and walk around the I may be tempted to go to the uh Indianapolis game it depends on uh the schedule for uh my my boys in uh school so you see where they're where they're playing at you talk you talking to me yeah I said I may be tempted because you know I already said I wasn't going to no games this year wait you talking to me talking to you sir you talking to me talking to you so what you're saying is wait hold on a second so you're you're gonna go to you're you're wait you're actually going to a game I may go to a game I oh I may go I may be interested in going I check the schedule with the boys see what they what games they at blame you for being butt hurt though that was a lot of money that weekend a lot of money actually you know what you should probably stay away from the game exactly then you went to the the Vikings game and then Fields got injured man you went you went two games to see fields and never got to see him one you got to see him for like a quarter and a half man yeah yeah you should stay away you should stay away from the games PJ we need any injuries I agree with that actually I think that's all Dan aire's fault to be honest what's up Adam Mason what's up Adam Mason we got a lot of new guys in chat we should get to really quick Tin Pan dog what's up good to see you again James Hunter James Hunter Steve Phillips what's up thanks for I knew you were listening I have some egg rolls some pin ping dong and uh oh there's Foster yeah hopefully he's okay tonight he totally Kenny Kenny what's up Kenny good to see you in here again yeah we got 78 people in the chat so appreciate appreciate you guys being here appreciate all you guys man like I said for in the beginning of the show I said you know you guys have already consumed all your Bears [ __ ] for the week you know you've I'm sure you've watched everything so to have you guys here hanging out with us tonight is an honor so thank you for being here with us tonight I wish fos was here I miss his uh give us that give us that uh Chinese food clip again or whatever that was just to hear his voice I miss him Oh I thought you were GNA ask for a picture of the uh the chin [ __ ] as you called it last last week yeah I bought some egg rolls some pin ping dong and uh if you're asking my opinion I personally Miss Jason custard on your spotted dick oh yeah wait sdy do that again just clicked out man custard on your spoted dick nice he's gonna listen to that tomorrow like yeah I love it what no super chats get me started on that [ __ ] man Steve Phillips is awesome did some went practice earlier anim in the chat uh I I got a bone to pick let alone a uh oh is that what you're laughing no I'm laughing at Steve oh it was hilarious yeah I gotta I thought fun you check you guys tell me this on that trade with uh Buffalo at the end of at the end of it what do you think we gave in has have gained and given up talking about are you referring to the um Austin Booker trade yeah so the original trade the original trade was the Chicago Bears fifth round pick this year for Ryan Bates for Ryan Bates thank you and then after we selected Tory Taylor and ran out of draft Capital they traded we traded next year's fourth round pick for for that that fifth round pick back to select Austin Booker so the Bears gave up a fourth round pick for Austin Booker and Ryan Bates what have we gained we gained a really Brian Brian Bates was free in that deal that's what I'm that's what what I'm getting at is if after it's all said and done it comes down to we basically traded a fourth round pick for Ryan Bates for Austin Booker for Ryan B for both but think about it if we got our original pick back therefore it's no longer results in the net because all we lost at the end of the day was a fourth round pick for year Ryan yeah for Ryan I mean yeah for Ryan Bates that's that's no no no no no think about it no it's we lost the fourth we we would have traded that fourth round pick anyways to get no okay think about it you're saying yeah and that's what I'm saying we didn't give it up in the first place we used our original pick to select Austin Booker ah you're right we we would we ended up trading a fourth R pick for Ryan Bates thank you thank you and that's the only thing only point I'll makeing and that's it's not a it's not a big deal don't get me wrong Adam I'm just kind kind of like teasing you but in the same token I'm like stating a fact that actually that's what it comes down because I've seen your video saying that you know for a fourth round pick we got these two guys when in actuality we only got the one guy is what I'm saying and but but they're two separate moves though I agree but the net of it the net of it is we only lost a fourth round pick while gaming Ryan Bates because we use our own draft pick to get Booker right but weren't entitled to it anymore it became Buffalo's pause I don't think it's fair to say that it is our pick we just it was coincidence if we did not trade that pick and we had that fifth round pick in that same spot where we got it back from we would have drafted Booker there therefore so then after that draft like the second after we made that draft pick then we're trading for Ryan Bates is what you're trying to say well then from there on out we would have had to trade a fourth round pick to get Ryan Bates and that's what I'm saying but in an alternate reality maybe Austin Booker isn't there so that's what I'm trying to say is the one move can't exist without the other well all those yeah but I'm saying the net of it after it's all said and done what's what's left what we gained and what we gave up is basically a fourth round pick for Ryan Bates because this feels like you're uh we're debating a God versus non- good situation like where you're using science based what you're saying I understand where PJ is coming from too and I guess I agree but I also feel like the two moves can't exist without each other well I guess when I see when I hear the argument where I see the point being made that you know this is you know we got these two and it's like well actually we only gave up this but again I'm not trying to make a big deal of it because again I'm not trying to be real serious about that because that's a moot point but on paper I would still call it I would still call it the 2025 fourth R pick for these two players but I digress I choose to look at it as as what we were originally talking about during the draft which is the I guess it all comes down to we we ended up getting Ryan Bates for free but in Ence we didn't because we would we would had that pick there and we would have just tra just drafted him there without having to trade the pick so essentially we needed the next thing that would have gotten Ryan Bates would have been a fourth round pick next year Adam I have a I have a better idea why don't we have Adam Mason create content for Bears country podcast weekly let's do that shush sh Carl that's twice you've attacked me and I'm not feeling very feisty tonight so I don't know how to respond if I'm being honest I was just kidding because hold on can I can I address Chips a Hoy boy please I don't care if you can't stand the M I'm wearing the shirt today because I feel absolutely downright terrible that JJ McCarthy season is already over and I know as a bears it over though what happened yeah it's over he tore his meniscus and they repaired his meniscus so the repair means has a very long timetable to recover they didn't Derrick Rose him and trim it or remove it and force him to play they're giving him the best chance at a successful long career shout out to the team doctors for allowing that and I feel T terrible because he had a very good game as his first preseason game in my opinion he threw a pick which really bad he threw a pick that was really bad but then he had a really nice down the field throw and you know stats speak for themselves it was overall very good game was it a contact or non- contct uh I couldn't tell you when he got injured he may have played through it I have no idea what happened this is just downright pathetic chips a Hoy boy I get it but let let's be civil here yeah I'm Sor I'm sorry to hear that man really it's not a personal thing he's not a family member right I mean at the end of because I don't like when you know these are you know at the end of the day you know we we root for the bears but these guys this is their life this is their livelihood and man you know feel sorry for the kid really I do I feel sorry for chip sooy boy well Chip sooy he's been on the show several times he's one of my buddies from high school um chips he he is from Illinois is it fan yeah so I mean you got to give him a little bit of leeway there he went to the school to beat my grandson's School in the championship game there uh Nazareth yeah Nazareth that's the high school you went to Illinois fans hate Michigan for sure but yeah uh but no I mean Adam uh please I know I I make question certain things with your videos but please don't believe I dislike you or trying to come at you wrong I'm not trying to even pick a fight with you I really enjoy your videos but I just voice my opinions about what I disagree with and hopefully you take it in the way that I'm giving it and don't think there I have malicious intent behind it because I really don't I would encourage every everyone to watch Adam videos absolutely yeah I do enjoy go check out Adam Mason he's he's got excellent [ __ ] going on over there excellent stuff um I don't think he took you that way by the way good um yeah what else do we have oh how about some trivia a little bit early for that I mean there's still a couple more things on the the [ __ ] list here so were you guys familiar with the situation that the Falcons have accomplished the two things today right um one was yesterday but two things in general yes regarding their defense the first of which which is not important directly to the Bears the Atlanta Falcons did acquire the services of Justin Simmons All Pro safety I think in the top 50 of um the NFL top 100 list and he just signed as a from a fre being a free agent yeah he's a really good position and paired with that other safety I think his name is Jesse Bates they've got a really good secondary all of a sudden um all that just to can beat with Baker Mayfield which is ironic anyway the main point is that the Falcons yesterday traded a third round pick for Matthew Judah and a lot of Bears fans were like hahaa what a overpay you're stupid unintelligent all these silly little things chips a Hoy boy style and what the rumors SL report reports surfaced were that the Falcons were the winners of this trade because the Patriots chose their third round pick over the bears third round pick it was reported that the Bears did offer a third round pick to Atlanta or sorry to the Patriots for Matthew judon but they instead chose Atlanta I have for good it feels good to have a team say the Bears are going to be better than so and so I heard that's not true though I heard it was less than that what do you mean that it wasn't a third round pick that the Bears offered no I think what happened was the Bears ended up putting a third round in on the table but I think the Patriots asked for a second and the Bears absolutely said no to a second I see me personally I'm not trying I know we're getting close to that win now mode but spending uh high draft picks as well as having to pay 32 year old defensive end when you're already playing sweat I don't think that's a route to go I would rather I would rather us go after a guy who's on his rookie contract yeah we probably gotta pay him like year next year or year after something like that but to already have to pay a guy uh that much I mean that's because I hear rumors about Hendricks and I'm like he's 29 sweat's 29 uh I know some people are in favor of that I'm not I would rather go after a guy like I said on a rookie contract yeah I'll have you know that I believe Michael Parsons is on a rookie contract indeed he's he's on the same contract he's he was drafted the same year as Fields question though my question is will or can Michael Parsons play with his head in the dirt it seem like every time I've seen him rush he's doing it from a standup position yeah exactly so that that's what I think the appeal of him is actually he probably can put his hand in the dirt and I don't think he'd be an allpro as effective as a CLE Mack but I think that his flexibility as a pass rusher combined with his proven track record Effectiveness that's really appealing man yeah Michael Carson's is a KH Mac type trade I would never consider a trade like that I would never I would have I wouldn't trade for Matthew Judah either but but did did you did you dislike the CLE ma treat in retrospect yes in yeah at first in the moment in the in the moment I adored it right I think that at that moment in time love they traded him but not I didn't like what they got for him however Oh no you're talking about the first trade khil Mack what I'm trying to what what I'm trying to say is that I think at this exact moment in time if you're comparing trying to obtain um Micah Parsons compared to Cle Mack CLE Mack already as a member of the Raiders was like a an allpro in multiple positions right khil Mack is was a better football player then than Michael Parsons is now so for you to go out I saw uh someone on Twitter say oh let's just give up um two firsts our second and um the Carolina second for Parsons that'd be an absolutely awful tradeit terrible I would say if you wanted to really risk it give them Carolina second in this upcoming draft and the following first of the Bears that next year because you'd anticipate yourself being a very high draft pick at that point like high points let me say right now because I I I alluded it to this during the draft I'm not a big proponent of giving up draft picks especially I don't want to get in a situation where we're ever again having to trade two first round draft piics for any player I'm not looking for that whatsoever I'm sorry that to me I give up two firsts and a second for um miles Garrett but I wouldn't do that right now either you hurt your team yeah that's way too much right now this team we need to see what happens after this year because we don't know whater Booker Booker could be one of those guys you're talking about right now true dude the the dude he's he's got it you can kind of see it already man oh he got some moves he got some moves man he got some moves oh man it's not like we're like watch watching um a guy that was a receiver a year ago in Robinson I mean Robinson looks pretty good against the run but he's just you know Booker right out of the gates so you can tell man I tell you what your eyes are working on that one I was uh I was talking to Dion Jordan listening to an NFL player or ex NFL player talk about Booker you know him and I you know him and I was talking and man he's like yeah you know he's like like that guy he's like that guy got some wiggle to him I'm like you know what thank you because you know he's not a Bears fan but I'm like but I said but thank you I said because I I I noticed that too he's like yeah he got some wiggle to him I'm like yeah thank you I appreciate that so uh hearing other NFL players give the guy some props I'm like when I looked at him I'm like you know when I looked at Booker I'm like I was very impressed with his move and then his count move to where it's not like just trying to do a speed rush but he actually got some wiggle to him and doing other things and he has a high motor he long and fluid PJ I think that's an understatement regarding the motor um that is something that like just jumps out whether he's a rookie youngest player in the NFL Adam Mason's trying to figure that out his motor really freaking stands out man it is crazy yeah yeah and I also noticed too it it feels like I don't know if it's easier to um identify if it's a run or a pass uh being on the Edge versus on the interior um and Zack Pickins was someone who was talking about this they asked him oh what are you looking to improve yourself on he's like oh I need to see if it's run or pass I feel like Austin Booker can find out if it's run or pass very very fast which I don't know if that's a really unique skill or rare or hard skill to learn but he's already really freaking good at that yeah I I like him I like him I just I think what we're missing now is a speed rusher I think we're really missing the speed rusher and that's why another reason why I wasn't a big I don't know if judah's that type of speed rusher or not I don't think Hendrick is either I think Hendrick yeah I don't know is kind of like put me in a mind frame of a sweat where they're like strong and uh you know more of that type that but I just see a guy who can just blaze off that edge just man that's him man by the way look who's in who's who's in chat tonight we got raging Oracle hopping in with us ining Oracle plank what's up oh plank is finally in here what's going on buddy I hope you're feeling good man plank I I just want to shout out plank he's such a standup guy man he offered me his ticket when he was sick to go to training camp I believe on Wednesday this week um shout out to you buddy hope you're feeling good but yeah oh raging orgo says Jud is rusher but his age like I said his age for me is a is a concern because I think if I'm not mistaken how poles is trying to do it is pay normally one one guy at the position and while having the other guy on a lesser contract so with sweat being the uh Alpha so he's not trying to play two Alphas at defensive end I can see going after like a Jonathan Allen maybe who plays defensive tackle and get it get that contract for the defensive tackle but to have two defensive ends paying them I don't think he'll do that yeah PJ tier point that was one of the strongest Arguments for drafting a defensive end whether it was at nine or trading back a little bit was that you'd have uh kind of um this uh synchrony I can't think of the word I want to use where where you're paying sweat while you've got a opposite player on a rookie contract right right then when it comes time when that contract expires for sweat see if you could trade get capital and then pay that rookie that essentially that you know yeah allocated money um and then just My Capstone for the judon trade um the third round pick is kind of steep admittedly but the third round pick doesn't mean much I mean this is starting to look like it's a clear and obvious Miss I don't know which draft it was at this point but the first player selected in the third round by the Chicago Bears most recently was Zack Pickins I will take one year of a Matthew judon over whatever we're getting out of Zack Pickin so for can I can I address this with Adam Mason real quick uh please please he said that DJ and Keenan is both getting paid right now I and that and that's my argument for reason why that is happening is Kenan you be the uh role model or the uh the help for andus but I'm not resigning you you're one and done here so I don't see them resigning Keenan uh because of that because they are paying DJ they're not gonna resign him I think they need that strictly to help Caleb in The Help o dun come next year I don't believe he'll be here yeah I don't I don't think it's they're not they're not going to pay Keenan because they have a Dun right because a dunesday is on the rookie uh contract as well I think they're okay with acquiring and paying Keon because they have a rookie quarterback so they're essentially trying to go a little bit all in um but as far as resigning Kean Allen I don't think that there's going to be something determined on that until you get some games meaningful games out of him in a bear's uniform so halfway through the season or at the end of the season that's just my opinion on that yeah Adam Mason I like football too man when I saw that clip I stood up I was so excited I like football I like football was he miked up for that or did like they get that off the mic of someone else he had to have been miked up but it it was so good did you guys see that recent series I I think I'm I think it might have been an HBO it was wide receiver on Netflix Netflix yeah and uh uh uh McCarthy comes up to um oh geez my brain's not working man I worked until 8 o'clock right before the show uh the tight end for the 49ers KD he comes up to KD on the sideline and goes you you play good football he's like you're good at football who said that uh andw I feel like I've seen that I've only the ners M mcaffrey thank you the running back mcaffrey for the Niners came up to George K on the sideline and he's like you're good at football it's so Bittersweet watching that receiver series with George KD knowing that George KD is a very strong Bears fan oh I know I love it it's close to being depressing man imagine a room of KD and KET hey we we we decided it was more important to draft uh Shaheen I really don't want to talk about it you know you know what Ryan Pace Ryan pace Ryan Pace I mean Ryan Pace he's what a [ __ ] that he he knows we just drafted Caleb Williams and he knows that he's going to draft a quarterback and he knows that we're not gonna draft a quarterback but wouldn't take that trade to move up one spot to draft D just just astoundingly ridiculous he's not the general manager but I'm sure he has a bigger role than we think sharing the same brain why that's the stupidest move I've ever heard ever you know what in the game now that you mentioned it think about that though we had already we had already drafted Caleb what they think we're gonna take pennx yeah that's what I saying I'm like what was he thinking I mean well not him but the general manager there it's like why would you take that I'm glad he didn't but it's like why would you I'm like get a free draft pick bro what only thing I can think of is like they're sending a statement to penx right like we believe in you we're not going to chance it okay I I think it's stupid and obviously in hindsight is very stupid oh my goodness and then you see this like you're giving up picks like this for judon aging defensive end on a team that's not ready to it's not is it built to win now well yeah but well not a Super Bowl but between that trade for judon and the of Justin Simmons like they've guaranteed a home playoff game like they're going to win that division for you know what I mean given the weapons they have on offense I think I can see them yeah they can win that division pretty easily I think I mean whether or not they will I don't know I'm starting to get myself more into fantasy football right like a lot of chatter around Drake London like they they could internally believe that adding Darnell Mooney and believing as strongly as they might do in Kirk Cousins they might think that they can win that home playoff game happens don't forget the tight end um he literally I think was practicing as a slot receiver but I I get your point there man so that's what I'm saying I mean so I think and now they showing up the defense man I I can see that's an under statement I really really really like Justin Simmons like I've got some bad social media posts out there about things I do to acquire Justin Simmons and they still got some Grady they still got Grady gar Jared right Grady Jared I don't know much about that technique yeah he's three technique so yeah I could I could see uh them making some noise I mean how far I don't know but I think there we go Adam Mason I think the uh running I mean the the coach he's a defensive minded head coach too exactly yeah so he got a couple more chess pieces I mean again I think that the NFC South is probably the weakest division in football so what man I hope they just bought a home playoff win is what they did in the last two days I I but there's a part of me that hopes that they make the that the Falcons make the playoffs and the Bears are they they make the playoffs by winning the division and the Bears are a wild card team and they have to play him here because I have season tickets to the Falcons so I'll get like I literally bought him selfish you don't want the Bears to win there I'd rather have the Bears a first round of course I want the Bears to have HomeField Advantage win the division All That Jazz I'm just saying like if they made the playoffs as a wild card I mean I have him 13 and four winning the Super Bowl with a rookie first team in history to win the Super Bowl with a rookie that's my I'm standing by it they're gonna they're gonna beat the Chiefs that's my prediction so I'm just saying wouldn't be so bad for me if they made the wild card and the Falcons happen to be good and won the division they played them here that would be great then I get first dibs to go see my Bears kick their ass yeah and the Falcon Stadium sucks that dark dingy Stadium it's not dingy but it's the Falcon Stadium sucks it's just really dark in there but it's nice I mean dude I'll say it for the hundredth time I I literally got a chicken finger basket a cheeseburger a beer and uh a bottle of water for 13 bucks can't beat de do do you know how much the Taco Bell chicken Cantina burrito costs by me so like they used to have this really amazing grilled chipotle ranch grilled chicken burrito I can recite it so well because I love it ordered it it literally cost like two and a half bucks okay then they got rid of it for like a week or two came out with this Cantina chicken menu it's essentially like wet chicken which does taste good fair to them but a burrito a chicken burrito is being sold at Taco Bell for 7.45 almost eight bucks and after the crazy Illinois tax and all the other fees it is over eight bucks for one [ __ ] burrito wow yeah and I and I and I got all that for 13 bucks at the shout out j2k dude plank Atlanta shout out Cliff Victoria oh plank it is dude listen my okay I I I I feel like I'm a Trader because I would because I own season tickets to the [ __ ] but let me Joe they had just gone to the Super Bowl and lost after a 25o lead in in the half against the Patriots and then the stadium was opening the next year and I got super cheap seats I mean they're like a thousand bucks a year for two for two seats and they've gone down in price they haven't gone up in price they've gone down in price wow they were like 1,200 and you and you go there and it's and like I'm not kidding 13 bucks for everything that I just described that's that's almost worth just for that that's why I mean I and honestly if the Bears are playing anytime they're playing in Atlanta I highly encourage Bears fans to come down to see them play there because you can get the seats because everyone's everyone here are bulldogs fans and then it's it's it's a it's a cheap weekend it's a cheap game you'll spend as much money as you would go into a Bears game 20 minutes away from you in Chicago that mercedesbenz stadium sells out really well for their MLS soccer team as well for the record oh yeah they do they have a lot of sales and it's really funny because I I feel like every b-roll shot they have during those games whenever the fir play them is that chicken finger basket everyone's got one it's really funny so you're not wrong in embellishing that in my opinion do we want to talk about um the Bengals I mean you know I I want to talk about um I was watching um you know it's so funny is I used to despise Colin coward because he just never had a damn good thing to say about the Bears and especially any Bears quarterback it didn't matter who it was but now I find myself like like bathing in his in his glory for the Bears and the quarterbacks the Bears quarterback and him just gloating on the Bears all the time now like it's just like that's the final piece to you know like the ultimate glum of the entire nation around our team right now it's like oh finally we're recognized by Colin coward gota like a guy when he agree when he agrees with your narrative that's for sure right I still strongly dislike the coward and he had well so do I but sh on me is my point he had on bad bad bad yeah on Mark uh what's his name ah I I apologize guys mark wber my my job is caused the file the folders in my brain to be replaced with work [ __ ] and then I had to start creating new folders to add new work [ __ ] to and the the original folders I had to like delete [ __ ] and a lot of it's gone today so uh the the back for the Jets that became our backup uh Mark Sanchez was on there jeez how were you do that PJ is it like this I'm not Catholic bro whatever I'm not either it's that's what I mean by that uh Mark Sanchez was on with uh Colin coward and he was talking about how how joint practices are and really really makes perfect sense because you're getting you're getting a a game kind of a setting you're going against another team that's not your own you guys are just building up you're wanting to just strangle each other because you know Keenan Allen can't get past Jaylen Johnson and things like that and you now you're basically in a game situation but you're not able to like hit people like that you know you're not you're not allowed to hit the quarterback like that you're not allowed to hit the you know tackle like that so those those joint practices really end up being another game and so he was kind of making a case for he was he really wasn't but I could see why there's more of a case for now joint practices and I can see that becoming even less preseason games in the future because of joint practices because you're still getting the workout you're getting the you're you're going against a real live team and you're not playing a real game and the injuries are greatly reduced in that regard so I I I I love that they're doing at first I didn't but after hearing that now it makes perfect sense and now I'm all for it I would say that I'm still against well I'm not against the uh joint practices I'm in favor of those I'm against a part that happens after the joint practices that says oh we don't need to play our starters now this week because we had joint practice therefore you're not playing at the same game speed when you're in joint practices you're not playing at the same game speed you're not having those those little things that little that matters and therefore like I in say all along my biggest concern is our players not getting our starters not getting enough reps I Know Carl disagree with that part of it but see I'm a big proponent of that because I really believe that's why we started off 0 and for last year Well coach eberl agrees with you PJ let's let's play some starters do we want to watch the clip or no in terms of the starters this week uh you know I'm just going to say this we feel really good about our plan and the process that we've been through so far in uh in training camp and uh you will see the starters uh in that game you know so again I talked about competitive reps the other day and I feel like we've gotten a lot of good competitive reps you know oneson ones a lot of good situations this day was another uh chance for us to get competitive reps against another opponent another skill set which was uh was outstanding and then this week coming up on Saturday we'll get another chance to get some reps there too thank you feel really good about that thank you thank you thank you I'm feeling see I keep this up my prediction or my uh record for the season will change I'm telling you guys now it will change if he keeps this up because again that matters to me gota prce I can't wait I can't wait for you to like finally like start getting excit like be excited you just been I just feel bad for you man don't feel bad for me bro I do it's like you you had your your Bear's heart ripped out man trying to console you for months now that's sorry my nephew just got traded to another team that's all don't worry about it sorry I'm telling you I'm like it and and I'm sorry man I didn't mean to I didn't mean I know I was engaged your daughter man I didn't mean to to dump her but this one is just so much hotter I apologize that's all right is is that what we're going with to R the ship no no we're g stop that we'll start that narrative right now no no we're gonna use a different example besides my so I can start talking about my girlfriend my new my my new girlfriend again right right is her name caddy instead of kitty no it's Caleb Caleb hey you decide it's a legitimate man crush I I finally feel like my QB PTSD is going to be put to rest that's the most that's like it's like the day I quit smoking like wow the monkey is off my back that's how I feel I'm I'm I'm curious to see how he I really see how he progresses I mean I'm I'm really interested in seeing how progresses because uh I want him I want him to do well just as much my interest is it's is just as much in that as it is to seeing how you progress because I can't wait to like see you start to progress into like whoa superfan PJ again well I'll say this I I I'll say this for me being a Bears fan is like being married you're not always happy with your wife yeah just but you stick with them so uh that's how that that's how I look at it so you like you know I don't I'm not a fan of all everything all the moves that that has been made but I'm still gonna be a Bears fan I mean that's just a bottom line it's like there's not another option for me even of course there isn't but but it's it's it's it's the point of being one that's not like glass half empty more than glass half full well that's why I that's why I say I have to see it on the field that's where I'm that's what I'm saying your glass half empty right now that's what I'm saying I can't wait to see the progression when it actually happens and then you're like your glass is spilling over yeah that's I me that's why you know I'm looking at like the offensive line last week I thought they played pretty well prior played pretty well huh yeah yeah I like PRI he's he's answering a lot of question marks in my opinion at the very least he's a very solid depth piece yeah I mean that's why I'm like looking at them I'm like okay had a nice pocket and I'm looking at that and I'm like okay that that serves us well and uh these things because I'm looking at the causes for us to be able to be better but be at the receivers be at the line be at the running backs I mean I I even thought the running backs played pretty well last week that's why I'm like looking at go okay good now I know it's all vanilla and that's why I got to keep it in perspective but seeing that that's why I'm saying I'm like good okay I can see I can see some things happening here so that's good and that's because I don't want to be misguided by false hope and because I'm not the type of guy as you know shorty firsthand I'm a I'm a loyal sort of guy so because I'm loyal it's like I'm gonna be I'm GNA be loyal so the good or the bad I'm gonna be loyal but once I once once I'm with you I'm with you period I'm just with you and and show me that you know you're worth being with and I I can say that you know I thought Caleb I thought he played pretty well last week I mean I ain't gonna say he oh he's oh he's the greatest thing since slice bread I I ain't there yet but I thought he played pretty well last week and keep that up yeah I I think he would I think he'd be really great okay yeah I mean if you if you want to talk about keeping it up waiting for you to say something Carl it's up I'm up on Caleb like it is up I am no longer Nick chub it is up like I am very much excited for this football player um and conversely I'm very excited to see PJ turn the leaf over fully to Caleb Williams um it it just feels different I had so many people who I talked to just tell me like watching them play quarterback just feels different and I know it's so easy to say right you're playing against Fringe starters and I think Caleb played some of the second string players for the bills and that's fine in Dandy um but I don't know it just feels different and I'm so damn excited for Caleb Williams I can't I can't I still can't I still feel like I'm cheating on your daughter PJ no if I express my no I just think I I I can say this because you know you know I have talked many times the the the issue for me really comes from when people to in order to build up Caleb they have to put down justice right that that to me you don't need that like if you really like Caleb like Caleb for who he is you ain't gotta mention Justin so I mean and that's why you know I can respect you liking Caleb because you like him on his own validity and I'm cool with that it just get on my nerves when I hear these other people talk about oh you are people were morons for thinking Justin was up bro if you like Caleb just like Caleb leave Justin out of it and you ain't got to talk about somebody for liking another player because again I'm going to like I'm going to like Justin for who he is because who I seen him to be and yeah do we did he have problems being a quarterback yes I've always said that I've never said he was a perfect quarterback I like him more as a person than I did as a quarterback so but Caleb's our quarterback now so that's why I'm saying looking at him as a quarterback I'm thinking hey you know what I can see him being all right well I'm I'm gonna I'm just going to let let you know now then I'm I'm going to marry this girl P this guy you know what you have my blessing thank you man so from now on from now on I can talk about her right because I'm she she's gonna be my wife right all right cool so what kind of [ __ ] game was that from Caleb Williams guys M TR [Laughter] got the uh old school approval an hour and 40 minutes to start talking about look look at come on give me give me a pat on the back would you come on I Des I deserve a pat on the back just don't hit it from back long held out that long what a game huh we got there's enough people here now we can we can talk about Caleb Williams what did you like most about it H the way that he made the issues on the interior offensive line not as bad as maybe a lot of us think they are yeah he the pocket was just R him he I love that he went through two three four reads he bounced this way he bounced that way about he like at one point he was looking for on the uh it was the play that he that he threw out of the back corner of the end zone to adun on the final play was Final pass I'd like to make a comment on that he was looking for uh Everett there Everett couldn't get off of his guy he was supposed to do like a what do you call that uh my brain doesn't work today so you know he comes out of his break one way and then like a whip where he and then pulled it back and then he runs out and he man adun should have drifted to that corner he would have hit him but I think he just had to overthrow at that point because he wasn't sure if he was going to make it there well there's two there's two things so JT O Sullivan on the film before I saw anything on Hard Knock he's the QB school I think he does a great job whether he's a former Lions quarterback or not yeah he's like yeah you're going to now to see the Cale Williams videos see that uh I believe it because that's just how things are nowadays with this sure player but he originally called the throw by Caleb there a good Miss meaning that he put the ball where he thought as a quarterback it should have gone and the wide receiver was not there and then Hard Knock dropped and Caleb on the sideline is saying hey if you do this you got to go to that corner blah blah blah so that that was my inial thought on the first I really like right there the fact communicated it and kaleb's probably like that with everyone else right but he knows that it's him and adun for the next half decade so they have Perfect Chemistry it's just it's such a non Bears move what they did drafting Caleb and then moment it's such a non Bears move PCH myself every I literally I'll just blur out to my wife I can't believe we had Caleb Williams just out of nowhere you can keep talking about him I can't believe we got Roman dun that's the player I can't believe we got and then I love the way he handled himself on Hard Knocks in front of everyone with the singing all of that stuff everyone was really good obviously but he doesn't have to do much for me to get a really nice Jersey of a Dun like that's the player I'm looking for right now he is so [ __ ] cool but just seeing how like Caleb just like I said he's going through his he went through his progressions and he he's he like bounces his feet to the each and then his foot foot watch the footwork on that third and 12 to DJ Moore dude and then the way that he just how do you I watched uh I don't like how uh Cole KD is now associated with chdo doing the 85 podcast basically with Adam hog but uh what is super chats yeah yeah what no super chats so um that's not me asking that that's chdo by the way so uh I disagree he he was oh I tottally lost my train of thought damn it Cole KT was on there talking about Caleb Williams oh yeah he was saying have you ever seen a guy like throw a perfect spiral to someone two feet away like the way that he flicked that ball and I love how he said no it was that was clearly a no looker he he didn't do it on purpose but he he saw him out of his out of his periphal and just it wasn't a no look it was fast and the only thing identified was the running back's orange gloves it wasn't no look but it was damn close to one I mean when I saw that with my own eyes I was just like you couldn't even see it happen you had to watch the play five 10 times to actually see it you have to slow it down I mean Wow all I have to say is wow wow wow the first down to DJ Moore just the way he's going through his reads I mean thank you I think that was probably my favorite play of the game from him is the fact that I you know because originally I had thought watching that you know watching that that that play third down I'm like okay we've already pped the ball so he drops back you know he looks over to his right I'm like yeah nobody's open yeah we already punt it then he like he could he turns back around and he's seizing and DJ wasn't all that open he wasn't all that open but correct he still made to play and I'm like man okay and DJ Moore DJ Moore did a really good job of not just coming out of the break and stopping he came out of the break and worked his ass towards a quarterback which is why that play was successful in my opinion but I agree all around really good stuff and specifically on that throw his footwork is just different man I've not seen that from many players and like I said then to see everyone everyone talking about it talking about these are the kinds of things you don't say out the first game of a rookie yeah go look at the uh the barroom network M Mr Aldi Aldi did a great job of having a cut up of the national media not one you know it's all glazing which is fine by me that's why I that's why I I I you know back to my hard KN thing it's like I'm I'm just I'm watching a commercial about the Bears I'm watching Hard Knocks and I'm watching a ticker underneath it's talking about the Bears it's like everyone is talking about the Bears and that's just have I already mentioned that the episode one of hard KN was the highest viewed Hard Knocks episode in the last five years yes wow yes you know that was the the the the biggest preseason win they've had I think ever since they did it against the bills 30 years ago yeah or 20 years ago whatever yeah it wasn't ever then it was in a long long time let's let's not take too much stuff into a preseason Victory either it's more the performance out of our starters and essentially everyone hey it was only 33 to six because of Ian wheeler and his we got the Super Chat B Foster thank you what no super chats his Thro at KET was passing up something to a route he knew would develop based on the coverage I've never seen that from a Bears QB yes and it's kind of like that that first down throw to DJ mors like he threw it to where he knew he was gonna be and that's why he came back for it like he did because that was that was where the ball it was exactly where the ball had to go thank you and the fact that he actually threw it to where he can get the first down because too many times haven't we seen Bears quarterback throw the ball on third down when we need 10 yards they throw it eight yards so yes the old Kur cousins playoff play yep for sure yeah so uh yeah that like I said I watching that play I was like man that that was pretty good to see I I enjoyed I enjoyed seeing that and I'm like man okay that that's kind of different from quarterback what what play was what what play impressed you the most of of Caleb Williams that play right there that was that one it was that one okay yeah that that play right there okay giv that third down and given given the situation given you know how like I said you know he started off looking to the right nothing there then he came back to the left and then still he just threw it beyond the first down so I'm like okay thank you uh because too many times oh we need third and 10 we thrown the ball six yards oh he came up just short you know he fought for he fought for three yards but he couldn't get that last y like oh man come on can we not do it I mean do we not know where the first down marker is first down Mark I think that there that they're just some excellent signs of things to come what was your F what was your favorite play Carl did you already say it yeah the roll outs to Cole KT I mean he literally was Shakira his Hips Don't Lie like the way that he rolled out of that pressure Actually I don't even know if it was a designed roll out at this point but just the fact that he made it look so elegant it was smooth as butter smooth as you like whatever the case was and PG even pointed out the ball to KT was a little bit behind him but in the same breath Cole KT his speed is starting to come on to full display here I don't know what he's doing to get himself that much faster um and again I don't know if he's playing against their best coverage um unit whatever the case is end of the day the way he Caleb Williams made that roll out throw to KT look it just felt different the only time I remember seeing something like that from an NFL quarterback has been Aaron roggers so I think the days of the slant passes are coming here to Chicago I know it it feels like lwh hanging fruit from you guys the the slant stuff with you're talking about Green Bay Rogers to Devonte Adams right correct do you guys not remember when he beat Chicago's ass multiple years at Soldier Field like beat him in the nfg championship game he was so [ __ ] good outside of the pocket oh Roger yeah oh yeah no he's he's he's he's been a master outside of the pocket but he like mastered that damn slant that he started using gun say all the time jealous do yeah if I had a gun to my head I'd say that it was more of a Brett Favre thing and I wasn't even alive to be able to watch that stuff but it still is like a Packers thing get the slant ball out on his slant totally fine but Rogers in my opinion his highlights is always outside of the pocket yeah look at Mar biggest thing I hated about Rogers is he will escape the pocket he look like he's running out of bounds and he'll just flick it down field and get the completion it's like dude I thought he was throwing it away you know I thought he yeah the way the way he rolls out it's not to run to the pylon to die for a first down like Michael Vic or for a touchdown like Michael Vic is like he like uh LS you to sleep it's like okay I'm rolling out I'm rolling out okay the play's been going for 9 seconds please blow the whistle the plays over no it's a 60-yard completion to Jordy Nelson yeah yeah and that that's the thing that I'm investing in heavily with Caleb Williams is that he he obviously showed you he has the wheels right he he ran for first down he had the trifecta he he covered all bases but I hope that at the end of his career he was known more for running to pass oh than running to run 100% his hands are the same size as is uh Aaron Rogers by the way nine and 3/4 hands I mean that's huge that's Michael Jordan's hands and I know we've had this discussion on this podcast before too where the hands don't matter and nowadays that's little I don't really care either way it's not even there it's not it's not it's not the size of the hands it's it's how he like uses yeah yeah yeah thank thanks shorty thanks for the Tik Tok thanks for the YouTube shorts there did you guys see one of the first plays that Caleb Williams had when he did the first roll out shout out again to the QB school for pointing this out cuz I did not see this what he did on this roll out cuz I think the right tackle was getting collapsed right or no the left tackle and I don't know if he felt it or what the case was what happened on the roll out was he took his the hands both hands on the ball and stuck it out like hahaa like a basketball player you can't touch it haha and he looked over his shoulder while he's rolling the opposite direction like he's already demonstrating that the peak of his attention span is on ball control can I can I can I could I address that though yeah and I'm not being a hater by saying this you have more power when you when when your arms are closer to your core as opposed to have them stretched out I understand why he did it but you leave you leave yourself exposed because if you if they hit what they hit his arms it's you're easier it's easier for you to Fumble with your arms extended than when it's closer to you because you actually have more power CL when your arms are closer to your core now now PJ you're going to be the best one on this panel and damn I say the best one in this entire stream to answer this question as a someone on the defensive line whose job is to sack the quarterback are you going to be swatting at a ball that's with two hands out this way or are you going to be more inclined to swat at a ball while it's closer in well I I I think when you have the ball exposed like that it's more exposed when it's further out but it is exposed away from you if that makes sense further away from you if I'm coming from behind you my recourse is to try to slap your arm if I'm coming from behind you if you see it extended yeah guess you got your arm extended so if you got it close to your body I may not try to swipe it if it's close to your body if I'm coming from behind you because I can't see it he like you got the ball close to your body so I'm just gonna try to get the sack but if you running away from me I'm GNA either try to trip you or if I can reach your arm I'm gonna try to reach your arm because it is extended out there but to his credit he didn't have it out there Al but I'm just making the point of it it was like a part of the motion right he's like okay I need to get around the edge The Edge is collapsing I need to get around I'm going to check make sure that no one is there and I'm going to hold the ball out so that no one else can [ __ ] with me in this moment you can see the he wasn't running around holding it like that right right you can see the quarterback coaching in this because you could even see it in um the next two quarterbacks where they were they were holding on the ball kind of the same way he was they were like moving it out of the way like and I'll be honest when I saw him do that and he kind of rolls out like that I was like I the thing I loved about him was how he just had it he's roll out with you know in one hand ready to sling at any moment so when he was kind of rolling out like that I'm like oh man please don't like teach that into him where he has to run like that all the time because it's it benefits him to hold the ball sometimes in one hand and be able to just yeah let's let's take the pump the brakes on that the the last thing I want to say about the I'm not saying every time I'm just saying don't completely coach it out of him because that is needed in his game in some fashion and that that will come to fruition the the point that I wanted to make PJ was that if I was a defensive lineman I'm not going to risk it so to speak to swat and try and just get the fumble I'm more inclined to go for the ball as I'm wrapping up if that makes sense so if they have the ball away from you and you know that you can't sack him you only you're either going to be able to force a fumble or you look like a fool you're probably going to get the situation that played out where he's just going to keep trying to chase them until he can't catch them well you know I mean because you have seen Lawrence Taylor as well as uh khil Mack at times they don't even make the sack they just swap the ball out the guy's hand because they as they're coming around the edge like that absolutely agreed yes yeah so that's what I'm saying so when you got it extended like that by hitting that arm it can you know you can uh cause the fumble whereas if I got a close to my thing like this you hit my arm I'm just I'm just you know going down as opposed to going all the way down like that so if I got it like this I'm going boom so I mean again I'm not trying to make a big deal about it I just in the moment that's one of the things I thought about I mean I thought it was cool because he got it out there and brought it back because he can like keep it out there forever he he got it out there got it back I like that's what I'm try to say and and uh but I just don't want to make too big of a habit of it to where yeah you have it out there too long because not saying that you said that I'm not saying you said that I'm just saying that could be an issue of In Your Arms I just love how cerebral he is as a quarterback and and what we're going to see from him as he grows he's he's gonna be that guy sell every single play whether it's like you know I I always loved how I how Favre did it where he would fake the hand off and hide the ball Rogers was better at that yeah like mean some of some some do it like like they really put time into it and some just seemed not [ __ ] about it I would love to ask Aaron Rogers how much he's practiced that because of how damn good at it he might come back and say I've practiced this 200 300 hours like that much time and his ability to hold on to that ball and fake the pass without losing it because of his hand size he'll be able to just Bing H faked you out oh God the the more quarterback clips that I see I feel like rothberger was probably the best ever at pump faking but I take him into uh somewhere and just get a mold of his body right now made in his Youth and then get this get the statue started right now you want Caleb Williams mold injected into you not not into me take him to an injection mold place and have him coated in freaking silicone and make a mold of his body right now to use for the get it while he's young you want a silicone Caleb Williams mold injected into you not injected into me you're that's it we're taking we're taking this love of fear to a whole another level here and I'm back yes no Diddy it's been too long with a no D joke thank you plank get get the statue going now guys I I'm telling you it's so Bears it to have never been known everyone keeps talking about it we've oh the Bears have never had a quarterback blah blah blah blah well it would just be so serendipitous and so to to the rest of the NFL to become the first team to win the Super Bowl with a rookie quarterback because they are known for never never having had a quarterback that's why I believe it that's why I I I believe believe they're going to win the Super Bowl this year I'm a [ __ ] nut most likely everyone here crazy sometimes you don't but that's how I feel um and Joy's got nuts something is can we all agree that something feels different right so now you're talking about a Caleb Williams silicone mold feeling different Jesus Christ you're setting yourself up man where's Foster you already got his jerseys don't you shorty yeah I already got his jersey what about you uh car I don't do that I so the last jersey that I bought from the Bears I actually bought three jerseys from the bears but I only received one of them and I'm heartbroken because one of the ones that I didn't receive was AEM Hicks but the last jersey I got was a Darnell right jersey and it was delivered to my door for $30 wow yeah it was a flash deal I got Jaylen Johnson number one no it was a Jay Johnson 33 jersey and a Darnell wri Jersey each for the same price and the Hem Hicks Jersey was even cheaper and then one day I got an email and said hey your bear Jersey was delivered and the picture that they took was not my house I was like oh my [ __ ] God they're like yeah we don't have this player anymore here's your money back I was heartbroken because an AEM hick Jersey would be so sick wow to be fair PJ I don't normally just buy jerseys like I I I literally don't I but I would we talk about this you know that but I was offered by a uh uh tracks Brandon Hyatt from uh Chicago Sports podcast go go check out their podcast too good stuff um I was offered of a price I couldn't refuse for a jersey so I was like must have fall off the back of a truck I'll take it so they made you an offer you couldn't refuse h i did yeah okay all right must have fell off the back of a truck but that's the only reason why I got one I Steve here Steve Phillips my cousin here in chat like he I'm like you paid what no that's a little uh is it like the real Jersey yeah it's a real Jersey like is it really a real Jersey I know I have a real Brian erac I have a legitimate Brian eracer Jersey I don't think they sell the real jerseys anymore because if they did all SLE all the sleeves wouldn't be like you know down to your past your elbows they'd have the sleeves that were like you know buttoned up on the sides and stuff like and and it it would have all the pad well you put the stick them on the uniform to stick the uh uh uniform to the shoulder pader that's what the difference is what you know you put that stick them on the inside of your jersey to uh Stick it to your shoulder pads to where the uh person can't grab your jersey that's why why it's talking about I'm talking about the arms like the arms come down past your elbows when you buy these jerseys PJ he's not talking about the jerseys talking about the players you or jerseys you buy yeah like here this every time I every time I see these jerseys I and everyone I've bought has been the same let me uh it reminds me of this jersey you guys remember Cade McD's awful like long sleeve jerseys that he wore for the Bears they looked terrible it made his leftin look even worse I don't even know if I was alive during Kade mcnown was that early 2000s jeez yeah here we go my first beers of memory was 2005 where Desmond Clark caught a touchdown against the Panthers in the playoffs and started like he put his back against the whatever it's called The End Zone and started getting like he was a boxer yikes I I've always wondered this too why is the the two different colors right there lighting yeah just probably the picture lighting that's all yeah it's lighting yeah trust me okay and and sometimes you know when you go through a time frame I mean you don't it's a different manufacturer I think with Nike now I remember there was a time we was Reebok but uh yeah it's the Jersey on the left is definitely my favorite Jersey outfit I because I of all the games that all the games I've watched I remember going through all of this like why is this jersey look just so different so much darker today that one on the left is my favorite whenever I see that I don't know just comes out of nowhere sometimes once in a while maybe it's the lighting PJ that Jersey on the left is one I love the most that's the 85 Bears kind of looking dark Jersey like the one on the right is like that's the one they sell now it's like but isn't that I mean isn't that the L isn't that the length of the one you one you're talking about I mean that's my point is yes the whole point of me bringing this up is the length it's even longer than it's about that long if not longer now put shoulder pads on it I mean if you put shoulder pads on with Jersey you have your sleeve will come up fair enough I'm not wearing shoulder pads to a Bears game wearing a bears Jersey though why not ude one time ience one time I went to a I went to a Bears game wearing the the like the Ditka you know the dika sweater that the right and then uh I I I grew my beard out and I just shaved it into a mustache and I wore the aviator glasses with a with the Bear's hat and a grass skirt you remember the episode of SNL when they did the grass skirt dance with Michael Jordan on on uh no SNL they were going the Bears the Bears the Bears the Bears and they were dancing and Michael Jordan was like awkwardly dancing in a grass skirt you don't remember that oh God does anyone does anyone remember that is this a this a Mand pontification moment okay so I wore a grass skirt I had shorts on though but it was like negative it was like two degrees that day and I was like in the up like the 400 section it was awful I was freezing my ass off that was a bad idea thank you STC he remembers STC is a good man I can agree to that even if he making making up a field just to make you feel better shorty I'm sure anyone who's watched those SNL skits did you watch you know what I'm talking about right the you knows you know those guys yeah all right thank you at least you know that thank you I was never a big SNL well truth be told the time that I actually did watch SNL was when Dan akroy and those guys was on way back when I didn't I don't even remember remember the time when Eddie Murphy was on there I go so far back with the was early 80s yeah the uh seven years early 80s so you were mid 70s like Dan akroy and uh Garrett Morris and uh John beluchi and all them guys that's that's when I was watching it co is is there a difference between John balushi and Jim balushi yes Brothers okay well that whatever like sitcom show he was on I adored that show that was a great show whichever one that was Jim balushi right it sounds like it or feels John passed away uh I'm crushing your head Carl I'm crushing your head you know what that's you crush Steve Phillips head while you fart on it and look at your phone all at the same time do you know what I'm crushing your head is from you you know you know Kids in the Hall nope I don't even know that one Kids in the Hall Canadian okay they were like the Canadian version of uh SNL only it was on HBO yeah now that I'm thinking about guess I'm deprive I didn't watch a lot of TV still don't same Oh that's oh okay my cousin sent me a picture of his jersey that looks legit oh come on that's nice oh that's legit dude my question is is it in is the name embroidered on or is it like oh oh of course it's even the cheap ones are embroidered on though are they no I'm gonna have to fart on your face hold you down fart on your face and swap my jersey out with yours Steve when we go to the game why don't you just not tell him uh no Diddy no Diddy oh okay that's the the time to pull out the no Diddy may all right guys you got you want have anything else you want to cover tonight um we're not going to have we're not going to be live again until the Chiefs game so I don't know if we want to swans song this thing with what we're looking forward to from the Bengals game well I got a question for you um yeah I guess we should what do you guys think of uh do you think the beay should go after Hendricks I know we talked about it some but give a stra answer you got Hendrickson do you think the bear should go after him well I I find it interesting that if if anyone has not seen it they have please go check out Adam Mason's Channel thank you um and he he broke down he broke down the why he thinks the like that Trey Hendricks could be coming to the Bears because of you know an interview in front of hatas Hall talking to ibra Flo and he he kind of hinted to the way that he said it made it seem like they were still looking for that other end spot and the the the biggest thing there is kind of like when there's smoke there's fire right the Bears were confirmed to have put a trade offer in a third round pick for judon so is he only he being Ryan poles only going to make that move with one thing in mind is he just like all right I want Matthew judon or nothing no that's not what he did so he's got a plan B and probably a plan C and most likely a plan D and I think that Hendrick is probably one of those players now I don't think he's the super most sexy get he's a very good player but like a Montes sweat feels more impactful to me to trade for that type of player so I don't know maybe I'm just cold take very wrong there but I don't know my my my feelings on it is I don't know if well I personally wouldn't go after Hendrickson he wouldn't be the guy I'd go after like I mentioned earlier but I can see a scenario where hles actually does the double hitter where he go after a edge rusher and then double down and go after Jonathan Allen to where he he bring in two new guys and therefore boost our defensive line to where we're in we in now mode I I I think it's more like if they're forced to have Demarcus Walker be their primary Edge rest they're maybe okay with it but the double dip would probably be in addition to whatever they do they also have Austin Booker Austin Booker could end up being a guy who plays his way onto the field and you simply can't just have him be a rotational guy he could end up being that good is it that likely this year probably not he's got a lot of stuff to work out on his body he needs to add Mass but um I don't know I I don't think that they should go out and get a superstar I I don't think they should go out and get Micah Parsons but I thought Matthew judon was a really good Target and obviously the Bears agreed if the rumors are true because they put in a third round pick for him or submitted whatever um I want to shoot this down I want to shoot this with a a Barett 50 k no scope Modern Warfare 2 style no he should not come back G can stay on the couch I mean not to repeat ourselves but I think that the answer is Booker go ahead PJ why do you think I'm asking Carl why do why does why does he not want Yanik because a lot of in G's image is hey I got 10 sacks hey I've done all these teams and got all these sacks I want to get paid a million dollars per sack but the actual production and when you delve into the stats and honestly the impact before Montes sweat was nothing yanuk andak was supposed to be a player that elevated the Bears defense like a Montes did and he was not he did not Elevate them I don't think he was very good he had a little bit of extra ra production with a mon SWAT on the opposite side shocker I might be able to get a little tiny bit of production like inak with Montes s on the other side so okay I mean I I because I I mean he he answered Mr Mayhem I mean I was just you know wondering what his objection W for some like rebuttal from you though just no no I mean because I I personally I mean I told you I I want a guy on a rookie contract who we can uh you know not a Michael Parsons because like I said I'm not trying to give up two first round draft picks to get a guy but give me a guy on a Ricky contract who uh got some upside to him but you know they so happen to like you know not working out with the team they're on uh that's sort of guy that's that's that's what I'm looking for because I don't see paying two defensive ends top dollar just want Austin Booker to play his part man I don't want the Bears to be in a situation where they have to win to get into the playoffs and Demarcus Walker and whoever else gets severely injured and is out BL yada yada um I just want him to play his part I want him to come in every so often as a refresh you know the best rep that I've seen I've watched the footage the tape all 22 whatever of Austin Booker the best rep that I've seen from him specifically was the Hall of Fame game where it was second and forever third and forever he's got a nice little jump cut inside he's going to get that sack if the other guy doesn't get him so he he has this flashes and that's really exciting but I just want him to continue to develop and not be thrust into a bad situation I guess I want him to yeah yeah okay so so I I mean I agree I don't think they should give up any draft capital for uh Hendrick even though I think uh Adam Mason did make a good case for it CU he was adding players to it and his contract is that's the yeah that was the strongest thing of his argument was getting rid of Austin Booker sorry um wow Demarcus Walker and financially not having it be that big of a hit right and then he they would be paying a a certain percentage of his salary anyway he still has like two years left on the deal I mean it comes down to we you know we're watching guys go against second and third stringers you know so are they what are they seeing they you know do they really think that we need as uh ebra flu might have hinted to another Edge so I don't know I to be honest I don't I don't because we could be sitting here with our dicks in our hand at the end of the season going well if we just would have you know because somebody looked good in the preseason which mean is it's completely meaningless so true if I can address the Scrolls here he says uh I give up draft capital for Parson PJ he he makes you an immediate Super Bowl Contender I agree that he he makes you a Super Bowl Contender but my issue is like I said earlier I don't know if he was here or not I'm not a proponent of trying to give up two first round draft picks which I think would take to get Parsons and on top of that then you gotta pay him in a couple of years and I don't know how good he would be with his hand in the dirt so those are the objections I have so that's why I stand on on that yeah I I don't know if there many go ahead if it's two first round picks and they're and they're they're both the 32 pick in the next two the next two drafts is that still worth it I mean is that worth it it might be worth it Cutler Mack they both leaving bad taste in my mouth having to give up two first round bad F that first you know that first year okay okay I gave up the first then that next year you're giving up another one you're like oh I forgot we ain't got another first round draft pick this year because uh so yeah yeah that sucked yeah it killed me every time like H forgot we go man you you get so excited for that Thursday night you're like well we got nothing to do exactly maybe like H but before we get to the uh trivia Cliff says something about food Oh I thought he wanted to see Danny's butt I'm just kidding he said he sent you a picture of the pork butt there short yeah there's some there's some food he sent me a picture of pork butt yeah I think oh yeah that was that was yesterday yeah I'll just hold it up make it easier o yeah I'm not going to lie the the visual appeal is not there for me but you know that that way it it it tastes damn good yeah there you go cliff crispy burnt edges H yes that's what I like it burn Ages part Doug vanor is so awesome oh by the way Doug Van doran's gonna hop on with us uh the Thursday before the first game of the season okay so the Chiefs game no the Titans game no that's the day that he'd be on the Thursday before there's a two we break between preon two weeks two weeks yeah I know right they have to go because first game isn't until the eth right September 8th yeah I'm gonna be at it can't wait so that would be the yeah it would go the third 22nd I don't know what the next Sunday is is that the third that would be the 29th no what are you looking at the Thursday before oh no it would be the fifth the Thursday before be like the third or something the fifth it's the fifth the fifth yeah well there you have it so then we'll we will be the 22nd is you said it's the that's the Chiefs game right on Thursday night yeah so I don't know how you want to handle that I don't know if we want to sample the chat uh pregame and a postgame here's the thing it's like oh you're wor I I I struggle with this because I I don't excuse my French I just feel like like a like a [ __ ] because like everyone is just going off doing you know something right after the game right after hard knocks and I just choose not to do that because like I said in the beginning of the show like we appreciate you guys coming here and hanging out with us because you've already seen all that stuff like we we're we're not trying to poke in on that we're just we're here to do our own thing on Thursday nights that just so happens to be our night so then everyone's gonna be like and I I just considering that is our night I mean I the show fitting for us to do our show that night all right which would end up just being a postgame show and a pregame show and a pregame show but we can at least claim that that's our time slot right hey yeah just so you know we're not doing that just and even if we even if we were it's okay we're adults here why well yeah ask the chat I guess I mean I would be very interested in doing a postgame show late that's fine it's already settled bro it's done postgame show postgame show pregame show Armando thank you very I have not heard shorty say pregame show has been confirmed but he just said it pregame and postgame I tried to do it last time we did a pregame but we didn't do a postgame so this time it a pregame and a post game there you have it last preseason game so you GNA pregame for the pregame show I liked that pregame because we had Adam Mas I was like all right guys ready we got 30 minutes boom boom boom boom boom hold off PJ you're going on we've heard that before moving moving on you want to get into like a 27p part answer or anything in a half an hour show which we can never shorty we we did it that night though I think you're the only one to give 27p part answers shorty loves to pontificate you've learned with his stray points PJ PJ has man your 20 your 27 part answers or questions have definitely been Whitted down to like one or two I'm proud of you bro uh Cliff I'm going to piggy back off of this comment from cliff and say that's why why I'm so excited for the Kansas City Chiefs week episode because it's going to be the Tuesday episode on Hard Knocks then the Thursday game of the Chiefs and then everything after that because essentially after that you're whittling down to your roster cutdown and ironically the roster cutdown day is a Tuesday a hard KNX release shorty might have to uh leave work early that day which which day next the next Thursday you might have to get off work early I can't believe that you're not allowed to Just Do Your Own Thing shorty like it feels like you're able to work when you want and you'd be able to kind of create a buffer I am I do work I'm not going to tell you what to do but if I were you I would work your butt off on a weekend or something to create that buffer so that you can indulge on a Thursday my my my hours are 9 to six or 8 to 5 9 to 6 Eastern but I can work like whatever I want what time is the game next Thursday 7:20 p.m start time Central Time 8:20 EAS 8:20 8:20 I work late tonight because I just work late because I'm we're beh we're like I have to work to get caught up so PJ the Thursday game against the Chiefs starts 40 minutes before the BCP standard lifetime oh okay uh so show next Thursday at 6:30 with who yep that' be 6:30 your time Central yeah 7:30 Eastern yeah so we have a 50 minute show I love you guys in chat right now man Atma says F them shorty we have Thursday together thank you man B Foster says that's proba that's probably actually Foster no wait he he wouldn't donate five bucks thank you for your don't let Uncle Sam know that Foster is donating we are not money money laundering here at BCP he says Thursday is BCP time uh Armando l Jr thank you so much Thursday is a Thursday night is a great time slot thank you Patty sounds wonderful we appreciate you guys yeah so yeah we'll just yeah this is our so that'll that the same holds true for Thursday night games when the Bears are on as well during the season we'll do pregame and postgame so yes uh so 6:30 because of the start time being I'm talking Central Time 6:30 start time uh probably can go up until either 7:20 or 7:15 something like that so 45 minutes to where we're not rushed we can actually hear somebody's answers go you're right you got two seconds go that's too long move on that felt good to have a coordinated show like that though I was like I was proud of myself I was like damn it can be done that was not a good show that was not a good show really thought was yeah because you did all the talking only thing the rest of us could do is this well sometimes I don't get to talk so I have to you talk all the time you just said man I just talked to my wife the other day about the Bears you know what I did talk way too much on that show because I was trying to direct The Narrative like okay shut up I'm talking because I'm gonna move it on to the next thing and shut up I'm talking I was like okay I'm just here to be the pretty face there's only one way we're gonna get this done quickly I was just there to be the pretty face that night so oh yeah beautiful face beautiful face well thank you I resemble that remark all right you guys want to get a couple of trivia questions in here we uh bounce out of here absolutely all right for anyone that doesn't know my wife bought me this calendar that I have to tear off days you know and I'm I'm way behind so I've got a stack of them they're TR their uh trivia and their truth or fact question well truth or fact so here's a trivia question the eventual Division champion what eventual Division champion did the Bears beat 20 to 17 during the regular season in 2021 eventual Division champion the Bears beat 20 to 17 in 2021 well the Bears have lost to the Packers like 10 times in a row right so my answer is the Vikings I say yes San Francisco 49ers oh wait it's not inter division it's not NFC North he say say Division champion what eventual eventual Division champion did the Bears beat 20 to 17 during the regular season in 2021 San Francisco 49ers first game of the season yeah I mean that definitely sounds plausible I'll go 49ers too the way you phrased that I thought you were talking about an NFC North Division champion no just any any Division champion yeah eventually I thought there was even a bigger spread with the Bears 49ers games but yeah I think it's the 49ers yeah the first game of the season when the SL Fields was sliding in22 bro 2021 was uh Justin's rookie season yeah I'm really confused by the question I'm sorry hold on it okay I'm G to say the 49ers what eventual in in in the year 2021 what eventual division champ did the Bears beat 2017 at any point in the season yeah uh Maggie's fighting all year yeah I'm seeing I'm seeing the answers from chat like there was a Joe Joe burrow three straight passes were intercepted game this could be the Bengals but Eagles I do not remember the Bears yeah I'm going to go with the I'm with j2k I want to go with the the rain game because you said that was 2022 I thought was 2021 yeah I'm gonna hedge my bet here I'll say 49ers I mean I don't know I really don't know you're no no no f b Foster says Bengal uh Justin Fields was in college in 20120 he helped to get the big 10 to play during the pandemic so he was on the Bears in 2021 as a rookie so the 2022 season was the opening season because that was actually our first season onp I 49ers that year I don't remember we got the Cowboys from Doug vanor B fine I'm switching my answer to the Cincinnati Bengals where ran Smith returned an interception for Touchdown thanks Cliff Factor fiction the Bears held their first training camp in 1930 in Miles stadium in Mills Stadium a venue on the west side of Chicago that was torn down in 1941 may I phone a friend named Foster who was the only one alive during that time he won't answer because his coffin is locked shut or something right now that's that's more nice than saying he's busy with a threesome but it was much nicer Factor fiction the Bears held their first training camp in 1930 at Mills Stadium a venue on the west side of Chicago that was torn down in 1941 the west side of Chicago or West Chicago on the west side west side I have no idea man it's a 5050 Shoto says true I I agree with him fact I'll say fact I'll say false then I know this answer so I'll go antas says boo an says false but okay it was a fact why I don't Gamble oh this is another one trivia what Chicago Bears player equaled a Monday night football record with three touchdown catches and a 3119 victory at Washington in 2019 what Chicago Bears player equaled a Monday night football record yeah it's turbo yeah turbo Gabriel Taylor Gabriel is the number 18 I'm positive next question please yeah I'm positive too three touchdowns yep yeah it was incredible and then he had like a crazy concussion or something happened and he was injured after that but I love Turbo Man he was a really good piece you are correct I'm good job PJ at what football championship subdivision school did the 2022 rookie offensive lineman Braxton Jones play college football so basically what college what college did braxon Jones play at it feels like Utah but I don't know Utah State yeah that it feels like some silly Utah superlative I'm going UT Southern Utah Southern Utah maybe yeah Southern Utah of the school which teaches you things whatever yeah yeah Southern Utah some little school thanks Cliff Cliff Cliff did that's the answer it literally is Southern Utah good job Ro I am on a road today you know I'm man I'm 4 and0 bro you're 40 damn yeah I'm G to have to go and uh you know play the lottery tonight what school was what school was Dominique Robinson drafted out of in 2022 it's like my Miami of Ohio yeah green and white right that's the colors Miami of Ohio I think PJ's five for five uh went to the same school as uh um Lo rothberg wow that's a shout I'm gonna agree with you on that was wasn't he a quarterback too without you I wouldn't have that's so F remembered that you are correct Dominique Robinson I want to go one more just biggest rless brigger lover see if he can keep this up P what Pro Football Hall of Fame member of the NFL champion bears in 1933 oh got also got right played for League champion Kenton Bulldogs from 22 to 23 and the Cleveland Bulldogs in 20 in 24 Pro Football Hall of Fame member of the champion 1933 Bears played for the kanton Bulldogs and the Cleveland Bulldogs it's probably Sid Luckman or red gra something like that lman didn't play the 42 it's red gra my answer is red gra might might be a guy red gra is my answer that's my answer too but I said it first yes yes you did tackle zinc lineman wait hold on his last name was linan you got upside down man well that the answer is upside down tackle zinc Lyman Lyman yeah but Lyman was an offensive lineman it just says tackle I'm assuming that's an offensive tackle all right so you're four you're four and one p I request that your wife provide you with a trivia book that starts in 2005 thoughts on that you want some real you want you want to go some bears trivia from this book do you know what you should have Dan aguire write a trivia book he would be fantastic at that only good from like the 80s on though that's me I'm only good from 05 on who's the be first round pick in 20 2003 before they traded back into the first round to draft Rex Gman Michael hannes Tommy Harris Mark Columbo Greg Olsen it's not Greg Olsen my guess is Michael Haynes no no no no what was the question again who was the Bear's first round pick in 2003 before they traded back into the first round to draft Rex Grossman Michael Haynes so they had two first round bit draft picks that'd be Michael Haynes but I thought Michael Haynes and uh uh oh boy got drafted at the same time uh M the quarterback MC M MCN but yes it's Michael no no that was way too early okay yeah I'm going Michael haes too yes it's Haynes he went he went to Penn State yep correcto which of these first round busts had the went to Boston College correct which of the first round busts had the shortest tenure in Chicago with the Bears Cedric Benson Kevin White Cade mcnown Curtis enus King Now Kevin White was short but I don't know about the last two names Kevin Kevin White when you say short do you mean years or games played shortest tenure like the shortest amount of time was on the team yeah Kevin White stuck around for a yeah Kevin White was here four years so I say cing now I'm definitely going cing MCN too he was here like two years yeah he was short enus was enus would be Kevin White was around so was Benson for three Bon was hereon was around for a good amount of time yeah he was here because he outlasted uh Thomas J they got rid of Thomas Jones you Carl know this because you know yeah because Thomas Jones punched him chat oh Armando says MC mcnown Kevin White was here like three years Beki says Doug four years when whenever I hear about Cade mcnown I hear Sylvie from wad and Sylvie literally crying like water hitting the microphone crying but I've never seen him take a snap says I'm using using perform enhancing drugs drugs uh PJ yeah stick around after the show you you've been randomly selected for a drug test plank says enus I'm going mcnown let's take a look you handled that well shorty you could have uh stumbled upon saying this incorrectly very easily down Josh mcau prior to 2019 2020 the Bears had never gone consecutive years without drafting in the first round true or false prior to what years again 2019 and 2020 Mac absence wait a minute prior to prior to 2019 because in 2018 they drafted uh rosan I mean ran Smith so sure 17 was trabis yes so prior to 2019 2020 oh in 2019 and 2020 they did not have a first round draft pick yeah because of the M TR that's the situation did that ever happen before then for the oh yeah because of Jay Cutler okay then there's your answer they could have acquired a first round pick though so it's kind of shady but I'm going to have to say it absolutely happened before yes I'm GNA say because they also traded like they gave a shitload to the Seahawks for they gave a first round draft pick for Meer for who I need to hear this answer W Myer to the SE to the Seahawks for who Rick Meyer Rick Meyer yeah Rick Meer huh yeah janitor I've never heard of that player Carl woke up one day in his mid teens and he then he was a Bears fan from then and never looked into the history from that point on yeah but I don't like to torture myself aside from the 85 but it's not cool to like divulge in the 85 team at this point the answer is false it wow we missed two draft two first round draft picks consecutive years because of the Cutler because of the color trade correct which position have the Bears drafted most in the first round defensive end offensive tackle running back offensive guard which position wide receiver Bears drafted the most in the first round we're talking about 10 five years running back defensive end offensive tackle running back offensive guard I'm going offense I'm going offensive tackle I'll say running back too I I have a feeling that in like the Foster era the 40s and such like it was just running back running back running back so that's my answer chat what are you guys saying Armando Lara Jr saying tackle Jason UK woke up let's go here let me uh let me give his Just Desserts real quick4 in the morning hot custard on your spotted dick hot custard on your spotted dick look at that we got clips of your voice Jason UK which position have the Bears drafted most in the first round defensive end offensive tackle running back offensive guard I'm actually going guard I'm going guard an M say is running back like myself yeah I say running back as well c Victoria says running back cuz there's always a good running back and I'm sure they've drafted bad bad running backs too but dou van Doran says [Music] guard Jason UK says tackle all right let's look running back this is fun Charles Johnson a hello to you plank yeah you you guessed I don't he probably guessed before it uh before we actually said it it just took a minute for it to come in here you want to do you want to do super chats what what no super chats J was all fired up and foaming at the mouth it's like we're on a what is this uh Howard Stern Show correct I'm ready to go play the lottery man Dam I'm on a roll you should head over responsible head over to Walmart right now play the lottery bring us with you right last time no is Char is Carl's turn to go to Target Foster keeps keeps saying he was he's gonna take us to like one of his dive bars you know Bears dive bars I'm not sure I want to see that I don't know if I want to see that he'd be a different animal he'd be like a feral cat oh I saw him singing karaoke at one by the way is this the intro Foster was just railed on gummies he doesn't drink anymore but he was having a good old time uh singing karaoke nice very badly by the way this karaoke story sounds like the Prelude to his threesome story but I don't know if that's appropriate we are a friend we are a familyfriendly show here speak for yourself he only asked as I tell you what I've got on my he only asked three Sims of women from wisc can hot custard on your spotted dick because the reason why they're from Wisconsin is because you know that's only that's that's where he finds the most toothless women sorry Foster you're not here I apologize I love you brother you'd correct yourself and then we would laugh I miss you tonight man where the hell are you dude not that you're watching this yeah Foster man uh where are you man I sent you a text B Foster says it's all right he knows is Foster talking the third person is he really off the gummies that bad no I would I would think that that was Foster so he wouldn't donate five bucks to his own channel cliff last episode or two episodes at this point was screaming at me telling me to keep his wife's name out of my mouth and then this is what he puts in our chat this is unbelievable ah keep okay Don bur wife's name out of your mouth Carl who said that Don Burr is on my bucket list it's on your list your list your bucket list yeah I'm sure she does so you're married is she like the last like all right all right all right no more talking about Cliff's wife Jesus how many times have to be told Carl DJ was fired up and foing at the mouth sorry that I farted on your face Steve I'm done I love you Steve foaming at the mouth what all right guys well that sounds like a rep a good rep to a show what do you guys hold on me and PJ are tied on trivia I think you need to do one more trivia question oh you're TI No no hell no PJ got almost every answer yeah you dude hey you know what they say even a broken clock is right twice a day blind squirrel finds a nut wow here's the Super Chat man B Foster old man one more for you old man Foster question what was the last year the Bears played their home games at Wrigley Field who did they play their last game this is that's that feel like a trap question this is Foster this is it's in a 60s I believe if I'm not mistaken it was in the 60s and I'm saying I'm guessing the opponent was the Giants because you only have like five other teams in the NFL at that point no I just seemed like I'm I'm thinking in my head is either was the Giants or the Redskins but uh I'm saying the Giants and I believe was Washington football team well at the time was the Redskins oh I'm you're totally right that literally is what they are and if you dive into that PJ the fans want the Redskins back but I'm going 1969 and against the Redskins Armando says Pittsburgh 1970 uh says last home game was 74 right I remember arando you're right 1970 Pittsburgh cuz cuz 1971 I kept trying to think when they first started go uh playing Soldier Field that was 7 I was thinking it was 70 but I think it was 701 it was definitely Pittsburgh though you are oh okay okay he's 100% correct is he correct give us the answer give us the answer there come on Foster be foster give us send you be foster let's send you a link let come on and replace your brother he says 1970 Packers 3517 Jack hon Canan had a great game Packers right what a last name right oh Jack con Canon that's a great name holy smokes the entire name is great thank you for your Super Chat yeah it's pretty good pretty good I would like to point out um short totally a that's totally a f i mean I know that the name is Foster but that's totally our Foster's question conspiracy theory is this going to be the second episode of the pontification podcast yeah maybe I was just going to say real quick I think it would be super swell if the chat if they didn't want to be a part of the live stream directly they could still send over videos as shorty had suggested last week because I really like the idea of that send over some uh there was somebody who said they wanted to join us I forgot who that was we'd have to go back and look at the chat logs I think they're still available but there definitely was someone oh somebody in the chat said they wanted to join us if you're still here yes yeah not not tonight they said it like last week uh I forgot who that was Cliff is so odd I love Cliff but I know you sent me pictures of your new shoes Cliff but really I [Laughter] know show I'll show them your pictures the picture of your new shoes Cliff you know you're not supposed to deface the uh American flag like that right do you see that that's the Canadian Eagle Peach do you see that oh wow okay that's against the the the American flag uh from [Laughter] China Cliff you son of a love you Cliff I could say Cliff has good taste though I love his car I love dude Cliff is a great cook too holy [ __ ] oh man I can't stop thinking about that that pork pork seafood boil oh my God yeah that pork butt looked pretty good I know it's probably too well done for Carl's taste but man I said visually I didn't think it was the most appealing thing but I positive that it tastes great so visually because of the what burnt of it is why you didn't like it yeah and it's sitting in a puddle of its own juice like I don't know that's the beauty of it because sitting I know yeah then you're supposed to slap it around peel off a piece I'm not saying tastes bad you get a heart attack in 20 years Carl what makes I'll take a heart attack today I'm going to Taco Bell right as soon as we're done that's what makes it look so good is the fact that you know by looking at the burnt like oh I can imagine what it's G to taste like at the burnt edges oh my good I gotta hang out with Cliff one of these days Cliff you and I gotta make it we gotta hang out buddy I say that BCP hired Cliff as an unpaid official Chef for the Bears country podcast cliff deal or no deal pretty much is I show all of his food pictures like every week but I don't get to eat any of the food that's true let's Cliff separate from his wife and live with whoever and cook for us we'll have to have a just without paying for us is Cliff going up for the thing in December for you I I doubt it why would he want to go to Chicago and oh okay all right late December I thought I heard that that's how I was no uh Jason UK is coming in for that Jason UK is coming for my 50th birthday okay Christmas going to uh the December 6 game and the December 22nd game with Jason UK Bears ah I got I got I gotta hang out with Cliff one of these days that's all I'm saying I gotta hang out with Cliff that'll be three out of and you gotta make sure he cooks when we hang out oh man you gotta come down to Florida man fly down to Florida we have a spare B you can stay with us we'll drive an hour to Cliff's house we'll make us seafood boil the one and only time I've been to Florida I was there for a week on vacation with me and the grandkids and all and every time we passed a puddle of water there's an alligator in there every time we F like I know there an alligator in there see the bubbles oh you're not saying you actually saw when that's just what the kid said yeah yeah every like I'd be the same way I was saying the same thing say it but I'm definitely not touching any body of water in Florida now when I've seen an alligator I've seen a picture or a film a video of a alligator actually climbing a fence I was like I'm done I was like I'm done I'm done little tiny ass arms yeah terrifying armar saying I'm a Mexican who loves snow I love to shovel you know what I miss it too I miss it's a good it's a good workout especially when it's a little bit wet and it's melting this shit's heavy it's so okay hot here for the most of still in the 90s here I've lived most of my life in the cold weather of Illinois most of my life I mean there was times I was in Korea which was cold in Texas for a year but nevertheless I can't say that I miss shoveling snow so much so that I bought a snowblower to make sure I don't shovel snow snowblower is a game Cher PJ no no you need to hire someone to snow blow your show your snow to ensure that you don't Shuffle or snow blow your show just don't do blow and snow blow I can't talk tonight either oh Lord help me you're you're sitting up there in your uh your retired years go hire someone to do all that crap for you I got to do some type of exercise that's true is as a matter of fact uh be like me and develop back problems because you're sitting on your ass for 14 hours a day that's why I stood up already there old man I stood up this entire show look at that yeah kind of like it I feel like I feel like uh do you have a sit stand desk yeah I have a stand desk yeah and then were you able to write that off as a a tax a business expense or whatever no I literally made it myself oh oh okay okay you can you can charge your time right what's that you can charge your time right off your time I mean charge yourself for doing it and uh use your time I mean the time it built you to make I charge charge myself $50 an hour trust me I did but no I feel I I feel like uh Pat McAfee I like I like need to have my leg up like H so you know I have my arm on my knees so what do you think about this PJ feels kind of good to stand up for is that your best Pat McAfee impression yeah I'm GNA have to stand up a little bit more this feels good I kind of like my my movement here and the pocket man I tell you guys what man I I I I I don't like shoveling snow I don't like even pushing the uh uh snow blower but I did buy a zero turn lawnmower and I have a blast doing that so much so what is a zero turn lawn mower you don't know what that is like a riding lawn mower or what are you talking are you an alien who calls a riding lawn mower a zero turn lawn mower did you crack out were you born from an egg and have aged backwards it's it's he doesn't even know what I'm talking about right it's two different type of uh lawn mowes uh riding lawn mowes kind with the stirring wheel the time with the two arms you just the time with the two arms is a zero turn that's the zero turn yeah zero turn you can just spin in a circle yeah okay yeah that's okay that's understandable then so I I bought one of those and I tell you what I I love it so much that I volunteer to ask my neighbor because your yard is too small so you go out in your yard go that wasn't fun just Ed my push mower for that [ __ ] but this looked like a lot of fun hey can I mow your lawn that's literally what happened bro that's literally what happened he went on vacation I was like hey man uh your La laws getting kind of tall there want me to cut your grass oh that's okay I can cut it when I get back no I'll do it I'll do it I'm sure they that I love it I Pi with like a like a fenc in yard like a a chain link Fen in yard with like just just a little bit too small for that you're like ding ding ding that was why the hell did I buy this hey I'm telling my other my other neighbor he went out of town hey man you want me cut your grass he's like no I got a service doing I'm like no but I can do it for you like no I got a service I gotta pay these guys man great oh man well that's uh you know what just being down here it's still in the 9s like I every day I look outside I'm like can it just [ __ ] rain once in a while it's just constant sun down here and it's been beautiful around here man and absolutely disgusting I walk out side I'm like H I walk to the to get to mail at the my mailbox is like 200 feet down the I have a long driveway the time I come back in I'm sweating to change my shirt still man I'm telling you uh it's been nice around here it's like I've been looking at houses up back like I kind of want to move back home plus I work out of there now would be a lot nicer to is it Mrs okay with that hell no that's why why I just thinking about it okay all right okay you go it's a it's a thought you know what it is it's property taxes yeah it's like why would I why would I submit my I have an acre and a half we pay $1,500 a year in property taxes why would I go buy a quarter of an acre and pay six or 7,000 or $8,000 for that yeah exactly come down to Atlanta guys no I'm I'm just like I'm I'm just shaking my head at the fact that you said only six or eight th000 I wish oh yeah exactly goodness gracious you have more than a quarter acre no I really don't you bought a zero I knew I nailed know I know what the [ __ ] you thought I was Joker you thought I was jok it bro I told you I I couldn't believe I nailed it actually I was like I told you his reaction I was correct about that I said that's literally what happened I told you that I told you that's literally what happened oh my God that's hilarious oh God that's that's that's good stuff trying to tell you bro Carl's over there like I live in an apartment what are you guys yeah but my hard earned money stolen from me feels bad man yeah B wer says Hey zero turn is totally worth it and I'm telling you wow Cliff Cliff I didn't realize Cliff pays 1,600 a year in property taxes that's I've been to Cliff's Place wow okay it's not like overly in it's it's it's nicer than our place but I thought I would have thought that it would have been like much more expensive for your property taxes down there right can't why don't you just take his house from him huh why don't you just take his house from him if it's so nice I'm just saying I go to jail the fact that the fact that he saying that he used to pay 10,000 in uh Illinois I'm like dang how you guys getting that cheap T property taxes at 10,000 the worst the worst part is though is is even if I did want to like really wanted to move back home right now like I If I had to 7% interest on a home loan oh yeah that's yeah 800 something credit score and still paying 7% interest on a home loan yeah that's pretty bad and there's like there's not a plethora of options right so once something goes up you have to pounce on it $700,000 you got pay that for a $250,000 house 20 years ago but but that's a beautiful thing the prices of homes I mean if you sell your home man you can uh make a you can make a beautiful dollar it's just when you try to buy another one you're going to pay a beautiful dollar but hang on to it for 15 years and then you sell it or well actually into it and die in it I say if you just hang on to it if you would have hug like with mine my property has increased I want to say $200,000 in four years yes sir but the Catch 22 PJ is where are you going to go so that's that's the thing right there and the other beautiful thing about it is I'll trade places with you I caught two. 175% interest so you caught a dub so I was yeah I was blessed there so thank God for that so yeah uh man incredible uh this economy right now so inflation is horrible oh no it's tell me about it inflation I have a I have a few little tiny like things that I'm starting to realize are a true indicator of inflation right do you guys know the Frozen White Castle cheeseburgers that you can get from the grocery store what's the lowest price you remember those guys at I no idea I never bought them never even I saw them s them down here don't s but they've they've been out for a long time okay I think I saw my grocery store recently selling a six-pack of White Castle cheeseburgers for $9 wow yeah it's depressing I remember is isn't there like a crazy um [ __ ] I sound so stupid I just saw this clip of this very famous movie of when the high guys go to White Castle and it was like a disgusting amount of food that they got for not that much like for the how much food he got jeez is that on oh God I'm is it Harold and Kumar or what what am I yeah heral and Kumar yeah yeah so it was like there was like oh give me 40 Burgers um all these fries all these Cokes and it was like 40 bucks like the last time I went to White Castle was that was the last time I went to White Castle it was it was a drunk night you know pounding 35 cheeseburgers and then waking up the next morning and melting the paint in my buddy's bathroom walls just what is coming out of me it was it was devastating I went to a White Castle last year oh wow I've been to White Castle recently but it's damn expensive expensive now Taco I already talked about my Taco Bell experience yeah I don't have one in my city but I had to go up to let me pronounce it correctly Joliet there you go Bud you're not going to jail congratulations I went up to had to go up there for a family reunion last year and uh man you know we ate the dinner I was like man I'm still hungry like I gota I gotta go make a food run me and me and my grandsons we made the food run and they wanted to try White Castle voila was actually pretty good yeah I especially when you're drunk it's fantastic well we drunk so well I know but especially when you are you know we have down here the the equivalent of down in the south is Crystal with a K you ever you ever heard of that no KR y s t a l it's it's the same thing Crystal Light Lemonade what are you talking about yeah it's terrible but it's yeah Armando I remember when White Castles were 15 cents a piece yes you were like holy [ __ ] give me 30 of them wow okay yeah that was like the last time I went to White Castle I was like never doing that again man I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry I'm still apologizing to him now like I'm sorry about your bathroom I know you had to strip the paint and then repaint it so I apologize I'm confused are you just trying to be funny or did you actually have explosive diarrhea that landed on the [ __ ] wall no it was not no it wasn't good [ __ ] Lord smell it was the smell it was the smell it it could have killed people from a mile away surprised so I was like I'm never going back there again even though it was delicious sounds like a quitter to me I'll see you at White Castle all right guys let's wrap this [ __ ] up because this past three hours I got to go to bed you guys we're at 81 people still hanging out with us I can't believe it you guys are awesome what no super chats we truly appreciate you truly appreciate you appreciate the Super Chat there b foster two super chats both from Let's Get to You Jason Jason UK nice to wake you up man Armando Lara Patty Lara thank you for hanging out with us we really one Leo Factor one Cliff Victoria brewha s uh Leo Factor you said Leo right right mrus we got the van dor there is a rick Gonzales here earlier I don't remember that name yeah something Donovan too yeah plank was here Scrolls yeah plank hope you're feeling better buddy by the way can I just talk about my arm really quick I woke up the other morning and my entire right arm was just like hurting like hell and it was swollen look how badly you probably can't see but can you see like how like like swollen my arm is like here's my other arm oh yeah I can see the difference you can see the bump in his elbow yeah yeah I can see the difference yeah it's it's it was like the last two days like I I roll over in the middle of the night and like it hurt like hell right here and I was like what the it felt like my bones were rotting my bones like was rotting my muscle was rotting I was like God that's awful tunnel no I I have that but and then it and then it like as the day went on it started to like go down into my elbow you can see like it's like I thought you been working out man hey that's not popey arm that's in my fre my whole arm is like is like tight and swollen for like the last two days it was like hot and tight if you you push on it it's like see that did you get stung by something in my it happened in my sleep look at that VHS loow hanging fruit Bravo to you that's just because your right arm you used to no actually Jer off with my left hand so [ __ ] you DVD all right thank you everyone for watching and I [Music] WIP and I wiped from the front DVD how about that ah Booyah then you should have hit it oh my God PJ he wipes from the front what what now you hit the ending guys great show great hanging out with you guys all you guys in chat thank you so much for hanging out with us j2k by the way j2k designs check him out over there he has helped us Rebrand our channel here it looks wonderful he's also been helping me learn to use Adobe sweets so thank you very much j2k JK is the man he's also helped out Bei he's helped out uh Coach T everyone who isn't chgo if we're being honest yes absolutely all the little guys thank the man hey we're not little brewha great to see you again tonight like I said I I I love seeing Armando and Patty in here because I I I see him in chat on every Sports Zone Chicago Monday Wednesday and Friday and it I just it warms my heart to see you in here tonight and the last couple of shows so appreciate you guys hanging out with us thank you uh everyone in chat you guys know who you are Minister Charles Johnson love love how you've like changed your life around I know you were going through some hard times Minister now awesome to see that love you guys appreciate you guys everyone thank you for hanging out with us tonight we will see you next Thursday for the pregame of the Chiefs 6:30 6 I thought it was 7:30 6:30 Eastern this guy with his his his Coast biased unbelievable I always I always go by Eastern because it's where I live Eastern time zone so 7:30 Eastern time zone or just doesn't make sense when when it's a full house on BCP you've got three Central Time One Eastern and we're a bear centered podcast fair enough around a team in the central time zone but if you're like looking up a game online where you live it says 1:00 Easter the ESPN app absolutely adapts to where I'm living so everyone does look at the if you knew what a TV Guide was because they were out way before I remember a TV Guide thanks to my grandmother they were all in Eastern time because they probably were produced in New York because of the but it also say like 88 8 o'clock 7 o'clock Central it always says that whatever see that so all right fine fair enough what CHS time it's uh 7:30 Eastern 6:30 Central next week for our pregame show because the Bears play next Thursday night and we're gonna have a pregame show before the Bears then we're going to have a postgame show after the Bears game that next week so you get a double dose of us H custard on your spotted day my honest reaction seven :30 eastern time next week Jason UK it's the closest time zone to him from uh the UK so actually it's not five hours well Atlantic oh jeez Mr trivia guy tonight I am I trust you I feel like shorty was trying to say GE geologically like the east coast of the USA is the thing that's physically closest to Jason UK is that what you were trying to say the next available time zone for this country I thought I thought I thought like a small portion of us has the Atlantic time zone which is one over from the Eastern Time Zone um like Nova Scotia I know they're in Canada but they're they fall under that Atlantic time Martha's Vineyard is in the Atlantic time zone yeah I'm sorry I'm lost I I can't I'm sorry no geography is kind of my thing so five hours behind you Jason I I always thought Central was the best with dealing with the UK because it's just six hours it's kind of a clean number you know yeah there you go so all right guys I digress enjoy the game this weekend uh I know I know we are we'll see you guys next Thursday at 7:30 pm Eastern Time 6:30 central time and what time is the game Saturday 12:30 UK time for you Jason what what time is the game Saturday I believe it's 1200 p.m. okay thank you noon sounds about yeah yeah it is they're the they're the first game noon on the 17th at Soldier Field all right guys let's end this [ __ ] on a one two three bears ready one one two two three bears bears [Music]