Matt McChesney Breaks Down Colorado's OFFENSIVE GAME PLAN Against NDSU!

can you break down Colorado's offensive game plan how you think they should approach this North Dakota State team well look I'm going to do both North Dakota State and CU and then I'll do both defenses tomorrow CU is very in my opinion this is very simple it doesn't need to be 50 throws now if you have an distinct advantage and I'm talking you can go four wide or you can go empty and you can just lace their defensive their defensive secondary and get matchup Nightmares on their linebackers and their nickels I'll shut the [ __ ] up quick I'll shut up super fast you show me you can go down and put 14 up on the board in the first quarter throwing the football over the yard and that's the game plan all shut up and then you can run the ball to facilitate that the rest of the game out of the shotgun right show me you can do it and I'll shut up now I have no doubt they can they definitely have the Personnel I mean shador is a bad [ __ ] all he does is throw darts and we ain't [ __ ] we don't have to like make believe on social media we can actually throw them oh TJ riddle comes in with a [ __ ] big dog holy [ __ ] TJ TJ I got my technique down and everything I don't be tickling or nothing that's some good [ __ ] [ __ ] holy lot we appreciate you were're rolling here on this Tuesday TJ [ __ ] man okay so what was I talking about shador already throws darts we have better skill players than them but the [ __ ] lineman inside of me and knowing that every single good Colorado football team in history has been able to dominate the the line of scrimage the 01 team I played on the 0 [ __ ] two team I played on the 04 team I played on we could all run the [ __ ] football and control the line of scrimmage on the other side of the ball the 03 team I played on the o the 2000 team I played on we couldn't [ __ ] run the ball wor dick and we couldn't control the line of scrimmage and we finished three and eight and five and seven I mean Joel and I talked about this yesterday at depth the 03 team that I played on with him it was loaded with Talent way better Talent than' 04 we had a ton of guys transfer out and like leave the program because of the Scandal we had Derek McCoy and DJ hacket we had [ __ ] dudes everywhere bro death in the backfield Jeremy Bloom running by [ __ ] our our schedule was harder we had to go to Florida State we had to play Washington State coming off Pack 12 title we had UCLA at home Colorado State and again in the Lightning game the 4235 game but it the team was better we had number one Oklahoma at home it we we just underperformed we weren't as mature as we were like it the Scandal forced leadership and maturity that 03 didn't force doubt we were coming off back toback Big 12 time game appearances one win beaten Nebraska twice everybody was up and they're you know feeling good about themselves and [ __ ] and we under achieved I'm telling you sometimes you have to fall on your face in order to achieve last year CU fell on their face they six games by one score coach primes brought it up they could have easily been an eight- win team but they underachieved so you can use that now use that [ __ ] failure as a way to learn and move forward and motivate the rest of the guys that just got here that why I think that the opportunity to go out and show people who think that North Dakota State's going to walk in and Smashmouth Colorado and fulson and look Joel's worried about this game I ree Russell's in my program Matt Russell's son he was in here last week he's worried about the game I talked to the other day he's everybody's I'm worried I'm not gonna sit if you're not look if you're not worried about North Dakota State you have no [ __ ] clue what you're talking about you have no way your Google doesn't work go back and look like Bailey find the list I know it's out there of the last [ __ ] 10 or 15 years of them playing division one teams on the road they are like nine and one they went to Manhattan to beat Kansas State they [ __ ] they whipped Baylor's ass they [ __ ] people up we need to be worried then we can actually move forward and get better God damn we're killing it today I love itate brother loving the show Matt all these all these these years following JB I found your show Bailey good job sh your skills and both shows man I appreciate you Stephen hell yeah man G man this is awesome [ __ ] Bailey gets a cut of this [ __ ] let's go all right [ __ ] Nick just got new shoes you guys kick ass keep going all right but but what I'm saying is like we we the CU buffalos have a an opportunity on national TV the only [ __ ] game of the night okay to open up college football weekend zero week was cool now it really starts okay now you got Georgia Clemson and all these Big Time games you want to set this off Thursday night and then give yourself 10 days to get ready for Lincoln not [ __ ] go out and lay an egg and then all of a sudden you're like [ __ ] we got to go to Lincoln and win this is a must it's already a [ __ ] must-win then it's even more Amplified you can't start 0 and two so losing this game would be catastrophically terrible and I just hope that the players and the coaches and I know that they are are hyperfocused on the moment and not looking down the road past this team if you overlook North Dakota State they will [ __ ] embarrass you and it will be awful awful look I've lost games where you're not supposed to lose I've been in fulson where they lose to [ __ ] Sacramento State and [ __ ] and it's like I walked out of the building and I'm like okay is this the [ __ ] tree I'm gonna jump out of can I walk into traffic over here [ __ ] so look I'm telling you this team is loaded with Talent loaded with NFL guys on both sides of the ball and Coach Prime's not scared to say that they are and he shouldn't be cu you you don't you can't promote look I want all the High School coaches to listen to what I'm about to say here you can't just promote your guys with the [ __ ] film on huddle so you actually have to go out and tell people what you have and put them in position to be recruited and or put them in position to be an NFL draft pick the more you say shador is the first pick of the draft the more it manifests in Shor being the first pick of the draft you dumb [ __ ] yeah just High School the more [ __ ] post that this kid's a bad [ __ ] and he's going to go play Power five D1 well guess what happens eventually he believes it and he starts assaulting the [ __ ] Bankers on the field and then all of a sudden he's power five D1 or four however we want to look at it and all of a sudden people like well how'd that happen it's called The Grind [ __ ] it's called believing in something and manifesting it and [ __ ] pushing for it regardless of what people think or how intimidated they are by by anything like yesterday when clatt was talking I know I'm rambling here but just go with me it all comes back full circle I promise yesterday when clatt was saying I need to feel the coaches I took that [ __ ] the art because that's the way I feel if you don't Ste me at practice why the [ __ ] am I there yeah exactly you want me around you get me full 100% or none of me you can't ask me to tone down because other people are intimidated by my presence or the way I talk or the way I coach or what whatever if that's the way it is and you need a Fufu [ __ ] boy land in order to be successful then that's the wrong place for my ass yeah and it goes back full circle you feel coach Prime's presence you feel Sap's presence you feel Lewis's presence you know what I'm saying you feel Livingston's presence instead of just being there to coach yeah you feel shor's leadership you feel Travis Hunter's leadership you feel Brown's leadership on the o line you feel leadership you feel the defensive ends like there's no there's no lack of of leadership and there's no lack of intention so in my opinion the Colorado offense needs to be extremely intentional and setting the tone straight we're not just a finesse throw the ball over the [ __ ] yard quarterback and system okay it's not just Al shador last year it was Al shador and Travis and Jimmy now we got dudes around them yeah now we got trench players now we've got a professional offensive coordinator that knows how to run play at I wouldn't be surprised if you see shador under Center a couple of times practice has been closed don't be surprised if he's under Center and they run a bootleg and Sprint out and different play action looks don't be surprised if I I heard coach Prime say the tight end's there to block first don't be surprised if the tight end has a huge night catch on the football if you can't manipulate the [ __ ] other team through the media you are a slap dick [ __ ] coach and we got the [ __ ] fiddle master in Boulder right now he will [ __ ] manipulate the [ __ ] media like you've never seen in his Direction every time I've learned a lot from the man I just flipped yelling at a [ __ ] stewardess to a Sports Illustrated story to free flights oh yeah didn't know that did you United just folded I got all my [ __ ] refunded yeah dog tell me I'm [ __ ] wrong so if you can't manipulate what you need through the media regardless of who you piss off you're [ __ ] dummy it's like that that [ __ ] line in The Departed where Mr French is there and he's and he's [ __ ] yeah Tony boom10 hell yeah all right so he walks in and he's like he's he's fleecing that [ __ ] guy and he says he $2,000 a week I give him if I'm down 2,000 I give him if I'm up and he [ __ ] hits him with the gun and goes so this is America if you can't make money here you're a [ __ ] douchebag that's the way I feel about social media if you can't find a way to make it work for you then you're a [ __ ] douchebag yeah full circle the Colorado's offense has an awesome opportunity to show people they're not just finesse and if you can go out and put 150 200 yards rushing on North Dakota State you put everyone else on notice and do you understand and do you understand how much of a problem it is going to be if they don't know you're throwing the ball yeah look there's a guy who played a ton of Defense okay I remember we're playing Monday Night Football Jets Patriots okay we have a great [ __ ] game plan we think we can get to Tom Brady blah blah blah this [ __ ] called out every one of our now I know they were recording it but still he was calling out every [ __ ] Blitz throwing touchdowns to Mike brael talking [ __ ] and running the [ __ ] ball down our [ __ ] throat with Cory Dylan just couldn't do [ __ ] couldn't do [ __ ] anything and we got Ty lot corner and [ __ ] we got bad [ __ ] in the secondary but it doesn't matter because the game plan and the way they're setting him up to be successful is [ __ ] you we're coming right at you and the minute you drop that safety down or adjust to nickel or or or don't adjust we are going to chop you the [ __ ] up and that's exactly what happened shor's favorite player is Tom Brady I'm telling you the Tom Brady's best friend is the running game go look at all of the Super Bowl teams every one of them has a multiple like 2,000 yards rushing in a lot of the seasons with multiple guys carrying the ball Corey Dylan Antoine Smith bad mother [ __ ] legar blunt that hammer I mean even even when they had the little Shifty backs all the dump offs and short exactly James White Burkhead they hammered the [ __ ] ball dog so I think Colorado needs to go that route and just show people that not only are they are they just Elite throwing the football and their skill positions are [ __ ] outstanding but we can also line up and say [ __ ] you and control the time possession and Hammer the [ __ ] rock which in turn does what puts a ton of pressure on the other team okay and puts your defense on the bench yeah and I'm telling you dog when your defense can sit on the bench and be like another first down yeah such a oh my God it's such a relief when in 01 like look the defensive line in 01 is me and Tyler Bradon and Justin Bannon who is in prison but still bad [ __ ] and Marcus Harris and [ __ ] like just dude all four of us are [ __ ] pensioned Bron was the first [ __ ] rounder we actually play t coaches at a rabo high school he's the head coach of rabo we played on Friday night oh I can't wait like don't there's bad [ __ ] on that dline right we have J Jon syes behind us and Michael Lewis and strick that's eight guys on the defense that are [ __ ] NFL vets and I guarantee you I'm [ __ ] forgetting someone but then when you look at the other side of the line and you have audre gerro and Victor Rogers and Dan Graham and Wayne and page and Justin B and Chris Brown and purify and Peno and and we just keep rolling him out bro defense was so [ __ ] fun and easy because we knew if we gave the ball to the offense they were just gonna go down the field [ __ ] you up score and it's over yeah well now CU has that they have that their offensive line is big as [ __ ] and mean and Phil Lo Hol is that guy keep underestimating this team offensively and defensively keep thinking oh seeu is going to win four games I just listen to the in my opinion the upper echelon opinion of college football yesterday and Joel class said they were going to be nine and three CU goes nine and three I'm covering myself in Green Jello and running down [ __ ] Balsam okay and we're rolling because I can and this is America we are not in California this is America yeah you I I wanted to bring this list yeah so North Dakota versus FS opponents they they have a track record of winning they like track yeah but man I'm confident in Colorado against this team I'm confident too but this is all you need to put on the board you go up and put that list in front of the whole team and go look hey waake the [ __ ] up because I guarantee you if you go back I guarantee you in 2011 Minnesota was a bull Team 2012 quado State I have no clue 2013 Kansas State guarantee you they were bull Team 2014 Iowa State that's Matt Campbell's team I guarantee you they were a [ __ ] bull Team 2016 Iowa I guar fuckinge you they were a bull Team they're in a bull every year they lost Arizona by what three yeah in 22 I don't know if they were a bull Team or not that year but [ __ ] that's they're just beating Bull teams so just be ready just be ready for the war you're stepping into don't let there's nothing worse than than getting upset sucks sucks coach Stokes boom yeah and Shout out before we move on Coach Stokes shout out to coach Stokes I swear to God I'm gonna call you in the morning [ __ ] don't worry I swear he's got the best idea in history he's got these wristbands with QR codes on them so like when a kid's at a camp if the coach wants his information instead of like oh I'll get it to you you can snap a picture of the QR code and it goes straight to the coach's phone [ __ ] is [ __ ] genius I gotta my dumb ass hasn't done up to this point and I'm super pissed off myself I'm sorry I'll call you man that's awesome um but before we move on this topic I want to get you like keep staying on this Colorado's offense uh North Dakota State's head coach Tom pesic was asked about sh shador Sanders and he has some actually praise for him take a listen here um you know four weeks ago getting started on this process everybody's asking the aboutall Colorado my mind you know just went to off schedu plays you know him making things happen um you know I outside the pocket or you know off schedule right he's the best player that NDSU has played yet okay and I really believe that this guy is process oriented he's progression based he's aware of footwork and timing and Rhythm he takes what the defense gives him okay he goes to the right spots and then on top of that he can play off a platform different platforms I think he has a great ability probably his in my opinion his strongest suit is that he can get his cleats in the ground and deliver the ball quickly when he has to you know and that affects that has a positive effect on rpos that has a positive effect on relief type plays you know a run with relief he's impressive um you know if you were to line up and show him a three-man rush he's going to buy time back there by time and hits second and third level um throws that are uncommon you know with great accuracy and deep crossers and those kind of things um some of his best plays are the simple play of throwing the ball away as well I I admire uh shador from the standpoint that he's playing the position the way it's always been attended intended to play you know Rhythm timing footwork all matching up and then you put on top of that the ability to to extend plays looking to throw he's not a runner first but he is capable but extending plays and and keeping his eyes down field is pretty impressive it's exciting I think our fans should be excited now look I know coach Tim all right coach Tim P was the OC at Wyoming forever he's a Craig he's a Craig boy or he's a coach boy coach not Craig that's the son all right he he's a badass all right he's put a ton of guys into the NFL he knows how to develop they are going to run the [ __ ] ball and do play action offensively and right there he is on the coach's Playbook dog he is talking and all he's doing is throwing praise at his perfect coaching it is exactly what you want you don't go on there and throw gas like C you in Nebraska you go on there and throw praise you don't want to piss this dude off you're trying to get him to be like you know what I am pretty good but that [ __ ] ain't gonna work it's nice but ain't gonna work so look he's right he's right dog he's right they they know what they're getting into that's why North Dakota State upsets all these teams all the time because they understand the fight they're getting into their kids get up for them it's a bowl game at the beginning of the [ __ ] Year dog it's an opportunity for them to just say North Dakota State should be in the Mountain West and they should this is what needs to happen the Mountain West needs to go to the Pack 2 and [ __ ] off and the Mountain West needs to become North Dakota North Dakota State Montana Montana State South Dakota South Dakota State all the big dogs in FCS just come up and just move everybody up one and then North Dakota state will be [ __ ] going to Alabama and giving them [ __ ] hell so look this is I think I I I heard coach Prime say like he was mad at coach Geor or Rick George for scheduling this game well it happened a long time ago you just they it was scheduled but it's a good thing this is a way to see how focused your football team is how tough we are like starting off with a team that you should Pummel from a from a just from a looking at it as hey we on paper we are way better than these people okay but you don't play the [ __ ] game on paper so now we get to see the mental makeup and the Heart of the Colorado buffalo on Thursday night and they better [ __ ] win cuz my boy Billy Turner and I are going and I don't want to hear his [ __ ] [ __ ] he's just gonna be in my whole ear the whole time [ __ ] you Billy I got you a pass goddamn it oh man look their their offense is very ball control and heavy run and play action they pull the [ __ ] out out of the lineman they are huge up front their Center's not the biggest guy their Center's only like 61 about 295 we need to take advantage of that our nose tackles and our big boys inside number zero The Braun kid 97 they need to eat the [ __ ] Center alive like that I'm telling you the three technique and the nose tackle in this game are going to be big big big time players they've got to eat those people alive inside of control they they double pull guards and counter they wrap the [ __ ] tight end they always have lead blockers it's going to be a physical snot knocker game and that's the way we [ __ ] W it uh they got they're they're starting in quarterbacks back in cam Miller he's a good player he's more of a run first guy when he doesn't see his first read from what I've noticed they lost their top running back both their top wi receivers and three of their starting lineman from last year now yeah North the Goa State kind of reloads they don't rebuild so I would assume the players behind them are pretty good considering they just [ __ ] win 12 games a year all all the time so look it the the scheme for both of these teams is Smashmouth if North Dakota State runs the ball on enough and it's third and two instead of third and six we are [ __ ] we are going to be in a dog fight if if it's third and six and we get to pin our ears back and play coverage and Travis Hunter can jump these routes I think we blow him out so again I know that we've got sexy skill players and we're [ __ ] super good in in in those positions all over the field but this is a barometer game for the offensive line now if they don't play well is it the end of the world no it's not it's the first game but you got to you've got to go out and at least match or o if they go out and [ __ ] run the ball for 150 200 yards on North Dakota State and hold North Dakota State under a 100 yards rushing that would be my goal if I'm the coach as an offensive and defensive lineman okay and a guy that coaches both both positions I would walk in and challenge I need you [ __ ] to hold them under 100 yards and I need you [ __ ] to go put 200 yards rushing on them you put 200 yards rushing on him shador is going to throw for about 350 and four tutes because you can't [ __ ] single cover Travis Hunter and Horn and Shephard and the guys out of the backfield you can't do it try to [ __ ] single cover these guys and see what happens they're going to run right by no one [ __ ] has they don't North Dakota State ain't got one [ __ ] on that team that can run with horn Shepard or hunter or any of the other guys not one if they did that one guy would be in the secondary at Kansas or Kansas State or whatever because of the report than whatever else don't get it [ __ ] twisted very fair point there yeah there's a bunch of insurance salesmen and bankers on North Dakota state that are hoping they can cover Travis Hunter Jimmy horn and Shepard and all these dudes we have professional football players act like professional football players Thursday night you will [ __ ] these people up take them for granted and they will make us look dumb as [ __ ] I am saying it right now if we take North Dakota state for granted on Thursday night fans coaches anyone coach Prime me Bailey [ __ ] Cordell Stewart Michael Westbrook Andre dra Chris nii anybody we're [ __ ] you better take these men seriously they are not coming here to lose yeah no they're like oh we're playing Colorado they got good players we should just hang it up what what so I'm just saying just [ __ ] do your job job and be who you really are and you'll be fine go out there and [ __ ] act like we don't need to take these people seriously and we will get [ __ ] stomped facts yeah North Dakota state is coming to punch Colorado in the [ __ ] face they're not it's no no joke people underestimate the FCS teams as we showed earlier they have a proven track record don't don't get it twisted man so there's no joke but I think c will be ready I'm really excited to see how this plays out

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