Caitlin Clark Fans Celebrate 31 Points Against Chicago Sky Without Chennedy Carter 🤦🏿

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:20:16 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: chennedy carter update
uh I I get tired of hearing these videos of black men making content about female sports and rooting for catlyn Clark just to you know what I'm saying make content to talk about angel Reese like if you going to talk about the game and you going to someone that understands the sport uh fine but if you just a clown making content about CN Clark only to talk about angel Reese like I don't understand you suckers you understand what I'm saying so what I'm going to do is explain something because it seem to be a lot of y'all are slow and and I understand they say you know listen I it seems to be that a lot of these black men that are leaving comments and making content to support catlyn Clark and CN Clark is a great player all around player you know what I'm saying well you know what I'm saying she's a great player salute to CN Clark uh she's the truth um so she scored 31 points today which was expected the the main okay the the point guard that is for the Chicago sky has been out she caught Co so she's been out two games so there's nobody to play tough defense on Cyn Clark so it's open season she knows how to shoot it's it's it's easy for her to score 31 points when nobody's there to play tough defense see we going to post real statistics real facts so I was watching this live it came across these clowns were saying that Catelyn Clark is the number one player in the league and they were saying that she scores he averages 25 a game and the hilarious part is CN Clark only averages 18 points her scoring average according to ESPN according to the WNBA is only 18 points a game and she's not the number one scorer on her team is it's K Mitchell that's who's the number one scorer on the team and the score the team is ranked number six so how could Caitlyn Clark be the best player in the league now she's a rookie she's talented she's got a lot going on and she'll be alltime great for sure but for people to be leaving grown men to be leaving comments about basketball just to disrespect another player that's playing her position so you dudes are are comparing a power forward to a point guard okay these are two different positions they are two two different players they have two different games so for the stupid slow black men that say Hey cin Clark game is is better than AJ Reese all she does is sit by and try to get rebounds duh stupid that's her job position she's a power forward she's supposed to be by there by waiting to catch the rebound to to do her thing that's her job CN Clark shoots threes CN Clark brings the balls up CN Clark passes the ball that's her job she's a point guard dummy so now for all you stupid people oh she scored 31 on Andrew snow she scored 31 points and you know she won the better 1 uh Chicago Scott does not have their main point guard Kennedy Carter which would have been a different game not saying that Indiana Fever wouldn't W wouldn't have won but it would have been a tougher competitive game because someone would have been there to play tougher defense and score so the main scorer on the Chicago sky is not there but you CL clowns are online making uh uh making content and saying anything and it's like y'all don't make no sense so I'm here to Pro post the facts I'm posting facts not opinion so here we go so let's look at the Indiana Fever stats let's see who the team leader is oh it's K Mitchell it's not cat Clark she doesn't average so points 18.3 18.0 Cyn Clark so K Mitchell averages more points than Cyn Clark the main scorer of the team is K Mitchell not CL cin Clark you know what I'm saying see we post facts over here for people somebody on that live said her scoring average is 25 points a game no it's 18 points a game hold on we not done yet now let's look at the best teams in the league and see who ranks we got the Liberty we got the Connecticut we got the lyns we got Seattle we got the ace and then we got Indiana then there's pH the Phoenix Mercury who's 16 and 16 just like the Indiana Fever but they number seven so they're not the number one team in the league she doesn't she's not the number one scorer in the league hold on let's keep going let's look at this so we got Asia number one uh OG number two uh this so bana Stewart so so Callen Clark is not she's not even even she's not even top five she's not top five and we saw during the WNBA H weight time out cuz refresh this let let's refresh this so so Brianna Stewart c c 31 let's let's let's refresh this so so cin Clark scored Four Points played 26 minutes scored Four Points U played 31 minutes scored 34 points stop playing with me you have people angre Reese play 18 minutes scored 12 points so I don't want to hear nothing about catlyn Clark being the best player in the league from stupid people that don't even understand the difference between a point guard and a power forward yes CN Clark can shoot she can do thing for sure she the truth she played four years in college scored all those points never won a championship ring never four years playing never won a championship ring got in the league she's doing her thing she has a good team you understand what I'm saying and like I said she's not the main scorer on the team so for y'all to be online saying all this [ __ ] and it it you know it's and I think the channel is called rated something and again hold on wait I'm not done let's run us back Sky leading scorer Kennedy Carter to miss the game c exactly it was it was it was easy right so Cyn clar a averages 18 points Kennedy Carter averaged 17 points uh she's a tough player right she's a tough player not saying that that that the uh Indiana F wasn't going to win they could have still won but it wouldn't have been no 31-point game because it would have been tough defense so let's look at the stats when they actually played each other so let's go we see we post facts over here see we deal with real stats over here so let's go so they barely beat the Sun they beat the sky barely beat the sun right the dream lost to the they just lost to the this team they beat the storm they beat this team they lost to that team the wings right beat that team they lost to the miss ICS they Lo 8869 they played this I remember that game right okay let's go so they lost it they lost it um by one point but let's go let's look actually look at the stats let's look at the stats in the game let's look at the player stats so so CL Clark scored 17 uh K Mitchell scored 24 Boston scored more than Ken Clark let's look at the sky AJ re scored 25 Carter scored 23 okay we're not done yet but y'all y'all was the same one talking all that [ __ ] online so she already showed y'all what she could do she already showed y'all what she could do hold on we not done yet let's go let's go to this game they one by one point let's look at the stats so let's look at the sky so you had Carter who scored 19 you had Clark who scored the 11 like I said this team is 16 and 16 they won 16 games they lost 16 games this team is not undefeated so for somebody to be saying all these stuff on the on the live regurgitate hold on wait time out let's do this one more time she is averaging 18 points a game so shout out to Catlin Clark she's a great player tough player um she definitely the truth this is not about Callen Clark Talent I'm here to talk to these dumb black men that be getting online that will get on here and say everything other the sun to disrespect Angel Reese just a big up Catlin Clark her team Lo CN Clark team won they were supposed to win I mean the main the main point guard right of the team is not in you have a a player that's out the the the leader of the team is out of the game so they took a l they lost their last game they lost this one you understand what I'm saying so at the end of the day you understand we already saw what happened the last game where not only did Angel re team beat CN Clark but she scored more points CN Clark but yet you goofies are online bragging about a bragging about the win as if it it it really counted this is not a playoff game this is you understand what I'm saying this is not a playoff game this is not a championship you know you understand what I'm saying so I it's not like the end of the [ __ ] world they she lost they lost they won they were supposed to win the lead the point the main leader of the team is out she has Co but again you stupid [ __ ] are on here talking about oh all Angel Reese does stand by the rim and and that's her job dummy she's a power for and I think it what is the dude name raid something all them dumb [ __ ] ass [ __ ] that's on the channel I hope you Chums play my video because I'mma tag up all you suckers in the video you heard so and that's the only reason why I'm making this video This Ain't uh uh Ken Clark we know what she can do she can score what did she score hold on wait time out let's remind people of of her in college so you had a game all y'all was rooting for right uh 70 you know 7587 right y'all was celebrating whatever she scored 30 points right she scored 30 points well South Carolina that's what I'm saying uh she didn't even win she scored 30 points and still lost you know what I'm saying so again so it's not like I'm just saying the girl can play but it in order to win it's going to take a great team I think she got a good team Bost stick like I said K MIT I she got a good team they number six so they'll definitely be uh a force to be reckon with in a couple of years so uh yeah but but um it's always going to be tough players and stuff like that so this is why I say CN Clark fans is stupid it's like they just W it's like they don't know anything about basketball yo Angel ree game is whack she can't all she do is St by the by the uh uh uh by the re try to look for rebounds cin Clark brings the ball up the court cin Clark passes the ball cin Clark shoots the ball duh stupid she's a [ __ ] point guard are you [ __ ] do you not know what a power forward position is are yall that stupid so let me maybe I need to show you the definition of a power forward since a lot of you [ __ ] is slow so let's go so the point guard basketball position that's responsible for running the team's offense and defense they're offing the shortest player on the team right and they also known as the leader right okay point guards are usually the team best dribblers right they bring the ball at the court they pass they shoot right make quick decisions shout out to CN Clark like I said she's definitely she's ranked number nine as the all all at the as at at the whole WNBA so so she's definitely somebody that's for sure but so a power forward position is responsible for playing a low pul around a basket oh but Angel re's game is boring all she does is sit around a basket are y'all slow but Power Forward should be able to pull down both offensive and defensive rebounds power forward can use the size and strength to score close to the back basket oh she sorry oh she's hor she's horrible oh she's the worst player in the league she we already saw what happened the last game not only did she outscore catlyn Clark now but they also beat him by one point and we saw what happened the first game they the CN Clark team won by one point but the point guard that played her the one y'all cried about for pushing her she outscored cin Clark second game they played outscored Catelyn Clark again see this is the [ __ ] I be talking about stupid [ __ ] that never played basketball that don't know anything about basketball that it's like catlyn Clark fans is just [ __ ] it's like I mean like it's like y dumb as hell oh she averages 25 points a game you mean to tell me you didn't have a a brain to actually look up the statistics and actually see that she only averages 18 points a game and she's not the main scorer on the team nck [ __ ] is really slow and he's are black men that's doing this [ __ ] so y'all biging up Cyn Clark which is she's a talented player and she deserves her respect she's a she's a she's she has a good team they're number six 16 and 16 they lost 16 games they're not an undefeated team they don't have the best record so before you people start making uh videos and lives uh bragging about uh scoring 31 points she can score 31 points she can shoot her ass off as long as no one's especially if no one's there to put that pressure on her the main the point guard of the other team the sky was not there today or the last game so what of course cin Clark was going to score 31 points that's what happens when the when the main scorer of the other team is not in the game stupid

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