2024 WISCONSIN RESULTS | Banker Eric Hovde to OFFICALLY face Tammy Baldwin in general election!
Published: Aug 16, 2024
Duration: 00:10:15
Category: People & Blogs
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hello everyone welcome back to yet another political episode so we got the Wisconsin results in today now Wisconsin it was um primary wise not as interesting as Minnesota just kind of interested with Minnesota seeing that you know what we got this guy Eric haly he won pretty much pretty much on a pose um but tomorrow we will be talking about the Wisconsin ballot measures so something to look out for so let's take a look at our results here for the Republican primary Eric Hy is the nominee he won 86.3% of the popular vote in overwhelming performance he Pro he most likely was running we know he was pretty much running opposed against these two individuals Charles Barman and rajani raan radan okay so we look at these results and you're going to see HDI does his best in Vias County and I don't I want to believe Vias Count's right here um 92% of the popular vote Yes then again and just like 2,718 votes together but that pretty much is his best performance he ends up carrying wakaa aaki pepen and those counties by like 91% that's also pretty good Barman Charles Barman does his best in the county of monamy and that county is as you know the Native American County where he only got 17 votes now that's something really to like appli like okay you got 17 votes even though you would say yeah Barman got really lot more votes in Milwaukee County where he got 2,265 votes but then again by terms of margin it's true monmy he got 133% of the popul vote and I believe that is one of the few double digit amount of votes he did do he did get a string of counties that were in the double digit but obviously Eric huy wins monmy County it's all um important to always just de to state that this county is Eric Hy's County to win and then we have Redan who did her best in eight with in pulk County where she got 18% of the popular vote pulk right here I know that because it's by Minnesota she got 71% 4,000 votes in the said County 18% then she got 177% in Portage but yeah this is pretty much the results for as you should know the Republican primary let's take a look at the occupation because I'm also very curious why people chose Hy over everyone else and if HDI really has a chance in defeating you know Tammy Baldwin who has been in the senate for a very long time so yes obviously Tammy Baldwin wins the primary they haven't post the map here either so you know what yeah people in Wikipedia do not like their job I'm telling you like we'll put it off like okay but yes real clear politics is predicting a 6.2 win uh for Tammy Baldwin but yeah like I said Eric haly then again he's just a bank owner and a candidate for US Senate 2012 that doesn't really qualify you to be uh the running I mean to go become Senator here's the 2012 election and look at that Tommy Thompson got Destro we remember Tommy Tommy was the big Republican star big Republican star from let's see was it yeah you carried 67% like I said he's a star he's a chucker but yeah people just got tired of him and decided to go with baldwood who actually seemed to be more stronger uh in that said election keep in mind herb Cole occupied this forever Democrat seat um until he retired Tammy's a US Representative and you'll see Eric Hy ran in this election why would you choose this guy over the former Governor who is obviously very strong like why um yeah Tommy Thompson barely won the Primary just ridiculous this Eric Huff guy I think he comes from this area but yeah he won the Primary this time he's a familiar face after all um and not to and not to mention uh going all the way up let's see going all the way down never mind Barman is just a retired construction superintendent and penal candidate okay and then there's re Redan shair of the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point and college Republicans um I really don't know I mean all these people are inexperienced and they're pushing to beat a superstar really Republicans are just scared to face this woman and that's of course understandable she won landslides but not as big as Amy cloves are really um people act like oh she's not beatable well in a swing in this is a swing state she seems to be not beatable um yeah otherwise yeah I obviously Baldwin's going to win this election I honestly know this hufty is not gonna win um Tammy Baldwin she's gonna win um not getting my hopes up not as much as Amy kishar but yeah we'll talk about what's going on in Wisconsin like I said Tommy Baldwin on a post I want to believe Tammy Baldwin won yeah 627,000 votes um yeah that's pretty good all of them of course registered there's the total amount of votes for um the election for Baldwin and she spent money that she didn't really need to spend really okay maybe well maybe she had reasons but what do you guys think in regards to this election let me know down in the comments and as always I will see you all in the next political episode