Category: Education
Teddy and timmy edutainment education plus entertainment kids songs and learning [applause] [music] [applause] [music] videos he a for apple [music] b b for [applause] ball c c for coconut d d for [music] duck e e for [music] [applause] [music] egg f f for flower [music] [applause] [music] g g for [music]... Read more
Category: Education
A is for alligator a a alligator b is for bear v- v bear c is for cow c c cow d is for dog du d [music] dog e is for elephant elephant f is for fox f- f fox g is for giraffe g g giraffe h is for horse [music] horse i is for uana i i uana j is for jaguar j j jaguar k is for kangaroo c kangaroo l is for... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Chist baby shark brooklyn ouch superheroes are at the hospital welcome welcome to baby shar's hospital whenever you need our help we can make you feel better swish swish [music] laser man please come into the examination room [music] okay laser man why don't you let me hold your hand just follow [music]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout blippi hey it's me blippi and today is a beautiful day i just love being outside soaking up the sun feeling the breeze and i love being outside because i get to play sports yeah like soccer or baseball what other sports can you play outside whoa i love... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The president at the time invited the taliban to camp david okay let's get one thing straight the reason why trump invited the taliban to camp david is because he was trying to negotiate a peace treaty with afghanistan so with what he was trying to do is get peace with the country we've been in longterm... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So with 60 days until the election what does a poll like this mean those are the votes right now if the election was going on so trump is obviously by 4% against camila harris if it was right now in texas texas holds 40 electoral votes to win the whole election you need at least 270 electoral votes... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[संगीत] ए ए फॉर एप्पल ए ए फॉर [संगीत] एप्पल बी बी फॉर बैड बी बी फॉर [संगीत] बैड सी सी फॉर क्राउन सी सी फॉर क्राउन ए बी सी डी ई ए जी डी डी फॉर ड्रम डी डी फॉर ड्रम ए टी य एक वा ए ई ई फॉर एग ई ई फॉर [संगीत] एग एफ एफ फॉर फ्लावर एफ एफ फॉर [संगीत] फ्लावर जी जी फॉर गिटार जी जी फॉर गिटार बी सीडी एच एच फॉर हिप्पो एच एच फॉर हिप्पो य आई आई फॉर आयरन आई आई फॉर [संगीत] आयरन जे जे फॉर जग जे जे फॉर जग ए बी सी... Read more
Category: Comedy
[music] hi i'm john goodman grizzled show business veteran and you're listening to smartless smart [applause] l smart bl smart bl i was almost just a little bit late today because i i may have just had like one of my one of my first sessions definitely um first half dozen can't count them on one hand... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Talking about the polls i'm beating him awfully badly in the polls be hillary ladies and gentlemen your 45th president of the united states is Read more
Category: Entertainment
[음악] p subscri and like 기 어어 [음악] [음악] bl bl blk blar [음악] 뚜루 핑루 핑루 핑크 와우 [음악] [음악] green shark green shark green shark green shark green 와 와 [음악] orang orang orang orang [음악] y sh sh [음악] [음악] search for hogy on youtube Read more
Category: Education
Arsenal under arson winger became a dominant force winning multiple league titles and playing an attractive brand of football aston villa although not as successful in terms of silverware remained a strong contender in the league often finishing in the top half of the table and occasionally challenging... Read more
Category: Education
[music] hi kid can you help me oh who is this are you a sloth what do you want you know i was sleeping as usual then i felt hungry i had five apples but i have three left and because i'm too lazy i can't look down to see how many have fallen to the ground can you help me find out how many apples have... Read more