E116 - Mauricio Dubón Ejected by Nestor Ceja Arguing Replay Review Decision on Carlos Torres' Call

Published: Jul 16, 2024 Duration: 00:02:19 Category: Sports

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dub now pinch [Applause] hitting oh two Rangers and Astros are tied at one bottom of the ninth inning will we go to extras or end the game here little Chopper off the plate seager's going to have to hustle and gets du by less than a step Houston will challenge the caller the fifth best team in the league at replay review Houston is challeng out call a first base Carlos Torres has had two other calls it first overturned by New York today with the first base umpire having two overturns today there have been cases of umpires having three in a game amazing duban was hustling but what a incredible play wow wow good luck with that New York remember the standard is clear and convincing evidence to change the original [Music] call the call the field stands run out the call stands due to lack of clear and convincing evidence arguing a replay is not allowed you are subject to ejection and duvon is getting there big big play we're playing free baseball as spatel Tores I got him gets duban out of there so he doesn't get ejected for arguing a replay Torres if Torres called him safe it would have stayed safe and said he's out to take us to Extra Innings duan's not done though with his manager blocking his access to the first base umpire he sets his sight on the plate umpire did not stop arguing and it would eventually get thrown out by the home plate umpire Nestor seaha yeah I'm not sure why Nestor seha is throwing out Mauricio duban when he was arguing with Carlos Torres seha hasn't ejected anyone since last season it's not that he ejects super often but Nester seov for whatever reason decided to take it upon himself to throw Mauricio duban out that's probably why Mauricio lost it because duban blocked out from yelling at the first base umpire yelled at the home plate umpire and it looked like it might have been an insult why seha is throwing out and that'll take care of one more from our ejections backlog [Music]

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