How Marisa Tomei Got SCREWED By Marvel

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 00:15:37 Category: Gaming

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this video will include spoilers for many movies in the Spider-Man franchise you have been warned here's the video ever since I was a little boy there have been two things that I have been extremely just obsessed about and love so much those two things are of course Spider-Man and Marissa to now when I was a kid the Spider-Man series was still in the Toby Maguire era I was 3 years old when Spider-Man 3 came out and when I was a little kid like everything my parents especially my dad bought me was really Spider-Man oriented and I was very much I would say placed into the Spider-Man fandom and I have stayed there ever since I was also madly obsessed with Marissa to I have been basically my entire life because I love her acting and also she is easily one of the most beautiful women to ever live and over the years I always wished that someday Marissa toay could find her way into a Spider-Man movie and I just always thought it would be the greatest thing to ever happen and luckily in 2016 we actually got that 2016 was a very weird year I loved the year I was in Middle School it was a very fun year for me and I remember Captain America's civil war came out and I was actually not too happy about it besides being upset that there'd be a new Spider-Man there is actually one thing that I was super excited for when it came to Captain America Civil War is just because of mar Isa toay being Aunt May now this was the movie where she was introduced into the MCU not only as just a character but arguably one of the biggest characters in the Spider-Man franchise of all time and one of the most important characters it really took the Internet by storm as everyone was like yes we finally have a good ant may we finally have a big actress playing the role now obviously ant May is one of those weird I would say characters in the Spider-Man Universe to where a lot of people always wondered why she was so old in the movies for real the last two ANTM that we had before Marissa toay were absolutely ancient old okay we had Rosemary Harris who was like 90 and looked more like Peter's grandmother than Aunt like if this is Peter's Aunt then what did Peter's mom look like but with them casting Marissa to this really just confused a lot of people on the internet a lot of people were celebrating not only because it's Marissa to and they finally got an actress that they likeed to play Ant may but also because Marissa to is a lot younger and she also looks a lot younger for the part now when Marissa toay first took on the role as Aunt May she was only I believe 52 at the time or 51 and this caught a lot of people off guard because everyone was so used to the ant May character being like 90 but Marissa to was not only a really young compared to the other actresses who played the part but also a lot better looking like I remember when this took the Internet by storm everybody was sing for Marissa to as ant May saying that ant May isn't supposed to be a hot character like I definitely don't think Marvel should have made ant may have like the biggest sex appeal in the entire movie like I'm pretty sure everybody who has watched the Tom Hall and Spider-Man movies were actually sing for ant May more than the love interests themselves like there were two love interests during the entire you know Tom Holland series and neither of them hold a candle to Marissa to and I'm not only saying that as a professional Marissa to simp but I am saying that as a human being with two eyeballs and everybody was saying that on the internet how they just kind of made a May's character too sexy and that MTO was a miscast which after a while people started to take that back Marissa toay is one of the greatest actresses of all time now I'm not just saying this because I'm trying to glaze here but I honestly do believe Mera to is in the top three actresses of all time if not in number one okay there are so many actresses I could name off that I feel like should be up there but Marissa to definitely should be at the top of that list just because she has so many movies and so many genres and none of her characters are actually the same which is something that you cannot really say about other actresses now the first two ant Mays weren't really I would say too comedy heavy while some of the things that Ros Mary Harris said as Aunt May were kind of funny she wasn't really a comedic Aunt May neither was Sally Field but when we look at Marissa to's ant may you could definitely see that there is some sort of charm there and some sort of comedic humor and some of the lines she says and I would honestly say that every scene with Marissa toay in these movies are the best scenes of the movie what's the matter thought you loved larb it's too larby not larby enough how many times you have to say larb before you talk to me you know I larb you but even with how good of an actress merome is and how great of a storyline and character and everything about the Spider-Man franchise there's always been one aspect that has been gleaming over the entire situation that just rubs a lot of people the wrong way especially me myself now the biggest problem with Marissa to as Aunt May actually has nothing to do with Marissa to or her sex appeal or just her age or whatever it actually has to do with the way that they used her because when you cast somebody as the one of the biggest characters in the franchise you would expect that they would be used in a lot of scenes that they would have a lot of screen time and be a very big aspect of the storyline in each movie that they are in but that's not something that happened here now when we look back at the toy Maguire series and actually look at Rosemary har is Aunt May she is a very big part of the series and when you look at how she portrayed her character and how the storyline kind of revolved a little bit around her in certain areas you really start to see that she was arguably one of the most important characters of the entire franchise Not only was Rosemary Harris's ant May there as sort of a plot device to where you always worry about her if she gets into some sort of sticky situation she was also used as a character that also uplifted Peter in times when he was down on his luck and just down emotionally Not only was Aunt May used as some sort of plot device she was also used as I would say a moral compass for Peter himself and when you look at the Amazing Spider-Man series the two movies that Andrew Garfield was in Sally Field was also a good ant may as well now I don't think her ant May was actually executed very well at all just because she was used more as somebody that Peter had to kind of take care of more than somebody who actually took care of Peter but then we move over to Marissa to a May who really is kind of in the in between now when you look at Marissa toay in the entire Spider-Man series and even in the movies that she's in in The Avengers she isn't too much of a big part I would say of any of the movies she isn't one of those characters that kind of fits in with where the story is going going or necessarily changes the story at all there is really not too much that happens with Aunt May in the Tom Holland series like Marissa to's Aunt May was honestly very Bland when it came to the story aspect now when it came to the character herself she was a very fun energetic an May and honestly she fit the character a lot better I would say Merissa to's ant May fits way more than either of the last two Rosemary Harris or field because she gives more of an ant Vibe you know the more energetic the more try to cheer you up you know have fun uh kind of see you more as a friend instead of a somebody that you just need to take care of you know she very much feels more like an ant than what the other two felt like where they kind of just felt like grandmas but unfortunately Marissa to's energetic energy didn't really make any difference into the story lines of any of these Spider-Man movies as she wasn't really used in any of the story lines except for of course no way home also ant May did not get too much screen time during any of these movies except for of course far from home and no way home where she got a lot of screen time just it wasn't very effective screen time I would say every time she just seemed to be on screen it seemed more of a way to bring some humor to the movie and also to have the audience pay attention to this movie because they want to look at Marissa toay like that's kind of honestly what it felt like it it honestly felt like Marvel was using Marissa to more of a attention grabber instead of an actual plot device it just kind of felt like they wanted to put some hot girl on the screen to keep viewers attention instead of actually having this in-depth character that actually had an effect on these stories now while Marissa to's Aunt May does help Peter throughout these movies and various events they're not very effective ways of helping like for example in a homecoming she only really helps him get dress best it seems like and also just makes a few jokes like I really don't understand that the entire relationship between happy and ant May didn't feel like a full-on storyline that the movies wanted to explore it honestly just felt like a cheap way of having the audience be more invested into the character of ant May because they knew that they didn't have enough screen time for her throughout the movies like homecoming did not have much ant May screen time which was very unfortunate and anytime it did it just really felt like I said before like a very cheap way to keep the audience entertained by being able to look at Marissa to and in Far From Home the entire relationship thing just really made it feel like they wanted the audience to feel like happy does to where they love Marisa to's Aunt May and then in no way home when she eventually does die it kind of brings a lot more impact to her death and honestly feel like that's all they wanted to do there was try to repair what they missed out on with homecoming now when it came to Spider-Man no way home it was a very weird thing now I do think Spider-Man no way home is the best movie that in the entire Spider-Man franchise in my personal opinion just by the way that they handled it people are always criticizing Spider-Man 3 for having too many vill villains and too many story lines to where it just felt too convoluted and it didn't really it didn't really work too well but Spider-Man no way home was able to implement so many different villains into one movie and so many different story lines and it actually worked worked very well and one thing that worked I would say the greatest out of everything in the entire movie was ant May storyline now ant may had the most screen time out of the entire Series in this movie um she did not get much screen time in homecoming she barely got any screen time I would say when it came to far from home but in no way home she had a lot of screen time and also a lot of effect on the storyline now she wasn't just this random character that just stayed at home and every once in a while got some screen time like she was in the first two movies she actually was a big part of Peter's Journey throughout this entire movie She also started to help out with Peter in his Spider-Man activities where she tried to help cure all the villains that Spider-Man was fighting and it was also just a very cool dynamic between the two and I feel like it's something that they definitely missed out on with the previous two movies and that's why Spider-Man no way home just feels a little bit weird to me because because it did so many things so well but it's also aggravating how well it did the Marissa ant May storyline because it just makes you realize what they missed out on in the first two movies if they would have had this entire same energy that they had in no way home but with the other two movies it would have worked so much better I honestly believe Marissa to is the best ant May that we have ever gotten not only because I like her as you know merto herself but also she fits the character the best as she looks more like an aunt instead of a grandma and also we saw in no way home that she could have been a very key part of the storyline if given the chance if she would have been given the chance in homecoming and far from home to actually have some sort of impact on the story I do think she would have executed it perfectly and her performance and her character storyline in no way home I would say beats all of the other movies combined when it comes to the ant May figure just because she really is one of the key parts of this entire storyline it also sucks because she was such a good character in this series she just didn't give get the opportunity to be what everyone expected her to be when you think of Aunt May in the Spider-Man franchise you think of one of the most important characters arguably the most important character outside of Spider-Man man himself but when we got this whole Tom Holland series it really did not feel like that it honestly felt like antt May was just this throwaway character in the background that Marvel didn't seem to care about anymore and didn't really want to spend any time you know expanding on her story which really sucks and the one time that they actually did expand on her story which was in no way home it worked out so well and I honestly believe Aunt May in no way home is a way bigger part of the story than literally any other character except for Spider-Man but I honestly believe Mera to had a great opportunity I would actually say a great chance of being the best ant May ever and I do think she is but I do think she could have easily been one of the best characters in the entire Spider-Man franchise ever but unfortunately she got screwed by Marvel and how she was essentially used in the series I do believe if Mera was given the opportunity to actually have a storyline like the previous ant ma had I do think she would have capitalized it very well and would have essentially had the best storyline arguably of the entire Spider-Man franchise at that point but unfortunately she was screwed over by Marvel because Marvel instead used her as some sort of distraction or I would say some sort of way to keep viewers attention and also as just a comedic relief in these movies which really really sucks but anyways I wanted to make a video talking about that and giving my thoughts on it because it's kind of a topic I wanted to talk about for a while and I really hope that you like this video I know is a bit sloppy I know it's kind of all over the place and maybe there's a bunch of things I forgot to say maybe I'll make a part two at some point a little bit better but anyways thank you all for watching this video if you want to subscribe make sure to hit that subscribe button like button whatever also make sure to check out the community Discord patreon whatever you want to do and I'll see all you beautiful people in the next video bye

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