The Dr. Vibe Show™: Harris Trump Debate Watch Party

when you lack Direction you you'll kind of latch on to anything a lot of the things that they're latching on to are the popular stereotypes so you ask a lot of young men what do you want to be what do you want to do what did they say I want to be a rapper I want to be a ball player right I would say you know you know when I come on here we always talk about special social determinance of health and so for me it is what else is happening in their environment that is exacerbating whatever challenge is already there what is up everybody it's Dr Vibe here host and producer of the award-winning Dr Vibe show the home of epic conversations and I'm the host of epic conversations 2018 best podcast Innovation Award winner given out by the Canadian ethnic media Association and 2020 best podcast news Award winner given out by the Canadian ethnic media Association I also co-host and co-produce the only online shown the will for dads fathers and Bale caregivers being part of that twam team we've reached out directly and indirectly to over 400,000 dads fathers and male caregivers around the world so as always I'd like to say you're blessed highly favor a magnet for miracles and the solution for someone's problem well one of my all-time favorite songs is by a gentleman named Kenny Loggins and it's called This is it and it is this is it is happening tonight so unless you have your head in the sand there is a pretty big event happening tonight it's called the presidential debate between Kamala Harris and 45 and I think if you're here tonight and you're catching this live I think you're catching something very unique because we have a North American conversation Canada US conversation live takes on the date tonight's debate so before we go any further I'm going to get people up one at a time so put that up there uh uh always will say to advertise your business product or service on any of the platforms that I am on please feel free to email me Dr period Vibe at the Dr and that is one part I got one more thing I want to put up here so I've got to find it so just give me one second I'm trying to find it here we go why can't I find it I can't find it well you know what oh subscribe to the Dr Vibe show on I I don't need to have the lower third up I've done it so many times so subscribe to the Dr Vib show on YouTube and hit the notification button so you can get us more and more subscribers and follow the Dr Vive show on Facebook Instagram and Linked In so let's get this here let's get this here so one by one I'm going to bring up the guests so we have we have the Queens from the us and we have the king well right now the king not the we have more Kings from the the king from Canada but as an old song by Queen Latifa says we're going to do ladies first so first up from Connecticut what is going on what is on tell say hello tell us who you is because some people may not know I'm Aisha K staggers and co-host of prime time Saturday with Aisha and laa on the Dr Vib show and this is my daughter Amaya it's Amaya Kelly yep she's jenz that's why I asked her to come because all of us are pretty much Genex so we needed some new blood to kind of you know get the conversation started see what young people are talking about and thinking and it's also gonna be her first election to vote in so wow wow wow wow okay next up the real estate Queen International Queen what is going on oh I'm ready for this I'm so ready for this I'm still thinking to myself is he really going to show up is is he really gonna stay on stage I stop it he's he's gonna I think he's GNA show up yeah yeah well we know what he's gonna say so gonna show up and lie you do introduce yourself because you better tell us who you is oh yes I guess I should I am the other half of prime time Saturday with Haisha la la I am la la I'm an international real estate agent and uh I love having our show every Saturday but this is going to be uh a woo for me and actually guys this is my very first watch party there you go all right fantastic next up uh the power behind Indie suit media from Fort lale always weing the great lids and the hoop earrings Dr Tachi sir how are you madams how are you how are you guys asked you I was muted I was muted I'm great I'm glad you're here I'm I'm happy to be here I'm I'm really really happy to be here thank you for having me and asking my pleasure we looking forward to it and so far the only King so let's go north the 49th Ryan O'Neal Knight my co-host of the morning Vibe what is up you're on mute my brother oh I got let's get ready to rumble I I am so excited for this and I'm so glad you're able to pull together this amazing panel I'm just honored to be part of it I watch prime time Saturday and as Dr uh Vibe mentioned I am a co-host with him on the morning Vibe on Mondays and Fridays at 9:00 am Eastern but I'm also the executive director of the afro Caribbean business Network so we support entrepreneurs of African and Caribbean Heritage and an entrepreneur myself myself I run a social Enterprise called detailing nights providing mobile waterless car cleaning but today I am just Ryan night here to give my thoughts and Views watch Donald Trump stick and move we'll see how Hees as KLA throws the kitchen sink at him so yeah this gonna be like for minut and Ali right Rumble in the Jungle with those uh those uh questionable truths he'll call them questionable truths all right and now I can put it up officially please subscribe to the Dr VI show on YouTube and hit the notification button and like the Dr VI Sean Facebook LinkedIn and Instagram so folks we got about eight minutes thoughts comments before we see this craziness so for people are watching I'm going to put the ABC new feed on their YouTube in the main screen once the debate starts so we've got about six minutes any thoughts before this happens well I can say that the expectations for um Donald Trump are very low you know if if he shows up and doesn't Drool on himself people will call that a win and the expectations for cona Harris are super high so if she doesn't you know tell him I'm speaking then you know she'll lose right it it's ridiculous I'm just ready because she's ready like here's the thing she she knows her stuff this is nothing new to her she's she's an attorney she's she's a vice president and and I'm going to continue to say that because people like to um lessen the fact that she already holds a position of power so um she is our vice president let's not forget that and so all of this boohaha of saying she's not um she's not ready uh give me a break she's already doing it the vice president doesn't do as much is the president in public because they're there for a reason so but it doesn't mean she doesn't know what she's doing and and honestly I don't think anybody I don't care who you are I don't think anybody is ready to be the president at all because once you get up there you think you are but then when you get there you find out that things are not exactly what you think they were and sometimes you have to backtrack on some of the things that you promised but you're you're not ready unless you've already served that and and we already see that Trump was not ready to serve that and was awful at serving that so that's my point I have to agree with Laura uh la la and I also agree with with Aisha uh in terms of what's been said that uh no who is really ready when it comes to that I think that there that women of color particularly women and then women of color and then particularly black women are held to a higher standard when when it comes to holding public office regardless of any experience that they've had beforehand because this was not the discourse when he was running for president and uh the the first few times and he had no experience except being on The Apprentice and that does not qualify you to run a country but this was not the discourse it's the discourse now because she's a black woman so I'm interested and ready to see a good debate between people or at least one person that's oh boy well I'm I'm watching this to see and I always love watching the Trump pundits how they spin things so can Trump create anything that sticks and creates Reasonable Doubt in people's mind about VP Harris because a lot of times you know you come into uh these situations and he's done it before I mean he railroaded his way into the nomination 2016 and say thing this uh year so him being able to create doubt in the minds of Voters for his opponents he is a master at this and again you might not like him but his Charisma to get people on board with his questionable truths is very efficient so I'm curious to see what tactic his team has come up with for this debate to get something to stick because the current attempts I don't think have been working so I'm curious ious to see what they've come up with and I'm sure he's going to come right out the gate with it some sort of nickname some sort of uh policy that she has that he's just gonna keep on her Bel so I'm curious what their attack plan is well you know black women already have a prayer Warrior chain going my mom sent my mom just text me a prayer for Kam listen yes calling on the ancestors to manifest on this planet and in this land at this moment time be with this woman kamla Harris one born of the melding of cultures one steeped in a belief in humanity and dignity one daring to lay bear her vulnerabil to safeguard our democracy wow and and to your prayer Roy Warrior point you know this is what this is what black women do right black women are Prayer Warriors and what's this what is the the saying what is the scripture if God be for ye who be against ye and that honestly there is I think faith has a lot has will play a big role here not just faith in the individuals debating to lead or to debate well but faith in terms of what people are bringing in terms of beliefs to this whole thing it's playing a major role and I think it's going to continue to play out but um she's covered if nothing else she's covered and what we're gonna see tonight is a debate between a human and a heathen oh geez that's all it is his supporters do not believe that when you talk about faith they have put all their faith in this man as if he is some sort of God that can save them from the poverty of the Midwest I don't know what it is exactly that they make the connection but he's been able to create this following and as much as you might not like what he says or like him as a person he's figured out a way to create a following that got him elected and almost got him elected the second time because more than ever people were voting that year I think they broke records on both sides luckily Biden was able to push through but he has a way to get followers so I'm curious what messaging he has for his base to really get them amped up because remember if they stay I'll say complacent then KLA railroad him but if he can get them hype then she is gonna have some trouble okay just for a quick second want to say comments here laurelin Joy oh my goodness Dr Tachi that's birdie Lynn what's going on and number one supporter of prime time Saturday's in the house Jen Meyers so there we go we're back so I know it there may be so many people that some people may get pushed out of the screen because of the configuration but we'll be able to hear you via voice uh we're down to less than two minutes before it starts any final comments with two minutes what does j z have to say about two minutes yeah um um I mean I guess I feel like everybody like in my generation kind of knows that kamla's gonna do a good job I don't think like we don't we don't have like very high expectations for Trump anyways obviously um so I feel like we know that she's going to do a good job and like stay on topic regardless of whatever he tries to talk about well he may pull pull something out he's done it be he's pulled some fires of that before yeah but I mean look only thing she has to do is ask him about child care because that answer that he gave last week Child Care is child care what what was that what was that know child child [Music] careens one thing I I think that um he really the when we talk about like the attorney speak right the burning of proof lies on the uh uh prosecution right right and he has a lot that and if we look at his side as the prosecution he has a lot that they they have to really place the burden of proof on he he or the burden of proof is with them rather he has not been doing a good job he should have said why don't you go ask him B talking about b% of the time oh my God the amount of times that he repeated himself is is like dude if you're trying to convince people that you're not old you're doing you're doing that that's like um you know that's like sometimes you know my grandfather's in his 80s he's 89 and you know sometimes he'll ask you a question and then half hour later he'll ask you the same question and you know that's that's what happens as people get older hell there are times where well I walk into a room and I be like um what was I saying oh yeah I I forgot okay and then start talking like wait why did I come in here so if I'm doing that at 50 imagine what he's doing at 79 may I ask a question hurry why are we here why why why is this even happening I'm really like this this is very disturbing very disturbing that we've gotten to the point that a whole individual if we can call him that is allowed to be court gesturers on an international stage this is real why are we here y y or to say that transgender they're doing transgender operations on illegal immigrants in prison but wait a second you also said that illegal immigrants aren't in prison so which is it sir uh my my biggest concern can Mr Trump answer the question no he never can he never can and he's never answered a question he always reflects back to him what he does he reflects to lies he always deflect it's nothing but deflect lie repeat that's it that's it he has no moral compass whatsoever and he does not deserve to be on this stage at all he needs to be in jail exactly where his ass belongs he basically said women are killing their babies after they're born yeah okay do that quote of the up his base he came on to yell and get his base hyped but Caesar good to see you brother good to see you family Dr Tashi hi everyone good to see you sorry for that no but basically uh I think the really wores some part is uh I think someone was saying how come this race is even close when you see it there when you see this debate you got to ask yourself how come there are millions of people and not just in the US but right here in Canada will actually support this man it's so blatantly obvious it makes you wonder about Society is it me I often talk about the dumbing down of America and I don't blame The Simpsons per se but you got to wonder are all those dumbing down shows have really had an effect at this age at this time upon millions and millions of people that they look at someone like Trump and they say I would vote for basically Bart Simpson Homer Simpson because this is really what it is this is this is Lisa Simpson versus Homer Simpson yeah but the thing of it is is that he hates the people that they hate they would rather sacrifice themselves their livelihoods if it meant that people of color lgbtq people immigrants were getting something that they can get that that's all it is it's like they don't want people to be on the same plane field it's like when you're at the bottom of the barrel you want the people who are further at the bottom to stay below you so that you can say that you're above something or someone and that's all there is he's got you know who supports him the people who have the least amount of white power in this country those are the people that support him and the only have their white and allow me to add allow me to add very quickly uh because notably for you in the US Ahad a lot of misogyny a lot of misogyny including also in our black community I I confront every week black men not the majority but there are black men who you come to realize it's not not only they can't accept they can't fathom a woman being on top of them they can't fight them a black woman being on top of them and of okay so quick back check the Central Park joger is still alive can we just say that he's mental period he didn't die I mean good Lord this is this is a hot mess I mean but we knew that it was going to be a hot mess but I let me say this about ABC ABC needs to do better about what they're doing when he is not supposed to be speaking or when she is not supposed to be speaking I don't care what sad your rules say turn off the mic do not continue to let him or her if they cross the line be continuing to talk you can't do that I'm tired of this media uh giving legs up to him because it's always in his freaking favor and they're not giving they're giving him more than the one minute to rebut that the that they're supposed to allow he's gone on for like two and three minutes on some of these tangents that he's been going on he he needs the time um he needs that time no but but I if I'm not mistaken I did read somewhere that if there was significant conversation that was going on they would reopen the mics unless I missed that but I did read that that was something that they were going to allow um but he wasn't getting significant conversation no he no he wasn't anything that's coming his mouth is if they feel it's going to be something that can become a sound bite they will let him talk listen let's yeah thank you for saying this let's be clear I think everybody here is yes media is supposed to be here for the education of the people for the service of the people however we also know that media exists because of advertising so as we keep saying if it bleeds it leads whoever can get the most uh fantastic sound bites who can get to it first they're the ones who are going to get the advertising now I'm not accusing ABC of anything when it comes to this is just the way media works and so I think it's become almost an accepted thing and so everybody who's leveling these allegations you're absolutely right it should not be happening but again advertising they're they're not going to let go of this opportunity they have the sole sole rights to this basically they're not going to let go of this opportunity to monetize this jenz sitting here confused she doesn't know what she just saw cuz there's no plan like they asked him multiple times like oh what's your plan for X Y and Z and then he always keeps talking about China and I'm just like why like what are you gonna do he has a plan his plan is to get elected so that he can avoid jail time that is the plan that's the plan exactly exactly because jail is imminent whether it's uh these 34 counts or somewhere else Jack Smith uh redoing his indictment that right there is gonna lead to jail time we have to remember there's enough people that believe conspiracy theories to elect this man and exactly he came in hot he started out I would say tried to do his advisor whatever they told him to do and it lasted five minutes and then he went hot he went from like a four to a 10 just his people when she at here we are in the land of tin foil hats yeah there's enough of them so that's that's the sad part of course that's why everything is so close I have always said and I still stick by my guns that you're never going to change the the minds of true orange drinking trumpsters you're just not going to change them so no matter what you say they're not they're always going to disagree with you and they're always going to defer to what he say what he's saying and believe his lies that is very frightening for our country this is why it's so close because he's brought all the Cs out of the closet yeah well you you know what's frightening about this country as well is the fact that this didn't just start with people who were able to vote this started with a lack of critical thinking education in the classroom so you can discern what is straight lie and what is actually the truth it started okay I'm just watching see they're not he's walking they're not gonna shake hands okay all right gota gocha she walked up what shaking his hand the first way he didn't want to shake her hand did y'all see his body language go came straight form with the hand out he didn't even know what to do with himself he had no choice but to shake her hand but he did not want to touch her can I say real quick that um hopefully he goes to bleach his hand remember that one no but he had a chance to really pin her on her policies and he totally let it slip and I'm thinking of how the Trump pundits are going to try and spin this but he spent too much time on conspiracy theories I know Wayne Harris you're saying in the comments yeah he's selling the emotion but at a certain point when people are upset they want to know what the solution is and I feel in 2016 he had he did a way better job of selling a vision of how he was going to fix the reason people were mad now he's just getting people mad for no reason and they're like lost because when you ask them oh why are you mad and what are you g what is Trump gonna do for you they can't answer it so he's leaving people really lost and I I'm I I feel sorry for the punas that have to go that are doing their review views right now and that are going to be on the new circuit tomorrow trying to defend this performance which when I mean it wasn't even off the rails at some points when you started talking about people eating the cats and dogs I was wondering what Gumball cartoon am I watching right now well you said you said the thing about him selling emotion what was different in 2016 versus afterwards well the thing that was different in 2016 was that he didn't have a four-year record right of having been in power that people can say wait a second we remember this don't try and make us it's like he tried to whitewash or you know it's kind of like Men In Black when they hold up the pen and say forget the last four years four years that's what he's trying to do with people and that is why it his people have bought it it's kind of like a brainwashing that he does at his rallies and they there are triggers there are words that make them forget the the hardship that they suffered make them forget the pandemic the shutdowns all of that and just focus in on the things he wants them to focus on okay so you don't but you don't have to convince crazy crazy's always gonna believe crazy go ahead go ahead Wayne so know again apologies for being late I told Dr v. was two other events before I got to this one but you guys did a great job looking at the chat it was just fire just watching what was was coming through who thought uh kamla won the debate if you raise your hand please I say so and I wasn't expecting to I thought he didn't come with any plan and sorry debates debates are not debates are not about plants debates are about um not even explaining your position the debate is to pul koh's into the other person's position so the question so the question really becomes if you if you look at the the Art and Science of debate did her facts from her perspective her truths outweigh his truths to those people who are in the gray area so those who are going to vote red are going to vote red regardless of whether he's there or he's not those who are going to vote blue are going to vote blue whether she's there or not it's the undecided middle the the the the purples so to speak the the people on the left who are close to Center and the people who are on the right who are close to Center did either one of those sides get swayed by what you saw here tonight and we're going to know very soon that's that's all I was looking for is did he say anything that would get someone who is blue or purple to go red did she say I think so few of those people exist really honestly people were saying that they're undecided people that they've been pulling who are undecided 99% of them are lying let's be very clear we've lived in this country where both he and her have existed in public office for the last eight years okay so they're lying if they say they're undecided that that's Point Blank period um there are what I think you get when you see these polls and these panels of people who are undecided you find out afterwards that the people already are in the hole for somebody like one guy that they have on the biracial panel of undecided he's running for congress as a republican it comes out afterwards so people are being very disingenuous when they say that they're undecided I think and I think that we put too much emphasis on those people this is going to be a matter of addition and subtraction KLA Harris needs to make sure that her people get out and get past the obstructions that are going to be in the way and he has to make sure and she also can add to her base he has to make sure that the base that he has gets out because he's not adding any other people she's been adding and subtracting from that Republican base especially those um mainstream Republicans he's not adding anything so all he can depend on is that 75 million people that came out before and he pretty much probably lost about 12 million of them already let's be honest do you do you believe that I again I I'm with you on the fact because I remember in 2016 um and also for both of Obama elections that people said one thing to the media and said one thing to the polls and then did another and it was a group of I think the demographics were white women and and white men who said they were going to go blue and they all went red okay and everybody everyone was shocked I I think that nothing's going to change for this election in the fall uh the the the key here is do the do the Democrats have you know they they pull out the the vote and and in the middle the black vote and they go get people registered they do all that stuff and they rally the troops and they usually win when they do all that and then they forget about the people who got them there for four years and they come back and ask again so are there enough people and the Americans please help me out are there enough people in America who have seen this oky dooke before that will fall for it again and are and is that oky do a real thing from the outside looking in it seems that the black vote is dependent upon and you know you're not black if you don't vote for me and all that stuff for charlam man the god and then three and a half years of policy for those who are black and blue in the United States did they do anything for you other than give you juneth in the last three and a half years yeah a lot yeah ABS see the thing is I think we have to remember that this is not just a country of blacks and so what happens is you work on enacting policies that help large groups of people that will then by default also help black people um we have to remember where we are as well I I it is not so cut and dry and it is not so simple in my in my opinion and and from what we've seen it's very complex and I I don't think that to hold anyone to task when this country has been in existence with the same institutionalized policies for 200 plus years and expect somebody in even eight years to fix it I don't care who it is it it's it's almost impossible so we're up against uh a lot and here's the thing yes I do think that there is a a lot of cow Towing to Black communities also to uh communities of color when it comes to wanting the vote definitely and then maybe some of the things are not fulfilled but it's not not just on elected officials what are you as an individual as a citizen do because it's on us too so we're so big about talking oh well they didn't do are you out there doing stuff are you out there doing a voter registration drivve are you helping to clean up the community or are you sitting back and waiting for somebody else to do it it is a collaborative effort it is not just on elected officials and you also when you are doing your part then you are well within your rights to hold them accountable are you going to the school board meetings are you going to the city council meetings or are you expecting somebody else to do it so if you're not doing your job as a citizen then please miss me with that okay perfect so one more thing though because Dr Tachi you just brought up a very good point I think that's the misunderstanding that people in our country have and people outside of our country have is that the presidential election it matters but those down ballot races right are so critical people who didn't show up in 2022 because it was a midterm election that's what put the house read and that is and remember the president first of all we know what the vice president does but they they are responsible to the president the president can only do what Congress signs and agrees to and hands to him or her and let's be very clear about the things for black people Joe Biden there are over a hundred executive orders that are specific to black people if you read them the problem is is that most people Joe Biden they don't do a good job at promoting them but most people also don't do their own research and go check the government website and say hey what executive orders did he sign this year let me see what he did etc etc but then the other question becomes for black people aside from sign the um stimy check that Nancy Pelosi got for you in the first place right so so to my point um it's not really my point it's really Dr Claude Anderson's and panomics point where he talks about you have to take care of the economic base I think I think tasse coach also said that going down the political path versus the economic path was kind of the um the Miss during the whole civil rights um movement that if we if we focus on controlling who the sheriff was who the da was who the city councilors were by having the economic footprint in their writings where they would have to create policies to take care of us at the Grassroots it's almost I'm not saying the rest is going to take care of itself but because that Foundation is there because we have a sheriff that's going to put imp policies that are not going to police us in a way that are going to be counterintuitive to our best interest once you build that up you start building a base now remember we tried that they burn those towns down black wall the other part is that we can't we have we have to remember the other side of it is that when it did happen what did they do they burn the towns down or they destroyed them like you look at Mount Bayou Mississippi that was one of the most that was the only thriving black community in the state of Mississippi had the only black swimming pool what did they do they built up everything around it dur after um after they ended segregation and so the people ended up leaving and the town is pretty much Barren now and you know we know what happened with Rosewood and Tulsa and all that other stuff so right so again I I want to focus on the last um the Civil Rights Act came into being one year before is next so I'm thinking about in the last 60 years not a 100 years ago important relevant yes but I'm thinking about what's going on honestly not even the last 60 in the last 30 years where you can see those um economic bases being created the most the modern day Black Wall Street and where they are I know Atlanta is a great example of that but where else are there are there opportunities like that in the United States for blacks I know you guys have opportunity zones and different things like that and depending on who you talk to you have to know what those things will do for and against you but listening to these guys tonight getting back to the debate I think that there's a large portion of people in the United States that believe tonight's debate matters more to them than it actually does and that's that's a scary part of this whole thing there's people who believe that Kamala if she did a great job or Trump did a great job that somehow you know ronom is going to trickle down to their lives and make their lives better and it's not because last I checked a lot of the stuff that these guys are talking about are controlled at the state level right including now Ro V weade right so so the state and what goes on in your individual state is Paramount to your ability to improve your life not the presidency and I think this is something that I don't know who's going to say it to the to the people but it needs to be said CES okay I got it Cesar thank you and uh great question brother Wayne but I kind of got I have to jump in from a pan-africanist lens but also from um the 20 something year old late 20s that I was who uh was part of the international volunteers for the Obama campaign in 2008 and I gave you the example of right here Ottawa capital of Canada you know all so many black people in support of Obama and you know what when came the time to be on action mode go to the states volunteer for a weekend we were only two black people among so many white people we were only two black people me and relle de Coast a community leader here only two blacks when um Dr VI knows him and I mean all the people in Canada know him the current prime minister of Ontario came to Ottawa before he was elected dog Ford I was the only black community leader who went to meet him challenge him questioning regarding the black community so your questions are absolutely valid but this is where and I'm sorry I'm going to use that term the miseducation of the Negro comes into play because in order to continue to oppress us it is purposefully wanted to keep our black people disinterested truly matter to them you gave a very good point in terms of yes presidential elections but the real difference in most people da lives is who's the mayor who is the city councelor the area where you live in the neighborhood the garbage pick up I often remind people I live in a nice street it's clean but why is it that it's clean here but you can drive 10 15 minutes down the road and the garbage is still there but at the same time if you don't have an educated minority in the panafrican ense what the black painters were doing which the Republicans killed with Reagan what Tomas Sankara was doing talking about even the soldier has to be educated and France you know the country of freedom and democracy they killed them too many of our people and I say it I repeat it all the time the three cancers of the black psyche entertainment consum ISM and religion what he does is that he makes us suitable to be dominated and to be oppressed it is so unfortunate because effectively you see remember why is it that we know so well we have the same community that will rightfully complain of racism rightfully complain regarding politics rightfully complains about economics rightfully complains about let's say appropriation of culture and anything you want but if on that same night you have an NBA game or a football game you know you lost most of our people if Beyonce is performing you or Rihanna you know you we lost like it's I hate to say this but I can't say it because we all blacking on the screen but imagine how then we are perceived because because truly when those talking back um Harris made reference to that the Ticky torches charlotteville when they're walking you will not replace us the biggest fear of white supremacy has always and is still as you see behind me great black leaders and unfortunately I don't have such a painting for great black female leaders the greatest fear white supremacy has always been a woke black person because a woke black person is a political black person is a black black person will make economics choices is a black person will make cultural linguistic etc etc choices and that's out of white supremacy which U as sister Aisha was saying this is how we had Black Wall Street this is how we had you know right after the Civil War in the states my wife is African-American this is where you had African-Americans who were traving and successful and as such the poor whites notably of Scot of Scottish background that's why they created a KKK because they couldn't handle the fact that these slaves and word that they were looking down upon were able to come together organize themselves and rise up so that miseducation it's up to each and every one of us because each time we have one black person men or women becoming black conscious pan-africanist becoming woke it's not a niss is the white racist will use that as a niss when Marcus Garvey was saying about being woke a 100 years ago Malcolm X Martin Luther King being awake being aware every time a black man and a black woman become so we are saving one black family we have a lot of black families to save a lot of them all right I want to make sure hold on just did you want to say anything I I I don't even know how to even add anything other than that that was so very eloquent and so on point and so valid and so well spoken that all I can say is y'all need to pay attention to what he said because it's important for us to understand every word that came out of his mouth you you can't sit back on your laurels and say you didn't you didn't and don't get up off of your butt and do it yourself you must be active in our process okay yeah and everybody has something to offer on Ryan Ryan's next Ryan yeah it's all good but one thing that we have to remember is these debates is I guess determined by what is sticky and remember she did not say anything specifically about black people so it's great that we have that sentiment but sticky things that she did mention that perked my ear up is the $50,000 tax benefit for small business and she had a really good answer about the conflict in Israel but one thing that Trump mentioned that stuck with me is the fact that he had implemented terrorist before and they stayed after he came out of office but I was curious Amaya what was sticky for you like what do you remember after all of this has been now completed and we're talking but what stands out for you um well one thing that did actually stand out to me was the end not ending State um opening statements ending statements and how just like the contrast and like the views that Kamala has for America versus what Trump has for America like kamla spoke of optimism she spoke about Hope and you know for people my age a lot of us are you know hopeless like a lot of us are very just have this sort of dreary sort of idea of what our future is going to be and she helped to you know make us feel good make us feel like okay you know things are going to get better all Trump did was talk about how bad like the country is how bad of a state where like of a a state of the countryes in and that just like didn't make me feel good that just kind of make me feel like wow that entire party is just focused on negativity it's just focused on hate and it's like like it really does feel like they're trying to like bring us back to that dark place that the country once was and that you know now she's focused on bringing us forward bringing us into a new sort of era of our country where everybody can succeed and you know I think that that is going to sort of you know I think that's going to like help her a lot I want to just give you a piece of advice that I from Biggie Smalls when you said that what Trump to bother you please forget it goad Dr Tachi I wanted to ask Amaya a question too because it's invaluable that we have a member of gen Z on the panel what role do you think that uh the use of social media has in terms of people accepting one gen Z for example accepting one candidate or another we know that the Harris campaign has been on it when it comes to social media not necessarily so much with the Trump campaign so for you as a gen Z what are you seeing and hearing from other gen Z people is is social media effective um I I think it it definitely is because that's like that's all my generation kind of knows it's all we've been exposed to um I will say however for like me personally I kind of I've started to kind of like pull away from some social media just because like so much of it can be like a detriment like you can see like even on like X like the way Elon Musk is now like changed completely changed this platform it's like now conspiracy theories are like completely taking over like and no one's really challenging it and like to like a point that was mentioned earlier a lot of that has to do with miseducation and people not like taking the time to actually do their own research they say they do it but they really don't they just listen to other people who've already done the work for them and don't they don't like go back and say oh like let me fact check that let me see if that's actually true like that was literally what I was like what I was doing like when the debate first started and he was like talking about um abortion in West Virginia and how like it's legal after N9 months and I L literally just did a quick Google search I just said abortion in West Virginia and it's completely banned like there's no exceptions and so I know that for like people in my generation social media does help with that because it does offer people the opportunity to like fact check and say like hey that's not actually true this is what the truth is It's just sad that a lot of people have now sort of used it as a way to completely to make it a complete Echo chamber and no one's actually sort of using it for for good using it the way that it should be if we want to get people engaged um you know and get people out to vote yeah and her perspective is also a bit different too being gen Z because she's been interested in politics since she was like two and a half she's been watching cpan in MSNBC she was little and knew what was going on so you know I I think it also too is earlier we get our young people engaged the more active they're going to be in politics because we don't have Civ education in the US anymore they said that they were folding that into it used to be a separate class my mother was in high school it was a separate class you took and in the um early 80s late 70s early 80s they folded that into US history and now it's reduced to a paragraph in a textbook and like for me I didn't actually um my earliest like exposure to like actual like full on Civics was I had to take an AP government class when I was a sophomore in high school and that was my only sort of exposure I had to Civics other than that it really was sort of like my mom said like loped into um US history but you didn't actually get to like fully understand like how laws work how laws are made like the entire structure of our US government and I think that's really important for a lot of people to like learn because like I'll like look on like social media and a lot of people my age talk about like oh why didn't Biden do this like he can just sign an executive order and like I literally want to go like that's not not how that works it's like not only is that not how it works but it's like executive orders do not last because once a new president comes in they can just immediately write it off and that's that's why the importance of like actually making laws that like will stay laws is important but a lot of people don't know that because there's no education about it I want to ask everyone here I'm going to do round table thing on a scale of 0o to 10 45's performance without bias if his objective was to yell as loud as he can he gets a 10 if his objective was to pull HS like Wayne was saying in um VP Harris's campaign it was a two he he didn't get his base I don't think to understand why her policies are bad he just went sideways for me anybody else I agree with Ryan actually because on like as for the number two because you're right he didn't poke holes but he also didn't he lied that that was that's I think that's the other point we have to make he lied for 90 minutes where were you where was anyone surprised that ABC fact checked in real time I was very surprised when they I wasily surprised yeah is this a thing are they doing this you know what though I think there was a lot at stake there if they did not do that we would have heard it all about it tomorrow morning and Beyond uh so I think it was within their best interest to go ahead and do that um the live uh factchecking even though it was light um they it it was within their best interest to do it foration I would also add that uh if you are truly honest uh CNN did not do Joe Biden a favor in that last debate so ABC and and and to be quite honest even before that when Trump had a town hall uh with um I can't remember her name uh exactly so Trump if when you're asking about his performance I'll be honest he did 10 on 10 yeah he did 10 on 10 for his mag people because as Wayne was saying we are listening to someone as camea Harris expecting rationality and even when she gets emotional we expect coherence we expect facts we expect that she makes sense she doesn't have that room where we are just going to swallow her lie and applaud to it hold her accountable Trump Trump functions by different set of rules truthfully for decades I mean I always say it isn't it amazing that you have people in the US Army and we know how the Army in the US is such an institution but you have people who have been military who veterans who are rationalizing basically doing uh mental gymnastic to support someone who is the draft Dodger that that should be a red line right there in the same sense as white evangelicals in the US claiming to be about the Bible and yet going to vote for a man who cheated on all his wives including sleeping with a porn star while his wife is pregnant it's mental gymnastic to keep supporting so for his base for his Maga people for those type of people including here in Canada including what our black who are Arabs where are indigenous and Asians will support him he did great because he did as they expect him as they've come to support him the lies don't bother them the racism and sexism don't bother them the the the potential of being a dictator doesn't bother them none of that bothers them right so so then let me ask then what did you think of um Miss Harris's performance I think it was excellent she was on point she like we expected her to be uh but then again look at the look at what you just said we know Trump's going to be off the rail but we expect her to be so much better than what he is so she she fulfilled those shoes largely she hit some very key points that she knew that he was not going to be able to stay on point from and she brought some very key truths that let's not forget he has been and he's he's a so he's still getting he's still getting special treatment from that but let's not forget that he is what he is he's always told us and showed us what he is and she made it a point to show it once again as well I think she did very well I think she kept on point and when she needed to to raise her voice to the level that she needed to raise it she did so and she did it well it was oh go ahead as I I think the other thing that we have to we really have to think that's different this time versus the last time Trump ran for president against Joe Biden this dobs thing um I know that there are four of us here that are women this dobs thing is just I can't describe to you how it's not just affecting Democratic women it really is about health care like if I have five if I lived in South Carolina and I um had a fway burst like I have when happened they would not treat me I would bleed out and I have a very low and I have very serious blood disorder so there's no there's no way of fixing that except for doing a DNC which is the same procedure that they use for for abortions the procedures are the same for any kind of treatment for women's gynecological issues whether it's a pregnancy or not and by by making those things illegal women are dying women are getting sick women are losing their fertility behind this and it's not just Democratic women it's largely Republican women because they are largely in those red States and they are not liking this and I think that we can't dismiss how much that is going to play in Impact like Nikki Haley and you people know how I feel about her Nikki Haley was on the news this morning and yesterday saying that Donald Trump is going to lose women because of the way that he talks about them because and he also admitted he doesn't talk to his vice presidential candidate you don't talk to him enough to say shut up about women because he's also not doing him any favors and the other thing too Nikki Hy said this is that when Trump starts to insult KLA Harris Republican women get paired backs up there were a few times in this debate that he was very dismissive of her like when he did the thing he thought he was trying to be cute by half by saying I'm talking you remember that and she didn't warrant it it was really like whoa where did that come from you know and and and he said it in a very nasty way when she said it it wasn't nasty it was school teacher likee when he said it it was I'm being a nasty PR just because I can so yeah I just wanna invite you into my mind and I'm curious if anybody else Felt This Way watching in real time a black woman have to be perfect and same like happened with Obama you know like everything that he did he had to be Stellar just to get the respect and then Trump waltzes in and is a complete mess and is able to Walt into the White House and now we're watching again a black person have to be perfect and I felt like she was Simone bils today she stuck the landing and definitely hit a 10 out of 10 but it took that for now I hope her um whoever is gonna try to attack her it's GNA be so difficult because she stuck that landing and like delivered on every point and I'm watching her so intently that I felt like why am I watching this woman so hard like why does she have to be so perfect in this moment and I can only imagine the stress that she's put under and I felt she did excellent but I'm hoping that she can keep this up because I can only imagine how this is you you know it and this is an excellent point because this is actually a microcosm of what we all experience in society every day we can't afford to let guard down or not be excellent yet there are some people some non- melanated people who are subpar as we saw today who are subm mediocre who are allowed to be subm mediocre and honestly if I was non melanated I would be livid live it that all you expect from me is that that that is the best I can do that is there was because what we're hearing today is like well that's what we expect from so there were like low to no expectations of his performance not that he cares about this but that is actually a uh something that could be blanketed over lots of non- melinated people the fact that you can just walk in and just be and you are congratul and celebrate oh you did great you did not do great but yet when it's us we have to be 10 million times as excellent and we're watching The Mix okay now don't let us down because the fate of the world and all black people and Harriet tman is watching the ancestors are watching you we have to be perfect every single time now it's not going to change because of this debate that will continue to be a thing but it's an interesting thing to watch and and it plays out in if nothing else this shows people do you see how perfect we have to be and how some people are allowed to just be anyhow Cesar that goes back to the first thing I said though when we opened this conversation all Trump has to do to pass the bar is not Drool on himself yeah it looked like he was trying to keep awake at the beginning I don't know if that was today um today um I was out of town and I I was training a I was given training in this agency my first training at 9:00 a.m. was to the management team the senior leadership senior leadership team on microaggression and you know what happened in my introduction I told them tonight there is a woman who will be victim of microaggression and likely of racism and sexism and they all knew what I was talking about and this was all white women one Asian and one white man but they all knew I was talking about camea Harris they didn't question because she's mixed or light skinn dark skinn no no they knew cameela Harris a black woman I I think it's uh it's a great thing to be quite honest with you when I say a great thing we should never look in terms of being mediocre but Trump if there's one thing that I'm so thankful about Trump one thing is that Trump has been arguably one of the best tools to expose so many of the conversations that we talk about white privilege about systemic rism about the very fact that this man let's put it in perspective my friends can you imagine this black men who has cheated on all his wives first of all this black who has multiple wives multiple kids by multiple wives he cheated on them porn star fraud bankruptcies and he he could be the ticket of of a party right you can't imagine that this is the same America but really the same world in which and I'm not a fan of her I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton but I truly say it she was the best candidate for that position in 2016 and yet because she was a woman even among white women majority of white woman voted for Trump so it tells you how little someone as Trump had to do even though I'm not a fan and I mean I'm too young but I was a kid in the 80s I can't help a and why would Ronald Reagan think of Republicans right now know these kids Ronald Reagan of the 80s why would he think of the Republicans right now because what we end up seeing when we have someone like dick cheny AKA borderline the Antichrist you know 20 years ago when we have dick cheny clearly saying that Trump being reelected is the biggest threat to America when we have George Bush the last Republican president claiming that he's not siding he's not taking any side AKA he's not voting for trump it tells you volume so when we have Kamala rightfully said by Dr Tachi it's not so much that the ancestors and the world black community and the world world is like hoping she doesn't fail she has no choice but not to fail because any failure would not have allowed her to be where she's at when any of us on the screen here professionals as we are from Dr vibe to Ryan to Dr Tachi any of us on the screen right now including those commenting as notably I have one of my M Kiana mmud here a future doctor Dr mmud at the end of the year we because of the color of of our skin in order to succeed are not allowed to have that misstep on the stairs of success because that little misstep that can even be a traffic ticket can come back to haunt us in painting Us in such a Negative portrayal Dr V remember on Sunday when I was talking about the 14year old black youth who got killed and yet a news media painted him as being the killer we can't imagine such in the Georgia school shooting we can't imagine such a thing of of of accidental identity upon a white child we can't imagine a CALA Harris or a Barack Obama presidential candidate saying lies after lies and having such messy private lives fraud bankruptcies the majority of black people would vote for them you're mute for a bit okay well um did did did she did she hold her ground tonight oh yeah yeah Absolut absolutely but again I think none of us it feels like none of us are really surprised because of everything we just said of course she would of course she she had no choice but to hold she had some in the first part of it she had some serious knockout punches like he had he had 45 in my opinion on the ropes a little bit he came off the rails in five minutes she lit him up any coaching that he had was out the window after two he can and once he's off the rails you can never reel him back in I mean literally talking about people eating dogs come on y'all we really went really went there no that was I want to see how they defend this I have to tune in Fox and just hear hear how they defend his performance because well he's been waiting a little bit there y'all but I mean fox has actually been I know he has his Die Hard people on Fox but fox has actually been kind of beating him up as well like a people several people have called him out over his isnit and they will not let they will not let him that and one anchor actually said to him when he came on like we're tired of you we're tired of you lying we're tired of you lying we keep trying to protect you but all you lie so this is his his favorite network this might be that last draw kind of thing where it's like we what what can we do with this no spin available s did so let me ask because I don't want to keep up anyone up any long because we all have long days and we all in different areas and some are up rather late so Aisha final comments um stay tuned because the the real thing here is um how the media tries to sandwash what we just saw Trump do okay so we know that that's going to be the part stay tuned because there's going to be some kind of spin okay and we just gotta be ready to combat it I'm gonna also ask and each one of you too do we see another debate I don't think he wants to take on again no okay Ryan Ryan Ryan final thoughts uh same as Aisha I'm very curious to hear how their pundits spin this and it will either be a master class and whatever they come up with to save face or they're gonna throw up their hands and be like whatever we got we got because this is our guy and we can't turn back but I think he missed a good opportunity to stick at her policies and show what his plan is he chose to sell the uh Angry Republican emot and I I think it fell on flat ears she she said she put it wellward it's like and she could have said we're done with you like this this whole act we're past that she said it like we're not going back but I think people are getting tired of the ACT but his bases his base so we'll see if he has enough to pull it off Dr Tachi well they know not to ask me to run for anything because the moment he started talking would be like and scene because it was a complete and total this is what but but we're not surprised because this is what he knows he knows television he knows uh theater he knows acting and that's what he does so the fact that he's made it this far is is really not incredible in this country but you know it's incredible what I'm waiting to see just like um Aisha and also Ryan said I I 100% agree but I'm wondering how much of an effect this will have on the uh vice presidential debates and how they're able to pull this in and maybe make up for some of the crazy on his end uh if what if they're going to coach JD Vance to really uh pick up the slack for where he seriously slacked laa he ain't coachable he ain't coachable Vance is not coachable he's just as off the rails As Trump so he got a perfect running mate um my thing is this you it doesn't matter what we feel about this debate it doesn't matter at all it's It's Entertainment uh I uh it is you know it is what it is it's a magic show so what really matters to me is that you get yourself registered and you get yourself to the polls I cannot stress that enough and I'm not talking about just voting for The Big Ticket people you need to be paying attention to who's voting in the down ballot because see all the crazies are also running underneath those ballots as well mom moms for Liberty all those people are getting into these smaller positions to position themselves in a position of power to even go up further and your children are at stake we are at stake listen the president is gonna be the president I told you somebody gonna get in there they're gonna promise the world they're gonna get in the White House and somebody gonna come in with the book and go Madame President you know all those things that we said you said you was gonna do here's the book can't do it okay and here's why okay fine but we still need to pay attention to what we do in our communities make sure you vote and don't just assume that you are registered because I know Shenanigans are going on because it's happened in my family my husband and I check to see about our voting records we vote in everything I'm registered he's not so you need to check every week to make sure that you are on those roles I can't stress this enough right are how to put it uh so first of all um as one who has um done a lot of debates uh Donald Trump had the advantage at the end uh they said he was the pick of the whatever the dice or you know some pick so he got to give the last word and he stayed Donald Trump with Grievances and anger and all that and you know that's what people will remember so yes for his base so did he fail I think it's kind of as Maga after Trump is dead the movement to continue you know they try that before with the Tea Party etc etc the other thing I would say is simply this not only of whatever happens on November 5 there will be violence either on November 6 or on January 6 2025 but I want you uh all to remember this uh Donald Trump is very uh theatrical and there was another world leader who use feater in his position I'm not talking for those who are Canadian I'm not making a reference to Justin trudo who was a a Drama teacher before he became a PM I'm actually talking about and I'm going to use the Godwin's law AKA reference to Hitler and the Nazis here edol Hitler edol Hitler because as populist and notice Trump kept referring to Victor Orban a populist populist they need that drama he doesn't care he's not about the policies and he has always been able to how can I as a great philosopher of the 21st century said his name Curtis Jackson 50 Cent you wanted an Entertainer president you got one that's what we have we have 40 Years of dumbing down America America we have the consequences of a society that has put entertainment AKA toxic entertainment of course we have so many talented black artists and and athletes but toxic entertainment we have put consumerism and we have a return of religiousity AKA put science away Bible frers this is what has given us a man such a contradiction to decency a contradiction to Christian and human values a contradiction to logic and yet this man can come back to Power because we have millions of people who would rather see him in power than to see a qualified black woman with all the rightful background to be there Wayne you got last last CH last chat second last second last Amaya's last oh yes Amaya's yes Amaya's last there we go thank you thank you listen I you know our GDP is dependent on the United States right if America uh you know sneezes Canada gets a cold we need you uh 90% of our population lives within 100 miles of the US border we depend on you so from a business perspective uh America does business with Republicans America does other things with the Democrats now I'm not saying the Democrats can't do business Obama had a very good economy up until the wheels came off in 2008 2009 but what about tonight about tonight my last words are this kamla did what she was supposed to do kudos to her Trump do did what he does Trump did what he does kudos to him now tomorrow when you see the reports on both sides of the of the audience the right and the left when you read the the media and you see what's going on I want you to think about how much things have changed since what you talked about with the Black Wall Street and the Pana Africa movement and and all of that har Renaissance and all the other things that we did and how much things have not changed and then what you're going to do in particular between between now and November 5th to insulate yourself politically economically and socially so that regardless of who gets into the power you and yours win because that's what every other culture is doing true regardless of who gets in the people from the different cultures they gonna be okay so we need to make sure that if she wins and God bless her right I went to high school with her great great right hey one of my high school alumni you know Public School Howard you know H you know she went there with my sister great yeah but if she doesn't win do you have a plan what's your contingency plan for regardless of who's Empower at all three levels of government so that you your family and your community win I think that's really what this debate showed me that's why that's why infrastructure is so important that's all that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying so whoever Maya oh go ahead sorry Wayne done done go ahead all right Maya your cloes in shop [Music] um I was just um scrolling on my Twitter and this right-wing dude I don't even know who he is he talked about the fact that kamla needs to fix her facial expressions because it perpetuates a female stereotype specifically I think he was talking about like a black female stereotype but whatever but I think it's just funny that he messed up his debate performance so bad that they can't even talk about any sort of policy they can't talk about what he's going to do they can't talk about anything of substance they have to resort to talking about her facial expressions and it's so funny because I feel like we as black people all kind of had those same facial expressions because we were just like confused like we so flabbergast at what he's at what he was saying and a lot of the comments are from white women who are like I don't like that like she you're you're really misogynistic you're not like this that's not that's not the vibe so I feel like they're I feel like at this point it's just they're just slowly chipping away at whatever support that they have left and I feel feel like a lot of those people that they're isolating are going to come out and vote for CA so okay all right well I want to thank every everybody for showing up tonight uh and I also want to first of all I got to thank Ryan Knight for coming up with this conversation a few weeks ago in regards to so that's why I'm just a fan of prime time Saturday we need to have this discussion though we need to have this kind of discussion because nobody's having it you know from from this perspective of across the Americas across North America very good true yes so before we leave I'm G to I put it in the comments section but I'm going to give everyone's handle this is where you can get a hold of Aisha this is how you can get a hold of laa this a whole you can get a hold of Dr Tachi this is Ryan Knight this is Cesar and that's Mr Harris so family I'm gonna propose something block off election night oh 100% yeah oh yeah really good all right lock off election night and I'm going to just take a final straw poll who feels Miss Harris is gonna win I think man who who thinks 45 is gonna win I I yeah I still think I don't think she can maintain the momentum unfortunately I think it's going to take a lot of her followers to get more hype they're getting passive because he's floundering but his base is steady the ground people are pretty hype people are pretty hype here on the ground yeah that's good to hear that's good Sor Ryan Ryan she doesn't need to keep the momentum Trump just needs to stay Trump okay yes valid valid well I I think I think for me tonight my question is what I'll be very see what is the undecided thinking after this because both yeah the undecided I think 45 party distanced himself more from undecided more than M Harris did and I have to say undecided there are no undecided sorry there are people who just don't want to say who they want to vote for exactly decided all right they know all right VI there are D decided you're either okay with a black woman in power or you okay with a rapist frauders insurrectionist multiple cheater draft it's a it's you know from a religious sense it's as simple as good versus evil black or white it's it's that simple still lots of time as I agree with Wayne there's still lots of time on the clock talk to us talk in November well from from one last thing from this perspective for those of us here the choice voices are clear democracy or dictatorship this is the closest we've ever been to this type of thing so it it's not a game it's not a joke democracy or dictatorship or you will see what some other countries are starting to experience and he's promised it so I I found it interesting him referencing Victor Oben and his over and over again okay all right so family gonna take you off one at a time so goodbye ladies from Connecticut goodbye Ryan Knight goodbye Cesar good night in many ways la la good night Dr Tachi and adios M Harris thanks for coming in always appreciated all right family that is it I don't think you'll see this conversation anywhere else this evening and that's why we do what we do so as we finish up T I want to thank everyone who watches live on the replay it's appreciated not taken for granted and we'll do some few closing things as always uh to advertise your business product or service on any the platforms I'm on please feel free to email D email me Dr period Vibe the dvbe also subscribe to the Dr VI show on YouTube and hit the notification button and also like the Dr Vive show on Facebook LinkedIn and Instagram uh if you want to get a hold of me if you do I don't know why but website address the dvbe YouTube Facebook and Linkedin the Dr Vib Show Instagram atth do Vib show X Twitter dvbe and email Dr period Vibe the drr I think we've got about everything down that we needed to get down I don't think there's anything else let me just check no I think we got everything all right so this is how I close out all the conversations live your life as a dream if you can dream it you can make it sometimes you have to get small to get stronger block assumptions then aim bigger aim better aim higher aim wider love Faith and respect and don't just manage your time manage your energy and remember to give yourself Grace want to thank everyone who chimed in and if you definitely catch the re catch the replay oh and one some last comments here Wayne asks if 45 wins will it finally gize the black community Dr tazy says probably not and Drea Rich says good evening there's no question vp's capacity to maintain momentum white supremacy is the reason this race is so close all right all right God bless peace to well keep the faith follow me anywhere you can and that's a wrap [Music] ref

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Liz Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris for President

Category: Entertainment

Not only am i not voting for donald trump but i will be voting for k harris wait a second liz cheney is gna be voting for comma harris what about this tweet from a couple years ago hm it looks like you're flipping like a pancake and as a conservative as someone who believes in and cares about the constitution... Read more

Presidential Debate With Kamala Harris- In Spin Room, Donald Trump Says It 'Was His Best Debate' thumbnail
Presidential Debate With Kamala Harris- In Spin Room, Donald Trump Says It 'Was His Best Debate'

Category: News & Politics

Very important debate now she wants to do another one cuz she got beaten tonight but i don't know why wouldn't you look at her get under your skin there was she successful m ight you have condemned that multiple times what what have i condemned project 2025 yeah i have nothing to do with project 202... Read more

Kamala CAUGHT! She LIED In SCRIPTED Interview With Dana Bash of CNN! thumbnail
Kamala CAUGHT! She LIED In SCRIPTED Interview With Dana Bash of CNN!

Category: Entertainment

[music] all right welcome back warriors it's me linda b thank you all so much for joining me here today so today we are going to be looking at this video well this interview with comma harris and tim walls this is the strangest thing this is not like a regular interview when you are just taking random... Read more

EXPOSED Trump’s ‘Weak Deal’ with the Taliban #debate #trump2024 #election2024 #kamalaharris thumbnail
EXPOSED Trump’s ‘Weak Deal’ with the Taliban #debate #trump2024 #election2024 #kamalaharris

Category: News & Politics

Donald trump when he was president negotiated one of the weakest deals you can imagine he calls himself a deal maker even his national security advisor said it was a weak terrible deal and here's how it went down he negotiated directly with a terrorist organization called the taliban the negotiation... Read more

Reports: Biden taking rare step to thwart Japan company’s takeover of US Steel thumbnail
Reports: Biden taking rare step to thwart Japan company’s takeover of US Steel

Category: News & Politics

[music] it may not matter that presidential hopefuls donald trump and kamla harris both want to stop a japanese company from acquiring us steel that's because current president joe biden is beating them to it according to multiple reports biden plans to block the $15 billion deal between japan's nepon... Read more

Donald Trump on Government Backed IVF: A Game Changer for Families thumbnail
Donald Trump on Government Backed IVF: A Game Changer for Families

Category: News & Politics

And i said so with the tips and with the social security that no taxes on social security i said maybe for ivf and i've been looking at it and what we're going to do is for people that are using ivf which is fertilization we are the government is going to pay for it or we're going to get or mandate... Read more

US Election 2024 Prediction: Allan Lichtman Foresees Kamala Harris Defeating Donald Trump thumbnail
US Election 2024 Prediction: Allan Lichtman Foresees Kamala Harris Defeating Donald Trump

Category: People & Blogs

Alan lickman renowned as the nostradamus of us presidential elections has made an intriguing prediction for the 2024 us presidential elections in a captivating video for the new york times lickman a respected historian with an exceptional track record of accurate election forecasts has declared that... Read more