HB Mornings Episode 150: Reactions To Pete Carroll's Interview
Published: Aug 20, 2024
Duration: 00:51:13
Category: Sports
Trending searches: pete carroll
[Music] good morning everybody Welcome to the 150th episode of hawkblogger mornings I'm am Brian neher you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at hawkblogger and this episode like all episodes is brought to you by ftn fantasy the best source of NFL information and data to help you win your fantasy football league and sports bets use promo code Hawks to get 15% off your ftn subscription a bunch of you already have done that and appreciate you and I think you're going to love that we've got a lot of fun in store for today's episode um I think it was a pretty momentous day yesterday um something that I hadn't anticipated happening happened uh former coach Pete Caroll was on with Doug Baldwin and softy mer yesterday and there's some interesting interesting things that came out of that so I I want to take some time to share about about that and about what my reactions were to some of the things that came out of it those are two guys well three guys as a matter of fact that I care about a lot um personally uh as a Seahawks fan and I think a lot of folks feel the same way way and you know it's a funny thing you know you start as a fan you know a lot of times as a kid and you have players on your wall and football cards baseball cards whatever you've got jerseys you wear all this stuff that kind of separates you these are these are superum these are you know celebrity these are folks that are greater than they're different than um and one of the things that that happens when you get a little closer to the game and a little bit closer to the people is you begin to just see the humanity and who these people are and the the Supernatural part is like everything around them is so odd and so unnatural and you start to really appreciate people that can stay ground Ed while surrounded by so much odd behavior not I'm not even talking about by other celebrity or other superstars or whatever but just the way people interact with them I mean when someone sees them on the street they like dropped their knees they want to their signature they want all this stuff um they're kind of worshiped and a lot of people don't handle that situ ation all that well and eventually it kind of poisons their Persona poisons their mind and starts to seep into where they start to think of themselves as greater than or different than when the reality is we're all just people no matter what and um these folks in particular Pete Carroll Doug Baldwin and I'd say softy you know much you know different kind of situation are all people that stood out to me as being able to barricade themselves to protect themselves from becoming anything but humble and grounded and certainly they can be confident they can feel great about who they are and what they do and how good they are at what they do without necessarily losing touch with really like the core of what got them there and how to treat other people and so a lot of that I think shows through in this interview that Doug mainly conducted with Pete Caroll um but softy was there too you know I will just say because softy is probably the of the three the one that people would think least about in this situation but you know any any kind of celebrity gets approached and and softy is certainly like a local celebrity and I remember the first time I got to start to get to know softi and I we would be out at a bar we'd be somewhere and there was you know pregame and I think he'd sometimes be hosting you know doing radio stuff whatever and there would just be person after person after person that would come up and want to introduce themselves and want to you know talk to him and befriend him and they're from all different walks of life all different types of people all different types of interactions and I was exhausted watching it and to see how he handled it with such Grace um softy's got like this blowhard big personality guy in some ways I kind of expected him to be like you know uh get away like give me space but that just wasn't who he was and I was just impressed by that and that stayed consistent he always had time for people he always talked to them like a person he didn't talk to them like he was doing them a favor by speaking to them and I was like I don't think I could do that like I I get so exhausted you know having people come up to me like that and so you know softy is that way and that always really impressed me Doug certainly is that way U I think a lot of you know the story I wrote about it a while ago that you know I had you know Doug and I got to know each other very early on like his very first year and and uh I won't go into all the details cuz most of it's personal but you know he he one point like I I think I was tweeting about my older son's basketball team and how my older son had been really mistreated by a you know traveling team basketball coach he had been on the Travel team and decided it wasn't for him and the the coach was just an a jerk and when Isaac ended up I I kind of formed another team when that TR team played us that coach like told all of his players to make sure that you know my kid didn't score any baskets like it was it was just like a awful example of how bad Youth Sports can get um in any event you know Doug reached out and was like you know I'd love to come hang out with your team and he came to a practice uh practiced with the kids did you know played bump with the kids this was you know not for notoriety not for recognition just because he's a good dude and you know wanted to have an opport he loves basketball as well but you know he's just um he's a different kind of person and he's proven that to me time and again through interactions off the field of which we'll stay off the field and and off this show but there's he's not just an amazing athlete he's an amazing person and then Pete you know clearly is a guy that has touched a lot of people with the way he has approached the game and it's not it's not just players it's not just other coaches it's fans I still feel it I feel it from you know for myself but I still feel especially in the fan base that there's still people mourning the loss of Pete Carroll and what he meant and how much he touched people and he talks about that a little bit in this interview um of which I'm only going to play a few Snippets because you really should go over to um KJR uh 933 KJR to see hear the full interview in fact that reminds me let me drop the link to the full interview I will put it in the description of the video um so you can find that later um if you're interested uh link to full Carol interview thanks for waiting with me while I do that because I know I'm going to get asked that question later on it is now in the description of the video and um yeah I I uh I just think that people are still mourning the loss of Pete in this fan base and not just because he won a Super Bowl here obviously that's a key part of it but it was a lot of respect for how he handled himself and the message that he had in what has been a always masculine aggressive um browbeating sport we just heard the other day Tu taga aloa talk about how devastating it was to have Brian Flores as a coach and how much he just beat him down every day and telling him that he didn't deserve to be there and that it was just corrosive and that's super normal unfortunately in football especially but there's a lot of people that believe coaching is like the Bobby Knight the bill bich which I'm not sure belich is as harsh as all that but this kind of toxic um approach to to Leading Leading Men leading young men and so I think a lot of people believe that's the way to coach and Pete brought a different path he brought a more modern more positive approach someone who studied Port sports psychology and sports performance and listened to experts on that and it helped shape his approach and so I anyway I I think that Pete's an amazing figure and someone who who deserves all the the love and praise sent in his Direction and what I wanted to do here is play a little bit of the interview with him and um uh and again encourage you to go listen to the full interview over at 933 but uh it starts here with um Doug Baldwin reminding Pete about a time where he approached him on the bus telling him like Hey don't forget the fact that you have this kind of impact as a leader of men and of young men and this was an interesting little tidbit from Pete about that again this is as loud as I can make it so hopefully you guys can hear this um let me know in chat if you cannot yeah I do I do remember that yes and quite clearly yeah go ahead no go ahead oh I'm just yeah it's uh you know I I think we we realize that there's a really good way that to to coach and to play together and and that we give to each other and and be open and and uh and caring and you know you were one for sure that that you we passed it back and forth that's a great example of of a time you know I would do nothing but Rave about about you to work with you and all that and and uh and you weren't the easiest guy in the world know to deal with but uh but I appreciated so much where you were coming from because it was so important to you to excel so important you to to show who you were you know and make that statement every chance you got and that's that to me that's that's the guys I'm want to surround myself with and we trying to win football games and do great things and you know and take on those big challenges yeah I remember so first of all I don't know about you guys but just hearing Pete's voice kind of stirs a little bit right like you just you love that guy you love that guy you love what he meant here you love what he represents and just hearing him talk again you know it's a little it's a little uh emotional is maybe too strong of a word but it does stir the emotions a little bit and just hearing his voice but I loved the little back and forth with him there and Doug about you know you're not the easiest guy to coach and Doug's like I know I know Doug's not I mean Doug is he is super headstrong and and super competitive and passionate but not to make this about me at all but uh you know I've LED people um of All Sorts some of the most amazing talented people and some of the best people I've LED are incred incredibly confident and headstrong and competitive and want things to be done at a certain level and a certain way and to meet their bar and you have to as a leader kind of be able to step you don't have to there's some people that make the mistake that you have to lead those types of folks by proving that you're better than them that that they you're their superior but that's actually not the way and Pete clearly gets that which is your goal is not to establish superiority with the people you're leading your goal is to gain respect both ways with the people you're leading and to earn credibility with the people you're leading and if you do that then you can actually lead them um there's a lot of people that if you get into a superiority match with them it actually is counterproductive and you don't get the best so actually acknowledging you know one my favorite you know hiring isms is you know hire people that are smarter than you that are better than you because a lot of people think that they shouldn't and are intimidated to do that but really the best leaders can lead the most talented people um and and they do it by earning their respect and treating them and recognizing them and putting them in positions to succeed so you know Pete gets that he he also took that responsibility seriously of being a leader of young men and that that came through in everything that he did next thing I wanted to play from Pete excuse me here while I get the right timing was uh I think the first conversation about whether he's interacted at all with the Seahawks just watching I haven't talked to those guys at all uh we just got there and to Mike uh stuff um what's your take on McDonald and this uh this staff he's put together and have you so this is softy asking Pete Carol about his interactions with Mike McDonald what's his take on it and I think this was an important important part of the interview you conversed with them spent much time with them at all no I really haven't um I haven't talked to those guys at all I ran into Mike in the parking lot one day and it was a great chance to for just two of us alone to meet say hey and and kind of get greeted and on we go I I have not had much to do with them in in any way and really I'm I just watching the games a little bit when I see them on TV I'm not paying that much attention to it it just feels like it's the right thing to do to let them go and I I don't really have any opinion other than I know they're really hardworking and it's a really smart group of guys yeah um and I know that they're in a they're they're they have a good group around them to to build on and I think they it sounds like they've done some really good things i' checking on I heard Leo's comments about the guys up front and new nose tackle and all that they could could be really good up there that's a really good place to start it's really good place to start um good seeing Chen back you know and and with the fellas and all he's a real important factor on that football team and and uh so um I but I really don't have that that I don't have that much information but I'm purpose you know with purpose I'm staying away from it yeah and uh I'm I'm not visiting with them at all yeah so I think that was a really important one to listen to and I have so far my interpretation when I've asked Mike McDonald about Pete Carol or he's been asked about Pete Carol and talking to him before he's had a look of no I haven't and I won't and my interpretation of that was a little bit of Pride from Mike McDonald of I'm going to do it my way which is maybe one of the only things that I haven't reacted positively to from Mike McDonald he's been very complimentary of Pete Carol and the prior regime so it's not that but I got a little bit of this not to use a corporatism or a techism but um NIH not invented here um syndrome where it's like if if I didn't come up with the idea then it's not a good one and so I don't want to ask anybody else hearing Pete there I don't think that's the case I think that Pete has decided he is going to distance himself from the organization and I understand why I don't think his exit was something that was particularly certainly wasn't what he wanted and he was pushed out and as much as he handled it with class in the in the press conference afterwards it it stung there's just no way it didn't stung think about how he reacted to getting fired at New York um with the Jets how he got how he reacted how it felt for him to get fired in New England how much of a catalist that was for the rest of his career how much he used that as fuel for him in his career and the accomplishments he had after that there's no way that it just doesn't stick in his craw that he didn't get to make his own decision about when he was going to leave in what is most likely his final coaching gig and and that bums me out I mean I'm not shocked it's understandable he should do what's right for him from a mental health perspective to protect his you know mindset but I I'm bummed I I I I hope that that wound heals in time and that he can come back obviously there's no one that is going to be more deserving of raising the 12th man flag at a playoff game at an NFC Championship I know that'll probably be Jody Allen but Pete Caroll is just he's feeded here and so I I I was a little bums to hear that that that Pete's kind of just said no I'm going to distance myself from this I understand it I support it I don't begrudge him in that at all but the Seahawks organization's better with him being involed involved in some way not like every day or every month even but that that line of communication is open the fact that it sounds like for at least for now it's closed is too bad um but I don't think that's forever or at least I hope that's not forever uh next bit here that I want to go to give me a second while uh softy to be up here so this is going to be you're you're going to hear soft you're going to hear Doug ask p if he's going to coach again and here's Doug asking the question he told me I could talk about whatever I wanted to talk about but I had to ask you this question when you came on air this is not true by the way but go ahead okay all right one of us is lying let say that uh he wants to know do you still want to coach do you want to coach again well you know I get asked a lot so I'm I'm pretty familiar with the answering that um I could coach tomorrow I I I don't I'm physically in in the best shape I've been in a long time I'm ready to ready to do all the activities that I'm doing and feeling really good about it um I could I I don't but I don't really I'm not Desiring it you know at this point and this isn't the coaching season you know we'll see what happens and I'm not really uh I'm not waiting on it at all I'm I'm going ahead I got other things that I want to do that I'm excited about and I'm going to see see how all that goes I'm not thinking that it's uh that and I'm holding my breath and that kind of thing and so um if if it's been 40 something years 48 years or whatever coaching and and that's it I feel okay about that you know people used to ask me you know hey how how's your team doing how you what do you think of your program all that I said I'll tell you when you know when we get farther down the road and we looking back and and looking back at what what's happened and what you know what we've done over the years and the 14 years and then the nine years at SCC um you know I feel pretty good about all that and and if that's is what it is and that's my end of my my coaching I can live with that but I'm telling you I I I do honestly I feel great and I I could um I never was worn out by the game of coaching you know then never I was never never ran out of juice or or stamina to do that and I don't feel like many anything but better than that now so but that's that's that's about as vague as I can be and I don't know I got no other Alternatives right now to think about and I'm fine about that no so yeah you hear Pete kind of coming to grips with the reality that he probably isn't going to coach again and he's not thinking about it and I think that sounds like a man who's not getting a lot of opportunity and so is not Assuming he's going to get opportunity and I think he would love to coach again and I think he'd love to prove that he's still great at what he does just knowing Pete and the knowing the way he competes uh with everything but I think he's been working on kind of coming you finding peace with the fact that he probably will not coach again not at least at this kind of level and so that that's something I mean it came later from for him than it did for many other coaches but that is just it comes for all of us at some point you know uh you're you're no longer seen as somebody who can do the job you've done for a very long time um you are seen as somebody who is not someone you want to build something with because the person you know you're considered too old and you need someone younger who has you know newer ideas or you know longer working professional life ahead of them that you can count on and I think Pete's coming to to grips with that and and realizing he probably will not coach again um so a couple more pieces of sound I will get to hear before I do a couple super chats uh from G Knight gar says my brother and I went to a softy hosted gig at eqc when the Hawks played the Damon hward loved Chiefs softy was a awesome to everyone I witnessed not a surprise at all um to hear that another one here from G Knight says is it possible Pete and George Lucas are going to teach a film course and revolutionize NFL films Pete and George Lucas at a Panda Express goinging over this is something I need to know is happening I don't know G that's an odd uh combination to come up with but uh Pete's you know he does spend a lot of time down there in LA and he does talk about the fact that he is going to be teaching a class at USC so who knows maybe your dream will become reality and thank you for the Super Chat okay um this next bit is really from from from Doug and it's Doug talking to Pete and this this kind of hit me in some kind of way and wanted to to play this to him to you so you could hear him with his message to his former coach that's never going away so um wherever that fits and wherever it can be directed you know I'll follow that along yeah I have no doubt about that but you know as somebody who cares about you who loves you I would tell you go sit your ass down somewhere spend some time with glena and you know I've said that to you before you listen you got nothing else to prove I know you have the the the competitive spirit in you um and I'm grateful for that so don't ever lose that and I know you never will but you know glena deserves some time too and I know you know that I I I appreciate your thoughts and and you know this has been one of the really special relationships and let's let's just keep it going I will tell you though over in Kuwait you know I had a team not going to play that part but uh cool hear you know Doug just you know offering guidance and offering like hey do not forget that your wife has spent a lifetime you know with you being all over the place doing all sorts of things make sure you spend time with her and I I'm reading a lot into that but knowing knowing the way I think about these things and guessing how I think Doug thinks about these things and a lot of people that I've talked to now I've interviewed all sorts of different people at different stages of their life and the one one of the consistent things is when your life is kind of winding down and I'm not saying Pete's what life is winding down but he's certainly on the the older side of of you know the his late stages you won't really look back and just wish that you had spent more time working even as much as you love your work and you will look at the people you love and wonder if you gave them enough and gave them enough time gave them enough love gave them enough praise whatever it is said the things that you wish you had said and so Doug's I think sees that in Pete Pete is so competitive and so much wants to be his best as a football coach that he's no there's no doubt he's made significant sacrifices in his personal life over the years and you know Doug's telling him to to pay it back a little bit and um that relationship between him and Doug is pretty cool um this is uh the last thing I'm going to play is is also related to that so let me let me get that sound um thank you thank you for uh thank you for your time thanks for coming on the air listen I again you know how much I care about you how much I love you um love your brother just just very grateful just very grateful say the fellas I don't get to see all those guys as much as you do say hey to fellas get a chance and we'll get together when we get back in yep and give Glenn a hug for me please I sure will pass along I don't know about you but when um Pete said love you brother that hit me that hit me um those guys have been through it I don't know I don't know anyone who's been part of a team anyone who's part like work team sports team whatever but um a situation where you've been through a lot together and there's kind of a bond that that you cannot Forge any other way and especially with somebody who's seen you in your most vulnerable moments seen you when the lights are off and knows that you going to make choices that have you know that are of high integrity and of um that kind of prove who you are and Doug and Pete have seen each other in those moment moments over the years and the respect that they've built together through that only comes when real recogniz is real and that's what the two of them do and uh so I I just uh I I love that whole conversation again I recommend you listen to the whole thing I just played a few clips from it it is on uh 933 KJR um if you want to listen to the rest um I just uh huge credit to to um softy to Doug um to all those guys for what they did and to Pete for coming on and giving um giving the team giving the the fan base a chance to really hear from a guy that is a hero to a lot of people so um just wanted to to play a little bit of that for you all and and recognize that was a a pretty important moment um I I think at least so um really cool to see and the the only other thing that um I would say there is give it some time you know let's see what happens um I'm going to play some sound tonight in at real Hawk talk 7 o'clock p.m. Pacific Evan Hill Nathan Ernst will be on with me I'm going to play some Mike McDonald sound where I ask him about Pete Carroll prior to this interview happening and you'll be able to see Mike McDonald respond to that question um I do think there's going to be a moment where those to connect and uh I think John Schneider will will facilitate it at some point I think it will happen it might just not happen right away so um really really appreciate that uh oh my gosh it happened again folks it's happening again um hijack 101 has gifted five Hawk blogger memberships uh this is so amazing and what's really really really cool about this is that he got gifted a membership a week ago and I wanted to pay it forward gohawks that is that is what this community is about that is what this community is about we are going to support each other we are going to get to know each other hopefully you guys make friends um and the best way to do that is becoming a member there will be member only experiences as the season kicks off almost all the postgame shows I'm pretty sure will be member only chat so if you want to chat and be able to voice your your opinions in there you want to be a member but as you've seen for me like I I've tried to give back as much as more than I've gotten from this experience um at least financially and and I love that this is starting to be a community that that that takes that same approach uh so many people here have become members because somebody else has gifted those memberships and then paying it forward can come in a million different ways it can come in you gifting memberships after you've been gifted one it can come in the sense of you renewing because it's only a one- Monon thing so there's going to be hundreds of people that have one- month memberships and then could fall off a cliff and I hope that doesn't happen I hope you take the the sign from the universe that you've been gifted a membership here to to keep uh renewing and keep being part of this community because I think we're building something really special here and uh I I have great appreciation for all of you and thank you to hijack for following that and uh kind of showcasing that that uh approach uh I do want to uh take this opportunity again to uh recommend that all of you go on over to ftn fantasy.com um sign up and get access to uh stats Hub dvoa if you ever if you ever paid for football Outsiders you wanted all the dvoa stats the only place to get dvoa right now is ftn fantasy so Aaron shots all those things when you're going to want to see who's ranked best in dvoa you want to see who's going to be going against the Seahawks any given week you got to be an ftn subscriber I am an ftn subscriber um all you got to do is sign up if you use promo code code Hawks you get 15% off and folks uh it's like less than n bucks a month to to get access to Stats Hub so uh I'm going to give you the link in chat just you will not regret it um hopefully you guys take advantage of this promo code um for ftn Fantasy we had a great show with Mike Randall yesterday that's going to be every Tuesday um really really excited about this partnership and uh hopefully you guys getting a a good deal is always a good thing all right so that was the Pete Carol portion of the show I I want to SP spend a little bit of time talking about a few other things um uh some fun stuff a little bit more uh uplifting maybe depending on your perspective but um let's start with Lisa chanal I I umum I interviewed him uh a little while back it might have just been last week I can't even remember I've been talking to so many folks and had a great conversation with him um and I asked him yesterday during a press conference a couple questions that I think got some interesting answers out of him uh this first one is based off this reality that I think we are seeing lisus Chanel getting used in more ways more often as Camp progresses and so what I see is is um the the offensive coaches getting to know him better and getting to know how to utilize um how to utilize his skills so I asked Lisa Chanel about that yesterday he gave a very brief answer but check this out do you feel like the coaches are getting to learn a little bit more about your game and how to utilize your strengths most definitely most definitely I'm going to keep that one short but most definitely [Laughter] uh so did you get what I got out of that um pretty resounding yes like they are starting to see what lisus chanal he is a multifaceted player and what's different one of the many things that's different between Ryan grub and Shane Waldren is Ryan grub knows how to utilize Talent he will not just blindly run the same offense with the same plays and the same players regardless that's why so many people are making this mistake of oh he's going to run the udub offense the same way he's got three good receivers here he had three good receivers there he's got a good quarterback here he had a good quarterback there no he's already recognized Kenneth Walker is a very different player than the running backs he had access to at University of Washington and he's making a big effort to build around around him he is understanding that Jake Bobo is different than some of the other players he's got and they're finding ways to utilize him Brady Russell is different than the tight ends he had access to how do you utilize him and Lisa is another example of that kind of player and Ryan grub is tinkering he's the mad scientist he's figuring out how to utilize this guy and I think that that's a great great news um we got another Super Chat here from G Knight Brian I think the new kickoff is not punitive enough to stop touchbacks the 30 yard line is safe your thoughts um you know a little bit of a detour here so you know I'll just spend a second on this but I don't have much of opinion on the kickoff rule I I guess if anything I like the fact that there's going to be more kick returns that's my basic perspective I think the 30 yard line is pretty far up the field and I think coaches would would like to not have that be the case but given the the Seahawks have been handling this so far um you know they've given up a number of kickoff returns to the 40 yard line maybe kicking it into the end zone is their best bet um but we'll see they've got to work on their coverage skills and I appreciate your your Super Chat G you do not have to apologize for being off topic I appreciate the super chat um but I'm only going to spend a minute on it um uh I'm getting some you know hate about the shirt you know I like this shirt so uh sorry Jason it's stay in um you definitely don't want me to take it off that would be much worse um all right next bit from from Lisa is is uh I then asked him a little bit later about a guy that I've compared him to that I think he has some similarities to um and that's Cordo Patterson who started off as a receiver kick returner became a running back is kind of used in all sorts of ways let's Listen to Lisa talk about that uh you said do I see do you see similarities between your most definitely most definitely I see similarities he's he's a he's faster for sure but um you know he's a he's a athlete um you know the Joker um um what he call himself I feel like I definitely um um you know have the abilities along that same type of you know type of style of play so that's Lisa Chanel's acknowledging that Cordo patters is a similar player to him and a player he talked about him being faster um let's do a quick look I should have looked this up earlier but uh cordal Patterson 40 time 442 H Lisa Chenal 40 time 458 so yeah a bit of a difference but um um still you know they do have you know similar builds strong muscular guys and in this same press conference Lisa acknowledged that Washington wanted him to come there to be a running back and he didn't get into more detail than that it could have been a Cordo Patterson like role he said that they they didn't get that far to figure it out but he didn't want to just be a running back the fact of the matter is he has that kind of skill set and he's going to he's already shown that he's going to have the ball in his hands as a runner with with the Seahawks he's going to have his the ball in his hands um as a receiver as a yard after catch guy he's going to have the ball in his hands down the field uh I've seen him catch deep passes I've seen him catch seam passes just yesterday and then also he's going to he's going to be a kick returner so and he's going to be a blocker he's made Big Blocks in both of the games so I just think um I just think uh that that is someone who is just a guy to watch and uh I got distracted a person who I want to make sure we get a chance to to acknowledge who's been a great supporter of the show uh detail oriented comes on and says guys I have a favor ask keep me in your thoughts especially when I'm not here I ripped open my surgery site from a SE seizure so I'm struggling might be absent for a while love you guys hey man it is the feelings mutual and uh we are all thinking about you detail so take care of yourself um take your finger off the gifted membership button and just gift yourself some time to chill out and heal up and uh make sure to keep us informed when you're back and stronger than ever because that's what we know you're going to be so detail thank you um and uh take care of yourself man um so that was the Lisa Chenal sound um there's more there um like I said I'm going to play some sound from Mike McDonald tonight on uh real Hawk talk so uh be sure you tune in for that 7:00 p.m. Pacific time uh the last thing I wanted to share was just some some footage that I had from Aden dirty um working with the working with with the uh defensive line yesterday I mean I could take this any day but you know it was raining yesterday and his energy just stood out and how intense he is about trying to get these guys to just really be violent in their um approach he's really working with them on rip moves in this in this and uh wanted you guys to see this in action and I want to point out a couple things as we look at it so here we [Music] go jar re now watch Byron Murphy's coming up next go again go again I want you to rip harder I want you to be more violent so violent there you go that's what I want to see so yeah he's this is the defensive coordinator this is the defensive coordinator getting his hands no pun intended dirty so I did not plan that that just came out but um this is I I just I got to play this again for you because look at look at how involved he is and how much he cares about the details here and how much he's following even as they pass him he's following how they're ripping and finishing at the end he wants to see and he did this over and over again and he just at first it was one of the other coaches in here but he wanted to get in there and just get this done a specific way and you see Leo Leonard Williams dapping up by Murphy after he did the second the second time and I see this show up in One V on I see this show up on the field this move this is another drill you see dirty kind of showing them how he wants it happen he gets down here on the ground he wants them low so I want I want to show this to you again this is something he's been working on with them throughout Camp so this is Daryl Taylor who's going to take this rep and what he's been working on is as they approach the bag he wants them to take a faint step to the right to well their right it'll be to our left in the video but basically toward the bag inside and then cut around it outside and rip like swim around it so he wants to kind of set up the blocker by think showing them they think that they're going to go inside and then cut to the out and this is something that uchen nosu Bo MAF daryal Taylor you know Derek Hall it was not natural to them this is not something that I saw them do this the first time and they all couldn't really do it naturally it it was weird because they're all amazing athletes but it was not the way they've learned they've learned to just get up on the outside as fast as possible not do these kind of almost basketball um crossover moves and so watch here this is a short clip but watch Daryl Taylor here he wants him to dip watch how he dips there right right he's he he shows the inside and then gets the outside and you hear ad and dirty say yes you feel the difference there you feel the difference um so none of those are like groundbreaking you know I'm sure there's other camps where there's people doing this kind of work I think the combination of Mike McDonald being your head coach as the defensive Mastermind and running the defense also enables you to have a guy like Aden dirty as your defensive coordinator who's also doing work as a defensive line coach and so you get this downward saturation of coaching Talent kind of uh coaching you know you're getting the quality of coaches in those different levels that are higher than you would in other situations because you know add and dirty likely you know he's he was a defensive line coach for Dallas the reason he's here is to get an opportunity to step forward with a defensive coordinator title but you also get the benefit of him you know being one of the best defensive line coaches in the in the league so um I just love that I love those early drills watching how they coach guys up I love watching Scott huff and Brendan nent on the offensive line side um with what they work on in fact if you guys are interested I can probably pull open uh one of those you guys want to see some offensive line stuff why not might take me a second to move these over but um Let me let me get this one drill to you because I can walk through this with you guys um I actually want to ask Mike derell about this be sure to wish Mike jel happy birthday by the way it's his birthday the other day um and I know he appreciates it from other folks um all right let me pull open this offensive line drill I think this is the one let's see did I get the right one yeah so let me add this to the stage this is one that they do before practice and um I'll set it up by for whatever reason they have Mike derell go first each time which is interesting and I'm not sure why um but it's just a simple going through these these um sleds and it's not pushing the sled it's it's like hitting the sled low and then raising it up right so they've got to raise it up and and it's harder than it looks it's heavier than it looks but um you can hear kind of how they go through this each and every day there's Mike Jerell I believe that's McLendon Curtis this is like this is Anthony Brad [Music] I this is Charles Fross this is Conor Williams about to come up here not the best rep from Conor Williams there first time watch this he's in the Middle St for Sight what's next to him that I think is rayquan O'Neal um so like they coach them through this every single day and I've seen them make him do it again multiple times um not every player but make certain guys that don't quite hit it right make him do it again multiple times and I think that um I've heard from Ray Roberts I mean he feels like the level of detail and the coaching on the offensive line is different than what he's seen around here for a while and I think that's a big deal and uh something that hopefully will really show up this season and just making incremental improvements on the offensive line um all right so those were the the main things I wanted to hit today we it is a double pod Wednesday really a triple pod Wednesday because I will give you your after Camp report again later today but um you know I will be there today I will be there this weekend um covering the game in the Press Box I won't be able to do a watch party I confirmed I cannot broadcast from the Press Box unfortunately but um appre appreciate um uh everyone who's been tuning in for all that if you haven't already given the show a like and click subscribe please do uh we're at like 11.4 th000 subscribers really want to get that up to 12,000 subscribers as soon as we possibly can would appreciate you guys in helping make that happen um and then uh be sure to tune in later today um for all that we've got in store for you uh a lot of stuff coming and uh appreciate everybody who's tuned in already and appreciate everybody who has uh um you know I I didn't give you a lot of notice when it was going to be on today I will always try to be on as close to 8: a.m. as possible um but uh it was a little bit late today 8:10 so thank you guys for all being here and joining we got another Super Chat here from Garth he says I'm not a religious fell but cats like detail oriented make me want to pray on their behalf get well detail and thank you for my gifted membership well that is awesome gu and um really cool to know that you were your membership was gifted and uh that's that's pretty cool so um all right everybody I think I will wrap there hopefully you have a wonderful day I will catch up with you later maybe I'll be wearing this shirt maybe not we'll see I I like this shirt but um that's just me uh all right uh I am Brian mher you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Hawk blogger if you haven't already gone to ftn fantasy.com signed up use promo code Hawks to get 15% off you should you will be happy that you did get access to the dvoa stats and um we'll be back with you later today so until then this was the 150th episode 150 straight days of Hawk blogger mornings take care y'all I'll see you soon