Ceedee Lamb contract negotiation all BS?

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:08:55 Category: Sports

Trending searches: ceedee lamb contract
what's up Good People Mark Holmes here as always I want to say thank you all for watching commenting subscribing and being part of the Joe boo sports report without you guys as well as you ladies you know that this literally does not work hope everybody's having a great day it is Sunday we have 48 hours until Cuts have to be complete so that doesn't mean that it doesn't H that that it all happens at 4:00 on Tuesday the cuts can start at any time well one person we can say that Jerry Jones is surely not going to cut is Trey Lance unless here here's here's what I'm going to say I got something to say here okay I'm on the road as always you know I I'm like Papa Was a Rolling Stone he's just you know wherever he laid his hat was his own I feel like I'm a rolling stone Papa Was a Rolling Stone yeah she ain't listening to me not the first time won't be the last time um hey I got $1,000 for you what did I hear that she heard that didn't know you wanted a reaction from me so she hears it but she only acknowledged some of it got it okay all right so Jerry Jones sounds like an angry old man who's telling you to get off of a at's turf get off my turf he's still angry about the Green Bay Packers he threw Dak Prescott under the bus kind of you know where we literally had a quarterback throw five interceptions in a preseason game what what I find amazing is how people are literally making excuses for that literally literally seriously people if we take the whole season last year Dak Prescott playing in 17 games he only had nine the whole season Trey had five last night okay people going to say well you know he was playing with third stringers yeah playing against third stringers okay so it wasn't like he was playing with third stringers and playing against first stringers but be that as it may Jerry Jones is either trying to sell and hype him up that with this is our guy to maybe try and get something in trade I don't know what somebody's trading for cuz I said after Daniel Jones had two interceptions and of four passes um that Trey Lance was better than Daniel Jones I'm looking at it from the standpoint right now that I don't want either of them to be my starting quarterback how about that how about that but at least with Trey Lance you look and say he's younger less miles on him he can run I well actually Daniel Jones can run too he's been running for his life his whole time he's been with the Giants be that as it may be that as it may my question here is is this Jerry Jones hyping up Trey L to try and get something for him and with the statements that he made about making people feel uncomfortable to basically put them on the hot seat so that they'll perform if that's what you're really doing and you know you haven't gotten Dak Prescott a contract and you haven't gotten CD lamb one if your ultimate goal is to keep them on the hot seat then paying CD lamb right now takes him off the hot seat right he's got job security if he doesn't get the new contract that keeps him on the hot seat basically you're saying you want this3 5 plus million dollar you got to perform which then brings in another question then if that's been Jerry Jones's plan all along has the whole contract negotiations him him offering 32 you know whatever knowing that that's so far down below Justin Jefferson that he knows that he was going to reject that and that they never intended on extending sending him or Dak Prescott before the season to make them stay uncomfortable as Jerry Jones said last night because if you get Dak Prescott a contract now and you get CD lamb a contract done now which we've been told that you know we're negotiating we're we're close on the CD you know we had CD literally saying pick up the phone give us a call um and of course then in the meantime he's going to keep grinding were the contract negotiations just to go ahead and say yeah we negotiated but of course it didn't work out so they can save Faith as opposed to saying we're not giving you guys a new contract I don't know but the problem with this whole Theory this problem of we're all in and you know basically if we don't win we're going to blow it up first of all you can blow it up you can blow it up and literally start from square one I've seen many many teams that are still trying to find a franchise quarterback the San Francisco 499ers which have some of the best Brain Trust out there guys Kyle Shanahan who has worked with a lot of quarter backs they gave up three number ones for Trey LS trigger Trey and Recon trigger Trey I'm going to keep that name trigger treay because when I see him through all his interceptions it really triggers me he triggers me they gave up three number ones to try and get that guy since 2011 only 22% of the first first round drafted quarterbacks have become productive NFL quarterbacks you know we've seen drafts like um Marcus Mariota and jamus Winston you know number one and number two pick we've seen the Jets Um Zack Wilson Sam darnold you know now going to Aaron Rodgers trying to find a quarterback hell we saw RG3 we saw Dwayne H Haskins we saw paying Alex Smith for Washington and don't even get me started on the Cleveland Browns so to think that the Cowboys were lucky enough to find Dak in the fourth round that that's just going to happen again I I highly doubt it I highly doubt it to have that happen would be like getting struck by lightning three times in the same spot on the beach Beach and hitting the lottery three times that's about the chances of that happening again not a whole lot although didn't Hollywood Henderson win the lottery twice so you can Never Say Never Say Never but we'll find out in the course of the next two weeks because the clock is ticking and this whole philosophy of Jerry Jones you know trying to make everybody feel uncomfortable literally could blow up in the face because he could end up having CD come in here you know ends up getting fined all the money off of his contract and basically become a distraction and Dak Prescott going through having a great season and walking away and literally you have no quarterback sign for next year none not Coop Rush not Trey Lance not Dak Prescott so yeah Jerry you can be mad all you want but end it may end up hurting you more than it helps all righty good people 5:00 we'll have our regular members chat and um we're going to be changing this up because in two weeks from today we'll be watching football aren't you happy honey football is back yay all day all day live streaming peace

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