xQc & Moxy Complete the New York Times Crossword

Published: Dec 22, 2023 Duration: 00:27:11 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: moxie nyt crossword
uh no it works yeah I don't know Moxy Moxy Moxy Moy get ask sh I've been doing D Chad has he been doing this vote yay vote nay no no do you remember back in the day people used to do vote yay vote nay remember that yeah yeah yeah yeah chat chat chat what the [ __ ] I've been doing those bro I don't see a single yes dude you straight cap to me why you BR bro bro bro bro all chat's trolling bro bro h i I did I I've been doing those I did at least four in the past couple months look does a dog trick okay that's a good dog good dog oh that's good when that it weren't so would would that it weren't so next one one highly competent um good um no no re chat we both get this right I read Shadows able able okay I'm in I'm in my chat all right able able able highly competent really highly competent yep able woly pack animal a sheep yeah yep rolling adult Rich o yep true potting material clay yes oh you're good at this okay hold up let me just uh make sure done this um B that conveys a confidence uh lock oh no no no bet that conveys confidence um um um a bet pride no I don't think so what about one down one down Let's do let's do the Downs on 1 two 3 four sure what how do you where's the uh I don't think we're allowed to do the down to be what what the [ __ ] yo Chad help guys how you do Downs wait it's all across no way oh you you click it you click it you click it okay okay okay uh no you can't you can't you're not allowed it that's interesting I just keep going okay marketing offers offering that's surges because of social media Buzz advertising let me put the camera over here um oh good job yeah advertise uh no yes maret sares because of social media Buzz uh maybe maybe maybe uh I don't know continue that one might adopt when competing a new is a new word for Persona animals person when competing okay never mind a new word um person that one competing um um next goodlooking guy uh good looking guy you're you're you're handsome you're cute cute cute wait there is a down there is a down how for me I clicked on it there's a down for me like not I I clicked the new link May reclick the link good I I I'll screenshot it so we got all the answers reclick the link yeah I have it you're right oh yeah yeah it's it's working it's working ready okay yeah yeah reveal too much uh um spoil um G four letter I don't think it's g at the top anyway yeah the S is probably good though right let let's go remove top we could check we could check to uh maybe we shouldn't I think we only have a limited amount okay reveal too much that would be to show no o no you want to check it no [ __ ] no maybe check check the first word the good why would I check that it's going to remove some points will it yeah that's lame as [ __ ] you can't check whenever you're doing AZ in the [ __ ] in the in the in the newspaper well let's just keep going okay okay okay let's do easy ones do easy ones and then we can go okay go uh what's lost in March and gain in November a day no hour hour [ __ ] developers purchase developers purchase huh developers purchase uh a DOT I don't know trading the board treading the Boors treading the Boors uh let me put music on don't no next shoing for rare records in secondhand stores that's Thrift Shop thrifting thrifting no [ __ ] hell yeah it's prob some s of ass word yeah 33 33 33 Sunny Port Fifi wine with a brownish color Blank Port uh wine wait something to do with wine no no no no no no no it's a fortified wine I don't know yeah protected wine with brownish color something P come on you're you're fancy man you yeah yeah yeah but it's not it's not a wine though it's a fortified wine which means that it's it's a it's its own product it's not not like it's like a something let's go go next go yeah uh this is coins smart tennis coup Ace Ace wow Cal pris uh uh uh BR uh I was going to do that but um uh Cal math it's math good [ __ ] job yeah good job Tony of Taxi and who's the boss no Ireland poets irand two poets H it it's it's a word poets say about Ireland the word for Ireland poet no no I think I think this is two things I think it's whenever they do a coma like this I think it's make two things it's it's both the thing they're both this really okay two poets uh I don't know Green around the gills green around the guild mold Moss no oh it's three green around the gills no that's oh jeez don't know bird stone on the mo scale bird stone but like okay uh bird stone on the mo scale do do you know your birth stone um aquam aquamarine [ __ ] par okay um malachite rubby Sapphire Emerald oh no it doesn't look like any of them on the mo scale oh [ __ ] we're [ __ ] um um um um um um it's a stone it's a stone it's a it's a rock most SCS uh I don't know probably some science [ __ ] dude I skip I skip that [ __ ] it's garbage breast by oh no nope scene that presents the title sequence oh it's a new word again of course [ __ ] garbage a prequel I think that's a title sequence it's the uh it's oh it's it's the Bing it's the Bing it's the PR again oh wait that's actually it oh my genius de and for Two Sugars yeah s a g a RS yep insecure star is a that's some that's some pop that's some movie wer MJ Mage declares no acceptable first use on The Simpsons s acceptable no I have no idea sys do as little work do as little work at one's job as possible screws screw no um treading t h r e a a d i what's called threading threading t h r okay renewable energy option water solar good job smart country is offer wage smart as [ __ ] F indelibly in IND what does it mean indelibly I know what that means should I look it up indelibly in indelibly a way in a way that cannot be removed or forgotten in indelibly um WR down inks tattoo inks smart the spoken the the king the Survivor catchphrase it survivor Survivor what survivor probably a show or movie Survivor the queen ooh that's good yeah editors never mind it's it's it's where they it's where they run it's where they edit edit sure they edit that's not it no they no it's never mind like a copy editors never mind is like they [ __ ] up in the writing so they edit the writing so what's the thing then edit it's edit yeah that's not it because down doesn't work Morris the Sal law don't know that school assignment question mark done no all right revealed too much yo ones were let's go let's go do reveals too much um oh man this is where this impossible reveal too much is a is is [Music] um um bro bro it's it's a reveal [ __ ] that [ __ ] Magazine with a pal dromic name what hell that is insane yeah this is weird honic a word verse or sentence or number that reads the same backwards and forward yeah yeah I I knew this already it's why I was looking um oh which means it would be double H right if it's a pal we can assume that it's a double H yes H so it it something H H and has to be vowels vow a vowel a e i r u e oh oh ho oh might be a thing might be a ah might be a thing might might be a thing we should just write it no I'm not writing that [ __ ] okay okay funing party three that's uh charity yeah but what is it called though it's it's [Music] um it's uh it's uh what we so [ __ ] man [ __ ] man bro I'm I'm aot English is not your first language either so tricking people via VIA text h tricking people into disclosing confidential information [Music] Tex bro this is so [ __ ] set of [Music] plates practiced deceit practiced deceit that's highest point [ __ ] Apex top uh man dude I think I think our I think our things are wrong man bro it's so cooked I think it was done him dude I think that like half of these are so [ __ ] for a ship the yeah it's the it's always the yeah the always the okay wait so advertis is right yes and is good too how is Rich good oh cuz H Yeah Yeah well yeah you're right so that's the um what's the CV CV what the [ __ ] this the seat re quick on the uptake [Music] act all right chat I'm open a chat oh Ascend O A send makes sense all want you to reval on S yeah yeah yeah wait but reveal no reveal Words May reveal words on everything let's do it slow let's let's see number one okay blab reveal too much you blab magaz P Drome oh Ellie I don't never heard of that yeah I have Gala a Gala smishing a set of plates oh by the way that's bugged 13 is bugged 13 across is bugged it can't what is a lamp yeah what's a what's a lamp what is that what the [ __ ] woy what's up what's a l lamp what the [ __ ] oh it's a it's l lama [Applause] lama andon and Tony I never knew that oh that's that's Lana Lana Lana Del re y're later I don't know what what what would need to be insulated oh a thetic the attic I knew that I typed it pattern that's um that's [Music] um um crochet croch um um um it's a Twi bro bro bro I'm so dumb get peel that's Riz o no way you knew that brother brother brother bro I mean makes sense right you should see me at the club these days man it makes sense it makes sense bro bro it's a hardcore bro oh yeah I get it what is that em Ireland creep shut the [ __ ] oh man month form called sexus August why how do you know that because because of a couple months ago yo how the hell do you learn that August September December 3 oh sexus like December oh tribe oh was 60 by the way St how we not know all right yeah I'm done with this caller colors bro bro J we could never we could never yeah we were so [ __ ] low key R reveal Grid or what why subscri mem stock mem stock yeah forget it bro are you kid no one uses that word that is a [ __ ] fake word I'm done I'm done I'm watch this watch this watch this okay what was the other thing here I forget it hold up it's New York Times guys it's not W oh want do close I'm close close close close close close close looking at your screen okay I always start with Earth because it has a lot of owls and good you want to do that or not I like plate but go ahead we lost no it's t it's t it's t it's fine it's almost done but a lot of vows are out which is good let's try let's try it um truth we needs in there that would work TOS is that stoic stoic wow okay cuz it has two bowels that's good that's good that's good that's good yeah I love that ooh Okay C okay uh we can hit this one shot there's enough to hit it one shot this is actually pretty easy this is actually pretty easy CU we got all Bs out uh we need to get we need to get I think T I don't think T's the first okay I think it's co I think it's co and something something C you Court oh that could work that could work [ __ ] what okay okay so T is first so T is confirm first it's two yeah [Music] two touch it's touch touch yep yep touch wait yeah touch Bing Bong in four is that good J well that's not bad we the 100% win rate CH and four is that good bro I think Earth would just be just as I think Earth would have been a worst one oh you want contexto oh I've played that one time yeah I played this no it's not that it's not contexto guys it's on chat what it's called chat the one the one that has all all the all the stuff con connections close sh yep closed ready okay okay oh this is easy okay Hive wax C yep something to do with bees yeah on the bottom right hi um honey honey yep what that that's pretty easy good job yeah yeah okay okay okay I'm I'm thinking in in in in the context of of a time a sh of time a period a while of time a while of time click it it's good it's good a while of time a hair hair of time okay okay what about which spell listen I think we all people witch pirate clown Angel that's all people they're all sorts of people um right that could be something true yeah the the only ones that like that nothing else is Clos right I agree with this true oh Halloween okay okay I wait you know we have a like a dry spell that's not a spill that's that's a spill no no a dry spell it's still time I I think I think is that not called a dry spell no it's a dry spell dry spell dry spell means a long time without something I'm not familiar with that so I wouldn't know oh deer what's a whale bro otherwise GG you whale something you whale something that's all I know it's an action you whale what's what's horse oh these are all objectives no whale was non objective bro I think I got bro I think I got it right I I I think there's that yeah I think you got this I got I think you got that interval of time I had it wow what is this what is this wait close your eyes oh what what the hell what is that guys I might be some type of Genius animal hops oh dude that's smart wow oh

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