thanks to you4 GM for the sponsorship they are pro and legit web with over 7,000 plus comments on trust pilot offering cheap Madden 25 coins with instant delivery and if you are interested check the link in the description use my coupon slay for 5% off yo what is going on guys welcome back to another video on the channel So today we're going to be talking about special offers which ones are good which ones you should open which ones you shouldn't open right it all comes down to Value are you getting what you paid for you want to get the most out of your money right so taking a look at some of these the Redux Fantasy Pack okay okay 2800 points you get one 86 overall Redux player and your choice of two of 383 plus players so taking a look at it you know $22 $23 if you got your EA discount okay so that's what I would be paying for it so is it worth it now with every dollar you spend per $10 you want to make a$ 100,000 coins so we're going to make a we want to make a little bit over 200,000 coins from this for it to actually be worth our money okay so let's go into the I want to take a look at the redux's real quick just so we could see actually what they're going for and one of the other things with this offer is that usually prices are down but once that pack goes away the redux's go up because the redux's are really hard to pull to be honest like the prices like pulling these guys out of all these other packs we have in the store once that Redux Pack's gone these guys should shoot up a little bit that's usually the trend and how it's been in the past but taking a look so the cheapest one is 279,000 coins right now right and you even have some some more that are going for 300,000 like Jaylen Ramsey you have uh where's David nku's kind of expensive you can see Chad Johnson he's already starting to go up in price LT is up to 338,000 coins so the value with this one is definitely there and then if we're taking a look at just 83s in general right 83s are going for I believe it's like 38,000 coins to 40,000 coins so you're going to get two of those guaranteed so that adds up as well if we just take a look on here to see what the cheapest 83 is I believe even on mutt. they're going for like 38,000 if you wanted to buy an 83 for training so they're averaging around 40,000 coins so that's like an additional 880,000 coins right the Redux offer in my opinion if you guys have the money it's it's worth it it's worth it now would would I go and sell my Redux player right away no I would wait until like Saturday just wait a little bit until that pack is gone and you can see it's expiring in a couple days right so not even Saturday maybe Monday something like that that the prices will go up on these cards right it's just it's just how it works man and then on top of that we have this one right here a lot of people are saying this was kind of good now if you got an 84 or two 84s out of here it could be worth it because the 84s are selling for 880,000 coins right and this is the same price so we want to make over 200,000 coins and what you're getting is one of two 80 pluses which what I've seen has been 80s then you're gonna get a choice of three of four 82 pluses I've seen some people get 2 84s out of there obviously if you do that that's a big W you're going to you're going to be in the profit right because you're going to be able to get 3 80 plus platinums or you're going to get two 80 two of three 80 plus platinums as well those quick sell for coins no tax so if you can get some 84s out of here it is worth it but it's a risk right it's a big risk now taking a look at this game time pack 600 points so this is worth like $5 um you're going to get 380s most of the time you're just going to get 380s out of this you're going to get some low Golds not worth it in my opinion this is not worth it either yes you do get 284 plus Game Time Players which actually this one isn't too bad now that I'm looking at it because you get the two 84 pluses which is 80k a pop then you're going to get 6 80 pluses so if you can get anything out of those 80 pluses it's worth it in my opinion I opened this up with the first time it came out I got all 80s but the 284 has actually worked out you're able to make some coins there if you sell everything you're going to get over $200,00 coins so that makes it that makes it actually worth it in my opinion now we're going to try both of these and see how it goes and then we're actually going to try some mystery packs as well because people have been trying a lot or commenting a lot saying mystery packs have been good we're going to try them out we got 2,415 training so we're going to open them up and just see what we can get out of them right but let's go ahead and get into this one right here the redu Fantasy Pack now obviously I'm looking for David N joku or I'm looking for um Lawrence Taylor if I can get one of those two guys those are going to be the most expensive that would be a big W so hopefully we can um we're going to record that rasul Douglas still a still a really good card to be honest so that's not a bad choice Chad Johnson you seen his price went up to like 330,000 which isn't bad if you want any of these Redux players should probably buy them pretty soon right before this pack is gone and then we get Lane Johnson so it looks like we're not going to be getting anybody that we want and we get Derrick Henry so I'll have to take a look at Lane Johnson's price and Chad Johnson's price just to see what they are um so I'm just going to let that sit but we have our 883s right there but either way with that just alone we made our we made our money was worth it right now if we can get anything out of this which I've been seeing a lot of people just get 883s but if we happen to get 184 or a promo 84 that would be a big W but we'll see what we get okay so this could be actually be decent we get a 83 Earl Thomas and we get an 83 jier Alexander okay so I don't know I believe the 83s are all kind of the same we'll take the Right Guard and we'll take Earl Thomas not bad take a look at their prices just see what they are selling for Earl Thomas might be a little bit more expensive of an 83 compared to the other ones he's been selling for like 49,000 coins so that's not bad okay we definitely made our money there so that wasn't bad like yes we didn't get some crazy extravagant pool but it was worth it we got our value for our money now this one right here this one's interesting this one is really really interesting so we'll see how it goes like I said we're gonna want to make over 200,000 coins from this 80 if we get all 80s we're definitely not we're definitely not getting even coming close so we'll take Michael Carter now this is the round that really matters if you happen to pull a champion that would be a big W but highly doubt it highly highly doubt it this another small animation so 282s I believe these are 82 pluses so that's kind of tough if we can get an 84 that would be nice and it looks like we're going to get 4 82s yes we get 4 82 so that actually did not work out very well we'll have to see what the 82s are selling for now the platinums I've seen all 80s so that's what I'm expecting literally I haven't seen any pluses out of here so we'll see what we get 80 80 and we get an 80 okay so kind of exactly what I thought we'll take those two guys and then we get another around which is good so this is going to add up as well it might actually be worth it with the 82s depending on what they're selling for and we get another 80 okay so yeah not the greatest but just in platinums alone what did we end up getting we got 56,000 coins and then the 82s are selling for 26,000 coins so yeah no no not worth it not worth it this one was definitely not worth it at all don't plan on buying any more of those but yeah the Redux Fantasy Pack when those pop up like that I think it's worth it especially if you get one early on um when they get the pluses and we're able to get like 87s 88s stuff like that it's going to be even better especially if you get a better pull but yeah so that was not worth it at all not worth it at all now let's take a look at mystery packs so the packs that you really want on here if you get Legend packs save them for legend Saturday everything else you could pretty much just open up especially with the game time packs um the limiteds are still in here right now so we'll see we can get campus Heroes pack people are saying what you do is you sell everything right you literally get these and you sell everything and you won't lose as much but I haven't had like any crazy pulls out of here that I was like oh yeah there we go so the 78s what are these guys going for like 4,000 coins okay but yeah still not worth it right you're going to need some big pools like some 883s some 84s stuff like that and then you can actually do well but you can take some major L's that 70 plus pack that'll drain you quick it seems like every time I get one of those I get another one back to back so let's open this up we're just looking for any kind of Animation you can pull Elites out of here I did pull like a 82 which was nice but it looks like this time we got nothing and training wise we ended up with 86 training not the greatest not the greatest now with all those stuff you can do exchange sets check prices on cards because the theme teams could make them a little bit more expensive right so it's best to just go through it all let's see if we can get at least an 83 out of a campus Heroes pack that would be a w 78 again and an 80 so we at least got a 80 there the 80s I think are around 12,000 actually dropped in price so they're down to 10,000 now so yeah not the greatest not the greatest out of these now training is expensive man so you want to get some value here there's a 70 plus this is an automatic l you're not going to pull anything good out of this I haven't at least 72 that's not good like I said when I get one I usually get them back to back for some reason I don't know what it is and this time it gave us a rushing pack so at least we didn't go back to back but pretty much the same thing if we just get all we're going to get all Golds out of this aren't we it's looking like it and we do we get all Golds again which is tough I don't know why people are saying mystery packs are actually good man like they are not I have not had at least I haven't had any luck with these especially the promo packs and stuff like that if I get a game time pack it's an 80 if I get these I might get an 80 but otherwise it's 78s and 78s tough not the greatest man definitely not worth it in my opinion to be honest I I'm not liking mystery packs right now and it seems like I'm getting a lot of Campus hero packs I don't get the core elite if you can get some core elite packs that'll be a w at least we get a 80 there and we get an 83 okay that was better yeah if we can get packs like like that I can see how you can all just lose a little bit or break even right now if we got more packs like that that would be even better was we're getting just nothing but campus hero packs no Legend packs no Pro a fantasy packs no game time packs so 80 80 and 77 okay that was a little bit better that was a little bit better I would take packs like that at least it's not 78s right and then oh not good not good at all the 70 plus and we get a 71 that is tough they're going to give me back to back right here and that's how we're going to end it huh that is going to be not good we get another rushing pack this was a horrible horrible like are we going to get anything out of this 77s and we get nothing that is tough oh man all right so let's just quick sell him we got enough for one more to end the video but yeah just make sure you guys are checking the value on everything making sure you get your money's worth right as we get a game time pack this is guaranteed an elite I usually don't pull anything out of here but an 80 though so we'll see what we get if you got we get a 84 okay that was actually a Big W all right that helped out a lot getting an 84 seeing that these guys are going for that one just sold for 88,000 but they're usually going for 80,000 so actually that wasn't bad that wasn't bad we will take that and run I hope you guys enjoyed the video I'll will see you guys on the next one peace out
If you want to make some picks on your favorite sports check out underdog fantasy's pick them game where you choose higher or lower on between two to eight players and can win up to 325 times your entry and using code zer when you sign up you'll get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick to he guys... Read more
Yo what is good youtube it is your boy purple and man we are back with another banger video all right now it's been a little minute since we got a seahawk but we did end up getting one today aka marshon lynch beast mode baby now the card r is so fire i know this isn't the best one but i'm picking this... Read more
If you want to make some picks on your favorite sports check out underdog fantasy's pick them game where you choose higher or lower on between two to eight players and can win up to 325 times your entry and using code zer when you sign up you'll get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick so today... Read more
So game time part one as always mut leaks have revealed the whole entire promo and this is going to be quite the extensive amazing promo so not only do we get limited time of xavier worthy and nate wiggins first off xavier worthy is going to have like 90 some odd speed and nate wiggins is also going... Read more
If you want to make some picks on your favorite sports check out underdog fantasy's pick them game where you choose higher or lower on between two to eight players and can win up to 325 times your entry and using code zer when you sign up you'll get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick i'll tell... Read more
In today's video we do win a super bowl but we have cam chanler who's actually pretty solid but then we also have quincy williams right here who's also pretty solid before we head into the games we got comments of the day on all four corners and let's get into the game never mind he just threw a pick... Read more
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] yo what's good rage how you feeling bro game time man it's game time man kick off baby kick off kick off more man got the boys out there purple man waiting on this [ __ ] all day waiting on this [ __ ] all day this going to be nice how you feeling bro... Read more
If you want to make some picks on your favorite sports check out underdog fantasy's pick them game where you choose higher or lower on between two to eight players and can win up to 325 times your entry and using code zer when you sign up you'll get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick so we've... Read more
So ken colan has just dropped in madden 25 and he is taking the bill steam team to new heights just take a look at his stats 87 speed 87 jump 91 catch 86 catch in traffic 88 spe catch 87 short rout running 87 medium rout running and 85 deep rout running he's be one of the best players in the game especially... Read more
[music] what's good youtube we back at it with another video today we did have campus heroes dropping the game madden 25 ultimate team they gave everyone a free tim tbo card it starts off at a 79 overall but you receive one token uh to go ahead and upgrade it to a 80 i found a pretty easy method of... Read more
If you want to make some picks on your favorite sports check out underdog fantasy's pick them game where you choose higher or lower on between two to eight players and can win up to 325 times your entry and using code zer when you sign up you'll get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick the whole... Read more
And boys we're back here with another gameplay video today we're going to be taking a look at ltd darius sle and we're going to be comboing him with some other aka cards as well before we get into today's video i do want to talk about our sponsor real quick mmo if you guys want an alternative... Read more