Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 01:49:49
Category: Gaming
Trending searches: harrison ford
three specific words which ones are those uh are we starting with five cuz I don't know where Bobby is and I'm assuming he'll be back within like 5 minutes so why not just go in there okay so yeah we're starting without Bobby okay real nice Bob get in here get the [ __ ] in here [ __ ] dude this guy's such an swear to God I'm sorry yeah well you should have been on the phone with your goddamn friends oh God don't say sorry just be better bro ERS is not like those so what is this what are we doing this one not uh so first you need to open up Destiny you missed Kevin's uh what up duer you missed Kevin's Destiny completely quitting on him World your presence within will be most my computer was gaslighting Destiny into thinking that my game didn't work drown in the Deep or rise how did that happen um I don't know just went into my file folder deleted a file and then it worked wow don't run into me [ __ ] I'm driving here Harrison Ford raid boss yeah cuz rol is the boss and he's the Hulk in the new Marvel movies no yeah bang little little bit of a meta joke for you guys yeah you would IQ joke you wouldn't get it that's why I had to explain it to you time to play the game time to play the game we doing red B stuff yeah I don't really care if we do or not I do it it's very dark my cataracts I punted a squirrel into the wall in bg3 oh in balers gate oh yeah I've seen that I've seen that clip move yeah doesn't the guy like think it's really hot that you did that you're trying to impress a guy time to play the game well well wellow look who finally decided to join hi guys yeah whatever all right dude calm down how do I get uh you stick by the ship [Music] Republican don't listen to Nick I liked the joke I liked it too that's all I got left today my whole screen is black you're in the wrong Hood don't even say it don't say it like that don't say it don't say it we did we did the bid already last stream was already flaged in record time no record time was the first stream I ever did it was literally 5 seconds in hell yeah and it was it was my fault too I straight up called Duke in rward like 5 seconds in oh no no no no that's not what happened I I brought up an illegal symbol and uh oh yeah uh they flagged me immediately and then I said the RW later uh what the um redacted okay m nice so I can say the other one that I'm thinking of uh retired no like restarted yeah yeah yeah I mean we're going to be doing a lot of restarting in this raid I'm sure yeah my dad say restarted okay we're getting dangerous here Tik Tok I doubt Tik Tock uh has that good of Senses too they're going to be banning me like I'm swearing in 2K you think if I can sing Taylor Swift because people say I sound like her that you'll get dmca for playing Taylor Swift on stream 100% did you get the classes you wanted I'm being run over soldiers well come on kill them Hurry Up This is the most boring like this is this is the part of the raid that doesn't make it like I love this part of the raid my favorite part of the raid of course you do Bobby the only fun this is the best part best part of the raid believe me no one knows better raids than me me you love it the most cuz you show up like 10 minutes late to him right I swear to God if this is another night of Bobby disrespect I'm not [ __ ] standing for it well Bobby needs to have a little respect for his [ __ ] raid team he's not showing up I'm here every time he's late to the raid I feel like I'm here the the most consistent out of everyone that is such a lie I am literally the [ __ ] manager of this raid team and you all know it I who made you manager uh the one who uh texts every time to assemble the team I'm [ __ ] Captain America to these Avengers I was about to say like calm down Captain America all right no I'll say it myself I could do this all day take your super soldier America's ass ah we don't say that here it's a bad word dude can you can you ban hot the one person that's just the bot that's in my chat you got us oh you dead good work wait can I be mod in the chat uh sure I promise I'm I'm such a lot of people have abused that yeah a lot of people have abused it especially towards Bobby Bobby randomly bans people yeah Bobby randomly bans people oh yeah yeah I do that a lot I love doing that I love doing that I especially love Banning Zach I haven't picked up a single glyph like this whole time holy [ __ ] good job being a useful part of the ra hey I opened the door yeah n come over here I'm trying to get rid of the screen is well when you're done go get the chest in here submission got red B Mission oh oh that's pretty pretty pretty I like that gun fun to use haven't used it in a while though bro this Auto rifle thing that they added is going to break the game what uh I don't know if you heard us talking earlier but they added a bunch of like two more rows to the artifact what the hell what yeah like there's there's going to be one that's really good for still huntar sniper Precision hits Scorch targets yeah yeah wait while you have an auto rifle equipped defeating combats Rel loads your equip weapon yeah what yeah so what I'm hearing is we're we're missing one some I was thinking I was just thinking that Kevin business the shock in all with the hunter punch build you can just jolt people permanently what the [ __ ] that's sick no one is as excited as I am this neighborhood is still transitioning we're leaving they don't have a dve Busters yet the Pinnacle of Western Society the one near the highway sh down which one got shut down the one like we passed on the highway oh did it the one by me yeah not the not the one we went to but the other one that we were going to go to yeah that shut down yeah the one by me replaced uh game works I think I've been to GameWorks like once we used to go a decent amount we liked it a lot ASMR you're collecting knowledge your phone next to next to you while you're sleeping going to wake up with overflowing knowledge oh no oh I really want that Sparrow but well you either have to get it during Guardian Games or uh pay for it i' pay this is the guardian right on it yeah hold on right on it with no hold on [ __ ] knocking me off no I'm stuck on a yeah I know everyone was knock yeah look oh like we both have a [Laughter] skimmer let's see if we can make it all the way to the end oh God no way I lived dark you too no no I fell down the well help help help help send him to the go help okay this one's Square this one dead day man where day man day man fighter of the night night man where's day man and night man they're over here day man is over here Charlie's Uncle no this is day man and night man no this is just day man there is no day man and night man this is day man and night man it is implied that the night man comes with day man I don't know what you're talking about if you would like if you would like to refer to this image over here you can see that day man is here without night man and then night man is on the other side here don't start first counter clearly do you guys want to do this for the L book or no no what we got to do it's it's pretty long so we don't have to do it h [ __ ] no thing we got do red B no it's not for red border I'm doing the red B thing right now oh of CH here boundar day who Limitless potential okay so we need untoppable so I guess I'm using I'm use Xena [Music] AG whoa how'd you get the [ __ ] rally Banner all the way over here it just spawned right here it's like a bug in the game oh all right uh Nadine you'll come with me we'll go to the same pillar we did last time uh what pillar am I on uh I would I don't know probably were you with Duke last time Nick or yeah I think so okay I was mid as I recall you are mid you take that back right now you take that back as soon as I hear apologies for the Bobby hate I take nothing back Bobby deserves nothing I never said anything bad about Bobby this no casualty of War this is true Nick has surprisingly not said anything negative about Bobby the civilian ever oh no it's like guys all over again no wait wait wait what do I have to do uh so for this one see like this uh pillar thing basically actually it's this this thing that you're going to be looking at where where are you going you I'll go anywhere it doesn't matter it'll show you symbols from top to bottom uh first it'll show top it'll tell you either dark or light it literally looks like the traveler or a pyramid that's dark or light um and then middle will show you uh another symbol you'll need to call that symbol out I'll be looking around to help you too uh and then the bottom symbol I'm going to need you to read cuz I'll be gone for that you just need to tell me if it's butthole or not butthole got it light fridge painting or dark ble yeah what about traveler and or dark and light guys how about that one no it's uh Bridge painting and butthole oh God are you over here with me then thank you yeah Bob and Kevin go to the right pillar Bob Bob what are you doing over there go go to cabin did you say you were running yeah I'll run okay all right I'm starting it Bobby I run hey make sure you have unstops on too I probably should have said that right before here night I see him down oh yeah we got a got uh Light Side there's a night light Pi go light or dark on uh dark uh Bobby do you see a knight anywhere good work in oh no we don't have a symbol yet we have light side but I don't know where the light okay uh sad boy what oh we have dark knight Dark Knight I'll go to G open door please is it open door no hit it it's anyone see a night on dark uh light I see him Champion has appeared Champion did you get the last KN uh I killed a KN yeah okay that's the last one all right uh enter I'll go to enter I'm going to Assassin's Creed so Nadine stay alive right here next to no no no Joe I'm already there it's right it's right next to the middle pillar enter the Assassin's Creed light or dark um oh let me see Nadine is it light or dark in the middle dark no no no no yeah dark yes she is correct not in the middle in the uh on that bottom one but yes you did get it right it is dark black black heart black heart uh ascended plane witness let's see black heart black heart ascended planee sending plane winess do you have it yeah okay we have it over here Sun plane black heart Bobby can you get witness I got it all right come back to our pillar uh nine Bobby is round [ __ ] now bricks a heavy ammo again I want some [ __ ] Bobby you m yeah he's muted look at your totems nothing yet oh welcome back tommo I asked what classes you got I need that ammo uh light we have a light knight uh I think it's up over here oh it's back here yeah [ __ ] I Miss po my it's down oh um brain Dark Side Knight I see the Knight Nan I need you to look at the pillar at the pillar and tummy what's on the bottom not butthole not so it looks like a fridge painting light fridge painting yeah we have a sended plan the day man with the night man behind him oh [ __ ] I'm going to die it's fine than he it's light okay um door please dark on day man did we get door open for him dark on oh there's a light side Knight okay what was your first call yeah AED plane all right Knight's down kill I'll go light or dark on kill pickle one second please stop uh it is dark power so what is it Tower ascendant plane and Savage yeah I see Tower plane it's not us it's got to be mid y power ascending plane Sav a tower a tower pickle thank you this is the last one I is the last work nine we're killing it Bobby and I don't even need to talk to each other that's n Tom yeah one more time we're the last uh pillar that we need to shoot oh I see a knight up all the way back there where by me he's down uh it's the Assassin's Creed I got it n didn't make make sure these guys aren't getting to the uh pillar if they shoot it it [ __ ] us door light or dark uh hold on it's not showing up light fridge painting uh what's the is that chalice with the [ __ ] thing come out of his head chalice looks like yeah so not CH uh we have a oh found you getting it or do you oh I got it we have a dark uh you need door yeah we have a dark knight somewhere the unstop is not stopping Dart hold on we're in a bad way over here uh light oh sh yeah we need a dark knight somewhere we can't I don't see him on my side back here Kevin no okay know where it's at he was hiding all right what's the symbol day man let's go I'm going to day man that worship no it's the one I'm going to right now yeah worship is that worship I thought worship was a different one light on worship it's light yep uh worm okay Guardian black heart worm Guardian black heart worm all right all right first try nice up time to play the game oh cataclysmic what I get dragonfly Focus Fury trium it opportunity preservation salvation it will serve the deserving Crush defant not Kings not Gods disciples Prophets savior serving God damn it I always forget to get bra banners an undying purpose a privilege pickle still has like 100 I have a ton I know but I wanted to put the flag in a funny spot now I can't that face pocket excuse me sir all right I'm running parasite for this [Music] forget what I ran for this all right I'm going double special too fcy C want to run with me I I go get I go get okay the what are you doing you doing the symbols I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing out here um I mean if you want to run I can do ads but I don't really have great ad clear weapons on I can if you guys want to run I'll is it just add clear is it just add clear yeah let me if you guys want to run I'll I'll hey I'm more than happy to add clear I am more than happy to okay so if you two want to run I'm cool with no no that's fine you can do it because then I can charge up my um parasite anyways okay doesn't know done yeah Nadine did that last time with Nick um NAD do you have any questions on it or do you kind of remember how to do it no I think it's pretty simple right guy shoot the guy [ __ ] wrong suit all right whatever I don't need to actually like do crazy [ __ ] for ad clear do I I think I can probably just yeah you can kind of use whatever you want all right um does that mean Bobby's On ad clear with me yeah Bobby CL called ad clear like a little cutie patootie that's what I [ __ ] thought so you got Shooters all right n are you going in first or do you want me to I'll go in first are you just getting two and coming out no I'm getting three oh fancy um it's it it's not hard so you just I've I've done it before the only thing is if you're out here just stand like right here so that you can see two sides of the pillar and then when I come out I'll shoot one and you shoot the other two and then we'll just SW swap off so when you go in I'll stand here and I'll shoot two and you shoot the other one okay yeah you guys ready ready yeah I think we're all good oh did someone say no or am I making that up I think that up I know I said yeah oh okay I'm starting all right B look at me love enter light uh door oh didn't look at anybody come here there you go there you go I have light and light go me dark nice like the auto rifle thing is not broken bra my God come here uhoh no no no no oh we got problems problems with ads here lot of shoot him being away but we'll see come here come here come here no still looking at me it's fine there damage all right damage so we're going to be on this plate over here yep okay nice white picking up a relic behind the pillar that's immensely helpful to much damage much damage all right I think that's a good problem to have all right everybody let's go any other all right same sort of thing yeah um I forgot that I was supposed to go up the stairs yeah you're you're goodies your Earth love Hive why is in he oh God is love the I got it I got it no no no just do hi oh wait love is like the [ __ ] mint looking thing love is the pink one all right Assassin's Creed readed oh get him get him get him get him no okay I got him where the hell are the rest of them Assassin's Creed uh guardian and sad boy in the face no okay don't know why he's not I'm here oh you got to shoot him in the face when he does that what when he turns around when he he glows yellow you got to shoot him in the face that's what opens up his back right there yep exactly well get the door keev I'm about to die oh [ __ ] open it open it oh no I greeted I greeted for the last it's fine get last uh open the left side door oh I like Bob Bobby just stay close to me you're pooping out call Big [ __ ] little early on that Nova bomb there we go nice need primaries if you can this one primaries that's a so we don't do too much damage why is it a bad thing to do too much you can over chunk his HP bar on the last plate oh so I see I still don't think it'd be an issue well if [ __ ] Destiny God and the kill is telling you that it is shut up hit a single heavy brick drop interesting good use very good use all right you going in first should show here all right there try not GRE for the [ __ ] this time there would have been really bad spots oh oh no there we go grief enter worm door oh Lord grief enter worm uh Assassin's Creed enter yeah you got to use my [ __ ] terms I don't know what you're talking about uh we got Mexico we got witness dude uh we still haven't Kevin we it hasn't accepted our offering yet friend what clown so I I'm at six I'm at six so I can wait if you need to just come out just come what did you have uh Mexico witness and and Fleet got it getting up there for sure pyramid oh you got to hit his back his back no you got it he he turned around on me okay I don't know where he's going pyramid black got him I got it ni [ __ ] up a jump God damn it I fell off the edge right before he's getting very close I'm going oh I'm getting aack shoot the last three all right got it which one is it going to be the right side at least I think so hope it's the right side I mean it came from the right this this it's the other side honestly uh we could make it a couple we could have just done the two yeah we're fine nice nice all right I saved my parasite for you you pulling a tape worm out of your ass that's the idea all right first try subjugated not for pleasure nor Glory but in service of an ailing endless void oh where does slide forbearance I didn't have ammo so I just fled Here Comes Med's favorite part no is this the one where I have to jump up the building yeah and scale it I'm not you could just leave and we can do it she said I'm not Beast fing Beast it sounds so quitter when you say it out loud I mean it's cuz you are it's cuz you are quitting yeah if you do I am but I prefer if you guys didn't talk about it real Guardian down Guardian down start it again I [Music] got tell K I say [Music] hello I don't think he's five yeah what are we doing here this what are we thinking until what why was it too busy oh my God I did it projects coming in you did the first part is that it no the actual nobody was shooting the [ __ ] button somebody got to shoot the button please Nadine there's a little thing that you need to shoot literally right by you you know the things that like open doors and stuff thank you stabilized we're good either Nick did it or you did it already no I I just I walked to the end of it stabilized it oh you need to stop getting up and doing your butt scratching yes oh God table Guardian down it should be stabilized now you guys don't have to hit it anymore Guardian down Guardian down guard down secret TR oh another forbearance getting solid drops yeah getting all weapons is every weapon in this raid is good I feel like yeah yeah there is not a bad weapon the pulse rifle is probably not the pulse rifle the is it the pulse rle no it's the fusion rifle that I don't like you don't like the fusion rifle no I like uh Deliverance I do not I hate this game so much why do you make we play this you literally like this raid you just hate this part this is so stupid you again you can literally leave and come back and spawn into the next area that's so quitter quitter as [ __ ] just come out here and do it for me oh I did it nice and then you go over there and there then there I'm going to hit above you no you could have made that from down there I feel like yeah go go back down to that one and then just jump into that door and then you take a left boy I sure hope to hear from my good friend Bobby at some point in this raid yeah Bobby has a what's up with Bobby she's definitely on the phone with this lady friend probably don't give a [ __ ] about none of y'all Y A bunch of [ __ ] what's up go out the right side of that room Bobby if you're I can't say that yeah me neither [ __ ] gosh just the racis amount of you need is crazy how do I get up there sorry to ruin all the fun um I don't know where you are don't res me don't res me thank you no don't do it so go go to your right to your right yeah there oh he's doing the spectate the spectate tech spectate tech there's a platform to the right there yeah I do that at least once around in Trials yep oh remember when I almost killed Your Love of the Game by putting you through one game of Trials n you did Kill My Love the game this game blows dude don't stop game is the greatest game ever godamn I only want to I will only play it to do raids I'm not doing any activities or anything [ __ ] that I don't know Bobby Bobby stop Reviving him quit it revive him Bobby be a man Bob's just trying to help his teammates out why are we being so rude I'm trying to help my teammates out and I need to be dead to do it so only there was someone in the same house as our friend here and that's not quitter and and that's not quitter all right I'll be back you think you think using a GPS is quitting uh yeah yeah I drive lost as [ __ ] every day like a real man real men get lost Guardian down aha Bobby you can't get me I'm all the way over here you can't get me Bobby haha go and then if you want the secret chest there's a platform around the corner to your right but all right zero secret chest you can't get me either to the left take back now y oh no Guardian down ow hello is there anyone there no hello all right we did it we did it Nadine do you remember what rooms you took the relics in and which Relic Relic time um is this the one where I have to run back and forth to yeah so I remember you did it in the second room and I think you were doing the Vault of Glass Relic where you cleanse everyone yeah that was the second room and then I think the last one what the hell oh it's Duke she took um the kids she last I think she stayed middle she took the kids gun in the second room I thought that cleans the things no I did that no yeah she definitely was doing she was running around cleansing everybody that was all right then I came I came for nothing goodbye okay yeah I appreciate the help though dud all right so where do I got fit in then um don't know figure it out I took it in the third room I can take it fourth if we need um I I remember I did the Vault of Glass one I've done that one before and then I've done the shoot the the taken thing take and blights thing yeah I did the take and blights on the third room in this one so if you want to take that on the fourth one and then maybe just like pick pick up the first Relic first and you can do the first and fourth Relic yeah and then I think we needed Nadine did we have Nadine do it on the fourth or did we switch it I remember being very frustrated if that helps that seems to be a common them um is this the is this the shooty the taken lights no this is to shoot the knights or the taken guys okay which I think I took this in the second I don't know we'll see how it goes everybody ready Bob we might need coms might need you to actually speak what's the point of you being here if you're not going to talk to us like having a dead guy on the team and we already have Kevin so we can't have two dead guys I'm sorry what was that Bobby that's not all right that's not okay Bobby yeah have Two Can Play That Game buddy one two three no don't count we we all know don't do it no no no I just typed a bunch of hashtags no I just typed a bunch of hashtags I didn't type any I didn't mean to type any word I mean de serious conveniently six hashtags yeah I wasal good we're good it is a RAID Team all right let's I just all I did was just type hashtags I did not type that word all right so you're not going to college you're right drop out a second time I I guess we'll just have Nadine take two and four rooms two and four for right now see if that works take what The vog Relic cleanse Relic in that last room all she needs to do is stay on those middle uh floating pillars and we'll go run to her for cleanse mhm all right good we transcended he said BRB awesome God [ __ ] Dam [ __ ] hate this guy how are we supposed to enter the masses when we got Bobby going radio silent agreed brings his fire team together but you know he has to be silent without his laugh track how will my audience know when to laugh he's taking a vow of silence and I can't here for it PL what am about going to bed for work what happened to that I'm playing I'm playing a DD game I'm going to bed in like 10 15 trying to get like a good enough start to where I can uh keep it going G it's about to be 2 a.m. you're going to be like I finally finished my run [ __ ] I could finish this game in 30 minutes I don't believe in the long Civ games they don't exist y'all are just weak Min you're not as good as people say you are [ __ ] learn the game please and then play me one want to tarnisher it's the only game you're good at so wouldn't want to make you feel any [Music] less yeah yeah well the only game you'll ever beat me at is [ __ ] League bro rocket League talk about his mom no I would never I love his mom yeah yeah say something about my mom I could call Jacob every name in the book I couldn't say nothing about his mom I respect the uh respect the attempt pickle now his I was about to say instigator of the Year oh my God I can't believe Bobby's done this is he having phone sex with the right now 110% me as [ __ ] almost almost we we got about 2 minutes if he's doing that so we're fine bang give him 30 seconds that's to call you I haven't seen that one before with the sword it's on the battle pass with the sword or the sword are you like doing two at once no it's it's okay one 9.8 it's a high score 9.9 I got I see 9.8 what everyone sees a different score I see 9.9 yeah I see 10 I see 10 well that's weird freaky 9.8 9.9 10 what everyone sees a different score that's so lame I guess it's just like random based on client side that's what I give that emote right there and then Sims 4 is in the [ __ ] chair over here I'm petting my cat Bobby please I have to work tomorrow I'm begging you yes yes Bobby yeah he's moving pick up the [ __ ] seed I heard a mic on mute was that him yeah oh my God all right okay I literally just went downstairs to get a snack okay yeah you guys are like oh I have to go to is that what we're calling Jersey mics these days You're So rud you're so real went downstairs in the middle of the all right we all like BRB I'm hungry and then I come back and I'm hear oh Bobby oh I know Bobby so 3 minutes what about the 15 minutes of silence that you gave 15 minutes it's this the only arct I haven't done yeah I did give you guys a lot of Silence this is the only no no no Bobby Bobby do not even conform to what they're saying you didn't do I didn't do anything wrong you're right he did [ __ ] nothing uh we have uh black black cart black heart sad boy cherry black heart is it this one yeah that one I'll take this one all right and I oh yeah you just run around to the two sides and then we might need you to read the symbols my God move be on the other side come here I'm coming hold on oh hurry up I'm here all right we're good Bobby yes I got to go I'm N I need CL I'm coming I'm sorry behind you I'm behind you I'm behind you n just meet us up here all right we have worm Tower Earth okay I'm leaving bye like right foot oh my God uh Mexico black heart Earth Pi did you get that first Knight already I don't have the Relic anymore oh got the reic I got it oh KN Kevin where he dead oh I'm dead okay I think we took a midle too yeah I got [ __ ] backhanded by the failings what up they [ __ ] with me CU nobody's clearing anything what up they [ __ ] with me it's a new that's a new follower you will show respect what a name you will say thank you for supporting the stream I make money from this I don't make [ __ ] so you signed the contract the contract the Desy fulltime position Red Square day man man uh taken yeah what's my [ __ ] that's not taken that's for estimated salary forsaken whatever I tried all right okay that wasd okay I'm leaving my garden stop uh first Knight should be up oh my God we need Relic read right side I need help with this tap over there [ __ ] uh Mexico Red Box uh no oh [ __ ] somebody stop it's stopped it's sto yeah we have forsaken Fleet witch Queen um theil on the right side uh KN spawning up here it's witch Queen so what is it it's stop and witch queen stop yeah which queen stop all right all right uh what am I taking I'm taking the taken one okay I'll take Shield can we deposit okay revive yeah oh going right side first light on right yep I'm coming up on left side friends thank you I cannot do this alone hey stand on this wall if you're on the left side so you don't have to be cleansed hold up Kevin cleans one more time thank you uh it's butthole light okay I'm coming to cleanse than thank you CL [ __ ] that's not good I The Shard is there a knight somewhere yeah it should be it it'll be on this middle platform pickle I do not see it is Cherry i' forsaken just SP I see him got him Cherry Hive forsaken Hive Hive so it's butthole Hive watch out for the screes in this room wa all right Nadine you're taking the this one yep who who who's taking it I can't take it I can't take it either uh one can one of you kill yourselves then you just get revived B's got it all right nadan you're just going to be protecting yourself on that on these M middle pillars oh and I fell off the map that's not good um did you have a how am I supposed to fight them you're not you can protect yourself if you hold LT with it you won't take any damage light on right the keep it activated FPS uh stop Mexico brain I need Mex so what what side did we just read Mexico it's Mexico it's Mexico okay yep all right yeah move up with the team little back right F on right side the work in the v oh no wow hey we've still got a BL down here go right side uh we need a read left side as well 15 seconds stop uh light fridge painting dark fridge painting okay uh Knight's up in guys taking thing is still up back here you can kill the Knight what's the read on the right side uh uh Heart Light fridge painting scor light fridge painting stop light fridge painting stop oh brid ja uh love light fridge painting for Mexico Mexico light fridge painting Mexico light fridge painting Mexico dunk the nut and we should be fine no we to oh I [ __ ] I that I that that's my bad that's my bad that's not bad we're all good honestly very surprising second attempt I for Gore good work there guys my bad [ __ ] someone's typing in YouTube chat and I can't see what they're saying because it's only showing me Twitch Bob how you doing sweetie quite good oh what up Sydney thank you yeah when you have the shield in that third room you don't need to uh you don't need to come to the left side on that first part um uh traveler sad boy day man day man oh sorry good uh black heart uh and right side uh day man stop brain brain bra I need CL thanks cdy I appreciate it thanks uh Tower butthole light Bridge painting yeah you too oh hold up keep cleansing keep cleansing nice black heart light Bridge painting triangle life for tring we've got Knight Frozen up here oh doesn't matter oh no it's my bad we just lost time night wait so are we going to lose then I we're fine oh we oh yeah we get time here okay got to move quick yeah Kev you don't have to come to this left side okay okay whoever comes to the left side with me just hide in the wall with me we should be fine on the first side light left H yep like get all up near the wall so that you don't get any pervading at all Jo right side Darkness pole light we need non left side okay Darkness uh overload up here I'm coming boys I'm coming give me one sec I have CLS need Relic read right side non Relic left side Relic re right side I'm coming I got it I got Relic re right side we need non Relic left side Knight is up yep Tower sad boy Hive it's a sad boy so what is it Darkness I don't see sad boy sad there's no sad boy [ __ ] I'm going back it's right side right side is Tower non Relic left side we need non Relic left side Tower sad boy Hive on right side yeah we need non Relic somebody's got to read left side I don't see left side it's down here don't by me I don't see it either go to Joe go to Joe go to Joe 20 seconds uh brain Hive Darkness Hive Hive and darkness right side bottom two right side no the left side the left side Relic or the left side read was never up like that uh there was no little glowy thing where it's supposed to be oh Joe the one you went to was the first one the left side near the end door wasn't like I didn't yeah I never I never saw that one I saw the one there was no glowy orange oh okay yeah I think it just bu because on the floor underneath it there was the glowy orange [ __ ] oh was it like in the floor yeah here we got it we can't blame that one on Bobby sorry uh sad boy d man love sad boy we need Relic ra left side non Relic right side forsaken witch Queen day man we need Relic for left side Nadine what do those relics say what do they look like or not relics what are the symbols look like I wonder are the two umbrellas the top one is a man with his arms out standing in front of the man good work M oh God we need Relic read left side again I need you all right I got readed on right it's uh Red Square Tower but hole we need Relic ra left side NAD what do these symbols say over here oh the middle one is a dark butthole but it's a sun what but it's a okay it's a matter do matter yeah yeah we got it black back hole son I knew it was coming butthole son oh not a lot of time all right white left side yep love butthole ascendant plane hey can you uh Clans what's the read left side Bobby but hole is up overload up here how am I not dead how am I [ __ ] thanks for the heal coming the cor middle we need non Relic left side I got right side kill him first what it say Bob uh sad boy Earth and what was that worm worm worm worm worm dark worm butthole worm butthole wait wait wait wait wait cleans just cleanse all right Nadine you're taking this one over here light on right side you someone get him no I I'm still alive I'm still alive to I got him Oh I thought you couldn't take the artifact no he when you die when you die the timer goes away we have taken blight left side by the way this my first time picking up an artifact um life for painting high of the send plane what is up blight right side what's the read on right we need a read on right I guess yeah we need a relic read right I got it I got it what did you say was uh light fridge painting Hive sending plane plane all right sending plane light on left let's keep her up right side need this PL to going be Relic re right side a Mexico light Bridge painting Mexico uh night middle Oh Me and Bobby are reading the same thing sorry we need the it's Mexico it is Mexico okay we have Mexico on left side all right Mexico AP Mexico ascended plane all right let's go hold hold all right deposit all right good work guys over here no Hector salanka all right let's get a quick R finish here resilient but credulous oh yeah moved pces turned gears to us you sought hard but performed Aid the abended live out its name's sake this world will be sealed from the light even your to suffer you are not fit to serve the deserving you will not rise from deep but drown in it drown in it drown in [Laughter] it you guys have so many inside jokes that's from SpongeBob oh drowning it drowning when they see a drone drone in it what is this a Siege reference now no drones exist in real life Siege pill they use drones and kill people I don't know oh it's going to be close yes I see looking down at me the part where Duke would always try to kill us all with the eager yeah wow how time flies imagine not taking part in The Raid yeah [Music] imagine imagine if I had a real weapon imagine if I had a real oh my god get off my chair boy imagine if I had a real weapon drowning itun div uh yeah I I got it in my inventory thank you yeah it could have been the dean if you guys would have helped me out but no no one wanted to text me that day well we need to need his DPS so too bad yeah right loser I'm going to switch back to thunder crash though [Music] all right how do you guys do this uh two Runners um well yeah just two Runners and the people that yeah that that pass it back and forth just wanted to make sure you do it the same way Runner shoot right splitter shoot left question mark um y maybe so I mean we can okay what well what we normally did was like one Runner one Splitter on right side and then they would switch off so like if the other splitter was on the plate one splitter would be on right side and then it we had a system for it it was just two one Runner one Splitter on each side oh okay no it's it's the way it is there are two Runners it's not like there's only one Runner yeah yeah it was per side is what I was saying like so like me and think theot the if the runner shoot the same nut and the splitter shoot the same nut then you won't miss anyone like no one will drop leeching and then you'll get the extra chest at the end yeah it's fine we just do whatever you say Runners shoot right all right who wants to run splitting I always did no split all right I can run I can run but uh I think that only made that means Me and Bobby split and then nille you know running yes sir running and then pickle and Nadine are on Ed clear yeah cool mean everybody ready go get him go get him him a hug get him egg you have served why are you getting on it all thatching now is the gift of death I'll shoot first beyond your final oh no I can do it no I'm back I'm back we're okay Bobby you got left Bobby get left thank you I'm fing right all right I have eminating I shot huh we got past it I did oh turn worm black G black heart I shot right side okay pickle can you read right Bobby we're always shooting left side but okay yeah um Joe or nille whoever's supposed to shoot left side now worm black garden black heart we we can't shoot it seven 6 5 it should be up on the left side Bobby shot the right side no I'm saying no one no one is reading so we we don't know where to dunk we both have Ting yeah oh yeah we needed to read you said you didn't need to read no we said we did I need the splitter the Splitters read oh uh wipe real quick oh the Splitters breed I thought ad clear could see it I mean they can it's just easier if Splitters read because there's one person who doesn't have leeching at at all points between the two Splitters cuz once you take leeching the other person loses it so one of immunity to read when you have leeching and then the other one you can only read if you don't have leeching so yeah so what I'm reading the stuff that's floating above yeah it'll these first on the first two pillars yeah you need to read and then one of me or Joe will read and then um you tell us where to dunk good thing left I got eminating nice good work dark dark Fleet witness uh Fleet okay where redtive uh which two have Fleet uh back left back right L 3 two one somebody take it 10 seconds and then it'll it'll be Fleet the entire way get this one yep left where we going uh back uh back left right back right back left L2 L right three no Bobby Hit the left side oh someone shot the right oh okay that one de ping m y you got that one maybe not ping L1 R3 I'll get R3 you said L1 R3 yeah okay let me know need kill 3 two one all right damage who's picking up I'll do it up there bo bo my we we go boy boy [Laughter] boy he bman no no uh it is L2 L2 get that shoulder down nice do you guys see um I don't see it now it should be it should be over here somewhere L1 light it was light so L1 okay oh light is light is R1 no light light is our one oh we're using different colors there uh butthole in fridge P oh yeah all right this one's no The Traveler thing over this is light right here this is isn't traveler that one is the traveler that is not the traveler that's light it is we're using we're using two different names that is you should get with theam you guys are out of your mind we just this [ __ ] yeah that's fine okay so light is the traveler ball light fridge painting is the light copy copy heard there's fridge painting and butthole fridge painting and butthole are pretty self-explanatory light fridge painting dark fridge painting I'm gonna want to one of my kids is gonna bring a piece of paper to me and say look Dad look what I drew you it's gonna be light fridge painting I'm gonna be like holy [ __ ] now go to sleep r it's 8:30 this brings me back where did where did you find this you guys kill me can you do a dark one yeah the child friendly version is uh dark paining right I need it up I got it nice uh kill Fleet black garden uh Cherry I think that's kill yeah okay see play L2 L3 I got L3 okay let me know 3 two 1 BBY get left get that one Bob Bob Oh missing left I'll make it L1 L2 I got all right let me know pass it Bob you got to pass it where we going I I need I need the leeching Bobby got hit by the laser I got eminating Force it's fine Bobby conduct where we going uh I can't see it now what was it it was R2 R2 and L2 I get L2 two okay I'm put yep damage good save w H but hole it's uh R2 R2 I won't make the same mistake twice get that shoulder down you guys and your shoulder pads where am I going R2 again okay where am I going uh R1 R1 R1 R1 all right where am I going uh R1 again R1 should be the last one maybe one more there we go I know I should be this yeah get his leg down and then damage all right got div out damage all right hold up reloading he's mad oh that was decent timing probably should have been a little earlier on that right everyone out pretty good damage remember Splitters are shooting left me and Joe are shooting right I'll get the St one J okay oh balla he he takes a while go balla go Bob left side y up missing left I don't have oh we go I got it fine but you should be able to run into it even after it's like bug worm bird eyes and Fleet worm worm where are we going L2 R3 I'll get R3 okay NOP y get the right one good call right side where we going R3 R1 R3 I'll get R3 right go get this next one that pops up missing left uh L2 R1 L2 R1 I'll get it I'll get R1 oh you're getting R1 oh yeah sorry my right damage I up oh [ __ ] up so everything too you don't like me today where am I going um I do not see oh it's uh L2 [Music] L2 where am I going um R2 right where am I going uh R1 all right where am I going you are going to L1 yeah L1 okay last one where am I going oh Sho like L2 see anything oh oh super close that's [ __ ] this this will guarantee it I missed my [ __ ] golden gun shot I find any yeah I missed like one of my throws yeah I'm I'm mad I'm an angry kitten right now the only shitty part about div is when he does that [ __ ] like one attack where he launches yeah he Sprints it just completely cuts it believe I missed that shot damn it whatever this is going to be a very quick three phase yeah the next one Jo pissing right yep I'm going to need to get the next one okay um what's the read right side pring right yep uh light fridge painting fle pain L1 R1 R11 go go 15 seconds Bobby get on the pl get the next one J yep L2 R2 get you said L2 R2 yep all right go go joke left L1 L2 I'll get all2 go damage my super that's a good encounter I can't see it uh l11 one he is very focused on me L uh R1 R1 all right R1 again R1 do super all right L2 the last one yep all right get that leg down there we go all right he's already me all right go oh yeah freaking yeah Boos pretty uh smooth run I'd say yeah not too bad and we get the extra chest since we didn't lose sleeing augers oh I got Insidious did you guys get a red b or no yes okay uh I think so there should be the guaranteed red border from the doing the thing but I don't know if I did it right making sure cuz I can't see it still no exotic really yeah I've never got the Exotic from this pick of wild it took me 45 runs to get the Exotic from this one so all right commendations all around and good damage all around too holy [ __ ] everyone had like very similar damage that's wild that's how you know it was [ __ ] good if no one had like super high damage nice job Bo we like that 1.8 mil with div baby let's go huge oh I got a commendation reward our clan level's going up guys oh my God yeah cuz they're playing rules The Playdoh gobblers were taking over the world [ __ ] didn't commend somebody oh sorry [ __ ] Bobby is this is this the Pinnacle this week or no patient and considerate you said yes yep oh cool transfer stuff out of my inventory taking us to the Tower and then that's it the rout of nightmares now yeah for sure all right goodbye stream thanks for Tuning In Goodbye stre Oh So when when nille wants to do a raid it's oh but when Joe wants to do a raid everyone