Malika Andrews Gets Married To Fellow ESPN Reporter Dave Mcmenamin! #Reaction

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:05:34 Category: Entertainment

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we'd be remiss not to also mention that Missoula was arrested twice at West Virginia once in 2008 for underage drinking and aggravated assault he pled guilty paid a fine and then again in 2009 for domestic battery after an incident at morgant toown bar the domestic battery what's going onp dropping in one time of today I definitely want to do a reaction to ESPN journalist and reporter Mala Andrews yes she tied to not got married we all know Malika Andrews oh let a black black man you know do something wrong or you know black NBA player in particular do something wrong h a she going in she going in like Wayne oh she going in she going in on you you know you're a black man especially you know black basketball player or a coach we know what she did to Oka you know we know what she did to Joe moula we know what she did to Brandon Miller we know what she did to Adrien pay I can keep going on and on and on she throw a little extra sauce on your like you up she throw a little sauce make it seem like you're the worst person in the world but there's someone out here for all of us yes no matter how much of an you are how much of a prick whatever whatever you are whoever you are it's somebody out here for you yes and she tied to not with fellow ESPN reporter Dave MCM yes Dave MCM cool guy he always covered LeBron cover LeBron when he was with the c Now cover the Lakers d m cool guy and want to give you some context just got married I want say over the weekend over the weekend they got married baby let's get married my Jagged ass Malika Andrew the David mman San Francisco wedding was held at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge nice they had a lot of pictures too vog oh they did a big they got a lot of pictures lot of nice pictures as well you know now instead of saying look we are going to get married there we get to say look that's where we got married says new bride Malika Andrews of cavalo point the 45 Acres of National Park land at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge we are so lucky for Malika and her husband Davey minman who are based full-time in Los Angeles to choice of where to host their wedding was an easy one we always knew we wanted to get married in the Bay Area where Malika is from says Dave we arrived at cavalo point for the first time it just felt right nothing wrong with that but sound like me he a yes man we always knew how did you always knew why you never discussed like I'm you know where we want to get married at but you just knew huh you just knew cuz you going to kiss her ass regardless I mean baby been him a cool guy but how did you just know what about you I mean throughout the wedding the festivities featured plenty of symbolism and personal touches that represented both of their histories the rehearsal dinner took place at so where Malika's grandfather went on his first date with his partner everything about her the rehearsal dinner where her her grandfather went on his first day the wedding where she from everything about her I don't want to on that wedding so you know but D MC I can already tell he's a yes man yes Malika whatever you want Malika Malika Andrew she strike me as one of those guys that have identity crisis yes coming up you know she mix guy you know she she she go in she go in you know on on her one side and not her other side because when Josh giddy had some going on you know with the team she didn't mention that oh she straighted away from that but she go in on her other side you know she go in on that she left Josh giddy alone she left him alone left that left that case alone let it be a black man you know black athlete basketball player in particular oh she going in she going in like Wayne she going to double down on you she might even add a little like I said a little extra sauce you know what I'm saying but like I said it's somebody out here for all of us it is Andrews got married and women like this typically get a yes man just like they mean me because they they think they're so powerful themselves you see she tried to put Stephen A Smith in check before you know stop stepen and you know she tried to put him in check before so you know she felt like she got this type of persona you know she felt like oh I can't be touched you know because she say what she want ESPN don't B not they don't say so you know this message probably coming from you know a higher up when she when she doubling down on these athletes who know where this coming from but somebody out here for all of us yes Le Andrews TI to not to fellow you know ESPN reporter Dave MC minman Yes Man yes Malika where do you want to get married Malika oh that's where your grandfather had his first that's where we'll go Malika whatever you want Malika I'm here for you Malika let me know what y'all think y said that in comment Keep The Fire coming keep it rolling let's make it help a share the video entertaining hit that cash at is what I do yeah

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