Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:32:39
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: tuesday
hi guys welcome back today I have a tag to share I missed yesterday's tag Tuesday but I still wanted to share with you the tag that I was going to make um so let me share a little bit of what's going on here so if you can tell I have here some of the what are these called the snapshots um they're kind of a mix between the one and two there's different uh there's two different packs and I 've been going through and I saw that I have a lot of like these kind of travel themed um snapshots that I thought was really fun and so I I've been wanting to do something that was more of a travel theme so I thought let's try it out and see what I come up with and I'm really happy with them so let me show you now it doesn't have to be the snapshots if you have vintage um pictures or something or even if you have some type of of stamp set that you can use you can do that too but this is what this is what I aming and this is what I came up with so this was the first one this is on the black card stock and I got this guy with his plane behind him and I ended up finding a few things that um had a plane in it and I just thought that this was a little fun so I did do a little bit of stamping and because we're doing kind of the the um photo frame kind of thing I just thought that this was a fun idea and I did add my little charms to them these are the Stacked paper charms that we made a while back and I'm also using my new um tape this is the Amazon tape roll that I bought it's a pack of two and it's called the heat resistant so I'll have all my supplies linked down below I also made this one and this is a guy with his little dog and I thought that this was really cute so I did that and this is on the brown card stock this is the beige cream colored and I did this and this one doesn't even have a person in it it's just the little boats so I just thought that this was kind of fun and again little bit of stamping I'm using um a little bit of my my vintage um stamps that I had thrifted from the antique store and so I thought let's make another one I do want to do maybe more of a of this with the train so we're going to do this let me put this stuff out of the way and then we are going to be using these frames and these are from the photo is it I think it's the photo studio Montage frames something like that and so these are the ones that come with the backing and I think they're supposed to be like um what are they called Uh there's a name for them I forget but you know what I'm talking about now I'm going to choose which frame I want to use cuz I do want to use my the um craft card stock and so I kind of want something that I feel like is going to stand out a little bit maybe that green [Music] or let's see let's see which one stands out a little bit [Music] better I'm kind of thinking the green either the green or this I think that one so let's do that and then because let's see I want to kind of position it to where I can see the um the conductor so I'm just going to take my pencil and kind of figure out where I want this so I'm going to do it about here so let me just mark it so that I know where to cut it so that's that and then I will cut and make sure I have enough um maybe I'll just leave it I think I'm just going to leave the width of this so let me just cut it here is that where I said yeah so we're just going to cut this down and do the other side come on and there it is yep perfect so let's go ahead and glue this down and then we're going to figure out what type of of um like little ephemera we're going to put around it I just kind of grabbed from whatever I had and so it's kind of a combo from between the Memoir ephemera pack Keepsake and Expedition so I'm just going to glue around here just to make sure that it stays put so let's do this make sure we have it where we want it yep that looks good now I did distress the edges of this and I did use my distressor and I'm using vintage photo just to kind of um grunge that up a little bit and I will probably be using my little sanding disc to kind of roughen this up a little so that maybe if we wanted to stamp on it we can and for the stamps I did bring out the which what is this one The Eccentric and I think this one's correspondence yeah so I just brought those two out for this one so now what we're going to do is before we add that on this is going to be the last thing we put I'm going to get some of this ephemera see this says Railway on it so that's a good one this one says the Engineers Club perfect how about about this one um just says ride ticket so perfect let's see what else I do have this that says where I have this bottom part that can kind of show somewhere now what I do is I just go ahead and even if it just kind of goes off a little bit we're going to trim it at the end so I think I want to put this because I really want that Railway up there on the top to show so we can do maybe um like that and put these maybe down here let's see what else what else do I have I just kind of started grabbing stuff from different packs just to kind of see what I could use I guess we can use something like this this on the bottom and then put where no maybe put it on this side and then this will cover I kind of like that then we can add make you know just to kind of fill in little things here and there okay so let me see okay we're going to Ink around distress everything now probably don't have to do all of the corners but because I don't know exactly what's going to be shown then or what's going to be seen then we're just going to play it safe I just want it to look a little grunchy so we're just going to go all around and I'm probably not going to put them exactly where I probably don't even remember where I put everything but it's fine we're just going to distress it a little bit ink them up um I probably won't do that because I think it's going to end up cut on the around the edges because it's going to come off of the tag a little bit so let's just do this and let me grab a little bit of my ink here just trying to take off a little bit of the white cord okay this I'm not going to worry about this one and couple more and we're done again just kind of dabbing just to make sure that we get rid of that white Edge I think I need to reink my vintage photo ink pad because I feel like it's not it's not as saturated as it should be I use it all the time it's like one of my favorites okay so I think we said that we were going to put that one there and then this is going to go over here this could go here let's do it this way okay so let's do this first I'm just going to grab my glue we're going to put this about here and then we're going to put this first and then this over it so this will go probably not going to have to ink all on the edge there because some of it's going to be kind of coming off I just wanted a little bit to show anyway so it's fine and then this could go like this these are super easy but they're really fun let's put it this way got a little bit of glue on my on my table here that's okay could put this here put this maybe like this I kind of like it but I just feel like this is too much beige and beige you know what I mean but I kind of wanted it to be I could put something else oh my stamp I can put a stamp down there okay let's just do that I'll put a stamp cuz I've been putting stamps on all of them so we'll put the stamp there so let's put this here we'll put this here put that like that and then let's see what stamp do we want to put do have these this one's really pretty but do I want we could do this one you know it would be cool cool if I had one that had like a a train on it should we keep looking to see if I have something else cuz these are all look this one has a ship on it that would have been cute for the other one let's see let me grab one more if I don't find anything else cuz I kind of have them according to oh this is Thailand um no not Thailand let's see ooh this one has a that would have been cute for the other one see the one that has the um the guy with the airplane there's this one see oh I found one this is kind of a train look perfect even though it's pink that's okay I still want to use it yay I'm so glad I found one we're going to leave it as is we're just going to Ink around the edges I wish it was a different color but that's okay we're just going to add that here and then I can add maybe a little stamp or something there like you know use my stamp set okay we'll add this here put this towards the bottom cute okay now I'm going to kind of scratch this up a little bit scratch up the edges and then just going to Ink it up a little bit okay now we can figure out do I want it like this yeah this works okay so let's go ahead and just add this add glue to this thing make sure we get the edges and then add this to an angle I think like this okay there's a lot of layers and so got to make sure that you press it down keeping it intact okay I'm going to go ahead and start cutting around the edges here trying not to cut our tag and then we'll cut this side so much better then this can go go maybe up here I kind of like it but now I feel like it's too big I could cut it down I'm not sure if I want to put it now okay but let's go ahead and do some of the stamping so let's see we can put ticket just random stamping everywhere I am going to be using my versifying CLA and noct turn okay we can put this up here let me get my scratch piece of [Music] paper just to clean off and then what else what else could we use uh let's see how about the baggage check room we can put that maybe down here now that is going to smudge a little bit because it's on gloss so we're going to have to give it a minute to dry let me just put this underneath here so that gives me the space that I need so that I could dab off the extra let's do a number actually do I want that one or do I want wait I think this fell off of here somewhere I'm G to have to put that back but let's see this one I kind of like this number better put this number up here [Laughter] and then me put this back before I lose them and then maybe put registered put register down there I do want to use this this big one that says received so let's put that one I think I want to put that one up here perfect we can do something over here I'm going to need one that's a little bit taller oh there's this one this little one maybe that'll fit better down there right so let's do that put that there I think I have a little date one let me see oh yeah it's this one we can put that date there this says April 15 1940 yeah oh it's a teeny tiny one isn't it we put that here there is that it I think so we don't want to overdo it actually can you can you overdo the stamping I love stamping okay now let's add our eyelids because why not let make it let me see let me see if I can kind of dab this a little bit without smudging it okay me dab this one okay just so that it won't get too bad with the smudging but I am going to add eyelids here let me do it the let me do the big [Music] ones I just think they look cool and let's see you can put red like supposedly this is red I got I get my colored eyelids from um craftier supposedly this is supposed to be like a burgundy red so we'll put these yeah uh I need let's put this I need a two hands with these because these are pretty sturdy yeah I like the way they look okay not bad I am going going to add a [Music] couple little squares of this I just like the way it looks since we are doing pictures so I thought that this might be fun uh where can I put it could use a little bit of something up here so let's add that there see did you see I smudged it a little bit it's okay and let's add our little iset so let's switch all of these around and and then add our little eyelid maybe here get a little one let's do black for this and I think we'll use a black little bulb pen and figure out let's see do I have one that has like a train or something see that would have been cute too for the airplane one we have this it says stop that would be cute let's see what else we have a ticket London transportation that might be cute [Music] too I took out all the little ticket looking ones this might be cute too just a little red ticket let's do that one better just to kind of have it match I'm going to leave the little jump ring on it let me see sometimes I have trouble when I put these little things on cuz and then it ends up going backwards oh no there it goes okay let's just put the top the top little what is this called the what a little tag thing for the top as a little hole reinforcer let me just ink it up just a tiny bit okay can't even tell I Inked it but that's okay and then I'm going to put it down and then we will do the hole so let's let's see does this go about here nope I think about there is good so again we're going to use I'm not going to use another eyelid I'm just going to add the hole so that we can add this and this is from the paper Studio I got this on clearance and it's just like that ribbon what is it called oh let's do this one this one's more of a Sandy color like that suede suede strips so let's just kind of measure this out and fit this through got to squeeze it in come on a little bit more there it is and then just add these in because these are so thick you kind of have to fiddle with it a little bit just to get it tight trying to make it tighter there are we done I think we're done so let me show you let me put the my my little topper on my glue before it dries out again okay not bad so here it is we have the car the plane the boat and the train I didn't mean for it to rhyme so let me know which one's your favorite again the car the plane I sounded like Fantasy Island the plane the boats and the train all right guys that's that's it thanks so much for watching don't forget to like subscribe share all that jazz and I will see you tomorrow for not tomorrow Friday Friday for another craft with me video um so make sure you come back because it's a fun little project I have so that's it guys see you next time bye