Difference between Outlook.com, Hotmail.com, Msn.com, Live.com What's the difference between outlook.com, Hotmail.com, MSN.com and Live.com? Spoiler... None. Hi everyone,
I'm Leo Notenboom for askleo.com. There's a lot of confusion around exactly
what these different domains all represent because they've
changed dramatically over the years. Heres a question I got not long. Is there no longera Hotmail.com? I'm so confused. I sign into hotmail
and it automatically sends me to outlook.com. It would not take my old password
so I had to change it. But theres nothing in the account. How do you retrieve information
that was in Hotmail.com? This is crazy. How can I get my messages
from my old account? Or is this really something
that has happened? Is there no longer an MSN Hotmail.com or is this a joke of some kind? It is certainly not a joke. It is very confusing
if you're looking at it from that kind It's confusing of historical perspective. The bottom line is that Microsoft is
continuing its tradition, if you will, of confusing us with names and name changes. So let's walk through exactly where
we are at and how we got here today. Today, they’re all the same All of those domains that I listed,
Hotmail, Outlook, MSN, live, and a few more, honestly, they're all the same. In fact, if you go to any of those,
you will end up in the same place. You will end up at essentially outlook. com, although even there, the URL
that you see in your browser's address bar won't even say that. It'll say something dealing with Live. com dot. But the product that we're all
using now online to access our email from any of these Microsoft
based accounts is outlook. com.
so yes@hotmail. com, doesn't exist anymore in the sense
that there is no standalone@hotmail. com site. But it does exist in that your@hotmail. com email address will
continue to work and@hotmail. com redirects to outlook. com dot. And the same is true with Live. com comma, webtv. com comma, msn. com, a few other dot coms
that Microsoft has offered email addresses on over the years. So the short version, it's all the same.
Go to outlook. com comma, log in with your Hotmail
email address and your Hotmail password or your other email address
that I've just mentioned, any of these domains and the password
associated with that, and you're done. You're accessing your
email online in outlook. Hotmail begat MSN Hotmail begat Windows Live Hotmail com dot now how did we get here? Well, it's a long, bumpy road. In the beginning,
Microsoft purchased@hotmail. com dot. The hotmail at that point was kind of
a play on HTML hypertext markup language, which is essentially
the language we use to create web pages. Hotmail or HTML mail was then new
in the sense that, yeah, you could actually create email. That would be rich. It could have pictures and bold
and italics and all that kind of stuff. It was not initially
developed by Microsoft. It was developed by somebody
else, but Microsoft purchased it. Then after the purchase they started
calling it MSN Hotmail because they were in the process of branding a number
of their online offerings with this MSN or Microsoft network moniker so that
it looked more like a family of products. Of course, MSN really
lasts today only as a news portal. The rest of MSN is pretty much gone. Windows Live Hotmail But of course Hotmail survived. It was then renamed Windows Live Hotmail. Again, branding change and nothing more. That basically made it look like
it was part of the Windows live family of products that Microsoft
was offering at that time. Eventually they said, okay, enough
of this hotmail stuff, enough of this MSN stuff, enough of this live stuff. We're going to center on outlook.
com. Outlook.com dot outlook. com will be the single place for accessing
email online if you've got a Microsoft provided email account, and that's
basically how we landed here today, all of your accounts are still there.
It's just Outlook. com that you go to to access them. Now the issue, of course, is that,
gosh, Hotmail has been around forever. I think my account might very well
be well over 20 years old. So the issue then is, well,
it's really hard to change our habits. We keep calling it Hotmail even
though it has become Outlook. com that we use with our
hotmail email address. So you can certainly
keep using your@hotmail. com email address or your Msn. com or your web tv
or whatever other Microsoft provided email address you're using. I don't believe you can
create any of those anymore. I could be wrong. The only thing to be aware
of the real big takeaway here is don't be surprised if when you go to
those services you end up on Outlook. com, because that's
where it's all happening. For updates, for comments,
for links related to this topic and more, visit askleo.com/4384. I'm Leo Notenboom and this is askleo.com.
Thanks for watching.
Clicked on a phishing link what should i do if i accidentally
click a phishing link? hi, everyone. leo notenboom here for askleo.com,
this is a question i got recently. what do you do if you
click on a phishing link? am i screwed? it depends. it depends on exactly what happened next. so let's review... Read more