???? About the Packers 2024 Initial 53-Man Roster

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 01:33:25 Category: Sports

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[Music] welcome to La show hosted by a Bros we talking green and gold head sh hand go back go it's official we're back to the Poo show says Ben after turning down all my great names that I came up with on the fly all I know is we got to edit some new video because half the guys on the shot videos are gone actually more than half are gone then you got to invent uh more hours in the day so I have time to do it because right now got zero time but I do have time for this check this out working draft beer out of Madison OG hazy is what I got tonight first time trying it OG hazy a German style he a vison or something like that I got the great RC Cola but it's in this what is it Dragon mug a double headed dragon mug uh what do you call it a say it a ah chalice or something else I got it I got it from Olivia when she was in Europe she got got that's my daughter she got it from Germany the problem is it looks really big but I'm holding it like there it's actually about 2 O you can fit in this glass well it's from Europe what do you expect so like two two drinks and it's gone that's that's every every drink in Europe it's pretty much it's pretty much a shot in Wisconsin is what the size of this is oh all right let's get into these Packer rosters what do you oh my gosh people out there anybody that comes in here we got a couple joining us maybe dad wonder what dad thinks about these Packer roster Cuts anybody else got some thoughts we got some thoughts uh it's interesting it's interesting it's it's some of the things are just weird just weird I I don't know I and it's almost like goodies worried once again they're like over partly it's it's the strategy are you playing the right strategy like some of these guys that you kept on the roster would anyone really want them based on what they saw this preseason well there's a couple different well we should get into them we'll get into it let's get let's just do the roster let's just go down and we'll talk about each guy and why they're there and why they shouldn't be there or whatever the case is W man dude what's up also just wanted to say real quick you know yesterday was would have been mom's birthday she is since gone now almost almost a whole year already but um one of my favorite episodes we've ever done was the 70 fart gun salute for Mom's 70th birthday if you want to go back in history and see a fun video um and one more thing it's it's interesting because I was thinking about it today and it's kind of like when Last Jedi came out I always thought Chewbacca was my favorite character from Star Wars but after Last Jedi I realized it was actually Luke because they just destroyed his character and made me got me so angry and that I was like oh my God you know like I guess Luke was always my favorite character the whole time it's the same type of thing with my Packer fandom like I know I'm a Packer fan but the biggest thing that helped us do this show and helped us become Packer fans was mom was on top of stuff constantly sending us texts calling us letting us know every little thing that was in the news about the pack because she was on top of that stuff like he wouldn't believe and probably the biggest pcker fan I've ever met you know around she's the only only one of our family who actually owns the Packers she has the she had the certificate for it I don't know where that is I'm sure Dad has it somewhere but so it's just an honor to you know for her and go back if you ever have time watch the 70 fart gun salute it's super funny after a while Jason's like doing like five fart guns because we were getting so long it was like a two-hour show we're like dude we got to get 70 in here somehow but anyways um honor to Mom miss her a great deal and and yeah you know that's part of the reason also why it's harder for us to get back on the show is because to be honest it's hard for me and Rochester and you Madison to get all of the stuff that Mom would get and tell us what the heck was going on half the time now I got to listen to Andy Herman and Wes hod quits and you know they're they're good guys and stuff but I don't trust them like I trusted mom so yeah and dad always knew the draft picks in advance oh yeah Dad called Jordan love but I think he just got lucky that time I thought he called didn't he call Lucas vaness too and I can't remember anyway probably I don't know speaking of that let's get into it here we got 53 man roster we love Mom Mom thank you for everything you did for us but let's talk about this 53 man roster I don't know what you think about it Wes says okay Ben here's the thing going into it big headliner right Packers keep six receivers 11 defensive linemen I've never seen anything so dumb all right so as we look at it we know they made the big trade for with a you know for Malik Willis a seventh round pick cut Sean Clifford cut Michael Pratt and which is ironic in a way because gy said like recently or last year I really wanted to get back into drafting quarterbacks every year because we got away from that for a while and then we had garbage behind Aaron Rogers so yeah it's really good that we did that and then he drafted these guys back toback seasons and cut and cut so I think it's the interesting part to me is how can a guy who Sean Clifford to me last preseason did seemed like a very pretty halfway decent player yeah and this preseason hasn't looked as good there's no doubts about it right but he also isn't out there playing with Malik Heath and Davian Wicks and um Reed last preseason he had the top receivers on our team in the preseason this year he's got Grant deos and you know yeah mik Heath's there but even him he's you know he's a six receiver on team or whatever and I don't know I just I I I I it struggles I struggle to find how a guy could get worse in a year you know what I'm saying and and the fact that you're willing to just cut him when he's on a really cheap contract and we still for not this just year but two more years after this by cutting him here now you have to sign him to a whole another contract if you bring him on as the practice squad and it and I don't think they would right they probably go with Pratt and even that even Pratt you have him if you keep him on the roster you have him for a longer you could hide him on the 53 never activate him you have you only activate 46 guys that's seven spots you could sit them on the even Michael Pratt could sit on the freaking bench never get activated all year but that contract is still in effect for four years yeah you know what I mean like it's dumb it's actually kind of dumb so I don't know and and may maybe there's something different that I don't know about I know with undrafted free agents like with alen Lazard and Robert tan they always had the rights to them for like years and years and years in advance which was bull crap because those guys will go out and play great and still get screwed and not make any money yeah um but that was the rules that the NFL has for you know they pay J Alexander $25 million a year you pay you know kayin King $10 or whatever then you C but now he's but he's gone which is still another big we'll get to that in a second that that cornerback group is scary anyway let's go to yes but also so so it's interesting to me because to see a guy get cut in his second year yeah after I thought he did pretty good and not only that he was a calming you know he was the backup ball last year when we were doing and Jordan love struggled right and we had this guy the whole year like what but now all of a sudden he's not good enough anymore and I'm gonna say this about Malik Willis right you saw him well he's not good as an athlete you were like okay and you know coming out okay I think it was like the third quarterback drafted that year or something like that but then you actually saw him have to play quarterback in some games because he got in because they had injuries right and he was passing for like 80 some yards like he was terrible he can't complete a pass no I mean Terri he cannot read NFL defenses he can't throw from the pocket like yeah he's a good athlete but damn he's not a quarterback and this is what you're put this is it unless you yeah his sack percent he had sacked 14 times in 91 dropbacks or something like that yeah a lot and he but here's the thing his pocket was average of over three seconds in the pocket yeah which means the ball ship been gone way before he ever got sacked so he's one of those you know Russell Wilson Justin Fields guys who is taken way more sax than he should because he doesn't know what the heck's going on out there he can't once the defense adjusts after the ball snap he can't figure out uh what's happening here and he doesn't know what to do with the ball right yeah and that's he's not a backup quarterback like he's a project right he is a project so what are they going to do are they going to have like are they going to pick another guy up and cut somebody here and then like I don't get it cuz he's not a he's not a start he's not a guy you could come in like if Jordan love gets hurt and he comes in like it's not good he's not good enough he might be he has the talent to be something yes and maybe with Tom Clemens he can learn some stuff like Jordan love had issues too yeah what he what he's a rookie and so forth but at this point this is a third-year player who if Jordan love went down I would I don't trust him any more than Sean Clifford or freaking Michael Brad I'll tell you that no I I trust Sean Clifford more than I trust him because Clifford's got five years of starting experience in college right years and years and years and that was the whole point why I said that last year he was almost like a veteran back up to love and helped him get through stuff so it's it's it's a weird move I still think something else is gonna happen because you can't have Malik uh uh what's his name what's his Willis Willis Malik Willis is your backup if I mean geord love goes down we're screwed I know maybe we would be anyway with with Sean Clifford and whatever but it's just it's weird man you don't have a a I don't know I said my piece and you've said the same thing so it's perplexing let's look at the rest of the or some more um okay running backs they they got bailed out right with AJ Dylan's uh Stinger yeah but how does the Stinger make you miss the whole season I don't know makes you miss the whole season this is almost like this is a we're doing you a favor AJ Dylan you know what I'm saying it's almost like they're they know that if they cut him the fans will be pissed yeah so this is save their ass a little bit so they see they keep him on the roster yeah as injured reserve player but his season is done which for a stinger it just seems odd to me I don't know agree it's kind of it's kind of I when I saw that it was ir and not designated to return I was like yeah that that does seem strange and they still have an IR sorry they still have an IR design designated to return spot right they only used one and Andy Herman was talking about giving that to Marshon Lloyd because we weren't sure when he was coming back so it's odd that AJ Dylan didn't get that spot it's almost like they're like they know Dylan is not good enough to play he's like Emanuel Wilson's better than him they know it yeah and I we all know it too and but still to save face and you know and not piss off the fans to keep him on the team as injured reserves we can still hang around and be part of the team and be a veteran leader which isn't bad but it's just odd and weird it's just weird well and I guess especially you know since Jacobs is new to the offense Lloyd's a rookie new to the offense you could be like I mean I'm sure you can help those guys out understand what they're supposed to do and stuff like that so yeah that that that part like helps them out a lot in many ways but they got bailed out by using it the fact that he actually got an injury that they could use it on and I wonder what AJ Dylan how he feels about that because I don't know I don't know I mean he signed for that really minimum low crap dog contract and it's a weird thing I'll say this if you told me we were going to the season with Josh Jacobs Maron Lloyd Emanuel Wilson I'd be like why didn't we just have Aaron Jones and Emanuel Wilson and marshan Lloyd cause I think I mean I think Emanuel Wilson is he's not I think the other problem I was thinking about this today since we're I just want to do it quick Manuel Wilson is not great right he doesn't have great speed yep he doesn't really Juke that much he gets about you know like a three four yard carry every time once in a while he'll get a 10 yard carry if he gets lucky yeah he had that one super long one in the playoffs or preseason last year but when he got in the regular games he wasn't spectacular but he did move the chains I mean he's not even as good as Edgar Bennett was in my and I'm not a big Edgar Bennett guy but the fact that we've had we've been watching AJ Dylan play this whole time we've SE and you compare Emanuel Wilson to that it just shows you how bad AJ Dylan was as a running back he just doesn't have the skills to be a running back he's too slow he can't can't change direction once he gets stopped he cannot get going again which we proved on all the last couple last show we did when we did all the four the you know one down I need to get one down or one yard and three Downs um and it makes you wonder okay if we do we had a good Emanuel Wilson on the team what was what was the problem with keeping Aaron Jones on you could have saved money instead of giving Josh Jacobs all that de I don't know it's dumb you know me I'm Aaron Jones guy but whatever yeah so well it's and it's weird too because of the cost because what he was already on the cap and then what you're paying Jacobs and none of it makes much sense in terms of if this is what you're gonna do I will say this for Emanuel Wilson I I think he looks and hard to judge but I think he was going against some first uh def first team defenses at times this preseason he looks more physical he looks a little bit oh yeah you know running like he runs with his pads a little better this year than last year so I mean I don't I don't know I'm not saying he's bad I'm just saying like because Edgar Bennett wasn't bad Edgar Bennett was a good solid good solid to good starting running back in the NFL but he was a good solid running back in the NFL at a time when running backs ruled the NFL right when we had like super Superstar running backs right who were insane nowadays we have like one guy Christian mcaffrey right and the rest of the guys are all part-time players because they're always hurt all the time I can remember running backs in the day smacking like getting hit constantly by way bigger guys than nowadays and never getting hurt as much as these wimps are nowadays but anyways I'm just saying he's not some kind of like he's not any like Josh Jacobs and him are basically about the same in my opinion I don't think Josh Jacobs is a freaking freak of nature either but Aaron Jones you go back and you watch we're gonna find out really hard the difference between a good offensive line and a bad offensive line and when you watch this year's team you'll realize how much Aaron Jones made that offensive line look better somehow we had really good rushing years with Aon Jones and it wasn't because he was getting good blocking that's all I'm gonna say and it's and how many explosive runs are we gonna have this year none every every time they I gotta say something you know this every time they talk about Josh Jacobs being a packer oh Packers signed Josh Jacobs they show that same exact play against the Chiefs there's one play where he does a stiff arm and then runs for like 40 yards that's the only play he had last year that was of any type of freaking like more than five or 10 yards rushing and they show it every time and they'll show it from multiple angles to make it look like it's more than one play it's the same play this isn't like Aaron Jones where he breaks off crazy runs and like saves freaking the team on you know comes out third quarter and gets a huge run and saves the game this is not gonna happen this year right when your offense is sluggish and nothing's going on and then he comes out and jumps starchy in the second half and how many times we see that um I think they also showed that one play where he you know juked Jer or Jer like they showed that one too I think but um okay let's get back to the roster here I know running backs I'm scared I'm a little scared about running backs as well all right receivers so this one surprised me and I and I think it's wrong bu Melton I don't think should have made the team I mean I get that they said he had a really good camp other than the one bad preseason game but I I just don't think other teams value him enough I don't think he showed enough I mean you could have hit him you could have picked him up put him on the practice squad again and used your roster spot for something else if you wanted to because all these other guys are good they're better than him and they're all going to play other than and they're not going to get hurt and they're not gonna get hurt other than Christi Watson right and that's the reason why bu Melton's on the team and I'll tell you why because okay B Melton's got the speed that Christian Watson has and he can take the top off the defense without Christian Watson who you know is going to get hurt who's got the speed to take the top off the defense Romeo dos does it Wix doesn't Reed doesn't Heath does it and Grant Duos does it and Samar tur doesn't and that's why B Melton made the team and then and because Christian Watson's gonna get hurt he does every year and when he's hurt B Melton's gonna get the start not the start but he's going to be in the game and he's going to be running deep and taking the top off the defense that's his job and that's why they had to keep him and he's not bad he's a special teams he can be a special teams Gunner yeah and Malik Heath made it because he's he's just a tough awesome dude and he's great on special teams and and he can beat Jer Alexander on oneon-one but anyway yeah yeah but well it's one of those things where you know bring us back to the old 90s Packers but it's the same thing with Terry mickens where I got that you know I called in that one time where they were saying oh ishmael's gonna it was it was the the Rocket's brother the kadre Ismail the missile and he was on the team and he was like a return specialist and he would be like the sixth receiver and I called in and I was like they're not going to keep kadre isma because he doesn't play any other special teams and the fifth or six receiver on the team is not going to be you know the Special Teams guy even if you're just a return guy they had other guys on the team who could do returns at that time and I think one of them was Bill Shader at the time so I was like I called it and I said they're not going to keep mhma they're going to keep Terry mickens because he plays all four special team spots and he's a very good solid guy and what happened the Packers traded ishma to the Dolphins and Terry mckin made the team and Malik Heath is the Terry mckin of this team that's just the way it is he's a guy who's going to be out there special teams if dos or or Malik or uh DAV wi gets hurt B Keith is the guy who does the same job he's not as fast but he's got decent hands he's a good body size he can block really well yeah and and that's the thing when you think about your fifth receiver on the team he's got to play special teams especially when we get to the quarterback situation later on guess what Le's going to get a lot of game he's going to be in the top 46 game day roster because he's going to have to they're going to need guys with speed who can play on special teams because they don't have enough and I will say this for B Melton too A lot of the preseason he blocked his ass off he blocked really well even though he's not that big of a guy so you know that he's got value there too I think it came down to you know Grant the BS everybody was talking about him he's he's fine he doesn't have the route running ability even Malik HEI has Malik HEI can get open he knows how to use his body like that touchdown catch he had uh the other day you know he he all of a sudden he turned around the ball was in his face and he just Qui grabbed it but he shielded that the corner off of him because he had such a big body I like that guy had no chance of getting it and strong hands just it looked like rul Douglas where R just turns around and there's the ball and just grabs it right I'd love to see Malik Keith rul Douglas matchups that'd be good that's probably scary um Malik the other thing with Malik Heath is he's just a he's a freaking dog he's a bad like he doesn't back down from anybody like I mean I get dos you know and Watson and like Reed's kind of a little edgy maybe a little bit but most of these other guys are pretty low-key kind of quieter Mal Keith is a he's a badass well they said they asked the receivers questions um during the preseason I watched the video and they were like who's the who's the biggest talker in the wide receiver room and all the corners were like Malik Heath that guy he won't shut up and it's true and said you know what if that's if you could talk it and sometimes just talking about it will mess with a guy and just be like shut up shut it's like Deadpool you know the guy won't shut up you get mad at them and frustrate you as a corner so I think it's the right move there they find they got that one right okay the receivers they got right tight end's no surprise uh Luke Musgrave Tucker CRA and Ben Sims got bring it back up oh I'm sorry you don't have it on the screen here I'll switch I all right switch that out uh Tucker craft Luke Musgrave and Ben Sims I put them in that order as opposed to this order but whatever um I don't like the IR spot for Tyler Davis unless I don't either because of a unless it's because of a contract thing like this helps I don't know or if they have to pay an injury settlement or something because did you watch him play this year he has zero value zero value and this is two years in a row it's like I don't know if he's got some kind of he must have something on the J goody right right like he knows something about something that they that's two years in a rle they keep M ininja reserve for the whole year and pay him it it's ridiculous he's not like there's no upside for Tyler Davis he's not going to someday in the future be like that's what your injured reserve spots are for and they use both these like Tyler Davis and AJ Dylan there's no upside there we know exactly what they are right they're not injured reserve players they're guys you just cut yep like I hate to say it they're veteran guys who have no potential to do something and they can't help you now because there's better players on the roster right now than them so putting them on injur reserve makes no sense when especially when you had Joel Wilson out there who was working hard and doing pretty good and you also brought back the fullback who could help you uh what's his face Pearson right they could he could help you at at tight end sometimes and running back especially with both those two guys injured Tyler Davis and AJ Dylan and he didn't make the team either right so it's it's just it's a weird situation I don't understand it um but maybe I guess they don't have that many injured guys this year so you're like well we got to put some guys on injury reserve I guess we'll put Davis and Dylan on there and they'll be back next year and they'll probably be an injured reserve again next year because nobody wants them no other team is going to want them I hate Be a Jerk It's True no one's no one's going to take those guys they don't have any reason for any NFL team to waste a roster spot on him um let's look at the offensive line this one also just I mean I don't get it I don't get did anybody else watch the preseason games where a bunch of the starting offensive lineman didn't play yeah I watched them so were these guys worth keeping on the I mean was it worth keeping this many of them I think the problem is they don't have anybody who is like Zack Tom was his rookie year or like Lucas Patrick was where Lucas could play any of the three interior spots Zack Tom could play any spot and you have those two guys so then you keep like only three offensive linemen other than those two as backups because those two guys are the ones are going to play and the other three are going to just be like ah they ain't going to play but now you got guys like Andre Dillard he can't play anything but left tackle and he kind of sucks there when he played right tackle he was God awful right but he can only play left tackle and sort of be serviceable there Jacob monk he's a rookie so I understand that but he wasn't well you know he could play he disgracing the number 62 he did better in the last game Kadeem tord I'm telling you I don't know Andy Herman seems to really like him I'm watching the film I don't like him I think all these guys look soft they don't yes he doesn't push he doesn't work hard he takes he none of these guys work I don't know Travis Glover I don't even remember him playing so Yi there's no finish to any of these guys there's no aggression or finish to any of these guys and it's rashed Walker is you're starting left tackle that's fine but we he's got a motor he's got the big dog motor yeah not not not not big dog Mercedes Lewis big dog Glenn Robinson where he works hard for a second and then after that second he's done he's he's he's out better is he getting better at that no I was surprised by Caleb Jones because when he got a chance to run block there was value like he awesome for some reason the the you know buttkiss does not play him he didn't come in until like the third he was the third guy with the backup guys and that's the other thing it's even more dumb goody kept Caleb Jones sitting on the roster for two three season this is like this is all this is this was a guy they had to have make the 53 man roster for the last two years to because he's so huge and monstrous and now they just cut him yeah because he stinks why did he make the team in the first the last two years if you're going to sit there and hide him for two years it's dumb and Jordan Morgan was drafted as a tackle and now he's apparently a guard because he can't play tackle so you could have you could have taken a really good awesome Guard from College who was a good actual guard and instead they took this tweener guy with short arms who's athletic and Tall but doesn't have the strength to play guard and he doesn't have the arm length to play tackle SS kind it's gon to be like Royce at least they got they got finally cut ties with Royce but right they they have all these guys and I don't I think this is going to shake up a little bit I have a hard time believing that all 10 of these guys are going to stay on the roster like this will be one of the spots where if they pick up a guy who got cut from somebody I think one of the offensive linemen will be gone right Travis Glover or Kadeem tford or maybe even Andre Dillard because I don't think he played that great when I when I first looked at it that's what I thought too like easy cut for you know a roster change but I mean Travis Glover I mean no one is going after that guy you could have easily cut him and put him on the practice squad yeah come on I mean I mean like does Travis lover deserve to make the team over um the quarterbacks that they cut no no not at all and that's the thing it's so shocking about this it's weird it's it's just odd and Luke Tuda another guy they picked up and had him sit on the 53 man roster right for a while and he's just gone too and I don't get it so it's a very strange offensive line at least at least we got Zack Tom hopefully he'll stay healthy all year and play great and elt Jacobs is serviceable and mached Walker okay and Josh Meers stinks and I I have to be I I don't know I kind of like Shawn Ryan he's doing a lot better he's a good run blocker at least yeah I'd rather see him out there instead of Jordan Morgan at this point Josh Myers yeah I don't want to see him at Center but I I think he's made some shots I that's the problem they don't really have a good Center they don't no they didn't last year either but so that's it's interesting but offensive lineman is a lot and I think one of them will probably get caught or two when they they'll make some roster moves there's got to be a corner out there they're looking for something because they need one yeah um as a side note Lucas Patrick is uh currently on the Saints as they're starting left guard for like $1.2 million this year so could have been awesome to have him back he would have been a great he would have been the chess piece who you could have got rid of all those three of those crappy guys and just kept him as your number one backup to the interior and you'd have been fine all year long okay let's switch over to the defensive side and hell are we doing six outside players Ben for two spots uh Preston Smith ran Gary Lucas veness Kingsley andari Breton Cox Jr and Aaron Mosby all got to make the 53 man roster this this is a joke in many ways um not only have we they always had too many I remember last year when they had when they were considered outside linebackers which they weren't they were all defensive eventss last year too because they can't cover anybody they all they can do is Rush and remember they had like 12 guys at def as outside linebacker and they had like four inside linebackers yeah and only two of them were active because the other two guys were hurt at that day we went to practice when Bill belich was there and we were like what the heck there's like 12 guys working out with outside linebackers and then here's you know Eric Wilson and freaking Isaiah McDuffy the only two inside linebackers because the other two CU Quay Walker and Campbell were both hurt that day and we're like wow this is just odd it's the same thing it's it's a two- spot rotation you don't need six guys and not only that I don't know what Brenton Cox Jr did to make him think he could make the team I mean he had a good college career but he was a head case and got in trouble a lot at least Aaron Mosby made some plays in the preseason that everybody remembers his name MH I mean he had a pick and some other crazy stuff at least he could intercept the ball that's pretty good you could drop him back in coverage and do something with them I could see keeping five with Cox getting cut but I think keeping both of those two is a mistake because in your next line with your defensive tackles where now this is this they get right because we only need two because we're in a 4-3 now right except for of course when you're running against you're running goal line here they keep Clark Slayton Wyatt Brooks kobby wooden which are all guys we know you know that we have and then Jonathan Ford who's injured resered designated to return okay so he's the other designated to return or the one designated to return guy right um which is interesting but which also is weird because they well they hit him on the roster for two years too the same thing with uh Caleb Jones you you look at okay so kobby wooden Devonte Wyatt um maybe even Brooks on in some packages could bounce out and help you out at a defensive end if you need it they totally could which is why it makes no sense to keep six exactly and especially if you got Jonathan Ford designated to come back like what are we doing what are we doing when he comes back Britt Cox and Aaron mos gone those are two guys who could be cut for spots two because it makes no sense yeah it makes zero sense to keep six guys at defensive end you know it just it's dumb no maybe maybe a supp be has enough athletic athleticism he could switch play some outside linebacker at times I mean he showed he can go drop back and get a pick I don't know but as a undrafted guy I don't think he's something that you're gonna be writing home about I didn't look at I guess I didn't pay attention enough to him and Cox on special teams if they really made much of an impact but I don't know but usually it's inside line that that was the whole point of when by switching to a 43 you have more bodies who are better at at special teams right you know these more athletic and Agility type guys who can get downfield and have some size that's what the inside linebackers and tight ends you know were good at back in the day that was her Bernardo Harris's and your yes Keith Mckenzie was a defensive end but he was a small defensive end he was mostly an outside linebacker playing defense he's a pass rush specialist at that time then you had J J Jeff Thomasson right Y and LaMont hollenquest those those size guys right that was when the NFL was even bigger yet right those guys were all like two 240 to 250 now it's 230 to 240 and just don't need these guys like they only going to play two spots they're not going to help you on special teams at all yeah I guess vaness play some special teams and Kings leag play some special te that's the thing maybe that's the thing he played it last year did vess play special teams last year I remember yeah okay but if you have those two guys play special teams what are you doing with the Brooks and or Cox and Mosby I mean they won't even make the they won't start they won't even get 46 B roster to start it's dumb and now a guy who could help you on special teams and maybe on defense probably your worst cut Christian Walch Wisconsin guy freaking again we screw the Wisconsin guys for some reason we can't have good Wisconsin guys on our team even when they play their ass off and make every play imaginable in the preseason what more does that guy got to do to make the team but he's not on the team and it and they call this inside linebacker which I find hilarious because it's just linebacker now in the 43 so come on get your stuff together but come on Wes the biggest thing here is sometimes there's going to be six or three spots and there's only two backups for those three spots at defensive end there's only two starting spots and they have four backups for it and those are guys who can't help on special teams where These Guys these backups could help on special teams so it makes no sense Christian Welch should have been on the team Brenton Cox should have been off the team and that's just the way it should have been Aaron Mosby I think is should have made it because of his preseason game and he's versatile enough to play special teams as well as play defensive end and so wel should have made it Cox shouldn't have I don't understand why he was on the team and it's dumb and if we get any injuries you know the Cooper and Hopper who haven't played with at all I don't know what they're going to do using an IR spot designated a return for one of those guys if going on like what are we doing here it's just it's weird and I don't know if by going on the IR if their contracts are voided or I don't think they are right or not voided but like it's it's different than keeping them on the roster with those higher like second third round picks like maybe they can't really do the same type of thing with the injured reserve but I think so because Dave bakari was on injured reserve all over the damn place and he still made a gazillion dollars so that didn't change his contract at all so I'm pretty sure it's just I don't know whatever I'm pretty sure after his preseason someone's picking up Christian Welch though pretty sure I we'll see I don't know but it's another one of the great uh Mysteries you know athleticism over a guy who just the football player right you know we we we keep losing guys because we're dumb and we'll just keep losing them you know plus he went to Iowa Wisconsin guy who went to Iowa like oh man what more do we need okay uh this group of cornerbacks is really interesting as well okay so we got Jer Alexander and Eric Stokes who have had repeat injuries for their whole careers kesan Nixon Carrington Valentine Corey Ballentine five corners and your top two that you have are guys that get injured all the time and they're not that great I don't know cutting kayin King a big surprise to me I mean I thought it was was too because he was a guy who was supposed to be good and they got a steal in the seventh round and he seemed to be pretty solid from what everybody was saying yeah he's little guy yeah and Robert Melle comes in and makes plays Robert Melle is kind of reminds me he reminds me of like um oh crap what was that guy's name Sullivan chanon Sullivan type Guy where he's he's not great but hey once to the Blue Moon he made it play once to the Blue Moon he was out there and he worked hard and got a you know good on special teams got interception got a pass breakup on third down when we really needed it Robert Michelle was kind of like that and these other guys Eric Stokes don't even know where the hell the ball is when it's in the air Jer won't try he won't tackle you if it's a running play he won't even get in the mix carington Valentine is a headcase who thinks he's like the greatest thing on earth and he's just you know he's okay gishan Nixon is our best guy gishan Nixon's our best it's and that's not good um I mean wasn't it like it was less than a year ago right I don't mean to stoke this fire but was it less than a year ago that goody said oh you feel really good about that group and what we have here and blah blah blah blah blah and that's why we can trade away rul duck well same guys how good do you feel about it now he thinks they're good apparently and as we know from Packers track record of quarterbacks and judging quarterbacks not a single GM has known anything about Corners go all the way back from the Ron Wolf's school to Ted Thompson to now gy go all the way back to Terrell Buckley name name them all Fred Vincent freaking who else the RO Rollins and freaking Randall draft freaking you know just keep going first second round picks at corner any Corners the only guy we got right was when we signed Woodson and when we found Tron Williams off the scrap Heap when we drafted uh Micah Hyde friend of the show and also R Douglas who we picked off freaking somebody's practice squad those are the only guys we got right all the ones that they draft they have no clue what they're doing except for except for one michah Hyde who is actually probably should have been playing safety as we found out later on when he went to the bills and became a freaking pro bowler but it's obvious they don't know how to judge Corners they never have whoever the scouts are don't know the good general managers don't know and they're going to look like crap again and they only got five of them like there's times and there's four receivers on the team what are they going to do I don't know I really don't don't bring up Jack Hein he should have made Jack Hein oh and Bou okay bju is not good he wasn't good um look Corey Valentine at least is pretty durable um and we beat the chiefs with Cory Valentine and or Valentine and Cory Valentine so you know that's so if you so just just look at it this way right you're you got to make decisions on roster spots 46 uh players for the game all that stuff you go into a game with Jer Alexander Eric Stokes playing there's a good chance one of those guys probably gon to get hurt yeah how many corners are you gonna have active every are they all five of these every all five of these guys can be active every single game because you can't afford to not have them active every single game oh my God and let's get to the next cut which is another if you want to go down a little bit yep and you might say oh well maybe the safeties could help can the help they could help in the slot I mean Javon Bullard played slot in college as well as deep safety so he's and I think that's what they're thinking is but the cut that shocked me this is the biggest shock of my of of the whole thing is Anthony Johnson no Anthony Johnson Jr that was a shock to me because he made plays last year yeah not only that he played Corner in college for four years switched to safety as last year mhm and considering that they didn't keep very many safety or Corners here's a guy who could in a pinch do the job right yeah I I so I I totally believe Anthony Johnson Jr will be either back on the practice squad or will be signed by another team because he's too good not to be yeah and the fact that they kept oladapo who I haven't seen him do anything exactly um but he was one of your draft picks yeah I understand that but Anthony Johnson Jr is only the second year and he's a seventh round pick so the cost to you is way lower and you still have him for three more years and he not only that but he's proven in games that he can do things and he had a good preseason he's knocking guys heads off he was going crazy out there he was playing great and he gets cut right that was the one that shocked me when I saw that I was like whoa so you're G to keep can You're Gonna Keep [ __ ] and all those crappy offensive linemen and like I understand cutting the quarterbacks because they weren't that great this PR season but Anthony Johnson Jr has versatility at a spot you're weak at in defensive back especially at corner you're strong at safety yes but with Evan Williams seems to be the man and if he doesn't start something's wrong right he should be starting over Bullard I and I I think bullard's really good too but Evan Williams just has that extra it makes it makes that Javier mckin signing look really stupid now right all that all that money we gave him and we end up drafting Bullard and and that's the problem I I really hate about you know having to sign free agency starts before the draft because had we drafted these two guys and knew that we were going to get these two guys we wouldn't need M Kenny because Bullard and Williams are freaking awesome and Anthony Johnson Jr as your third safety is awesome we would have been great you know what I mean yeah and mckin I don't know I mean I'm hoping he's great I mean they gave him a lot of money so hopefully he's good it's just that Anthony Johnson Jr one shocked me because I thought he is a good player and versatile he's like the Lucas Patrick of the of this secondary you could you could throw him in there wherever you need he might screw up every now and again but not any more than anybody else did hell we had who was that guy in the playoff game with Tampa Bay who sucked Redmond that guy was terrible they kept him on the team for freaking years and years and years Anthony Johnson Jr makes him look like a schlub yet we cut Anthony Johnson Jr and we kept that Redmond guy on the team for all that time this is ridiculous this that Zayn Anderson could be on the team and I don't know he's a special teams guy I get it but what is he proven right I I mean I would have kept I would have kept Anthony Johnson Jr over both those guys like I don't I don't understand how he's the one that's cut out of these this grouping well now of that it's not even this grouping add the defensive ends add Cox and Mosby add freaking half of those offensive linemen three at least three of the bottom offensive linemen could have easily been gone and kept Anthony Johnson Jr yeah you could have cut those guys signed the practice squad and if you needed them somebody got hurt bring them up they're not good enough Anthony Johnson Jr is a proven guy who made plays last year and yes you're really strong at safety now where it was your weakest spot last year I get it but you're not strong here at quter right and you don't and you have five bodies and two that get hurt all the time I mean when I saw caylin King was cut I was like oh that's interesting and then I saw an Johnson Drew I was like what what this is that's the Shocker for me well yeah him and Welch were were Shockers for me especially when you kept all these other guys on defense what is the here we we'll get to special teams they break it down here I forget what it is like uh 27 guys on defense or something and and those two guys are cut like I don't get it anyway here I'll go back to the Special Teams guys okay Anders I believed in them all last year I I I tried to get people to believe in him yeah you did you're the only person everybody you he sucked he couldn't believe himself and he's gone Greg Joseph former Vikings kicker we finally did it back to the Vikings they always took our kickers now we finally took one of theirs yeah but Greg Joseph I'm telling you right now when it when it when the temperature gets below 40 degrees he's his kicks or suck he's not gonna be able to kick he's a wimpy leg oh no this is a bad move you made a 55 y in the last preseason game right yeah and there was you remember what the temperature was there was Zero wind oh and no issues I'm telling you I I just I'm not a fan of Greg Joseph we got Mason come back no God though but that's you know Carlson getting cut it's I don't know and then even Alex Hal getting released I'm assuming they'll get him back on that pathway program or whatever they'll get him on for the because he's like yeah yeah right he still counts even though he went to college for four years in the US but somehow he still counts as the international pathway guy makes no sense but that's fine but I don't know man I don't trust Greg Joseph or an Andre car Carlson but I guess that's the end of that that's what we get goody told Rich bace to take a hike on his on his the guys he wants but he kept Zayn Anderson which well actually no I don't know if zaye Anderson was his guy we all know that who's the guy that was rich Bach's guy was here a couple years ago last year is Lasher um crap forgot his name that's really sad he's the white toen the token white guy on special teams he wasn't that who's the toen white guy last year the Zayn Anderson from last year oh my God how am I totally blanking on his name that's pathetic Packer show and I can't think of his name I can see somebody in the comments has got to know I can see him but I can't remember Le know Lee who's what's his name JJ is here too Lee points out or Lee asks uh is Williams too small for nickel I don't know Williams isn't gonna play nickel Williams is gonna play deep Williams will play safety bullet will play nickel yeah cuz he tackles and he's aware of what's going on he diagnoses and gets in there Mark said he heard about Dylan it was his neck and it's the second time it happens so maybe that's why it's a full season so let's hope and JJ's here says hello from chipa how you doing JJ good to see you Packers finally boot the boy Roy you're right finally got rid of our boy Royce took all these years that's cuz this season he was due to make the most money he's made quite a bit for his garbage self so they had to part ways and keep these other crappy offensive linemen why are why is our offensive line so bad why are they always so bad well see they're not though but they are bad we always have well the problem it's not that they're bad it's that they have they always start the wrong guy you know what I mean like Billy like Billy Turn Style what are we doing why was he on the team he was the free agent s he played like crap I had my favorite video I've ever done or my favorite video uh breakdown was the Billy Turner what the crap video that was awesome I missed that one I just screamed about Billy Turner on every single play he was in the game on and now these guys Zack Tom Zack Tom's good who should be starting though Sean Ryan I think I guess cuz he's big he's big and he runs over dudes at least he'll help in the Run game I his pass blocking stinks so I don't know I mean here's here's the other problem if we have one good run blocker and the rest of them can't run block I guess it's probably better to have five good pass blockers so maybe Jordan Morgan is your guy you just never run the ball and you could get away with it last year because Aaron Jones can make something out of nothing well guess what Josh Jacobs can't he doesn't have the agility Aaron Jones has he doesn't have the quickness Aaron Jones has Z Josh Jacobs gonna look like a chump in this offense I hate I just remember a few years back if the Packers had made a couple of different choices right if they had just can you picture all right let's go back to it can you picture if a few years back they drafted the gut and Creed Humphrey what this offensive line could look like well I think the gut would have been gone by by I think he was drafted before their third round pick that year could first and second round picks I don't give a [ __ ] where those guys were actually drafted yeah they would have said we're going to prioritize offensive line and make like young guys who could be studs for 10 years or more let's do it let's let's build from the offensive line out and they committed to it and they drafted first and SEC first and second round picks on Creed Humphrey I don't care whatever order you want Creed Humphrey and Quinn Miners where would this offensive line be right now if you still had Zack Tom you still had Jenkins playing pretty good you would have you would have the best interior offensive line in the NFL and you would have a solid to very very good right tackle at Zack Tom and Rasheed Walker is pretty decent and if he needs help then the running back just Shades over there but you know Zack Tom don't need any help and the inry offensive line at that point wouldn't need any help because they're all studs yeah we'd be blow everybody up we'd be great we'd be great run blockers we'd be great pass blockers but instead we got Josh Myers who freaking falls down and then it takes him five freaking minutes to get back up again CU he looks like an old grandpa Jones trying to get up with his freaking tap taped up knees and barely move and then we don't know what we got at Right Guard because we got a freaking skinny guy who with short arms or you got a big guy who's really huge but can't pass by why are we so negative all the time that's why nobody likes our show that's why after five years of doing this show nobody wants to watch us they want to watch the guys who just say hey everybody where're the pack Packers are great hey guys hey friends the Packers are great I don't know we did some dumb moves goody I it's bad I gotta look it up well who who did they draft in 21 then was that the Stokes in the first round yeah so Stokes so instead of Quinn Miners if they had just drafted Oh my God oh my oh my God it's guys in their fourth year it was Stokes pull it up hold on Josh Meers the third round pick was is now gone Amari Rogers taken before uhi they had TR they trained a fourth round pick to move up there to get him before I'm on R Brown then in the fourth round it's one of the worst drafts jti's ever had fifth round TJ Slayton that's the only good pick yeah he's only he's and they didn't know what he was going to be and then six round Shamar Jean Charles oh that guy was Terri terrible that is a terrible draft terrible that's hilarious oh my God especially considering how many good players that were there that we were if you watched our show we said to take didn't take any of them and that was the year of the wide receiver draft that they didn't take a single receiver they did also get McDuffy no they took they took Amari Rogers that's right so of of oh mcduffy's that year okay okay the is of any value because they drafted kylin Hill in round seven McDuffy round six Co van Lannon round six John Charles TJ Slayton Roy Amari Rogers Josh Meers and Eric Stokes so the two guys of value are McDuffy at 220 pick 220 and also TJ Slayton at pick 173 so oh my God if they hadj just and that was the year of a ton of awesome offensive lineman dick went to the Eagles after we took Josh Meyers we could have had Lander dick we could had any one of those three guys landard Dickerson Creed humphy or the gut any one of those three instead of Josh Meers can you imagine I we could have got two of them we could have got two of those three and we would be like this offensive line think about that offensive line playing with this quarterback and whatever and the the the biggest problem is of the areas you spent picks on and didn't draft those guys you got nothing you got no return if there was one year we could have just been the GM for the Packers 21 son of a no every year we should be that's true okay well that's what we get um couple of other weird things Ben which is interesting to note that wesy hod quids points out m currently there are no undrafted players making this roster well that's what happens when you have 13 picks every year also it would be the first time since 2004 that no undrafted guys make the Packers roster well from this season right because like I mean Wilson was undrafted right I mean they're undrafted guys now veterans whatever like they they're in the league not technically but you know they they still brought in a bunch of undrafted rookies but it' be the first time no undrafted rookies make the team in 20 years well like I said that's part of the and I think that's also what led to we're we're losing some good players because we have too many draft picks goody wants his 13 draft picks every year especially the last two seasons and he drafts a bunch of guys and then he keeps the wrong guys and then next thing you know and we but there's It also says there's 12 guys who were undrafted that made this roster which is a big number right that's a big number for 12 undrafted players not this from this season but in their careers were undrafted and they still are on this roster so it just it shows that you know it's it's good to have a 13 picks one year maybe to help build up your roster and stuff but two years in a row really that's 26 influx of players in two years that really screws up everything and now you have to make choices on okay what are we doing here you know like cutting guys like you know the quarterbacks freaking anony Johnson Jr kayn King who was supposed to be a first round pick prior to going into his last season in college who NFL already the seventh round because he had a bad year but you've seen him play good in previous Seasons which which is what Jordan love had by the way had a good sophomore year and then played like crap as junior year and yet still was drafted the first round this just a corner who did it and he fell all the way to the seventh and now we've left him out there for somebody to pick him up we'll see what happens um but yeah Tennessee fan JJ mcquade's asking about uh about Malik and the other thing is this same thing happened to Tennessee fans for cheering when we signed Andre Dillard too because Andre Dillard had signed a one-year contract with them last year and played like dog crap and when the Packers signed him there's a whole bunch of people on from Tennessee were laughing at us because he sucks and he plays like crap even though he's a first round pick or whatever second round pick whatever he was or the Giants and somehow that guy makes a team but these other guys who are proven who could actually play don't I don't know 11 Picks 11 of the 13 picks make the roster the IAL 53 that's too many that's too many in a normal year you only have seven picks like we we now we've lost guys who are good players because gy wants to hang on to these we don't know what they are we have no idea and and especially those offensive linemen we talked about it before the draft right the the number of players they had on the roster and then had 13 picks or whatever it like there's going to be no space left like what what are you doing and then at the same time you have a proven track record of I don't know who finds these undrafted guys I don't know who vets them or whatever or brings them in but you have a proven track record of finding quality hungry football players in the undrafted rookie market and now you're gonna have none make this team and then you turn away guys who all they did this whole preseason was make plays to keep these draft picks is that is that helping is that helping the Packers win this year any of those things helping the Packers win this year and this is the window to win when you have the young talented receivers right now you have the veterans on the defensive line who are getting up there in age a couple guys Kenny Clark and Preston Smith like this is the year where everybody's talking about the Packers as being a top four team in the NFC right they could compete with the Eagles and the and the 49ers and the Cowboys and the lions like they have what it takes to be up there with those teams and by hanging out to these projects yeah you have some spots right there's only 46 guys that dress so you have you know seven spots of hanging on to guys for just for the future or whatever the crap which we've seen him do many times with Caleb Jones who obviously they gave up on already and and Jonathan Ford who they I don't know I guess he could come back cuz he's designated to return on injury reserve but it's it's it's one of those things where you have to read the room right last year was the rebuild year and it surprised everybody because we actually end up getting some pretty decent players in the draft who could actually make something happen and Jordan love turned to corner and boom and now this year you got to get with the program and keep the guys who can help you win games because this is a year to win games it's right right for the Pickins yes the CH Chicago Bears look a little better but they still have a rookie quarterback MH and it's it's going to be iffy the Vikings are screwed they got nothing except for Aaron Jones and yeah he's awesome but he ain't enough to win that many games and the whole NFC West is crap except for the 49ers the south is iffy at best yeah maybe Baker can pull out a couple wins down in Tampa and yeah luky Patrick's with the Saints but they still got no decent team and then the East the Cowboys always screw something up the Eagles are turmoil in the coaching staff yeah they got a lot of talent they made a trade for another receiver or whatever it was or tight I don't remember what it was they did some crazy moves they got a whole they got so many freaking stars on that team on offense now it's nuts I don't know how they can pay for all these guys by the way the Eagles have all these guys that are awesome and they keep making trades and signing extra contracts for the receivers and they're like how are they paying for these how do they pay for Sequon Barkley where is this money coming from I don't know maybe it's because they I don't know they don't they weren't paying their quarterback 40 million last year to not be on the team now this year we're only paying Dave bakari 27 or 19 million to not be on the team and Aaron Jones 12 million to not be on the team of course and the other guys that they're paying to not be on the team which equals about 50 million in cap space but you know who am I to judge Goody's geniusness but there you go yeah Welch talked about him earlier I think that's the most frustrating part to me right is that you saw they make the chain on the defensive end you see players who play well make an impact make plays seem like they're ready to play now in a season that it's time to win it's time to take advantage of the opportunity and take that next step not just plan for the future not just pad extra talent in there that you have to develop in projects it is time to make sure especially in the lower part of the roster that you've got football players that You' got guys that are good at playing football and because you're going to need them at some point probably on defense and offense and you're going to need their help on special teams and you're going to need their leadership if they're a vet and instead it's the same old same old keep 11 of the 13 draft picks even though they stink we don't know if they stink yet but that's we don't know and nobody knows so so those are the guys you bring back for the practice squad those are the guys you expose to free agency yeah you have them under contract for four years so if you cut them then you you lose that contract you know availability even though they got rid of Sean uh Clifford and they got rid of freaking Anthony Johnson Jr who are second year guys who they still have three year years on him that's I don't I don't understand it so it okay whatever we're talking about guys who aren't gonna play much anyway like you know Anthony Johns Jr's not gonna play much kayin King wouldn't play much hopefully right we hope the starters would play I know and maybe they can get him back on the practice squad and then they move them up and they become part of the team and so forth there will be a there'll still be shuffling we all know this we all know from Packer being a Packer fans we know they'll be shuffling with guys here and there this will not be the roster that they go into week one with we know that there'll be other guys they pick up and so forth that'll make things happen there might be a rul Douglas this year who knows a guy they find somewhere who comes in and really helps set a spot that's needed and this year it's Corner no doubts it's always Corner why is it it wouldn't have to be if we kept them if we kept them we'd have a right now but I don't want to talk about it and then we signed two free agents to Big contracts at spots where we're loaded from draft picks now yeah running back we got two guy we got Emanuel Wilson and well we're not really running back is still kind of an issue yeah even with Josh Jacobs could should no we want to talk about that but safety all of a sudden we're loaded at because we drafted right and Evan Evan Williams is just the man he seems to just be making plays everywhere and just knows what the hell's going on yeah so that's awesome for him and Bullard is proven he's pretty solid too he's a hitter and he's smart so both those guys I love and hopefully zavier mckin is the man and maybe we just play with those guys we don't need all these Corners we'll just play all safeties everybody in the in the secondary is playing safety we're playing Zone and they're all just shutting everybody down who knows I don't know maybe Jeff halfy can figure something out he's like one thing I love is that at least we got Jeff Halley right remember La the last couple years when they asked Joe Barry what the Joe Barry what happened out there what can we do he's like well if I knew i' tell you it's like what you're the defense coordinator how do you not know how to fix the problem like you're the guy who's supposed to know right right and Jeff Halley has an answer for everything he is it's like night and day between Joel Barry the dingdong who knew nothing and this guy who knows a whole bunch of stuffff like holy crap I'm excited for press conferences with whenever Jeff Halley's there I love it he has plans he has he has a strategy he seems to be able to adjust with the strategy based on what's going on I would love I I can't wait to watch this defense that hopefully will look at the opposing team's offense and attack their weaknesses which we know Joe Barry never did he just sat back and went so I'm I'm hoping you know Jeff hafley is a guy who can read the study the oppos the defense and attack the weaknesses and really make a big big play on on the teams that that are the Packers are playing this year and the defense might be making turnovers and doing crazy stuff and if anybody remembers Brett Favre got his Super Bowl because we had the number one rated defense that year and the number one rated special teams by the way Aaron Rogers won a Super Bowl because we had the number one rated defense that year it wasn't the quarterback people yet they get all the credit so we need Jeff affley to be the man and of course if they win the Super Bowl this year which would be awesome it'll be because of the SEC it be because of the defense not Jordan love but he'll get all the credit but that's okay I'll take Fritz Shermer and I'll take Jeff hafley I don't know if I'll take Dom Capers but I guess he we took him he he was good for one year of course we had we had uh Klay Matthews and the great defensive line with Ryan picket and you know Jenkins Colin Jenkins and I mean those great defensive line those three guys you're you're muted and Clay even Howard green came in and played Howard green was the man great he was a he was the ril Douglas picked him up halfway through the year and he played great at at D tackle and BJ Raji of course just great defensive line that year and uh this is a good defensive line this year yeah and they they kept guys they should have kept we didn't need brenon Cox we didn't need Aaron Mosby dumb we had enough guys Kobe wouldn't could play D end if we need uh Carl Brooks can certainly play defensive end if we need no ISS why could do he's quick yeah yeah he's quick but he's crazy well yeah he's crazy but that's all right why crazy you just to contain the outside be outside contain I don't think he does that though I think Wyatt is just one of those guys he just does crazy stuff beats a guy in front of him and then messes up the play but he doesn't make the play you know what I mean yeah he's the opposite of Kenny Clark right exactly he's and I I'll say this I'll give um rashan Gary some credit there's an interview with if anybody has time they should watch it it's on YouTube I can't remember what it's called but it's um long the defensive end uh how long's kid not Kyle the other one Chris Long Chris Long's uh podcast he has he was at Packers training camp this year he he has an interview with ran Gary interview with Kenny Clark and interview with Donavan Wicks because dant Tav and Wicks went to Virginia or something which is where Chris Long went so he knows Donavan Wix from when he was in college and Wix doesn't say much by the way but it's the most I've ever heard wix talk in my life so it's it's a interesting interview anyways um but he talks ran Gary and ran Gary talks about playing next to Kenny Clark and playing next to Devonte White and the difference is between playing next to those two guys where he says he knows when he plays against when he plays next to Kenny Clark he can has he has a bunch of different pass rush moves he can do because Kenny's not moving no honestly that's what he said he's like he's like I know I can do anything I want he's like he's like when I got Devonte next to me I pretty much can only go to the outside because devonte's got so many pass pass rush rooms he might go toward me he might go toward the middle I don't know so I got to keep my eyes open and make sure that we don't go into the same spot or else we're in trouble now why they don't have a plan for those type of things I don't know but that's besides the point hopefully they have plans in the future with Jeff Halley but at least he know he knows enough to know okay when Kenny Clark's in there I have every I can go inside of my pass rush or I go outside my pass rush but if Devonte Wyatt's in there I'm pretty much only going bull rush or to the outside and and he also talked about now that they're they're lining up so far out with the hands in the dirt that it's easier to get around the corner to the outside you know and that kind he talked about that sort of thing and how important it is to keep you know you want to get downfield as fast as possible you know but then also cut it off really quick and move to you know try to condense the pocket or El because he's like if I go you know if I go too too deep then the quarterback's got a huge hole to escape the pocket he's like I got to be smart enough to you know get downfield a little and then cut off that angle so that there isn't a big gap for the quarterback to get through so it was a good interview I I lik ran Gary interview was very good he talked a lot and of course Chris long you know defensive end his whole career and that's what you know Sean Gary's playing for sure now so it was a really cool interview to see those two guys talk Kenny Clark actually had a good interview too and you know me I'm really hard on Kenny Clark but I liked what he things that he said I don't think he's a great player but that's fine definely not worth the contract but whatever it's good interview then mik Keith not mik Keith davan Wicks Kei super funny no it it was funny because he's like Chris logs is like man I I I want you to be on my podcast but I know you ain't gonna say like more than two words and I was he's like making fun of the whole time and he's like can you just talk for me huh this will be the most you ever talk in your life let's go and he was like you don't make a fun of him because he hardly ever says anything but it was pretty cool and they asked they asked alavan Wix if there was a corner he asked him he like is there a corner or somebody went up against last year that you know you thought was a real tough corner to beat or something like that and he Wix is like no that's cuz Wix knows he's the man he can get open against anybody he had the second highest win rate on pass rush uh on wide receiver routes against man coverage last year number two in the NFL number two damn Rick showed up hey Rick Rick JJ is wondering about Hopper and Cooper well let's hope they're good because we got rid of a guy who was good ch well I don't think they're going to play anyways what play you got Quay Walker and Isaiah McDuffy who's I showed you last our first video back I showed you Isaiah McDuffy what does he do he reachs the quarterback he reachs the quarterback reads the play and he SWS to the ball he tackles well I showed him get off do a punch to get off on an outside run to get off the I showed him hold up the block and shed the block to make a tackle 220 is gonna start over those guys that we wasted these higher pixa yeah because Jeff halfly knows him because they had him one year in college and he knows the defense and he knows he can trust them would you trust these other two guys did you watch that preseason everybody kept saying how good Hopper was in the second he wasn't good he was running all over the place he had a lot of tackles but he you know why he had so many tackles cuz he just he did the freaking uh DeAndre Campbell he just stood there and then watched the guy run right next to him and catch it and then he would tackle him oh great eight yards down field way he's in the same number break up the freaking pass read a damn quarterback's eyes when the ball's in the air move to where the ball is going he just stands there watches it and then when the guy gets catches it then he runs over and tackles him that's not good defense is are people going to realize this he's wearing the same number as C prob is he looks like it he's he's like 6'3 and super fast he looks a little more aggressive than G Campell at least I'll give him that he's trying to live up to the legacy of 59 and we all know we all know Cooper is a heat seeking missile when you watch when you watch the film from college but he never wraps up Y and that's and that's fine in college when you just smack a guy really hard and he falls over but in the NFL these guys aren't goingon to fall over right away you're gonna have to wrap up and he's gonna have to learn that it's gonna and we'll see how hopefully he figured it out but I I don't think they're going to get on the field anyways all right they'll be lucky if they even make the starting 46 cuz Wilson is going to be your uh number three Eric Wilson he looks best in the weight room looks awesome he's a freaking shoulders like a monster but he's a great special teams guy a good leader and he's your third linebacker which they're not going to be in base defense very much anyways they'll be in nickel most of the time so you need him for special teams you're going to start Quay Walker and Isaiah McDuffy these two second third round fourth round pick whatever he was they're not even going to be on there there they're not going to play why do we keep drafting guys that aren't going to play why Morgan ain't gonna play Sean Ryan's gonna start Jesus Christ because it's the goody other teams other teams draft guys and then they play now the the safeties we drafted and actually we can't play both of them that's the other problem we drafted actually two good safeties we can only play one here's the other thing it's really scary I I think they're going to have to figure Nixon what I think they need to play Bullard in the slot and I think they need to move Nixon to Corner oh and then hopefully you know Eric Stokes gets hurt and then they just move Nicks in the corner and then we're fine or Jer gets hurt either one or both W there's a real good chance of one get hurt put put Keesha at corner and then Cy Valentine or whoever Valentine the other one and then put Bullard in the slot and then you got Williams back there making plays and hopefully Xavier mcken is all the talk that he is plays like everybody's size he is and then our safety or secondary is good but the fact that think about that we possibly might have a awesome safety who's better than our three corners that are starting our nickel and our two corners and he can't get on the field in a nickel defense because because if Evan Williams plays and Butler doesn't bullard's better than Jer he's better than Stokes and he's better than freaking kesan Nixon and Evan Williams is better than those three idiots too so we we have a guy sitting on the bench who should be playing somewhere if I was Jeff Halley and Matt and Matt laflor I'd be like listen Goody I don't care I know we're giving J year 25 million and I know Eric Stokes was your first round pick was always hurt we got to figure something out here and I know keam we just gave him a bunch of money and he's a great guy and stuff but these two safeties are too good to not play I'm sorry I think they should all be out there I think Kean and I know that they work Kean at corner a couple times this in the preseason in the in the not preseason but in the you know whatever those guys and Anthony Johnson Jr should be out there well Anthony Johnson Jun that's the other thing it's crazy how do we have we last year we had the crappiest safeties in the league and this this year we had so many good ones we had to cut a guy who should have been who could start it makes no sense we started the crappiest safeties of the League Atlanta oh what happened what happened they're just talking about Captain Kirk there's debate JJ thinks he's gonna be benched and and Lee thinks he'll do well Captain Kirk Rick says Captain Kirk isn't going to be benched unless Lena what if I got something crazy for you what about this what if are you ready for this oh JJ says Nixon was not a good signing well somebody JJ H you agree what is it I what if are you ready for this what if the Vikings are halfway decent okay but they're quarter but they're not winning because their quarterback play they're winning because AAR Jones Aaron Jones is awesome yeah and the and their defense with Brian Flores is like pretty solid right and all that kind of stuff but their quarterback is like Sam darnold's crap his leg crapping to bed and then JJ what's his face is hurt all year right he's out for the season yeah but but they're like let's say they're two and two or maybe by the trade deadline they're doing really good and Atlanta realizes halfway through like by week four they're like sorry Kirk we're going with freaking you know the rookie guy and then Atlanta and and the Vikings do a trade and kirkl comes back to the Vikes as long as he didn't sell his house yet probably didn't he probably has like his have you seen his house did you watch the quarterback show Rogers can't well that's Green Bay nobody can afford a million dollar house in Green Bay I love how Jordan Love's like yeah I'm not bu and Roger like hey Jordan come buy my house by the way has anybody read the a biog nobody's read that [ __ ] no I haven't read it either I I've just I've heard a couple things thinks that I don't think there's much in it that's new I I want to know if there's anything in there during the from Jordan love being drafted to the trade to the Jets like I want to know if there's stuff in that book from there that's actually like important like knowledge I know Mike Florio has been reading a little bit like a chapter a week or so and he kind of if he finds something he thinks interesting he'll kind of talk about it every now again um but I haven't watched the whole floral and Chris Sims thing in a in a couple weeks so I don't really know exact I just know I heard one of the things he talked about um somewhere in there and I can't remember what he thought it was interesting but it wasn't that interesting it was kind of boring it was something like it was something like after Aaron roders played in the Dallas game there was like an assistant coach or a A or a or like a assistant guy with the GM's like assistant GM or something who talked to a reporter and he told him straight up he's like yeah Favre's done Rogers is the guy after that one game they already decided then that they were going to try to force Rogers or Favre out of town so that's interesting so all the way from just that Dallas game because we all knew fa played like dog crap in the first half of that game before he got injured even though he wasn't really injured but he said he was so he just took his ass out and then Rogers came in and played half a decent but so anyways I want to know what kind of [ __ ] there is behind the scenes I'm hoping somebody squawked about the whole from when Jordan love gets drafted until the trade like if there's stuff in the book from that that's the stuff I want to know so if anybody's read that book let me know let us know and give me some give me the heads up because that's the stuff I want to know I want to know what was going on behind the scenes during that three year period only sold 10 copies I I saw we were actually at the Mall of America when we after we dropped Grant off for his senior year here in uh at the U U ofm we went we flew over to m America just to do we were going to ride some roller coasters but then I was like I ain't paying 55 bucks to ride three roller coasters cuz it was like H I don't want to get into all that but we only had a couple hours to spend I was like I'm not paying for a full day pass to ride you know whatever anyways so but we went to Barnes & Noble and I saw they had one copy and it wasn't it was like hidden in with just the spine showing even though it just come out this was this was Friday and the book came out on Tuesday and it was only one copy and it wasn't it was just like with the spine showing in the sports section so it's not like a big it's not okay what's the book's name Lee it's the greatest name of all time out of the darkness it's called out of the darkness the mystery of Aaron roders mystery or something like that it's called out of the darkness it's it's it's a great title it's not an autobiography Rogers had very little to do with it he only agreed to do an interview with the with the author after he found out that his parents talked to him and like a whole like he talked to like 250 people for the book and then Rogers just wanted to make sure that he got his two cents in so he met him for like two hours he had him come out to his house in Malibu and talked to him for two hours and that's all he gave him because he just wanted to set the record straight on things and after that happened I guess the book took a turn because then he took he was way nicer to Rogers in the book based on from what I hear not from him the author I've seen a couple interviews with the author on YouTube but I've also heard some things about people reading a book saying that he was way too nice Rogers so you you I think you misspoke there you said set the record straight but it's probably more like no no no yeah set his well his mind record his whatever yeah his his record straight what he his lies set the lies straight right him revise revise actual history into what he wanted it to say yeah I get it right yeah so anyways but anyway check that book out if you want to don't and let me no I I want to know if there's juicy stuff in there from those I saw thing today there's a post today and uh it was from like the um it from the Wisconsin State Journal out of Madison here and they're like talking about the book a little bit or an excert or whatever and they're like talking about some things in it and then they say well Aaron roggers is a lot of things but one thing he's not is boring and then blah blah something else and so I just commented on the post like well he was pretty boring as the guest host is jeopardy that's what I add cuz he was that's not nice boring ass and he's boring other times too he's not very anyway JJ uh says listen to this says Chicago would be much better it could be much better he's he's concerned the team is stacked the Bears are stacked they went from garbage to stack I got to say everybody's saying how their offensive line is so improved I'm like how did that happen cuz they all they did was make trades for receivers I think it's not improved I think Caleb Williams is gonna be running for his life still yeah and it's he looks okay I've been watching A Hard Knox actually I gota watch that episode out right now I I can't watch it tonight but I'll be watch it tomorrow when I get home from work but um he's he looked he looked fine but not great and on the show the first episode of The Hard Knocks they made him look really bad like he was missing throws and it was bad but then the second one they made him look like he was some kind of Superstar and then I watched the a little bit of the game and I was like he's not that great I he looks like Sean Clifford out there who can run a little bit Sean Clifford I thought you I thought he looks like Malik Willis he looks like Malik Willis out there oh I thought you're gonna say the Vikings pick up sea Clifford and then lead themselves to the play Vikings no yeah I don't know maybe they will the Vikings are gonna trade for kirkl chains again [Music] oh because all the guaranteed money they won't have to pay there you go Atlanta will have to pay that guaranteed money right so he'll only be under contract so that they can cut him maybe it was a secret move let's get kirkko over there he'll only be there for one year or for half the year and then they'll cut him because the guaranteed money won't be there because Atlanta has to pay the guaranteed money so it's genius it's a genius move Atlanta screwed up by drafting that quarterback number 12 or number 10 overall whatever the hell it was they're done that wasn't 10 because 10 Vikings took 10 I don't know where he drafted at I can't remember 11 or something JJ meant they were stacked at wide receiver okay be more okay JJ and are they stack though I don't think so Lee's looking forward to vaness this year I well I I hope he's more impactful we'll see uh maybe Garder will start and then they can deal okell to Minnesota Rick you really want Aiden okell with this terrible mustache going to Minnesota then you can cheer for him there oh Rogers might get 60,000 yards yeah great he's all about stats and himself he's all about well that's that's what he plays for it's what he plays for yeah it was it was 25 bucks yeah I looked actually it was $23.99 or $24.99 I was good I was thinking about getting it like if they sometimes when new books come out Barnes & Noble will have like 30% off and then my wife is a Barnes & Noble member or whatever the crap so you get another 10% off I was like okay if I get it for that for like under 20 bucks I'll buy it the hard cover but then I saw it wasn't part of that deal and I was like I ain't buying this crap thank you it ain't worth buying that thank you for not buying that that's ter well I thought as a show we should really talk about stuff that you know there's good stuff in there but it's I think it came out at the wrong time yeah that's a great book to come out like in the offseason when there's nothing going on yeah but to come out right before the season starts there's so much other stuff to talk about it's really a dumb time for that book to come out you think this guy who's he's written many he wrote a book about Bill Bel and a couple other ones bestsellers so you think he would know when a book like that should be released maybe he does he's doing it to screw Rogers or make him look bad no I I from what I hear he try makes him look better than he he I've seen interviews with him and he repeatedly says that Aaron Rogers is misunderstood he was a good guy for a long time until the whole you know IM immunized thing happened and now he he's a villain and he had to take the role of the villain and he's way too nice he's way too nice in all the interviews I've seen where he talks about the book so even though it's not an autobiography it could basically be one because he's kissing up the Aaron Rogers the whole time in all the interviews that's dumb well let's hope the Packers made some of the right decisions or enough of them that they can win everything they need to win this year or they find some scrap Heap guys that bail them out once again because they're good at that usually we'll see see how it all works I want to write a book I want to interview a lot of questions after that 53 man roster though I just it's the same every year it's a b half of those guys that we're complaining about would never play anyways except for a corner but we have we didn't have any good Corners so didn't five corners and two defensive ends and two of them are Jer and Eric Stokes and 10 offensive linemen it's dumb H Anthony Johnson Jr should have made the team Christian Welch Christian Welch should have made the team um for sure those two guys and kayin King because you need another K King yeah those three those three guys should have made the team and because they deserved it they've proven that they can play um and you need guys of those spots yeah and they and they would be 46-man roster spots too right maybe not kayin King but as soon as somebody got hurt he would be yeah but whatever we'll see what happens we'll probably get them all well I don't know if we'll get John I it's interesting to see what happens maybe we'll get them all back a lot of times we as fans we always are like oh my God someone's gonna sign these guys but it's like you know what all these other teams had to cut a bunch of dudes too are they gonna find a spot on their roster for you know one of these castoff safeties no like I'm sure we'll get Anthony Johnson Jr back and will get Christian Welch back no one's going to sign Christian Welch I don't know they might no the only only thing is if somebody got pissed and would just go to be on the practice squad with another team like Lou Nichols did last year and there's a couple guys who do that where they get mad and they're like I'm done getting screwed by the pack getting cut all the time every year who was a guy there's another guy did that who got cut every year was on the practice squad and he finally went to some other team I think it was a dback or something I don't know I don't remember that one well see all right and the Brewers are in first place that's weird Brewers are going crazy I know we'll see how they do there's uh I JJ get excited for the Badgers but not too excited because you know the badger track record they play the big boys and then they fold but they'll give you some excitement the rest of the time you know it's okay they'll have some fun wins they'll have a fun season hopefully the Packers do too it is time to win that's what I know and I wanted to keep players that are going to help us win right now and I think some of these guys are not so let's hope it works out maybe the defense can carry him maybe Jeff hle is the magic sauce I'm not sure maybe we hope so I think he is I way he's way better than freaking Joel Barry we know that yeah that's not saying much but you know all right I will update our intro and outro soon especially because this outro makes me sad now but we'll catch you guys next time time whenever that is bro take it easy we can still be Aaron Jones fans even though he's wearing purple oh I'll be hey I will be a purple Aaron Jones fan for 15 games this year but there'll be two or else they'll be a Packer fan I want the Packers to win but Aaron Jones just look awesome against the pack I really do I want Aaron Jones to just dominate The Pack but then of course the Packers win I'm down with it I'd be okay if the Packers lost the game in Minnesota actually but I really no if they if they lose I want to lose at home and I want Aaron Jones to get like I hope that when Aaron Jones comes out as a viking the Packer fans at Lambo are really awesome I I I would love to go to that game maybe but that's okay we don't have to go I don't want to go but what I'm saying is I hope the fans are awesome Aaron Jones and if he scores touchdown he said he wants to do a Lambo lead and Vikings you know give some love he's the man it wasn't his choice yeah he wants to be a pack for his life that was and he should have been he should have been right up there with ly Butler and Donald Driver Aaron Jones was the next guy in that list of awesome guy Packer through and through who should have been a packer the entire time and goody screwed him Ted Thompson didn't screw freaking Donald Driver he kept him on even longer than he probably should have and we kept Leroy longer than he should have kept signing back for less money and he kept taking it and goody just screwed Aaron Jones just freaking screwed him that's why gy is a freaking J jerk face that's why I call him Brewing guten CST he made some questionable decisions on this cut down that's for sure all right well we'll uh do a show again sometime hopefully you guys are um enjoying the the rest of your hot ass summer this little hot ass time we got going on like And subscribe and all that crap we never say it but I'm saying it tell people everybody on I don't care I say at the end cuz if anybody stayed this long for God's sake you should be liking every damn video we should have a like if we have 53 views get 5 tell one friend tell one friend we deserve to be heard real Packer fans who tell the truth no more freaking bullsh crap where you hear like everybody's like so I'm saying everybody be honest I'm gonna let you want a regular guys two regular guys who tell the truth are way better Packer fans than freaking butt kissers that's true we won't kiss any butts I'm looking forward to um how this season plays out I think it's the Packers time to make some noise and they'll get through the expectations I just hope they got enough cornerbacks to get through the season yeah all right be good stay good we'll catch you again [Music] sometime I you got to find that un still you make un

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