Category: Comedy
The show ladies and gentlemen welcome to the nate show we're about to get started hold tight [music] k k [music] o [music] oh [music] hey hey hey hey [music] yeah i'm not tired to your yeah i'm not tired to lo i make money till it's s all the nights i'm awake i it at all out of b money buting up to... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So with 60 days until the election what does a poll like this mean those are the votes right now if the election was going on so trump is obviously by 4% against camila harris if it was right now in texas texas holds 40 electoral votes to win the whole election you need at least 270 electoral votes... Read more
Category: Entertainment
B and the rams you know for me when i pay attention to the rams situation as it is listen what shawn mcvey has been able to do since entering as a head coach in the national football league has been amazing the guy is an offensive genius he's fostered winning uh programs winning culture through and... Read more
Category: Gaming
He puts it up and it's [applause] caught on first and 10 it's mccarthy that'll be intercepted and he is going to bring this one back a db's dream a pick six for touchdown see Read more
Category: Entertainment
Talking crazy on social media and [Â __Â ] like that this what chris jericho is talking about he made [Â __Â ] and [Â __Â ] like [Â __Â ] you a make cody ro why he made cody rh so disco do you think uh he made cody rhods no did he el why did he help elevate yes yeah yeah granted he may i ask you how he helped... Read more
Category: Gaming
Especially in a situation like that it's a good thing you woke up to able to make something out of nothing and at least keep them moving forward he sends this one to the end zone and oh he got it interception picked off zone defense it is a part of the practice week at least twice thursdays fridays... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Talking about the polls i'm beating him awfully badly in the polls be hillary ladies and gentlemen your 45th president of the united states is Read more
Category: Entertainment
The president at the time invited the taliban to camp david okay let's get one thing straight the reason why trump invited the taliban to camp david is because he was trying to negotiate a peace treaty with afghanistan so with what he was trying to do is get peace with the country we've been in longterm... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Jessica chastain is passionate about cooking and often prepares dishes from different cuisines of the world she claims it helps her relax and learn about new cultures Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So you've publicly said that you don't have any direct connection to nothing i know nothing about it and they know that too democrats know that and i purposely haven't read it because i want to say to you i don't i have no idea what it's all about it's easier than saying i read it and you know all of... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] [music] w [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] w o [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] w [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] w [music] [music] [music] [music] [music]... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Claim to fame season 3 contestants mackenzie atkins and hud melan camp formed a tight bond on the abc reality series and now their respective dads trace atkins and john melan camp are getting acquainted while chatting with what's the gossip exclusively ahead of the wednesday august 28th season finale... Read more