February 15 The Weather Network

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:53:13 Category: Science & Technology

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success in life [Music] [Music] your local forecast is scheduled every 10 minutes on the 10 or visit our website at the weathernetwork.com three weekends of fun await you at winterlude 2001 Canada's capital region celebrates winter from February 2nd to the 18th snowflake Kingdom gateway to Australia day especially in the morning hours and that's making for very cold wind chills as you get uh well Southern Manitoba as well a little bit of blowing snow right through into the afternoon so that's also going to make for some driving problems and a lot more snow though in Atlantic Canada now it's going to be a mix of snow and rain for Nova Scotia so the snowfall amounts won't be as much but it will change back to snow late in the day and that'll cause some problems for your return home late in the day up to 25 cm possible between frederickton and BST about 15 for Prince Edward Island even up to 35 possible for Western shores of Newan and blowing snow elsewhere [Music] for more information on North American destinations visit the weathernetwork.com [Music] the international forecast is at 43 minutes past the [Music] hour do you have any comments or suggestions call our TalkBack line at800 46394 63 give us your feedback after all it's your Weather Network [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming up more snow for southern Ontario severe flooding in mosm Beek and getting married on the slopes hello I'm an Marie Sweeney this is earthwatch News nine skiers were airlifted to safety on Wednesday after having to spend a night on a mountain in Southeastern British Columbia near the community of ferne a group of 13 skiers were on the slopes when an avalanche occurred on Tuesday and killed two people the victims were sisters from Sweden who were spending their winter in the area two people who were seriously injured were airlifted to hospital on Tuesday but Darkness prevented Cru from removing the rest of the survivors until Wednesday morning the tragedy took place on the same day the Canadian Avalanche Association warned that the province's snow pack is extremely unstable five people have been killed by avalanches in BC this winter the winter season has provided British Columbia's South Coast with much less precipitation than normal so far this has led to low levels in some of the Region's water reservoirs and that means there could be severe water restrictions in place during the summer unless the area gets a much needed snow or rainfall Oken abosi has more in this report it's hard to believe but many BC residents are praying for rain rain to fill up the Region's rivers and reservoirs snow to melt off the mountains and increase the water supply all this in a region known for being wet where water is hardly in short supply until now but we haven't had enough rainfall uh this winter to to fill the reservoir and uh in Victoria we rely on the winter rains to fill the reservoir to provide us with the water that we use during the summer so we're way below uh where we normally are at this time of the year this Reservoir supplies water to residents of the BC Capital it's at 65% capacity and Island residents are already being being urged to conserve water so far this winter has been the second driest on record in the Fraser Valley the sixth driest in Vancouver and the seventh driest in Victoria experts on Vancouver Island say it would take a deluge over several weeks to fill the Region's main reservoir and forecasters say that's unlikely to happen it's not very likely that we'll get back to normal to get back to normal now we'd have to have almost twice normal rainfall in the next couple of months traditionally the Region's raining season ends in March and after that there's just not enough rain to fill the reservoirs we don't have the advantage that they do in Vancouver where the reservoir can fill up over the uh the spring and and the summer from the snow pack we have no snow pack to rely on but even around Vancouver the snow packs are well below normal and with about 70% of the year's snow pack already accumulated the Vancouver area could also be facing water restrictions if the region doesn't receive more snow in the coming weeks for the weather work I'm ogan abosi in Victoria British columia snow has been falling in parts of Southern Ontario motorists are advised to use caution on the roads as up to 10 cm is expected in most areas accumulations could reach 25 cm in the Cornwall Region Police say routs are particularly slick east of Toronto and several accidents have taken place overseas heavy rain and flooding continues to cause problems in mosan Beque at least 20 people have died and the rising water is threatening to force up to 50,000 from their homes thousands of hectar of Farmland have also been destroyed and residents are heading for Higher Ground officials say many roads in the northern region of the country were washed away and this has left several villages in isolation although the situation is quite bad in some areas authorities say it isn't as severe as the floods which affected the country last year hundreds of people were killed as rain and flooding soaked mamb Beek for almost a month many villages are still recovering from that Devastation and finally an annual Valentine's Day tradition continued at a ski resort in Colorado Wednesday 50 couples rode the ski lift and got married on top of the mountain the Newly Weds were dressed in a combination of ski outfits and wedding Ensemble they exchanged vows as temperatures dropped and brisk winds blew across the hill as an added attra ction the skiing was free for all couples who tied the knot guess it's all downhill after that that's the news for now we'll have more for you in 25 minutes time stay tuned to The Weather Network we do have a number of winter weather warnings in place your local forecast details are coming up next [Music] [Music] and strong wind throughout the day kind of calm right now still snowing a little bit with a temperature in the low 20s there is compact snow and ice on places on the roadway and Traction tires are advised and let's take a quick check on Bellingham right now with our live Como cam there you can see some snow on the ground folks there got a little snow but not nearly as much as the rest of Western Washington still it's another cold night in Bellingham the third in a row with temperatures in the mid 20s tonight so is this winter storm done or is there more in store come on Steve fool joins us now live from the Storm Center with the newest forecast Steve well thank you very much Dan well I think what we've done in the last several hours folks is we've completed that transition to the warmer air and it's really showing up in a lot of the pictures that you've seen in the first half of this broadcast let me take you through what has gone on today and sort of explain this to you obviously we jump back to starting last night heavy snowfall everywhere and that North Wind coming down just sort of feeding in the cold air as the moisture comes in off the ocean however moisture coming in off the ocean is by nature warmer and as it begins to dominate it we start turning to rain and snow mix then more so just a plain old rain and finally just light rainfall and then to where we are now which is mostly cloudy skies and a lot of the snow melting rather rapidly but oh the amounts that left behind in case you missed some of these some of the highlights places like Silverdale with 14 in of snow on the ground before we turn the corner 11 in in Kirkland 10 in Bron and 15 in mon Lake Terrace no question about it those are totals that we be remembered for many many years in fact we have to go back to 1996 to find something comparable to that the important thing for you to know tonight we've made the transition doesn't look like it's going to get cold enough tonight to cause any icy roads maybe few especially up around wat County I'll be back a little bit later we'll take a look at the balance of the forecast for the rest of the weekend and talk about next week are we going to get a break from this or where do we go then we'll be back later thank you Steve a construction worker is fighting for her life tonight after a terrible crane collapse and dozens of people were shaken some injured in a huge huge pile up on I5 those accidents and others kept emergency workers scrambling today amid the winter storm our team for coverage continues now with comos theen on Daren and Kathy and Dan a dangerous day for drivers on and off of our roadways in fact just before lunchtime today a 20 car pileup on northbound I5 had the area around 145th looking like a smashup derby the state patrol says one driver saw a huge puddle in the road and then hit the brakes the crunching and the breaking of glass started shortly after eight people from this tangle of cars ended up being taken to the hospital luckily their injuries were minor not so for the backup it stretched on for miles at the same time emergency crews were trying to clean up that mess A desperate rescue attempt was unfolding live on KO 4 thanks to these pictures from air4 a 33-year-old woman from sish is trapped inside this pickup smashed flat by a piece of heavy equipment that tipped over in a South Seattle rail yard to take a close look just the very front and back of the truck even still looks like a Ford pickup miraculously The woman Inside not only is still alive but she's talking to her Rescuers after three long hours inside the flattened truck the woman is freed and airlifted to Harbor View right now she is listed in critical condition but she is expected to survive now the aftermath of this wreck near Ritzville in Eastern Washington is not so hopeful three vans carrying a Chinese dance troop based in Seattle all slid off Highway 395 two people were killed and 23 others hurt four are in critical condition so today definitely a nasty day to be out driving but considering how many cars left the roadway for all kinds of reasons it could have been much worse reporting live in Seattle theren Zan Kom 4 news theen thank you the winter storm also brought travel troubles to seac airport here's a live look now at SeaTac as you can see the snow is mostly gone things are running up to speed and back to normal at the airport tonight but that was not the case earlier today dozens of flights were canceled or delayed while workers deced planes and Cloud runways it's been four years since we've seen this kind of snow remember the big storm right after Christmas in 1996 no surprise then that even though there was plenty of warning people still had trouble getting around today come as Michelle estabon joins us live with that part of the story Michelle well Kathy no matter where you live snow got our attention we caught most people dealing with it from a transportation stand Point whether it be on a busy highway like I5 or those nasty secondary streets from a distance it looks so inviting snowcapped Evergreens in every rooftop dotted with an even amount of white a rarity for Seattle and the neighborhoods that surround her but get a little closer and with the beauty comes hard [Music] work and frustration it was man against machine here on the east side side front end then back end it just had a mind of its own in the end it was machine against machine that got the job done but not every driver had it so easy on a typical day the state and interstate highways see less than 20 accidents but on this day more than 130 reported accidents in just 9 hours all along I5 you could find evidence that this was a storm to be reckoned with the side street showed no mercy not even a 4x4 could save itself from this house house the impact woke the household but fortunately no one was hurt the snow and ice just wouldn't cooperate no matter how big you were from West Seattle to Port Orchard there were close calls some Port Orchard streets were so thick so slick they were closed to traffic it's the most snow we've seen in 5 years predicted or not caught off guard is the best way to describe it I didn't expect this much he didn't expect the snow and Tyler and Jeremy Brown didn't expect school to be canceled we found them waiting all alone at the bus stop you'd think they'd be happy to miss school for a day but that wasn't the case mad cuz today we had a dance Hey there'll be other dances at Washington Middle School but there might not be another snow day that goes for big kids too just out here having some fun in the snow now there is still plenty of snow sticking around but now the emphasis is on the water especially standing water on the highway way if you're out tonight be careful as I mentioned earlier there were about 130 accidents today not all of them were snow related I afraid to say that wet roads also took part of the blame so be careful that's the watch word tonight reporting live above I5 I'm Michelle EST ston come on for new thank you Michelle well the storm had some Crews at the Space Needle doing some interesting work today heavy and wet snow on top of the needle started sliding and falling off the observation deck and because of the danger of the falling snow from over 500 ft above needle officials closed the area underneath so crews could shovel off the remaining snow and throughout this weekend you can count on ko4 news to bring you the latest on the winter storm both on the air and online at komotv.com the United States bombed Iraq today and then called it pretty routine the Pentagon says Iraq has been locking its radar on us planes and fire via satellite about the importance of victims at gunpoint detectives are still looking for a third suspect tonight Microsoft is once again Under Fire Vancouver Grizzlies hit the road for a road trip that'll see him play six games in nine nights and for what it's worth the Grizzlies have been playing all right since the bomb was dropped on them and their fans earlier this week they were looking for their third straight win in this one back end of a home and home and look at this dick forace won't show his face Courtside in Vancouver but they go on the road yeah I'm in the front row baby first quarter grizzley's pick up where they left off Shere with the turnaround jumper Grizz by five early going the other way Larry Hughes off the screen drives for the deuce however Eric Strickland with a jumper no good but check out strob mil Swift with a two-hander Grizzlies by four the break Warriors trying to stay in it here Bobby Surah taken to the rim gets the shots and the foul but the Grizz respond bbby and Swift looking like Stockton and Malone on that one Vancouver by nine fourth quarter babby really feeling it from the outside hits the long deuce and go figure the Grizzlies virtually announc that they are leaving town and then they win three in a row which is about as rare as it gets folks but they do it 9279 they shot the lights out the Grizzlies win three in a row for only the third time in franchise history all right to baseball and things are starting to look up for the Montreal Expos off the field first of all you will be able to see and hear them this season there was no TV and no English radio coverage of their games last season and now they have a new sponsor after 15 years with laat the Expos now drink molsen Michael whan has the story from Florida the Expo had some good news to announce on the eve of training camp officially getting underway Molson has come on board to become the team's title sponsor for the 2001 campaign with an option for the 2002 season which means the brewery has pretty much cornered the market in Montreal in terms of professional sports just aware of what they did with the aletes and Molson has an uncanny ability to really help the fans enjoy the game and when you've got 81 events as we are saying we have you need a partner who can help the fans enjoy their time meanwhile pitchers and catchers drifted in and out of the exposed Jupiter complex after receiving their Medicals earlier in the day Graham Lloyd who missed all of last season with a shoulder injury is healthy once again which probably accounts for him being just a tad over enthusiastic with his prognosis for the coming season I see the whole team and I see the the to brink of bankruptcy under his proposal the state would buy the utility company's power lines and the utilities could pay off part of their debts with that money California power companies are billions of dollars in debt critics say there's no way the plan will happen without massive rate hikes near Tampa Florida curtains of flame continue to push through thousands of Acres of brush the cause of this unusual late season Wildfire isn't known but the area has been suffering through an extended drought so far no injuries or damage to homes have been reported a New Mexico man is spending his honeymoon in jail after he forced his ex-girlfriend to marry him on Valentine's Day just days prior to the wedding the 36-year-old groom allegedly abducted his ex-girlfriend and her children using an ice pick as a weapon the two were then wed at a mass ceremony during which a judge said the bride looked angry but kept saying that she was fine the latest Ed contestant from survivors talking about being voted off the show no part of me would have thought that I was leaving that night or I probably would have packed Mitchell Olen was cast off after two tie votes the seven-footer says he did not want to stay after those TI votes and he wanted to get back to the real world where he could eat Doritos and [Music] Coke well sounds like the real world to me here's Harry waffy with a look at our real world weather I want you to know we have those Survivor stories in the show because Tony ventrella insists on it every single night I showed you this a few minutes ago but maybe you just tuned in this is uh the Department of Transportation camera on the highway there at Interstate 90 bellev Way Southeast and you can sure see there is some fog out there so my advice if you're about to get on the road is do drive carefully because you may not expect to find fog you probably think it's still snow and all well fog is out there too let's go in now and check into our radar and only a couple of little blobs here mainly in the Cascades where it's a mixture of of rain and snow up to about Stevens and then snow to the north of that couple of little spots here and there and that's really about it so don't worry about any heavy snow tonight we're really through with that let's talk about the temperatures at King County county by county we have 37 here in Seattle after 7/10 of an inch of rain and at Kitsap County brington reports 35° and they also have had some uh uh well it's I call it I call it rain with King County it was partly rain but what it really is is snow and rain together the snow melted down to get us water equivalent an inch of snow in other words doesn't equal an inch in the rain gauge where it says precipitation 36 currently at Pierce County and one more spot to go to that's grey Harbor County at 37 and look at that heavy precept there 1.33 in let's check now into current temperatures around the region on the Weather Service outposts we have 34 at Port Angeles 35 at Olympia Bellingham is at 37° so the cold air really has has been now I think pretty successfully held at Bay though it's as cool as 34 degrees around whby so in Port Angeles you might still catch a very light snow shower in this area tonight but overall unless you're going up to Stampede pass where it's 18 the temperatures now are going to be above freezing here in the nighttime hours so the snow is even going to be melting in the overnight period our today's 39 31 the overnight low normally we'd be at 50 and 38 and the records a recent one here 58 1997 and 13 from 1956 the low pressure center that has caused our southerly flow is now moved to the South there's one part of it there's another part of it two centers and this flow now is not really heading much our way so we're in for a bit of relief before we get some more probably just some rain in here Saturday night and over the weekend in the mountains tomorrow snow level going from 1,000 ft tonight to 3,000 tomorrow the after afternoon pass highs 30 to 35 so it's kind of a mix of rain and snow overnight 30 to 40° most of us between about 35 and 38 so light rain and also fog out there and maybe a chance of a rogue snow shower but nothing very much in the way of precept in the morning mostly cloudy with some fog early 35 to 45 by noon afternoon temperatures are going to be 40 to 50 and we'll see some rain develop before the afternoon is over and it will be rain in the 7-Day planner uh well first of all we'll do this a little bit tomorrow then we'll show you that some showers early on and some fog 42 by noon 45 late afternoon evening and some rain moving in so look for more rain on Sunday and then throughout the next seven days in the forecast here and the temperatures above freezing not just in the daytime but at night most places good Harry thank you State wrestling and gymnastics tournaments are next and the Mariners open spring training in Arizona Tony has all the sports [Music] Mar in a report from Arizona plus Championship weekend's underway as over 800 prep wrestlers invade the Tacoma Dome for the Matt classic Paul has highlights next later on an all new Tonight Show arcenio Hall gives Jay a hairv so why put up with it from the internet ditch the 56 and dirty but it gets really ugly when someone is caught cheating it doesn't get more exciting than that then on Conan SNL's Tina Fay Craig Gman and the ride of a Lifetime tonight work.com for detailed ski conditions National ski conditions are coming up at 52 minutes past the hour Jurgens replenishing lotion with vitamin E and beta hydroxy gently exfoliates and Smooths your skin Jurgens nourishment for your skin when you have a cold even small task can be a big pain so get day ran ham the Isles came in having lost six in a row but they had some good jumps or Cy a former Oiler hits the post minutes later ERS have a chance but Rick Debro the rookie he was solid in this game second period The Outlanders drw First Blood and guess who Roman amll had a pretty good game back in Edmonton one- nothing Tommy Sal former Islander wats it on but Edmonton what answerers still in the second Dan clear is going to tip the shot from the side boards his eighth 1-1 but the lead was shortlived look at this goal by the rookie Yuri colick who just rips one past Dominic for cell that's a be 2-1 Islanders third period oil or the orders tied again here it's the wraparound from Ryan Smith his 2 second 22 which uh did not impress Butch ging's parents one a little bit but they were having about this late third zosi feeds CL Leo who beats rousel for his six that made it 3-2 they added one more Rick dietro gets his first win in the NHL finally and the Oilers dro the ball against the Islanders this is one that they were counting on Ken chilec was at the game and files this postgame report the ERS went into this game having lost only six games on home I all season and they were facing the worst team in the NHL an Islander team that had won only five games on the road all season it was a game most people felt the Oilers should win but instead it turned out to be a lost opportunity just didn't uh didn't put the effort in necessary to win the hockey game we uh you know it's it's hard to explain it looked like we saw a soft spot on the schedule and we didn't want to put the work in to win every team's good we talked about this morning every team can beat you so no they didn't come out with more than we expected we they come out and played the same way they looked on film the same way they played all year so I mean uh some night you're going to lose those games but uh we didn't deserve to win the night besides the Islanders ending a six-game losing streak last year's number one draft pick overall Rick dietro won his first ever NHL game and former Oiler Roman hammerli gaining some Revenge hammerli with a goal and two assists was dealt to the Islanders in the off seon it's great to win and this is a great group of guys to do it with they're they have a lot of fun with it and um it's it's great if I feel uh a lot a little relieved here to finally get that first one under my belt and uh hopefully move on from here I feel good when you score score a goal against your ex team you know this is this is was uh big test for us you know I know they you guys have a good team lots lots of fast players and uh you know your power play is working very well and but I think we were more desperate team tonight it was obviously a very disappointed Craig McTavish who faced the media after this game the only saving Grace for the Oilers as they have very little time to dwell on their poor performance they host the Vancouver Canucks here Saturday night Ken CHC TSN in Edmonton marle and the Pittsburgh Penguins taking their show on the road into New Jersey Lemieux getting a rough ride Jason aren't at lower part of your screen they're rips Lemieux down the ice but Lemieux clearly rattled as he CS with the puck to Peter sakur now it's a race between Lemieux and Sakura Sakura wins the race and scores the goal and you had a good view of it there 23rd goal of season short-handed one nothing devils in the second tied at one sakur again from the boards the shot watch it just cross the goal line is second of the night two1 doubles pens would tie it up the Jersey on the rush Scott Gomez Sergey breand net his 18th Devil's up 3-2 back come the Penguins yarmer over the tough guy Billy tippet nice pass and nice finish look at the celebration he should be celebrating that's his first NHL goal we're all tied at three in the third pen pressing lemie is stopped once and then rebound scores beating Maro dur his 20th Pittsburgh up four to3 late in the game sakur steals out to Jason Arn scores we're going to overtime and it OT marlem long lead pass for ymer yogger ymer yogger alone on Brer Brer makes the save yogger then beautiful pass to Lemieux brur turns lemu away as G brur helping his team to hang on to a 44 tie yamaga's two assists gives him 79 points for the season that moves him into first spot in the points race one point up on Joey sack 4 on4 OT was a lot of fun to watch as a matter of fact Super Mario says he'd like to see the NHL go to four on four full time not just an OT so the coachmaster wants to know would the NHL be a better league if the game was played four on four yeah bring it on maybe experiment with it why not three on three or two on two or just leave the game alone cash your vote at tsn.ca we'll have the results later on Sports Des meantime Fenix bodman stopped by the canu practice facility on Friday to say B- this was just before flying to Chicago to meet his new King's teammates and the cat has no regrets about his days in Vancouver I'd love the city I think uh the organization was great with me and uh and uh you know Brian's been uh real good of moving me and uh you know I'm I'm thankful of that and uh U you know I don't have bad memories of Vancouver you never like to see uh you know a guy of his caliber leave the locker room but uh you know obviously the the writing's been on the wall for a a little while here and uh you know for him and get another opportunity you know especially uh with a you know a pretty good team down in La you know is a big positive for him an off day for the Leafs they made a move acquiring Wade beac off waivers from the Flames they're desperately looking for anything to jar them out of the funk they've been in since just before the Christmas break we've been playing well for a long time now and and uh that's not right and we're all in here to to win the Stanley Cup and um and when you feel like not on the verge of it it's uh frustrating we've had a lot said this year already we've had good con you know real good constructive meetings um you know we got guys we got you know Shane Corson was a captain of three different teams um we got Gary Roberts who's who's wearing a letter on every team he's played on and Steve Thomas we got a lot of core guys that say things at the right times we got Glenn Healey that has you know how many games he's got so we got we got the core guys to say the right things so now it's just a matter of doing it we need everybody to look in the mirror and say what can I do to make this team better and um otherwise it's uh it's not going the way we should elsewhere it wasn't pretty the coyotes only had 18 shots on net the entire of the game they only scored two and one of them was an empty Netter but the bottom line is they beat Carolina two to nothing and they gave Wayne Gretzky a win in his first game as an owner just before the game Gretzky was a guest on Molson Nats hockey and had this conversation with gour Miller well Wayne you finally got a chance to address the team today what did you tell the players well it was nice to be back in uh the thick of things again I was really excited to meet the players and got an opportunity just toh talk to them meet them oneon-one and U we had a nice little conversation and basically told them that I've watched all the games although I've been on the sideline um I've watched them play every night and uh they've had a pretty good season at this point they've had to spend the last six or seven months blocking out all of this distraction uh how did you view the way they handled it through the whole process well they handled it very well I mean they're professional athletes and uh you know your job as a player is to go out and play you can't worry about everything else around you and I know that firsthand of being a player uh there's a lot that goes on within an organization but the focus for a player should just be to worry about the game itself and I think our guys handled that very well very professionally and uh consequently we're in the thick of a great race right now and they need to be commended for that what uh have the last six or seven months been for you well it's been really interesting you know it's uh been a real learning process but I knew back in May that it was going to take some time to put this U whole deal together it was a tough situation for everyone fortunately uh Mr Burke worked very hard to get this deal done and Mr Elman worked endlessly to pull this thing together and you know I I think that uh it was the hardest part for me was that it was the first time of my career where I was in some way a little bit un Cooperative with the media we we were asked by the commissioner's office to to publicly stay out of it and that's what I tried to do and sometimes that became difficult for me because I always felt that it was our responsibility to U relate news to the media that part made it tough but the commissioner was uh tremendously backing of the whole situation and uh I guess I learned a great deal about management side of being uh being in the hockey game and now it's day one of uh your term as uh the chief hockey man in Phoenix and there's so many questions to ask you first of all uh how do you plan to address the Bobby Smith issue well we're going back to Phoenix tonight and sit down with Bobby I think that under the circumstances and the pressure that bobb's been under he's done a tremendous job uh but I haven't had an opportunity to meet with Bobby or talk to Bobby as I said earlier I've stayed out of this uh as far as Bobby goes I'll see him in the next day or so and that goes with the whole organization today is the first time I talked to Bob Francis um I think he's done a remarkable job under the circumstances that he's been under and uh we'll address those things as we go through here and you know one of the reasons why I hired C Fletcher he's got a great deal of uh hockey experience I have a great deal of respect for him as a person and uh him and I are going to sit down tomorrow and we'll go from there Wayne safe to say though that as of today you will have the final say on hockey decisions absolutely um you know going into this deal uh with my partner Steve Elman um I understand that there's a budget that every team needs to answer to but once that is uh agreed upon that the hockey decisions and the hockey meetings will stop at me but quite frankly I'm not going to be involved on a day-to-day basis I'm not the president and I'm not the general manager but ultimately things will go through me what about Nikolai habiban he's been out quite a while he's either an asset that you can have in net or an asset you can deal well he's definitely an asset he's one of the great goalies in our game he's a world class competitor his repres representatives are saying um I think he's a tremendous golender but either way as you said he's an asset for the Phoenix coyot organization at this point in time it really is doing nobody any good that he's not playing Wayne congratulations on getting this done and we look forward to uh your turn with the coyotes thank you very much machine gun Lanny has joined Canadian hockey to help put together this year's entry to the world hockey championship as we told you on Thursday McDonald has been named Canada's assistant executive director for the 2001 tournament in Germany he'll work hand inand with Wayne and head coach Wayne Fleming putting together Team Canada I'm absolutely thrilled uh and excited to have the opportunity to do something for your country and especially uh when you consider who did the asking uh to have Wayne Gretzky recommend you and and Bob Nicholson and and Wayne Fleming in your corner certainly doesn't uh hurt and to have that kind of opportunity uh how could you possibly turn it down we felt that uh uh Lanny McDonald uh having uh some extra time now that maybe some of these other general managers didn't have uh would have a leg up and more importantly uh Wayne Fleming is is going to have a lot of say in putting this team together and he was uh spoke very highly of Lanny McDonald and he was very comfortable in working with Lanny all right coming up on the desk sha and Kobe down in the Hornets Nest in Charlotte and will preview the Scott Tournament of Hearts which will begin on Saturday [Music] the completely redesigned Acura eel forget being admired from afar over 4 billion people around the world will watch it on television you can be there in [Applause] person the ultimate in track and [Music] field all right Tom P late man on the Rush look at the length of that stick measur that thing it's like Dave andere three nothing for the Oilers on the eigh of the year for p delayed penalty coming to the Kings watch Doug weight boom Oh What A shot beats potman upstairs 16th of the year and yeah Mama coming home the kings are going to lose it's four nothing after two third period or in the power play Scramble in front Ryan Smith taking the punishment banging away and there's Doug weight stepping in and finishing second of the game 17th of the Year 5 zip Edmonton all that's left is the shut out for Tommy Salo smolinski great chance and Salo hangs on keeps it out for his fifth goose egg of the Season 5 nothing is the final Edmonton snaps its three-game winless streak they finished a three-game home stand at 1 and two on a high note after Doug weight yesterday challenged his team to step up with the playoff stretch in view well he's uh he's a great leader and he uh always comes up with the right things to say at the the right time and uh you know the previous game against Vancouver we let our game slip a little bit uh we caused too many turn turnovers and gave them too many opportunities and uh uh that's why we lost 65 well it's huge for us uh you know La would have been two points behind with two games in hand so uh looks like Nashville was uh keeping close to Detroit there so they're moving up in standings as well so you know we want to keep focus on the teams in front of us and uh hopefully uh be able to put teams behind us in in the meantime so our Volkswagen power pole tonight we'd like to know which of the Canadian teams will be the most active leading up to the trade deadline we leave Ottawa off the list because they seem to be in pretty good shape and more than likely won't make any kind of big deal they may add a little muscle but the remaining five Canadian teams who do you think amidst rumors of Lind Ross and Blake going to Toronto and Mike Pekka going to Vancouver that's the latest but you sign on and tell us what you think we'll update it for you later in the show either it's a sign that another year has flown by or an indication of how we never sto talking about the precedent setting case tonight at midnight Eastern marked the end of Marty murley's one-year suspension for a high stick to the head of conu Donald brashier murle spent the last portion of his sentence playing in the IHL with Grand Rapids earning a game misconduct in his first game back today he spoke to the media the NHL had better watch its back Marty mle's time is up and Donald brashier is down on the ice and Marty m is standing over him and brashier is hurt the 17-year NHL veterans one-year suspension for clubbing Vancouver's Donald Brasher in the head is over but Murley says he expects nothing in the way of a big league offer and isn't looking any further than his next game with the ihl's Grand Rapids Griffins down here to to play as well as I can and at the same time to get in as good shape as I possibly can if I'm you know to stay a griffin or to to move on into the NHL so I really try to leave that with with the general managers and my agents boy you could really frat about it worry about it lose a lot of sleep over it but I'm enjoying playing right now murley's initial return to the ice didn't come without controversy on February 10th the Burley enforcer played in his first minor league game in 14 seasons and quickly left after joining a melee involving several players he received a game misconduct nothing new to the tough guy that ranks third in the NHL for career penalty minutes but enough to bring back the haunting memory of one year ago I was out there to provoke a fight you know there there was no intention to injure Donald Basher with my stick at all uh it was it was running out of time wanting him to turn and confront me and then have a fight which which I felt was was my job at the time Murley was also convicted in a Vancouver Court of assault with a weapon and given 18 months of probation that time is still being served as of now at least one cloud has been lifted clearing the way for murle to eventually play alongside his peers in the NHL again in the meantime he waits what guys miss most is the guys in the dressing room sitting on the bench competing going out with guys uh the moments after the game after you've had a hardfought game and and really feel like you've put it on the line and uh you missed that and the old old players have all said to me the hockey greates play as long as you can for CTV sportset I'm Mark McAllister from Marty to Mario Lemieux won't call it a slump but the Hall of Famer admits a two game pointless streak is telling him something he needs some rest the Penguins owner has struggled recently held to Four Points in his last six games compare that to a point per game pace of two for the first 17 outings the problems can be traced to a bothersome hip and back he's played through it so far not wanting to disappoint the fans something that may change tomorrow night against Florida I've been pretty fortunate over the years to come back and play play well right off the bat but uh um you know this is different I've been off for few years and uh you know to miss that time on the ice is I think crucial at this stage of uh the season especially down the stretch everybody's been playing for five or six months and are in great shape and I'm just trying to catch up to these guys so uh you know it's going to be this game is Tough Enough when you're healthy and when you're healthy and uh um I think I I hurt the team a little more especially my linemates uh not being at a certain uh spot at the right time and and puts too much pressure on the other uh uh guys on the ice everybody wants Mario to be healthy so good for the game coming up more from the NHL the lightning make a bold statement then go out and back it up against one of the League's powerhouses we stay on the ice the pebbled variety Colleen Jones has won the Scott before does she still have what it takes she meets Kelly Li and what was a an amazing finish Mark Jackson looks to make a significant pass in the record books the Raptors taking on the Warriors there's a historic play right there we'll tell you what it is after this the home of the feeling after the win I feel fine ain't you going to talk to me you won you sure did where's coach look at this where is he come on [Applause] R well apparently and the fans here in Chicago with a chance I would assume directed toward Rusty Tilman who didn't really want to talk to Jesse the Body Ry yeah Rusty why won't you talk to Jesse what's the matter hey I don't want to talk to Jessie come on R what what do you want to talk about I want to congratulate you the first win you're back in the race your team gets the bonus I got nothing to say to you wow I tell you what got be Happ I got him intimidated there's no doubt about it the guy couldn't wait to get off the field he's afraid of me all right Jesse and these guys afraid of me huh well Jesse The Body of TR don't think you'll ever get Rusty's vote but Jesse probably doesn't care with his approval rating game guys least the players good game guys way to win one good job good job all right good [Applause] job this a long time which hurts worse your pride at being 0 and for all the potential bonus money you and your players have left on the table oh no question about it IE get surprise I tell you to was just tough conditions and yet New York played well ball came out on two fumbles and that was a score we just couldn't get it done had an opportunity right at the end of the half and couldn't get it in it had hurt a little more because this was your first game at home the Soldier Field crowd was terrific tonight they came out and droves and and how could first of about oh Chicago we love you you know just sorry we can't give you a win like you deserve great crowd great enthusiasm uh we just got to pick that up on the field and carry it like the crowd does not having John Avery tonight well we lost Avery we lost our Center we lost our tackle and when you have those type of injuries you're going to struggle like you going to be healthy for Las Vegas I hope so we got to that's part of the game thank you coach well r Myers a Class Act I guarantee this Chicago team is going to win some football games there's no doubt about that in my mind but it was not tonight it could start a week from Sunday if Avery comes back when they meet uh the Las Vegas Outlaws Joe ask you your first victory of the Season how do you feel feel great you know we just came out today and played hard um you know we've been down for the last 3 weeks and we just felt that this week was the week to pick it up I know you don't point fingers but how much of a difference does it make having Wally Richardson a quarterback well I mean you know whenever you have a guy that's going to step up play ball I mean you have to do what's best and we not trying to point no finger we just want to win a football game first time this year you get a bonus that's good too don't spend it all in one [Laughter] place well folks let's give you another update on our situation our Bush update down in Orlando Orlando V playing at Birmingham [Applause] you just watched one shut out in Chicago Birmingham trying to avoid a shut out on the receiving end and they do just that as Casey Welden finds qu action Quincy Jackson yeah 23-6 here Orlando well folks just moments ago Jesse The Body Ventura caught up with the New York general manager Drew Pearson to plead his case [Music] I come out here to interview Rusty Tillman he won't talk to me he's pouting he wins and he runs off the field the guy got no courage Drew or what hey he's just excited about the Victory and uh he's pleased with the victory he didn't look too pleased to me he looked like he lost well we're still one and three so we still got a long way to go well we know that congratulations Drew he lucky he didn't take you down at Midfield he could never take me down he's lucky I didn't take him down congratulations Drew all right maybe no way out for ventor on that one I'll tell you that's an interesting confrontation and of course New York will host Los Angeles and uh The Miracle Worker Tommy Maddox next Saturday night in the middlelands and New York with Wy Richard and quarterback showing some signs of Life offensively and the defense had a great game here tonight of course the Chicago did as well again these fans in Chicago braving the elements exhibiting that XFL Spirit we knew there were going to be nights like this folks we've experienced one here but we appreciate very much you being with us here from Chicago certainly tomorrow tune in for more XFL action of course 4:00 on TNN uh the battle for the lead in the west The Outlaws uh will take on the demons in San Francisco that's the hell ho looking forward to going there next Saturday myself and then at 7:00 uh tomorrow night on UPN uh pretty good All the President's Men here anybody wearing a black hat anymore all I know is that tomorrow night's going to be on UPN you're going to see La take on Memphis with Heisman Trophy winner rashan Salam LA and Memphis on UPN tomorrow night we we are inside the New York locker room and Rusty is smiling and you notice there's no ventur in there here come Rusty holding the game ball he deserves it and then the other side no no Smiles for young Tim Lester who played his guts out the kid played as hard as he could no doubt about it well folks next Saturday night we're going to be in the hell hole in San Francisco when the Birmingham bolts come to town we hope you'll join us right back here next Saturday night here on NBC we certainly thank you for being with us Jessie V I'm Jim good night [Applause] everybody to see a lot of hard hitting here well folks coming up next on most of these NBC stations your local news followed by an allnew Saturday Night Live with a Dave Matthews Band it has been a cold but rainy night here in Chicago but we have had a lot of fun here in the XFL the XFL Spirit lives in Chicago thanks again for bringing this into your home for Jesse vura I'm good old Jr good night [Music] everybody playing under the bright lights of the Big Apple the Knicks believe the time is now it's to win big with bet Olympic gold medalist and four-time WNBA champion and Cynthia Cooper faces her biggest challenge teaching when I can motivate a kid to want to learn that's when I Feel Like A Champion the tool I use is a basketball but many teachers use Cable in the classroom with commercial free educational programs free study guides and internet support Cable in the classroom helps teachers become Champions Cable in the classroom is a public service of bet and your local cable company now we're going to work on your slam dunk [Music] Ready Aim

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