e e e e e e e e e e e e e e so good evening good evening good evening apologies about that but nature took took over but we are here now we haven't missed any goals 10 minutes in I don't know why it's stuck on one minute there we go we're sort that out but we are 10 minutes in it's that all about anyway U big up to everyone who is locked in shoot oh [ __ ] sake why don't a football shirt cleaning these glasses poppy man it's jarring it is very jarring all right we are banging time now [ __ ] sake one second guys one second right we're finally sorted we are finally sorted we can sit and enjoy some football I'm going to do the Via real game after this as well instead of the uh the uve game because con sa is not in the squad I think passed his medical today so there's no way he'll be in the squad Squatch you know what I'm saying big up to everyone in the chats big up to amp come on big up Johnny got Turkish see B up footall Community listen Tony and Victor ocares get lukman away from Arsenal yeah I don't rate him that highly that lukman don't rate him at all we up to cooler as well is he um is it actually done is it actually any breaking news what's the camera say is it too bright CU I look mad bright my end Milan SC is going to Al nir wow these glasses still ain't [ __ ] clean properly man what is wrong with this literally anyway let's carry on on C is good yeah okay sweet right let's have a look at the um teams I haven't seen any of the starting 11 Corner whipped away from coma are on a break here and he's gone all the way back what a load of rubbish that was Pepe raina's in goal but lot is up front and I don't know any of the others Dosa oh Mareno as well Sergio Roberto is on the bench niik Paz is on the bench where's Varan var's not in the squad oh well it is what it is you going do any more c not not today I won't I'm going to do the V game against Sela Rego we will be doing that one and then I'm on with Northside for the girl chat later so a whole [ __ ] day sat in this chair like a [ __ ] what you done the show with s doing the old FM this Saturday I can't arsenal were playing bro playing at the same time same time who you think we should get when peple is at the end of the season I don't think he is leaving I don't think he's G mate got Jon's manager will be your next manager I think pitch is green the sun is out clear skies good camera let's hope the football is good B we need a goal we need an early dagger vo he's making a voodoo to FK zagi yeah that's who we need man is he any good yeah I rate him I rate that um Jona manager man but no that somebody popping this CH but he lost to Simeone nobody cares praty has been booked for Calgary you got Daryl bro working with a client and I'm still hung over from Saturday night threee bottles of champagne and a new Spanish misses that's jokes and the weather's roasting out here as well man it is very hot oh [ __ ] maybe I should plug that in there about to the money guys it's about the money this game is end to end without any quality at a minute in fact we can't give a goalkeeper yeah it's not race track can you hear that [ __ ] oh dear Lamborghini Urus ragging it down the [ __ ] road why can't I get this to work okay that's what I need to do sweet bear with me because I just need to sort the other channel out and then I can chill but we are on desona Spa so there should be no problems CES having to go at the referee at a minute the ref come over and [ __ ] he's still giving it the big to to the ref right K got counter attack that's a good pass go on it's a dead cross and there's a Thro to Como down near Calgary's gold look how small this stadium is like the nice little old stadiums I'm not sure what channel it's on where you guys are but can now come on bear with me guys I'm nearly done smash these likes up though not enough likes guys I can't see out of these goggles I need to clean them properly all cloudy oh good play comar bopping that around nice there that's a PO pass [ __ ] sake the commentators curse big up Joshua bro you're more of a Madrid fan than you are an Arsenal fan no for my sins support AR War mate there's a player on the deck at a minute the [ __ ] are we doing here it's [ __ ] o man it is currently 36° okay come up aler in the Box it's it it's it it's it oh my days they cleared it he should have hit that he had about four attempts to flip and hit it and then when he did it it straight to key kicks it away right that's so weird okay that's that done right and he's going to get the um the charger the extension lead otherwise this Mac's going to die in the game is going off and I'm just cleaning this I'll be one minute yeah right we are back pepea has just made a very good save guys a very good save beautiful get in the hole but we need an early dagger and we don't look like we're getting one anytime soon is not looking good so far right Heth and safety we'll be having a field day around here guys happy days and now I can sh and we can watch it the game guys we can watch it the game it's about to the man guys it's about the demani all right big up stasbor bro zo lumu on Calgary is a good player big up big up to you my friend hope you good make sure you sub to strasburg's channel a beautiful sunny day in Calgary that's better I can see niik he's on the bench man should we call coma not com joh J1 Johnson's on a wind up that's a good cross no Striker took the wrong run which the US Open tenis am i f big up to henden bro hope you're good mate right what we doing here oh they're having a calling break no we might as well [ __ ] join them then cheers might as well join them nice little calling break a lovely my water's coming tomorrow and my coffee beautiful we need a goal man every time I do a sir you ask me all the time do a Ser R game do a serr game and every time I do Ser R it's [ __ ] literally every game he's got he's got the trads out he's got his little binoculars out the little boy but yeah run through these likes people that' be lovely what 160 inside let's get to 100 likes real quick right the calling break is over good evening good evening good evening William EA game later could be a good one I don't know man every time time I watch uve this [ __ ] I think can do the Via Real Sela game con is not going to be in the squad for for uve I think can do that game you got to arish do you have a new long-term project for your channels do you have a plan on expand or hiring people just curious I've paid three or four people now but um to be honest it a something I thought about just carry on doing content bro if I'm honest and like when I see these other channels like the mutant Channel they have shows with other people like where Robbie's not on the show but that's no I'm not what I'm about to say is not a disrespect to some of the people that are on there because I get on very well with a couple of them but Robbie not being on a show is like me not being on my own show the views will be less the money will be less so I kind of have to be on every show so no probably not I don't know big up to full man do theas game tomorrow yes I am I think yeah I am you do Napoli watchong last time I done one of them they were crap as well I think it was Napoli UV yeah it was it was Napoli U we need a goal man come on this why I don't watch C Aro app M's gotten playing well we at a five phase development plan R 100K yeah come on yeah man like Bama unloaded the clip BR $500 he dropped in one drop big up Bama I need to know what he does for a living so I can suck this off it it oh that was good defending you think it's going to win the Champions League Madrid look off it there only two games in though Madrid will win it Madrid will win it bro Elmo can make his debut yeah right com cooking and then he was greedy and took the shot what's that all about Kron this is very stop starty very stop sty it it good save from The Keeper have been the better team so far how is Rodriguez yep he's gone to Ry valano I get arsal in the same group stage draw I think if we um if we get him at the minute we'll probably beat him but I think they're going to sign a couple of players go this it [ __ ] this is why I don't watch this league the quality in the Italian league is shocking could have stated that Calgary just shanked one wide from 12 yards out but yeah they need they need a striker badly I think they'll get that done before transfer deadline day they'll find someone is the stream buffering or lagging for everyone else as he buffering the stream was born in deficits the stream was born in deficit guys big up PA man yeah madw dunked on the whole of wolves and it is a [ __ ] old as well FR comes I'll back in when he wears the shirt I'm fun about now [ __ ] him he's got he's got to show you he's good enough mate Mars fans were kicking off on their new Striker yesterday after after he missed a couple of sits that's something like the second time he has appeared they were going mad stream is the top go same with 29 I ain't [ __ ] calling him his name until he wins me say isn't that bad it's just a bit boring yeah man this League's crazy every time I watch it it's crap for New Quality painful seeing them get battered last night do you know what it weren't even weren't even like they were getting hammered yeah it was just they were just too slow yeah and I don't know why they brought that fell didn't bring the fell off the bench his Subs yesterday were weird man corner to Como his Subs yesterday were a bit off key say are playing 10 nights in a row Wembley so they don't just kill each other is that is that all they're doing they're not going around the world let's have a look is that all they're doing Corners whipped in and cleared headline slot of glastenbury performances in Scotland and Manchester 10 nights in Manchester and London as well as rumored in Scotland and there they should go run the whole world they'd make an absolute Fortune can you imagine yeah they could sell out everywhere around the world in minutes big up Jason mate hope you're well man how are in here all great defending um big up Dimitri think I'll call you Dimitri I don't want to but your name but I probably have anyway wondering being an Englishman in Spain do you receive any Frosty type of Encounters in Malaga I was in newor the other week I said all and barely got any responses mostly no they're sounding mate they're called it you get the like person that [ __ ] cuz I'm giddy which means Foreigner that's a ball go on com in the Box look at the quality of this game bro [ __ ] why did I do this but yeah they um they're mostly pretty cool like where I live like the block there's about 12 blocks no 10 blocks 10 blocks 10 blocks of 12 AP Apartments my block is probably one with the most people that live there like a lot of them are Airbnb in the other in the other blocks right you see you see the uh the woman walking around the president of the um urbanization she's cool you you see anyone like go and take the bins down like take your rubbish down to the bins at the end of the road everyone's cool man everyone's sweet top five leagues in the world Spain Spain's definitely top depends what you mean by best because I go off of technical believe so if we're going off of that the Premier League is nowhere near because the Portuguese League's got more Tech than Premier League this league [ __ ] I can't lie every time I watch this league it is dead Pepe has just cleared the ball straight to the other goalkeeper so yeah it depends what you mean mate I don't know 32k yeah come on it's flying Jason man another dead cross corol now big up Hali yo get these likes up to 100 guys come on we're 21 away all right let's check in on the uh the footy you lot saying hin bomber let's have a look at this brown envelope see what he's saying that was three hours ago bro that's was three hours ago look at the state of this this is 40 minutes of my life I ain't getting back yeah there's nothing going on in the world of football right now nothing going on right now never mind e Alberto Moreno's been booked he's kicking off on the ref I don't know why he's kicking off on the ref he a blatant [ __ ] Yellow Card oh well as long as it takes to take a free kick man [ __ ] get on with it and then he's going to spank it straight out for a [ __ ] goal kick like Jesus Christ was it a throne hit the hit the corner flag this is rubbish yeah for anyone who didn't watch the uh the show with say earlier here watch this watch this we might have a mey defense but guess what blood we have a lot of goals in this team and when we get Victor as well if we get Victor if we get Victor don't let me finish above certain teams you know MZ don't let me finish above you you know you gooners somehow bro if I finish above you I'll be on a different villain Arc bro because I've been getting fried the past two years fried you know what I'm saying all of us the media wants to batter us every single week but I'm seeing bad teams now oh oh I'll take this guy from Chelsea I'll take that guy from Chelsea so why is it every time we come on stream you look talk about our players like they from Wickham why you hate us that much that was [ __ ] defending for that goal lb enjoy your time with pep because your time's going to come soon enjoy this little thing you got guy on you know what I'm saying I know what's marinating at my club I know what's cooking in the back at my club get in marinating after 1.4 billion you know marinating I know what's marinating as well food poisoning That's what's marinating guys right suppos be change the score then one nil [ __ ] defending stinker and hooks is a generation generational term you need to make some mer yeah M I need to I need to I need to find in fact do you know what's crazy yeah there's a company just opened literally about a mile away from me they do printing well I say it's a company it's a shop that's open but it is a company obviously but it used to be um used to be gym equipment place like they sold like gym equipment like treadmills and [ __ ] but what is this [ __ ] League look at the state of this game is anyone watching this game yet this game is shocking it's like watching Pub football Pub teams I need to find a company that I just send them the design they do the rest because I ain't interested in [ __ ] printing it and [ __ ] shipping it and just take their cut I need a company that can do that I send them the design they put it on a t-shirt put it on a hoodie put it on [ __ ] whatever and then they just do the rest here here's the design that's how much boom done do the rest so yeah that's what I need to do but yeah stinker and hooked stinker and hooked merch would slap and you know what's funny makes so many different varieties it biblical stinker and hooked Earth shattering stinker and hooked generational stinker and hooked your viewer Seng gor Ericson he piped or Johnson mate he's a ledge or futuristic stinker and hooked Kendry P stinker and hooked on a hoodie that a [ __ ] slap zuie zuie dooo we could get that as well couldn't we astronomical stinker and hooked let listening to you big up bro Snapback you know what I'm saying don't see if here quality renovated Stadium the roof is looking great yeah I've not seen it I've not actually seen it yet first 20 minutes of this match is pinball bro this whole game's been shocking literally 30 seconds left in it's half time leave me I need I just need the name a name of a company where I can just send them the design and they just do the rest and then take a cut because I ain't interested in sitting there [ __ ] printing them and [ __ ] shipping them myself I ain't got time yeah tell um T knows a company that do it well T does a lot of merch for other YouTube channels but he has to do it all himself or pay someone to do it to package it ship it and all that I can't be [ __ ] asked with that F that I just want to give somebody the the uh the design tell them how much I want to charge job done take your cut bye-bye and then just deposit the money into my account standard stinker and hooked can't see little what little Lee is doing you can f off make a hoodie I'm not a mutant oh [ __ ] the now I'm gonna get one you know that um I'm getting the word nons yeah I'm going to do that I'm going to put I'm getting the word mutant zubie zubie do where are you we got some work to do now big up Craig man yo heli text me in the name of a company I did have a company [ __ ] in um because I was going to do this last season I just [ __ ] didn't get around to it now T T's gonna sort it bro T's going to sort it but I just need the name of a company to [ __ ] give them the detail give them the uploads Earth shattering yes big up to you that was a good one I can't lie you yis or Nico Williams neither yeah that LLY is always drinking go yeah it's non-alcoholic mate people sit here thinking I'm a raging aloh it's non-alcoholic it's not uh it is 4.5% 4.5 and um 33 cl can they slide down the gallets bsh PS F off down the lane yeah that's a good one that's a good one you can f off down the lane why this reunion yep that's uh I'm happy with that we're going to win the La Li kabasi last season but Bell this season La Messiah is Magic um I don't want to burst your bubble my friend H madrids although to be fair you have got some decent players man kari's quality pedri is quality I don't rate Gaby don't rate Gabby at all but you need to sign um if you sign Nico Williams if you sign Nico Williams then I think he'll take him up a few levels because he needs to get out of Bill Bell if he wants to turn his career up into being a [ __ ] like proper proper lit career double unskippable yep yeah I got loads of ideas man got an offer within TCH Sals in cyber security business owned by my friend who's offering Me 2 and a half K commission what's the best way to master C calls and close clients ask closing questions I'm sure you'd agree on that wouldn't you bang closing question I'm sure you would agree on that wouldn't you or just say it's a deal it's a still it's a sad of the [ __ ] Century in fact you know what I think I'll [ __ ] keep it that feels sick spinula in stinker and hooked alos don't drink small cans yeah but apparently because I drink all the time I'm an alcoholic shut up these man chat rubbish bro why do you drink and smoke on camera because I can what they don't see is the [ __ ] five liters of water I drink before I get on camera every day that's how many have I got coming tomorrow cuz they've emailed me saying it's coming 27th of August we have three 20 L bottles and 72 half liter bottles that's 36 96 lers tomorrow and some coffee 96 liters of water but apparently I'm a raging Aly Lads cross tressing raging Aly who clean swimming pools for a living funny as [ __ ] is it yeah we need the but but but merch definitely trust the process oh bro could you imagine do you know what would be funny yet like it's [ __ ] not even [ __ ] like just get some [ __ ] random company to do it this I don't even need to set a website up yeah right and I can just promote that [ __ ] everywhere maybe not myself but via other people yeah and even my [ __ ] haters have Buy the T-shirt they wouldn't know mine trust the process guys f good I'll donate five bills bro Sal is difficult I can't lie probably especially in this this time now after covid bro I could I could not imagine knocking on doors for double glazing now like [ __ ] that mate but but but but but everything's up in the air what does that even mean man of times used to hear that yeah oh it's all a little bit up in the air at the minute what do you mean what's up in the air what your legs like what we do your ass what we doing here what's up in here I need to check me finances like you don't know how much money you've got now these people check bollocks the don don Simeone Don angelotti big up Malcolm bro big up Malcolm mutant sh put gacho's f i a putting his face on anything 7,000 crates of water you had outside the kitchen thank you in the hallway right am I lying in the hallway outside my kitchen right near my front door well I don't drink any water guys what do you think of malie's response of ever fans abusing the players bro he told that fan to [ __ ] off first yeah go watch the video back he told him to [ __ ] off that's why the fans say you [ __ ] told me to [ __ ] you [ __ ] off I'll play the video yeah I'll show you what I quote tweeted Mal P one second I played the video and then I'm going for a piss because it is half time probably should stop the timer stop the count all right share right s put imagine another job where it's normalized to get abused like this hanging around a train station to scream at men who are trying their best well he's got battered in the comments by the way traffic Warden a& staff policeman Football referee call center workers he's got absolutely destroyed anyway he told the giz is at F off first [ __ ] you [ __ ] off you [ __ ] ratu [ __ ] Grand wish [Laughter] [ __ ] He's fuming Lads 80 [ __ ] Grand the week [ __ ] all right this was my reply guys for for and that's my friends is what I quote sweeted Mal pie [ __ ] these idiots man they want to chat [ __ ] [ __ ] off he he merch yeah we could get he he merch bro crazy isn't it absolutely crazy excuse me I don't get what this there we land [ __ ] means bro I don't I don't get what this is but everyone's jumping on this hype bro I don't know what it is I've seen this [ __ ] everywhere who who started this there we land like I've seen football clubs doing it it's like that's where we [Laughter] land can you understand him without subtitles I can understand most of it but it's not translated very well if I'm honest because he said iuta and it's translated as [ __ ] Y is son of a [ __ ] some of the other words are not translated properly either but maybe it's done like that for more effects I don't know maybe that's why with some kid oh that kind of sums it up then some kid some kid bro not being able to form a [ __ ] sentence properly this is the world we liveing guys Girls Talk uh dancing on Tik Tock Lads chatting [ __ ] can't construct a sentence and everyone is now a sex worker for $4.99 a month but don't worry if you subscribe to the channel uh tonight you get 80% off for the first 30 days this is where we're at with the world mate this is Society for these young ons pretending to be footballers getting their gash out on camera for [ __ ] 2.99$ 4.99 a month doing stupid dances on Tik Tok it's mad is it it is actually wild yeah Argentinian slang yes yes yes it's Argentinian start selling pie chart compasses ruler pencil projectors and call it the XG St kit yeah stop beefing kids that's another one that's a good one I get how do I know their kids they're pretending to be a fo it makes me laugh I love the internet but at the same time it's full of [ __ ] rins young unfixed stinker and hooked every only bird fan that pops Up's always on S this what I'm saying bro they've all always got an 80% discount is they most of them yeah real talk yeah most of them earn less than minimum wage I think the average bird on only fans earns less than [ __ ] the average monthly salary should we have a look let's have a look guys let's have a look what's the average monthly income on o $150 to $180 a month crazy there's over 2.1 million on there with earnings ranging from supplement to Millions per month the average only fans Creator ears $150 to $180 monthly the top uh top 1% of earners and 33% of the total revenue wow so the top 1% are minted and the other 67% are getting their rat out for 299 a month to about 10 people weird is it we underway that is actually crazy Bryce Adams I don't know who that is ear $9.6 million in one year getting a kebab out bra all right let's have a look at this let's see what who Bryce Adams is I don't know who that is Bryce Adams right let's have a look well she didn't look how I expected her to look to be fair she's about five Stone dripping wet what is this [ __ ] doing what is this doing get out of here what are we doing here not quite sure how she's earned that much money because I've CLI oh that's LinkedIn that's why that's how I clicked I thought I clicked on her o and it's LinkedIn I was going to say it's only got a thousand people following her right one second let's go back guys 9.6 million you know that is actually wild 9.6 m in one year she actually doesn't look how I expected her to look I thought she'd be [ __ ] like fake everything but she ain't actually [ __ ] skinny as [ __ ] but like lean six back but she still gets her Kebab out bro which is which is Haram that's Haram brv we can't be having that that is Haram guys anyway and the thing is you know yeah if you got with that girl obviously she's um she's own an absolute [ __ ] fortune but you know if you walk down the street or went to a restaurant you know that there's people sat in that restaurant that have jerked off to [Laughter] her oh dear oh dear oh dear oh [ __ ] dear yeah that that ain't it BR that ain't it let's see how many people follow on o do it say last thing four minutes ago right does it not tell you how many people follow it doesn't tell you doesn't tell you how many people sub to them that's a bit random is it why doesn't it tell you I don't tell you how many people subscribe to him oh she's back online guys she's back if you're interested hi I'm Bryce why don't it tell you how many people subscribe to him Paul side post does she actually even get her gash out or oh no yeah she does we're filming some super something super exciting for you guys here we all just may have to wait a year L [ __ ] hell mate why does this make me want to get to more cats new so basically he's just posting pictures hot tub with friends it doesn't show you the pictures they're locked so basically she's just posting some pictures and then every now and again she'll get ragged out and she at 9.6 [ __ ] million Jesus Christ the world is upside down mate it is upside is in it is upside down bathroom be rammed in that restaurant you know what I'm saying that is crazy only marry a Sim facts that's a bit crazy pick up the U stallion bro best leagues in the world one La Liga two Prem three Bundesliga four Syria five port Portuguese league Como are in no it's a goal kick um I'd put Prem last out of them five I can't lie yeah I put for last bless up bro pooped and got scooped oh that's a good one as well that's a good one poops and got scops big up Octavian man big our P care as well can't wait for Pep to leave shortly he zy man Don's cool man but he's mad deluded when it comes to Chelsea I can't lie but he's cool man I like Don he's like we have to be Shameless and said no [ __ ] they're lo bro I've not I've not been on there before I'm going it's almost a diamond plaque yeah she's probably got a blue waffle instead Man City get a backup strike before we get a Prof shambolic yep crazy ah this game's rubbish rubbish you see me looking at cavia funny Club yeah another load of bollocks who made that one up Thomas Canton right Kom I've just had a shot as a corner TW a I knew it man I knew it man TW a that's the funniest [ __ ] I've ever seen man that is the funny I I got to try and find this video that video was [ __ ] funny man see if I can find find that video one1 guys KO have equalized off the corner BOS 1-1 krona scored guys can't find this video it's jarring try to look for the other d couldn't find it either yo I think I found it I think I found it yeah I think I found it it's on his channel let's [ __ ] go guys I'll probably get demonetized but who cares every time I play somebody else's Clips I get demonetized but I want I wanted I actually wanted the one where they mocked it up as the gingerbread man I wanted the one where they mock it up as the gingerbread man cuz that was [ __ ] hilarious man whoever did that it was jokes in fact one second why can't I find it man is it skull fery that edited it yeah so that might be on the big six then right in fact hold on wait a minute let me go skull fugger's insta might be on his insta page I can't see it can't see it nope all right cool we have to go without that we just have to go with a normal one actually one sec yeah I found I found the the original but I want the one where somebody edited it bro Nico Paz is coming on I want I'm looking to see if I can find it before I played the original it's got to be somewhere man I found it I found it I have [ __ ] found it it's only 16 seconds long though I wanted the whole thing I found it it's only 16 seconds it's not the whole thing but oh dear right let's share screen guys I knew it I knew it I knew it it was coming man one what was going on this game the [ __ ] are they doing [ __ ] they doing what is going on just letting him [Laughter] shoot oh [ __ ] we don't want to get done for that let's play again I knew was I knew it I knew coming man me what was going on this game man the [ __ ] are they doing what he doing what is going on let him [Laughter] shoot oh that's [ __ ] hilarious man which one was it which one was it where did it go where did it go there it is can I download it I'll share it I'll share it copy link I'll download that [ __ ] I will download that and we will save that as a clip on here so when he's on we can just play it T they're [ __ ] hilarious bro I swear they're proper funny Ro for funny need the link don't worry I'll put the link in the chat too funny you should come to York Le a lot better than leads I've been to Y before I've been to yor not to the football stadium but I've been to York this game's been awful yeah I've been York castle that was nice s doing accents was hilarious he did about 50 different countries accents all terrible all just sounded man funny thing is he thought he was good at accents no I need that as well side needs a compilation video yeah that SLA I can't lie H inuma helium balloons right nio has has the ball do something fella this game's been rubbish let's hope to Via real games better I'm going to send s this link found [Laughter] it that's jokes right I'm going for a piss I will be back in a minutes guys in a minute bless up to everyone locked in though do smash the likes up 47 away from 32.1 Marine has been booked there we go y big up big six fense as well come on love bro love P Gunner yeah maybe this game's been awful this is why I don't watch CI R every time I do serr watch long is [ __ ] absolutely rubbish me grandmother ad will should' be ATT tax that's that was funny man that was actually hilarious he read taxi bike taxi bike taxi bike what is he talking about need CES on the green screen yeah M CES is looking a bit look what has this guy done to his socks bro this guy's falling over [ __ ] off this league [ __ ] I'll be back e e e e e e e e e e e Hey nearly a dagger nearly a dagger nearly a dagger ni good save from The Keeper how's this game looking rubbish one of the worst games I've ever watched mate this is why I don't watch Siri r how can anyone watch this league and be entertained as [ __ ] it is actually [ __ ] [ __ ] Bro another Como Corner cleared from the first man this is awful this is actually awful we up JM beer bro this is trash why is that manager out of his technical era get back in your technical era literally no quality at all none at all it it St the keeper see Liverpool in for kazer really they're finished did you feel the earthquake that happened around midnight it was mostly felt in Portugal but affected Southwest of Spain no I was still live at midnight with r I didn't feel no earthquake bro is it bad was it a bad one 5.3 wow I'm just looking now 11 miles below the seabed we're having a calling break it's near Lisbon didn't cause any personal material damage parts of Spain and Morocco yeah good one Spain and Morocco turn it in [ __ ] Morocco's [ __ ] that over there how far is Jaa from here I could spell the error I [ __ ] liveing wouldn't it right it is 1 hour 22 minutes away to jabala so I suppose obviously you got to go on the [ __ ] boat that takes 45 minutes to Tangier but if you went directly like boom it' probably be it says 97.6 kilomet to Jala so say it's 120 kilomet from where I'm sat right now looking at that 120 kilometers there's no [ __ ] way I didn't feel no earthquake bro they CH [ __ ] they're chatting absolute rubbish there's no way anyone in Morocco felt an earthquake yesterday no chance but I was literally sat here on a stream at that time and that is the closest part of Morocco to me I'd imagine have a look let me have butchers right all right let's go let's get rid of that yeah but there ain't no [ __ ] way there ain't no way bro there is no way then that was felt in parts of Morocco when I'm closer than the closest part of Morocco from Portugal that's impossible that's actually impossible bro that is actually impossible there's no way no way in a billion years bro there are [ __ ] bro yeah the CL from where I live um Portugal going is it pepa's oh my [ __ ] daysis you need [ __ ] what was he doing the I live closer to Morocco than the [ __ ] closest part of Morocco to Portugal no chance and I know that Portugal is like that way and Morocco is like that way but when you deep it on the map and you see it on the map it's possible but no bro they're chatting [ __ ] cuz that's one way and I'm the other way so it's opposite ways Portugal Morocco then I'm kind of you got Portugal Morocco and then I'm up here yeah but bro if that's felt in malago and [ __ ] around parts of Spain that's absolute [ __ ] bro absolute [ __ ] that's just part of the plan has anyone got actual any footage of this like [ __ ] rumored earthquake is it wait he should have gone down he would have got a penalty Como should he should have dived well not dived but should have gone down I'm inan Lisbon you felt it in Lisbon yeah no that's fair fairs mate fair fair play fritzo tweeted about ker what Liverpool a weird football club isn't they why are they going in for some Winger that's injury prone to [ __ ] when they've already got enough forward players they need midfielders and a Defender what was that corner by the way anyone who's watching this game did you see that corner he literally just passed it straight to their player after corner right weren't even across he just passed it straight to him match fixing that's match fixing Liverpool make an initial approach for feder Rico K's possible option for final days one of the most overrated footballers I've ever seen in my life now on He Flops now don't He Flops that's if he stays [ __ ] injury free cuz he is trash therefore foro larun confirmed done deal for Charlie patino 1 million fee AR of including the sellon fee for potential future s right let's quote tweet that and why not these top [ __ ] [ __ ] one sec all right this game is going to put me out my misery in about 10 15 minutes it's nearly done what a load of [ __ ] all you all you sir where where's where's sushi bro he's telling me about [ __ ] serar where you at Shield where you at yes serali seral bro every time I do a seral game it's dead it's rubbish it is rubbish right I think Eddie's pretty much done said tweeted four hours ago with the egg timer so that's that's pretty much done is it we finally got rid of Eddie and [ __ ] K hereo [ __ ] get in right let's quite sweet this Charlie P PUO 1 million for the next Aaron Ramsay is unreal work edu has done it again you you you're a swimming pool cleaner okay mate good one fantastic the stream's actually been better than the game what you fa Verona bro I'm going to watch a proper game of football Via Real versus cgo two teams that are actually going to play football because this is not football bro this is [ __ ] this is rubbish this is like this is like a Sunday League Pub team against each other mad agal has tweeted out guys and I quote and I quote 30 million Eddie and K a palace 35 million for Smith row well that's factually incorrect it's 27 plus seven in add-ons total 65 million edu Gaspar master classes put cool we'll quote tweet that then we will quote toet that igel Earth shattering Earth shattering guys we're going to do the Earth shattering Earth shattering stiner and hooked imagine yeah imagine giving both of them the number 10 and number 14 unbelievable is it unbelievable how do you give both of them players the number 10 and the number 14 bur camp and sieri om's number it's wild it is actually wild guys mad yeah I'm doing the basa game tomorrow I think I think I'm doing the B again tomorrow Tuesday I will be there guys against Rano we will be there we will be there what do we have Wednesday Wednesday Bill BAU Valencia straight after that we have Atletico Madrid versus espanol first Real Madrid they are playing last palas now before that we have Jona versus osasuna Friday we have in versus Atlanta do I really want to watch this [ __ ] League again like really do I really really want to put myself through this [ __ ] again I do Fen Bach Al SW yeah I might do that I don't know we'll see we'll see we'll see guys enough for the enough for the love shirt with any and K face on it bless up Turkish man love for the love this has been crap Dosa has been hooked Lads I would suggest saving the number 14 yeah bro just retire it the 10 and the 14 should be retired whoa right bless up AK man big up to everyone who's locked in suppose I should set up my next stream really and then I'm going to get some food when this is done so what I've got about 45 50 minutes 45 50 minutes to chill have some food oh dear and then after that game I'm on with off side long day blood long day right go do something cross it that's a ball is it oh my [ __ ] god oh my days he was offside anyway because he's [ __ ] useless look at the state of that look at the state of this game tee Lou yeah man come on Friday do benf with north side I might do that in a game I'm not sure depends depends guys this look at the state of this they all for no this is [ __ ] this is literally like watching Pub football what are we doing here at least we're going to see some proper football in the next game this is why I don't watch this league every time I watch every time I watch it it is the worst game I've watched for a while six minutes four uh four minutes to go and it puts us out of our misery what a load of garbage will there be a late dagger look at the passing that is crap cross it oh my [ __ ] god this lot couldn't scor in a brole my real talk this not couldn't score in a brole this is horrific CES is fuming big up cka bro hope you're well man dropped off massively bro [ __ ] it is absolute garbage big up Steve bro every time I watch this league it's crap for and Evan Ferguson [ __ ] massively overrated massively overrated bro like most of these scrubs how are you playing some while you're doing the watch long I'm not I'm doing Bara I'm doing the Bara game look at this look blow the whistle end the game Dave end the game what's a load of crap big up Jason up great show with Kenny J and mat thank you man big up bro rest champ yeah this is crap mate honestly yo Lenny big up bro lamb foul donation we have the lamb foul yesterday today but thank you very much much much obliged my friend look at the state of this [ __ ] he bounced that off his knee oh my days this league is [ __ ] how would they stop nicking a living bless up for that my friend hope you're good that's an Irish lad I don't rate Ferguson at all our best player is kellerer we go yeah that EV Ferguson is just all hype 100 million they were rating him last year yeah good one why nobody spoke about him this this summer right this guy is [ __ ] lying on the floor crying I'm wrapping the stream up we're out take Coman nope full L to K what's happening to my club oh it's crazy isn't it you sign a goalkeeper when you don't need one and you're sign another Winger when you don't need one right I'm wrapping this up guys this league stinks it stinks um this guy's dead I think I think he's just been sniper there's literally about 30 seconds left if that when he finally gets off his [ __ ] backside so I'm wrapping this up I'm going to have some food and I'll be back in 45 CES is fuming well maybe try set up [ __ ] better than that then mate isn't it but anyway it is going to redirect to the next um next stream I'm G to make some food and I'm going to take my bin bags to the uh to the bins at the end of the road and then I'll be back for a proper game of football via roale versus Sela vgo yeah bless up to everyone who's locked in and um big up to everyone who's like sub commented shared donated all that good stuff but this has been [ __ ] goodbye Ser out Bush I'll be back in about 45 minutes yeah love

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