Kingdoms Queens- Ep. 83: Chiefs Initial 53 Man Roster Release
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 01:27:20
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: chiefs 53 man roster 2024
the hello everybody and welcome to the Kingdom's Queens podcast we are officially nine days away from NFL kickoff which means the Chiefs and the Ravens kick off football in just nine days just next Thursday and if you'll notice my jersey I get to bring back my Juju Smith shoer Jersey I'm very excited about that but um there is a lot to talk about today the Chiefs and the entire NFL have narrowed down their 53 man rosters so from training camp till now it went from 90 people to 53 which means today is a hard day a lot of Dreams were shattered and we don't like that um and a lot of Dreams were uh came word I'm looking for lots of prayers were answered yeah lots of prayers were answered lots of dreams were made um so we'd love to see it but I'm your host Lexi hey what's up y'all I am Jody and yes like Lexi said we actually have a ton to go over with y'all today so we're just gonna go ahead and jump right into it so as you know we were invited to cre Humphrey's event that he had just this past Sunday which was Incredibly Dope uh with Boulevard Brewery and what they were doing was all the dollars that were made that were purchased towards beer went towards the KC Pet Project which and if you're in Kansas City you know how big KY Pet Project is so it was just a very cool event so me and Lexi just kind of want to recap it for you just really quickly before we get into all the good stuff of the day yeah so it was really cool to be invited by bulevard to this uh Casey Pet Project is huge as you guys know the Mahomes family is involved with them um as well as a lot of other Chiefs players and then just they're just big in the Kansas City Community in general so it was really cool to be a part of something with that we didn't know if there was like GNA be puppies there or anything there were no puppies but get a puppy I'm so sad GNA leave with a puppy of adopting a puppy on Sunday and I was like Lexi you're going to be an aunt so you have to help me figure out this puppy that I'm going to get but no it was it was very cool there were a ton of Chief super fans there and they had the place rocking okay they had the crowd rocking there was a DJ and we did put a lot of um content on our Instagram and you can go back through and look at our Twitter where we post a lot of it but it was just really a great event can't see it no your screen's blur we did um we did get to have a one-on-one conversation with Creed and for one Creed is like seven foot tall okay I I understand that like our o line is tall but like when you see them in person my God they are tall yeah now granted I know I'm five foot okay but I was like hi cre how are you and then of course he had his beautiful girlfriend with him Anna and I'm like hey girl how are you like I'm just and then Lexi's like yeah and she's also I think like six feet tall and she was amazing we love her we're hoping to get her on the show sometime soon but um they were great it was nice because we just the conversation that we had with C you know we of course we asked him like how excited are you to be back in Kansas City and he was like man I'm just so pumped to be back we congratulated him on his new contract which we'll get into the details of those in a moment because yes that happened on Friday and then his event was on Sunday so it was kind of cool one first people to congratulate him on that yeah um and then we just kind of talked about just like life like we didn't even really talk Chiefs like he T us how he's from Oklahoma and which we knew that but then you know he went into like he's been in this partnership with Boulevard Brewery for the last three years and he reached out to them because he has this thing he loves unfiltered wheat um which Boulevard Brewery Brewery if you know they're from Kansas City and they brew all kind of beers they have quirks which I think we're obssessed with what were we drinking that was good quk so we both and Creed himself we were all drinking the strawberry beer it was so good y'all but it was like it was 100 degrees outside now granted we were inside they had to move the entire event inside it was supposed to be outside because it was going to be like this like tailgate event but of course it had to be 100 degrees so we stayed inside see but the strawberry beer came through it was so refreshing um and Creed had that one too so yes on something good with that and we also drank a quirk of course I think I had like a orange creamy it was like orange orange you had orange creamsicle I had like the strawberry basil or whatever they have the quirks even if you don't really like seltzers because I'm not like a huge like I like seltzers but I'm particular yeah Boulevard quirks are so freaking good they are good I didn't realize how many flavors there was I was like so many flavors Jesus Christ they have like the rocket pop like the bomb pop rocket pop they have like every unique flavor Under the Sun but like they're all really good so yes I definitely recommend Boulevard quirks and their beer of course their beer is fantastic I've been around for years so and a lot of people don't know like you can actually go down there you can do tours which are very cool you can get samples you can actually go there and like eat dinner you can buy really good food too great food they had all kind of just like apparel not even just Chiefs like all teams all Kanas City there too so like if you're looking for something to do in Kansas City like of course you should go do like all the museum like that but if you're looking for something else kind of just fun I would 100% go down there to Boulevard Brewery because that was kind of a vibe and yeah it was amazing I just have to say Creed Humphrey is like the nicest guy ever most down to earth like just exactly what you would want in your Center protecting the best quarterback in the league uh just down to earth like stock of the earth kind of guy um just just really cool and I want to say like he and his girlfriend they went around and made sure to think everyone that was working the event they would just went around and talked with people I mean they were just so normal and then credit to the people people of Kansas City too like everyone there was just acting like he's a normal person and leaving him alone and not mobbing him while he's trying to like walk around and enjoy himself so exactly it was a really great experience overall really great day so and I will say like Creed did take time out to like sign autographs take pictures with everybody too so like he didn't have to do that and he did and like shout out to Creed and Boulevard because they also gave me alxi gifts which I wasn't expecting oh wait I need to get my oh wait go get it mine's close to me but they they gave us some pretty cool things so one they gave us a lot of just like small like trinkets that we can give away that are Boulevard but they gave us both um a Creed Humphrey Street sign Boulevard and he signed itard and signed yeah and he signed it so we both got one of those which very very cool shout out to them because again they didn't have to do that now me and Lexi are debating we may give one of these away when we get around the holiday season we're not sure yet but we'll definitely let you guys know as we get closer to that because you know we just got a lot of crazy stuff coming up we got we got a lot of good accidentally dropped it off my anyway oh my God lord I think I think that that's a great transition into Creed Humphrey so we just spoke about let's just keep talking about him there's why not this is his hour okay c is now the highest PACE Center in the NFL and not only is he the highest paid censor there is like a wild Gap in between him in the next Center like yeah not only did they want to make sure that they gave him the money that he's worth because he is protecting the best quarterback in the NFL but you know what let's give you a little bit more extra uh motivation you got a couple Super Bowl rings now you got all of this good stuff so let's let's go ahead and give you a little more incentive so cre signed a fouryear 72 million 50 million guarantee which I believe breaks down to about 18 18 yeah apy so and I believe the next closest Center is close to 15 million uh average per it used to be Jason Kelsey right but now he's obviously retired so now that that title's up to Creed Humphrey so you know and don't disappoint us Creed oh he won't we're counting on you cre don't disappoint us cre but no super excited for [Music] like he confirmed to us multiple times he is so excited to be staying here in the league and I told him too I said I wore your jersey every single playoff game last year and it didn't let me down it was my good luck Jersey he's like no kidding like so funny we just we just love Creed we love his girlfriend we're so excited they're here to stay so shout out to them so I mean the Chiefs the Chiefs did they did something shocking on Monday morning at 800 a.m. too now just at 8: am. I was either 8 AM or 10 p.m. if you know Brett Vach you because literally it was 8: a.m and then 10 p.m. we had something else so the day before yeah yeah remember yeah yeah come on Ked but not I mean Ked be anyway um anyway Juju Smith Shuster is back on this roster now a lot of people are not happy about that which I genuinely don't understand why because he's coming on this roster to be like the fth or sixth receiver so it's like he's not coming in here and having like that one or two spot I think it's important that y'all know why he is back so I actually okay so I think like At first people were like I don't understand this why are we bringing Juju back blah blah blah if you remember just two years ago just two seasons ago 2022 he had a phenomenal season with the Chiefs uh he had almost a thousand yards he was out a few games due to a concussion due to a brutal hit Yeah by uh Cisco on the Jaguars um who then had another brutal hit right on talking about right now but gu guu he had like 950 yards three touchdowns and he was a huge part of our playoffs in Super Bowl win so against the Eagles that was two years ago now um but I think he fit in perfectly on our offense and then I think it kind of is really a win-win situation for him he got his payday from the Patriots he went over there and they paid him I think 11 11 million a season 33 up to 13 yeah some yeah and so he got his payday he got to make his money he played you know and I'm actually I understand he wanted to play with Bill bich because Bill bellich was still there at that point and that's pretty cool to say you got coached by mik want to play with Bill bich you got coached by Mike Tomlin Andy Reid and Bill bellich like hello yeah like that's like the best three coaches you could ask for so I understand it um I understand wanting to go there the Patriots are not what they used to be so it just didn't work out and everyone's like oh how do you get cut by the Patriots I'm like when you don't have competent quarterback play and you don't like it just you know was work for him over there I I I YOLO decided to have a space yesterday morning on Twitter which why 8 a.m. like a psycho on a Monday when I probably should have been preparing and getting ready for work and it's so funny because like listening to a few people they're like come on y'all do y'all think Juju really like we know that he's injury prone right but do you really think that he was injured during training camp or do you think he was trying to get the heck out of there and I'm like no because yeah well if you can see both sides of that story he had his press conference this morning and he did like he sounds healthy I think he's fine it was more so like do you think you're going to play week one and he was like week one he's like I don't he's like I don't know yet yeah because he is familiar with our Playbook but it has changed from 2022 to now so I think there's a lot of things that people also need to think about too one we did bring ju guu in because Hollywood Brown is injured right Hollywood Brown is injured and he's probably going to be out either the first through the second or the first through the third game so the chiefs of course because Brett Beach and Andy Reid are the smartest people in the world they went out and and they got a vet not only did they go out and get a veteran they got a veteran who was on this team who won a Super Bowl with us so if you're gonna go out and grab another receiver to come in I'm I want you to go out and get that big body receiver that we no can jump up and get over all of these safeties or corners and go grab the ball and bring it down when like said when Ju everything hash Juju catches everything but we know what Juju can do for us he's not coming here to be that number one number two number three receiver like he was two years ago he is literally on this roster to be the fifth sixth or seventh receiver so if guju does have this injury or he's 80% most of the Season he's not GNA be out here getting a thousand yards Juju is probably going to only have two or three 400 yards maybe most of this season so if you think of it in that capacity then that is perfect he is the perfect person to come in and fit this scheme and I know a lot of people are like it should have been Justin Ross well guys like I hear you right but Justin Ross was always on our practice squad and sometimes got elevated to the regular team right to the 53 Juju was here the whole entire season and even when Juju was here he was injured and he did miss about four or five games his production was still very high when he was healthy so those are the things that people need to remember about Juju Smith Shuster and remember the Patriots were not a good football team last year so you can't think that he's gonna go out there and dominate and be a dog look at who their quarterback was look who was throwing the ball look at all the other receivers nobody on that team was it was a disaster it was a disaster so coach everything yeah I mean it's a it's night and day the Patriots I mean obviously the Patriots used to be a dynasty we have all the respect for that dynasty right but right now they're in such a rebuild and to expect someone like Juju to go in there and be putting up insane numbers from bayy zappy who they just cut today insane so that's not gonna that's not gonna happen but what I love about gu guu is he has the trust of Patrick and Andy Reid he has the trust of Matt naggie I guess Matt naggie was the one that like really pushed for him coming back so that tells you something the offensive coordinator really wants you back back um and he's just reliable like we said he catches everything he and he even said his he's a veteran he's a vet which is perfect because he well he even said his himself in today's press conference he said for one he is not expecting to go out there and have a 900 yard season he's expecting to go in and play a role he knows what he's here to contribute and he also knows that he used to play the role that now Rashi rice is playing and he like I would love to be a mentor for him and what better Mentor than someone like Juju so I I love it all I think it's perfect I think it's a perfect fit I think he can go out there and get 500 yards be a contributor in this offense um like he said today too in his presser he said there's so many weapons now on this offense like compared to when he was here two years ago and we still won Super Bowl two years in a row God for I don't even know how but I mean we know how but you know like it's crazy so the amount of weapons we have this year and I just think adding him I I think it's really positive I think it's a big positive and I will say the one thing that I think I kind of love about everybody on this team is a lot of them are very unselfish as well they're like listen I don't gotta come here and be the number one guy I can come here do my little job catch a little ball get in the little Endzone and keep it moving like that's all I need that's all you need from me that's probably all I got to give you anyway so I love it I think it's fantastic and it was a cheap deal we brought him back on a vet deal I don't have it's like a million it's like 1.71 or something right he's still gonna get the rest of his contract from the Patriots so he's still getting that $7 million payday that the Patriots owe him too right so Juju is just fine where he is at and I think like yeah went went and got my money and now yeah yeah like sure why not go back to a winning culture and I didn't have to do that training camp bet sign me up for right for that so while we're talking about moves that Brett Vach made that was his 8 AM move he also made a 10 pm move the day before um and that was bringing in oh wait no the the 10pn move was yesterday last night yeah this was all yesterday see this is how you know my life is in shambles and I need to sleep sleep is good last night Brett V did not go to sleep he was still working the phones okay he went out and got cam Thomas from the Cardinals he was signed to the Cardinals as a linebacker but he played at Edge and if you watch this dude's tape oh my God what he's a monster y'all like little diamond in the rough like he is it's another Brett Vach special like we know that Brett each knows out knows how to go out and get these guys and one you have probably the best defensive coordinator in the NFL in spags who was going to be able to get his coaches and these guys exactly to where they need to be so I know that he didn't have any sacks last year if you kind of just go and look at his numbers but the amount of pressures that he had the way that he was disrupting the quarterback the way that he was disrupting the running back put that next to a Chris Jones put that next to I mean like you can't put that next to anybody on defensive line put oh my godis with Chris Jones and George on the other side like what yeah he's gonna I bet you he'll have my prediction maybe three or four sacks this season I would give him say five I would I would not be surprised if he didn't have five secks this year um um so I am super stoked about cam Thomas I think he's a like everything I've heard from Arizona Cardinals fans is like he's really explosive he's underrated they're kind of bummed they let him go and he wanted leave he wanted to get out of there which and why would you not want to come to the Chiefs so like hello why would you want to stay with um yeah so now granted I actually think the Cardinals are going to be a better team this season than they were last year um but I mean that's just me but I think I mean as long as Kyler Murray is 100% healthy which yeah of course I think he'll be better for sure um but I'm excited about this I think he's even in preseason he I think that's why they kind of played him more in preseason was to show those flashes and maybe get a trade offer for him I think we only offered like a seventh round pick in 2025 so it's really not a huge deal um and if he can give us any kind of decent return value I think it's well worth it so I don't see any problems with it I think Beach is in his bag with this one so real deep in his I'm excited to see what he does I'm excited to see him in this defense I think he has people around him that will help him Excel and absolutely it could be a real like a yeah I don't know so good influence a veteran page for him yeah if anybody wants to go look at more film on him I encourage you to go watch him against the Dallas cow boys two seasons ago yeah oh my Lord or even against preseason literally or that because they had their starters in and he looked great against them so yes he did so we're excited for that high five great job so let's keep sacking Broncos great job great job v um and then another trade this one went through today which I think kind of shocked everybody um we went and got tight end Peyton hinder shot from the Cowboys who it sounds like cuz I don't actually know much about him but it sounds like he did battle with injuries last year but when he was healthy he was very Dynamic so I personally have to go watch more film on him because I don't know much much about him but me and Lexi spoke to a few of our friends who are Cowboys friends and they're like y'all when he's healthy he's and going into the tight end room that we have our tight end room is so stacked any body that you put in that room they're gonna learn and they're gonna automatically be better so for me yeah so I don't I'm not going to claim I know a ton about him but I do remember watching like some of their games last season and seeing him and hearing his name and watching some of his plays and um I think he's really good on special teams for one so I think he'll be a huge contributor there which we need because we let Blake belgo and he was good on special teams for us so for that I think yeah for that I think it's really good um I think Dak Prescott did enjoy targeting him so I'm curious to see if he can build up that rapport with Mahomes and kind of get going um obviously we have Travis Kelce the best tight end in the league and then we have Noah gray who's been really really solid for us um and then Jared Wy our draft pick this season who's everyone's hoping will be like the next Travis Kelsey quote unquote that's a big role to fill but uh we have yeah but we have high hopes for Jared Wy um but I think he's been a little bit slower in preseason which maybe tells you he needs to learn a little bit more yeah so I think a guy like pton Hender shot who has been in the league um I think it's just exciting I think there's um I think there's all the potential in the world for him here and his wife already followed us on Twitter so we're already all about her we love we love the women like yes girl they are so excited to be here so I mean of course because like we said everyone's excited to be a chief but um but we're excited to have them I'm excited for him to be under Travis and in that room and with Patrick and Andy Reid and just see what he can do I think he has really good blocking ability and like I said special team so I think it's a good again really lowrisk signing it's like a what's the pick I think we gave him a late round he has to play like a certain amount of games it's a conditional pick but i did not look I was probably in am meeting yeah no it's a conditional late round I think round six or round seven pick saw 7th 2025 I think or6 one of the two but um but he has to play I think five games on the 53 man roster for them to get that pick so I'm sure he will I'm sure will but I'm sure he will and I think it'll be good so I'm excited about him too and we let well I guess we'll get into the roster so yeah let's actually start with well as you guys know today is the day that all rosters have to be down to the 53 man right yes like Lexi said it's so great and so sad all at the same time very very very Bittersweet but it's a business and it is what it is I actually want us to start with waved cut first let's start there so we know that the roster that came out is the initial 53 which me means it's probably the 53 but there could still be some adjustments you know don't be surprised if V drops another line around 10 pm or 11 pm tonight because that's what he does and that's okay but let's let's kind of talk about the wave released and people who who who are you surprised by and all y'all in the comments shout out to y'all because y'all got the chat popping we want to know who are you guys also surprised by that got cut in this from training camp who are you surprised that did not make the roster I think my biggest one would be our draft our sixr draft pick Kamal Haden yes which we saw this happen last year with Keandre Coburn where you have a and got cut during the season no he got uh he played a couple games oh he did play he played the first game and then he got cut he played unfortunately which okay soal had yeahi I don't know if you can hear that but it is thundering so loud outside of my house right now it's a big storm here so oh my Lord that's why I keep going I'm like thinking you're anyway like so if my Wi-Fi cuts out you gotta hold it down sis I trust you no mine's been the same way I know I we'll see what happens it's a big storm here in Kansas City but um but yeah Kamal Haden I'm hoping he doesn't get claimed by anyone and then another one I was surprised by was Neil frell defensive tackle yeah uh he played for us last year he was on our roster I thought he did pretty well this preseason I was pretty surprised by that I'm not gonna lie um yeah those are my two like I think biggest surprises yeah but I think for me one of my biggest surprises was Deon bu that caught me off guard oh yeah yeah I was not expecting to see that at all because he did have a good training camp and we know what he's been for us in the past so I'm almost 100% positive that he will come back as a practice squad guys as long as he doesn't get picked up on waivers yeah but that one definitely made me go huh oh wow okay especially because we brought him back like this year hey we brought back and when you look at our safety room right now it's like okay I mean we can use death like but all right like I I'm I'm really really thinking that what's going to happen is he's gonna come back and be a practice squad guy and whenever we need him will just be able to elevate him and he knows it but yeah I was shocked and I mean there was a lot of guys there to pick from but yeah yeah that that one caught me off guard and then I think I'm be very transparent I think that is the only person I am shocked by shocked I do want to talk about people who were cut though yeah I think my biggest shock that maybe weren't expected yeah yeah my biggest shock was Dion Bush but yeah let's go ahead and address the elephant cadarius Tony being cut um today where I think we knew that he wasn't going to make this roster but there were a lot of people who were shocked by by cadarius Tony by Justin Ross a lot of people thought Justin Ross was gonna make it a lot of people thought Nico rigio was gonna make it a lot of people thought lrz was gonna make it um a lot of people thought swayy Boseman was gonna make it like we could keep going down this list of a lot of people generic generic defitely a lot generic soic Prince yeah I knew he was gonna be a prac Squad guy but a lot of people were shocked by that because he did have a really good camp so what are your just quick initial reactions based off of like those five people that we just named Lucas Nang I was actually shocked because I know that they kind of love him so I was like look at y fixing your errors right I think Lucas Nang has not overstayed his welcome but I think he's been here long enough for us to see what he can do and I don't think he's the right bit at this point we have a lot of rookies now rookie um offensive lineman in our room now so that's but I think it's a good refresh I like a lot of the potential from what we see from all of them yeah NORAD CJ Hansen guys like that I think are gonna be really good um the guy that took his what's hold on let me find his name you're trying to figure out who was the guy that took his what they name 6 foot n um hang on hang on hang on I have it right here H udfa Ethan Driscoll yes Ethan Driscoll B pretty much went yeah he went to Marshall yeah he did go to Marshall he is six foot n and moves like a unit so I am really excited about him machine guys seen guy moved on the he's the guy that was like BL I know you I'm saying like I know you have guy blocking for Carson steel down the field that we saw in preseason and he is massive he is a unit like I am so excited we kept him I'm loving these udfas that are getting signed because they didn't geted and now they get their chance they were busting their butt like they all and you went to a lot of camps this season which was something on our list we were like all right we got to get out to St Joe and you see these guys like out there in the heat the 100 degree Heat hustling and working hard so I'mma say this the guys who made it they deserve to make it um I kind of want to talk about uh cadarius Tony so yeah a lot of people very shocked that he did not make this roster because he was a first round draft pick and he Vach went out and got him in the middle of the season and two years ago when he was on this team he was a stud right he was he was so you know it it's just kind of like Nang can't live in the past right yeah and we knew I think the biggest debate for weeks was what is this wide receiv receiver room gonna look like yeah and so seeing seeing cadarius Tony and Justin Ross not make the roster and Nico well wait I'mma pause on Nico seeing cadarius Tony and um Justin Ross not makes the roster just kind of confirms to me that they are really trying to make sure that they got special teams locked that were going to be fine for kickoff return and punt return and when you look at a body if you look at somebody like Justin Ross you're not probably gonna have him doing either he's gonna be the guy who's probably on the field going to get that third down you know what I mean and we're throwing a slant to you in the end zone go get a touchdown you don't think special teams when you think him cadarius Tony would you really put him on special teams like I know that he dabbled in a little bit last year but if we know he's so injury-prone why would you even put him in that type of situation cadarius Tony needs to be studied um I it is so crazy to me how he came into the Chiefs midseason and made an immediate impact he was phenomenal I don't know if you guys remember he was adjusting his gloves mid catch like he was catching everything Char he was he was Shifty no Jaguars game I was like nope that wasn't the I was like wait no that was the noon Jags game because I was there and noon Jags game yeah but he was he was Shifty he was getting open he was doing everything we requested of him and catching the ball into the end zone I mean he literally tiptoed he had he had the longest punt return in Super Bowl history and almost scored on it which has actually never happened um against the Eagles I mean he was phenomenal on special teams that first year 2023 I do not know what I mean I know injuries happened I get that got a ring he got the big hit it just man it it was like week one for the Lions game he had those like two horrible horrible drops that went to interceptions went to pick sixes I mean it was just terrible um I think that really got in his head and he like never recovered which I don't which he never recover that's a whole another conversation that's a whole another conversation Nico rigio now I am I am shocked by this and I think if we would not have went out and got ju guu it would have been him yeah and I think getting Juju solidified that Nico didn't have everything it took to make the roster and it's funny because the amount of people who were saying moo Harman wasn't going to make the roster were like you're all insane why would he not make the he's making hello do y'all watch this team I'm like yeah so no I I really I mean I will say I what what if the Chiefs did something funny what what if they put garius Tony on the practice squad they could if he clears waivers I think they would but they absolutely would I don't know if you seen the article that came out earlier that V did try to get something he tried to trade and could not get a single thing which makes me think you know he might clear waivers I mean maybe not somebody might pick him up and be like we ain't giving him we ain't giving y'all a seventh I was like dang we couldn't even get a seventh Jesus I thought you know because we traded God what do we trade for him like a second round third round pick yes something like that just I thought for sure we could maybe get like a seventh or a sixth we couldn't get a sixth but that was hope Paul oh God bless is him lining up off sides twice in the second preseason game on the very first he dropped his own stock and you know what do not bring him back to this practice squad if he can clear waivers we've already made the cut just just go with the win Let It Go just Let It Go the win just yeah it was cute and fun while it lasted it was cute I will say we didn't talk about montro Washington so where I did not think he was going pre season but he had a good pre right where I did not think he was G to make the roster I do think that he is also somebody that we'll bring back yeah um because that's a he's just so little like he's just so I mean he's one of those guys that's a great Camp body but you know is probably not gonna make the roster absolutely so I mean but he made some really good catches I think he has potential I think I would love if he ended up back on our practice squad and if we needed him to fill in for someone he could go do that especially on special teams but do we really need you so you know who you know who else is going to come back on this practice squad and I'm about to make everybody in Chief King to Matt Cornell Powell Matt Dickerson oh yeah definitely be back on this practice squad too yeah and probably Cornell Powell like you're not wrong here Cornell Powell I just love the guy he works so hard he do he just can never do enough to make the roster and it's but you know what actually convinced that he's convinced with being okay with being on right know I'm fine here I but I actually think I actually think this season he really because he did really well in preseason I think he really thought he maybe had a shot but I think everyone kind of knew he didn't that receipt it's tough now you know what Al it so we talk about not wasting money because we never have money right we already ain't got no money vich let's not waste money Irv Smith Jr went out paid him brought him in for a quick one-year deal he got waved today so I'm gonna assume that he is also somebody who is gonna come back on this practice squad um but he is definely somebody else who I think he's a he's a name because his dad played in the league yeah um absolutely 1,00% so he's one of those guys I could see getting picked up by someone else if he doesn't clear waivers but otherwise I think he'll make the practice squad and fine but I think he could get picked up by someone because there are a lot of teams that need tight ends like oh absolutely got rid Cowboys Rams um Packers I could list probably a bunch of teams but yeah I mean Char Chargers even I could see them taking him I mean but there's something because Irv Smith I was excited when he when we signed him because I thought there was some potential there but he just throughout camp and throughout preseason he did a whole lot of nothing for us they were not expecting Jared Wy to flash the way that he did in Camp or during the games and that boy flash like yeah he did that's one of them bring you in let you sit a year with Trav and let you sit a year with um Noah and learn and then maybe next season we can go off nah Jared Wy went crazy in the preseason so I think that's why they were like you know what maybe we don't need Irv Smith and I'm fine with that he's young like yeah so so much going on so much going on there so there's not a huge difference I've seen a lot of people ask this today what's the difference between being released and going on waivers or being that kind of thing there's not a huge difference except for the fact that if you're a vet and you've played in the league for a few years you can only have a certain amount of vets on your practice squad correct so that kind of goes into being released versus going on waivers that whole kind of thing but which and like four the terminology I'm like that's actually not what it is it's being released or it's being W oh waved being released or being waved that's what it is what happens is is you all of these people they get cut from your team and then they go into this huge pool and then what's the deadline it's like 24 hours 48 hours something like that yeah all NFL team have access to all of these people who who have been waved from teams and they can go claim somebody from the waivers because they've been released or waved and they can add them to their 53 man roster so what we mean by that is a lot of these guys are going to go and then hopefully they do not get picked up by any of the other 31 teams on the NFL and then we can hopefully bring them back as practice squad guys so throughout the season if something happens or someone gets injured or someone gets suspended or goes on IR or whatever we're able to bring somebody up from the practice squad so that's just the major difference there sorry my dog is going psycho I'm trying to it's because it's storming outside God don't worry I couldn't hear gra okay okay good let's get into the good news of all of this whole entire chaotic day that I think we were all sitting at our laptops patiently waiting for it to drop let's go ahead and get into the actual 53 man roster yo Lexi I just want to start off and say I am so let me not clap in the mic I am so and then I like poetry snap my fingers like what is happening I overly excited about this 53 man roster that I know again this is our initial roster that does not mean that it's locked in yet it could be by the end of the day but this roster after kind of looking over it and I know we're going to kind of dive into to it by position group this team can win a Super Bowl this team that we have can threee and that makes me thrilled sure do I think we still have a little bit of opportunity in our secondary of course but I also don't think it's going to be that big of a difference from what our defense has been years prior excluding last season so let's get into it quarterbacks we kept two of them who do you think who do you think oh my God I cannot believe Patrick Mahomes made the roster oh my God you see how many interceptions he had during training camp Oh my God like I thought he was washed I thought he was washed thought he was washed Carson Wentz the red car went was definitely washed okay like there's no way there's no way these two dudes made this roster oh my gosh super excited about our quarterback room you can't mess up I Caron I just want to say I'm actually this is the best backup we we've had in a long time I think in the whole Mahomes era Mahomes ERA this is the best Chad we love Chad Henny I love Chad hen goat Chad Henny goat yeah but H is possible okay Chad we love him all right Carson Wentz man I'm really excited I hope we don't have to use him however but like very excited about his mind in the quarterback room and a lot of people don't like to hear this and I don't care what they say but Carson Wentz could be starting on somebody's NFL team right now go look at the other 31 quarterb go look at the Vikings please look at the bottom 10 the and tell me that Carson Wentz is not better than them anyway uh I will say we did release back up Chris Oken Oken olun I don't know how you say his last name I call it Oken I don't know um we did release him I think he'll probably end up in our practice squad probably because I don't think any 's gonna claim him but just wanted to add in but yeah qub room A+ yeah A+ plus running backs so depending on how you look at it because I've seen two 53 man charts right now I've seen where a there's three running backs and then I've seen where there's two running backs and a fullback which hey thank you Andy for bringing back the fullback we love that thank you running backs um Isaiah Pacho Cloud Edwards elair as expected right um I do think we should maybe go get hold on wait before I get there let's go ahead and add the fullback in there too Carson Ste yay our guy made it listen I don't think anybody is more proud than me and Le no maybe maybe his mom but like other than that Mom very true maybe mom maybe mama still maybe mom maybe family other than that I don't think anybody is more excited than me and Lexi for Carson steel like he had an amazing training camp and every game he left it all out there all on the line he was the one who scored in two of the games shout out to Carson Steele he has made this roster like easy I think after the second game we were like oh he's on this roster yeah even after the first game we were like wait a minute like right exactly exactly for those of you that maybe don't know he is he went undrafted so he yeah udfa but he ch to be here he's like I want to be on the Chiefs he knows the Chiefs gives a I mean they give a decent shot to guys that aren't drafted right we draft so I think it was the right obviously the right choice by him yeah um and I think he just he just took every single opportunity and took full advantage and made sure he made the most of it and that's exactly what you need to see from these guys espe TR and he just immediately stood out if you can do that in a game on the chating pamps like I don'ts are good too and you know my biggest thing was put him with Isaiah PCO you're gonna be the craziest onew punch him learning behind him learning he already runs angry he already blocks insan run yeah like holy crap right so here here's and I think I said this hot take literally last week I think Carson still not only makes this roster but I think he's running back too and I don't think that's disrespectful to C yeah I think that's just more so taking some of the weight off of Clyde and I am okay with that now if you look at our running back fullback room and you're at three I would still like to maybe get a fourth running back and there are a lot of running backs that are available right now so yeah um I wouldn't be mad out and got another piece I think there's a lot of people that want to see us bring in perine samaj perine who was on the Broncos yeah um I think he's definitely one of the top free agent running backs right now they cut him today so I wouldn't mind seeing him in this offense we had his brother uh we had L Michel perine in this offense for a little bit who won a Super Bowl ring with us he didn't play much but you know um and then I think dvin cook is interesting he met with so he did go hey Mom how are you um he did he went to visit the Cowboys and he left the Cowboys like he wasn't there long at all so I don't know what that means with Jerry Jones and team but it sounds like he literally was there for just like five minutes in and out so I'm sure he probably went like did his physical and all of that yeah I'm interested to see that goes because that went very very quick I also want to backtrack real quick just because I think we have some new listeners in here um if y'all want to go back and listen to our podcast we had Carson Steel on back in June so if you want to go back and listen to that look at our YouTube channel and you can go find that interview there or on uh Spotify or apple as well so I just want to throw that out there but we introduced crocky Jay to the world baby we did Cy J yeah we introduced him to the world not not only do we have a new running back fullback but he has a pet alligator named crocky J so that just tells you anything go back and listen to that episode a lot of good gyms in there anyway let's get into this wide receiver room and let's not take a long time on it let's not take a long time on it we are at minute 50 so the wide receiver room actually went exactly the way that I thought it was going to go especially once we went and got Juju I was like you know what okay I think I know how that's going to go so we name our seven guys Hollywood brown rashy rice Xavier worthy Justin Watson yes Justin Watson yes Sky Moore Meo Haron and John John Smith Schuster you know I like calling him his birth cific name Jersey I'm just so glad about the receiving core a I think I think they nailed it personally I think they nailed it so what are your thoughts about the receiving core yeah I think it's fantastic I absolutely love this wide receiver core I think it's arguably the strongest one we've had outside of when we had Tyreek Hill absolutely because he you know accounts for a few players right but like because of how good he is but um but I think my God having Hollywood Brown Rashi rice Xavier worthy Juju Justin Watson n Hardman and then Sky Mo for when you need him I don't think you could ask for much better than that like and I want to say too I think what we were missing without ju guu in this wide receiver room was a really good blocking wide receiver yep and that and with the addition of JuJu back here I think that's exactly what we needed like people don't think about the blocking that wide receivers do absolutely um I'm really excited for that so I think overall I think right now it's an A+ I'm G to give it we'll see ask me again in like week three but right now I think A+ I cannot wait until we have all of our guys together healthy and ready to go um so I th this not we have the speed we got the hands we got the height we got special teams covered this receiving room covers the scouts Beach they killed this they it I could not be more excited don't put don't have two safeties out there if you don't want to put one safety out there if you want to do it if you want to please good luck good luck please get feel free to get cooked by Worthy right now we have the Deep game covered extremely well and we have the slot receiver short game covered wide receiver ride why can't talk wide receiver screens covered really well we got a dude that will jump over your corner and go get the ball and every single aspect of wide receiver we have covered right now yeah like and look look at me disrespecting rashy rice and rashy rice and JuJu Smith Shuster they willum over your boy and get the ball so I cannot you know let's talk about the tight ends I don't even know I don't even know I don't know I don't even know who to tell you to take on your fantasy team at this point because our wide receivers they all G barely they all might have between 500 and 800 yards like literally that's what it's looking like that's what it's looking like our tight ends I'm also thrilled about our tight ends Travis Kelce like one this is our receiving room is how you keep Travis Kelce for another four years our receivers are how you keep Travis Kelce for a long time because he does not have to go out there every single week oh my God every single snap and be the be the distraction yeah this is how you keep longevity and the best tight end also in the NFL so him Noah gray Jared Wy the rookie who bought out during training camp who had a great pre-season and then picking up Peyton henders shot today from the Cowboys we'll see what that looks like yeah no idea yet but I think the potential is there so I think I'm really excited about our wide or our tight end room I think we have blocking and we have receiving ability same exactly and like I said this is how we keep Travis Kelce for another three to four years this is how we go get the seven rings that Tom Brady has right like this is how you do that so and you know the more that Travis wins Rings the more he's gonna want to stay so like and he can do that and host game shows and play movies and Travis Kelsey could do whatever the H he wants go dance go dance on stage with his pop star girlfriend like he can do everything and then did you he no I can't oh my God he can do whatever he wants so shout out I love I love that we're taking pressure off of him and he's still gonna be phenomenal like he's still gonna be probably our number one receiving threat just because I don't know we talked about it last week but the behind the back pass that just shows you like he and Mahomes can still just do whatever the hell they want out there something's not right mentally with them both or it's like way too right but I also think if y'all listeners want to go back go back and listen to me and Lexi's conversation about training camp a month ago we spoke about how youthful Travis looks how energetic he looks out there how he's taking hits he's doing all of this stuff like Travis looked good all training camp he did not have to be would always stay after camp and do extra work like Travis is mentally there so the people that think that he's not he is so I can't wait to see what this season looks like he deserves a thousand year a thousand yard season since he missed it last year he deserves it this year so I think they're gonna do what they can to get him there I agree let talk about this o line it's just yes I actually hate how excited I am like I'm sick of me cuz I'm really excited MAA he is your starting left tackle I think what tells you today is they didn't even approach another tackle so I think that tells you Su Mata is the way it's gonna be and I think that's amazing I love it put him next to Joe tonei all day you know should ask Creed what his thoughts were on Kingsley yeah that's the one we missed that question listen we were trying to go through like a million things for like 10 minutes but um we missed that question but I think if we ask probably be like yeah I'm excited about him yeah Ma ta mat TAA at tackle of course Joe tonei of course Creed Humphrey of course Trey Smith of course Joan Taylor right then our backups in W Morris Mike Kendo Hunter norza which a lot of people are excited about we win and got Ethan Driscoll today that was today right that was no no no we've had him for a little bit oh duh Sor God bless I just he made the roster and we were excited that's what it was and then CJ Hansen so I feel really good about um our o line I don't think Patrick is gonna be on the ground I actually think with the tight end we brought in with Carson steel being um kind of a fullback role I think we're going to do like a power Run game this year and I'm excited about that absolutely on top of that you have a fantastic wide receiver in tight end receiving Corp yeah but you also have to put like the way is gonna go off this year oh it's gonna be amazing ridiculous like we're not gonna be stressed out about third and short fourth and short I don't think we're gonna be stressed out about that anymore because just got reported of the practice squad okay okay oh okay all right all right I'm gonna see if I can any other updates yeah I haven't even like really looked at my phone go ahead and Tackle this defense tackle defensive tackles you like my transition you didn't laugh wait what did you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm trying I was trying to find the practice funny and she didn't even laugh I'm sorry I said let's go ahead and transition to the tackles well I said let's it I can't even remember no more it ain't funny no more let's talk about the defense let's get not funny when you have to repeat your joke yeah like what it was so good I'm sorry I failed of course another man who got paid a whole bunch of money this year Chris Jones we got Turk Warden we bringing naughty back who hopefully is ready to go week one don't laugh at me for forgetting the joke y'all know I got a short memory and then Mike panel who we are obsessed with um so very happy about our tackles okay really quick I'm G to clarify almost 1800 people who are listening this is important fine I was just informed by Amanda Hendershot okay I thought was his wife that was Payton's wife our new tight end yeah actually his sister or no yeah she's his sister-in-law oh okay so I just wanted to clarify that because I said it was his wife and she me she was listening she was listening to our show yeah I just want to show hey girl hey hey sister-in-law girl how you doing how you doing but no excited about the tackle I mean all of the tackles who were here they've been here they've been here they know what they doing they got this very excited for our tackles uh they gonna ball out Chris Jones is Young and refresh wait did I miss a franchise episode no it's this Frid I think or Friday something like that yeah I I just I can't get past how hyped Chris Jones was in the last franchise good yes I mean if that sets the tone like he now doesn't have to worry about am I gonna get paid he could just go out there and get 15 sacks this season which is totally fine with me he said 20 I'm saying 15 yeah he gonna have to divide some up because you know I think umuse George carus is oh my God I had to dig deep Lord I told you my brain's not really truly functioning today uh but while we're talking about George carus we can go ahead and get into the dees too so George carloftis Mike Dana Malik caring and FAU who a lot of people are not happy with but they gonna have to get over it and cam Thomas yeah people got to get over the FAU thing when you have that much greatness around you what do you expect right and actually the thing is is we the thing with FAU even in preseason we saw him next to all of our backup so you're not GNA get like a ton of you're gonna get more production out of him when you have him next to Chris Jones and George carloftis and Mike Dana guys like that Derek naughty TCH on Wharton you gotta get that's you're gonna see more production out of fa and and I get it it's year two for him they're looking for him to step up I will say like the last preseason game I feel like at the very beginning he his first step was really good like you could see Like That Power from it and I do feel like as the game went on yeah there were some opportunities there like duh but I also feel like that is what preseason is for that is what training camp is for that is where you go and you learn and he can take another season of learning and everybody will be just fine do we think I I personally no shade did not think FAU was a number one I mean a first round draft Pi I think he we did though I mean we were at pick 32 it was a HomeTown draft he was a HomeTown kid I think he could have gone second or third round I think that's just why we picked him I don't think there was a ton of value at that position when we drafted him I think like we were at 32 I think there there was a few ways you could have gone um but we went with fa came all the receivers came flying off the board V made several calls nobody would trade with us like let's go back to that draft we remember exactly what happened so it is what it is it um and then you have Charles I don't think Charles men is not expected to be back until maybe November November yeah he's definitely on this roster he's on the what is it called do not do not disturb no he's on injur he's on injured erve right I was just trying to think of what technical name was for it cannot play and I don't feel like going to look it up linebackers now you know I always have to start with my guy from missou Nick unable to perform pup list physically thank you I was like I just can't think of the word I know I know I'm not thanks Lauren um Nick Bolton Drew tranquil Leo Chanel Jack Cochran cam Jones what like yes all of that all of that can you imagine year two Drew tranquil can you how do you know he will be better than Felix knowing when we took him yeah you didn't know that point you have no clue you have no clue um Drew tranquil year two is gonna be insane love it so I don't know if any of y'all were at training camp and seen him and Isaiah peo fighting every game fighting every and I was like I love it because yes Isaiah the runstop defense needs to be better so get in his a and that's exactly what he was doing and Drew was frustrated and he knows like this is making me better and they are best friends okay but seeing how hard they were going at each other in Camp I was like love it 100 De Heat sign me up I actually Drew just seems like the sweetest like most personable downto earth guy then you get him on a football field and he's like Relentless like yeah like why are you so angry I'm like okay yeah so angry you have a lot of anger to let out okay but you know what that's where it's supposed to be so okay but so does p i mean they're all just like but they're all out there and they all like tackle and and then they like hug after and yeah they love each other they're Brothers yeah what is this okay y'all also like they get to a point in training camp where they're just so tired of tackling each other and they're like I just want to tackle anyone exactly yeah and you're time is coming in nine days our promise now let's get to the cornerbacks because there was a lot of drama speculation what Corners are we gonna keep how many corners are we gonna keep all of that all of that yeah so Trent McDuffy CB1 for sure right jayen Watson Joshua Williams nazy Johnson Nick Jones Chris Roland Wallace so here these are our six quarterbacks and I'm not mad at it I will say I am praying for health yeah that's SI um I'm praying for health I just need our guys to stay healthy all season long that's it yeah it's it's hard to go out and do your it's hard to go out and be 100% focused on your job when you're wondering if you could do something to TW a hamstring or a knee or an ankle so I am just praying that the treatment that they have been doing all off seon that they are ready to go and that's it because we already know we're gonna see Trent McDuffy and Jaylen Watson together like that's gonna be it yeah and then being able to rotate Jaylen with um Joshua or Joshua like that's gonna be insane so I know in those four that is a great Duo right there but we Health yeah health is wealth I know it's tough man I mean I know na is dealing with his injuries I know Joshua Williams is dealing with his I know Jaylen Watson is just coming off of his from last year Trent McDuffy I'm knocking on every piece of wood God forbid he stays healthy be healthy he's been good he's been fine um he's been great yeah but yeah and then I think Nick Jones hopefully he step up this year I know he had a quieter he had a quieter season last year but he's also good on special teams too so he's great on special teams and I'm excited about that and then I think Roland Wallace I think had some really good flashes in Camp and preseason um I'm excited for him to be on the roster I think that's that's pretty cool I'm bummed that Kamal Haden didn't make it because I would have liked to see him get a chance but I hece Squad guy he has to be a practice practice squad guy he will he will but yeah he has to be um and then our safety room Justin Reed Brian Cook Shamari Carter Jen hick this comment thank you we love his fiance yeah that's our girl she's our girl that's our girl we love Gabby yeah and his mama Miss ke is in here too yes yes I'm very happy with our safety room I'm happy with our safety room Justin re Brian J Hicks I'm happy with our safety room I think that's another stay healthy yeah that's it Justin ree says he's playing week one Bliss yeah thank goodness like but I think our like I think what a lot of chiefs kingdom is going through is that we have not seen our entire starting defense play together at all this preseason because everyone's had minor kind of injuries and tweaks and stuff going on so I feel like we don't I think we've kind of like lost our way and knowing what what to expect from them um but I think overall I think it's going to be fine and on that same note all of these guys play together last season we didn't really bring a lot of new people in like there's not a lot of there's not a lot of new guys that are coming in like most of our defense won a ring last year so they kind of know like they got chemistry pretty much the same defense yeah they they got chemistry so I don't think now of course would spags like to see what's next with them because we didn't get to see it in training camp yes but I feel I feel like and let's go back to the 2022 season let's not talk about the 2023 season I think the defense that we're going to see this year is going to be the defense of 2022 and not 2023 I think that there is going to be rust that is gonna have to get off they are not gonna come out and be that top two defense that they were last season that caught all of us off guard like this used to that we're not used to that we're not used to that and they're gonna be very good right it's gonna take some time I think after the bye we they are gonna be clicking on all cylinders like they normally always do and that's week six so I think it's G to just kind of T take some time to get for them to get their Rhythm just because we did not see them as a unit during any preseason games yeah but I think that's okay because our offense is going to go off yes so I'm like I think I think that's okay we are not going to have the issues of last season with the offense it's not I think like I think some people are nervous about the depth of like certain positions on our defense um absolutely but I think like right now defensive tackle wise I think Mike panel having him to start the season is huge because we added him mid year last year correct I think him being here this whole offseason yeah doing training camp everything I think is huge I think Church on Wharton is finally really healthy he's going to have a big year um I think Derek nauy is getting healthy he'll be good I think Chris Jones have they said if he's week one yet spag said everyone is okay I hadn't heard that report on not yet and I seen him I just know said in his press conference he said every everyone's good to go for week one so as long as we don't hear anything else they should all be good uh we'll report next Tuesday with our final hearings before Thursday's game right but oh yeah um but from what I've heard so far in press conferences it sounds like the entire defense should be good to go so that's exciting especially like Nick Bolton Chris Jones have ready yeah so yeah we're good yeah Bless yeah good all right and then let's get to our specialist Harrison Bucker and place kicker um Matt Arisa at punter and James Winchester at Long Snapper best Long Snapper in the league baby Long Snapper in the league so that unit is locked we are good there um really excited about uh well I think Matt is an insane like I think like Tommy Townson is a huge loss just because he's awesome he's a baller on special teams but um and I'm glad he went and got paid on the Texans I think he's gonna be obviously oh my God he's gonna be I hate it but yeah really excited about about Mata he came from San Diego he was really really good in college people were a little bit concerned about him holding the ball for bucker but so far there really hasn't been an issue with that so no looks like they got we're good to go yeah I'm excited about special teams and then I think all of the guys that have to fill in on special teams are gonna be really good too so 1,00% the new kickoff rule will be interesting and our game will be like the guinea pig for it so it will be but you know I will say if you look at the overall numbers and stats that they've said so far about kickoff returns you see that there is a high the the percentag is like qur of the amount of kick returns that are actually happening and having true depth so AI love that because in case you didn't know we got a whole bunch of dudes who are real fast yeah real fast so once they get that RM even if they don't truly understand it until week 10 I will give them half of the season I guess week nine well week 10 because we play 20 plus games of football yeah I will give them to week 10 to get it figured out and once they do oh baby what can you I can already see Xavier worthy taking it to the house doing his would love that um yeah not only do we have like Xavier worthy and Hollywood Brown like don't forget mle Hardman is just that fast he's also people forget that he's incredibly fast they really do I'm like no no he's still really fast too so yeah we have a lot of speed but then we also have guys like Rashi and gu guu now who are like they're still fast but they're gonna be those like bigger body guys that yeah also can take the top off in different ways so I just I'm so excited about this roster I think for the Chiefs obviously every single fan all of us we're all focused on the three Pat right but you got to just take it game by game um I think we have we're gonna lose at least three or four we're gonna L and we could lose some sometimes in September like and that's okay because y'all the Chiefs can lose in September lose one or two in October and still be good to go because they're going to start playing their best football in November December and I'm gonna implore us all especially myself to remember that so I will yell Lexi for y'all don't worry in the group I'm G be like calm down and she's gonna be like no I'm going to be like sorry I'm gonna let her Hades now listen I have my own I have my own ways about me during the games but we will negative to make good things happen sometimes you have to go against the grain I gotta I gotta like reverse Jinx things okay reverse Mi is hilarious reverse whatever um but I want to say too like I think the Chiefs they have the perfect formula to three repeat like there is nothing you have the best head coach you have an awesome offensive coordinator you have a phen like the best defensive coordinator in the league what I'm concerned uh the best defensive backs coach in the league in Dave Merritt I think you have Dave Tobe who could AR be one of the best special teams coaches you have is I mean you have guys we have three of the best positions on our team and Chris Jones Travis Kelce Patrick Mahomes and not only are they the best they know how to make in-game adjustments in a lot of coaches do not know how to adjust they have the experience yes all of that so all of that I think I think if anything the Chiefs have the perfect formula what they need to three repeat it just comes down to them performing and not beating themselves and you know why they know that because this off season a whole bunch of coaches got paid a GM got paid we're bring we brought back our head coach we brought back our defensive coordinator we brought back uh br each a lot of guys got a bag this offseason because yeah like I said the goal is to get as many rings as possible in this fun cute little era that we're in ring era in our in our ring era okay R okay all right we got a lot of things to talk about still no we don't but we just we gotta move on from Chiefs and kind of get on some of the good stuff some exciting stuff happening yes um shout out to everybody that is listening right now we know that people are listening right now on YouTube Twitter Instagram twitch over almost at 2100 which is we're up to a lot of live listeners right now almost 2100 of you in here with us so thank you for being here super grateful if you're on YouTube and you have not yet hit that subscribe and that like button subscribes and likes are fun please do that and if you're on Twitter please retweet we love to retweets you guys are amazing now me and Lexi have had a lot going on over the last seven days it's been busy to say the least it has been busy y'all like we work our real jobs and then we got to work Kingdom Queens Kingdom Queens is a real job for us y'all like we're trying to make it full time but you know saying if y'all know some people who would like to be brand sponsors for us y'all let us know but we got a lot of really great announcements coming up and we just kind of want to go over them with y'all right now so first excited to announce our partnership with autograph we actually could not contain our excitement and we tweeted about it this morning so if you're on Twitter you've seen the tweet that we put out did you by chance have a chance to upload the video yet I couldn't get it to upload on to here I'm gonna try for next week though yeah it's totally fine so I'm G tell you guys to do a few things if you're looking at our Twitter or if you're looking at our Instagram and our link in our bio is our link tree account and on our link tree account you can access hey Christie um on our link tree account you can get all access to Kingdom Queens so let me tell you about what autograph is autograph is pretty much a fan based app specifically for you that you can customize for you that is great for you you are going to get all of your sports team information so if you're a Chiefs fan if you're a Royals fan if you're a KU fan if you're a missou fan you can click all your teams you can put your NBA team in there and you're going to get all of the latest news about your sports team in your portal yeah very cool right another thing that's on there is you have access to purchase tickets to these games so all of your favorite teams you can purchase tickets to those games and thank you and there's no ticket fees which is nuts like what and so what they do is they actually combine all the ticket apps into one so you don't have to like go search like five different ticket apps correct you can just click on autograph and it will show you all of the tickets at the best prices all you don't gotta go to SeatGeek you don't gotta go to Ticket Master you don't gotta go to game time like those are the three apps that I legit go to every single time it's amazing right literally get rewards for consuming your favorite content like literally literally and then there's one t which is my absolute favorite it is podcast so there's one tab on there that's podcast and it's all of the sports teams that you clicked their podcast in one portal and it's not like your ESPN it's not like your Fox it's not those podcast it is content creators who actually live in the city who actually sports teams local content creators or not even local but like yeah like right I guess I live in Dallas for a really long time some people live all over but you know but when we say I mean it's just like specific to our brand and not like correct broad so it's really cool and so with that being said Kingdom Queens podcast will be on there going forward and there is a lot of great creators on there who y'all already follow I know a lot of y'all already follow how about those Chiefs that's our friend like that's our guy love him how about those we know you follow him we know you follow is it rgr rgr love them love locked on Chiefs these are the podcasts that y'all listen to already we're joining the family all in one spot it's fantastic so go to your app store download the autographed app it is like a gray black background with a highl high yellow lighter a highlighter a follow that you're going to type in your email and then you're going to put in the promo code Kingdom's Queen can't see see it we can remember it's not Kingdom it's kingdoms with a s so put in that promo code kingdoms queens and not only do I want y'all to download it I need y'all to tell me and Lexi y'all thoughts about the app like go on Twitter and tell us if y'all like it or if y'all hate it because so far I actually look at it probably multiple times in a day since I've downloaded it like I actually use it like yeah and it actually it was actually partially found founded by Tom Brady so that's pretty D cool too so we were like really like we had to do some research we were like Tom Brady's a co-founder yeah okay yeah sign us up for this we wna do this sign us up for this so you know you know anything with Tom Brady's probably gonna be a good thing so exactly so download the app sign up for that thank y'all in advance and we're gonna talk about it every single week until you do it will probably multiple times so app autograph promo code Doms Queens all one word and again it's yeah it's easy to find and it's free it's free you just sign up using our name to get extra kind of stuff and rewards and all that kind of good stuff she's not lying it's free all right so the next thing that we're gonna announce this week we also locked in a partnership with homage and I know y'all know who homage is they have some of the best vintage sports apparel and their Chief's apparel is chef's kiss so good so good so good so we have partnered with homage and we're super excited because we are having a giveaway for the next few weeks we want it to be leading up into the Bengal game yes we're gonna award three winners with some apparel three one two three we're gonna award three people with some apparel so I'm G to tell y'all how to enter now and then Lexi is GNA tweet it to y'all when we get finished you like how I put that respon responsibility on you sure sure I got it so first thing you have to do is follow homage and Kingdom Queens yes hopefully you already follow us on Twitter this is on Twitter y'all you gotta follow homage and you gotta follow y haven't noticed our main brand is on Twitter hi and YouTube YouTube Lexi is going to Tweet out this contest you have to retweet it and this is the tough part we're going to Tweet this so y'all can remember you have to say we love homage and Kingdom Queens I don't think that's too much and you got to retweet it that's how you get intered into the comments into the contest so you got to follow homage you got to follow Kingdom Queens you got to retweet it and say we love homage and Kingdom Queens that's all you gotta do you're gonna get like the coolest Chiefs apparel ever so that's all you got to do to enter and then what you do it once you do it just to make sure that you did it like jod and Lexi like make sure y'all see my name feel free to screenshot it and put it under the post that way you're not missed but yes we're going to award three winners super excited we're going to be running this promo all the way up into the Bengals game so you definitely got time um we love homage apparel it feels good it looks good it's comfy it's it's extremely good quality too yeah great quality product and I already know a lot of y'all already rock it so you might as well rock it and support Chiefs and Kingdom Queens at the same time why not and we're gonna be doing giveaways all year the first this is just the first one so I know yes we will be doing a Boulevard giveaway eventually we are working on that next but there is it's been a busy week it's been a busy week but it's been a great week on top of that so we're super excited to be working with these brands that we believe in also like we don't just partner with anyone we're gonna partner with brands that we think are also awesome so um absolutely yeah please continue to check that out autograph Kingdom's Queens homage beyond the lookout for our giveaway with that so and then Boulevard too coming up so there's just a lot of good stuff com very soon W I know that was a lot of information for y'all a lot it's a lot for us but it's all good things inhaling water over here y'all yeah we've been talking for an hour and 25 minutes I would love dinner but no yeah we'll be back next Tuesday and we cannot wait because next week we break down Chiefs Ravens week one Arrowhead Banner night can you believe no no I really when did when I honestly feel like I was just at the parade we were like I honestly feel like I was just in Vegas for the super and we're already here yeah so I cannot wait I'm thrilled I'm excited next offseason like took forever and then not at all at the same time like it's weird when you win Super Bowls it just goes by faster I guess yeah we literally were like let's not podcast for this week because we're tired of talking so but we're back and I'm excited we told Creed Humphrey that we've only we've done our podcast the last two years so he encouraged us keep going because we're obviously the good luck charms for the three people literally basically we're the three people you guys are welcome it's us so um shout out to again please make sure that you hit that subscribe button if you are listening to us on YouTube if you're not listening to us on YouTube leave the channel you're on and go to YouTube and hit subscribe make sure you're following us on Twitter make sure you're following us on Instagram make sure you're following us on Apple on Spotify and the easiest way for you to get all of that information is in our bios on Twitter and Instagram just go to our link tree link right there right there for you Bo we got the link to Homage on there we got the link to autograph on there everything is in one we made it a One-Stop shop for y'all we made it easy for y'all because we care about y'all yeah and thank you for supporting us we appreciate it we love y'all very much like subscribe share we love y'all we'll see y'all next Tuesday it was a great 53 Peter has been subscribed since 1289 where y'all at right shout out to Peter we love Peter on his level here every single week we love Peter love y'all too love y'all love y'all see you on Twitter make sure you're following both me and Lexi and we'll just keep pumping great content out for y'all all week long bye