Category: People & Blogs
बेलारूस में अपार्टमेंट तो लेने वाले हैं और आपका यह सवाल है कि बेलारूस के अपार्टमेंट को लेने के बाद में हर महीने मेंटेनेंस कितने का आता है कितना खर्चा होता है मेंटेनेंस के रूप में बिजली पानी इन सब चीजों के बारे में जैसे कि दुबई में मेंटेनेंस के नाम पर बहुत ज्यादा पैसा 252 303 हजार रुपए भारत के लग जाते हैं मतलब 00 400 डलर लग जाते हैं मेंटेनेंस के नाम से तो क्या बेलारूस में मेंटेनेंस का क्या सिस्टम है चलिए इस वीडियो में इस बारे में बातें करेंगे दोस्तों आप सभी का... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[аплодисменты] [музыка] [музыка] да на момент когда 6 августа противник собрал такие ресурсы и пошёл наступление получается на курскую область получилось так что линия обороны она была одна значит противник пройдя эту линию обороны за ним за этой линие было никаких войск никаких сил средств и противник... Read more
Category: Education
Intro hello guys welcome to another video in this video we will discuss the poorest countries in europe by gdp per capita the gdp per capita figure takes into account everything that is produced in a country and divides it by its population it is a very accurate measure to see how much wealth is being... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Die belarussischen streitkräfte konzentrieren eine beträchtliche anzahl von personal sowie waffen entlang der nordgrenze der ukraine das hat die ukraine zu einer offiziellen warnung veranlasst in der sie belarus aufgefordert hat seine streitkräfte von der grenze in einer entfernung abzuziehen die weiter... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We start in russia where 24 hours after the end of a short-lived rebellion posed the greatest challenge yet to vladimir putin's authority the president's whereabouts remain unknown there's been speculation that the russian leader fled moscow during the crisis after his presidential jets were tracked... Read more
Category: Sports
>> to enter the pool. there is tubride. boki is one of the greatest. he uses the underwater so incredibly well and comes out half a body length ahead of anybody else. into the stroke he's looking to make it count. and he's favourite for this gold. his underwater are >> so good and already put him ahead.... Read more
Category: Sports
Well it was a very even start and no clear advantage until these swimmers are up and stroking ehab boki is now hitting the lead he's got a slim advantage over the rest of the field but he's working pretty hard it's going to be half a body length by the time he hits the wall we know he has a strong back... Read more
Category: Sports
Wesh les bot c'est mac j'espère que vous allez bien aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour un match encore une fois très important on fait que des matchs importants en ce moment c'est une dinguerie aujourd'hui on retourne au l'autoparc pour aller voir anderlecht ça faisait un petit moment donc on est plutôt... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
You know everything i'm thinking i remember all those tough losses in the past here and and you know just it's going to sound easy but never give up on your dream and just keep keep trying keep working hard and if you're really working hard and you you you're sacrificing everything for your dream you're... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] come [music] on the [music] et you you are the best in me you making it all complete you are you are you are and every breath i breathe forever eternally you are you are you are you are the best in [music] [music] [music] me for me you are you are you are you are you you are the best in me you... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Mr president first and foremost prior to beginning my statement i wish to once again voice uh the fact that i disagree with your decision to allow three member states of the european union to participate in today's meeting under rule 37 we have already repeatedly noted that statements from the european... Read more
Category: News & Politics
If the united states were to relax its restrictions on what ukraine can do with the weapons supplied to it that would fit the passing of previous us behavior where there's dogged resistance to allowing ukraine to do something or to supplying the weapon system in the first place and then that is eventually... Read more