Published: Aug 21, 2024
Duration: 01:11:45
Category: Sports
Trending searches: tyjae spears
[Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think your mic's muted you are 100% correct good morning everybody welcome into the Morning Glory show what's up Titans Nation uh welcome into another Morning Glory show uh joined by my wonderful co-host as always Jonathan Miller at Esports vein how you doing today Jonathan doing good man we're uh we're getting closer to the season two and0 in the preseason you know undefeated undefeated 2024 feeling good yeah um looking you know forward to talking about this roster there's a lot to talk about a lot of names to consider uh some guys that I was really low on at the start of the off season some guys that I was really high on that maybe aren't performing up to that standard so got a little bit of everything a little bit of a mixed bag but yeah yeah if you guys didn't know we're covering 53 Main roster predictions today we're going to hop into all that and give that uh all all of those predictions and then uh what we be comparing back and forth B will couldn't make it to day but uh maybe he'll pop in here later we'll see but we're going to go ahead and kick things off with our sign Jersey giveaway of course if you guys are checking us out for the first time make sure you like comment and subscribe if you do it enters you in for that sign to Spears giveaway it's the 32 so it's gonna be a throwback jersey after this season with him switching up the number and then we got merch now as well go check it out there on YouTube we got the shirts we got the cups check out the new logo looks beautiful but we're going to kick things off today and I'm I'm a star us and we're going quarterbacks and last week we talked on the show how we were wanting to see Malik Willis run with the twos we were granted that wish unfortunately he didn't do a whole lot with it so for my initial prediction I have it as Levis and Rudolph I think it's always been that in the the the consensus from the coaching staff but they gave him a shot um and this is a if he can keep him on the practice squad amazing we'll see if anybody puts in that waiver claim for him but you say it in any way uh any other way Jonathan no no on on my list I have will Evis and and Rudolph as the two quarterbacks that make the initial 53 um yeah I think from the Seattle game we all kind of saw what we assumed we were going to see I would say we didn't see anything crazy now I will say this not to be a a Malik Willis uh apologizer right or apologist um but I do think that you know I'm glad that Nick holes the the coordinators had a pressor a couple days ago I think it was Monday um I'm glad that Nick holes said this because I've been saying it for a while and it was the case in this game to the start in some degree uh the offensive line didn't do him any favors in that opening drive I think he said you know he kind of switched up his Cadence a little bit which caused the F you know one of the false starts so one of the penalties you can say is on Malik and obviously he made he missed some really big throws the one that crossed her to Nick Westbrook Aina is probably the biggest one early in the game that was just like you can't miss that throw um but at the same time the offensive line did not do him any favors that that was not the starting offensive line that was the twos and the twos did not did not look good uh so a little disappointing yeah yeah we'll talk about him that was a little disappointing so again not to be a Milik Willis apologist but I don't think it was that performance was entirely on him but what I will say is from a completion standpoint like he he's working within the frame of the offense like he's doing it right he was he was over 70% completion percentage for that game he had over 70% completion percentage in the first preseason game granted he didn't throw a whole lot um so it's clear that he's improving uh I I think he deserves to be on the team in terms of like prob you know on the practice squad where he can be activated as an emergency quarterback uh and I think the Titans would want him there and I think that's probably the plan and who knows like maybe he's shown enough to be a second quarterback for some other team that just doesn't like what they have there's a good chance that he gets claimed or there's a decent chance he gets claimed but I think most likely he'll just end up on the practice squad and and you know I've been a guy who's been like hey I really need to see I want to see more because I want him to be the the second quarterback um and up until the Seattle game I was I was pretty firm that I liked him over Rudolph I don't love Mason or yeah I don't love Mason Rudolph but I do respect his Poise as a veteran quarterback in in the context of needing a second quarterback you need a guy to come in and be able to put the ball where he needs to put it orchestrate a offense to you know maybe not go above and beyond and be the reason why you win but at least able to will your team to a victory and not make mistakes and there were just too many mistakes in in Malik's game and that are that are persistent like it's the same a lot of the same type of things and I don't know if the game is just too fast for him or what but yeah at this point I'm I'm sold that that Mason is the second quarterback and that Malik best case scenario will be back on the practice squad and it's real unfortunate for Malik because he he has that first quarter and doesn't put anything together and then Rudolph comes in on that first drive and has that that TD to NWI and on that Crosser to NWI that that Willis threw he did NWI did clip heels with the Defender as he was hitting that Crosser right before Willis makes that throw but if you look at the endzone C uh camera I mean it doesn't slow inwi at all he doesn't even put up a hand it just it wasn't in his realm um and I don't think that would have changed the play uh as far as the structure I do think think NWI was probably the primary read there but Mason keny is streaking down the field burned his guy by at least five yards and jaquin Jackson can't be covered in the preseason the dude is just coming out and showing out I mean we we'll talk about him here in a little bit too but I I think that is one of my roster locks at this point um oh yeah so yeah we'll see what Willis does and if he gets picked up by anybody I'll be cheered for him I think he's a great guy he's amazing but I just don't think at this point in time the game has slowed down enough for him and he is improving like you said it probably went from light speed out there as a rookie it's moving mock six now so it's slowing down for but she not there yet um so let's go and hop into the running backs who who do you have the Titans keeping here I mean obviously Pard and Spears are at the top but then it gets real tricky it it does uh and so I I based my 53 prediction off of what I think the Titans will do and I struggled just a little bit um but I think it with this position group I I stood firm on my position a little bit um so I wouldn't be surprised if the third running back or if there was even potentially a fourth running back kept I wouldn't be surprised um they've they spoke really highly about Hassan H Haskins in terms of what he can do on special teams he's a demon but I will tell you that in my Multiverse of creating this 53 I end up keeping an extra player on the defense that I feel fills the need on special teams so what I did was I actually only kept three running backs and the third running back I kept was Julius Chestnut because I feel like Julius chesnot has played the best out of that that Committee of running backs Jabari small has had his moments where he's looked pretty good but I think he's a player that they likely are able to keep on the on the practice squad and also he's banged up that doesn't help his case um Hassan H Haskins is is a good player you know like just just good just okay um I don't really feel like Hassan is a better player than Julius Chestnut obviously Julius offers he doesn't really have you know stylistically he's not the same player as the other two but I will say that Julius Chestnut even though he's a little bit of a Bruiser a little bit of a bigger back this guy can get out in space I mean he proved it he's you know we saw a couple of screens this preseason and not only that we've seen him at a high level the past like three or four preseason the past three preseason so Chestnut has been a household name for us and just hasn't been able to crack the 53 he's he's done it a couple times or once I think a season or two ago um and he looked really good I'm just really impressed with him as a runner I think I think that if you had a legitimate injury to Spears or Pard that you that that Chestnut adds value in the Run game legitim adds value and so to me that's more important than having a guy like giving the nod to H Haskins and saying hey because you're a good special teamer like we're going to give you a 53 roster spot I don't think it's necessary I also think you're going to be able to keep Haskins on the practice squad I don't think he's gonna get nabbed up so I think you're you're able to do that pretty easily um yeah so that that's why I went with three I've seen a lot of people keeping four running backs I just I I have some logic that I explain later when we talk about the defense where I carry that extra roster spot defensively for for players that are maybe more promising that will kind of add some legitimacy to why I think they would go in that direction versus keeping a running back special teamer um so yeah I can explain that logic later but yeah I have three running backs and the third I'm keeping Chestnut so I agree with you and all of your logic and I agree that the three I do have them keeping H Haskins though and basically why is I think I agree Julius chess has 100% the better running back as of right now and I don't think it's even primarily close but I don't see the realm of possibilities where he sees the field on game day without a Pard or spears injury um I do think hasin is the definitely the better special teamer so he would see snaps out there I I think on as a game day I think that would work but if Paul ERS Spears goes down and they're missing a week or two I do think Julius Chestnut gets the nod and is promoted to the 53 to take that role um so I do I do think H Haskins is a very good he's very good in pass Pro as well so he can offer some of that third down versatility um he does have very soft hands I just don't think he's a very good runner and he is removed a year a year from this as well from from last year with the suspension and all that good stuff so maybe maybe he's still getting back into it maybe he's got that Calvin Ridley effect that he had last year with the Jacksonville jagers maybe he gets better so I think H Haskins might get the slight nod but I could see this being a potential spot where they might add somebody after this primary waiver claim I don't think it's a huge primary uh concern for them but I think it is something that they might look at potentially bringing out somebody else after the cuts downs and maybe there's a guy out there but that leads us into the wide receiver discussion and this is a very chalk one I think too if you're keeping six or seven I think the six is pretty set the seven is kind of where it gets a little squirly and that's being DeAndre Hopkins who by all accounts we believe is going to be out there week one then Calvin Ridley Tyler Boyd Burks by who all accounts we think is gonna be out there by week one obviously he went down late yesterday I wish they would stop reporting on these these likes small issues I know they have to it's the media they got to do their job but man I'm so I'm so annoyed like he he's probably fine and it just gets it's all riled up like oh see here he goes he's hurt again it's like bro I don't know so we'll see I hopefully it's just one of those things where he landed awkwardly and just kind of limped it off and also Jim Wyatt added important context too yesterday he said that was the end of that practice period essentially so there was you know backups came in and just kind of finished the drive and then they were done so it didn't really make any sense for him to just try to like muster through it for a couple of plays so yeah hopefully it's just one of those things where you land it awkwardly you're in a little pain you had to just kind of you know I I think TD even added on to it and said that he wanted to go back in there and then they made him go to the locker room so hopefully it's it's nothing but he's got to quit doing this at the end of practice it's the second time this offseason now and then he just leaves it all up in the air we'll see if he's out there today I believe they are practicing today watching him feels like an episode of Dragon Ball Z from back in the day like the episode ends and it's just like a cliffhanger maybe maybe The Walking Dead is a better a better analogy here but it's like watching watching Tray and Burks is like watching The Walking Dead every episode at the end of every practice you're like oh my gosh what's gonna happen you have to wait till the next week to to get in this case the next day but yeah man wild he's just got that Mike Williams effect if he goes up in the air he can he can Moss somebody but when he comes back down to the Earth that's where it gets Troublesome and maybe it's just because he's got that big body that's a lot to bring down similar to Mike Williams so hopefully by all accounts he'll be out there today and if not maybe we still see him on Sat on Sunday and he'll be good for week one I don't I don't think it's a major concern if it is a an actual issue I think it's gonna be a shortterm issue yeah and then uh from there obviously roster pirate and W is gonna be out there he is he is eternal he will never go away and then Jain Jackson we talked about him just a little bit ago that I think that is easily the number six spot right here yeah and this is where I get a little squarely I do have them keeping seven and I think that seventh spot is Mason Kinsey ah I think he gets the nod but at the same time I think when this roster starts to churn again I think he might be that 53rd spot that gets cut unfortunately and is put back on the on the the practice SC but we'll see how it plays out I think Kyle Phillips is is with the injury it's unfortunate but I I think he's he's dead at this point um do want to shout out Bryce Oliver I think that is my primary target to get on the practice squad at this point in time with them keeping the seventh spot I I really like what I see out there and man he's got that mind Med with Malik Willis right now and he just went for a long touchdown again yesterday at the end of practice I believe so I think he's still learning I think he's he's very young he's undrafted free agent of course so I I have him keeping seven what about you Jonathan so uh in a in a surprising turn of events for myself I have them keeping seven and I have them keeping the exact same seven as you so I have Mason Kinsey making the roster as the seventh now love let me explain myself here a little bit so first off the first six that you mentioned including Jaquan Jackson jaquin before preseason the first preseason game against the ners we were all kind of in agreeance that there were five solidified spots and it was like dude the Titans keep six or seven do they keep seven potentially because they really like what they see out of the bunch that we're all considering which was you know all the back in guys you know Kyle Phillips Kinsey jaquin Jackson KS Jackson Bryce Oliver you could throw in there like all these guys were kind of in the same bucket it was like which one of these guys are going to stand out and jaquin Jackson not only did he show out a little bit in the first game to show like hey he's a legitimate Punt and kick return option which we knew that being drafted from two lane he kind of did some of that in college but he's shown out in the offense like being a a versatile piece where he's coming in and you know shaking the shoes of some of the you know the likes of like Devon Witherspoon which is an elite cornerback for Seattle coming out in that game and showing out and having some really really just crisp and Def find routes did not look like a rookie at all and then for him to continue to show up in practice then I think before that game he had two massive huge touchdown runs after catch um in that practice that last practice with Seattle as well so for me from that moment I'm like okay like I was pretty sold on jaquin from what we saw early on in Camp he just looked really good he looked the part but then for him to put it together week after week practice after practice game after game it's really impressive so I think that the consensus on the fan base is that these six players jaquin is the sixth guy um but for me I put this roster together and I got to 50 players very easily immediately I got to 50 players and then I found myself in those last three spots going okay they could really go any direction and so what I did was is I went okay if I'm the coaching staff and I have three spots left I have to think strategically one do I have a player that just really stood out that just has just but shined above all and do I feel really confident that that player can add value to the team and how do they do that and then two it was like do I does is the factor of me getting a player stolen does that matter Brian Callahan kind of tipped his hand on how he feels about that in a presser a couple of days ago where he said look we're not really worried about players getting stolen or hiding players all play all teams have good players they're going to have to worry about putting their practice squads together it's it's highly unlikely I think only three players were claimed by different teams after initial uh Cuts last year so for me how I arrived at keny as the seventh receiver and them keeping a seventh receiver which to me is like mindboggling um how I arrived there was I feel like Mason this has been his best offseason he's ever had with the Titans right so that's number one number two it's clear that when Mason gets in there with some of those other players I'm sorry with like the ones for example he shines when will Evis throws him the ball when Mason Rudolph is throwing it doesn't matter who's throwing him the ball he he he is showing that he can play at a high level so Mason Kinsey kind of gives you what Kyle Phillips could give you you got a very similar player in that way but the difference is is that Mason Kinsey is a better established special teamer than Kyle Phillips if you to me to me you shouldn't they might but you shouldn't roll Taj Spears out there on special teams with Jain Jackson maybe let's say in kick return because it's just too much of a risk like you don't want you don't want Spears to go down he's he's too important of a rotational piece on the offensive side of the ball in my opinion so to me not only does Kinsey give you versatility in the offense if he needs to see the field for some reason but he also gives you versatility in the return in special teams and not only that the last thing I'll add about me kiny and the reason why I think he deserves the nod in one of those last three pieces sorry the last three spots that I was deciding is that it's very clear that Mason Kinsey is a locker room guy like a lot of people love him he's got great energy he's been with the team for a long time so there's a lot of continuity there in the fan base he just is has impressed he's earned he's straight up just earned his spot on the team so to me I would not be surprised if they only keep six uh at all um but ALS Al I would not be surprised if Kinsey finally made the roster so that's how I got there and I I think we're crazy Jake I I think I honestly think that this team probably most likely keeps six receivers but when I had those final three spots it was just really fun to make that decision and I made that decision based on what they might want to do on the special team side because one I think Mason Kinsey is is gritty enough to go out there and cover kicks as well if you need him to uh two if if jqu goes down he can be your punt returner he he was our emergency punt returner last year and was basically the only guy who could catch the damn ball and and return a punt at all so you you give yourself some depth on the special team side of the ball with him as well so I think that there's still he still sees the field and so to me all those things considered I think it makes sense I I kind of go back to what cie said earlier this week and he's like you know what when we get down to those last couple spots We're Not Gonna look and say hey we need a fourth tight end we need a fifth safety we're g to go and find the best player out there when add him to the roster and I think Mason keny has had that confidence this this off season he's out there spinning balls he's he's he's talking trash to the Seattle Defenders and then going back to jquan I'm like man why were we so low or why why was I so personally low on him coming into the draft and I go back to the Senior Bowl because he had a lot of good plays in there but then I go who are the quarterbacks and basically in the Senior Bowl they had the two to two sides and one side was loaded they had Michael penck Bo Nicks and uh Spencer Radler and then I pretty sure jaquin Jackson had Michael Pratt who I think is a good Prospect but then they had Joe Milton Carter Bradley Sam Hartman not a lot there so I think that could have played into it a little bit and I mean going into last week and and Stony said in the comments felt like Brian CI and called jquan out last week and they came out and kind of showed out on Saturday led the team in receptions and I believe yards if I remember correctly and he had the two catch and runs against Seattle in practice where he just took it to the house long long touchdowns and hopefully he can continue that success going into Sunday um but as of right now I think he is the pr returner I think he's the primary kick returner that probably going to put somebody else there back over with him and it could be Mason keny we'll see how it is as of right now I still think it probably is TJ Spears and I think that's kind of what cold Anderson is holding back but we'll see I I think either way the Special Teams unit might be the best unit on the entire team over defense and offense I think having Stonehouse out there I think the kicker situation which we'll get to in a little bit I don't think we're going squarely with that but I think that's perfectly fine and then I think these coverage units are very good and then going back to Clowny Super Bowl in the comments hkin is in a great special teamer showed me three great plays uh plays H Haskins has ever made on special teams and I bet you can't I can I can go back to just Saturday and find you more than three I I will tell you that um I was about to say the coaching staff strongly disagrees with you and that's because they're looking at tape and that's because he showed up a lot he's a good player he's a a damn good player and to be honest with you there's a good chance that they keep four running backs instead of seven receivers and I really played with it I was like man I could see that going that way but ultimately I don't think they they see that as a PRI priority it would be a dead spot I mean you to be honest with you there's a good chance that they just keep has Haskins as the third running back because they might feel like he adds more value but I will say as we continue to move through these position groups I have my reasons for going with Chestnut versus you know y we'll hop into that and I think if anything we can both agree that uh the Titans will not will not cater to volunteer fans no longer and J Bari small will be gone I think he he had a great pass Pro rep and I think stony's the one that actually initially put it out he he did great on that play I just don't think he's a a great Runner of the football and I don't think he offers a whole lot more outside of that but pry game against Seattle running actually yeah I mean it's his best game yet I mean it's only one of two so I mean maybe he'll continue that this week let get to the practice squad I'm sure should he should we'll see if they if they keep the three I think they might only keep one on that that practice squad but um let's go ahead and hop into tight ends and we'll let you lead off this discussion but I think the the great question is are they keeping three or four yeah so I I went back and forth on this this group um I'm going to tell you what I would do and then I'm going to tell you what the Titans are likely going to do I think uh if it were me I would keep three tight ends and the third tight end would be David Martin Robinson okay over I'm assuming Nick Vette over Nick Vette yeah I I just um to me DMR has shown the most promise in the tight end room out of all the players mostly because we haven't seen a tremendous amount from chig or Josh Wy in terms of like game I think Josh I think those players have looked good in practice from what we've heard but to me DMR has stood out the most uh he got insane praise from all of his coaches basically but Nick holes was was spoke very very highly of him was very impressed and I think he kind of adds a very similar style that the first two guys do now in my prediction I went ahead and added I I gave them four tight ends I don't love that um but I think it's possible and the fourth tight end was Nick Vette to me think they keep him just out of like experience and just like like hey he's kind of like your inline blocking tight end and and maybe there's value there in certain packages so you keep him on the 53 but to me DMR is just a better player um and he's young there's a lot of room for development uh there's no way to me there's no way that they cut him like he just makes the he's just good and as a tight end three like it just makes too much sense so for me I would only keep three I would put that spot elsewhere but I went ahead and gave them four tight ends in this case assuming that they didn't just sign Nick Vanette like we just haven't seen a lot from Nick at all so what's he just not gonna play practice very little or whatever maybe he's practicing a normal amount he's just not going to play and then they're just going to stick him in there and he's gonna be tight end three like I don't know I don't I'm not convinced that that's a a sold part so I have them keeping four I don't feel I don't love it but I do love the T the three tight ended uh you know uh tandem of or or triple uh effect of DMR alongside chig and Wy so I I see it pretty similar I do have them keeping four and it is those four how I see it breaking down is it's almost two different positions you have your Y and you have your F and I think Josh Wy is traditional why and I think Nick benette backs him up there vette's gonna come in he's going to be that Jeff SW he's going to be that Travon Wesco hopefully he's better than both of those players but he's going to come in and offer that to and I think he's a better receiver than both of those guys as well but that's not what you're bringing him in there for and then cha cono of course he's gonna play that uh that F position for you that flank position and then I think DMR is the backup in that situation and I think if any of those players goes down those are the next coming up into those spots DMR has impressed he is very athletic similar to chig and I think he's only going to continue to grow and he he's a great receiver probably better hands than a cono at this point in time even so I'm super happy with this tight end group and I think we're going to see a lot of two tight end sets I've been saying it all offseason looking back at cincy's uh game tape from last year I think we're going to see a lot of chiga cono and DMR in the backfield even and they're going be there in pass Pro snaps DMR has also impressed me with his run blocking ability that was something I was like probably just a glorified big receiver but looking at last week's tape he had some great blocks and I I I think he's still gonna improve there for sure and maybe he was a little underutilized in college so I think this is a guy that you have to put on the act of roster because if you don't I think he could be one of the primary ones that is picked up elsewhere agreed going in through the offensive line we'll start with the tackle position this is one of my two probably biggest conc concerns on the roster and I think it's very topheavy so J sayam and uh nick uh mpf those are your two starters and I I think that that's given at this point yep but if one of those guys goes down I mean when leam had that cramp issue I think it was last week maybe it was the week before last uh I was freaking out because that could have been a really big deal obviously he's fine but behind him there's not a lot I mean JN auku I mean that Mania is is long and gone I I actually don't have them even keeping Jon on the 53 I only have them keeping one additional tackle as of right now and it's it's Jaylen Duncan um I think Bill Callahan has talked about it a couple times now that he really likes Jaylen Duncan looking at last week's tape the preseason thus far I still see and have a lot of concerns that I had going into the season I think he is a great athlete I think he has the strength and the ability to do it but he seems very slow off the line for me once he drops into that set I think he's athletic but I don't know what it is he's so slow out and then I almost feel like he's playing catchup with that Defender and that's where he gets beat to the outside where he just can't catch up to him or he overs sets and they beat him inside and then I think his hands I mean he he just doesn't have that stab that like a JC leam has he doesn't Stonewall the defender there so I think overall his his technique is only going to continue and if I'm looking at just pure upside I like Jaylen Duncan slightly more than a joku um obviously may maybe this is the place they go and grab a guy maybe maybe it's his daily I mean he was just cut very recently we'll see oh come on bro no so I I don't think they'll do that but man at this point time I I see this tackle group very similar to Dennis Daly and M maybe they stay healthy all year and we don't have to worry about this in God hoping but we'll see how it plays out do you how do you see it yeah so I I actually elected to only keep eight offensive linemen as well so I don't know if you I don't know if you had seven or eight but I I kept eight and to be honest with you I actually have nine yeah I could see them keeping nine and I might be wrong they might keep nine because so basically I have three backups essentially which seems a little light on the 53 so we'll see um I like that I don't have rupich getting kept and he's probably he's probably like not he'll he's probably nine but here's here's who I have I have the starting five who I've had as the starting five for a long time now by the way since Camp started uh leam gransky could Berry uh Raiden and npf you're starting five and then the three that I have uh that I'm keeping are I'm I kept two tackles also so I kept Duncan as well and I also I kept auku um okay I thought you gonna say Brian dulie and I was about to freak out Lord have mercy no uh no I kept Brian dulie is looking good I think in I think in practice and in Camp auku has looked really good he did not look good in the game against Seattle I don't think that is a I don't think I know I'm not going to condemn him his play and all of the uh I guess upside that he's had in Camp up until this point I think he could probably be a swing tackle right along with Jaylen I don't know if you prefer Jaylen at right or left probably at left because that's where he's gotten the most work um so I think auku getting able to plug in at right makes some sense I don't know if he has any versatility but I would imagine they probably want some guys who can plug in a couple areas and that's where I have brunskill um rounding out the room and brunskill is probably the better of the offensive lineman that aren't starting because he you truly can plug him in at guard or Center yeah so um so yeah I mean who knows like maybe Corey L Cory L's probably to the practice squad so they can activate him if they have an injury there but I think brunskill bails you out in a lot of ways too but yeah I mean nine offensive lineman probably make the most sense I squeezed a seventh receiver I squeezed a fourth tight end like maybe one of those spots makes sense to carry an extra lineman uh and if I had to carry an extra one I'm probably leaning rupich he did not impress me he had a really really rough Seattle game as well I you know he must be practicing better than that but uh he looked pretty okay uh at Right Guard last season towards the end but at this point I think they're looking for better players the one the one thing I will say is that there's two guys that we haven't got a chance to see a lot of and they were both um bills guys who were who were signed so there's Jaren Chris and Leroy Watson we haven't seen much of anything from those guys we saw jiren was it jiren or Leroy I don't think played okay so jiren came out had a really awesome pancake block on a play that we lost yardage on and he celebrated like we scored a touchdown so that was kind of funny but other than that excuse me other than that we haven't seen a whole lot from them so I don't know if one of those guys maybe gets the Bill Callahan nod to make the roster just because they feel like he's you know they're his guys yeah they're his guys so who knows like maybe it's not Duncan which I mean I think Duncan and auku are those guys but maybe jiren Christian is one of those guys maybe Leroy squeezes in I'm not sure but I think you know I followed my gut on this one I went with eight offensive linemen I can see them keeping nine and having rupich be that guy because they maybe need another interior I would assume you want at least two interior backups and two tackle backups on the active roster um because what happens if both tackles go down or whatever like those are totally possible things so I think they probably keep nine I'm probably wrong on those other areas where I added some extra players but yeah I think we see it about the same so yeah obviously gonsky and Raiden I don't think we brought them up and then cushenberry those are your three starters on the interior um I have Daniel brunskill labeled as that that replacement Center if Kush anything happened to him but as far as the guard position position goes I have Andrew rupic being that pretty much swinging guard for you he'll be able to fill in at both spots as of right now Cole Spencer they they paid the man I mean highest undrafted free agent money that we shelled out this year and he looked great both weeks and I think he's improving and he's got the intangibles I think but he's also got the athleticism he's got a very good Ras score obviously went from Western Kentucky not a lot of eyes out there he transferred to T Texas Tech that last season played very well for them as well but that system doesn't really put a lot on tape for NFL standards so I think this is a Bill Callahan chosen guy that I think that will stick out there and I think could could hop in and spot start potentially this season but I think down the road I think this is a developmental guy that'll be very good for you and then um just one guy that I was very close to putting on the roster is laus Simmons um great great oine just aesthetic he's got the dreads he's big he he moves people around he played very well this offseason and I I think he he could have potential to make it on this roster but at the end of the day I had to find somewhere else to put the these spots I had them unfortunately cutting him um and then we we talked about him a little bit but Brian douy I think played very well in both preseason games thus far if we we talked about last week how we wanted to see Malik Willis get some runs with the twos I want to see Brian duy get some run with the twos just to see if there's anything there the athleticism might not be great he does have the size he's got long arms maybe there's something there maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm wrong but I want to at least see it before the end of this uh preseason and then um leading in to Cory l i the poor dude has been on this roster so many times and just unfortunately cut so many times and brought back so I don't think it's a guy you have to worry about uh getting picked up anywhere else I think this is a guy you can call off on the street if we absolutely have to it's very unfortunate for him but uh the Jets did it one year they they took him yeah they did was one of the times we need him so yeah we'll see how that all plays out and then um I think that kind of wraps it up for the offense which leads us into this Edge group I think and this is the spot this is my biggest concern as of right now because it is landre key and Harold and then question mark um on my roster I have them keeping four with that fourth being Rashad Weaver I'm not falling into the Mike heren Buck Rising uh sweep Stakes that Caleb Murphy is making those roster um I think Rashad Weaver is just a little bit more proven uh but I think this is where that priority waiver claim is going I think they're adding somebody and I don't think we're GNA have to see Weaver out there in a jersey this season and then guys like Shane Ray just he can't do it he's he's older now there's not a lot of upside I don't see the point of having him on the active roster um at this point in time but uh yeah I think after the initial Cuts this is where they they probably look how do you see it yeah so I I'm in the same boat I I actually have them keeping Shane Ray so I have them keeping five outside linebackers I think it's also very possible that they could use a waiver claim or just look to maybe see some of the cuts and add a fifth they just need a fifth guy who can add some value because right now to your point Jaylen har Harold is at the top of that rotation and you're gonna need more depth there I do have them keeping Rashad Weaver um I think that if he's going to have a better season maybe come close to that five sack year he had early on in his career um yeah I think it'll probably be this year like he'll he'll need to come out there and add some value but yeah this is the position group that I'm the most worried about as well not at the top of the depth chart at the back end of the depth chart so I could see I could see them only keeping four to me you you probably need a fifth um for this type of because it's you I and here's the thing here's the thing the reason why I could see four and I wouldn't be surprised if they kept four is because this defense is going to look pretty exotic when it comes to putting guys in the box from the back end so you might they might assign an extra roster spot to the safeties or to the inside linebackers or whatever they're going to assign some extra roster spots on the back end because guys like Jamal Adams are G to move up guys like Elijah molden are gonna move up um guys like you know Diggs even hooker like they're they're gonna play Closer to the line of scrimmage at times so you know are you okay with just two outside linebackers in a thin rotation for that reason potentially can they add a guy uh like you know does maybe like I don't think I don't think Assan reic at this point makes sense for them plus I don't know if the Jets are even interested in sending him but outside of that player like signing in a a yique and g or somebody like I would maybe like that to add to the rotation you you pair him and maybe Weaver is on the back end and then you have you know Ina and Herold splitting the rotational reps that that might make more sense to me so there's a couple of guys out there that could make sense and I think this is the the position group that makes the most sense that they would go out and potentially add somebody so I have Shane Ray but I think what's really important to me is that that's just as of today I think they keep five outside linebackers and there's just a good chance that that fifth guy we don't know who that is yet yeah yeah that's kind of how I see it as well um they I think there will be somebody cut that they can definitely bring in and I mean God I I I hate that they got rid of Travis Gibson from last season because I think he would have he would have fit very well with this defense I think yep I agree but yeah I ultimately went a different direction to where they could they can keep additional players on this back end but we'll see how it all plays out and then next we'll hop into the interior defensive line do you want to start that one off for us yeah so I grouped the defensive line together on my roster so I have all the basically interior defensive lineman essentially and well interior and defensive lineman um I kept five uh and I think there's a chance that they could maybe keep six but I think five probably makes the most sense here and my five I feel really good about the fifth guy really impressed me in the Seattle game he's looks good in practice I think that he makes a ton of sense here so my five I'll just run through them I got Simmons and sweat obviously Joseph uh uh Sebastian Joseph day and then I have Keandre Coburn which to me has solidified himself as like the primary backup in my opinion uh and then the last guy I might butcher his last name a little bit because I don't know how it's pronounced but I have Isaiah ien or it there you go uh he was fantastic in the Seattle game has looked pretty good in practice too from what I've heard but I was very very impressed with how this guy penetrated he did a really great job in the Run game um was just good like there was just some good like complimentary pass rushing happening on the defensive line that you know you got a little bit of push from Weaver you got some pressure from Weaver on the outside you got some pressure from you know Jaylen on the other side and then it was just good pressure on the middle that collapsed a pocket several times for Sam Howell uh and PJ Walker so yeah I I have those five and I feel pretty good about those five to be completely honest with you I I was surprised when I looked at that roster and was like okay all right I think we're okay here obviously Marlon Davidson goes down um some injuries happening there TK McLendon not sure that he showed more that he needed to in order to make the roster so wasn't super high on McLendon I think he probably they just keep him on the on the P Squad and he'll make it to the active roster at some point I'm sure because injuries are going to happen but those are my five well TK just went down with turf toe uh very this week I believe so he he's currently injured I think I would probably keep TK over Isaiah Eiden but with that c and that comes down to just because I I I saw the flashes last season and I know TD was very high on him when we came on the podcast uh earlier this year so and then Marlon Davidson went down I believe is done for the season if I remember correctly yeah so I do have him keeping five and it's the same exact five as bad as I feel about the edge group I feel very good about the interior and maybe we just roll out four of those big boys out there and just let everybody else Blitz off the edge I mean could you imagine a Jeffrey Simmons sweat and Coburn out there that's like almost a it's almost a thousand pounds of beef out there just eating up the interior um but I I think there's great depth here I think there's great upside probably the best player on the team is part of this position so I I think this one's pretty pretty standard I didn't have Eiden on my initial one when I put out I didn't put it out yesterday but said I Mania is done I I had I just couldn't do it I had to do I I I had Shane Ray this morning on the roster and I was like can't do it gotta put Isaiah I in there so I swap those two for us nice um and then that kind of leads us into the inside linebacker positions and going back to stony's question in the comments who is the preseason MVP James Williams DMR can make a strong case for SK Cole Spencer I think the preseason MVP has got to be chance Campbell just from a stat padding uh perspective but I don't have them keeping him I have us only keeping five inside linebackers and that's that's Kenneth Murray my guy Jack gimit and then James Williams and gray of course gray gray that one is kind of special because he could end up on the pup and then if that does happen I think Chance Campbell is that next guy up but I think this coaching staff likes Otis Reese more and watching the game back from this last week I think Otis ree had a better game stats-wise it wasn't there but I think being in the right place at the right time I think he offers more to this squad so I only have him keep a five and I know that might not be the consensus I think most people are having six and I'm assuming you probably have six on yours um how do you see it yeah I mean that's really surprising I I think Chance Campbell has definitely shown enough to where he's he should be a rotational piece in this defense um but yeah I think you know kind of tried to put myself in the mind of dard Wilson a little bit and think okay like what type of dard Wilson linebacker fits that mold and chance Campbell fits that mold to me to me the top three linebackers in or on this team currently are uh Kenneth Murray Otis Reese and chance Campbell those are the three guys those are the three guys that should see the most time now where I struggled let me just say I kept six I kept all six of the guys that you mentioned essentially and the sixth player I kept was Cedric gray now I'm with you there's a good chance that they find a way to maybe like you know finagle him onto the pup or something and then scoop a player at a different position or whatever they're obviously going to try to keep him he was their fourth round pick yeah uh has a lot of promise just hasn't been able to show him so do you just cut him out right um or do you find a way to keep them on the roster so that way you can finesse that and I think I think they do I think they use one of these spots to do that which is why I kept six line uh linebackers I don't think they should necessarily carry six inside linebackers though the number needs to be four or five in my opinion so um Gibbons I I gave him the grace because I think that the coaching staff has to Value how smart part is I think he's a good player in some in some regard when you know I think he's instinctive in terms of the Run game but he is an absolute liability in pass in pass coverage like he he just he can't do it he's bad even in the preseason he's bad he looked awful in that opening drive against the ners um I I just if it's me I'm keeping five and Gibbons is the guy out like I'm just nope not doing it um but again did my predictions based on what I think the coaching staff does and I think Gibbons is good enough to be a rotational piece um at least in these coaches eyes but to be honest with you I don't think he I don't think he should have an active roster spot I think he should be a practice squad player um so yeah I ended up keeping six for that reason now now let me hold on let me let me stop really quick and give flowers to a player that I was not high on at all but he absolutely has impressed in a huge way and that's James Williams oh yeah so I gotta I gotta stop I got to give Jake his credit Jake's been pounding the table for James Williams since he was drafted um I was like no way this guy makes the 53 he's a practice squad player all day long I I liked him I just think that he needed time to develop my thing was is that when you're switching that position like it's not it's it's not super easy to do in the NFL um but he has shown that he has the instinctive traits to see ball get ball and he is a absolute specimen of a human being so he's been very impressive in that regard and I think that he has really high upside I'm going to say something kind of like off the- wall here but when I look at him I see like like for just from like a silhouette standpoint obviously it doesn't have the same length of pads but I see like a young Keith bulock in just like his Aura you know what I'm saying and I don't really know how I can like prove that that's the case or like why that makes sense but it just makes sense to me he has the look um and so to me he's worth not losing so he to me is a lock for the 53 whether he's linebacker four or five or whatever uh that makes sense I mean I think you you you tear him loose and so and so the last thing I'll say here is that the reason why I didn't keep H Haskins or I or the reason why I didn't keep four four running backs or whatever is because you have six linebackers so you're able to fill out that special teams with instinctive you know ball Getters you know so uh so I think that's why in this Multiverse it makes sense for them like they you can cover the special teams with these extra backers um but yeah again wouldn't be surprised if they only kept five uh but today that's how I see it no James Williams absolute spider monkey out there on special teams last we a literal spider monkey that one rep on I think Mike herst posted it where yes grabs a guy like he's yeah like he's consuming him like he's a symbiote he's going to eat him no I I I've love James Williams from the start I had him higher ranked than Cedric gray I think he will be a starter in this roster before the end of his career um I think he's still learning the position he was a former safety move there in the at the Senior Bowl and has only been there for what six months he's still learning he's still learning and I think he's going to put it together but he's great in coverage he's a very sure tackler he has the athleticism to shoot those gaps and I I think he'll put it all together I think he has the highest upside out of this group for sure yeah um and I think that kind of leads us to the cornerback group and this is maybe the sexiest and the least sexiest for my positional groups I think I started linebackers so let's go ahead and have you start with the corners and we'll go from there yeah so for the corners I only kept five okay this one was a little tough I I thought that there's there's a chance they can keep six and the and the fifth Corner was a really difficult choice for me so let me start by just highlighting the most obvious of obvious which is the top four I think everybody the consensus is the top four which is lerus Sneed Cheeto uer Roger mccre and Jarvis brownley Jr I think Jarvis has proven that and earned that fourth spot uh he should see he should see legitimate reps during the the season season in rotation whether that's at nickel or if he's playing on the outside I think he plays on the out or should play on the outside but I think you can move him around I think um and I'll explain why I kept five as Corners as well because I think they keep an extra safety that can play Corner if that you know kind of giv a little bit of a spoiler alert there um but the the fifth corner I ended up keeping what I who I decided on I I went with Gabe Judy Lai as the fifth corner and the reason why and I'll explain why so over like Eric garrer or Trey Avery or somebody like that one Trey Avery doesn't belong on anyone's football team um but I went with Gabe Judy ly because he's young he has that same type of sticky extinctive aggressive play style that I think dard Wilson likes in his Corners um and he is you know kind of fits the mold and scheme of what they're trying to do a little bit better uh so to me I think Judy Loi has a higher upside than some of the other players that might be like Eric gar is probably a better player right now like in my opinion um Trey Avery I can't imagine anybody would label him as a better player but like it wouldn't be entirely surprising if he was the last Corner the other player Caleb Farley like you could like what about Caleb I think they might try to do like a similar thing that you talked about where they try to finesse him onto the pup or something like that I don't really know is if he even if he is healthy have you seen enough from him maybe they have maybe they have to keep keep him as the fifth guy so I wouldn't be surprised there but today if I was deciding today I would it pains me because I love Caleb Farley and I want him to pan out so badly um and I think he'd be great special teamer all these other things I just I just haven't seen it's it's like the Malik Willis stuff it's like we're just seeing a lot of the same stuff so I don't know if he's healthy he's probably the fifth guy but right now I don't think he's healthy so who knows I think man before I hop into mind I just thought of this question so so obviously these top four are cemented in stone yep but let's say Obviously they've dealt with injuries with the jerus sne and Cheeto if one of those guys goes down do you think Jarvis brownley is the replacement on the outside there or do you think they bump okay so I think I think they bump Roger mccre to the outside and I think Jarvis comes in into the slot interesting that's kind of how I see it I Roger both of these guys played outside corner in college it's what they did very well Roger was forced to the outside because how bad our cornerback room was and he did a pretty good job so he did he did yeah played more snaps than anybody else in the NFL as a rookie um so he definitely got the experience there so hopping into mine I have us keeping six and this goes back to me saying this is sexy because of those top four and then it gets real gross if this was me making this roster I would agree in two things one Trey Avery doesn't belong on a NFL roster and Gabe Judy Lai has more upside and should make it for some reason this this this coaching staff is infatuated with Trey Avery so I have them keeping Trey Avery as The Fifth and I have them keeping Eric garrer as the sixth interesting so I think Eric offers a little bit more on special teams mhm I wouldn't agree with it like I said I if this was me I'd probably be keeping five here just like you and it would be that same exact five that they said but I think gar offers a little bit more as a slot Defender as well on special teams and he can even be a return man for you and the Trey Avery I don't get it but they like him and he he could be that one of those backups on the outside behind even Jarvis brownley Jr yeah I don't know I'm not convinced that they love him either I think we seen a lot of them in this offseason because they were trying to convince themselves that they want to love him so they're like here let's just give him an opportunity to show us and every time he gets toasted he's getting toasted in practice by our practice squad receivers he's getting he got toasted against the the Seattle he got toasted in the for the 49ers and who who was that player it's like their wide receiver six or seven I don't know I don't remember his name but absolutely put him in a a blender so yeah I at every at every juncture he's not just getting beat by ones and twos and threes which by the way we've watched happen to him over the past several years because for whatever reason he's good enough to keep the roster this year he's not there is more Talent at corner that they need to keep and by the way who's claiming Trey Avery not a soul so he can make his way right over to the practice squad and he can put his hoodie on during game day and he can even hang out on the sideline he can even do his thing whatever I'm not saying he's a horrible player but what I am saying is that he consistently loses reps and if you're consistently bad at your job you shouldn't get to keep that job that's just my opinion so I think that you know Trey sh they they don't need to go with him J Gabe Judy Loi has shown them enough promise um in an aggressive play style like early on was really good you know Gabe didn't have really great reps either like in in not only in practice but in some of these games I think he's gotten a chance to play he hasn't been great but also he hasn't gotten burnt for massive you know what I'm saying like that's when you stand out it's like the offensive lineman thing like if we're not talking about you that's a good thing so that's kind of how I feel there but yeah I I agree with you the only thing that I the only thing that I think is an outlier here is how they feel about Caleb Farley because Caleb when he's been healthy he's flashed in Camp like he's had some really good reps he's he's length he's got great length he's got great speed obviously you know I think he's improved in coverage in that way so he's who knows like maybe they're like it's not worth potentially losing him um but at the same time do you lose him he's been so hurt I don't know if anybody else is gonna use a claim a 53 claim on him so at the same time you might be able to get him on practice squad in watch which case great you know so yeah that one's a little tricky yeah I think I think the Caleb barley experiment is probably done after this week I I hope he can put it together this so we can put a great set of practices on on tape and then I hope he plays very well in the preseason game and then maybe somebody does claim him because I think just just him with Malik Willis I think they are two amazing people I think they're great people I think one just struggles with his play and the other one just struggles with his health um so I I I hoping nothing but the best for him and we'll see how it all plays out and that kind of leads us to our last position which would be the safety group and again the top four cut and stone they just brought in two teammates from Seattle that are gonna be out there and then you got molden and hooker so you got Elijah molden ammani hooker and then we got Diggs and then Jamal Adams I have his keeping five I do too and we have the same player I know we do I'm sure we do so I've I've talked about him for a couple weeks now that he has impressed this year um didn't wasn't high on our radar coming into the season for sure but that is Matthew Jackson yep and he's played very well this training camp and then even back into mini camp he's picked off will Levis I believe three or four times at this point in time I think he had another one over maybe Gino one of maybe I think it was Sam how actually now that I remember correctly but I think he's played very well he's shown to be great in coverage um I think he wants to have that dog in him and I saw it not in the Seattle game that first game he came off a blitz with James Williams and absolutely wrecked the running back to allow James to come free so I think Matthew Jackson really fits into what dard Wilson wants to do I think he's a safety that he wants out there I think he's just a great depth piece and I think we'll see him out there on special teams too so I think we're in agreement with this fifth yeah yeah the safeties there's obviously with the two additions of Jamal Adams and quandre it gives this room some some much needed strength at depth there because obviously before those signings were're like all right we're rolling you know Elijah molden and and Amman hooker out there which was pretty impressed with Elijah molden at the start of the Seattle game he had two really strong opening drives um against some some good players uh so I felt like Elijah molden really stood out to me he was really instinctive was in basically every tackle um on in the Run game and and you know I think he's been good in coverage as well so really happy with the depth um I I feel the same way about the safeties that I feel about the defensive line let's say uh where I feel really good about those five um rolling them out there and and having good depth like if one of those guys goes down I feel really confident Elijah molden can come in and even if it had to be Matt Jackson feel pretty good about him um I think he's been a very good player and so if you needed to see him for whatever reason I think you have really good depth in those positions so yeah I feel the same way and so again like keeping five safeties having Five Corners I felt like you have some versatility there because Elijah molden can play the nickel like he can play the hell out of that spot so if you need him to come in in a pinch he certainly can do that as well which is nice and then quandre Diggs also has that versatility of playing in on the line as well so yeah I I I feel really good about the secondary going into the season if this is the 53 they have a couple of positions that you know are kind of up in the air that they need to address similar to like let's just say the outside the edge guys but yeah feel pretty confident that this is going to be the roster in many ways I think we're going to see a lot of three safety looks this year and that's gonna be with quandre Jamal and Amman out there and I think molden could come in and be that big nickel like you were saying so I'm I'm pretty confident in this group um I think Health could be a big concern for him and I I it's definitely an older group but I think they'll be very successful and I feel a lot better about it now than I did even several weeks ago when it was just a money hooker and Elijah molden that was it so I'm pretty happy with that and then I guess we can end with the Special Teams I think it's pretty chalk of you know ston housee is gonna be out there which we'll get to see him kick this week is what we heard and they'll also be holding for for I'm assuming Nick Folk and then Bo Brinkley will be your Long Snapper that's my my final my 53 um Bo Brinkley you mean Morgan Cox yes Morgan Cox way back in my brain um I was like wow what a throwback yeah yeah God he was he was it for so long and it's cemented in my brain that it's Bo Brink um and I guess we can have a brief discussion on the Bren narison situation uh personally and I put it out there on Twitter earlier this week if it was up to me I would keep Braden over Nick Folk Nick Folk is a better Kicker I think he I mean he holds the record for consecutive field goals under 40 yards at this point in time and he's continuing to set that still but how I view this team and I'm sure we can talk about our our final predictions next week or the week after that before the season starts but I don't see this team as a Super Bowl Contender as of right now shocking to Titans fans and I apologize I I I promise I am a Titans fan but I don't think they're going be in the contention for that AFC Championship this year but I think Nick Folk is on a rental at this point in time I think year to year he could retire after this season potentially uh his contract I believe is also up after this season so yep once this team becomes a contender which I think they will I don't know n fos is still around so I would rather roll the dice on the rookie similar to what Stonehouse did for us with Brett Kern at the end of his career that maybe we can give this kid a shot he's obviously got the leg similar to Stonehouse and maybe he has it I mean his collegiate career was not amazing but maybe he he'll put it together in the NFL and I think he's got ice in his veins as we saw last week so I'm rolling the dice and if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out and we can move on next season and just move on like the Titans have done the last decade as this point it seems like we're we just rent kickers and if they don't work out we get rid of them and bring in we we'll get fat Randy back in here if we have to um no I'm with you I'm with you I I think I if if it were me I'd be keeping narvis um I think I'm I'm a really big proponent of like obviously when it comes to kicking like you want somebody who like it's almost more of a mental uh attribute than it is a physical one right like for Nick Folk he's been in the biggest games played ice in his veins he's nailed some insane kicks and also he was really good for us last year so it's it's it's hard to be like yeah let let's just move on from that and so at the same time you're like you're we're I think we're all in understanding like this is probably Nick folks last season like he's probably gonna retire after this I was surprised he came back if I'm being completely honest with you I thought he was done I thought he was either GNA go try to play somewhere else or he was just going to retire um Nick Folk does not have more than one year in my opinion in him like let's say the Titans finish like really promising like they make it to the playoffs they beat a really big team and they lose in the divisional round or something to like the Chiefs or something and people are like holy [ __ ] like the Titans are are doing it then I could maybe see him like okay hold on I'll come back for one more but other than that scenario he's gonna be done so I'm with you I to me it just makes sense like get younger at the position uh you have Colt Anderson who has been nothing short of a really really good special teams coach since he's joined us um and I think it's an opportunity for him to develop a young kicker the same as we're doing with our quarterback and sever other positions so it makes sense um and like you said like you know at the very least in the first half of the Season we're not expecting to be you know a Super Bowl contending team so it makes sense to kind of get him in there but yeah I mean we'll see there's a good chance he doesn't get claimed and he makes it to the practice squad in which case we're good um we'll be in the position that we need to be if there's a you know injury or let's say if Nick Folk continues to kick like the one kick that that he's made this preseason I think was at this I think what what was it at the start of uh start of week one n yeah he just looked like he shanked that so that was kind of uh oh but uh that came down to the holder it there too looking back of the tape it wasn't his fault yeah so we'll see I mean Nick Nick is great and I I think it makes sense for them to keep him but yeah I would love to see narison back on the practice squad because he looked good yeah yeah I I I total agree it's um but yeah I think they will keep Nick fol and I think Brian Callahan has said that this job is not up for debate and Easton freeze friend of the show he he kind of came out after the game last week and was like yeah I don't know how much of a competition it is Braden hasn't been amazing in practice by any means so may maybe he's a gamer maybe he's a gamer and that's all you need but we'll see but we'll be back next week we'll be talking more Titans we'll be recapping the the Saints game obviously the Saints play on Sunday in New Orleans and the 53 and the 53 man will be announced before then that's why we had to do it to this week because it it'll be out before we we show back up so we'll react into that and then we're getting ready for the regular season baby it is almost here we'll have college football this Saturday I don't know about y'all but I'll be watching Florida State versus Georgia Tech I don't know what I'll be watching out there but college football's back as well so it's it's right around the corner guys but smells like fall smells like Fall pumpkin spice lattes came out today I can confirm I got the notification yesterday so I am ready for it Tennessee's been acting like it's fall the weather here has been nutty in Oklahoma I'll tell you all that it's still triple digits we add a little overcast yesterday but it's hot it's hot um but we will check you guys next week we love you me if you checked us out for the first time make sure you like comment and subscribe you subscribe you enter that Taj Spears sign Jersey giveaway we'll be giving that away as soon as we hit a th subscribers we closing in under 150 I know that but we'll check y'all later check out the new intro peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause]