ESPN: Fantasy Football 2024 DRAFT!!! & Call of Duty: Warzone

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 03:32:36 Category: Entertainment

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get out baby stay Fair baby yeah oh baby oh [ __ ] whoops there we go let's get some tunes going for [Music] [Music] so we got plenty of time [Music] let's go with let's just play it what the [ __ ] up with my internet right now [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Lord [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how do I like I thought you could drag players the hell how do [Music] I this Q okay there we [Music] go what this biow 7 5 six s [Music] R she rice what thought he was in jail [Music] [Music] oh I'm on on the clock guys [Music] [Music] [Music] these glasses make me look [Music] nerdy buffer up up Bangles [Music] [Music] [Music] look got Kirk in a Vikings uniform [Music] desan how is he projected more than Trevor Lawrence it's a highrisk high reward [Music] [Music] some running backs here ni always had a th huh [Music] definitely need some running backs for QB [Music] [Music] [Music] where's Russell oh there he is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's trash you took him yep of course you took them the Old Kings of [Music] chaos George Pickins [Music] [Music] [Music] MRE what' you do last year to go with them right [Music] [Music] doin is on the Chargers where the [ __ ] did that at [Music] [Music] [Music] did he just get taken of course he did [Music] [Music] [Music] sh sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 14 15 16 17 18 [Music] [Music] [Music] just don't trust the Bears or Swift oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] C [Music] [Music] I didn't realize that was on whoops [Music] [Music] can't find a match oh h for domination protect the objective another classic Showdown I can't wait Charlie is over securing Baker [Applause] they're taking why am I keep man I got to work on these [Applause] setting closing with Charlie we've taken all objectives hold those positions m they Tak losing objective Baker Baker is lost Charlie oh God capturing Baker [Applause] en Alli Glide bomb on the way mission deployed thirsty securing [Applause] Baker capturing Baker securing Baker friendly sending a light bomb capturing B losing objective Baker they're attack dogs ready for action just show me friendly attack dogs on the way for back up double kill losing objective [Applause] Baker Baker is lost taking Baker we're falling behind push back they're taking able [Applause] loc report double kill just show me a t allies have contacted local they're taking B taking able they're overpowering take those positions we hold able losing objective able enemy controls it all take that ground securing Baker God damn it closing with AEL we got Recon Al Charlie is overrun a we're dug in at Bon they're taking Baker let my gun BL ready they got nowhere to hide just sure me a Target Recon BL scanning the [Music] area you're trash what from where Allied Glide Recon up we have eyes in the sky allly Glide ready with the Recon BL not our round rushing us we're dug in at Charlie just show me a [Applause] Target securing able thanks for the ammo for one what for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] the to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f 2 [Music] [Music] know [Music] know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] s [Music] all [Music] [Music] where wa [Music] [Music] oh [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bre I need stop to break heart [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] to break and my heart stop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] would [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the [Music] how [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's happening the [ __ ] was that [Music] [Music] [Music] going to get out of tra today [Music] going [Music] right [Music] it's [Music] [Music] in [Music] he's already been drafted up [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see 567 my backup receivers six five five it's all right I got enough receivers for week five I got enough receivers for week six for sure I got enough receivers for week seven for sure running backs all different buys quarterbacks all different bu there was an error loading your league for e for e for for for for for for for for for hello hello new map huh all right let me back out oh I was just in were you in myby yeah I was just in there I just got a kill oh nice [ __ ] me you know added the new maps uh I noticed the one I was just in was new yep we got pit and Gayla Gayla good old gay remember the museum one in war zone 2 that everybody liked but uh it was like copyright or something like they had to takeen they had to take it out I don't remember yeah the [ __ ] white Museum map yeah guess I'll level up this xm4 I don't know why pointless actually I found the new meta weapon and it's disgusting the SWAT no the [ __ ] lmg the only lmg yeah yeah the xmg it's insane say oh yeah let me start the party chat [ __ ] [Music] so it's very slow but it's [ __ ] nasty just getting wall bang that's so much fun oh oh God that's you also and I had to reload and got kill yeah me too y also I found a broken mechanic in the game to where they can't see you um when you Dolph die backwards you're on your back you're just laying there blend in you can't they can't see you your name tag dude what the yeah this guy was just laying in a really trolly spot that was that was crazy I can't see [ __ ] on this map wow just getting wall bang yeah wait till you get to pit I'm just I'm getting shredded from across map I can't even see the guy that's I don't know how I'm dying how's it feel I'm getting Spa behind cool cool yeah great he over spawn that's why and I'm dead only thing it's so [ __ ] slow no teammate cover me trophy yeah they got fix the spawn G for real it's really bad no uh just trying to reload man [ __ ] takes an hour for me even though I there's like three up top how did none of them die nothing got him off oh he has a trophy I'm reloading someone up on you oh yeah it's too late I just finished reloading a this gun I need another attachment help with the reload how is he not dead what the [ __ ] oh nice me there no oh ah let me reload my weapon course he [ __ ] spawn on me dude [ __ ] I'm getting spawn shot death can't do anything I can't do anything trunks about to be home then it's [ __ ] on what' you say cut his both just laying there with our dicks out that's good all right we'll play this a little bit more CU there's only pit in this map oh is it right yeah but they're very very small so it gets it's like even crazier than shipment in my opinion we'll play pit though so you can experience that [ __ ] [ __ ] show yeah people don't even want to play it it's all right we'll play G again I swear just saw a sniper GL my [ __ ] cross didn't do anything but I got double Ned that's good yep sniper glint in a weird spot I got him got as we can control up top here reload I reload maybe I should okay I don't really know where I'm getting shot from but that's good dude [ __ ] uh So Silent it's just I'm getting wall bang through curtains there's no cover in this map oh this guy's laying on a dead body cool can't see him and then he pre my spawn that's it's cool and shoot me before I can even shoot maybe I should keep my 75 round mag I going to say that guy was trying to cross over what the he the dude what are you [ __ ] H there's no way you see that oh my yeah great yeah I got keep 50 rounds not going to on this guy yes nice are you talking to him no oh wait we can't cuz we're in private party all right yeah the clips on Twitter with those hostage Clips yeah cool snipe [ __ ] [ __ ] can't even throw a nade for sniped in the face what the [ __ ] random nades again dude I'm glad there's a gas oh there's a [ __ ] there's two down though hiding in the middle H we were both reloading a matter of time God damn it oh I uh back off off dude these we're hiding out of the middle this time that's great uh oh my God getting shot from every direction a we're just holding angles now on the back are they down below still no they're all hiding behind [ __ ] in the back of the map yeah seem this [ __ ] this beta what he was up here I just got one tapped in the dude that doesn't make any sense are we using the Jack no we're using an AR now he's got his trophy great I can't even make the middle without getting shot in the back sometimes where am I getting shot from you up there up he's still up here on the other side another one coming up coming back up y this my spot the [ __ ] out trophy down Dam on this side I got reload oh nice already slow might as well just keep the yeah there been a lot of these snipers back here doing this and a lot of just spawn trapping the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] wait what I'm still trying to find a match they keep trying to do Gayla okay scale again is it TDM again oh my God come on yeah I can't I can't do that try let's do pit and like something else it's too short yeah they're very very small Maps I'll go back to the main playlist here in a second vot pit no pit oh my God mushrooms just wanting to play war [Music] zone is he on get back out all right I'm G to get out of this [Music] party for I was already in your party didn't look like you were doing anything had me worried I was playing [ __ ] uh another game I don't want to do that v v [Music] Desa Watson my entire fantasy season is banking on deshun Watson it's not good Jesus sounds scary Good Luck Good Luck shots here holy [ __ ] hoping for a happy ending you know what I'm saying yeah Bobby [ __ ] hell Sean loves his happy Innings now you're really scaring him now you're really [ __ ] scaring him how many days left to this goddamn Season 52 days there's no [ __ ] shot no way right there's no there's no way 52 days are left in this season right that's that's got to be total for the game right knows who knows I sure hope so CU [ __ ] knows at this right this unbalanced nonf fun piece of crap I haven't had fun on this game since the Christmas event seems to be a theme yeah what's the game that they um I mean what's the best gun to use right now every day for the [ __ ] Black Ops [ __ ] with me Mendoza let's see these shots that's this guy might be aim Bing I don't know how he killed me how he even hit those shots like that that's I drop shot him and he only hit head shot like killed me so fast with the worst gun that's enemy welcome back to war zone I just got killed by a rle is that the best gun game right now they did buff it it's all right oh God bro you why don't you say this before you load me into a goddamn game uh it's I mean it's not it's not meta it's viable I'm gone for a week like I mean the fastest killing gun's going to be the Horus man really got to use the static dude the Horus i' been using the striker the Horus and then the striker static the Horus has like kills like 30 milliseconds faster than any other one and then you've got the horse Striker superi rival like right there together I guess I got to make a class again but you know we're talking 30 milliseconds so they're all kind of right there they're already be us I fell I missed it went one shot you're up there I got a sniper and I'm dead I don't know why this guy tried to fly at me and send me that's pretty bold there bud someone jumped down yeah somebody's looking for me again on my roof I killed one on me above me push me oh bro all these M stupidest [ __ ] in the world never remove e coming back oh do we puss you out over there no I mean I'm going back I I I had two chase me anyway so I just flew over and killed him and then got got one right through there yep right here I got a pistol I got I got one down one on me right here [ __ ] I didn't know there was two little rats other one's selfing other one selfing I'm I'm I'm I got a [ __ ] I picked up a side Winder bro oh my God I didn't know there was two like [ __ ] holding hands laying on top of each other I can't hear you if talking uh one gun sub machine gun I'm I'm land right on you [ __ ] them that team's ass yeah they're not good I just don't have I don't have get shot in the back now got some guy waiting on me right above me that [Applause] gu there's a guy on you there's one on the roof going up God I'm so slow been spoiled this whole weekend I hear somebody Crouch walking near us yeah he's probably up here Crouch walk I don't see him the hell they push off I don't know enough Lo if you guys want to buy that yeah they might have went over there let's see just go that Lo's right here oh here he is I see him and I got before I P my Sho oh on the Gazebo that was unfortunate okay he's over there by the Gazebo so you got reinforcements inbound I went up I'm looking at the Caz anybody or hear anybody he probably ran down below then not there I just went down below I just went down oh he's over here I don't know where his kid went he's he's probably dipping by himself like two right here three right here holy [ __ ] I got a sell you get sniped yeah there's all three down there all looks like they're yep one right below you to come up I don't know what he's thinking I'm getting looked at from behind I'm getting the sniper looking at me don't know I don't know what that kill was he got killed by somebody else looks like somebody below us still on us on us oh [ __ ] I already went all right it's all you guys he's selfing watching over there's nice somebody else looking at me from behind Guy find yeah on the bridge broke them h I broke him by you mushroom de last on the bridge on the bridge okay I'm looking over I see him jump sucks jumped off jumped off over here get back I got to get back to cover cuz I thought I heard footsteps underneath though so just y on me on me landing on me oh got one a bullet oh my God the way on the way on the way on the way got one dead sing out on me one's laying in the Smoke on me nice that's huge snip me I just see three guys on you right over there yeah I feel like somebody else wow that shit's crazy motherfu what we like to say like I heard might have been your Fe On theum One dropping in and hit him another one dropping in behind floting yeah yeah that was me broke him coming back someone sniping from uh up there yeah I don't see his GL that's sow there he's right here at the corner oh that was no I thought I heard below us too the team is planning on taking the zip up wait there's no zip here I hear somebody flying in right now on us yeah I see that I saw the red smoke I see him tagged down broke them a what request fire air strikes are so shitty in this game bro the fact that they show up on the map ised the b a lot of people over exhibit just thirsted one of my kills over there they're shooting at now got snipers yeah I don't know where the snipers on the other side so you can't see them all right guess I'm just going to go over here Resurgence window is ending watch your kind of want to try to get UAV that guy's low down here whole team just ran down low into this building guys are fine in they dropped in team popped a load out do we go home did it maybe we take it while they're doing the load out somebody just Landing up top right nowo in yeah Dro in right now he's get shredded left side zip up one top sely slow I don't know down low yep right by the get angles right here T them T again broken all right I'm moving up I'm moving up on this little uh roof thing they F their way out got to watch this Z behind us flying in I hear him flying in he's right here how am I down yeah I need help I need help I'm getting shot oh above you on the little Raptors what how did he even get up there you got stay alive one shot oh wait it said it was counting down for me oh yeah I got 20 seconds 7 Seconds oh God 5 seconds I tried to kill two them to get them off being landed on I can buy you back but think yeah on me back yeah somebody's trying to thermite me pick up my gun please get a plate up yep right down below above [ __ ] got gas moving in you're bottom floor or you up here no I'm getting high alerted I'm up here with you I'm saying that they're bottom floor I think I got high got that guy getting sniped now from [ __ ] H they got angles oh that's a crazy he's already on the roof he's like up here what the [ __ ] yeah out watch out they got angles right here still a guy below us I think landing on us watch out yep him he went in the [ __ ] uh train car there there's no way he's alive he's still de I don't back whole team jumping off of [ __ ] top whatever in the gas yep we got the hold guys here got spotted me too the [ __ ] the guy down below guaranteed dude what the [ __ ] where is this stupid thing on us on us on us oh above me again oh God on you what the [ __ ] guy below me Aaron I don't know where you went but yeah plank him I dropped down I had to drop down I was up there with all three of them go back on me on me guy right here my side three of them broke them got those two broken two broken all three one's down from the thermite holy [ __ ] that's ridiculous yeah I can't I don't know this just all three guys were in the same [ __ ] skins running together that was ass sorry guys just waiting 17 seconds it's okay boss I'm just trying to make a [ __ ] class holy [ __ ] [ __ ] check your weapons check your gear we're holding for deployment enemies are dropping into the the [ __ ] game will ever be to me [ __ ] [ __ ] up a game all stations this is shadow so I went back in my kitchen and my dishwasher is running and I definitely did not turned my dishwasher on so I don't know what the [ __ ] happening maybe you bumped into it there no [ __ ] way who knows it's just going at it no my God haven't even touched it the [ __ ] is going on let's get this done toloy mushrooms I'm going to need you to lock it in brother hello you've been gone for a week and you probably been ass all day I'm so see this is what I'm talking about I've been since last Sunday I got an RPG awesome love this game [ __ ] [ __ ] I've got to smash display cases to get plates on this game deep down you love this map um don't lie yeah it's so [Music] fun I don't mind it St every time so I've already picked up this subur this uh somebody landed on you for sure somebody's looking for you station ready they're on the roof above us where are they where are they Ain no one looking for me what' you say about sub Mur all I picked up this pulot twice and each time I uh had to [ __ ] the weapon every time I get up you know how to do it right open up damn it give me that box give me that box mine mine mine mine mine mine mine M UAV here on me oh I [ __ ] boys [ __ ] who you but let's that that sorry that dark yellow Bounty before unhinged all right on theat go Ahad and PR I got going to fly to it yeah trying to climb to the roof I'm severely slow gas I love my here we go hold on M pre morar they jumped off they're in the ocean right below me they suck shot at shotgun shotgun wa do you see them no no they're right here he's on the stair wall these guys are pretty sweaty watch it yeah they're trying to flank going down that's the Bounty two more I'm getting shot from the [ __ ] no way what these guys are cheating there's no shots you sniped me through the smoke bro above me above me right above me we're getting shot we lit up from the beach leave me alone hostiles deoy the mosito there's no way you are breaking my armor from that range brother they don't give out plates on the boat one's on me we didn't even get our specialist thing en [ __ ] him another one's flying in no way Fu hey I just got shot from two different angles he's marking me and being toxic bro why are you being toxic why are you being toxic there's no one else here can you thirst me I hate this [ __ ] game this guy's just going to he's teabagging me go [ __ ] yourself yeah yeah he might be cheating bro he down me in the blink of an eye and then just knew this other kid was coming and down him and Two Shots [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] gamea your PR you got time for another Target we've got 10 stand for redeployment not broke one I need [ __ ] playes broke that guy you're shooting at mushroom other guy water one flying in above you on the car tagged him tagged him I saw Specialist of bount I'm coming to you the Bounty they're trying to oh my God I just you got the kill for that even though I stuck him with a thermite that's [ __ ] shooting atas find a plate I got 34 Grand what the [ __ ] yeah you finish the Bounty thing yeah we got him the first time that's a lot of money holy [ __ ] all right in actually I should have bought an air strike all right uh all right I just flew in up there if you want to push that it's one shot out of the air yeah window yeah he just jumped out down one my is lost too slow a draw Pilgrim you still got time on the clock how about another I'm getting looked at from in here he got oh my God he shredded me right when I PE the window I don't know about this guy oh he's a bullet he's a bullet godam dude oh there looking right there [ __ ] me dude why did the [ __ ] reload so slow wait fuckon get the [ __ ] out oh bro trying to run after me there yeah there's you got three on your ass you got two on your seconds yeah w down what the [ __ ] is this though the [ __ ] is that the new B 27 thing hey CCX Kitty huh how's it going for you it's going all right for me welcome to my kick stream C Kitty huh like a hell of a guy could be a gal easy there buddy h g could be both enemy [Music] in this gun sucks have you tried this bow 27 Jack at death have I tried it no yeah do I love this game who knows a [ __ ] laser burst laser burst oh no I'll drop one for you guys I'll let you try it out [Music] Resurgence stay alive to your in the fight all right I don't know what that is but I'm going oh no wait what in the know I got you let him get it oh there's a lot of people here you I need to do is he there oh just let him kill me just let him kill me you [ __ ] [ __ ] we need that [ __ ] contract God damn it you broke that guy he's mad at me I took both of his kills ran away and didn't save me that's not why I did that I ran away cuz I had no armor and I was fighting a million of them saved my life I'm trying to get this contract get explo cont and R those know what this [ __ ] means we're going to go oh I got plates but I'm not dropping it for you a little bit that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] I got but I'm going to drop it somewhere else sry I got a m in here not near you near what am I playing Far Cry 3 never done with these I don't know what these little thingies mean oh my god get [ __ ] [ __ ] on holy contracts areed get out here some specialist where specialist it's on one shot on me of course oh did you the money yeah [ __ ] are you serious dude gasing I'm going to die cuz this game's trolling me right now H I [ __ ] hate this game dude what the [ __ ] heat on is somewhere careful load head stupid we're coming yeah we're on the way I'm good I'm just pissed off that this game dude what the and he in fact was not good all right they stole this [ __ ] oh there it is they're stealing I guess we're holding this down we got it oh on me how did he how did he not shoot at you unhinged am I playing dude I don't don't know where you're getting shot from I can't even see this kid I know dude I I don't know I'm getting shot from behind now too all I I'm dead I don't know how I been alive this whole time are landing in on this on whoa I'm getting pre- aimed everywhere they Ming they might send us too oh they definitely will mini box down for more smokes I might go back up top honestly was earlier I don't like this area just the forite be in me here ony somewhere in here yeah we got the you I just thought there was a specialist but pretty sure right above us yep I'm getting looked at from down low somewhere now dude he's right here I'm getting shredded from behind I don't understand this [ __ ] I'm getting free aim as soon as I move go back where to me to me yeah I'm com back your building they're all going to hold on Hing they're all the roof one get a sniper I was ripping them I was ripping them for you come to me enemy soldier incoming I don't understand why are we just marked after that contract or what cuz Jesus oh dear I me down below I know where he went was I got people to the left going try to come up M field oh I got feet on me somewhere by by the just took a zip on me and just knows just knows whole team up here de all right I'm trying to self safe I smoked you thank you I don't understand how I'm getting pre a and yeah we are [ __ ] getting the there's no [ __ ] way this game is something else dude he's on the roof yeah there was multiples on the I got my load out guns here I didn't realize it was a load out box you can pick them up if you want still a guy here Bott somewhere too where he went okay I guess we'll just hang out here oh here's this guy right here there he is right there on the roof that guy break his legs could be some stuff like right here I got some load out guns right here for you yeah come to this room mushroom someone on us I know they're on the roof yeah really I was just up there at least one up there grab these guns grab these guns unless you got yours I'm good I got my [ __ ] yeah all right all right heads up an enemy Mar you as a bounty Target your s made it to the safe Zone hear one flying yeah I hear him up there hear him yeah he's got like or something SS like people are pushing in yeah I'm going to try to hold mid floor I gu you can just chill here dude I mean close this door up and oh right I do want to kill that [ __ ] above us though I know but if I zip up he's just going to hold the zip and I'm being looked at I mean there's a zip right here we could just all zip them the sun's so bad I can't see on top of the building across somebody's Crouch walking on us us I think yeah two up there now all parachutes they're swinging around like over here they're on that side of the going to go up [ __ ] want to go up all right I'm going to hit the zip we coordinate it we should go out that way now behind you yeah we should go this all right I'm going up now right here on me I think he another one two another one another one dropping in guys below us I get my kill I got says there somebody over there I hear somebody below me yeah FL thought there was more than one so there's one bottom floor yeah I hear bottom floor we just tra spots I think watch watch the other building there's guys top top train station over there Al's going on yeah toal gasing somebody up there broke moring on on me might try to zip somebody hit a zip somebody hit a zip careful yeah just come over here watch watch the middle zip too are jumping off here all of them all of them one's down there we go I think it's a team wi I don't know I don't know I was shoo right when Happ and they weren't they all man that bro yeah I don't know that crazy coordination was that a team WIP yeah yeah it was the crazy thing I was shooting like at you guys they going down I don't know all right I'm getting L at from the watch the train station gas try to find gas yeah there's there's one down there already got one I already got one yeah was here High Al going getting sniped I just got shredded from behind as well I'm down from behind stay down they might fly over come over here come over here there's a window on me I don't know what window you guys went yeah gas in oh yeah I like this I don't want to be on the roof too much action um yeah and we can go back up on the there's a ladder right here if we need to go back up so to the now we can just kind of chill here and hold angles can we walk on this and go over there uh out nope you can't stay up there stay up there die taking the zip back up yeah mushroom stay down here we can trade out if you want to come back up like we're all going to die if we stay up on the Roof oh yeah they're moving in all right coming back yeah people are 35 me in front of us careful what I might do is stay on this side here uh there's a window right here actually there's only one way okay stairwell and this way yeah I'm going here for a second we got Circle but oh we have to move people uh just wall banging me to rotate in so we got air strikes go back in back in there all right going back up I might try to zip up backside over there careful there's a lot back behind us landing in it is guys to our right over here yeah there's four people still on station angles they angles on the Windows watch out this is a tough tough hold here so many ways up Precision going back to my room side this side yep right here the stairwell below me might they might come up here they come on me got another one down another one jumped off smoking down one again jumping off all right com up they're being held hard we're being held hard Aaron I might fly right in the gas you got gas mask yeah and I'm dead all right on you I'm dead cuz that [Music] was Zero audio the same thing to me that same guy all right well I'm dead now cuz angles are [ __ ] just I I knew that was going to be a hard soon as we turn our backs there you go just too many ways up on that building one team of two it's the team that shot Us in the back hope be coming across now stuck that guy too crazy I think yeah I don't know that guy's play there he was waiting and then as soon as we turned our backs that's when he decided to push he might have been and then he he fled you there at the end same kid so I I don't know yeah just pretty real perfect plays there weird yeah [Music] but what about dinner time when do I go get to eat dinner ho can only head Z get geared up and stand back what was I just saying dude I how many times flesh they Nerf the SD that bad Jesus yeah can I get a ppsh or an MP 40 or something back in the game it's classic fun to use you I was looking up ppsh is online to buy I could buy one for $350 I'm I'm going to run around with a ppsh out here true patri buy one real life HRI patri control control control control let's go boys control it's hot it's hot you know what I'm going to start running the Jack Pat rest I got a sniper oh my God no [ __ ] air strike stay alive child stay alive alive I was playing this game mode earlier and it was fun as [ __ ] it's so high all I know [ __ ] that going to love that you got the whole team pushing you good luck you also got 8 seconds to stay alive just run just [Applause] run going I'm going [ __ ] living Corners yeah I'll come back later I was crazy bro here oh I found a more sniper got a station speed on us speed on us I still have a [Music] pistol see any there you go on the Radar Radar Radar yeah this was just one guy ran away Deployable stations ready on me wait there's one yeah above me above me you hiding proba he's yeah he's sitting on the roof he's we gotg I thought he was I thought he was on the uh in the second floor and it said he was laying by the ladder fr don't take my Jack Patriots I don't need it it's [ __ ] uh I want to be a patri back Oh's the window oh my God I don't let him push me don't let him push me there you're on shot him in the shot him in the window back in the window going dude [ __ ] this kid climb the ladder yep one on the roof above me jump off come on broke him broke him broke them up on the roof he quit the game I thought he was going to jump off the roof that's why I came out to the tents this game gas game okay I'm getting shot from yep give me your money give your money drop your money they're trying to kill me back money's right here a lot more it was like 20 grand it is 20 grand yeah I got I'm a patriot all right I'm going to rotate way right to uh yeah uh whatever this is over here I don't know what it is nice dude I'm locked in very locked in right now your Z bro take your zes you'll be just fine Z dude I'm [ __ ] fired up Heart Beating Heart Beating nothing but then again the same thing seem to not pick anybody up Bounty that uh unhinge really wants yeah I really want that guy dropping in down a guy in that smoke up there I thered the top window somehow instead of thering him I don't see any have an angle they're all aiming at me now sh they move they're running damn guys I'm liting the b i this guy peek his head up again or is he going to crawl the whole for another Precision we just have precisions and a [Music] mortar I'm pushing them bro I am pushing them no hell holy [ __ ] pushing all right I'll TR all right I'm going to my push or come out shoot all bot Ching me chasing me I'm getting airri again dude [ __ ] my they just yeah knocked one they stole the [ __ ] bro they stole our [ __ ] specialist what is going on I just solo Smack The Bounty around dude this is insane again yeah could do anything three stries I don't know what they're doing they're still sitting in this house I knocked one yeah they lit buying [ __ ] and spamming it at you I'm watching them run back and forth from the a fire they have a fire I keep baring them and they keep popping back now they murdered me so you might be good to push up yeah we're going have to play underneath we're going to play underneath dud I'm getting again oh [ __ ] I'm dead I always go up there wait I'm see you to the right too this is chaos showers [ __ ] place I can TR God and there's a team just waiting for us no I'm getting H from living quarters again I downed one of the guys on you and then I just got shot from those [ __ ] this insane one's landing on where you guys were this is insane some the dumbest [ __ ] I've ever experienced I'm going to land on these guys in house 2600 damage and three kills I'm landing with you with my T 56 infinish whole team on me dude just holding hands they're down there got their specialist go get that load out they come I'm getting I'm just getting shot oh my God they're all the bullets if I had anything but a attack 56 he would have been dead you little camping [ __ ] weirdos on me I got to get a jack patri load out ready for the next [Applause] one that's the Bounty hey here's a tag 56 it's going to take all 60 rounds to knock it kid oh we got specialist but it call that sucks need a Muni and some [ __ ] from this buy yeah let's do it here the [ __ ] here lot of for you taking control oh Jesus it's happing right there only three we might be able to go back way try to get in I got a whole team on me I get you I just got [Applause] stunned one's outside yeah they were all chasing me get in the safe Zone gas is closing in did they all move off the [ __ ] I hear one on the roof right here ghosted thr min's down somewhere nice we got to move there was a guy there's a guy in the hill there a guy that went over here he res [Music] make some last minute purchases potentially H you're the only one up there careful somebody's above me looking at youy station is available safe Zone gas is moving enemy we go around anybody need this mini RIS I'm pop it car coming car coming car coming broke that kid on the roof shooting at you heartbeat right in front of us to the right going to one shot left no one down right here where he one's right here down the [ __ ] right here to right to the right that truck second left play truck I'm holding this hill side one more building building right here right here oh no two couple more couple more oh my God are they in there that scared the [ __ ] out of me dud I was like are they just waiting for me to open this nice [ __ ] do good [ __ ] good [ __ ] 5,000 damage 5,000 damage sweatfest for seven kills yeah put up about 15,000 damage as a team for [ __ ] 15 kills it's insane you went two in a row yesterday why is my dishwasher running that's kind of weird enemy soldier incoming [Applause] all station light arey War enem Supreme Resurgence stay alive to keep your SP [Applause] where we goinging the paint the walls with my enem blood oh my god look who it is UAV boys [Applause] no way dude I just put a whole static clip into this guy and he didn't die yeah I was chasing them but that doggy do plus have they pick off the ground attachments on it you know I want to get this finck out of my hand as quick as possible got one boys en you I think he suck someone get unhinged a sniper to use this STG is like they got oh one I got oh no I just got snip to one's pushing us one's pushing us though I'm trying I'm trying to help pushing okay are where'd you get sniped from down below I don't know where that guy is one tried to shotgun me no way don't know down there mushroom watch out oh they up here with us CH oh okay uhhuh STS I got one got specialist I took it I got specialist too there other one down all right the RO look I'm getting sniped at from behind Tower maybe broken broken broken stay the stay the stay on the side stay get look at from behind again towards e there's a laser over here somewhere yeah yeah somebody's sniping at the other end of the roof yeah I know I see him got fly I got try the balloon he's right here I'll try the Ballo all right and I'm dead from the other guy they're they're terrible they're all four here hiding all four hiding oh [ __ ] all right what the [ __ ] literally that sniper called me out and the other three ran up the steps they just flared them back they took my flare flared them back he's probably going to fly a [ __ ] just in Cas I'm putting a we get jump I got a Horus I'm landing right on their [ __ ] head a whole bunch of money there in case we die they're absolute dog [ __ ] I'm getting team shot by them all they're still looking at you they're still looking at you they're part of that's part of the same team they're still looking one's one's a bullet he's plating up he's trying to snipe he's got a stalker I'm going land on his head again land on his head again just going to keep landing on his [ __ ] head I am [Music] Landing now Tagg him tag him broke it he's tag I can't get the shot off over over hope no I'm getting I'm getting shredded from behind there was one I couldn't see [ __ ] [ __ ] BR other one's on me [ __ ] I'm here in the corner trying not to die P they're still they're looking for me yeah yeah they're looking for me say all ch's back I land somewhere else CH just Keep Us Alive cuz we're all probably going to dieing yep here comes the other one for me three of them on the roof now I want to land back [ __ ] you on the roof they're on the roof re bottom Flor oh I see him I could get my Stu back oh I just missed it [ __ ] the long way I guess coming up the steps or down the steps I can't [ __ ] tell up to you shot oh whole team right here I just got shreded I'm dead I'm dead that is [ __ ] and a whole team pushing From Below i' get out get out get out get out a whole another team coming down the stepsi on me where you at oh I can't use that [ __ ] once God damn it you can only use enem sitting on the tower of course glitch you're being air strike bro oh my [ __ ] god here they come God you [ __ ] suck you little [ __ ] four four [ __ ] guys sitting on a [ __ ] Tower jumping off now [ __ ] little brat [ __ ] yeah sniping at wow about a mode that destroys your KD holy [ __ ] yeah I just bought back stand down oh this oh I'm using the m4y okay I'm dead from up top yeah they're on the roof down below mid floor okay shro just getting shredded [Music] I can't get off you good slide in there guys everywhere that's the same guy that kill me this guy's cheating 100% cheating waiting here till everyone gets back dude stop mid loing there why is there a laser on this [ __ ] gun all on this roof up top the [ __ ] am I listening to somebody put a [ __ ] portable UAV up I'm coming to you all right I'm in the little uh cell right now all right everyone's back they looking for me land any there's slide canc through here like somebody knows I'm here somebody's Crouch walk gas you guys just got to go somewhere safe I think they're trying to find us dude yep station right us might be heartbeating yeah he's by himself we can just rush him I ran down to them gas looking for any single females any plates it's Tod again white guys connect play top interesting y I'm closing these doors oh there's no doors okay all right going stay theame I got have a durable gas mask so and you and specialist so play gas location they could yeah I wish there was a kill feed to the entire Lobby so you could see if people went down during that Excursion there yeah hey uh mushroom give me three grand just in case one of you guys dies I make it buy back nice guys want to buy going up going going out for the I'm going out down and out oh [ __ ] I have a gas mask so I could I don't play go go go other strike why am I [ __ ] so atrociously slow [Music] yeah win should we actually made in here the hell that's great thought for sure prison one going to laser be got one down next door we got Precision watch out got one down in the hill I bro I got self get 12 get get 12 try there's a whole team on the hill that's going to hold oh there's a guy right there there's a guy right here somehow special get that special someone what the [ __ ] is that and we're just spamming more air strikes this game sucks they're on the hill holding right at The Bu [ __ ] oh that cucked us dead dead yeah justu out look at all the air strikes we're just sending in got one knocked whatas I don't know how I almost got broken there God I think he's down yeah I downed him down there right I'm dead yeah that's great we just knew everywhere every play I made oh of course he went up to the he went up to the tower of course pre a it [ __ ] stupid look at this kid he just stares right he's Crouch walking around and then just aims I don't trust anybody at this [ __ ] point dud come [Music] [Music] Mar Chase for them to get CD lamb and Chad Brown should I do it uh I'm not gonna lie I don't even know who Chad Brown is you guys know who Chad Brown is no do you who the [ __ ] is Chad Brown is I know there's a linebacker Weasley oh no no that's a different Chad that's that's the yeah that's the old Chad Brown Chad Brown I I would take it depends on what kind of year you think both those receivers are going to have I mean CD lamb is always oh he's really good bangal spread the ball around to Mar Chas in this contract situation over standy to the war why do I always get dead slides but the computer players can move up down left right as fast as they want well it's all about to change dude I could dive off a building and roll over a million times and shotgun you in the face when I land now you know it's called Omni movement get ready get [ __ ] it's called Darth it's called Darth Battlefront God this map sucks I would love to play some Battlefront to the battlefield where do we want to land [ __ ] show one or [ __ ] show two [ __ ] town or low [ __ ] the day there's a reality reality that let you play old PlayStation 2 games and one of them is Battlefront and it looks clean up talk to me jamas oh that's locked [ __ ] I can't get in there there people here on the roof I think he's a I am oh that's you that's they're going to get the key bro they're right here I know I'm trying to find a gun the stairs who landed with me to [ __ ] that guy me you got down got the audio is so bad whoever did air strike I couldn't hear anything got one down the stairs though left side jump it out the window got an inhibitor flying in Ro I I just got jumped out and [ __ ] I need res now I'm dead another one around the other side coming out the window coming out coming back oh man I [ __ ] hit him shot with they're all back bro they're all still there all I'm dropping you there I'm dead I'm in a goag this guy literally just tried to run away from me in the goag stand coming back they're all okay not coming back yeah don't go I think SL back help out the squad I just I just broke my legs if you can land on me saw I don't know what I hit I didn't like I landed here but I bounced off or something what if mushroom that's not that's not an enemy bomb drone I here is it probably guy might I'm getting across the river yeah he's still over there by Me by me oh I've got a balloon got enough he's fighting across the way I didn't want to drop the MTZ [ __ ] okay lots of fighting here yeah I'm coming trying to get got think they're fighting yeah they're down how do I get out of this nice nice on me there's no way I already had him broken another one another one another one no I two down and the last one came oh my God bro how did they jump us like that unplayable okay last one last one yeah go find [Music] SC and they're already [Music] back the suppes Loc car on you Guy full sitting me on the car please don't come here I land on the scavenger balloon on you guys drop on me right now ding your death might be able to piece up after this box no you got $300 out of it correct one shot might have thrown to his death for sure y yep probably oh God I broke my way by me CH by me I got more money I got a player oh I'm back by uh what's his F I have a what's this face what the [ __ ] you're a hooker somebody check the chopper at the loading I'm dead it's the loading oh my God I'm dead I didn't know there was more there's a whole team flying down and us for [ __ ] this is stupid everywhere we go whole team flies down at us it's just so stupid everywhere we go somebody just flies in full [Music] sends everywhere [ __ ] Camp dude CH I I dip back as far as you can I'm sure they're going to push your way what do you mean like back uh maybe rotate is this balloon here I i' I'd dip back to this balloon if you can I I'll land near it we'll fly together dude I got yeah they're already shooting at me don't worry I'm going to snipe them I can't see them don't see any of them I'm at The Bu that bu back it's not camped somebody's landing on us I'm going for cuz I'm a piece of [ __ ] I'm just kidding coming to you guys but I'll probably die regardless camp in here then to die helicopter gas station gas station are you guys try to make here not I'm flying to you I got enough to buy shs he going on in this game mode I think why why are all the cheaters back bro what is going on cuz everybody else is on Black Ops 6 so it's just cheaters and uh casual casuals Yeah by Black Ops the guys who haven't played in a week oh that's me yeah playing a lot of first descendant a lot of fun the vehicle dud I was getting [ __ ] sweat whole team gas station like boys y here they go in I got him oh my God you here in a second yeah I know I'm sure he's pissed I'm out team s yeah I'm three them Dro my face I'm going try to get to Chia that was funny though heed gas is closing in relocating the safe Zone this has been nothing but survival tactics Most Wanted right next to us probably B drop think we need it let's risk Our Lives let's risk Our Lives I got a balloon you want to pop the balloon get out of here Circle we got an A Crate a an actual CR probably going to get sniped I think he's over here CH on you got a g against you for somebody here's something I need so hold on here you go shrimps gas is moving I have a bunker key card too if you want to get a bunker key bunker the mini I alreadying too I got it windows don't want to break thing doesn't want to climb another M another ring Blaster I'm running into Z I'm hitting every door and window as loud as possible another gag entry and another so take right next to the self jacket I'll pick that up all right I guess we keep moving to the buildings to the right a little bit yep loot loot loot loot loot loot Kings another self R oh I'll I'll St it one of those gets knocked I'm going to pop one of these munis popped it in the hallway so I can sell this trophy go ahead and pop off go ahead got a flare you want to do it I know you do [ __ ] it all right that was a lot of Le it you got gas okay go I got a balloon on me come up here to the roof we can pop the balloon fly up actually the same somebody dropping in on us all right I'll pop it here then oh they're here on me I got another one up here here one on the ground someone next to me we want to fly we want want to go ahead and fly I want to fly here on us on us yeah go go go go I'm out out see you guys go toward Circle big building maybe uh Team right at the corner all right load yeah The Bu station area Smoke on the a little more got it oh got gas up take it off again fly over yeah here comes the car right [Music] now did it land on the roof better how did it land on the roof I threw it on the ground I don't know but every time something like that happens we die weird I don't know how to get up yeah back there we're going to die I'm going to die pick it up I don't see where they are one's sping right now tagged them enemy two them [ __ ] almost dropped him he went left a full team though looks like I got extra go in we're to go in we flying rotating in keep rotating in fly I'm flying get shot from behind get the [ __ ] out of here I'm bang bottom flooor right here second floor they shot it they shot it they shot I'm dead they shot it down on you unhinged on my level I'm bottom with you I'm coming bottom place that's so sketch I got so many feet it's insane I got you oh there's a load out here that's why balloon boys if we we out here do we want to hold this down thanks man so I got [ __ ] on my body boun Betty on it somebody just hit oh my god did you just just hit the medicine cabinet oh somebody hit a medicine cabinet right on us scatter mine one shot there's a million guys between you and us yep are they on the roof yeah they're definitely above us I hear them on the cross walking over I'm midor you guys right below me I think get this room mined up I got a trophy in here we're just chilling yeah they're on the roof uh you guys want to open this door real quick and with a bomb Dr it back yeah they're all mid floor I don't know if I can make it I don't know if I can make it to you guys is there another door where you're at they're all hiding midor one right above us they're literally sitting right above us they're going to try to hold it we all right yeah com I've got a balloon they're right up the stairwell right above us yeah maybe wait for them to move eventually and balloon behind them it's bad I can't make it to you guys them see is there a door that leads to the outside where you where you can look at right now what do you mean is there a door that leads to the the outside okay I'm going to run to the yeah it's where the mine is that I P they are right above you though they are literally right above you looking out window I'm saying that's why I asked what I asked all right I made it cuz where I was there's a wall in between usas this is going to be a [ __ ] show we got to go out middle probably yeah I was going to say let's go this way I got an air strike nice might air strike it while you guys go yeah I got I got a gas mask here's a m get more smokes going to a strike a strike wait 3 seconds and then air strike and then we go trying to all yep I see him right above air strike air strike air strike I'm out I'm out uh two are waiting in the gas I got one the other one's back here one to our left I'm dead if you got any flares got one on our right did you get the guy behind you that got me there's one right on here oh what the [ __ ] go go got they're thirst he's [ __ ] thirsty dude holding all you're going to get Las going get laser dude yeah there's no cover so crazy that match took forever that was Insanity the entire time and it took [ __ ] forever that's of course I had two kids top top jump on me in the gas it's is my stream lag [ __ ]

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