I'm Excited For Vikings Kicker Will Reichard During This Preseason

Published: Aug 09, 2024 Duration: 00:01:06 Category: Sports

Trending searches: will reichard
I am super excited to watch Vikings kicker will rker smoke some long field goals in his career will rard has had a lot of success with field goals from 50 to to 60 plus yard field goals and I'm so excited to watch him showcase that Talent at game speed in this preseason game against the Raiders I'm so excited for that and it's game day overall football is back and we have a chance to have a competent kicker finally a competent kicker that we can keep on the team and I think that we sort of had that in Daniel Carlson in 20 in 2018 but Mike Zimmer got rid of him too early now that we have Kevin oconnell will reard and an entirely new team I feel that we're gonna we're going to shock some people and will rard I think is going to be as great as the people say he is as at least Vikings fans cuz we know our player is worth we know how much they're worth and will rker is going to be worth a lot he already is and I'm looking forward to those long kicks skull Vikings

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