here are some excerpts from the cancer free video that has just been released now I wonder when these images were taken because remember this is supposed to be the latest release so if she's had a nose job this should be after the nose job that doesn't look like she's had a nose job that looks like the old Kate to me now I don't know who young hand that is so remember that this is supposed to be someone who's gone through eight months of chemo without losing a hair on her head it's a very woo I mean that's just crazy anyway problem is was that princess bathroom because if that was who the hell is that back to cancer-free video no NOS job who is that these faces are not the same cancer-free video all blong face look at the mouth and then we have someone with no Chin who was appearing at Wimbledon back to the cancer free latest video now do you honestly think that's the same person who the hell is that back to the cancer free video do you really think that that is the same person there's the Kate the version of Kate that appeared at Wimbledon now we're just going to put up a picture of the cancer-free Kate next to if you want to argue with me that that's the same person more cancer-free Kate these are not the same people more cancer well actually I'm not really sure when that picture was taken but it's laughable to say that these are the same people there's cancer-free Kate do you really think that that is the same person that appeared at trooping the color there's cancer-free Kate cancer-free Kate different mouth different smile different nose different shape of the head the jaw everything what is going on all right so we're going to try and figure out what is going on in this [Music] video to me um it it's looking old I feel like that the um in other words the the The Oblong um shape of her face and the nose and the mouth in the video looks more like how princess Katherine used to be before all this um cancer stuff which is that's the ironic thing I mean the person in that cancer-free video looks nothing like the Kate that showed up at trooping the colors for sure um I mean we we could if if they hadn't released that cancer-free video we could have said well she had a nose job and that's why she looked the way she did at trooping the colors but the problem is in the cancer-free video we don't have the trooping of the colors Kate we've reverted back maybe she reversed a nose job or something but clearly we have her looking more like she did um before in fact she got married um um we have you know she has an oblong face and a a quite a large chin and the versions of Princess Catherine that we saw at Wimbleton and at trooping the colors has a round face um and no Chin so there's something very wrong and a very petite distinct um delicate barely their nose for the trooping the colors Kate so there something weird is going on show me show me what is the truth about the version of Kate that we see in this now see there's something about time you see maybe it was the version of her that was eight years ago there's something about timing here what do what is the truth about the Kate that we see in this cancer-free video why are we getting this eight of Wands I feel like it was eight years ago could have been when she had two two children8 years ago how many children did she have just hang on one second I feel like 8 years ago she would have had two children girl and a boy girl and a boy I feel like whatever they've done that Princess Catherine that you're seeing in the cancer-free video somehow was how she looked 8 years ago don't ask me how they did it show me how um how does Prince William feel about this video that was just released how does he feel so there's some kind of collaboration there some kind of a plan or an expert must have how does he feel about the video that was just released jeez some kind of a plan here Six of Swords somebody was looking at something plan may have been to this there's a woman there whose identity is concealed how does he feel what do we how does he feel about the video that was just release the Six of Swords it's almost like there's one woman and one child in that video who are not who they appear to be maybe it was six years ago how does he feel about the video that was just released okay just a second now just give me a moment how does he feel about the video that was just released all right give me a moment here so I mean he could be a bit angry perhaps he was forced to make the video with the herant so he could be angry because um maybe somebody to forced him to do it or he would you know he was there's sort of somebody saying what I say goes there oh he doesn't feel good about it at all what is he stressed about why is Prince William stressed about that video because of the nine of swords what is the nine of Swords why is he stressed about the video all right somebody there may have been some kind of a legal agreement or why is he feeling stressed about the no I it's because there's somebody here who could look very closely here and see something he's worried that somebody is going to look very closely somebody is going to see a truth yeah it it is definitely deceptive it is definitely deceptive there's somebody who is looking very very closely at total deception here underneath this it may have been eight years ago may have been I don't know how they managed this there's some kind of filter deception um something is is being covered up here someone is covering up death guys here we go again here we go again you know somebody is trying to maintain something here there is a cover up of a death here how does William feel about this video death what is death something that already completed or there's the world something that's over with yeah look I mean there's the idea of logic here and this can be the internet um you can almost see though it's almost like somebody's looking through a lens how does he feel about this cancer free video he could be angry how does he feel this cancer-free video the emperor he's keep I think he's feeling angry there's something about um uh something staying the same here look at that number eight again it's eight I'm seeing this eight years ago there's William eight years ago what is this walk away here this Eight of Cups Capricorn Princess Catherine look at this Capricorn so the number 15 is here some of it may have been taken in 2015 why do we continually get the death card or is that a stupid question that's a stupid question three of swords what is the Three of Swords it's something that happens suddenly there's the tower and what is the tower something that happened in the past something that happened in the past and there's some kind of trickery manipulation it's like yep and there is a giant High Priestess secret and the magician is like an app it's like trickery it's like a trick um The High Priestess that is a top top top secret the magician and the high priestess together I mean sometimes it can indicate witchcraft but it's trickery deception huge um you know top secret information here there's William Keeping a Secret like you wouldn't believe William keeping some kind of top secret this could be his anger here there's something that was said and somebody may have paid him why does he what how does he feel about the Katherine Middleton that we're seeing in this video de a d a death is being concealed there's just no question I don't know how they did it um but you know all you have to do it is rather blurry the the images of of Katherine and they're usually a profile it's a whole lot look at look at this Tower can con cealing a a disaster what is the tower death I'm sorry but um I do not feel that Princess Catherine is alive not not the Princess Catherine that was born in January not the Capricorn lady let's see um switch decks and figure out um how King Charles feels about this video what does King Charles how does he feeling about this video does he know to be true about this video there's somebody looking at the truth about lies tricker and deceit um you know there there's trick trickery and lies here what show me what he what how King Charles feels about this video uh seven of Swords lies trickery deceit deception uh sophisticated deceitful plan okay let's see how the let's see how um members of the people um let's look at the Royal Roda when when they members of the media look very closely at that video and they compare what they're seeing in that video to the Kate that they saw at trooping the colors and Wimbleton how are they feeling about this video there's a lie there's a tower and a lie how are they feeling about what they're seeing in this video lot the a lie is going to be exposed how are they feeling about this video something that's supposed to come out in the open is being held back something the a truth is being held back how are they feeling about this video uh well actually they're obligated to not speak of it that they know a truth there's there there's not a darn thing that they can do about it yeah there they just want to sail the hell away from it um they don't want any trouble they're actually look at the seven of Cups they're quite confused they know they're looking at Illusions they are aware that they're looking at Illusions yeah um yeah and some and they feel quite guilty somebody feels very bad somebody feels very guilty about somebody that's gone away yeah there a group of people here um yeah somebody is looking at this thinking huh this doesn't look right there's a whole group of people who are looking at what came out in the open they're thinking they're thinking what yeah they're waiting for a truth to come out in the open so this is somehow yeah there's a truth about somebody who is who is dead who has t swords in their back so I believe that what they do know is that when they look at the cancer-free video they're looking at the old Kate which tells me that somehow what however when I don't know when they tape that the children obviously I mean not actually they don't really look like they've aged much in the video but um even if it is the way that they look at the present day there's certainly you can splice and do things to uh you know to to it is quite blurry and heavily overproduced so it's been edited uh to the Max and they've even got filters in there and the whole shebang so I'm guessing that it wasn't that difficult it was so overproduced you could do just about anything with that thing so look um in my opinion uh I I still feel that January 9th Capricorn is not in the land of the living I do think those could be images of her from eight years ago I don't know how they managed to get it into that video I know nothing about splicing but to me it looks like Katherine Middleton from about eight years ago I have no idea who showed up at trooping the color I do not feel that was kathern Middleton same goes for the other person that showed up at Wimbledon that person had a very round face and almost no Chin um I haven't been paying much attention to the garbage that's been coming out since then because it's just one thing after another but that's what I feel let me know what you think guys thanks for watching

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