Category: News & Politics
Nation....former president donald trump and vice president kamala harris will face off tonight in their first presidential debate. this debate marking the first time these two presidential candidates formally meet and share the stage. 22news reporter melissa torres joins us with a preview of tonight's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
>> if that person has died from listeria, that outbreak tied to deli meats since may. 43 people and multiple states have been hospitalized with the listeria infection. the outbreak led to the recall of more than 7 million pounds of boar's head deli meats. listeria poisoning is caused by a particularly... Read more
Category: News & Politics
To bring hope and help to those struggling. >> working for you in east hampton, kelly thomas. 20 >> we'll keep an eye on your lottery tickets if you bought any, there is another chance to win the megamillions tomorrow night as the jackpot grows to 575 million dollars. if one, the lump sum payout would... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Already led to the death of 1 person. tami: 22news reporter sydney snow is live in chicopee, to tell us what's being done to prevent the mosquito-borne illness. sydney: chicopee public schools have pushed all sports practices and games before 6:30 p.m. to avoid peak mosquito hours.... 2 massachussetts... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In travel with can get into lowell. the man was also found in possession of her personal items. 6 flags is implementing a new chaperone policy for the park starting this weekend. any guess 15 years or older must be 16 years or younger must be unaccompanied or accompanied by an adult who has at least... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The killing of a woman in new hampshire overnight. police say an 8-year- old was also found shot to death in his vehicle. they said the incident appears to have started with a man killing a woman at a home in troy, new hampshire....then driving to the bridge on i-95.... at the new hampshire- maine state... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The district. wednesday was just his second day at the high school. the springfield police department buster daegan making operation in the city this week. 22 news reporter claire overton joins us live in studio after speaking with police in claire. what was going on inside of that house? >> they can... Read more
Category: News & Politics
You're outside during dusk and dots. we have an update on that deadly boating accident in old saybrook, connecticut. a boat carrying 9 people had a jetty and crashed about 9.15, monday night while returning from block island. that's according to connecticut's department of energy and environmental protection.... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Storm team. >> 6 flags is implementing a new chaperone policy for the parks are team this weekend. any guest, 15 years old or younger must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 21 years old. the policy will be put in place by 04:00pm every day. chaperones can only a company, 10 gas per day must... Read more
Category: News & Politics
There's an estimated 681 million dollars jackpot up for grabs tonight. 22 news spoke with a financial expert on how to protect your earnings. if you're the lucky mega millions winner, according to financial expert mark teed, the first step is to hire a lawyer to protect your identity. next, it's important... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Working for you, claire overton. 22 news. >> driver charged with killing a woman during a hit and run in springfield is now free on bail the sheriff's department confirmed that eighteen-year-old nathan cologne was released on $10,000 cash bail following his arraignment tuesday. cullen is accused of... Read more
Category: News & Politics
More about clinic trials that may impact them. massachusetts residents are hoping to win it big tonight on the mega millions jackpot up for grabs. the jackpot will be drawn to the 24 time tonight, which is now at a staggering 535 million dollars. the cash option is also estimated at a whopping 265 million.... Read more