Watchalong for Championship and League One #football
Published: Aug 23, 2024
Duration: 01:46:08
Category: Sports
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welcome to Jon's Sports channel and we're gonna go into well an interesting Saturday I shall just rearrange I've just been I've just been doing aare a running video actually so I shall put those behind must remember to swap them round every time we do a running video to doing a a football one so we're going to start with the championship um teams today so we're going to start with Bristol City centry so if you've got a particular team you're wanting to um talk about then doer it in the chat we'll be uh on to the others nice and quickly hopefully he says and um bristle City centry well this is going to be an interesting one isn't it because I think um Bristol City have started centry haven't started as well as I thought um and it's been I thought that the centry would be absolutely blowing everybody away um yeah they won they won Oxford but did they win it in a convincing manner not really um you know I the first week commentary you know one nil defeat to stoke and I'm um and we follow Stoke because obviously they bought our brilliant goalkeeper so it's going to be an interesting one uh I can see this being yeah it could go either way to to be quite honest I I put it down as a draw but we'll we'll see what happens so on the lineup side we have for Bristol City O in go we have Tanner Viner Z Viner down there Rob Dicky and Cameron pring in defense so they got a decent defense uh staggered Midfield according to this uh I'm not going to question Sky uh Sykes Williams bird Knight and Twine so Scott twine in there that's good Max bird Jason Knight yeah this this I would say a reasonable Midfield and Sinclair Armstrong up front so very much able to to pull those those two the sort of PES and Twine in in through the side and Max bird down the middle you this is quite a flexible Bristol city Side however we know we know what Bristol City are like sometimes they turn up sometimes they don't let's see which side turns up um centry I'm not joking centry um centry City I need to just tell that from Top chat to uh normal there we are so com have d do at the back they have Eric L boder Binks and B Bidwell again a good defense I think that those two sort of match each other quite nicely Midfield uh Sakamoto torp R Roni Eckles and Wright um now that's I I seem to remember last week thinking that was actually slightly unbalanced but this week it it I don't now um that that's actually looks quite good I quite like that Midfield Ellis Sims up front now [ __ ] righ can can mix really well with rodon I've noticed that the pair seem to really hit off each other quite well um Sakamoto tends to be a little bit on his own but I think yeah I mean I said 22 this is going to be an interesting one cuz I think coven just have the edge on the uh on the the the teams I think on that one I think got whole city versus mwall and whole city whole city we've got Panda at the back uh Coy Jones mcclaflin and Ryan Giles yeah that's in defense we've got a nice flexible Zambrano in the middle I got zambano no in the middle right that's good we pull forward and back that's that's decent sort of defensive idea um Omar Slater melum and Miller in Def in Midfield and burst out up front I'm just not feeling it and that's really sad because I I that Plymouth 11 one I thought they played what quite well um about the first week one one Bristol City I I just think that um I expected them this week to really go for it and come out with a really fighting strong side and this is okay it's not bad mil wall who again they've been they've been just needing to do something and I just I know they did well in in the first game but to Lo to to lose 43 at Bristol City when I Bristol City can be up and down um just shows a bit of a weakness at the B doesn't they shouldn't be let him you know for in against it was a away um so let's see what they got they've got Yensen and then you got Leonard tangana Cooper and Brian and then in mid field they've got S no Honeyman savell and wat more and they front they got Tom Bradshaw I just think that this is more of an attacking side but yeah that defense worries that defense worries me I got two1 hle uh this could be a two this could be a 22 could go either way really couldn't it so that's going to be an interesting one I think uh let's see what the whole one does cuz that's going to be really interesting QPR now QPR have been doing really well I mean yeah they lost 31 in the opening pictory against West bront and last week 2-2 against Sheffield United but with 10 men you know they did really well um yeah I think QPR have been playing really well Plymouth obviously got slaughtered by sheffy Wednesday but then they came back last week and Drew one one at home to Hall but they've always been really good at home and and just started at the end latter half of last year to just die off away from home even more and a little bit at home this year they seem to have started a bit sort of up and down I don't again we've not been in the season long enough to see what Plymouth can do because they have obviously made a big change with the manager um some people love him some people hate him I don't know which side of the fence you're on tell me which side of the fence you're on because everybody seems to have a different opposing view to to Wayne Rooney um so QPR they have nardy they have Don Cook Clark Salter and pal at the back that is actually a good I I like that defense Midfield they've got Smith mad Madson demele field Ando um I think that's a decent Midfield decent Midfield there's five in there that's a decent uh makeup um Michael Frey up front I think that team can score I just think that um yeah they could last year they can this year and I think that sheffeld United game just gives them a bit more impetus to uh to get it done Plymouth has it at the back good goalkeeper um in front of him they've got Edwards Gibson Galloway and Mumba that to me is slightly one-sided that's yeah I I I I actually think that Galloway and Mumba work really well together but Gibson tends to P pull across to Galloway and then leaves Edwards on his own and I I just don't see that being a very well balanced side then in Midfield got wha Randall Gabi fora and Soko that is actually a a decent League uh say League one decent Championship side Ryan Hardy up front this could do well this could do well I mean if I look at the QPR side I see a a really good defense I see I think their strength in QPR is is defense I think clouth are really trying to push that one up front but really support well try and create a huge number of chances for him can they do it against a good good defensive side what did I say I said two C on this I could see perhaps one goal for Plymouth could be interesting could be quite close so that's the championship done we go to League one now let's me in so League one we have two games Burton versus stevenage so if we go to Burton versus stevenage we have well Burton we have kroam at the back we have vancon Sweeney and Arma in defense which is actually I quite I I actually think their defense is is quite decent um now I know that's going to be come a bit surprise it the look at the right League I'm sure yeah it was 33 to Mansfield but Mansfield have had really good striking partnership up there especially with the guy from Evans from Newport so it's um and he did actually a goal as well so I think Burton do they do have a good defense but they're risking it with three with the style of play that stevenage probably will be playing um because they most likely going to be trying to get round the side of him and he tends to play quite yeah if he's going to try and do a different style to last year then he's going to be like he says he's going to be going down the side and he's that could cause a few problems um Step n on the other hand oh I do we do we go soon van yeah oh yeah armor then you've got malif Galligan Watt and Williams in Midfield with Whitfield and B in supporting ay at the front so this is an attacking side no no means about no no Bare Bones this is an attacking Burton side I just think that that back's going to have to be supported by malan Williams Because if it's not as we look into stepen AG I'm gonna I'm yeah I'm definitely getting the thought they're down the they're down the Wings Around the around the outside of Burton's defense so Stephen have who put at the B Smith Sweeney Pini and um and Butler nice solid defense then they've got Phillips white and Thompson who can quite easily sort of support anywhere in that that sort of wide mid um Midfield and then you got Kemp Simpson and Roberts who are going to from what I can tell it's Kemp and Roberts ringing up the side then coming in uh certainly Jordan Roberts kept getting the ball right into the corner and Crossing it across now that would cause a problem for Burton because Burton only put three at the back and if stevenage are gonna use Kemp and Roberts the same way as they did last week this could be amazing you got two teams attacking but I can see Steve their method of attacking could actually win this uh I put a 22 I sat on the fence but there's been lots of people I've got 21 two one two 2 one 21 one two I got loads of two ones in both Direction I went I sat off on the fence in the middle of it I said two2 I think it could be stevenage I think it could be Steven based on that that that that formation and that team I would be happy with the the stevenage uh last game of the noon noon 30 kickoffs is Stockport versus Bristol Rover or should we say Stockport County versus Bristol rers so Stockport County 4231 we got ADI at the back we got Ming horsefall pie and T decent decent in Midfield staggered we' got Diamond camps colla Norwood and Louis Barry I actually again think that's slightly onesided but who knows I you know uh they have been playing quite they've been getting the scores which is really uh Stockport stop Port yeah they won three n and that Blackpool you know they've been getting the scores you can't you can't you can't say they haven't um and I and I really do look and think that is just weird because [Music] um and 2-0 against at home to Cambridge but I might I might sort of expect that one I think that this could be an interesting team that that's that's going to play better than what it looks on paper on paper looks like a standard mid bottom table they're playing a Bristol Rover side who to be quite fair with them uh they have actually played better than what I thought they would I'm not I'm not I wasn't getting a lot of great vibes from the Bristol Rovers fans as far as their is concerned Taylor just did I mean he he he sort of went in at the and and sort of hit out at the players on the last game of last season I do believe and a lot of the fans are yeah you can't give the all the blame to them somebody's got to be you as well you know you've got to work together um and they were sort of saying well I'm not quite sure that they can really see it working but um you know Bristol Rovers what did he do last week see they lost uh Bristol RS where are you now nil nil oh god of course it was it was Rams they played dismally at rodam rodam just played even more dismally um they had 75% of possession at R Bristol City Bristol Rovers and they had very few shots R had 25% of possession in about two dozen shots um and it was nil nil can they put in the net I mean LW of averages said they say they're going to get it in the net at least once but they're they're they're really trying to push this this is how they got 75% possession at Ro make no bones about it but can they get in the net and I'm not convinced that they that that for will beat a sort of five in Midfield beating a two two supporting three it's it's a very it's like a a Midfield Diamond if you like and I just these things tend to sidee through the sort of five across Midfield I'm gonna I'm I'm I'm tending towards Stockport with the makeup of of uh the makeup there uh which is what I put there two nil to Stockport um other people are saying one nil 2 nil and I decided 2 N so it's been we've got a good good couple of um games on there it's going to be quite interesting um certainly in the championship we go back the games will be sort of concentrated I think QPR Plymouth will be a good game in the championship we'll be trying to um keep our eye on that one because I think that will be the one that we we try and uh keep up to date with um and then we've got Burton stepy Stockport Bristol I think the Stockport game in in League one will be the one to be the one to watch and it's going to be an interesting uh an interesting day I just hope that everybody can can hear me in fact let's just no not that um sound just make sure that everybody is uh able to hear me turn turn the sound up a little bit because somehow the computer keeps turning the sound now um oh no he's too high let's lower his Toad and then I hear people say I can't hear you what are you so turned it up does mean you can hear my my constant coughing from my um days when I was 40 and had meningitis which shot my lungs but never mind I've got one and a half lungs so feel sorry for me so there we are we have our Sky out there ready to um give us what's going in let's see which teams see I wanted to watch that one nothing on that one PA mil wall so we'll we'll we'll wait for the about six minutes so if you want to go and get a cup of coffee you have six minutes to go and get a cup of coffee I will probably be doing that [Music] myself and then we will come back and uh and see what we can find so have a nice time go and have a good of coffee we'll see you back about half 12 and we shall see what we can follow and we'll [Music] uh Bristol City centry we could have uh whole city mil c plymouth's in there we could have a shall we go for St I think we're going to go for Stockport where Stockport you know I might go for I to go Plymouth or so QPR Plymouth um come on guys somebody tell me what do you think QPR Plymouth I'll shall we listen to Stockport versus Bristol Rovers um I'm going to go we're going to go with that one Stockport versus Bongo Thomas Hinson so we're going to have a cup of coffee we will see you four minutes time four minutes top the table while of course rers were held to a draw last time out but still int a decent start to the season as far as team use is concerned Stockport make one change from the side the black PR new Sig Oliver Norwood comes into Midfield in place of Lis bat while brist road is one change also Chris Martin preferred up front toio so lineups in full the county go with d Ming horse pie T CS Norwood Diamond CER Barry and won while go with Griffiths MOA Wilson more Bongo Thomas Hutchinson Ward con Oman I'm listen to that Norwood Norwood is the change I mean I if you can bring oliv nor as a a suppor ridiculous AR still in to the season as ASC one so they got nor Absolut craing signing absolutely C good I mean they were doing well anyway let's face it I mean they weren't playing badly you know they play they play well and then they go and bring nor into Midfield so and he's good in defense he's got a good defensive eye so Nei were held to a draw last time out but still int a decent start to the season teams is concerned stock made one change from the side Black 3 new signing Oliver norward comes into Midfield so we're just watching we're on 28 minutes past we will be going into championship and we'll be going into 12:30 kickoffs very soon we have two minutes with nobody in the chat we can pretty much do what we like if people don't turn up and what I do is at halfway I just I just turn it off that would just give me an extra bit of time before the 3:00 one 3:00 I always go straight the way through there's really no point in me blabbering on to myself all the way through the the full 90 minutes 105 minutes if people don't turn up we've had a couple of people turn all disappear unless you can prove me wrong and say that you're here my little man signal up there says there's nobody in but it doesn't always get it [Music] right so I'm gonna watch so what keeping an eye on stop brist Rover stop actually it wants me to log in hang on likes me to log [Music] in as uh Stockport versus Bristol Rovers are now off um don't do that and just make sure we do it the right way this time you suddenly asked me to log in for strange bloody reason so let's see how we've got near yeah all of them are now off and running dead on time we'll just go to the stop as diamond is is running down the side down the right hand wing for stockpot so diamonds in tackle free kick free kick to stop get back to Ming but he kicks it out and con for Bristol Rover down to war G Ward on the right hand side for Bristol Rovers passes it back to con can it do a onew no doesn't he what doesn't want to but it's with Bongo Bel Longo now played quite well been playing quite well Bel Longo so let's see what he can do on the gets to the edge of the Box our right Daniel Kemp left is Jordan Robertson up front is Tyree Simpson for Sten Burton in there famous [Music] yellow Oh shot at stop Port goalkeeper has that one they expect both teams hit a bit of a slump but they have got themselves wins in midweek they want to take that it won't let me by mph Cooper out of his hands falls in the center of Midfield now for Steven actually be picked up by Burton and Dylan Williams made his permanent transfer from T hoser last year going to that one instead we want the St what we got man united are still nil nil with Bri last success Memorial is was one was back in 2010 Ste steive back to Cooper Steven is now sort of yeah we'll we'll sort of watch oh nearly intercepted that down the middle he went straight to Simpson and Simpson now trying to oh but he's oh he gets it taken away and he goes Burton ran with it but then just they touched it forward it was offside so the the back line of Steven the offside trap trigger there kick so that's going to be a free kick to stepen R getting down field again it's the same two stood over at Hinson and Thomas Tom Thomas sweeps it in to the towards post theend the one we I'm going to be watching is back with diamond there for stop stop oh nearly got Diamond nearly lost it there right in his own and in the six six-yard box um but he gets it back and I think that's actually been deemed as a as a out bloody good job it that direction otherwise it would have been a penalty four minutes in and STP can have a free kick there from outx the ball is bouncing around it's hacked away towards the Right Touch line mistake at the back from a d coming out of his box to try and clear still on although nearly nearly lost it there kicks it out but they kick back in and horseall now can try and try and get rid of it but he gives it to crosses it and it goes out for a throw in to stop so bristle Rovers having good times but they're just not controlling it Bongo now grabs it from stock rims down to the left Far Side left tries to beat the the back line but he just can't do it and mingi grabs it kicks it away it ricochets back to horseall hall now just behind halfway the center circle but Bongo is really being a pain in the ass for SCP players because he grabs it he intercepts it again plays it right across the B line to Mo up toer but he loses it to ol o Norwood because they yeah they've just made that transfer pretty decent transfer one um stop playing it down the left but they're playing it backwards now back to the back the back line and they're doing a typical sort of Championship thing where they they pull it back and then they try and probe down the other side where as they probe down the right hand side M intercepts it kicks it out and it's a stop Port throwing now this is really really critical stop port could it's right by the further forward than the penalty penalty spot so short to mingi oh they Hutchinson grabs it but he runs towards the corner and ends up having to kick it back and and horseall grabs it for stop put oliv Norwood now what can he do he can cross it all the way to Barry on the other side gets to Barry um camps Barry doing a couple of little onew touches but managed to tackle it away from again he's going into the corner strange that they should do that kick it out and horse ball and P do a couple of onews on the halfway Line pass it back to a a mingy yeah Ming in the in the defense OE Norwood's back there now like it's it's covering the whole length of the pitch like lightning this guy he's like you see four to and um cross there by stop but it just it was too too easy for too easy for griffth at back and he just gathers it and he can quick well I say quickly set it out on it way to Mid to defense but he's seems to be taking his time um so Bristol Rovers are at the minute a little bit under the C stop Porter certainly doing really really well Oliver Norwood to be and then I was going to say hor horseall but he goes and loses it there in his own half to Hinson um then stop get back but Hinson gets it back again hson passes it back to Mohler you can't get past that particular bit of Defense don't bother training pushes it back to Muller they pass along Midfield so that's uh that's a stop P game let's just um oh that was a shot on goal by Bristol R long shot but not quite going to make any difference to them um I doubt he get shorts it to Ada and then he Wellies it up to Wood but Wilson can stop that one by brist rers so let's go back and oh we do have a goal we do have a goal we do have a goal guys focus on the Park and it's on the chair down the left side again and it's QPR one Plymouth nil let's have a look at this let's see if we can we don't gety get over here so we can into QPR see if we can get into the QPR one it's Frey on 3 minutes so actually we've been we we've missed down by 6 minutes but from from Freight they've laid Siege apparently to the to uh to P old plymouth's gol for quite a while and they've they've managed to get through so it's been bit of a Siege apparently over here so let's have a look at it uh let's look some stat show we say it's laid Siege in fact wow XG of 67 to QPR nothing to Plymouth um 10 dangerous attacks to QPR five to Plymouth now it's only 47% possession to QPR but they've made four shots Two On Target um pouth have no shots and nothing on target so it's a little bit disconcerting yeah they conceded a goal in the league stop Count got 61 at so D is and Frey and pal so pass oh wha grabs it for Plymouth just uh just at the right point there it SAR across the goal line to the opposite to qpr's left from the right and Edwards managed to just grab it and kick it I kick it and he's ran for it and he's managed to like it to Mumba gives it to Randall Randall now for Plymouth down the middle gives it to Gabi Gabi on the right hand side for Plymouth so not doing too bad Plymouth really they're they're keeping the ball uh Randall yeah and they they just it's almost like Plymouth are trying to just bug QPR into thinking hey we need more possession uh let's just try a little bit harder and try different tactics but from what shots have been all the shots have been QPR um and half of them on target so QPR aren't necessarily even though they're at home needing to do anything about this Edwards gos any games 10 minutes also think covered but it is a corner kick little B passive G for Plymouth can make their first shot now passes it back to wh and dun grabs that Cross by Plymouth and by wha and they kick it out for a Plymouth throw in just see this before we go back to our the match we what listening to Gib Edwards they could have done with just pushing forward their but didn't quite we going to stop R straight and out to stop P kick it out Oliver Norwood eventually gets it in the in the middle in the center circle Oliver Norwood pass it nicely goes side left to Diamond um Diamond now on me I'm almost far left oh M grabs that through ball nicely what a great interception M can kick it out hopefully and he's just got um he's just got a stop player right on him and he's like just foul so he's going to get a foul that one to M so brist Rover's living it dangerously at the back there niit the ball gets tapped goes down or if you joined us a little bit lat one change for Stockport they're coming come back to that because they're on the attack with d referee plays Advantage D they hav track the rod he's got to the will cor kick and corner to stop stop throw kick it in but griffi grabs it Wilson Wilson can get it out to moha and Moher can let this Rovers tight but mingi grab intercepts that we're about 30 seconds ahead of the um of the radio comoss in belong that one wi the post it's G behind and it's come off a sorry stock County last oh mingy lost that one to Bristol Rover player there it's a good job can he's sitting back in order to to get that one out out because bristle Rovers were just on the ascendancy they're just trying to um get something in gives it to to Ray uh but Amer seems to be doing some pretty good tackling down that right hand side and bristle Rovers can have another throw in right oh shorts it but the stop B guy just kicks it out and it's straight out at the same same position for Bristol Rover Bristol Rover now another throw in will they try short again it didn't work too minutes ago yes they will this time it gets to Mo and and mo can try and cross it but horseall kicks it straight out to Barry Barry tries Ru gives it to won pushes it forward but it's intercepted by con Hutchinson but Norwood grabs it from him and gives it to Coler um carer gives it to won but moh makes a good tackle there really well timed pass com back to moha Griffis in in goal and Costa Coler kicks it out and it's a Bristol Rover throwing so at the minute this is quite uh one to end to end uh 58 possession 58 perc possession to stop um slightly higher um go XG right now the break is on a three three in the middle if they can find a pass M did just enough toess mler again with the dispossession amazing it's given away byson on the half back out we're gonna go to Hall City versus mil the so Hall City versus milw and on the attack quickly intercepted but Brian gets it back again gives it to s h they lose it but Ryan Jiles eventually grabs it back it's like ping pong ball on the left hand side for H City at the minute and Hull City managed to grab it ah Ryan kicks it out and be a m War not too far from the from there from the penalty area um probably just about get it in from there um odds at the minute of 13 to8 for H City 2 to one for a draw and 15 to8 for milal so not an awful lot in it it's sort of two to one all the way across the board slightly more to the home side P cost the home side I think of Ro lost two in the car cup penties after mil wner to R to Brian Nori D Nori to dang kicks it forward but whole player grabs it gives it to Slater Slater now runs with it towards the around the center circle comes backwards to to Jones m eded Ryan Giles again back to [Music] Jones this has gone both ways twice now back Honeyman grabs out the right Point what can they do with this Brian has it gives it to hone one two with Honeyman but then he he pass Honeyman passes it back and then kicks It Forward like almost like trying to pretend to kick it back get it back and do a one two Jones for for City though sees that and oh savle grabs it R Jones and has a shot on target it's saved and he pushes it out to Slater Slater now for Raul City need to clear this one out the way as mil wall are on the attack Slater now tries kicking it he's try kicking it Forward gently and he he runs with it but as he gets to the far right hand side mil grab it off him kick it completely to the opposite side side of the pitch and it's a throw in for Hall on the their left right near the peny area throw it short and gets back to halfway line um Jones Coy mlin Jones Coy back to Jones Jiles KY uh they're just playing it left to right in across the the Midfield a minute MCL again Jones Co keeps coming in but then it seems to be playing it back again he plays it back to Coy I don't know what's doing but he's not managing to get forward when um when he needs to he need to perhaps use Slater a little bit more or Mel a little bit more but I don't see them getting into it Jones crosses it but Tang kicks it out Sav Jones grabs it again Jones for whole city whole city are steadily coming into this Slater now Slater on the right hand side TR TR a shot and it's just off Target question is did it hit any any no didn't it's straight for SW what from the left was the free bounced into the ground tipped over by so we shall because he could so that seems to be quite an even game great opportunity we haven't looked at Bristol City versus centry let's look at Bristol City versus cry now with Bidwell comry r on the left hand side I get the lefts and rights correct sh it's like a crosscom shot from the halfway line which was never going to get anything from the goalkeeper say it's a good way of getting a shot I suppose stats of the minute are four shots to Bristol City Two On Target one to cry none On Target 52% possession to Bristol City and we have PR bristle City on top here as bristle City can try and just they're playing it along the back just not they're not wanting to take to to make Give In The Possession away to to centry City because we know what centry city are like when he give possession um they can be pretty bral with it to be honest eventually comes forward KN oh but doin takes it off him in the box and I mean right in the Box doin making a good good good tackle there but um he clatter L boier takes a pretty nasty clattering on on that one so as he's trying to clear the ball official Studio comment L bod a takes a bit of a clatter the game [Music] Moree so centry were obviously um solid at the back and and then just try L bir tried to sort of help clear the ball but um unfortunately Bidwell was near it gets a clattering goid do Binks then as we centry take off again largely caning too many chances more chances set Eckles Binks e oh that's intercepted by Sykes right on the edge of the the far Box gives it to bird gives it to Knight what can knight do you can give it to Scott twine gives it back to night oh Eckles comes in and nicks it from them they're just playing too many passes there at the front City Zack V Eckles what did I think on this one brist city I put a 2 two everybody was saying 22 Dicky pring Knight Knight's trying to keep the ball now trying to play a bit of fancy footwork Zach V across to Tana T now rather even side for Bristol City but it's by long Z and bristle City are are certainly on top as he gives it to Williams they're in the center circle Williams there's not an awful lot of movement and I'd say this is tely pushing down one one or two of the Wings perhaps in the middle and then just pulling back I mean is back in in the defensive area back to Dicky um then gets it on the right wing then tries lobbing it forward but um Eckles will gather that one for centry can centry do anything with it we'll just wait and see bigwell who he's been a bit slow really gives it to Tor and then back to [ __ ] um L yeah EV Eric played quite well last week I thought but um passes it back to L BS Bidwell and then Bidwell loses it uh T Bidwell seems to be not playing as well today which uh surprises me because he's usually one of the guys I I look for in this side and um yeah he's usually quite a sturdy person sturdy wing wing back stroke mid Winger um he often gets quite Way Forward over the halfway line but then like just he had a really good moment or two in pure defense so Scott twine will just watch what Scott twine does he gives it to bird bird running towards the box and as he gets there he he hits a wall of blue and I said pass it back to Williams Williams there what can he do Dicky um the middle it seems to be going towards well Jason Knight Scott Twi and oh gives it Scott twine gave it to Armstrong shot blocked on the line and um comes back out and um as that oh oh oh that's a nasty injury doin doin now has been injured for cantry and Armstrong's arm went into him oh my God double double injury here Armstrong clattered into the into into doin and they're both laying injured on the floor not sure where the ball the line going to be interesting because um going to see what let's come on now let's see if we can get some loal com Ming was throwing himself in there but Wilson's played it off Ming last touch came off the stop play and it's G KCK the officials got it right that's way behind that so repl like myself so it looks like it's going to be end up being a goal kick so that's it's quite getting quite heated down there at the at Bristol City so um I don't think um centry are willing to let go of that just yet we'll go to Burton stevenage and we'll see what Burton Steven is doing Burton off oh bton we're offside just as we came in there Burton offside reluctant to call horse a chance because he's so close to the goal the minute here it's uh very much Burton albian you said that Steven had they've had one shot each but Steven their shot was on target but it's 68% possession to Burton so I was thinking stevenage might actually have a to CH here down the wings and be able to penetrate a little bit more well their shot was on target does look a very interesting game although they've got 68% possession Burton don't seem to be overly um overly dangerous as he not a hell of a lot more than what sten are so that's going to be an interesting one I looking at the lineups I was saying stepen looked a little bit better there uh certainly down the wings but that's not working out how it's it's turning out so far um come back to the actual game Sten is there try on the edge of the Box on the right hand side corner for them like corner to steage kick stevenage are going down the wings a little bit more Ste H bort of holding back quite nicely that they seem to be able to cope with this quite easily we'll see where this corner goes to Oh short and they kicks it out they kick it back in and Sweeney then gets it for Burton loses it and swe Phillips Kemp vanon grabs it for Burton so they just they're playing it down the middle actually Steven which is rather strange I would have expected him to be totally different from um from the xmanager and pass it down the wings because he is more of a sort of wing winging attack um manager this one so um I I expected it to go down there but apparently not there's a Gilligan goes down the left right foron pace and size the size and physicality of is a problem has been a problem in this game the minute oh Pou have got a red card top possession wise here they go down the left side with [Music] be and does that mean it it is 11 let's see I want to know whether that's a it's a double yellow for for sure at so it's QPR one t pouth one so Plymouth have scored Whittier um so it's now Plymouth get a red card and it it's QPR one go all the other games including this one Plymouth won so we've actually had it they've actually scored on um 28 minutes and then they've got a a red card on 29 minutes so for sure is red card Prett happy with so far card so for sure gets a red card for Plymouth um that's going to be interesting because um QPR did really well with 10 men let's see what they how they do against 10 men because um in fact let's have a let's have a look let's have a look shall we we'll I can that's one we can have a look on with Sky bet uh bet 365 this one's probably the best way to do this one so QPR have it for a throw in on their right hand side in their own half oh it gets kicked forward of Galloway just to get that one and kick it out might be a corner let's see what QPR can doep we wait for that one to kick off down the line a nuisance didn't actually win the ball but BR rers eventually did played off for throw to row halfway sorry just inside stop B half comes in and Sato off Target there and it misses the post Conor Hazard Now sort of has it and the strange thing is they seem to be sort of Conor haard was was injured in a melee a little while ago and um it's been sort of giving it to to The Defenders one of the Enders to to kick out um reluctantly accepted that one back and then kicked it long um Clark Salter gets it eventually for QPR gives it to Randall Randall totally ridiculously and Plymouth can now try and build up from that right hand side and we'll see what Rand because um gets tackle oh he took it out Madson gets it for QPR throw it pal field up to cook cook now to SM Smith or SM what you want to call did we say with QPR we said two- n well we're obviously not going to get that now because Plymouth has scored but we might still get the result demele demell then running across oh and he passed it to Sato and it's it's saved by Hazard and Connor Hazard now tries to kick it out ah that was a close call by QPR nearly nearly made it 2-1 but I think Hazard is I Hazard is is still slightly injured actually because he took a clatter in about five minutes ago he not really full I don't think it's really fully recovered um out for a corner I think for QPR so we'll see we'll wait to see what QPR do with this try and swing this one and we'll go and have a look at some of the other games because we've got um League one also on here as well oh get they have to clear it backwards so they theyve in the end gets kicked out but QPR gather it in their own half and give it away and Soko oh crosses it but pal intercepts that one gives it to demele demele clears it only far as Galloway Galloway is playing quite well for Plymouth and even though they got 10 men you wouldn't expect you believe it because Gallow seem to be playing for two people Brighton has scored against Man United and don't really watch that [Music] St AR for bton Al what for BT on the back cmore laying it all the way across the back end now and vanon they're playing it across the back a little bit too close in my usually like certainly if Ram start doing that we expect it to get in the net against us um Sweeney trying to pull it a little bit further forward Arman for Brit bton Albi but it back to crop more and Dangerously in the in the defensive area uh stevenage grab that on the halfway line from for a throw in so St have a throw in on halfway St can this one it looks like it's going to go a fair distance towards the center circle if get kicked forward and vancon grabs it in the just in the Burt and half um two passes later it gets kicked out and it's a Steven H throwing in the Burt and half again so it's just gone circular all the way around and stepen have it back again I mean in truth it's pretty Ste is short to Roberts but he he ends up losing it and on the one to return and Bon now be another throw in at the same point short to malif is malif Gonna Keep it in or is he gonna he has he walked it out toak a free kick to slightly I think second touch is a tackle and the ball balloons off into the back to crore so cotmore now in the albian defense go um Sweeney armor they're trying the left hand side now went very s they need to use van vanon is a good player but just not doing great back to again runs with it to the right hand side he's going to do that he's not going to have to lose it to Phillips like he has done cross it to Simpson and Simpson Thompson Simpson Thompson Thompson then shoots but it's off Target and CLS into a couple of players not sure whether that's G out or not but somebody got in the way it's off their own player so it's a so we're going to go into the game that we're just listening to which is Stockport we just quick look at the other games H just been a goal Midway through the half but that's AED it's Stockport one could be a chance here for Stockport County it's up nicely and it's in the back of the net Barry the flick on from won again the defense was standoffish on the volley running onto it he was allowed to wait so it's the perfect he's absolutely lashed it past Gins into the top corner and Stockport County have the lead with a little over six minutes to go to the break it's a a third goal of the season three and three in the league now Barry gets the goal 39 minutes stop the on the volley in the interesting we had a yellow C short while earlier for for poor excellent Bristol Rovers but Bristol Rovers not what's we only see brist rovers are starting they started well but Stockport have had seven shots three On Target and four corners Stockport are starting to come into this a little bit more Bristol RS were actually slightly more ahead but um yeah problem let's just go in and watch the look at the actual oops no slightly caugh out of position of course's taking charge because he's back headling bit we are with con for Bristol Rovers in their own half gives it back to Griffith who kicks it out to amerry but he loses it horseall to Barry on the left Barry now Barry pushes it Forward back to Oly Norwood um to intercept Barry crosses it Diamond has a shot but it's off Target won and bounc off a Defender comes back won has a shot bounces off a Defender again Norwood grabs it this time and Norwood can can oh pass it to to the right hand side to Diamond let's just try and get down that Wing but belonga who has actually been playing reasonably well gra puts a foot to it but Diamond stops it going out pushes it back to Norwood Norwood now can try and cross in but instead he pulls it back to horseall for some strange reason try he tries Crossing it in but Wilson grabs it in the box and gives it forward nudges it forward toward Ward Martin small little passes now just trying to make it easyer the line is just about blocked as he tried to pull the trigger Panic stations once again bit of pinball Cherry tries to shot for br RS but T finds that one quite easy T now tries to pull that forward and we're on 42 minutes and 44 seconds and at the minute it's looking all St well not quite it's it's mostly stop bristle Rover though are pushing quite nicely there's a corner there to Bristol at the minute so we'll see see if that I'll wait on here see if that happens we go to QPR versus Plymouth I think because that's where the red card has been go slightly misc té taking no chances Martin on his shoulder cleared by té behind for a corner kick having another look at the diamond chance at the other end it's beating the keeper come back in keep Ling in front of there defend there in the go for pouth now well yeah it's in the goal area for Plymouth they've got a goal kick um quite find the clinical touch to double their advantage yeah the clearance the second clearance that is hit W who was then on the could have gone anywhere what six yards out Froze that one on me actually Plymouth have 50 7% possession which is quite strange and they've only got 0.1 not1 XG whereas QPR .93 and it's 111 so they've done well with what they've got um one shot on Target and one goal so Plymouth have to do something good because um you know they they've got it in the net and at the end of the day 100% conversion of shots on target is pretty good La back comes now throw on their left so pouth will have a throw in on their left and uh oh we'll see what happens here guys we're coming to the end done intercept that for QPR and I's see what they can actually do with this he's going fading off go away uh oh he crosses it in but yeah Plymouth gather that one and they'll have a goal kick really got to get these shots on target C if you want to start winning it they're having the shots uh or they're having they're sort of aiming it in the right direction just not getting it they're too hard or the too soft mainly too hard and they're just s flying past the goal of no um harm to Plymouth as QPR hit into into the Plymouth area Plymouth hit it back into QPR area QPR hit it back into the Plymouth area p h it sideways to sat and QPR can try and keep oh yeah that's that's good but he gets clattered into and it's another another free kick I think injury time three minutes press is upon us Randall for Plymouth Edwards for Plymouth Plymouth now trying to just calm things down yeah they're just calming things down they're just wanting the three minutes to to go now Hardy down the middle yeah but that wasn't going to work and QPR managed to grab that one and it's 46 minutes 2 minutes left as Mumba stops that QPR advancement it back to Hazard who kicks it out but only as far as dun now if dun can try and get something done here done here dear I don't mean that either um Gibson intercepts it and pushes it to whitti that was a good time to to make a a leading goal wouldn't it be one minute from from the end of first half as Galloway now lead we have indeed City player of course uh the field of the they just run back on but we've got about 30 seconds left stopp a goal just before halftime at Bristol City and Bristol City are now Bristol City one centry nil and we will we will go to that one [Music] refere three minutes extra time so it's 30 seconds left [Music] resj as Roni kicks it off for centry echles Bidwell and centry now can try and build a lot of people trying thinking that this was going to be a draw I going to be a draw City onep County one brist R nil Stockport County one Bristol Rover is nil then so that's that game as bristle City kick it but Eckles grabs it in the centry half time Park we will come out I want to see everything as they come in stop Port crystal rers is one n and that's now half time B albian nil St nil that's now halim H City nil Mall nil that's half time qpr's just finished QPR won 10 man Plymouth W that's now half tight and if we go to Bristol city they're on 4 minutes of three minutes added time as Knight right tries to cross it from the centry left and that's at halim so it's Bristol City one centry one we may we'll see what happens uh coffee if nobody turns up after half time I might I might call this one to a finish um so I do apologize if anybody replays it and thinks how do the goals go in unfortunately there's only so much talking to myself I can do see people coming in and going out but that's not I wanted a bit of a chat in the in the chat box but come on guys we can do this we can create a channel where people talk to each other like civilized no perhaps not I'll see in in a few minutes and we'll we'll see if anybody joins um and then we'll maybe go into see you later I'm drink good luck I'll leave you with the Barry strike at the break stock one of time Park in stock County one on brist Rovers now the goal coming six minutes before the break a long ball downfield froma misjudged his head he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free header the far post Tipp over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break Stockport one brist r n of time at H Park in Stockport County one brist rers NE the goal coming six minutes before the break L downfield froma misjudged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free head at the far post TI over the was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at break stop one Rovers nil of time Edy Park in stockall County won Bristol Rovers nil the goal coming six minutes before the break lble downfield from mola misjudged his head he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free head at the far post tit over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the breaks stop one m r nil of time edley Park in Stockport County W Bristol R nil the goal coming six minutes before the break a lull downfield from MOA misjudged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free head at the far post Tipp over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break stop for one m r of time at Edy Park stop County won brist Rover nil the goal coming six minutes before the break lble downfield from a mola misjudged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free header the far post tipped over the bar was Lely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break stock one m r nil of time at Edy Park in Stockport County W Rich Rover nil the goal coming six minutes before the break a long ball down field from a DI mola misjudged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free header the far post tipped over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break Stockport one Bristol Rover nil of time at edley Park in Stockport County W Bristol Rover n the goal coming six minutes before the break a long B downfield from adola Miss judged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free head at that far post tipped over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break Stockport one brist Rovers nil of time at edley Park in Stockport County one Bristol Rovers nil the goal coming six minutes before the break a long ball downfield from adola misjudged his header teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free head at the far post tipped over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break stop for one rich Rover nil off time at edley Park in Stockport County W Rich Rover nil the goal coming six minutes before the break lumle downfield from ad diola misjudged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that more had a free head and the far post tipped over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break stop for one M Rover n of time at Ed Park it's Stockport County W Bristol Rovers nil the golf coming six minutes before the break Lum downfield from diola misjudged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free header the f post TI over the bar was largely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break stop but one m r nil of time and Edy Park in stock County W Bristol Rovers nil the goal coming six minutes before the break a lum downfield from a diola misjudged his header he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a thunderous finish Diamond also saw what cleared off the line prior to that Mo had a free head at the far post TI over the bar was Lely Even Stevens until the Barry strike at the break stock one R nil of time at Edy bar stock count brist robers n the goal coming six minutes before the break long down his head he teed up a volley 20 yards out and Barry found the top corner with a th finish Diamond also saw one cleared off the line prior to that more had a the far post tipped over the bar was Lely let have a look at a few things I don't [Music] thinky I want to listen to that one this is the QPR versus they held on and they bounced back as well 28 minutes Whit a strike from about 30 yard it went straight into the back of the net less than a minute later no red no yellows hang maned away head WI and straight later Adam for was sent off the two bookable offenses half time QPR W half time the game between QPR and run away with this game when they got the open after minutes Mel fre headed there is one to be watched isn't it very early but stri yard straight of theet minut latam por was sent off for two bookable offenses half time QPR W half time the game between QPR and Plymouth and it looked for the world as though Q going to run away with this game when they got the opening goal after just three minutes Michael Frey headed home from a demele corner kick and they got things going very early on but they held on play and they bounced back as well after 28 minutes Morgan whiter hit a strike from about 30 yards it went straight into the back of the net less than a minute later Adam forw was sent off the two bookable offenses half times QPR won half time game between QPR and pouth and it looked for the world as though going to run away with this game when they got the opening goal after just three minutes Michael Frey headed home from byly comes across oh yeah it's a 20° angle so it's a quite tight angle and really well well placed yeah it's a good header um no video head corner kick and got things going very early on but they held onth and back as well after 28 minutes Morgan Whit hit a strike from about 30 yard and went straight into the back of the net less than a minute later Adam for was offes have a look we have actually got one on this on the main on the main Champion run away with this game when they got the opening after just three minutes Michael Frey headed home from a Deele corner kick oh QPR midfielder which one was it wh actually hits the ball as the ball is on the C Midfield foot yeah oh he goes for it and he just doesn't get there quick enough yeah all in yellow just whacks it in the back theet that was really really back really really strange I don't think he is it says he is it goal of the season I don't think it is but it's certainly very two offens very interesting gonna run away with this game when they got the opening goal after just three minutes Michael Frey headed home from a demele corner kick just going to see the two yellows and they bounc back as well strike from about 30 yard it went straight into the back of the net less than a minute later Adam for was sent off two bookable offenses half time QPR W half time the game between QPR and Plymouth and it looked for the world as though QPR run away with this game when they got minutes headed home and got things going very early on but they held on Plymouth and they bounced back as well [Music] lat for just grabbed him and he's pulling him back constantly I mean [Music] constant oh and there he goes twoed and that is a red card that that I wouldn't even give him a yellow I give him a red card they gave absolutely two footed both sides of it now he didn't even get the ball that's a red card they open after minutes Micha FR headed home from Dem kick going very early on minute we have brist behind wouth One n and Bristol city city won corner kick things going very early things will start to kick off and they bounced back as well 28 minutes we have a kickoff at Hall City and at bton albian so we'll go to Hall City we'll see if anybody joins in if people don't join in I will be closing here I usually close usually close it at half time I had less than a couple of people we'll just do a few minutes see if anybody joins nobody joins I'm going for lunch see at Co Now 46 minutes as Co grabs it for Hall City rushing out a Slater back to co couple of one twos there trying to get into the front get on the front foot now takes the CL City oh he has a long cross stroke strike and it goes straight to the goalkeeper for mil and it's a m goal kick rpr is still out not in yet 46 minutes 45 at Hall city as Mall take their own jolly time and even then they lose it but then on halfway leard grabs it back throw kick oh that was a four throw gives it back to mclin hman grabbs it back but zambano grabs it back from him bit like City but then he's been CL that's a freaky so um it's getting a little bit heated perhaps at City Ball trickles out forall and they just think okay we they on and they back cross it to the left grabs the ball intercepts it and then gets plattered into so that's that's gonna be a bit of a an injury for Studio B commentary second half coverage is now underway and the football is just about to get underway as well Q kicking from left to right in this second there's a bit of an injury time there so I don't like covering injury time blue and white from right to left in that change orange strip with the black shorts the first half quick a pass head by nice typical typical championship he's Tau his side to play the offside flag well you know I'm not on on offside traps never mentioned it earli an offside trap does not prove somebody was go hanging or taking advantage of play the defense are taking advantage of play by running forward um never really stood right with lose it in the attacking half grab it back yby grabs it and he tries to get into the corner to cross he's got into the corner tries to turn his man to get cross Bounce It Off him to get try and give it to Madson doesn't quite get there but Madson manages to ridle it off the the midfielder pass it back fitting well ball on the left side though for pouth took a bit ofing in the first half did really well to control possession again Hardy G and Hardy play well by Steve this is good from P ball over top looking for hard that be by their Fieldy we're going to play Play It Again between you two between and pushing it oh G G inters but M just got aouch on the ball as he went coming together referee and the L both said no foul and pouth Come Away with the ball they lose possession almost instantly to sanfield De Nicholas Madson takes over demele the right hand side it in tried it to Pal and then Edwards just sort of like get it first but pal eventually of gets it back just not very I me managing to get past that offside trap keeps bringing Smith crosses it but mum right that was quite a good cross could have been dangerous that wants a corner see replay here was a first time ball from Galloway D demele just waiting to see they did give a throw in the the officials and demele gets a one two from dun then he's fouled by D J is on a yellow card apologies no I've made the same mistake as the referee did in the first he nearly booked Soko before booking JB it was actually Soko that committed that offense this time it will be a free kick in a dangerous position for QPR right outside the I mean right on the line so let's see this once is a d kick knew he would have made his Deb at such young age for Celtic if he wasn't exceptional player also played for the England under 18 oh crosses it but Gibson goes that one and kicks it out Den towards the center of the Box headed away though and out of play for a corner kick by gibon pouth Gibson headed it out and it's a corner to corner kick of the game for QPR a first of this second half let's see where this guy goes to field on a fast and B A shot is's on target Randall blocks it and Rand gets that one out oh off the post I thought off [Music] off kicks it out comes in Frey has a shot it's Frey is off the off the bar this time and [Music] haard he might have got the slightest of touches radio might just about catch up another shot it I don't think he gets a touch on that I think he come straight off the post there better angle here oh maybe just the onget and probably what it'll go down in the stats but he denied and then he made a save as well that's a lovely ball slightly over actually by Madson looking for the Run of Smith a play for throw in on the right hand side well Conor haszard he's not had I won say he's had loads to do he had some saves to make what we where should we go why not um they weren't particularly dangerous it's a whole goal kick short toes back Jones k h Honeyman hone with this can he oh it's throwing and it's really close to that line couple of yards out far touch line on their left hand side so M great chance here this is a really good this could be a really good throw goalkeeper keep an eye on it this could be quite a good this could be the first goal short to H on more just takes it like from a baby um as he turns grabs crossing the goalkeeper just Taps it out andard just could have done something missed just get it on target just get it on target from there Jimmy thir attemp already in this really annoyed with that could have made 55 minutes wide the so nearly cromby to Sweeney build from the back it bounces away from goal he's a real handful Jimmy D real problems get the just hang on at the minute pushes it forward but Butler eventually gets that jere grabs it again doing a really good job in defense kick quickly a yellow card as well for the Plymouth man was Rand Adam Rand in the book as his dark J already in this game of course porw sent off as well in the B Burton coming in now trying to pass it across oh sh Target by Bing I mean they made sure he was going to shoot from outside the box wasn't really going to be too difficult refere G out kick seem to be we'll have a look at the Stockport game that's on this is what we're listening to No it's not we moved to Plymouth didn't we Hull and mil but the nlock has been broken in the game between Bristol City and centry and Ash gate substitution for stop P County thrist making back Ken F by Morgan Wht it will be a free kick signs of frustration perhaps for clouth number 10 the main man they look to him whenever they've got the ball yard take a while with his substitution 23 years of age go back to this pouth game this pouth game is quite interesting think demele shoots and it's aick easy easy take by but that wasn't one of them beat his Defender well mum beat him again cross him Hazard kicks it out for a goal only short to Gibson there you just joined us and a half minutes inth one you're listening to off independent Studio loses it to fre the in the first half here Frey gets it back to Dem by a combination of demele and Frey goally field S field cross to CH was a one two withed Madson they're hassling this Plymouth defense field back H all they need to do is get this forward this back line which is really pushing the I done it in middle of the box but he's facing backing away manages to turn has a shot but it's off Target and hits a Defender comes straight back out comes straight back in but then the goalkeeper manag to grab it thought about it inside the area but he's not give it Gavin Ward instead he's now Gary Wood's quite mum yeah it would usually give a penalty if it's 5050 surprised he didn't there because he he does have a tendency to be yellow card happy and penalty dun grabs it from the from the Plymouth play pass it across field runs to the left hand towards the left hand side of the field Nicks it to Pal who tries doing a one two with him but G grabs it he loses it to Madson Madson tries to rights down the line chance to get in the well defended though Again by D J and out of play for another corner kick he crosses it but he gets out for the corner it for HS defending to Madson there really did break into the box and just nicked it back nicely but it was just intercepted at the right time by Plymouth and nicked it out nicely lovely delivery to Michael Frey although the referee seems something he doesn't like inside the area I think it's Frey and Edwards getting a little bit too heavy-handed get to know each other Inside the Box a lot more of that are trying to get a yellow card to a couple more of their players pull and Dred unnecessary just pause play a little bit as that corner now prepares to be taken oh Galloway takes it the [Music] right now because they've got three coming forward as they're coming together there the semicircle referee says Nole Gra that counter trere at the minut absolutely brilliant from the number seven the only way they can stop performance his Shin's a quick kick um I am kick gets a free kick pass to him but it's no no he manages he manages to no sh but it's off Target and he should have really done better with that I'm gonna call that a day guys because nobody's been coming in we're gonna some if I just grab the end stream I'm going to have lunch I we I shall will be back at 3 but until then s goodbye and see you at 3 o' back inside Thea looking for fre