You Can Now Own a MP7

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:27:40 Category: Education

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e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d the much awaited Tommy built t7 an MP7 clone people have been asking for this for HK but you know what HK is not delivery HK is just taking forever so Tommy built a small enter surprising man who has made G36 ump clones has taken upon himself to make an entirely us produced np7 how does it do does it live up to the expectations are the internet rumors true all this and more today on grandthum but before we get into that we have to thank the biggest sponsor of the channel who is who Micah primary arm primary arms biggest sponsor we love them we love their Optics um I I can't say enough good things about that compact optic of theirs it is incredible and of course we can't forget night vision network if you're looking to buy night vision airsofting you just want to rent something for the weekend for a game you want to scope out see what's going on in your basement at night we love them and you know what with discount code grandthum you actually get $75 off and we have a couple sweet patches come with them so big thank you to night vision Network and of course if you're looking to get better at shooting we recommend dry fire no TR to mess me up but it will mantis will turn your weapon into a dry fire machine love them so much big thank you to mantis and of course aec for all the ammunition and keeping us good Shooters with that being said let's go ahead and let's get into it right here we have the Tommy built t7 um there are definitely issues with the firearm uh these issues have been widely reported online and uh We've run into many of the same issues so there are two issues that I would say are occurring here the MP7 how do we say this Micah how would you describe the MP7 well the mp7's already mid the MP7 is already a mid gun with a lot of little weird problems and now that you have a US produced one you have a lot of the same well all the same problems that the HK made MP7 has and a few issues that have cropped up from the US domestic produced version I have a lot of high hopes for this gun with all that being said but we're going to delve into this and talk about what issues we've had here so there are two parts in this gun that are German we have the magazine from Deutschland and we have the stock from Deutschland and you'd think that the stock being from Germany you'd have the best stock pops possible but actually stock popsicle popsicle you know the German stocks um were made to be extremely lightweight This was um the MP7 was made to be extremely lightweight um a lot of these weight savings are transferred to the types of materials that were made and in this case um this is a common problem the MP7 we have a lot of parts on the stock itself beginning to Shear we also have the stock latch which is not holding securely enough which is also another German part which is actually coming loose so under recoil the gun is collapsing do you want to show them the fix that we did Yeah we actually took but Buckshot we tucked it in there and then we taped over it to keep it from uh falling out but this isn't actually a Tommy built problem uh tons of my friends with HKS have had this exact in fact uh Micah your friend uh Tony Landmark yeah Landmark just had got a brand new MP7 and the first thing that happened stock broke yeah so this is not a a tommybuilt problem but what's funny about this is that you know the MP7 really hasn't been in civilian hands uh widespread and now that we're starting to see mp7s or t7s in civilian hands we're starting to see people be like d why is this part Breaking it's like well it's an MP7 see if it uh see if it even runs off to a good start you know what let's go Lube this gun lubing the Tommy buil t7 unfortunately did nothing to remedy the problem at this point we had fired approximately 600 rounds what most people would consider a mere weekend's worth of shooting we decided at this point it was best to let the gun go back into the hands of Tommy built to figure out what was wrong with our unit and so we did so our Tommy built t7 um had a few issues uh primarily it would fire and then an immediate malfunction Michael put in a video at doing it it pretty much turned into a onot weapon so we went ahead we contacted Tommy built um to send it back to get it repaired because I I really want this to work my do we want this to work more than anything more than anything this is the coolest thing and I want this thing to work so we s it back to him um the problem came down to the um I believe according to him the uh the extractor or the ejector as well as the firing pin channel so those were upgraded we got the upgraded bolt here so we're going to go ahead we fired a about a couple mags at this point so we're going to fire a few more we are using the foke blue box which is supposed to be better um we'll also use a green box as well and we'll see how these are working we're using a BNT suppressor and uh see where we're at sadly it was worse all right we have the uh bolt stuck to the rear um I'm not quite sure why it's stuck to the rear yet there's no there's no mag in so we're going to go ahead and break it down and see if we can get that bolt to go forward um let her cool down and see where we're at oh it was literally just stuck huh that is bizarre I haven't seen that malfunction before yeah that is that is definitely very odd okay let's see huh that that's very weird we were having some trigger uh malfunctions and now we're uh we're having issues with that bolt sticking to the rear see where we're at see so uh with this review I do want to do a full disclosure obviously um uh I do know Tommy however I bought all my guns t7 was purchased by me he didn't even know I was purchasing this this was made um via a batch uh purchase through another entity and um this was sent back to him so we have the communication there there's no exchange of money or anything like that this is all purchased by me he did not contribute at all to the video Beyond um doing the repair work that he would have done for other people right right here we have the tommyv t7 which fires the same round as the MP7 it is a clone of the MP7 which is a 4.6x 30 so right here we have your 5.56 which is your typical round fired by ar5 15 M4 then right here we have uh the uh the guess literally the guy you should not worry about now if you don't know anything about the 4.6 um it was made due to a NATO requirement for for uh support troops and stuff same reason that the P90 was made with its 5.7 now both 5.7 and the 4.6 are uh fairly weak rounds in many respects but they don't have a lot of force behind them so with the P90 it's a direct blowback it's a very simple ation the Germans like everything over complicated the weapon but made a fairly good weapon the MP7 which is a short stroke breach locked weapon and we have the same exact thing here is very low recoil we'll do a few drills to demonstrate that and then we're going to get into the talking portion of the video so first thing we'll do right here is we'll go ahead and do a basic Bild drill M you want to go ahead and buzz me in buddy y j ready yeah stand by so gun doesn't recoil that much I think the worst part about the MP7 is literally the stock um especially on this one right here has a lot more wobble than the HK but the HK was just breaking on me but on these ones there's just a little too much kind of I don't know I don't like it that much what no way dead serious the stock this a second stock that is the weirdest malfunction we broke two stock there is something going on there dude okay take your gun back so usually we do a much larger shooting portion uh because it's fun because we're able to demonstrate the gun but what was the issue we had Micah the issue what issue you mean like which one do you want me to talk about too many issues so we have clearly had some problems with our t7 and um it it's always a mixed bag for me when we're doing a review and when we have issues we always let the manufacturer take a look at the gun um we've done that with uh Tommy built with him taking a look at the t7 and um I do want to make a quick disclosure that I like Tommy I think he's doing something which is cool which is bringing a us-made um MP7 but there are certainly issues that we're going to get into when we talk about this so Tommy good MP7 t7 uh need some improvement now there are two kind of main factors here there are MP7 problems and then there are t7 problems but we'll kind of get into those let's talk about the t7 what you're getting that's a that's an MP7 problem right there and uh some of the issues that we had so first off we'll start with the BNT can the BNT can is really interesting this is um this is an MP7 problem right here when BNT originally designed the MP7 can um right here they actually didn't have a reference muzzle device to go off of so they were going off the technical drawings um because of that there is a mizing problem uh between the the muzzle device and the can itself this isn't um a t7 MP7 problem those are matched up purpose uh perfectly it's actually a B&T problem that can easily be fixed as you can see on this one right here um we have some rotational issues there it's not a big deal but it can become a big deal if you have side to side play um that can easily be resolved and you can get a new Hub capap the uh or a new Hub excuse me at the bottom here to have a much better lock up so this isn't really indicative of B&T quality but the can itself is quite quiet mik it was a pretty quiet can when you say it a quiet can it's also a very small round with a small powder charge so you don't really need much you don't really need much and this can performs extremely well been very happy with the performance on it now moving back to there um we do have the main piece of the Tommy built t7 now some definite improvements were made my biggest thing that I love about the t7 is the inclusion of mlock um which compared to the A1 is a big Improvement in my mind uh we also have mlock on the bottom so our fully grip right here can be swapped out I think this is uh much improved even over the MP7 A2 which was pick atiny which of course you can add your own grip but I like the inclusion of mlock I thought it was very forward thinking very smart in the way that he executed it now this is a MP7 problem itself um when this front piece right here you can see we have that little um lip right here when that gets hot if you are putting forward pressure in any way it's very easy to pop that little guy off um this is MP7 problems right there and um somewhat exacerbated by the polymer that I believe that Tommy is using on his particular mp7s and that is definitely an HK problem um there are some design issues with the gun and I know people who are big HK fans or have used the HK MP7 professionally might take issue with that but um I think that there are a lot of concessions that were made on the MP7 to make it lightweight as it is that led to issues with the gun itself and we're seeing that here certainly on the t7 and certainly on the MP7 as well now on the foldable grip um previously on the HK this was a problem because it could break pretty easily it is somewhat of a fragile part um relatively speaking but because this can be easily swapped out for an mlock or anything that you want um that's really a nonissue on this particular build and for me personally I just love the aesthetic of the full grip on the MP7 it's a very classic look it's a very halflife 2 look I'm obsessed with halflife 2 if you don't know I played it through at least 25 times if you look on my Steam account how many times do I play halflife Micah every day in 10minute intervals like a true autistic person so when it comes to the gas system on the HK MP7 the t7 right here uh it's quite interesting the Germans over engineered it and what I mean by that is the 4.6 is a very anemic cartridge it doesn't have a whole lot of powder behind it and really you only need a direct blowback system or some type of delayed blowback system to make it work uh a direct blowback being something like the the uh BNT tp9 or the ps90 P90 um Glade blowback being something like the MP5 which famously Ed some rollers to increase the amount of force that's needed to push that bolt to the rear and they're able to keep that system fairly lightweight but HK wanted to make the t7 the M excuse me the MP7 as lightweight as possible when they introduce a shortst gas system this does do the job of making it a very lightweight system however it comes at the cost of more moving parts and because of that um I think ultimately you had some issues with reliability and durability that would not be encountered by a more simple gas operating system I know this might be um contrary to what some people who have used the MP7 professionally would say but I would say longevity long term is not on the level of what the MP7 or the P90 is and very famously if you talk to um James Williamson who's a HK expert there are multiple Parts on the um MP7 specifically the gas piston that needs to be gunsmith service this this weapon was not meant to be service at your house it was meant to be um taken care of at Armor level or above um between Mission sets it's very much so a NATO death squad weapon in many ways and it's very good at that so long as it is maintained um at that level now moving back from the gas system we do have the controls controls are very simple they're very HK but they're very simple and if you've shot an AR they're very easy to figure out so we we'll go ahead and we'll go through them so just like any HK gun it is a paddle magazine release with these little paddles right here that you depress in order to release that magazine it is ambidextrous we have um bolt releases that are both on the right and left side because the MP7 is a bolt hold open design on the last round so once you have fired that last round you're going to eject your mag you're going to go ahead you're going to load a fresh one that we have right here once you have that in you can simply hit the bolt release and get it loaded from there we have our um safety which is both am exess as well we have safe low obviously on the fun models of the MP7 not the t7 you'd have that full auto position just a little bit lower this being semi-auto that's what you have it should be noted as well that HK does make a semi-auto MP7 that is in use by the UK police because uh I I don't know it's like there's no gun crime but then all the officers have g36s and MP fives everywhere how do you explain that Micah um I don't think we can comment on that or we'll be extradited and imprisoned in in in their prison system so with all that being said let's go ahead and let's try the trigger so the trigger is actually something that's pretty nice on the uh HK MP7 and on the t7 so right here you have very little play you hit your wall and from your wall it's about a 5 lb pull it's very crisp the reset is just to that first wall it's nice um compared yeah compared to like the the tp9 it's incredible um even compared to like an MP5 it's more crisp I do like the MP7 trigger quite a bit um and the t7 trigger is wonderful I have no issues with it the polymer that was used is a very close polymer to the one that HK is making um I say it's a little softer overall but I've been pretty impressed as far as the durability of it is concerned and then of course moving to the rear here we have our charging handle the charging handle is held by Spring to make sure it doesn't unlock until you squeeze them together once you squeeze them together right here you can go ahead and can pull back in the charging handle the first time you pull back the charging handle on an MP7 you'll be surprised at how rough it sounds at how kind of difficult it is to pull to the rear uh the MP7 does not feel like a smooth gun when you pull that charger handle the rear would you say when you pull it to the rear Micah you're like is this it it feels wrong it feels incorrect like it doesn't feel good at all it just it it's fighting itself there's just there's a lot going on there okay we have the stock latch right here um we are having significant issues with our stock latch it's not a t7 problem um we had an hk1 break as well and many other people have had HK 1's break it's just not a great design we've talked about kind of overall the MP7 we've talked about the t7 right here now it's time to talk about I think what everybody's here for which is performance um uh unfortunately uh rt7 has significant problems um it does not run well at all um this is after having it sent back so I think the best way to explain this would be to tell a story about precisely the issues that we had from start to finish uh and we'll go from there I've known about the um project by Tommy built to make the MP7 for quite a while at this point um obviously I am a huge [ __ ] for the MP7 I love the way it looks and I was very excited to get my hands on the MP7 so excited that uh like four years ago I bought the um three position stock for it I bought a ton of mags for it I did this all way ahead of time cuz I anticipated that release now it did take um Tommy belt some time to come out with the MP7 I believe it's difficult uh to manufacture items uh something I've learned the hard way with my company onward as you get things manufactured for you as they come together from different oems it's a pain so I understand the difficulty in making a gun even if you're cloning a gun there is a lot that goes into it but as we all know the t7 was released about what is it at this point a month and a half ago M and ours was the second batch was not the first batch so it took a little bit for ours to arrive um was very excited I think I talked to Mike about it all the time um ours arrived um Tommy was not aware that we had bought this we got through the third party um was delivered to my FFL and uh we had our t7 so at that point I took it out I began to shoot it about the first 300 rounds it ran absolutely flawlessly set up just like this running the BNT can on it it was just an absolute dream and I was like you know what [ __ ] everyone this gun is incredible like I was so stoked I was like Micah perfect gun perfect um unfortunately that's not the way it it ran after that about two days later we went out to do our initial filming um on the ranch with it get it up to about a th000 rounds and within about 100 rounds we began to encounter some significant issues um primarily in the fact that the weapon began to double feed um we have lots of video of this so it was a pretty hard double feed uh we'd have to rip the magazine out get that mag that that uh bullet out and then in addition to that we also had failures to extract so there seem to be um kind of two various problems that were occurring I heard a couple theories about this I've heard theories that the foke that we were using which is the green box was a very old Manu backer batch and um perhaps the gunpowder is bad that it was inconsistently charged that being aside um we switched over to foke blue box and we had the same issues so we were just going to push forward with the review but I really did want to um send this over to Tommy to give him an opportunity to um to get eyes on the gun see if there's something wrong if we can get it fixed because I wanted this review to be pretty fleshed out for you guys we sent it back to him um it should also be noted that on that original gun we had an hk3 position sock with a back plate in that completely broke as well um that was not a Tommy built problem that is an HK problem but we sent the gun back to um Tommy he worked on it he got it turned around pretty quickly a couple days and got it back to us and from from his notes we were having troubles with the firing pin firing pin Channel which was Miss siize from an oem that was manufacturing for him as well as Poss an extractor or ejector issue so the entire bolt was replaced for us um and the weapon was sent back that brings us to today we came out with the aim of firing a thousand rounds in order to make sure that the gun continued to function but within about six mags we began to run into um new problems as well as old problems uh so pretty much the same issues so we'll go ahead and we'll go through those problems um the first thing we that we encountered were failures to extract um then we began to encounter the double feeds again and uh it seems to be that the hotter the gun gets that the more it malfunctions and by hotter I mean about second or third mag it's beginning to shut down pretty completely you can get if the gun's completely cold it can go through a MAG would you tend to agree with me Micah it seems to be the case yeah um but once the gun heats up there seems to be tolerance um sacking issues or some type of Tolerance issues we're not I'm not a gunsmith I'm just a shooter that causes the weapon to begin malfunction pretty badly um once we begin to get all those uh same issues we began to encounter some very bizarre ones um namely we had the uh the trigger group seems to have some significant issues where it's either not working at all or working too well uh so we won't comment on that for for uh a specific reason but on not working at all I mean we're not even getting firing pin impacts I'm not sure if that's due to the fact that the bolts not all the way forward or if that's due to the fact that there's something wrong with the Springs um but we were having a lot of troubles to Fire and then very bizarrely we got the bolt locked to the rear where it would not come down there was no releasing it there's no mag in the gun um we ended up collapsing the sock and hammering it in order to get the bolt to drop forward um but it's happened to us a few times since um all that goes to say is that this weapon I is just it's not there you know and that's hard for me to say because I'm very excited for this I there 's nothing that I want more than for this gun to to work and to work as well as an MP7 does and mp7s are a little iffy but I want it to work that well so you know to to be at the level that it is is disappointing um I think the best thing I could say is that like I hope it's going to get better but for the price that you're paying now it is definitely disappointing to have a weapon that is just either barely functioning or not functioning at all um it sucks uh to to put it frankly I really don't know what else to say about it beyond that um we're going to send it back to Tommy built but for the sake of the review uh he's gotten time on it he's gotten the time to repair it you know I'm not going to keep sending this gun back and forth you know tons and tons of times until I get a gun that's just you know completely cherry-picked um but I definitely wanted to give him um the chance to to repair it to to kind of see what everybody else is going through um a lot of people have noted issues with theirs um I talked to Steve MP um I know he had a lot of issues with his t7 um his is apparently running pretty good it definitely seems to be pretty H hit or miss and um a lot of people said just shoot your gun a lot and that it will break in uh the opposite seems to be true for us the more we shoot it the worst it's sending to get so you know it's cool it looks really cool it is um what I wanted which is an MP7 that doesn't cost me $100,000 but not what I wanted in the fact that um it just doesn't run so we'll see how this does in the future and if these issues are rectified but as this review stands right now I would say that there are some some very concerning issues with the um with the parts within this gun that are us made and uh it is currently not functioning well at all when the gun works it works great and it's very fun to fire um the 4.6 is a is a fun round it's a little bit anemic but it's a very fun round to to have and there's nothing like I said I feel like a both broken record right now so we're going to go ahead and we're going to endend it where we're at right now but um I hope for the best with this and um I think if anything we should definitely encourage them to make those uh repairs and to make those improvements from here and hopefully we get a gun that is um more serviceable than the one that we currently have just getting a15 if you're looking for something you know serious if you want an MP7 uh I I would think at some point there's going to be Parts kits that are going to make these work um but just trade with an AR get good with your AR if you want an MP7 buy an MP9 I do love my MP9 quite a bit man I do love my MP9 where's the MP9 go grab it really quick

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