Crypto Miners x Oasis Network ($ROSE) - Twitter Space AMA Recording

Published: Jan 06, 2023 Duration: 00:47:10 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: oasis twitter
hello everyone welcome to crypto miners to the space and this interview with uh Oasis protocol and my name is Mary and I will be your host so also reminder that anything we talk about in here is for educational purpose only and should not be taken as Financial advice so everyone in here must do your own research and with that said we have some people from Oasis here married it welcome Meredith Darden Community manager hey Mary thank you so much for having us on we're really excited to share a little bit about Oasis um and what we have in store right now and what's coming for um for next year and yeah I'm Meredith I'm the community lead at Oasis Foundation thanks again for having us on Lovely yeah very welcome I see we have someone else from Oasis in here is that a colleague to you that also going to speak uh no that's actually uh we just joined from our our main account so we can make sure that the Oasis Community uh knows that we're in here very good very good so welcome everyone all the miners and everyone from Oasis Community and also everyone who just happened to see us in here and join or listen afterwards a warm welcome to all of you guys and yes it's going to be lovely to hear some from Oasis I've read a little bit about it and it seems like a very interesting project I would say Meredith why don't you just start and introduce yourself a little bit how how long have you been into crypto and how long have you been working with Oasis sure yeah so um I actually have been involved in the crypto industry since late 2016. uh previously was working in real estate and then I became fascinated with the technology so I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to leave my previous career and start working full-time in the blockchain industry in late 2016 and it's been a wild ride ever since then um and I joined Oasis about a little over a year ago and I'm really excited about everything that we're building great very nice so how big is the team behind Oasis how many people are working with it uh we actually have a pretty big um Global team so I think right now we're just at a little over 50 team members that are building um across you know our engineering community marketing BD product and then of course our our core platform so we've got a pretty robust team great great and it started 2018 right uh yes Oasis Labs was founded in uh 20 2018. and you have been around a while and have been through uh at least one bear Market already right and still standing strong absolutely uh yeah and actually um you know when it comes to Oasis our stance is very much that you know we're built to outlast market conditions and if anything uh the market conditions kind of clear out all of the background noise so that builders in the space can actually focus on uh what's what's important so it kind of removes um you know all the distractions and our team is very much head down focused on building really strong products and you know hopefully with uh the intention of bringing privacy to all of of web3 mm-hmm yeah just picking up but privacy and that's a big thing with Oasis I think uh can we maybe go through uh a little bit what what is oasis because I think many in here might know lots already but there might be also many who knows almost nothing so maybe we can have a like an elevator pitch or a little bit longer about what this Oasis what do you stand for yeah sure thing so um I'm happy to to provide some context on who we are and for those of you who are not familiar with Oasis please make sure to tap our profile right at the top here and give us a follow we're always producing really cool and engaging content and we would love to bring you into our community but the Oasis network is a privacy focused scalable proof of stake layer one uh that is also evm compatible so we have a multi-layered modular architecture and that separates consensus from Smart contract execution into different layers so um you know not only are we scalable it also makes things really easy for developers to deploy low-cost privacy focused apps and the core value proposition of privacy definitely gives way to other tenants that are required for us to go into the next iteration of the internet and and our technology supports the critical pillars that are needed to transition from web 2 to web3 so we enable um like you know decentralized identity decentralized Society a responsible data economy and overall data sovereignty so our Paradigm layer allows for dynamic compute environments where smart contract execution happens and right now we have three pair times the emerald Paradigm which is our evm compatible Paradigm Cipher which is a privacy focused wasm Paradigm and then Sapphire which is our currently on testnet it's our newest Paradigm and that is our confidential evm so that's the first confidential evm to come you know to the space and it definitely holds the key for solidity developers to be able to harness privacy features for their gaps so we're all very excited and optimistic about that so so can you explain a bit more what what is this paradigms because it's I've heard that it might be a little bit similar to to polkadot's power chains but it's not it's not a blockchain so it's something different a little bit but it's yeah can you can you tell us how it works a little bit yeah absolutely so um so yeah I would say that probably the most accurate uh comparison would be that it's similar to a pair of chain the the paradigms that we currently have now uh operate um just for different Computing environments so uh we we enable developers to build in whatever environment is comfortable for them and um I would encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about uh paradigms to visit our documentation on our website or you know hop into our Discord and ask some of our Engineers there but uh the great thing about um peritons is that you know similar to polka dot anyone can build their own pair of time so like I said a second ago we have the uh Emerald which is evm compatible then we have Cipher and Sapphire and we are currently engaging our community's interest on potentially even uh building a move Paradigm or you know if if Community developers would like to build a move Fair time themselves we we'd like to see that too so so these are three part times that you build yourself but also other people can build their own paradigms on on your blockchain or how does it work yeah that's correct anyone can build their own prayer time so what can I use can can I give an example is there some good example that everyone can understand what what they can be used for because you said three different kinds of parent chains that you build yourself yeah and they they all have different you said something but it was so fast I didn't really catch everything if you can have like an example maybe of of each what's the difference between them yes and when you use which one absolutely so um I would say probably the best example that I'm really excited to talk about would be with sapphire so Sapphire is um an evm that's the newest one exactly yeah so yeah Sapphire is evm compatible and it allows developers to build confidential daps so uh basically you know developers could come in and have uh if they're you know building on top of sapphire they're able to to configure privacy based on their needs so the the default contract state is completely confidential completely private um and and from there basically the possibilities are unlimited and it's you know same developer environment as any any evm so solidity developers will be perfectly at home the the only difference is that they'll be able to add privacy features confidentiality to their dapps um yeah because I think that that's you know we notice that that's a key element that's missing and and web 3 and blockchain in general and so this runtime has the ability to really help scale blockchain towards web 3 and allows developers to lay the foundation for privacy enabled blockchained apps that's amazing yeah I think it's needed in this space if you if you're gonna because you can use blockchain to so many things right that we haven't really even tried yet I guess and this is something that that's needed to to be able to go into all the different kind of uh branches or or how you how you say that I think so uh it means that you can you can store delicate information and and have it like hidden right that's your privacy thing so everything is not open for everyone but you can choose which part you you want to open up for a certain party that you want to show it for is is that how did I understand it correctly then key thing that's possible with sapphire is something that we are building right now which is the Oasis privacy layer so um you know one of the one of the challenges I think that many layer ones face is bringing um you know developers to a chain where uh you know maybe that it's a it's a newer chain that is not you know as filled with users people aren't as familiar with it and despite having lots of upside for users and for developers uh they're hesitant to either Port their native dap to a different chain or to um you know build a completely new dap all together um and so we we built the Oasis privacy layer or we're currently in the process of building the Oasis privacy layer so that evm compatible dapps like uh Dows and ft Collections and ft marketplaces games um and uh decentralized identity projects can actually take advantage of Sapphire's privacy features without necessarily having to move their dat from their current chain so as long as it's you know an evm compatible network they'll still be able to uh harness some of the the Privacy features that Sapphire enables so it's evm compatible like for that's ethereum virtual machine compatible right yeah that's correct so everything that's on ethereum can also use this one and that's a lot so that's good yeah we really hope that um solidity developers will look to Sapphire and Oasis as a solution for you know the challenges that have surrounded um you know bringing privacy to the the evm ecosystem and how do you how do you try to to reach out to to get people to be aware of what you have and and how they can use it what's your marketing strategy there to to get it like Mass adopted or from people from Developers yeah I would say that for Oasis we are uh very active uh in external communities um we work um you know with developers within our own community and going into um you know 2023 we're planning a lot more developer focused events so we'll be at East Denver and hosting several workshops privacy many Summits then of course we'll be at consensus we also host hackathons where we invite developers to come build and with the launch of sapphire on mainnet we'll definitely be hosting another hackathon for that um and yeah and then you know of course we we strive to provide educational content for developers communities um and you know founders of existing daps so that they can take advantage of everything that we have very nice so a lot of this uh centered around the privacy and confidentiality in in Oasis so so are you working on anything privacy related at the moment anything more that you can tell us about uh yeah I think I I kind of touched on that um okay sorry no no no problem um it's you know that our main focus right now is definitely on Sapphire which is all about privacy um and um with sapphire you know we're building the Oasis privacy layer so so that developers can have access to privacy without having to switch chains um and and um yeah we definitely are focused on you know bringing more developers into the fold and bringing uh more daps into the fold and also collaborating with other layer ones that are evm compatible so that adapts within their their ecosystem can take advantage of the privacy um okay very good so the the opportunities for developers on Oasis network is lots of different things right what what can they what can they expect what can they use it for what can they build and did you help them build or do they like is it like open source so they can build whatever they want or are you controlling it somehow oh no no uh developers can build whatever they want we are definitely fully decentralized and everything is open source so they're able to build natively on Sapphire or any of our paradigms whatever types of dabs they they want to build but as far as excuse me as far as helping developers we definitely do offer support our Engineers are very Hands-On for helping out those who are building dapps so you know not only do they have technical assistance but we also have a grants program so you know we want to help Builders kick start the development of projects and and key areas which right now for us that's focus on nfts play to earned gaming data Dows data tokenization and of course privacy adapts and each each project can receive up to fifty thousand dollars in rows and um yeah I think that you know if anyone's interested in applying they can visit our website and uh you know come to our community channels and discuss that further so if you have a good idea but maybe not the funding you can you can turn to to your yeah to this department and and get help even economically that's great how many how many of these have you done already I mean how many [Music] um have you granted or help uh I think the last stat I'm not sure on the exact numbers but I think I saw a stat a few months back that said this year we gave out 42 grants um and this is ahead of us launching Sapphire onto mainnet so these grants were for emeralds which is evm compatible and we definitely anticipate um you know more Grant recipients as we have you know more availability for them to actually build privacy Centric dapps hmm very good and you spoke about the community and you have an Engaged Community how how can they contribute to the network how do they help in in the moving forward so yeah we have a great Community our community is uh very very engaged and uh there's lots of opportunities for people to get involved in our our community so if you're a developer like I was saying uh before I think that you know we we provide a lot of support in terms of like resources and um you know answering questions and and helping guide them in the right direction but for um you know crypto enthusiasts who are like passionate about privacy and passionate about technology and you know wanting to help usher in kind of like a new era in web 3 there is a great opportunity for them to get involved even if they are not a developer and that is through our ambassador program we currently have 350 ambassadors who are actively um you know contributing through content through you know just like engaging in the community moderating our channels helping with BD Outreach and I mean the list goes on and on they're definitely the backbone of the community and we actually have a new Ambassador cohort that's going to be launching in January so it's a month-long training program and I would encourage anyone in here who is interested in that to apply if you visit our website we do have a link under Community for applicants and it's a great way to earn rows and contribute to the community in a way that's meaningful to you so it's not really a time commitment that we ask of but um yeah it's basically at the community member's Leisure and we're also always hosting uh different events within our community we host trivia where we give out prizes um you know fun contests and games and so yeah I think that when it comes to that our team is very much uh you know passionate about educating people and also finding ways to get them involved that's really important I think to get when new people come and they get taken care of properly and get help that's that's key I think to to mass adoption and moving forward so um I have a question from Twitter here that someone was trying to add Oasis Network to their metamask and notice two options available at Emerald and add Sapphire so they want to know why are these two types of a mainnet and how does each differ from each other and how do you intend to clear the confusion users may have with it so yeah um that that is because we have the consensus layer um which is where like staking at and you know transactions take place and then we have our Paradigm layer so whenever you see emerald and sapphire those are um Paradigm layer operations and I think that you know most people who are using uh our wallet or adding to metamask are likely uh familiar with with emerald and sapphire but our community team is always around to help troubleshoot um if anyone experiences confusion with adding either one but each each Paradigm layer so whenever we see those those different paradigms that's the way that you know you'll be interacting with dafs on either Emerald or Sapphire but if anyone has trouble uh definitely reach out to us we're we're happy to help and another question came in here and that's Partnerships and Community Support are the most important thing for a project to grow so can you tell us some of your strategies that how do you plan to keep community alive yeah happy to um so for the community like I was saying um a second ago we have an ambassador program where we invite people to come in and work directly with the core team so that they can be involved earn Rose and you know become evangelists of Oasis Network and you know a lot of our ambassadors go out and produce great written content video content uh you know they're on Twitter making threads to educate people about privacy in what Oasis brings to the table so I think that um you know that's a a key element to engaging our community but we're also frequently uh hosting different types of events that are focused sometimes towards community and education and other times towards developers um and that's that's our our key Focus right now is um you know bringing developers to our Network so we do um host many different types of campaigns events and fun activities for the community but we also want to balance that with making sure that you know we we are engaging with the developer community that's really great and you mentioned Rose I think that's a lovely name for the for the coin right that's yeah Rose is the native uh token of oasis very nice very nice and uh what what Who Who Are You targeting the most then and who's gonna use this the most moving forward you think what what's the the main target area or or customer yeah I think that um when it comes to Deaths um there are many different use cases that we envision and the interesting thing about privacy and the current web 3 landscape is that we also anticipate that there will be interesting use cases and sectors that we have not yet anticipated but for as far as who we think could benefit from using privacy right now would be decentralized identity protocols nft collections who are nft marketplaces who are struggling with issues of um you know Network congestion and gas Wars whenever they're minting Collections and to also Implement more fair auction mechanisms and then gaming is another key area that we think should should definitely be taking advantage of the Privacy features um because currently blockchain games have to keep large portions of their game off chain um which really takes away from uh you know the ideal scenario which is that blockchain games are actually on chain and then another interesting use case would be for Dallas right now there is a substantial issues with with Dow governance and bias that's associated with on-chain voting and so with with the Oasis privacy layer which is powered by Sapphire daos can Implement on-chain private voting and yeah so I think there's there's a lot of of deaths and users who can benefit from Oasis so as far as like our Target Community I would say it's it's everyone who is interacting with games nfts um D5 decentralized identity um and and many other sectors Within web3 great and you did speak a little bit already about education that you're trying to help your or the community trying to help new people and so but do you have like an educational program that helps developers understand your product also more or maybe also newbies that wants to try out we do uh we have developer courses and we are building more developer courses uh these are like in the form of video content and we also host office hours and developer focused webinars and um and you know like sometimes Discord Hangouts depending on what we have going on so there are are plenty of opportunities for developers to get started but we we definitely want to continue to ramp up on the educational content that we produce for developers so um I think I would say also for newbies yes there there's also um plenty of of opportunities we have some you know fairly basic videos on our YouTube channel which go through the highlights and then we also have some great articles that have been written in our blog kind of give you a step-by-step overview of of what Oasis is and what the key elements are so we we do try to you know keep the the community in mind whenever we're producing educational content as well and if people now listening wants to to buy the token or buy the the rose uh I think you are on most most exchanges out there already right Finance on everyone else yeah I would uh I would say that people can visit the site that they typically use um for those types of activities and they'll easily be able to find whatever information they're looking for and it's Oasis Network or Rose so that's good to know yeah all right uh you said earlier that you had to be somewhere soon I think how much time do we still have with you merited oh yeah I still have about 20 minutes okay so are you up for some questions from the audience Maybe yeah sure thing and let's see I'm gonna unmute two people and wait for your turn then uh so let's have or do you want to help me choose maybe oh maybe can you see them the the people who have their hands up no I can't no you can't okay a swimmy and Alia let's start with Ashwini hello you have to unmute yourself to ask the question nice to meet me are you here hi what's the main issue that are related to current blockchain based smart contracts where we have seen lot of problems how are you enabling confidential smart contracts sorry your question was how are we enabling confidential smart contracts I think so yeah that's what I heard too so yeah um with sapphire I'm happy to answer that and I hope that this is um the direction that you mean but if not feel free to ask a follow-up question but um Sapphire are um confidential evidence yeah it requires nodes to use um type of computing technology called a trusted execution environment so teaser basically um a hypothetical black box for smart contract execution and using Key Management encrypted data goes into the black box or secure Enclave along with the smart contract then the data is decrypted and processed by the smart contract then encrypted before it's sent back out so this process pretty much ensures that the data remains confidential and it's not disclosed to even the node operator or the application developer while it's undergoing this process great thank you ashwimi for your question uh Alia did you have a question thank you thanks great question hello my question is I see that occpo system has a ecosystem fund of 235 million dollar how has it helped developers in the past and please talk more talk more about about it sure uh yeah we launched the Oasis ecosystem fund uh this year and you're correct it does have over 235 million dollars that is available to developers and projects who are building native apps on Oasis Network so the typical process um that someone would follow to access those funds and um and you know be begin building uh using that would be to apply for a grant so um once someone is brought into our grants program they're giving grants funding and then as they develop and launch their dap um they have access to additional investor funding within the Oasis ecosystem fund so if you're interested you can head over to our website which we just newly revamped by the way and under ecosystem you'll find the relevant links to apply for Grants and also to apply for the ecosystem fund great thank you Alia and we have Harley or Stevie you change your name I think yeah yeah I changed I changed my name actually um thank you for bringing me on so my question is um what's the rule of always is playing in the web 2 and web 3 world and what are your Competitive Edge over other similar projects um also have you been audited thank you thanks so much for that question I think that our advantages are exactly what we've been talking about uh which is you know privacy it's um historically been uh very difficult or practically impossible to effectively um you know Implement privacy solutions that are flexible and robust enough to cover uh like all the different use cases that um you know web 2 companies would potentially need to you know move into uh you know the web 3 space or even just for web through adapts to bring their applications on chain and combat uh you know some of like the user Focus issues that come with having everything completely transparent so that is you know our biggest Competitive Edge but aside from that we also are a layer one so um with the the consensus layer it in separation from consensus and Paradigm layer it allows us to uh you know be cheap fast and very very scalable and as far as auditing yeah everything uh with Oasis is open source you can view our um our GitHub and uh if you have any additional questions feel free to reach out all right all right um I wish you just says thank you thank you Harley I unmuted a young Moe young Moe do you have a question Young yeah hello can you hear me hello yes good afternoon my question is um um what are the new features uh we might be expecting from your project and then um you know most uh especially in businesses we talk about um uh what's it called uh Revenue so how do you come out about creation of Revenue in your project and that's my question please sorry I actually didn't catch uh the last part of that question would you mind repeating it yeah I mean what I what what I said as I said one of the core values of uh nft blockchain is that much much of the revenue is generated uh for investors or players in its ecosystem so can you please explain uh Revenue accumulation structure or business model and the different mechanism used to generate uh your Revenue in the project can you hear me uh yeah I if I understood you um correctly you're asking about generating uh Revenue yeah so Oasis Foundation is a non-profit decentralized uh layer one blockchain so uh we are not focused on generating Revenue I hope that answers your question okay okay so what are the what are the new features we uh the customers should be expecting from your project so yeah right now we are actually um you know coming out with sapphire which is on testnet and it will be launched on mainnet very soon um that's a new uh product that we're very excited about and very hopeful um you know that this this will usher in some new use cases um and capabilities for web3 dafs and then um to further that we'll also be launching The Oasis privacy layer and that will allow dafs and developers on other evm compatible networks to take advantage of Sapphire's privacy features without having to switch chains okay okay uh I wish you best of luck in your project thank you and thank you very much thank you thank you you're welcome we have a question from North I think yeah yeah yeah thank you Mary um um so my question is um trying sometimes trying to ensure privacy of a particular um Network or of a particular DFS actually comes with um setting of vulnerability and also um and this vulnerability could be um sometimes limited access to what you are trying to uh make private to us and sometimes we get um highly strict um security mechanism in some of these projects which sometimes affect us because some projects will be so secure that even the users would not feel comfortable using it so how do you ensure that you make this private this privacy fully available without affecting the those who are using it in the long run foreign that's actually a great question North we recently um released a blog post um because as I mentioned before Oasis uses teas for our privacy and confidential smart contracts and so there was you know some questions around teas and their security because there was some recently documented apic exploit uh and you know discussion about how it could be used to attack other blockchains and so um you know we we kind of if you visit our blog we go through a pretty extensive um rundown of why uh you know Oasis is is secure in many ways from this and um you know basically it boils down to the fact that our our core team our experts and security and that Oasis is equipped with a defense and depth strategy um you know which which means that we have many different um you know basically alarms internally and also uh you know basically Fail-Safe to prevent any type of um you know vulnerabilities so I hope that answers and if you have any more questions like I've said to a couple more feel free to reach out head over to our blog and read the information available on that and I will be we'll be happy to provide more context all right all right all right thank you very much thank you community thank you North thanks so I think we have maybe one last question uh from ID dot b something ID do you have a question you have to unmute yourself no no question from you all right so Meredith is there something else that you want to cover or want to tell us about about ways is the the last minutes that you have before you have to go um I think that we've covered a lot here today but I just want to thank everyone who took the time to ask questions and thank you for having us on um we will be uh you know releasing a lot of great news and updates in the coming year um so please stay tuned be sure to follow us on Twitter join our community channels check out our website and of course um you know get involved in our our community if you're a developer who's interested in building on Oasis or interested in taking advantage of the Privacy features that are offered with the Oasis privacy layer please reach out to us we want to support you and we would love to um you know guide you through the the process of getting started great I hope many will reach out to you now Meredith and enter the community and and get help and get to know even more about race it seems like a a great product that we much needed need in this space I think so I'm looking forward to to learn more myself so another question I used to ask sometimes is if you like pineapple on Pizza Meredith oh my goodness you're asking the right person about this because I do I love pineapple on Pizza I know this is a controversial thing but I'm always going to go with pineapple definitely goes on pizza is there something that you never put on your pizza anchovies I don't like anchovies [Laughter] and Cape burn or something is it called capers in English I don't know yeah Capers I I like Capers on my Bangles but definitely not on Pizza yeah great yeah that's just a little funny question we have sometimes here um can't be too serious all the time can we uh uh I get wait I get something here from alpha what is he saying yeah we can have because we had someone some questions we have a little bit of a um giveaway here uh from Oasis protocol and also because we don't have time to for everyone to ask so if you raise your hand and then I will tell you a emoji that I wanted to use and the first one I see I will call out and you will win some reward okay so today we will have the Emoji let's do what should we do Meredith what you can help me choose I think the Emoji you need to go for is the 100 uh the 100 symbol 100. oh I see one already Brainiac was very quickly there good job Brainiac and so we do another one where did let's do another one all right let's go with the clap let's give a second amazing house we have changed now to clapping you can stop the 100 there we have one no it's not clapping it's waving there Sonic where did you go Sonic I know I can see you again there is it was the first one I saw right so thank you so much for coming and my it was a pleasure to get to know more about Oasis protocol and um yeah why don't you come back uh in in some time again and tell us even more if there's something new coming out later in the year or next year I mean this year is almost over now that would be great thank you all so much for having us on um and definitely appreciate the time from everyone in the audience who tuned in and asked us questions we hope to see you in our next um events we have a webinar coming up so if you are interested uh please go check out on Twitter it's kind of a developer focused webinar but uh here's to hoping there's plenty of developers listening in the audience um we would love to see you there on January 5th so uh yeah thanks again for having us on everyone we would love to come back again sometime great thank you so much Meredith let's let's give Meredith some love some hearts guys hearts and claps no rewards just do it anyway [Laughter] all right thanks Mary thanks everyone thank you everyone and Merry Christmas yep happy holidays guys bye happy holidays and have a good time I think I will see you tomorrow again well I don't know why I'm never sure when next one is that's why I just focus on the one I'm doing and then we'll see you next time afterwards so I think there is one tomorrow so tune in and check out our socials to find out which time and where I think it's on Twitter space so guys have a good one good whatever Wherever You Are thank you for coming and listening bye bye

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Somebody who goes by the name of nikki leaks may have just warned everyone what the fed is going to do this upcoming meeting on september 18th now before we get into that what's strange is that yesterday odds of a 50 basis point rate cut at next week's meeting fell to just 5% today those odds are back... Read more

Ripple XRP News - 🔥 XRP Coiled for BREAKOUT! 🚀 CBDCs & New Financial System! | 2025 Price Targets! thumbnail
Ripple XRP News - 🔥 XRP Coiled for BREAKOUT! 🚀 CBDCs & New Financial System! | 2025 Price Targets!

Category: Entertainment

What is up everyone welcome back to the crypt blitz your home for your crypto fix i'm your host rle v winkle hopefully everyone's having an amazing sunday hopefully you're enjoying some amazing football games maybe you're out the pool taking a walk you know just enjoying the weekend you know i am look... Read more

Ripple XRP News - 🚨 XRP BREAKOUT Incoming?! 💥 End of Year Targets & Next BIG Move Revealed! thumbnail
Ripple XRP News - 🚨 XRP BREAKOUT Incoming?! 💥 End of Year Targets & Next BIG Move Revealed!

Category: Entertainment

What is up everyone welcome back to the crypto blitz your home for your crypto fix i'm your host rle v winkle hopefully everyone's having an amazing weekend it's sunday september 15th football sunday the first for a week i get to sit back kick back put the feet up have a nice cold beer ah football week... Read more

BITCOIN - Crash wegen FED? Zinsentscheid USA! #trading thumbnail
BITCOIN - Crash wegen FED? Zinsentscheid USA! #trading

Category: Education

Einen wunderschönen guten morgen liebe crater und willkommen zurück auf dem creater youtube channel ich hoffe es geht euch gut und ihr habt den gestrigen tag gut überstanden willkommen zurück zu einem neuen morgenupdate wir schauen uns natürlich wie immer am anfang die news an wir haben heute mit abstand... Read more