Snowpiercer Season 4: Episode 6 (Bell the Cat) - Spoiler Discussion

Intro [Music] what's going on everyone welcome to movie emporiums TV review of snow P season 4 episode 6 which is called Bell the Cat and it's once again directed by Joe Mendes okay guys um why it took six Spoiler Discussion (Bell the Cat episodes to finally get a really good episode of Snowpiercer in the season 4 I'll never know but I really love this episode I unfortunately feel like it's coming too late but this episode has a lot of good stuff which if it had been done earlier in the season would have really helped it to be fairly honest um this is one of the better episodes I've seen in quite a while for snow piercer to be fairly honest it's an episode that really attempts to have some Humanity has some interest some action some what the heck is going on explained it's an episode once again that needed to happen in episode 3 instead of episode 6 with only four episodes remain in the season in the series actually now that we think about it and there's a lot of moving Parts going on this you know we get kind of the aftermath of Ben and his sacrifice we get the teaming of Wilford and Leen we get an idea of what exactly they're experimenting on why exactly what exactly that these missile Rockets do that help you know clear up the atmosphere that created new Eden we get stuff about Alex's nose bleeds we get all kinds of information and melan has been out doing experiments we finally get stuff about that we get all kinds of stuff it took six episodes to do it it's like oh my God you know I I I'm going to give this episode a really good review I'm just really frustrated that it took this long to get a decent episode it's just it's to a point where it's just like do I make this make give it a little bit of credence for the fact that it's last season or do I really put the coal to the fire the feet to the fire and just make it realize that this is a really problematic thing to do but with that said this is an episode that has a lot of moving Parts on it and part it has a lot of moving pieces it's an episode that has a lot stuff to do and does it pretty successfully you know we go back to New Eden and Oz is still looking for RO and jav's like you need to come back because you're an althor too long and that's when we come across Wiggins howow Wiggins is the one who lost his arm and you know it's a pretty fun interesting idea about why is Wiggins there what exactly does he know what is Oz going to do in a very disturbing manner to make him release his information because Wiggins of course has lost his hand he won't tell him how but he says he has no idea about how you know Zara and of course uh lyanna were kidnapped but it's it's really kind of an interesting setup to how Oz has kind of changed is kind of a different character but he's able to use his kind of uh mannerisms and what he is to get information from Wiggins and we find out that somebody probably millias and his crew has set up dynamite has set up Mass Graves have set up the basically they're going to destroy new Eden why that is I don't entirely know that's one of the problems with this season this series is they give all this good information but they don't explain what exactly they're doing and why they're doing it all we know is uh Wiggins lost his hand because it got ripped off as he was trying to escape they were building a they were digging a grave for him I I I don't know what exactly the game is here I don't know what milus is going for if anything I think this might be one of those problematic like threads that might not have a really competent conclusion but it's a fun scene I do think the pouring oil on wiggins's feet is I didn't need to see that to be fairly honest but that's what Oz does he's he's a he's a dank freak in a lot of respects or he was he knows how to get information out of people and so that's where that leads but I like how I like how Sykes basically like tortures Wiggins by like sticking her finger into his like missing arm thing or whatever and I like how syes is just like you know it's just how I was trained and blah blah blah blah blah and jav goes of course you know that's what Wilford does but it's it's a fun it's fun moments it's just I don't know what it's leaning towards or what it's going to what it's going to have an effect on if anything it's all kind of coming to this kind of angle point or this point where new Eden's going to be under attack from somebody but I don't know is it's coming to a head of some sort but as we know as we've learned in this episode the reason that Alex has nose beds is because the chemical called Gemini that theyve like they shot a rock in the air and they use this chemical called Gemini it's caused a lot of side effects as we see from the people down below in the basement where late and of course Wilford ended up we see it in the military the big military muscle and when the the one guy takes his helmet off it's all this kind of crazy experimental stuff that they're doing with the the the Gemini chemical and stuff like that we know that they've uh gotten a lot farther in testing but of course Alex is doesn't really trust Nema and so on and so forth so she's going to switch out the bracelets that they wear and go rescue Wilford and late and stuff like that because she knows there's something there's there's more if this if I'm following correctly there's something that's not on the surface that's below the surface that either nema's not telling people m is not telling people and I'm sure with the next four episodes we're going to find out exactly what that is but as of right now Nema is working on this chemical to help cause more these new Eden type situations that the one they shot two years ago is the one that of course uh that they are in fact at the the crew in the beginning of the Season we of course know that they're in jib boti and stuff like that so it's it's leaning towards something I I don't know exactly what I'm sure it'll work itself out somehow but it's it's pretty fun it's entertaining I like that once again I like that we got information finally which is something we haven't gotten this entire season and that I'm so frustrated by loving this episode for what everything came before it's like this is a pretty good episode but why weren't the rest of them good why weren't we getting this information in drips and dravs we weren't getting in any information we were kind of strung along for five episodes and I know a lot of people say stop watching the series but I'm like I'm already three and a half Seasons into it I'm not going to stop reviewing it it just doesn't make any sense so I go in with you know all warts and all but you know we also on top of everything else you know Wilford was found of course in his pod he of course I don't know if they've done something to him or what exactly is happening but he needs blood transfusions to stay alive because as we see his he's working on whatever he's working on downstairs with the big you know tall guy that he talks to but he is very very sick this is what I think he's going to die from whatever the Gemini chemical is I think they maybe injected him with with it or something like that but once again we see him like almost pass out he has to get a you know an injection of some some kind of transfusion by uh the doctor that he's been with for the entire series and um it's going to be interesting to see what happens to Wilford if he survives or if he dies um you know Milas is very much playing him because as we see Wilford is not very smart against milus Milas seems to have the upper hand H because wilford's smoking a cigar he's talking about you know the idea of the bell of the cat which is going up against difficulty and stuff like that about uh icy Bob how he went up and boxed him and fought him and I love I love the idea of Milas coming in and putting the cigar out onto his solders hand which was oh like there's some really disturbing stuff in here like not the most disturbing stuff that snow Pierce has ever done but we just show how insane Milas is when how he beats up the wall and as he leaves and how he takes Wilford down to the Su level and basically leaves him down there to die and all that stuff you know milus basically tells him you know you're the my worst ex worst betrayal or whatever I I don't know I once again I like Clark Greg but I think he's kind of a mustache twirling not very interesting villain to be fairly honest you know once again Wilford is being put into a predicament that you know makes him less evil but still an antagonist in a lot of respects as you see with Leon St like that but we'll see how that plays out once again it's you just kind of have to go with it I guess unfortunately at this point but the the other kind of major thing that happens is L this kind of toss into the suble level where we come across these people who are hideously disfigured they have like you know whatever this Gemini chemical and Neema talks about how these people are basically locked down there because of this because the chemical wasn't 100% and uh it's a really sad State of Affairs because you know Laden who has to team up with Wilford to get back up to find his daughter is also having the situation with these people who are just innocent bystanders to be fairly honest they were basically screwed over by Wilford and of course millias and Nema they were people that just had lives and now they're like mutants down in the the sub basement like Futurama or something like that and it's really sad to see but you know it's really interesting how leaden is kind of taken into with them then they do the whole um thing where the when wilfer comes down to the Su level and they come down and then wolf mother's Joker and the thief plays like all these people are like you know zombies they're going after the food but they're you basically being extracted for their their blood and stuff like that they figure out the the disease and it's really sad and kind of um I was just really kind of like just taken back by just how disturbing that this this place in jibuti gets is is more and more the series moves along because you knew from the very beginning that there was something going on to be fairly honest that there was something more underneath the surface and what we were getting it just didn't do it very well to be fairly honest like I've talked about but put adding Joker and the thief in there is a nice touch I like that song I think it works well in the the context of what they're doing it's also pretty crazy that they use the the S the song that I think I think it's the one from Insidious that that very kind of weird ominous you know that type type of thing I know it's not very well put together but it it's that song that you hear on the record player I think when I I don't remember the cious very well but that like Red Demon or whatever and you hear it in the trailers and all that good stuff and um you know it's a couple good songs but that song the song from Insidious was in foot massage thing I'm like oh I guess that kind of works I don't know but um overall you know Laden attacks Wilford which made it even much better he beats the hell out of Wilford to be fairly he FS him up and then Wilford is able to uh break into a laboratory and able to uh lock himself in there as Lon tries to beat the glass down with a of course with a a chair and um I don't know that that's pretty much the whole entire episode like I said there's so much stuff going on in here there's so much good stuff there's so much you know what I what I like from Snowpiercer which is when they when they're on their aame and they actually tell an interesting story in the 55 to 60 Minutes that they have and they can actually in still that into the story structure and move it along at a nice clip and then have a very interesting payoff where millius is like hear cavals coming back on her Cat snowmobile and stuff like that and you know Nea looks at him kind of weirdly and you know we see the the snow bank with the the you know the dynamite or whatever and um it's good stuff it really is it's what I like about snow piercer when it works well once again like I've said a billion times already why it needed to take five episodes to be this kind of interesting I I don't know I mean some people like this season that's fine that's perfectly all right I don't have a problem with that but if you've been sticking around with snow piercer for this long I have to ask why are you interested in what's going on here when there was much better stuff before in the last three seasons that had made the first five episodes of this season just kind of a waste to be fairly honest the fact that there's five episodes of a 10 episode season that is the concluding season of the series and this is what we gotten up until this point does that bother you I mean does it I mean tell me in the comments below does it bother you at all that it's taking this long at least to me or maybe to you to get to a very interesting thought-provoking somewhat sad but also very chaotic episode that really is the what makes s piercers so good as a TV series I mean maybe I'm just misreading the tea leaves I I don't know but I really like I really liked what was going on here I just wish it didn't take this long to get to this point and once again I know there are building blocks but there I've seen season other seasons of snow piercer especially like season I guess season one had was a little kind of iffy but I think season 3 and season two has some really interesting kind of buildup and then it finally paid off and maybe that maybe that's what this season needed I I don't know maybe what maybe it just needed to get all the crap out of the way before we get to the really interesting fun stuff but six episodes in and this is finally the first really good episode it just it's a problem so I don't know I don't know but overall I really like this episode I really really did I thought it was fantastic I thought it was fun I thought it was thought provoking like I said very you know somber in L respects like I said I love the idea of like them paying tribute to Ben carving his name up in the the Raptors there you know best and Ruth having a conversation talking about how difficult it is that stuff's very somber and Melancholy and well put together it just you know watching all these pieces start to fall into place finally starts to make sense and I love I love like I said those somber moments you know watching having to deal with Ben and you know having of course Alex find out about Ben and having to deal with that situation and all the things that start paying off it's a it's a really well done really well put together episode so Final thoughts and Score overall B the cat winner one of the better episodes of snow piercer in general but just say why did it take so long type of episode to get to so with that said I'm going to give it a nine out of 10 I think it's a really well done episode um I just wish it would have come sooner so anyways with that Outro said that'll do that we might take on snow piercer season 4 episode 6 which is called B the cat uh comments below what do you think of this episode overall did you like it did you not like it would you like what you not like all that good stuff um but with that said if you like what you see on the channel hit the Subscribe button to join movie Emporium hit that notification Bell top TOS coming next if you like this video awesome hit that like button we'll see you guys on the next video peace out guys [Music]

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