Hank Kunneman PROPHETIC WORD ✝️ [DEBATE DEBACLE_ KAMALA EMBARRASSED] Powerful Prophecy Sep 12, 2024

yes we have been preparing and praying for quite a few months Pastor Gan and people are coming from I believe every state so it's going to be a tremendous night of flasho but also those that are staying over for the conference it's going to be amazing and I really believe we're going to shift something in America you watch uh after we assemble something significant is going to shift in this country I believe in a favorable way I believe that too now let's go through some of the guests that you've got of course we kick it off Thursday night with of course you uh Lance wonnell Rick green dut sheets Sam Pastor Sam Rodriguez but you've got a whole bunch of people that are there the rest of the weekend can do you have those who who's that going to be yeah yeah well also make sure Rick green will be there Thursday night as well but we're going to continue then and we're going to open it up with Sammy Rodriguez and then we have Dutch and Tim sheets that are going to be there we're going to appeal to Heaven I will then preach my wife is going to preach we're also going to have James Ward Tony orz and uh also Robert Henderson who we're going to go before the court of Heaven on Saturday night and we are going to petition some things uh concerning our country because the Lord said at the beginning of this year this was a year to draw near to God and bind the thief and that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to see our country uh rescued and I appreciate flasho for joining us amen well we're looking forward to it it's always one of our favorite events every year so we want to see you there it's free event just come join us you can find out all the information 2024 Flashpoint dolive but about the event itself opening the heavens. org opening the heaven.org and you can find out how you can register for the rest of the event and uh be a part I always like your events Hank because there's the prophetic there's good preaching somebody's going to get healed we're going to we're going to see all of it and uh it's it's going to be an amazing time so I want to see you there join us there well and you're staying over I am you're staying which is great and I appreciate that because we are really going to minister not only to God and prophesy this country we're going to minister to people so uh thank you for saying that Pastor Gina I'm glad that you're also going to be a part of that yeah we're looking we're looking forward to it you know there's one part in there where uh RFK Jr was mentioning what we're seeing is the inversion and for some reason I'm remembering a prophetic word that you had several months ago I believe it was about how we were not just the flip-flop but that we were going to see that EX thing happened do you remember that that's exact yes I do and Pastor Jean boy I really like that man's heart there's something about his heart God is doing something but here's what the Lord did say we are going to see an unraveling we're going to see that inversion we're going to see things begin to shift but also Pastor Gan remember and I've shared this on flasho in almost four years that I've been here the spirit of God said can I cause one from the donkey party to speak just just like God allowed a donkey to speak in scripture back in the days of balum and he said when this one would arise he would reach out to the Republican side which I believe is a fulfillment of what we're seeing and there would be an unusual Gathering and mobilizing and a Unity that would come that would be a sign into this country that the Lord is repairing the tattered wings of the eagle both on the left and the right but here's what I love there was a lot of wisdom in what he said and if those that are watching today still on the fence they need to understand the Democratic party of today is a very evil party it's aligning itself with many things that are Grievious to God and also uh violates many things uh in scripture of morality and and and other such things but here's what I really believe we are going to see in your previous uh thing that you had there with the Electoral College we're going to see Exodus 1 fulfilled where there was a point where the socialistic government of pharaoh pressed on the people where they they they had enough and as a result the people began to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and this is what we're going to begin to see happen in our country can it be possible that a Unity comes like we've never seen it's going to begin to unfold and this is what you're seeing with that clip uh with RFK there right all right uh let me let me show you this Michelle can I want you to comment on that um breaking news R RF Kennedy Jr will be on the Michigan ballot state supreme court rules now let's just for reminder to everyone he was wanting to get off the ballots since he's not running um the Liberals want him to stay on because it may take votes away from Trump uh when you see that happening and you saw that peace with RFK uh Michelle what do you think is that what we should take away from all of that do you agree with the inversion that we're seeing with the big Tech and big Pharma and big a going over to the to the Democrat side well there's no question the Republican party is now the party of the little guy that's what they used to say about the Democrat Party and the two parties completely flipped the part and again we aren't saying that one party is perfect and the other one is all evil I'm not saying that but there's no question that now the Republican Party represents the Common Man The Forgotten man there were trillions and trillions of dollars spent by government and government put checks out so the people would stay stay home and not work that money went into people's pockets but straight out again and it pretty much went to the billionaires of this world to Big Box retailers but to the billionaires so it was one of the greatest wealth transfers in the history of the world so Michelle you uh you show you sent us a listing that I we're going to put this on the U on the website so people can download Min Minnesota legislative session of 2023 and you go in here and you talk about things that uh legislation that Tim Waltz was involved in kind of walk us through some of these things that perhaps the rest of America doesn't know since that's your home state yeah I I'll be happy to what what this shows is that Tim Walls is no friend of The Unborn Minnesota is now the most pro-abortion state in the Union in fact 40 years worth of pro-life legislation was repealed just in one session he repealed everything Tim wal including the born alive act so under Tim Walls eight babies born an abortion were left to die on the table that they were born on they weren't cared for because Tim Walls repealed the born alive act eight babies died on the table no friend of The Unborn no friend of children he made Minnesota a transgender Sanctuary state so if parents disagree with the school system and they don't want their child to be chemically castrated and turned from a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy the state of Minnesota now legally will take your child from you the child will be chemically castrated physically uh mutilated and then return to the CH to the parents so they can pay the bills and pick up the pieces in the child's life he's no friend to energy he outlawed in the state of Minnesota the coldest state in the Union any energy used except for solar and wind it isn't even built yet this is never going to work for Minnesota solar costs about 200% more wind costs four times more he's also a huge spender he spent 17 billion in in 2023 he increased government spending by 40% in one year permanently he increased this spending now motans are seeing huge tax increases tax increases more than what people could pay he's no friend of the public schools he because of the curriculum that he's put in place the the scores for kids in public schools have dropped 23% in science plunged uh math and uh reading have plunged 16 and 177% fewer than half the kids in Minnesota can even do math and reading at grade level and that we were a state that was number one in ACT scores and SAT scores we were number one in education and under Tim Walls less than half the kids in Minnesota can even read and write at grade level but what's worse he is a huge friend of communist China he's been there over 35 times he took impressional Minnesota Youth over to show them the beauty of Communism but he also likes fraud and he covered up for hundreds and hundreds of million dollars of fraud from the Somali Community a Muslim Community in Minnesota and no one went to jail no one was fired a blistering audit auditor report came out said saying Tim Walls completely failed to have oversight but that was his voting block so he was protecting them he's no friend of Israel either he just called for an Islamic Terror state to be built next to Israel in Gaza he said this immediately after six innocent Israeli hostages were shot in the head so he's no friend of Israel all right so there's so much here Michelle thank you for providing this document for us we're going to put it on the website you can go there you can download it um MH well I think again it's coming back to we the people that's what our great Republic is about but to your point Pastor Jean if you look at what the date of the release is September 12th if you go back a day before September 11th you know 11 is a is a number that's very significant in Scripture it speaks not only of disorder but it speaks of transition think about September 11th it was a time of disorder in our country but something happened there was uh disorder but transition took place there was more Unity back in September 11th when that happened uh people were praying they were uh patriotic they were putting whatever they could find that represented the flag and our country came together and uh I really believe that 12 obviously is the number of the kingdom and I believe God is trying to send a message to this country is hasn't been the same same since September 11th there's been a lot of disorder but there's a transition taking place God is is wanting to make America great again that is not just a campaign slogan that they use it's God's agenda what he's saying and I believe that that movie on September 12th God is not dead because here's the thing and I've been saying it on flasho you can pontificate all day long we could have great dialogue and conversation but if we exclude the god factor it's all IR revolent God is not dead and he is saving this country but he's looking for you that are watching as the remnant to carry out his plans in the earth and I tell you we have a choice good soil 30 60 or 100f fold it's up to us and I am contending for the greatest amount of God's intervention is possible to see our country rescued and back on course again amen all right so take your pastor to this movie uh and if he's not standing up he will or he's going to be very embarrassed it's a it's a great it's a great film and I this is one highly recommend you will enjoy it coming out let I sat in the um spot break there this promo on killing America uh turning back the tide on the tsunami of Darkness Pastor ank you said you've been reading it uh again tell me what are your thoughts yeah thank you for noticing I was waving it at you here I can't put it down it won't come out of my hand anyway let me tell you the truth you know Pastor Jean this is a f fantastic book not only the title is very uh prophetic but it's very informative this book is factual I'm finding prophetic content but what I love about it is how you're also putting a call to action with hope for our future and uh if if you have not gotten this book those of you that are watching let me tell you something this is I believe on the heart of God and the word of the Lord you need to get it today because I walk my three German Shepherds and my little shetu dog and people stop me all the time and uh you know not only are they watch in flasho but they ask questions and you know what Pastor Jin I love what you and your wife did you answer a lot of the questions that people are asking today they're right here and it empowers you to be able to talk to your neighbors your relatives um and avoid arguments because you're you're able to show them uh incredible facts and truths and this is a real wakeup call and I feel the spirit of God on it so thank you for writing it by the way thanks for my own copy um I don't share books with Brenda my wife so thank you for that and thanks for putting my name in it so somebody didn't think I got it you know on some other things it's more personal and Jee will sign the first 10,000 of you that asked for his autograph tonight all yeah there you go I'm sure I'm sure that will happen uh listen and if it does we'll take care of it so thank you for getting the book Killing americ book.com the book that uh Terry and I wrote together uh or you can go to the phone 877 28162 N7 now before the break we had the interview with um David AR white and of course Dean Kane uh let me go back to you Michelle when you you saw that interview and what they're talking about the film of course but how important is Media like that like films like television how important is Media U and and really turning the tide in an election well it is the media impacts every age group not just young people digital is everything because more and more we're getting our information out of our phones and so whether it is popup ads or whether it's various platforms or reals we're learning how to feel about things through media and I think one thing that is really shocking is how Christian kids who are brought up in a Biblical worldview home they're being impacted by media too so we can't just have negative media that that is involved we need to have positive media as well and you know we were talking before about how important it is to get Believers out to vote they'll vote if they're motivated and so that's what digital media does it motivates us and one thing we need to remember as Believers this isn't an optional election this is the most consequential election of our lifetimes and so we need to understand that people the elites of this world people with evil designs not only for America but for the world evil designs for the church for our children they can't rule if we don't give the vote to people who stop them so we need to understand how powerful our vote is and I think people would be shocked to know how few votes it takes between losing and victory it is shocking literally when you go to precincts one vote sometimes makes the difference so I know for me I I I go to my address book on Election Day and I call everyone I can I say have you voted yet you got to vote you got to vote because if everyone got an extra 15 people to the polls it's over it's that few of people that'll make the difference so the believer the believer is the one that can decide the outcome of the election but we also decid it when we stay home and don't vote yeah so true so true all right Pastor Hank you heard that uh Dick Cheney's going for kamla Harris uh do you really think that's uh going to make a difference in this election no I really don't think it's going to make a difference and here's the thing are we really surprised that he would make such a statement look at his daughter and what she tried to accomplish you know out in Colorado and take Trump off the ballot and so forth they're threatened because here's the thing they're rhinos and they know that that President Trump is for the people president Trump also is doing a great job of laying out his policies and not just talking about it he's showing what he did previous and what he's going to continue to do unlike those on camela Harris side who she's talking about all the things that she's going to do once she's elected rather than look at what she's already done for the last three and a half years she's made a lot of mess so it doesn't surprise me that dick Chene Liz would make this kind of statement I think they represent an old era I think they represent those that God is absolutely going to silence them they're not going to have the kind of influence that they used to have there's a new breed arising and um I think we're going to see that unfold as our country is being made greater again all right well look at another CNN clip this is Scott Jennings talking about the Dums and Cheney watch Kats have called Dick Cheney a war criminal for 20 years and now all of a sudden they're clapping like seals to get his endorsement this does not strike me as people who are interested in listening to your conservative viewpoints they are hungry for power they will take J Dick Cheney's endorsement today how about that Michelle they're not really interested in in conservative values they're just interested in trying to get uh to get a support no matter what it takes does it seem that way to you are they that desperate well I like are we shocked I mean they're they're leaving absolutely no stone on turn to make sure sure that KLA Harris gets in everybody needs to realize don't forget who she is she is rated ranked not our opinion she is ranked the most liberal senator in the US Senate more more liberal than even Bernie Sanders she's a she's a socialist socialist Tim Walls is the most socialist governor in in all 50 states so you put together the most liberal Senator the most liberal governor with proven track records for how liberal they are should we shocked at be shocked at what we're going to get and so what Dick Cheney has said is more about him I think if anyone was still harboring thoughts that this was a conservative man that's blown out of the water because all you have to do is look at what Tim Walls has done look what kamla Harris has done and stood for and they don't stand for anything that I think anyone in this flasho audience stands for also going back to the previous statement remember Mark Zuckerberg one of the most wealthy men on the face of the Earth who owns Facebook it's now called meta he came out and admitted that Joe Biden's government came to him and asked him to suppress information and to censor us we should be breathing fire we should be so angry that Joe Biden tried to censor us and Mark Zuckerberg admitted it this is this is like an illegal action that our government took our government denied us the little people our first amendment Free Speech rights don't think they aren't doing it now again in this election that's what we'll get with a walls terrorist Administration mark my words they will take away your freedom of speech and if they take away your freedom of speech that means your freedom of speech to speak about the Lord and it'll take away our freedom of religion so everything is on the line in this election it's not a joke we if we don't vote we have to answer before God about our vote we have we have to take it that seriously all right so you mentioned something earlier uh in your in your statement there uh Michelle where you you talked about the fact that they are uh Harris and Waltz are left of uh Bernie Sanders that's quite an accomplishment CU we all thought he was pretty far left uh why is it in your opinion why has there been such a shifting to the to the extremes when it comes to uh the left going really hard left with Harris and Waltz uh there used to be where everybody tried to get that 11% in the middle that were undecided now it seems that it's just the opposite we want you you need to come to our side because we're we're you know we're further liberal than the other guy what is is it that happened that got us to this point well I I think that there was an assessment that the culture could be had right that they could run naked to the finish line and they could get everything they want because if you notice with Barack Obama when he was president that's when I served in the United States Congress every time he ran or even in the midterms he went further and further left further and further liberal toward his base he never once moderated his views he continually went to the left that's what KLA Harris has done that's what Tim Walls has done tomorrow night during the debate the debates will happen tonight between tomorrow night between KLA Harris and Donald Trump and you'll think that she's a conservative tomorrow night tomorrow night she's gonna be on TV she's gonna lie about her record she's gonna lie about what she's going to do because she knows that the people tuning in they don't want a radical left agenda but if you look at what she's done which is more powerful than what she says then you can take it to the bank that she will have the most radical One World Government loving agenda that there is it'll be pro-abortion prot transgender anti people of Faith so true all right listen I want to go to ABC yes I said ABC Governor Sarah hucke Sanders talked about how does President Trump prepare for the debate tomorrow night watch how how is uh the former president preparing for this what's your sense you've been with him before big moments he likes to say he doesn't need to prepare for a debate but what what is he doing he prepares every single day not only uh I I think the biggest way that he does that is by traveling around the country and actually talking to voters he takes questions from the Press on a regular basis so I think every day is debate prep for Donald Trump he'll go in Game Time ready just as he does for every interview uh every rally that he does this is uh not something that is a heavy lift for him I think that's why you're hearing so much about the preparation for vice president Harris because this isn't something she does very often and I think she has a lot to get ready for um and I don't think that she's up to the challenge in large part not just because I don't know that she's a great debater but she's so wrong on the issues that Americans care about and she has a ter able track record to talk about Donald Trump has a good story to tell he shows up at this debate from a position of strength she shows up from a position of weakness the administration that she is totally responsible and accountable for has been an abysmal failure the economy is bad inflation has skyrocketed you go to any grocery store or gas station as a family as an American you're feeling the failures of this Administration she doesn't get to run away from that you look at the crisis at the border they have opened it wide up allowing millions of people to come in they don't know who they are where they're going or what they're coming for we actually had taken steps and made significant progress on securing the border under President Trump we actually had a safer world we didn't have conflicts left and right all over the place she has to be held responsible for these things she doesn't get to run away for him and I think that's what makes this debate so difficult for her this week all right let me go you Pastor Hank you heard uh as she so well put it Governor Sarah H Sanders uh the reality is they Harris and Biden have been in there for three and a half almost four years and there nothing's right they have the ability to get things changed they could do it right now even they could do something but yet we're still not seeing this happen well it isn't about day one it's about what are you doing now Jesus said you'd know a good tree by its fruit well what is the fruit of the last 3 and A2 years that's what you got to focus on but you know Bernie Sanders said something that I think is going to be important for tomorrow night and he talked about how I was just reading the headline news somebody had sent it to me about how uh kamla is avoiding a lot of the real issues and she's going to say whatever uh you know to get elected in other words she's moving away from a lot of her socialistic discussions but here's the thing Pastor Jean when I went to school uh and you know whenever you cram for a test it means you don't know the material the fact that she's having to over prep and she doesn't do any interviews shows you that she's going to come out rehearsed and I believe what that's going to be is she's going to come at Trump she's going to try to point her finger at him and what president Trump needs to do is put her on the spot in a very controlled way that makes her go on record and holds her to points and I think if he does that it's going to be what we saw with the debate that disqualified uh Joe Biden I think we're going to see a real shift if he stays on point all right so that speaking of the debate here's what's going to happen tomorrow night we'll do flash point is at a normal time there plenty of time for you to see uh the debate over on ABC uh so you can see it in its entirety uh we need to pray for everybody involved pray over this debate tomorrow pray for safety for everybody involved protection and all that we're we're looking forward to in the next few days all right Heavenly Father what an honor it is to come before your throne and as we come there are those that are gathered together in thy name and when two or more are gathered together you're in our midst but when we ask you in agreement by faith it shall be done father we are asking tomorrow night for truth the spirit of Truth to rest upon that debate we bind up the mouth of the liar and we ask that the spirit of Truth would absolutely expose lies and cause our country to begin to see that this is good versus evil that this is moral versus immorality that this is the colliding of two kingdoms the kingdom of God and that which is of the enemy and so we pray a supernatural protection over president Trump even over those that attended the debate we asking for a supernatural restraint over the hand of the enemy who seeks to steal kill and destroy we command the mouth of the liar to be silent as you Arise at this time and bring restoration under this country for there is an intensity that shall arise in this time because there are those that are pressing against your very hand and God you are bringing righteousness and Justice we contend for that America's being saved and we honor you and we thank you Father that this country is returning to you and it's going to be made great again and the children shall rejoice in their present and their future in Jesus name amen amen amen

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