AIRHEADS CLIP COMPILATION (1994) Brendan Fraser, Adam Sandler, Movie CLIPS HD

hey can I ask you something what's with you guys in these tattoos well check it out I got this bar wire here gecko this one is so cool it's a it's a grim reaper see and when I get some more cash I'm probably going to color it in or put some chaps on it or something you know I mean I can understand Mom or IH heart wand but why the reaper well it's like death is stalking me and it's telling me I better get off my ass and get this band rolling this is for real I got to cut a record I figure you know I'm screwed up in average enough that I could write a song that'll live on forever and then after that it don't matter you know okay kitties listen up because this is Ian the shock's final night here at kpx that's right special unscheduled announcement effective Monday this station goes easy listening we having a big farewell parking lot party tonight so come on down now part of our final Harrah we have a special segment called getting to know your armed as salant now we have Chaz Darby here now Chaz you say all you want to do is be heard while You've Got the Whole World listening what do you got to say um well I guess all we have to say is that we want to be heard yeah well we've kind of established that what else um hey man what are you doing man you can't be put me on his SP what you wanted to make a speech who does he look like Sting okay you've sold out the Forum you're standing in front of 20,000 screaming fans what are you going to say to them I'm going to say rock and roll what speed Mr Zulu yes that's it you're going to scream rock and roll you're going to go to jail for that as a saying Milo if it's too loud you're too old no Ian come on man you got to help me I don't know what to tell you there's nothing more I can do this is it babe all set your CH ass here we go my man this is so exciting oh my God here it is all right record contract uhuh we got a record contract everything's Square too you just autograph it on the last page and you got yourself a deal got a contract we got a [Music] contract hey man what are you doing hey bro we got signed no way are you crapping me what are you doing with that didn't you play a song for him no no we didn't hook this thing up yet so you two haven't heard the demo I heard it on the radio earlier you heard it for about 5 seconds and then it got eight well Chaz my man it's not just the music it's the way you talk about it you have such passion whoa whoa what am I hearing what's wrong man no deal no what's this what are you talking about no deal yesterday dick shine here kicks me out of palentine records and today he has a record contract for me to sign he hasn't even heard my tape no deal but this is what you wanted you want to know what I think of your contract allow me to demonstrate he wipes his ass with his record contract I love this guy but we still have a deal though right I want to be a rock star someday but it's going to be on my own terms well I got some news for you big guy you already are a star you can't buy this kind of media exposure we are sitting on a gold mine here now I am offering you a longterm contract that will get your music out to millions of listeners plus a whole lot more like what a whole lot more well ever since you signed this contract you've been under the umbrella of palentine recers now we have an army of attorneys looking out for all of our investments chess rock stars don't go to jail Vince Neil only did 30 days and he killed somebody hey buddy you swear you can get us off I swear if you guys play ball that's what I'm here for hey Chaz why don't we just play the tape on the air they're going to be throwing deals at us can't do that man console's busted it's this or nothing okay super duper where making records what about the song though how are we going to play the I'm already ahead of you officer Ali Jimmy Wing what are you doing sending me in here with these animals they're completely out of control yes yes they what are you doing better than me huh he's got a gun he's got a gun hey stop swarming [ __ ] I'll fill your face don't full of lead you'll be [ __ ] bullets for a week you no dick Loser come on Rex watch shut up Ian you want to talk to these fellas what do you suggest say something they like you shut up dick smoke Chaz come on all right look I know you would have been cool but then this pennis had to step in and get all Heavy look all I want to do is be heard and then we're out of here believe me I understand just cool it huh buddy why don't you cut your losses you ran over your head you don't know what you're doing shut your face just shut your stupid face I know exactly what I'm doing that's the whole problem with you guys you think you because you got some big job that you know something wrong you got your Hagar slacks and you got your stylish Little Pony nub a't even real hey hey hey hey just cool it huh hey guys we're all rock and rollers here you look like half a butt puppet you know what it's like to be on the bill and to play for 15 minutes and the only people there to see you are the other bands and their girlfriends don't talk to me about rock and roll I'm out there in the clubs and on the streets and I'm living it I am rock and roll it's guys like you and that Jimmy Wing down at palentine that ruin everything for everyone Jimmy Jimmy they're talking about you kbp you realize that there's a million of these Jimmy Wing YY bone Smugglers out there these guys are running the industry and they don't know a damn thing about rock and roll hello police now I'll tell you what Mr program director man you put our goddamn tape on the air right now cuz we spent a lot of money on this thing and it's going to get some air player my man's going to gank you right here and now [ __ ] yeah well let's not go ganking anyone um if we play the tape would you go that's all we need DG's play the thing Milo do what he says play it what are you waiting for sorry about all this enjoy can't wait we can't play this tape we're only set up for CES and cassettes Chaz I said we should have brought a cassette the cassette dub knocks out the low end and it makes my background vocal sound like someone stepping on my nuts God Mr perfectionist you what necking on me you f all right all we got was a quarter inch okay there's got to be a real to re around here somewhere go find radio station yeah that's it there Milo didn't I tell you to knock when you come into my office just keep quiet and get that real tooreal Deck Down to the booth going to tell me to shut up now uh-huh uh-huh see a brother can't open his mouth without the white man slapping down just do it Marcus [Music] Dam white man with a gun same [ __ ] been in my people for 425 some odd years hey you like working here man we're down man hendrickx was God you want to take a step back you standing on my dick man yeah I seen Anthrax and Public Enemy that was out of control man together you know you catch that one G don't call me G what do you want me to call you hey come on all right that's it I can't wait for you to put that gun down cuz cuz when you do you and me me and you we going to throw down that's right we going to get serious mono a swine hey look you just shut your pie hole and keep working pie hole what's that supposed to be some kind of crack or [Music] slang come on let's go [Music] [Music]

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