How Griselda Blanco Spent Her Millions | True Crime Story

Published: Jun 18, 2024 Duration: 00:00:45 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: griselda blanco
ever wondered how grela Blanco spent her Millions the infamous queen of cocaine led a life where opulence was as present as her criminal dealings Beyond her ruthless command in the violent drug wars Blanco indulged in a flamboyantly lavish lifestyle that could rival any of today's celebrities her residences palacial and fortified echoed the opulence of a modern-day Versa Blanco's car collection boasted the finest engineering marvels of her time parties she hosted were legendary marked by EXT rant displays of wealth from the finest food to rivers of the most Exquisite Champagnes these hedonistic Gatherings were a stark contrast to her brutal business practices serving as a surreal backdrop to a life marked by Bloodshed and billions

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