a n hello hello and welcome to the wrong background on our show godam it you time I know I I was so yo chilling talking [ __ ] having the best time and I didn't even you always make us late see money oh yet one of us is not on the camera yet just trying to figure out the background that's all I'm doing oh oh yeah for sure for sure let's start this [ __ ] over welcome the latest night shift let's talk gaming I am C money and I am joined by the always lovely doodle everybody thank you so much for walking out with us today happy Friday let's get it happy Friday indeed yes guys you know what this is this is a [ __ ] night shift look she got off camera again she got off camera again who was ready who was ready you know what I'm saying yeah everybody knows was you see money listen listen hit the like button immediately if you know that it was in fact D's fault right just do it do it it's the right it's the truth guys you know it's the [ __ ] night quest night shift night shift God damn it you know it's the night shift and we're a night shift you know that it's not just doodle and I no no no no no no no we have the homies with us that's right you could see in the Blackness of the background that he has the homie my dude demo Flo gaming what's up man thank you so much for for be here brother hey yeah what's good what's good happy to be here as usual happy Friday to everybody shout out to chat shout out to everybody here man talking games let's get it man we're ready we're ready ready to go we were ready but I don't know if you can hear doodle she's muted and she thinks that everybody can hear her say put it I set it all up for you no you did look I can't hear any I can't hear demo or hary they're not talking right now guys talk can you hear us now can you hear me uh hello you're next to me well not next to me but in the same room of course I can hear you look at this look at look at you trying to sabotage can you hear no not demo not demo but you can hear me no can you hear me no I thought demo was the one talking he was talking at the time okay well there you go bro I'll figure it out you gotta go and then come back maybe I guess oh oh the settings okay okay okay hold on oh my god wow look at the entertainment you didn't know you were going to show up for this [ __ ] all right this is grade a entertainment oh my gosh wait hold on I'm probably gonna dude I even did the test homie yeah I heard it in my ear when I when over there and set it up for you of course why are you pressing buttons and now we guess you're going to have to go over there yeah we can't hear you why go over there let me introduce our key and then I gotta go black screen to go do some technical fixing no your mic is completely not working oh God all right well listen before I go fix that okay you know there's another person that rocks with us that's right it's the Wise One the author the Patriot and of course the pony and pony bot Slayer making Pony Bots and Pony's so sad all the time the homie hares welcome man yo hey everyone I guess we'll just have to take it over demo for now well fixes noodles isues well it certainly was an interesting week we had some fun with some news something about uh some console announced for somebody I don't know we'll see how that goes we did get some uh interesting news for Xbox as well not so great I guess but you know hey we did get some news we'll talk about that I'm sure for sure for sure look looks like there's some turmoil in the uh Pony Stables because of certain things that are happening on the PlayStation side these days oh my God so uh PS5 is out yeah well out there in the open the specs still not here we don't even know what we get there's that yep uh only is it's still a rumor at this point like they just they just showed it to the world but like it's basically it's still you know like there like no we don't know what the hell is going on with it it's so shady everything is so turbulent at the moment unbelievable but what we do know is the PS5 Pro is better than a 490 and uh PCS need to watch out it's the most important powerful thing that's ever existed and uh no game will ever run better on anything else but the PS5 Pro we know that yeah the the 490 thing is just wild to me hary oh my goodness every time there you know and in like the trust me bro sources are like the funniest thing trust me bro heyes yeah I can hear you not through my freaking ear but so much stuff see money and Technology huh guys see money and time tesy all that stuff literally tested it I literally put it in my ear played it heard it I's up everybody happy Friday let's go how we doing today aside you know from the things that took place sorry we're a little late you know we oh oh Excuse me while I'm out there trying to save the world okay I was doing something very important if you guys want to know or not that's up to you I will tell you if you want but I was very inspired but the whole thing with the ponies right I felt like I needed to spread awareness they're saying that the PlayStation 5 Pro is is better than a 4090 so I was like I need everyone to know that it's all the same so I went ahead I went to to Louis Vuitton and I said listen you don't need this bag because it's just the same as if you go to Walmart and get a plastic bag those bags are the same and then I said listen you need this Ferrari because you go to Hyundai and it's exactly the same I was just spring awareness I was inspired what happened I just said those hunds are really good so there you go there you go I was out there doing God's work so that's why I was a little late you guys you know that's why I got a nice new crawl for the ponies you want to reveal it now or do you want to reveal it later I mean oh let's begin that let's begin the show with that you might as well start with it right let's go ahead and make it official a fortnite ago in a pony stable nearby the night prayer Pon Wars PlayStation 5 the rise of the pisser the pisser bro the pisser BR you guys it is a period of Civil War the pony stles are stampeding on each other over the state of the PlayStation Nation after a series of losses with factions 2 Twisted Metal and Spider-Man multiverses the nation struggles to maintain psvr 2 destruction Allstar foam stars and babylon's fall Concord has fallen and the Stables are now divided many of the nation's allies have betrayed them and are turning to their adversaries for help the PlayStation Nation now turns its attention towards a new attack vessel one equipped with all the new pisser technology to turn the tides of War in their favor with their new Arsenal the nation hopes to attract new Talent which is games to enlist to bolster their dwindling forces will this new weapon turn the tides for the nation the struggle continues oh my god let's freaking go yes this really is their new [ __ ] guys the pisser these [ __ ] are out here yo the pisser Pro is like their [ __ ] they're their North Star right it's like they Guiding Light they're like no the pisser will lead us to Salvation the pisser is the truth only the pisser oh my God a p he remind me of that Miss OT is that your pisser oh my god oh these ponies oh God damn these Ponies are wild yo they are wild they're Wilding they're Wilding listen changing lives they are changing lives one Pony butt at a time uh before we before we go into this stuff further and and have a good time because we we there's a lot to go over or or to laugh about e either way the way however you see it um we have to get the homies who are here with us right now rocking out with us our dudes our peoples first one first homie through the door Malcolm xlax yes Malcolm xlax in the building not only that but Malcolm has gone ahead and become a YouTube member of the on point for gamers Channel my dude thank you brother man appreciate you very much very very kind of you come rock with us man y know do tell baby put the [ __ ] welcome to the family Emoji in the chat welcome our newest member the homie Malcolm SL man appreciate you Fam thank you so much for rocking with us bro thank you and welcome to the family welcome indeed and of course number two not to be outdone by number one even though he was outdone by number one number two the homie e ranks in the building thank you brother for being here man what's up e ranks apprciate you fam and then uh well bit confused number three but claim number two a whole two minutes later is uh Bob mCP who says Bob mCP was right that's right who has his very own breaking news channel over in our Discord yes you want to stay up on the latest and greatest you don't need to slog down with the losers in Twitter world you know what I'm saying you come over to Discord Bob mCP sets you straight get you all the breaking news right there come on you can't miss it it's beautiful thing it's a beautiful thing uh so uh I do see Force One Vlogs in the building what's up fan thank you for being here Arie was good Manar Anthony Sanchez Max 380 Jessie B verun Kai spy uh who has some information for us oh tell us verun Kai spy my dude thank you for being here brother says did you hear that the nextg Xbox is aiming to be $600 see time stamp 138 on dirt's most recently live stream The Insider has a great track record more relevant to us than Jeff grub to be honest I mean listen yep I um I Heard also from my secret secret super secret Insider he gave me the lowdown he said that it wasn't gonna be 599 he said it was GNA be$ 598 okay I got the more accurate number I'm just saying so listen when it comes Shu let's see who's right let's see who's right no no no uh that's that's listen I could I could I could Envision the idea of Xbox not wanting to go that high I could also see them having a base model version that's 600 and maybe you know upping it for yes with with extra [ __ ] on there they have wiggle room now all right they have wiggle room 650 and they kill him that's it 650 650 and it's over yep [ __ ] the same pricing it's over yep you know what I'm saying like that's yeah we're talking New Generation not refresh yes we want to be able to build our our own um handheld design no no no you're not getting it babe okay we need the PlayStation 5 Pro how else can we play Hogwarts Legacy at 30 FPS how else else me baby I don't where can I find that experience nowhere 4090 go [ __ ] yourself the Blazing 5 Pro 30 FPS baby man it's not the 4090 it's the P90 oh the P9 let's go that's what it is that's what it is m but no no don't worry guys it's just as powerful just as powerful as a 4070 4080 4090 rumor is maybe power more powerful than the 5090 I don't know I don't know there's there's a lot of rumors going on yep Y no no no but I I mean at what point do you just say I should probably sh shut the [ __ ] up after digital Foundry comes and says to you oh my god that rain tracing the rain tracing clip that I showed you yeah that was 30 frames per second like when you hear them completely destroy your entire argument for the rest of your life why would you keep going why would you double down triple down it's so powerful as big as as the biggest PC gaming experience ever the [ __ ] out of here yo shut the [ __ ] up they ain't got [ __ ] to show you when they throw a PlayStation at Jim Ryan that's that's the feeling you get when you hear them talking this nonsense this is wild now Ponies are crazy I just got a notification oh I need to verify very quickly to double check to see if it's just like the crack that I did that's making me think this or oh [ __ ] the homie I want bouncy bouny my dude what up he is giving away three months of Xbox game pass ultimate what yo we have a code freaking to give away Bo bouncy in the building so much thank you my dude listen this is [ __ ] fire let me it's amazing bro that's so generous of you thank you so much I can't wait to hear who gets it oh yes so doe we're gonna do it uh we're gonna start in a little bit start the uh first round of it that's [ __ ] awesome bouncy the homie we're going to go ahead and [ __ ] give away three months of Game Pass ultimate first round will start a little bit later [ __ ] awesome dude thank you thank you that is amazing that is amazing um but yeah I mean honestly when it comes to like the pricing and stuff of nextg Xbox I mean look I we'll see where it comes in I I think that that $600 Mark is probably realistic for where they're going to want to to come in at um especially with your next gen right like if you want to make a you know Mark right you want people to hop into this this next Generation you can't be coming in like Sony who's smoking that good [ __ ] thinking that they're going to go ahead and have a a $700 starting price people keep talking about 700 first of all yeah that's only in America everywhere else it's like so much more money bro like it's ridiculous and they're getting the same whack ass as console as the Americans are but they gotta play more same whack console different prizes it's just funny how these dudes swear by this [ __ ] think about how great it is yet every poll Ever every single one there's not one that I saw that was the opposite every single poll said go [ __ ] yourself to the PlayStation 5 Pro every single one I mean right that's what I expect like not even close you know what I'm saying like it's just just a mockery at this point um but yes it's G to be uh it's GNA be a fun one when we see all this stuff but verun Kai thank you for that man appreciate you Queen blue face in the building game sh in the building Becca what's up fam avenge ninja what up player boss red 77 what's up homie Razer Ultron what's on man uh God Soul yo General Spartan 27 Sanchez MTC game what's up guys guys thank you so much for [ __ ] with us man being here rocking us chilling with us sorry about see money being late I was not was absolutely on time issues with the Sound by the way I just just started talk I don't know if if um because I couldn't hear them if Hari and demo were like in the middle of a conversation or something I just I was like I'm here I've arrived so interr down till you came back yeah we telling everybody that you were L and it was your fault oh there we go that's the real that's exactly what took place Justice for C money um listen it's not like they're gonna believe you guys yeah you're right presid by the way is now at 96k like 192k dislike really excited everybody sold pump for this yeah right like everybody's so pumped for I'm still surprised that it's at 96k like that should be something more like uh two likes and those are two Sony employees and then I mean pretty much pretty much um but you know when we look at the uh when we look at the the title that we put up here on the show um the the the big question right because play 5 Pro is been I you know it's it's the talk right it's what everybody's talking about every day non-stop people are justifying it people are mocking it it's there's a lot more mocking it than justifying it I can tell you that much but um you know it's just really the like it's I guess it could be seen as like one of the biggest like blunders like why would you do this like this is their um this is their PlayStation 3 moment right they brought it back right this is them walking out on stage saying what what was 599 back then 600 right instead of a second job now you need a third job facts facts 100% yo y so this is like another PlayStation remake but now this time is a a remake of a a PlayStation moment that's what we're getting right now yes they're remastering moments now they don't know they run out of [ __ ] to do so they're just remastering moments is [ __ ] phenomenal you know so much power it's going to play all those PS3 oh it's not going to play those PS3 games sorry yeah they still haven't fig that [ __ ] out damn damn damn damn oh stupid ass ponies in their ways they're getting [ __ ] up they getting [ __ ] up forever this is Gorge I mean I love it this is like this is what we've been waiting for right like all those years of Us Xbox dudes just you know getting spit on and kicked in the [ __ ] shins and [ __ ] with with all their [ __ ] talk and we're like nah man everything's great over here we're happy they just gonna keep piling on now how the roles have reversed this is is a genius right and um why hasn't he figured out PS3 compatibility you know you can do that on a fing PC right a r Ally game there's a line right a very thin line between genius and a [ __ ] psycho you know what I'm saying and yes I just gotta say we've all watched this [ __ ] talk and we know that he definitely has psycho Tendencies You know that if you walked into your house and he was just sitting in a chair in a corner of a room staring at you as you enter a rocking chair a rocking chair you [ __ ] run out your house you would say I'm [ __ ] out of here he wants to eat me like I know that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like you you that's wild because those are it's crazy because we haven't talked about what kind of psycho he looks like but I would go for that same exact one like I feel like he eating kind yes yeah I don't know if it's a bangs I don't know what it is but the vibe is there I just feel like he's gonna move his bangs and there's gonna be like a [ __ ] another mouth or like something crazy hidden under there eyd eye third eye [ __ ] Illuminati and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I don't know I feel like something's hidden over there um but yeah listen it's come on man like what do we even what are you even talking about with this [ __ ] it's it's so wild that this has happened but I mean again you know you you think about is the price like worth it is it worth spending that money and it's like you know the people who sit there who are trying to say hey potential PlayStation buyer it is worth and he's reading off it's like a book report right he's it is worth it to buy a PlayStation 5 Pro because if you wanted to buy a 4070 it would cost more money thank you how is that a [ __ ] how what do they hear themselves do they hear themselves trying to justify buying a PlayStation by saying but if you bought a PC it's more money they're trying to make it seem like it's the same but we learned we learned last night when we were we're looking through um through some facts that Porto Rock had put out there oh the and yes yes yes you know um the the more power the more money right so the more power the higher the cost but somehow the PlayStation 5 Pro is less than a 4090 but is more powerful than a 4090 so I don't know how you make sense out of that but there's the info and and you know spread awareness I guess dud you know we had a lot of I don't know if you guys watched the show last night but we had a lot of fun I watched a little bit I watched a little bit but then I was like a man I was tired as hell bro I'm not gonna lie dude this PO yo Porter Rock he's a funny dude bro he's a funny dude when you like read the [ __ ] that he put out there and his belief system it's hilarious uh before we go I did see some P I didn't even notice these man what's up love Adidas 20 my dude thank you brother for being here man thank you for that $5 Super Chat homie appreciate you says what's up my good people what's up at a woman's wrestling match joygasm I will catch the replay later well enjoy bro thanks for stopping by homie have fun appreciate you my dude uh the homie rard gaming my dude thank you for that $2 super appreciate you fam says if C money is not late I don't want it hash do a p DOA PS5 Pro DOA indeed did you already do the remix did you add PS5 Pro to your Concord remix I have to record it I have an idea what how I'm going to do it but I have to like record it I Haven had the the chance but yeah I will do it for sure we'll be waiting we'll be waiting we gota we got to get that in there and then of course the homie Cas feeler in the building thank you brother for being here man thank you for that $2 Super Chat I sent vodka for her coffee golden star wow golden star golden um K is is from Jersey um golger goash I used to call it golag the [ __ ] did you just say I don't know bro some Kardash know what I'm talking about theage what the [ __ ] say some crazy [ __ ] sounds like a Pokemon bro I'm not gonna lie sounds like a Pokemon oh my God oh my God that's hilarious man that's hilarious man oh my god well listen um I do want to get I do want to get started uh with this because we do have um we do have that giveaway did I see Frank Vargas over there talking [ __ ] God damn it always late looking up to the sky I love the rolling eyes like he's like okay here we go again I was literally on time okay so I was here ready to go so technically he was this this one was on me I was late I was late no no it's okay I'm just joking it's uh it's always a fun time being called out by Frank Vargas you know what I'm saying damn it um but yeah so we do have that giveaway so I do want to get started on this so let me take my time stamp um now it's funny because this uh conversation about the power of the PlayStation 5 Pro is uh is all [ __ ] [ __ ] up because there's no real specs here right like PlayStation hasn't dropped any real specs right and they haven't uh like even when they did that like CNET [ __ ] you know exclusive [ __ ] they didn't drop real specs on it right like it's just a bunch of [ __ ] so what you have is all these [ __ ] ponies and these Pony Bots out here making these Grand statements and these these big ass gestures right so you know one of the clips now running around is the um is what's his name the guy from digital Foundry right um and it's uh I I'll give it I'm gonna put debat on here because he went ahead and got into it on the show with harit the other night and uh he's he's out here to claim that he won all those battles because of digital foundry's uh little talk but he ignores the rest of that video which we'll also show after it but uh let's go ahead and show the one video that got them all pumped all right so let me do this go here let's do it like this click this all right there we go so uh here we are dbad says for my haters and doubters you can suck it digital Foundry says you will need a 47d to match the PlayStation 5 Pro Revenge came quicker than I expected laughing my ass off laughing face clowns all right we created let's see a villain a little a villain right let's see what rich said here okay this is his talking about the 4070 [ __ ] ready maybe I should just go to PC at this point because this is this is quite expensive yeah what do you imagine that would cost probably a fair bit more I mean you need to have uh the GPU that you're going to need I mean if you consider the a holistic view of all of the different components the enhanced raate facing no AMD GPU has that at the moment uh the machine learning block no AMD GPU has that it's almost like essentially an Nvidia style feature set but made by AMD um and the closest equivalent GPU you'll be looking at would be the RTX 4070 the 4060 is quite close to base PlayStation 5 factoring out machine learning and rate facing so you're looking at a 4070 I looked on um uh I think it was real quick real quick what the just so just so I can kind of wrap my head around this real quick you know what I'm saying um Nvidia they make right now their their latest lineup you got what is it is there a 4050 I don't think so I think 4060 is the lowest 40 I think there a 4050 but only for laptops I think it's like a mobile uh type car is very small probably better than PlayStation to so it's 4050 or 4060 which is like the the starting point right um and then there's 4070 4080 4090 right and the big hoopla is that these [ __ ] are going from the 4060 to the 4070 so so from one lower to one Higher right like that just one little bump up there's 480s in the world 490s but the power level that they're they're just guzzling is a 470 I'm hearing echo on your thing baby girl let me see what's happening no buy no okay so uh yeah I just just want to put that out there right one little one little bump right one little tiny little bump 40 60 4070 Amazon yesterday amazon.com and the cheapest one of those is $540 so beyond that you've got to get a CPU a motherboard memory power supply case two terabyte SSD so it is going to wrap you know the costs are going to ramp up right wow love zoom in zo oh my God that's crazy God all right so so this is where that that got him gassed up he's like yo I'm a [ __ ] winner nobody can stop me PlayStation 5 Pro [ __ ] for Life getting a tattooed on my chest greatest thing ever right best thing since [ __ ] slice bread well hold on I'm I'm grabbing it there was so oh here it is here it is okay ready so yes let's this the this is the other part of that interview okay let's see and those Enthusiast users might be thinking to themselves well why should I pay a premium for the console if I'm going to be paying a premium maybe I should get a PC because then I can upgrade at my own pace when I feel like I need an upgrade and I can spend as much or as little as I want yeah food for th who do you think should upgrade to the PlayStation 5 Pro and who do you think should probably just wait now the question is this this is kind of at odds with the concept of what a console is which is a mainstream proposition you know a games machine for the every man this isn't that that's what the Bas PlayStation 5 is for and uh I think if I was recommending to a friend I'd tell them to go to Facebook Marketplace and get one for like $350 or whatever you know I got an Xbox series s from Facebook Marketplace for £65 wow yeah any final thoughts on the PlayStation 5 Pro reveal um yes I think um well I've already laid out the criticisms I've got a criticism about the hardware which is that they literally said the CPU is the same um and at the same time they're talking about you know wanting to have 60 frames per second experiences all of the enhancements in the Pro are geared towards GPU so if your GPU if Graphics are the limit then you know obvious viously the pro is going to be a champion there however you know recently I think the last game we looked at I mentioned it earlier Space Marine 2 um performance mode on that on PlayStation 5 doesn't get near 60 frames per second and it won't with PlayStation 5 Pro now what they didn't say what what what can we can we go back a little bit can we just can we just hold up yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on wa wait wait let me make sure I can see this make sure hey de batch did you play the rest okay just want to make sure just want to make sure let's let's get back let's watch let's watch more okay let's be wide let's see recently I think the last game we looked at I mentioned it earlier Space Marine 2 um performance mode on that on PlayStation 5 doesn't get near 60 frames per second and it won't with PlayStation 5 Pro it hold on wait let me make sure hold on I'm playing I'm playing I'm playing Space Marine 2 right now my PlayStation 5 like yo this is fire but those frames be dipping oh [ __ ] A Pros coming out let me give him that 50 I plug that [ __ ] in and I still don't get that 60 godam how youself this other console that does I guess that makes the series X the 5090 right right oh [ __ ] yep that P is really going back to blast him in the face bro so what he say he had by the way I just want to you know what he say what oh he he had a serious s oh okay I just want to you know see if anybody else heard that series series s got it okay noted I just need to just in case because you know the audio be [ __ ] up yep just got to hear it one more time you know what I'm saying just got to make sure I know so if your GP if Graphics are the limit then you know obviously the pro is going to be a champion there however you know recently I think the last game we looked at I mentioned it earlier Space Marine 2 um performance mode on that on PlayStation 5 doesn't get near 60 frames per second and it won't with PlayStation 5 Pro now what they didn't say is that there is uh an option for developers to increase the clock speeds by 10% um but 10% of some that's low is is still low oh 50 850 yo line up with that 850 dog cuz it's GNA change your life it's a p is the pisser why isn't he talking about the pisser doesn't he know about the pisser damn it rich piss the pisser in the fck forgetting about the pisser damn I guess the P really truly did go down the crapper oh well oh D Wow Wow Let's we got he's not God bro I'm crying my face hurt from laughing man yeah yeah I see I see am Kumar says suddenly de batch hates digital Foundry [ __ ] should have listen to the rest of that [ __ ] before he said before he put that [ __ ] out there yo yo we're gonna listen to him we're gonna listen to him in a little bit you can't make this [ __ ] up let me rewind this again all right we just gota we gotta play it back we gotta play it back speeds by 10% um but 10% of something that's low is is still low damn so 10% of [ __ ] is still [ __ ] still [ __ ] it's still [ __ ] 10% of of something that's [ __ ] is still [ __ ] oh godamn that's beautiful oh the the oh that's hilarious 10% plus still low that's not going to help and uh said to me this morning well you know what about GTA 6 is this going to run at 60 frames per second that's a simulation heavy game historically and I would say probably not the yeah which is probably going to but I was promised I was promised I was promised that GTA 6 would be 60 FPS on the PlayStation 5 Pro I was promised I don't believe it godamn it bro bro how embarrassing is it to quote this man and then five seconds later have him bend you over and destroy your entire narrative for the rest of your life oh my God it's a wild because you know gotta love it got to love it seey we got your back all right we got your back he was out here running laps this dude was running laps thinking that he done stomped you out come on man come on man you better you better watch the whole video before you clip that [ __ ] clipping is Select that's the thing that's the thing it's selective to the narrative that they want to put out there let's get the rest of it let's get the rest but is this gonna help and uh your colleague Alex said to me this morning well you know what about GTA 6 is this going to run at 60 frames per second that's a simulation heavy game historically and I would say probably not there which is probably going to upset a lot of people but you know every single GTA game has been 30 FPS sometimes struggling to hit 30 FPS oh damn talk about grounding sip on that yeah so I just I guess I just need to know okay I just need to know is is the PlayStation 5 worth [ __ ] $800 with a disc drive godamn and without the stand the stand too you need DG oh why you gonna have Grandma in there Grandma I'm going to play Playstation can you hold it up for me oh my God so so when GTA does come to PC and the 470 will play it at over 60 frames and the Pearl won't who's gonna be right exactly oh well we'll find out is that is that pony math you know what I'm saying is that pony math they're like you you subtract the three and then you right you divide it by two you carry the 17 and then you you multiply by 40 I don't know it SS right that that's that's that pony MTH all right that's how he got there he put his numbers together guys all right he put his numbers together we got our homie goad goad Adriano Italiano what's up my dude thank you for being here thank you for that says new PlayStation 5 controller tagged you on Twitter who's that oh you there's a new PlayStation 5 controller and you tagged me on Twitter oh my god do you guys know about the price increase in the controllers that that $5 yeah it's five5 more dollars now dude how dare you bro they did another price increase so you're saying that it's it's just it went up $5 it went up $5 all controllers they're freaking Wilding uh demo yeah man well you know so PlayStations are like they saying you should have been saving money I see I hear that we told you you should have been saving money like that that's crazy that's crazy they they should have been saving money because it's more powerful than a 4090 okay that's that's the rest of that story man godam I see these ponies in fig Street you know what I'm saying Street shaking it I just saw can we show [ __ ] it Adriano oh my God Adriano Adriano Pro it has controller are you guys ready you're not [ __ ] ready are you ready boy I think I think I oh wow I gotta get off the screen I gotta get off the screen y oh my god well I gotta say that controller it just sucks blow won it bro you know you know the funny thing a lot of people bro they defending Jeff key they're like oh such a loving member of the community he really show his passion like you know come on bro sh his passion all right for sure bro I've never seen anybody Expos do you guys see it that how many twist he got I think somebody like screen recorded with the phone and and and it was showing all the times he posted about the bs5 pro you guys see it dude yeah we did that [ __ ] is [ __ ] wild God godamn wait stra not included not included oh my goodness oh my I wonder if they have a a chair accessory you know what I'm saying they do have one let's ride baby let's play play your gaming play your games in 4D now you can play your games in 4D oh my God talk about haptic feedback Ado thank you so much that was amazing that was worth it that was worth it oh my gosh I seen that but I thought it was a crack pipe but he's not that anymore the game he was playing was very hard oh I'm sorry the level keep God I would leave it on the screen like always if I if it wouldn't probably take us down bro oh my God oh my God oh my goodness that was amazing is [ __ ] amazing that is amazing that is amazing the homie rang G4 my dude thank you brother for being here man thank you for that two Super Chat says we stand with hardge [ __ ] [ __ ] let's freaking Go That's it man we a [ __ ] around over here Dan Lazaro my dude thank you for being here thank for that Super Chat says debat The Tech Guy the same Tech guy from RDX whose internet always went out and always had the worst microphones he had the worst takes on RDX yeah yeah I mean it's it's the reality right like nobody watched that [ __ ] to see dbat on there right like I don't know how he got in with with the dealer or whatever um yo I'm telling you dealer has to be like looking at his YouTube channel like goddamn what a [ __ ] travesty I brought I brought these people up I gave these people a name these clowns these embarrassments exposed [ __ ] hey man it's wild not though he came out the other side a real one you guys you already know we already know K cage Fielder my dude thank you for being here thank for that two Super Chat says key is Hero's drunken booty call 2 a type damn hey wow oh that was [ __ ] hilarious about right that was hilarious ke's like I'll be right there do I bring my controller say no more oh my God that's [ __ ] hilarious y'all it really is oh my goodness oh my God all right all right all right this is um I mean he's out here on a pony show so might as well you know see the rest of his hot take understand why people are upset about the price of the PlayStation 5 Pro when you know if if you just buy the GPU alone it's almost as as expensive as the system so like what are we doing here and then people were telling me I don't know what I'm talking about it's not going to be anywhere near a 4070 and uh digital Foundry they they did a video and they said uh it could be a 6,800 because of the same C but that's like rn2 so it's definitely not that and it doesn't match up on the features it could be a downclock 7800 XT but it doesn't match up on the features it could also be a 37 TI but it also doesn't match up on the features because it's it has more efficient features it has stuff that's not out yet on PC so we can't even say it's going to be that you know we can say these will be the Baseline and then today after they got their PlayStation 5 Pro they uh did an interview and uh in their interview they said you'd have to get a 4070 in order to match the PlayStation 5 now last night I did real quick I think I fell asleep four times listening to this guy talk about this [ __ ] why by the way point proven what are we like what the like why is he talking about all this [ __ ] I don't even know let's continue sorry I just like what the [ __ ] just happened did uh a podcast with um with fans and Har and um and others forget his name right so sorry um anyways we did that show yesterday they were like on me they were like on me like in in disbelief I you know you don't know what you're talking about it's not going to be anywhere near a 4070 you know you know people were saying oh the next generation is not even going to be near a 4070 and I was like losing my mind I'm like what are you talking about the PlayStation 5 Pro is going to perform like a 4070 and you're telling me that the Next Generation consoles aren't going to perform like a 4070 like what are we doing here and you know the misinformation it drove me crazy was it was a really um spirited conversation and I'm not going to lie I kind of lost my stuff because you know these are supposed to be you know my peeps you know and and they're doubting me and I'm laying out all the information I I dropped a big video yesterday uh like 35 minutes explaining all the details and you know lo and behold today I put out a tweet that uh you know forget all these people that that doubt me don't worry when it comes out I'm gonna have my revenge and like two hours later IGN released the video wow so not the full video though not the full video all you know what all I hear is a pony butt uh looking shelter with the ponies finally embracing yeah Roberto Z by the way he's right I was falling asleep listening to this dude I was swear to God baby did I not tell you when we saw the clip I was like looks like he's dying inside just like I just want to go to sleep this is so boring beautiful smile yes I just felt that [ __ ] right now I could only imagine I can only imagine the [ __ ] he was talking on that [ __ ] Show Jesus Christ oh man the game adaptation says everyone game adaptation go ahead yes baby everyone meaning Hari Pon didn't say a word he did eventually go CU we were saying wasn't the 470 we were saying the 490 will keep you going and it's likely going to be better than the next generation 2 and he's like no it's going to destroy the 490 like a 40 really you think it's gonna be better than 49 490 4090 yeah he thought it was going to destroy the 40 like okay thought the PlayStation 5 Pro was going to destroy the 4 ps6 ps6 and Xbox whatever next oh my God please like okay that that seems a little far-fetched but okay that's wild why don't we wait until we get there but that doesn't likely the 490 is pretty ridiculous let's let's focus on the PlayStation 5 Pro and the fact that it's just trying to catch up with the X I mean can it even catch up to the X because from what we heard from Rich he said that Space Marine game that just came out you know one of the new games that you might actually want to play with a PlayStation 5 Pro what a freaking jab because they show nothing but old ass games on that PlayStation 5 Pro that's literally all they showed bro that's literally all they showed it was embarrassing [ __ ] Assassin's Creed Shadows the only [ __ ] game that was not out yet that they show but they didn't show nothing they only show a cinematic they didn't show the game Assassin's Creed was only like a cinematic they were all cinematics they were showing the only game that showed gameplay was during the first part but when they did the sizzle reel it was only Hogwarts yeah everything else they just showed you more of the same [ __ ] yeah listen vague dreams he's he's following suit he says the Xbox handheld is going to equal the 5090 yes I don't think so that's crazy he says see I can Pony also yeah yeah okay okay yeah that sounds like something that a pony will say well Pony butt too why Pony butts to it makes it makes sense with the logic though yeah Mick Kumar says dbat has an unhealthy obsession with the 470 y the7 understand this dude really wants it to be a 4070 like I don't know I don't know what it is but he's really like yo it's a 4070 but like you said harie it's just one part of the puzzle that they want to focus on and that's where rich slapped them up because they're trying to treat this as it's a a whole new experience but the CPU is not changing it's just it's at the way he says it it's not even catching up because there's been rumors out there that it was more but he saying that it's the same CPU so if it's the same CPU then it's still lower than the series X which means that you're still going to be in the situation as far as what the CPU can do and as we know going deeper into the generation the CPU is going to get taxed that's always the case right that's the way it always is but look and the 4070 thing that rich was talking about is look we don't know what the new rate tracing features are we just don't right and we also don't know what pisser will really do because it hasn't been tested yet we don't know and until we get there we don't know what this new capability of rate tracing with AMD is going to look like right what we do know is it's a step below what Nvidia has been doing so maybe this catches it up to what Nvidia is doing we don't know until we see it we don't know so check this out there's a little bit of a I don't know if this is breaking news or I don't know if this has been out for a little while looks like uh six o'clock a few hours this has been out um here where it says uh amd's NextGen Fidelity FX super resolution technology known as FSR 4 will be leveraging AI in a grander scale to improve visual Fidelity right which R 4 is just going to be given to the consoles right it's just going to be added that's just gonna be the new [ __ ] that they do you ready our boy big cloud D let's go so much for p what happened to the pisser you guys went down the Cropper as I've been saying byby oh so be so PlayStation feels like because they say something first that they have the exclusive on it and uh it looks like FSR 4 just like FSR three was just dispatched to the Xbox series X right we saw what's the name of that game uh the one that didn't sell well you remember it it was really pretty game Immortals of Av oh Immortals yeah Immortals of AVM right that game was like super heavy but then they did FSR 3 on that [ __ ] and [ __ ] frame rates went up to like 60 or 120 some crazy [ __ ] like that um so if FSS if FSR 4 is gonna have the AI everything done for it as soon as FS as soon as amd's done with it that's just gonna there goes the pisser then what's what's the conversation going to be the big three don't forget the big three oh the big three oh my God that was oh my what a mess that was so cringe that's so bad bro oh [ __ ] oh my God y RP pisser it died faster than holy [ __ ] damn yo Sony should have just you said it before baby you said it before Sony should have just bought a cemetery all right bu all [ __ ] [ __ ] next to each other instead of a movie theater they should just bought a freaking Cemetary yeah why why why take another one bites to dust killing it buying dead already yep oh my godam oh my God bro DBA yo dude this is get your shovel cuz the SP bro that's crazy yo it's true when did they do that [ __ ] conversation on Tuesday like two days ago Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday three days damn three days damn three days before that [ __ ] already got [ __ ] slapped up like uh keep your pisser to yourself we going to it at a base level here at AMD I know you guys made up your own [ __ ] that you guys wanted to come up with uh but yes so FSR for I mean again if it follows suit with everything that AMD has done it just upgrades it right it had FSR one and then on the same console FSR 2 on the same console FSR 3 right and then it'll be FSR 4 on the same console right so I mean listen at the end of the day uh this is this is just another narrative that's going night night just like all of the other narratives I wonder what the conversation is gonna be now so they ain't got no pisser they're 4070 they have a 4070 that can't do 60 FPS for any game that's actually uh you know a heavier game or a better game uh it's I don't know I don't know what else they have they sit there and they speak so much [ __ ] it's crazy oh my God so I mean uh listen before we uh go deeper into the rabbit hole some of these things that I have to to take a look at um like honestly when you when you see this come up right where AMD is this is coming out that they're going to be updating that right so that cold pisser conversation kind of goes away we just saw [ __ ] Rich come out right and say he did like they they said Destin asked him who should buy this and who shouldn't he said nobody essentially because he he all he said was I would recommend you go buy a PlayStation 5 from Facebook Marketplace he didn't even say go buy PlayStation 5 at the store no like bro that [ __ ] ain't even worth it you know what I'm saying like you need to go buy that [ __ ] secondhand off of somebody else for it to be worth it so you go back to the to the question PlayStation 5 Pro is it worth the price it's not he made that very clear I mean that's I mean for sure like we see that absolutely but like demo when you when you look at everything that we just saw and everything we learned and knowing for a fact that the series X will still outdo a PlayStation 5 Pro in games like Space Marines do you do you think like what do you feel about that do you feel like it's that they're out here claiming that it's worth the price that it is worth the price or do you think it's better to just uh stick with Xbox or go do whatever else anything other than the PlayStation 5 Pro at this point look bro let me tell you um every time one of these people from digital founder talk they they they want to take whatever they say as you know like the Bible it is you know like Supreme reign supreme in the word of the men right uh well take the word for it he just telling you right here he not worth it you know what I'm saying like he wouldn't even recommend it to a friend he said it right there there I rephrased it but he say if if I was recommended it to a friend I would like recommend him something else right that's what he said yeah go to Facebook Market yeah exactly he even got a serious s so he's telling you it's not even worth it for uh what you get in return you know based on the price and what your PS5 your PS5 fat does right so come on man you know it is what it is why do you I'm going to tell you it's not worth it right but but if you feel like little you little Wayne if you feel like you know like you Nikki if you feel like you know like you one of these people who live lavage and they live this Instagram type of lifestyle and all that go for it man and flex online and watch everybody laugh at you throwing money away for no reason because in my opinion um I don't know I think it's better for you as a PlayStation uh fan or somebody who's into console gaming tog great your gaming to get a better display or something like that I think that's going to make more the difference than getting a PlayStation 5 so in my opinion it's not worth it you already spending $800 in a PlayStation you might as well get a damn PC bro and look yeah doing 4K resolution all the freaking uh graphic cards bills here with the 40 60 and all that [ __ ] I don't even want to get 10 to go they they do way more than the PS5 bro what game in the PS5 or in the Xbox you can take up to 200 FPS at 1080p you get you don't have that option so if you're really looking for uh performance get you a PC don't get you this man like if like come on it doesn't make sense like it really doesn't you don't even need a 4070 to do that no you don't you don't need a 4070 you need a 4060 I got a 3080 I'm running everything like I I just bought a 280 HZ Monitor and I'm running Apex Legends 280 htz that that's crazy that's why what console does is gonna do that you know what I'm saying it's not and it's just a 3080 10 gigabytes it's not even like the big one it's just like the small you know what I'm saying but I have I have a capable CPU too it's not even last generation it's an i7 140 something cake whatever I can really tell these numbers I'm not like that into that [ __ ] but um I mean it's good it's good way better than that [ __ ] that's the thing everything in the PC is balanced right and this is the problem that we're having and we're seeing with the PlayStation 5 Pro just because you op something a bit and you divided the numbers right the numbers that you're telling us um but just because you go ahead and up something if everything else is not up to part we're picking and choosing and that's where all the all the ores or buts or or ifs came in when he was talking um and I don't think that when you're spending that kind of money for a console I mean just like lower it and balance everything out it just it just doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense I think they're gonna have the same freaking situation at the end of the day as the PlayStation 5 yeah PlayStation 5 is really is really something else I think that he has on delivered when it comes to power uh the Xbox series X uh he's been he's been looking good man and it it's just like the reality bro the reality I have a friend he has a series s and he has a PS5 right so he's not I haven't talked to him in a while he's not really a pony right or nothing like that he's just a regular gamer he he he's not into all this [ __ ] right but he told me like sometimes I'd rather like this sometimes I'd rather play my games on the series s because onlyy PlayStation uh games look blairy that's what he told me so what what that tells me is that the Sony PlayStation is not like the optimal experience that you are you know because I mean he's playing in the same display you know and that's what he's telling me so I mean we all go we if you got a friend that tells you and you believe in that the 49 is more that the PS5 is more powerful than a 490 then I have a friend that told me that the series s out perform you know what I'm saying the PS5 and we call it a day that's it there you go boom I'm done real quick we we got our boy zodiac in the building being here man say did you see my message on X I did not I have not let me check hold on one second uh but um it's true that's why he said if you go ahead and you you you go ahead and you you're you have a computer you go ahead and and you upgrade things as you can right the problem with the PlayStation 5 is that even if there's a freaking the the power of a 4070 in there you can't upgrade everything else right you're not you're you're just set with whatever they're selling you um if you wanted to upgrade the system to have it you know balance out it's just it's messy right absolutely so I did get your message uh so let me uh zodiac let me pull this up right here uh he has Harry Potter wait wait wait here we go what I was taking off so we can see the confetti oh okay so zodiac says as powerful as a 4090 my ass I'm doing 120 and 1440 native and I limit it there it can go higher and he's showing Harry Potter 120 FPS all his all his uh CPUs clocks and all this other [ __ ] going over there you ain't [ __ ] around with zodiac right he's you want [ __ ] talk deep ass talk to [ __ ] zodiac all right he'll give you some insight on what PC about 120 FPS locked with 1440p yo let me tell you let me tell you something if you remember Xbox series X came out on the scene right and the series s to be fair way that's his computer right there you guys it's a freaking beauty that um profile pick the what um godd damn what was I just saying the the Xbox oh the Xbox series X and the series s came on the scene when they dropped 60 FPS was for these older games was nothing they were taking games and bringing them to 120 we were getting 120 FPS games right now to this day Xbox series X and Xbox series s have more 120 FPS games than PlayStation does and their new [ __ ] they're more powerful they're they're 4070 they're still just trying to do 60 have we why have nobody talked about the fact that they just they just gave up on the idea of 120 yep completely no more out the window um but zodiac we do this continues he says uh he says can the piss Pro do this he goes ahead and shows uh oh this is not expanding but shows over here 120 FPS flying around yo this Liv best life stunning it really is stunning it's actually in promotion right now I think it's like $17 so go get it in the Xbox store so that's very such a good game yeah hell no amazing open world so good like my our our daughter got into Harry Potter recently yes and so like now it's really it really hits different because this [ __ ] is really really good and he ain't done look at this at these settings go let's go Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra yes yes something tells me that the uh the pisser is not going to help it get to these levels it's just a real shout out to zodiac thank you so much yeah appreciate those bars appreciate those bars all right shutting these ponies down with their nonsense for sure slapping them up real good uh the homie hargy same question you man this whole idea of everything that we've been talking about here the FSR 4sr and the whether the it's worth it the PlayStation 5 Pro after everything we heard Rich say and all this other [ __ ] understanding remember 700 minimum in the US really Allin your 830 plus tax almost $900 Allin in the US everywhere else you're N9 to a thousand plus for this [ __ ] console um well first FSR 4 uh cool I don't know if this will come to everything we will find out because the AI stuff usually requires specific Hardware maybe they have a way around it so we will find out right if it can do that's awesome uh that does kind of eliminate the need for pisser because that means PS5 will have it too PS5 will have the ability to do this you don't need a pro it it'll just handle AI up upscaling as well Xbox obviously as well they're gonna start showing PlayStation 5 comparisons against the pro the PlayStation 5 is gonna win that'd be hilarious if this can leverage it on everything you you can expect that a lot of um you know developers will use it why because it's available and everything they literally like your PC all the way through your consoles right it just makes more sense right so you'll see dlss and FSR 4 will be implemented everywhere uh I believe pisser is sort of like a turn it on and it just does it thing if it is great if it isn't if it takes work well yeah you might see people kind of forego that and just use FSR but again we'll see if it's if it's available without having special Hardware they did not say that though right uh they haven't said one way or the other they haven't said you know whether it does or doesn't the technical presentation they didn't say technical presentation I just feel like Oh you mean in the the pisser part of it yeah the piss part well that that presentation was absolute crap but and you know anyway whatever we'll get into that later um as far as the pricing and is it worth it look for those who just want to spend money and waste money by all means go ahead and waste your money uh you know first you have to see what do they have that you can't get everywhere else if you really do want to spend money the PC starts to become more and more reasonable and all their games kind of come to PC so if you don't have fomo you're GNA be better off there you know like uh hey some games going to run a 30 yeah this is the beauty of PC you can toggle things right you can toggle things and say I want frame rate over certain Graphics good luck doing that on on on a you know console game they basically give you performance or graphics that's it you don't get to toggle anything right so even a rag Ally which is substantially lower power than most you know the series X and PS5 you can make that run at 50 60 80 frames it's up to you you just choose what you want and it'll play those same games that run at 30 60 whatever you want on your series X it'll run them at at higher frames it's up to you to choose what you want that's the beauty of PC we you can choose whatever toggles you want right and you can say I don't want rate tracing I don't want Shadows I want higher Fram fair enough do it right so they can you have those choices that's kind of the thing if you want like to Target frame rate you're just better off on a PC it's just they told us they told us that Mark cery already saw people doing as many as three different options for the PlayStation 5 Pro versus like thought yeah I thought well I thought they didn't want options like that I thought they wanted to have just everything custom built for them and they were going to get the best of everything but it seems like they're still going to have to make a sacrifice somewhere no matter how they cut it Fidelity whether it's resolution or whether it's frame rate which I can feel like right there is the three choices well we're doing this for the options right to narrow them down but you still have to pick the same options you guys if not more in some games some developers will choose the option for you which is we're going to do Fidelity only GT it's not realistic to assume that all developers will give you everything uh you know Gotham Knights for instance still has not given us a performance mode could it absolutely but they haven't that's it that's their choice so you can't force it on PC do whatever you want it's up to you you choose do whatever you want right so this is kind of the the beauty of that that platform now look people will have a a sort of hesitation if you're not interested in using window windows I get that fair enough you want a console experience it might be worth it to you I just don't know if it's really going to be that much of a compelling difference uh but we'll see right I'm open to seeing what it actually does so far from the presentation I was underwhelmed and if that's what they have I'm not see so far that's what it actually does right because they show it so this this is presentation to highlight what it does so right now they're putting the their best foot and Rich told us exactly why we didn't see what we've all been talking about right how come they didn't show Space Marine how come they didn't show black myth Wukong o interesting right it does exactly what rich said you're gonna put those games in and you're gonna be looking at the same [ __ ] terrible frame rates okay what it is dude nothing cheeks cheek hell divers asot let's see him with some freaking some good lighting no so the 4070 by the way does not have any issues running over 60 frames per second for Space Marine 2 I'm just saying course interesting that's funny but it's a but it is a 47 guys PS5 Pro is it it just is a 470 it literally PlayStation 5 Pro is just a 47 that's all this it's amazing it's amazing yeah I mean look I I I I will wait and see what it does right because even when I saw that Hogwarts I see at 30 frames I'm like that still doesn't look that good it just doesn't I I don't know why people think that like play it on a 490 and tell me that looks the same it does not look the same and I think the 4070 will do it just lower frames and that's fine I like I was running at 80 to 100 frames everything turned on Max everything right and then you can turn on dlss and it goes well above 120 frames right and I'm like come on you're not at the same level and again 4070 will have dlss so you can get 470 I'm sure you can Target 90 frames everything turn on right oh yeah it is what it is so that is a powerful card this is the thing I'm like show me show me first don't just assume that this is GNA be that kind of thing show me what I saw from C did not show me that right if it could do it it would have done 60 frames with that rate tracing it didn't do it so show me and then I'll I'll believe whatever you said but show me right now can't assume that because this is how much they're charging that this is just what it's going to be capable of doing right um we we can only go by what they're showing us and what they're not trying to show us th those are the assumptions we right very telling yeah look this was in RDX time uh there was a major thing of games coming out at 30 frames per second not just Xbox but a lot of games were coming out 30 frames per second we like why are they doing this and was always like this is just you know an optimization issue and uh you know uh zacher and D were saying I don't know I think this is just going to be this the thing and I'm like I'll wait until they show me I I'm I'm I'm skeptical about this whole thing until I see it one way or the other I'm just going to go with whatever's out there right so if it can do it that's great if it can't I wouldn't be surprised right and in the end dealer was right it it basically was just optimization right every game that's come out except for Gotham kns every game that's come out with a 30 frames mode eventually added the 60 frames mode that's just the way it is right and you're like okay essentially that is what it is right so starf I don't like dying on Xbox right because who knows what changes right it's like just show me it's like the proof is in the pudding just show me yeah that's that's that's ultimately it and when you get a d visual situation you can literally is the whole upgrade here it's it's the GPU right that's what saying it's like okay show me I'm waiting for that DF review because they're going to do a way better job getting in depth what does it do where are the changes what are you getting out of this thing Cy did a fail massive fail right I'm waiting for that DF thing that shows okay this is how it Chang this game from here to here these are the the things you're getting that are better this this is where it may be worse right whatever it is I just want to see the whole thing because using scaling technology can sometimes make things interesting right so we'll see what it does I want to see because this is not nvidia's dlss 30 it's just not it's not going to be that level we already know this feature is missing so like going to pisser does not necessarily mean you're going to have dss3 you're not okay so I want to see what it does well it is what it is it's AMD pisser by the way you guys the name is pisser went down the crapper I'm using that I'm definitely using that the pisser went down the crapper should damn I but yeah so yeah we'll see I'm going to for DF to show it to me right because they're going to give me a thorough bang up job of like this is what it's actually doing right and then we'll know where it actually sits so so somebody did a uh comparison you were talking about um how Hogwarts Legacy right that you looked at that and it's like yeah that's not showing me anything right now we know that that was at 30 FPS right but the picture was pretty right but um you come over here and somebody was kind enough to uh put this together if you take a look obviously not like for like times because as you can see on the series X it's a very bright sunlight that's coming through the glass so you see a lot of light yes which is obscuring some of the reflections and things of that nature and changing the nature of the reflections um but yeah I mean you look at these two images first of all which one you like better is preference at this point because it just depends on how you look at it um but even then even if you still looked at the top one and said to yourself oh no I prefer that one do you prefer it $850 prefer it or like $350 more than you were GNA spend on the regular system to get this is that look this is one of those where you have to like zoom in and actually see right it's kind of tough I I don't know if it's really it's too small it's very hard to actually see the differences here but um I mean but that I mean I guess that's the that's really the point like if you have to do that right what are we doing is it really worth it right yeah like if you have to zoom do you do you want to zoom for $50 say fuing Zoom I want to be like oh [ __ ] wow that makes sense I mean yeah and it's it's going to be like the is the rate tracing at full one to one is it at a quarter to one a half to one right uh and until we like see it you can't really like you'd have to look at it in a full screen kind of see the side to side what I you know from the 490 of course it was a one to one it's like exact everything is like perfect but yeah it's uh I'm trying to see if the rate tracing is any any cleaner doesn't look it to me but it's also not the same so it's hard the lighting on um on the Xbox X obviously it's a different time of day but like it's stunning the reflection is also very very detail and beautiful it looks like the the Xbox One also reflects the ceiling yes you see that's what I feel I feel like I'm seeing where the one the other one is only doing the the glass almost reflecting like what's outside right through the window into into the floor um not paing everything correctly I feel like I see the chandelier that's on the SE that's interesting isn't it or maybe it's just that it's being obscured by the um by the brightness of the window or something like I don't know that's kind of weird because it's brighter down in the bottom right which is just weird so yeah could it be that this is a different time of day or um different position or something I don't know I don't know that top image it almost looked like for me when I look at it that image in front of him to me that looks less like a reflection and more like a puddle I feel like it looks like a puddle it does reflec to a floor you know it it's you also on the series um X it's not diffusing correctly yeah you see that wall right it almost looks like it's it's um it's a fireplace it has that statue coming out you see it very detailed whereas I'm not necessarily sure what I'm seeing on the other side it's reflecting the flat on the Xbox look it reflects the flags yes on the sides of that big glass right you see the the flag is right there or that little you know whatever I guess that's a flag right it's it's reflecting a lot of [ __ ] and again guys you don't have to upgrade from a series X to get it right this is a $450 console yep right now brand new the series X yes in in comparison to the freaking Pro almost $900 we're talking about after tax and and everything that you need for it um and again this is just um like understanding like right this is what they want to do right they want to come over here and they want to sit and they want to pick and they be like well look at this little thing well we could do it too right oh look at this look at this right the the reason why none of that matters is because I should have to spend $850 and then still have to do this exactly that's not the [ __ ] why am I doing this and I'm sorry to say it when you walk in like well with the with the picture I'm seeing the series X you see a lot more detail when you look at those tables you can make out a lot clearer what you're seeing right but even if you couldn't right just if you're just looking without without looking at what you're looking at and just taking the image as a whole as it comes into your eyes there's no part of this where you're looking at this [ __ ] saying what the [ __ ] did I sign up with with this Xbox series X no no you're looking at this [ __ ] like this [ __ ] looks [ __ ] great this [ __ ] looks great I don't want to have to [ __ ] go grab a [ __ ] magnifying glass hey the [ __ ] what God I know I spent $850 for a reason let me find it what are you talking about that's crazy man that's [ __ ] crazy it's crazy all right I want to spend that money it's not about the money I have no problem if yo if you have a 4090 if I had a problem with spending that money then I wouldn't have a [ __ ] 4090 but I do right so it's not about the money it's about what you're giving me for my money right stupid people spend money with nothing in return right that's what they want me to do they want me to say here's my $700 plus $130 for the disc drive and the stand and tax sounds like 900 H Go please and I want it why why do I want it why look at this [ __ ] why do I want it what about this says I should 100% spend this money come on man it's true bootle bro it's bootle I think that's the issue having to dissect to go ahead and see what this means I don't care um about the whole 4070 situation if I'm not seeing the results of it it's not working right um and you know we did get into it um and and um you want to zoom out babe of the picture we did look into it and we were on our show yesterday we were going ahead and looking at the last of us the images and and for the pro they take out the Jeep uh on the shot that we were looking at um they took out the Jeep they the the the treer like they did all all this [ __ ] so they took a lot out a lot of detail in order for it to go ahead and and run smoother right um which when you see the motion is not that much more smooth right but it's it's just it's just we shouldn't have to be looking for something this this um console should have been Standalone right look at what we've made look at how these games look that alone should have been impressive for you to go ahead and have me search the difference between the PlayStation 5 and the pro to see what I can't freaking if I can see what you see we have a situation we have a situation facts facts listen before we uh before we go further because we do have some more stuff in in this particular topic to take a look at and talk about before we do that we're going to go ahead and swap over to our first round of the giveaway that's right our homie Bounty went ahead and gave us a cold to give away for three months yes of Xbox game pass ultimate that's amazing bro that my friend is the real deal shout out to Bounty the homie okay let's [ __ ] go so you know how we do here okay we don't use random picker it's a game okay very simple from zero to 1,000 I'm going to pick a number you all have to guess the number okay easy okay you just guess it and you win it right so you have 30 seconds to put as many freaking choices as guess as you can okay so you don't have to just pick one guess you can do as many guests as you want and you just put it in there you have 30 seconds so Doodle's gon to write start yes I'm ready everything after she writes start will count and then she'll write stop everything after stop will not count do not all right so I already have my number so as soon as doodle wrs start we're gonna [ __ ] get going I'm gonna put in our uh our mus Cante get it oh [ __ ] is it stackable uh I'm assume all anytime you use it is stackable right yeah I think so yeah yeah yeah so if you already have it you should also be able to add this to it did you right start ready ready three two one let's go all right she hits start so everything after that moment will count oh the homie EJ Jackson in the building I see him y EJ Jackson what's up fam he went ahead and gave away uh Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 for Xbox last night so dope of you [ __ ] was fire thank you brother appreciate you let's see if we're going to have a winner we've only had one winner ever that's it who did it on the first round yes all right so all right guys let's see so this is the way it works I'm going to go through and if you're close I will click your name if you see your name this is a bad thing okay that means you did not win all right you got close just not close enough all right so let me go through let me see if we have anybody ooh dip down anime a th see oh Zach with 999 see are we going to have a winner winner chicken dinner man you guys had a lot of guesses Rodney with 934 tip down anime with 970 oh it's in the 900s see are we going to get anyone closer or a win oh man nope I made it to stop so close so close not quite yet so far did down let's see what was the number see I feel like it was 995 978 good number good number 978 you guys all right we have another round that was round one yes of the giveaway and nobody got it that's all right every round the the range gets smaller so next round we'll do 100900 all the way to 400600 and then after that we do one final round where there's a guaranteed winner but that round is only for members yes so if we get to that round if we get to that round but everything up until that point you guys good you guys are good you guys always crack it man you guys always get there all right let's take off the the porn music uh let's get back oh my God all right all right all right so let me uh get this here so oh wait I should probably take a little stamp so I know what I'm going back 136 all right so it's not just like you would think that it's like just something like maybe the the ponies that would that would do it um but it's not what is what's happening here um so you have where's this guy okay right here this guy who typically you would think is a is mostly a pony but I think more Nintendo dude uh definitely more everything else besides Xbox but even even Jason shrier goes ahead and says the PlayStation 5 Pro doesn't feel like the console of the future it feels like a vestage of a rapidly disappearing past this week this week's announcement just showcased the futility of the video game Graphics arms race now this here I don't believe so this is for me where the kind of pony part comes in because instead of giving them the smoke for not delivering something that's worthy and capable of doing something better he's trying to put it on the fact that oh you know we're at the point where doesn't matter what the graphics look like that I don't agree with because clearly all these dudes are crying about the 60 FPS and high in the Fidelity mode right like literally go spits in the face of everything that this dude is talking about but the point is enabling yeah so he's he's kind of giv them the business by saying that um you know it's it's not it doesn't feel like the console of the future it feels like something that's disappearing fast but the thing that he's suggesting is disappearing fast I don't believe that right I think games are pushing Graphics more and more right like black myth wuk Kong is a stunning game on PC right Space Marine 2 stunning game right hellblade 2 stunning game right uh I mean there's so many that are pushing pushing things forward right and that are you know graphically impressive and I I'm pretty sure that ponies would wish that they could turn on their PlayStation 5 Pro and it would look like the black myth wukan you get to play on PC right absolutely it it does not it does not uh just in case you thought it might um but yeah you know when you when you look at this [ __ ] it's like it's they still want to give excuses right that it's just them being out of touch with Graphics we don't need the graphics like a [ __ ] out of here um but I do like the little SL I know well I think he's specifically talking about the arms race though right that's what he's saying right the the back and forth of graphics and I guess if you look at it from a Nintendo no perspective it's like they gave up on the whole Graphics thing they're like we just want to give you games and it worked for them it really did work for them they do that because the other people are doing it exactly it's a balance right so when you have some other other platforms going ahead and giving what that platform is slacking you go ahead and and you say okay well I'm going to get an intendo and then I'll get this other platform for like a nich is a niche that you can't call them Niche because they're like I mean when we say when I say a niche it's they're a huge Niche because it's they're one sector of gaming but they they own the whole sector and that's the problem right so like if you take that sector that they own in the scale of Xbox and Playstation they're a small sector of that right Platformers all that [ __ ] that's a very small part of Xbox and Playstation they don't do very well over here it's just that they do it so well in their own way that they take that little niche that would be considered small in our area and they just blew that [ __ ] up and they have their own world but if everybody stopped and went ahead and did what they're suggesting I hear Echo godd damn it um but if they did what they're suggesting and Xbox and play like [ __ ] it [ __ ] these Graphics okay every game we're gonna make looks like Mario things would change absolutely everybody was making the same types of games then it would it would stop the reason why Nintendo gets to flourish is because the the lane that they run in no one does it like they do it right and no one really tries to do it like they do it um the first one that is getting all the glaze is from Astro by we're gonna talk about that a little later but I mean honestly even Nintendo right we heard rumors uh that like Mario Kart 10 is the most expensive game that they ever worked on that they're pushing Graphics in a big way on that system um which is an interesting thing right we'll see if that works for them or not but well right well you know you know this is the thing whatever whatever Nintendo does you got to look at it right they do push Graphics in their own sector they do like if you think about Mario Odyssey like we saw a video it's still stunning for that little yeah it's beautiful and then all the details that they put into it from the animations to the reactions this is all stuff that's next level that frankly if they just had a [ __ ] ton of power if there was a way that Nintendo could make a cheap box but that was like super powerful they would they would kill it right yeah their big problem at Nintendo is that they don't want to make a $600 console they don't want to make a $500 console they want to stay in that three to 400 range you know that's just where they want to St because of PlayStation because it used to do that and then and it failed for them and they're like to hell with that we're not gonna we're not going to compete with PlayStation let now the fact that they're spending so much money on Mario Kart right and and doesn't that kind of show us the route that they're taking with this with the new console um it's going to be more substantial excited yeah I'm really excited for it um but yeah I I do want them to go go ahead and be able to support those third party games so that you know yeah maybe they want a piece of that pie maybe they're finally like over the [ __ ] that took place back then and and they're ready to step into the ring again in that way Nintendo has something that other platforms can't really can't deliver at the moment so add the third party games to that I mean in the power come on and unlike the untested pisser they get dlss yeah yes yes yes now this is the thing you know we didn't really we didn't really talk about this you know too much but now that we've seen the big bad wolf that is the PlayStation 5 Pro and we see what little it actually brings to the table is the PlayStation 5 Pro enough to push back the switch two the switch two comes out more powerful Beast no third party support up the ass and they out here pushing their own games bigger better than they ever were bro by the way you hear there's a rumor that they're going to be announcing in the beginning of October at beginning of next month yeah yes can you imagine like the day after the uh what's it uh death stranding to that event was it there's 30 days in September right so like two days after after like they just start the month October 1st boom [ __ ] switch to everybody immediately throws their their pre-orders for the PlayStation 5 Pro away because they realize how shitty of a deal that's going to be I I I honestly feel like dead ass I really think switch 2 is going to surprise I think it's going to be a lot more powerful than people think and maybe not raw power but I think Nvidia when they made the switch one it was kind of like they just took their old processor from their [ __ ] their little Shield or whatever the [ __ ] it was um and were like yeah let's throw that in there it's fine but I think now this yo was it seven years later well eight years by the time it comes out eight years later Nvidia is a different Beast right they're a very very different beast and they're gonna want to flex right they're gonna want people to look at it and be like oh [ __ ] that's what happens when Nvidia makes it they're literally kind of going directly against AMD um I mean we're looking at uh you know a desire to flex from every angle right so Nintendo also wants to do the same thing I think it's just a powerful combo and with a lot to prove like for themselves so this is going to be interesting I'm excited for him yeah I I will beat the 4070 oh well obviously if thewit out it'll be a 4080 it's gonna it's gonna skip it you know what I'm saying it's gonna take it to the next level it's be the 4080 and then then people G be like well when I said the when I said the pro was a 4070 I I said that without the pisser with the pisser it's a 4080 you know what I'm saying we'll see how the narrative changes uh but yeah no it's it's so satisfying like there's just moments that just feel so good to doesn't that PlayStation look like it just passed out and gave up yeah like like it's not made to go ahead and lay down no it it really it needs that stand but it can't stand on its own right doodle no no they it cannot stand on its own they toss everything they could at it a bunch of blue pills and nothing bunch of blue pills poor poor poor people um so wait do I see a hold on wait wait oh [ __ ] I was wondering I was wondering but oh shoot yes wait hold on I saw hold on let me see let me see what I miss what did I miss oh oh what did you miss what's up angry Hipp godam angry hippie my dude thank you both for being here man thank you for that sorry that the doodle slipping thank you right on time I say right on time uh agre hippie says don't question just consume product and wait for next product facts right just like oh PlayStation 5 Pro ping out yes please I'm take it right now that's what they want like [ __ ] zombies bring your own Bo how you gonna show up how are you gonna put on nine minutes of trash and then come out and be like oh yeah you should definitely pre-order this come on man get out of here and cage feeler Oh I thought he didn't want them but they're here says Friday tradition sir harie please give C money his I oh [ __ ] what was that beginning that wasth Vader Darth Vader oh I probably should play something Darth Vader since he died this we oh yeah poor guy rip rip weird thing to talk about as we're watching this girl get [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn cage feler never fails thank youate thank you cage oh my God that's hilarious um all right so there's another group of people that you wouldn't expect to really be giving PlayStation to smoke here but they are so let's watch IGN goes ahead and uh says what Sony really needs to help sell the PlayStation 5 Pro so let's watch is GTA 6 enough of a reason to get a $700 PS5 Pro probably not what you need to sell a console are games and in their presentation Sony decided to show off Star Wars Jedi Survivor which is coming to PS4 Hogwarts Legacy which is already on switch and a bunch of old games that you probably already beat not a great flex but hey they also said 40 to 50 games will see visual improvements on the pro like the crowd sizes in ration and Clank and the trees in Spider-Man 2 uh okay maybe that doesn't matter for you and that's fine it's for a smaller group of Gamers but back when the PS4 Pro came out it only sold 13% as much as the bass PS4 did or about as much as the Wii U did but the PS4 Pro was also only 400 bucks just $100 more than the base PS4 at the time at 700 bucks Sony might sell even fewer PS5 Pros than the PS4 Pro did what Sony really needs to do is show off games like ghost of sushima 2 or insomniax Wolverine to really put the PS5 Pros powers on full display because right now slightly nicer trees aren't going to cut it is GTA 6 enough it's true it's true look at the trees yo look at the trees look at the trees zoom in you tell me you don't see how sharp that is see it from far away so we're gonna zoom in and do a side by side and see if you can find it Roberto Z said the check it not clear I guess they have to on payments I love my people I won't mention the name but maybe they sent the payment to somebody else oh oh who got that now I will say something here because you know he brought up the idea of showing ghost of Ghost of shuimu and Wolverine um but man it might have been yeah it was a while ago but Amit Kumar I remember seeing it and I meant to mention it and then I forgot um but he did say something that you have to understand this is not going to be something that is just like they're making a game so they're they're going to guarantee take advantage of all the bells and whistles of a PlayStation 5 Pro just like on the Xbox series X they don't take advantage of all the bells and whistles when they're making a multiplatform game what they're going to do which is most likely the reality of what it is is that they're going to find the least common denominator amongst the PlayStation 5 Pro and the series X they're going to try to find where they meet in the middle and just do it Baseline [ __ ] up there instead of trying to make it work the best on PlayStation 5 Pro and then make it work the best on the series X I don't think so I think they're going to push everything up to a certain level and then average it out because they're not going to want the PlayStation 5 Pro to look bad if they're you know I'm sure I'm sure the pro also has a parody Clause to the pro so we're gonna see the series X probably just matching what they're doing instead of passing them like they do on uh Space Marine 2 uh but I I'm pretty sure that parody Clause will will come back oh oh go ahead happen Zach oh [ __ ] Jeff Jeff pass his check immediately oh my God yo that's hilarious exposed exposed indeed exposed indeed um oh [ __ ] but but listen I mean the the reality is is that this is you know this was a really like this is embarrassing what they did man like this this was not a good look this was a really [ __ ] uh [ __ ] scenario and didn't they do something very similar to uh the PlayStation 4 Pro reveal like wasn't the reveal like kind of ass to they I mean they did show like the the faster no that was the PlayStation 5 reveal oh godd damn I mixed them all up they all sucked all right PlayStation doesn't know how to do this [ __ ] bro they don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing you saw The Last of Us in every single one that's the goddamn you're right Comm it is because it is because of that the homie J gamer what is up my how is the married life how are you thank you for being here brother I appreciate you being here and thank you for that $2 Super Chat says uh does PlayStation have GTA 6 marketing or not I need to know I mean they still haven't said anything right nobody has said anything Thing official we have no idea I mean supposedly we'll find out at the game awards supposedly that's what the you know the Rumor Mill says so in in December we're gonna see a Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer that's going to uh have a PlayStation logo at the end is what is what the rumor is I mean listen we kind of talked about it but at the end of the day if Sony wants to [ __ ] yeah spend every dollar they have on trying to you know go ahead and get the marketing for this game um where Xbox might not want to spend that money especially if they do what we would like them to do which is and there's been Rumors in the past of them doing which is pulling up and just buying the [ __ ] building and have PlayStation already contracted to pay them I would be insane them feel SE bro 40 chess bro 40 chess if they have the marketing and then next year gets announced that 2K is being bought that Rocky will just pull out his hair in front of everybody I was gonna say something El just what if they do the the the the stupid move which is they get exclusive content if they do that you know that's going to just push Microsoft over say oh oh well if they're if they're trying to exclusive cont really uh Xbox might have to come over there with a with a flying uppercut um but no listen I I don't I don't think that for Microsoft it's going to be worth the money to pay for the marketing I think I've been saying that they just got just deal with Cod for now yeah because look think about it every GTA 5 is the one of the bestselling games on every platform no one who has a Xbox who has Grand Theft Auto 5 and wants a Grand Theft Auto 6 no one is going to be confused and be like oh well I guess I got to buy PlayStation because the marketing is telling me that it's only on Playstation like they're not stupid right everybody going to buy that game on it's going be advertised in the game right like yeah they're gonna advertise GTA 6 in GTA online in GTA 5 as soon as you turn on the game they'll have an ad for it is what's gonna happen no one's going to be confused about it PlayStation if they spend this money it's just another waste of money for them it's just proof that their stupidity doesn't stop right because they don't have the money for this [ __ ] right they don't have the money for this [ __ ] and you're already at the point where you're not going to have a ton of money coming back for this type of investment people are going to buy this game regard if nobody has the marketing for this [ __ ] game is gonna sell everywhere [ __ ] tons right I mean that's just the reality of what it is um but demo what do you think do you think that um that they're gonna have it um bro I I don't know they could they could I mean they got to have something right because they depended on Call of Duty and now they don't have it anymore so they really they really need this one this is like uh do or die for them so this is my opinion I feel like if they don't get I mean it'll be surprising if they don't get it you know what I'm saying it it be surprising if they don't get it because they really need to fight for this like Xbox at the end of the day they don't care that much about all of this you know we've seen it like even even Call of Duty they didn't even care about it you know they were like okay you know what you have it now now they learn that that it was necessary for other things but now they you know what they're doing is that they're using Call of Duty to grow Game Pass right um but yeah I I don't I don't see I don't see this um you know as something that is like uh essential right for for any of these two teams to to um to do better in my opinion because like you say a few people are going to go into the store and they going to see the the thing and they gonna see oh you know GTA on PS5 but by by the time people get to the store you might get and trick and finesse a couple of grandmas or two buty for the most part people in freak got freaking YouTube they they got social media they well informed so they will probably know that gdj is indeed going to every platform so even on PC because I mean people are saying the PC thing is going to be delay or not we don't know I mean do we really know got that information that for PC is gonna come later on do we have they have they said it have they said it because people are really thinking like oh it's only going to be on console on Console but like I don't know I mean I I would think if Ro rockster was smart enough they would put they would learn from Square Enix and put put it everywhere at once because like I mean people from PC there's way more uh monthly active users on PC that on Console you know so this is that's the problem yeah because they know they have a captive audience right GTA is gonna sell it's gonna sell a ton yeah they know they're taking advantage of that but it's just like they don't need to they'd be nice I like the idea if they do it all at the same time there's another reason why if they get bought by Xbox then you're guaranteed to have PC released the same day so yeah bought by Xbox you know I love the sound of that you know what I'm saying like I hear that and I just say oh my God what a morning that's going to be you know what I'm saying when you wake up and you look at Twitter and all of a sudden it's just like hey Xbox plus that you know that black logo with the Xbox Sign Plus Take 2 Aaron Greenberg we're announcing that we are acquiring take to holy [ __ ] Grand Theft Auto is going to be everywhere day one in Game Pass it's gonna be glorious wow oh my God and then you know those tweets are gonna go out to the FTC and to the president you have to stop got petitions Hol he's going to be like if you let this go through we will never recover we will never recover oh godamn we could joke about it because it can happen you know what I'm saying yeah they got the back they got the back like if we're a pony Channel and we're like joking about that people are like uh okay yeah yeah but here we can joke about it because I mean it's true but you had a you had a great Point uh demo that you know they were paying for the the Activision bag you know what I'm saying like they were paying for Call of Duty yes and now that's gone right so whatever whatever they were spending on that has now been fre they wasted on Concord and con that took place this year every hit you know what maybe that's what they saw maybe they said listen we'll we'll lose the money on Concord but we saved it on the Call of Duty marketing so maybe they maybe they didn't lose as much because they saved it anyway um but no I mean I could definitely see on the sales right because they're getting 30% now instead of was it 20 yeah yeah dude they make more money on the sales and they don't have to pay up for the marketing so I mean yeah I think that it's very likely now that that you said a dis way demo that it would make the most sense and again I I mean Xbox much rather buy T2 with PlayStation having a marketing deal that they have to pay for just guaranteed more money from them right I mean it's a beautiful thing uh so yeah I I get it JD gamer thank you for that Super Chat he does come back to back with that uh $2 Super Chat says gamer by the way go pathetic Port Megan Pony still got no games well they actually like released one J it's called Astro butut and uh nobody bought it um it's so more than Concord he's so cute he's so cute and they did release another one called Concord but unfortunately it died in less than two weeks yeah damn and then pisser lasted three days the strikes oh wait I'm sorry oh that's hilarious worst PlayStation heading but this is the thing yes okay so Grand Theft Auto is going to sell period right so if they go ahead and they have the marketing rdes they can do a bundle understood but at the same time like because the game is going to sell anyways is it smart for them to go ahead and spend extra money and not get that 30% right and instead go ahead and get 20 that could be messy at first I thought well this is a guaranteed sale go ahead and put this out here maybe since everything else that they've made it's like up in the air and then it turns out that it's all a failure right maybe just because Grand Theft Auto everyone's waiting for it but then again everyone's waiting for it everybody's getting ready making moves for it I don't know I don't know that this is going to be the year that that it that it matters listen all we know is is that if PlayStation gets it the ponies are going to come out and start celebrating about how amazing this is for them and then they're going to come out at the beginning of the year and say we're buying that [ __ ] and then all that celebity is going to turn to crying all I'm saying is one PlayStation Juju when you're out there signing deals yeah facts just saying not guarantee it's not Call of Duty type of success where it comes out every freaking year and it just sells sell sells right talking about 10 years later yes it's going to sell but you don't want that zuu around you maybe just saying game game looks good buto go ahead what you gon say yeah my question is like wouldn't Sony PlayStation be uh F boys be capping for uh GDA uh freaking marketing to for like like as as if was a fake exclusive that they can trick people with thinking that this is exclusive and they celebrating this this is just like it's just funny it doesn't make any sense what did they get out of this because everybody knows that that it's coming to all platform so I don't really get how and why would a pony celebrate this as a win they like when we get a game that Xbox buys a publisher or something what what do we celebrate the fact that we get it on Game Pass basically for free they this this is this means nothing to them they going to have to spend whatever uh you know because we don't know the price here right might be $100 right some people were saying that it could very well be a $100 game but if bought it it would have gone on Game Pass right probably I mean we got we at least would have have we would paid for Early Access at least we would have have a 50 chance but these ponies have a 150% chance that they have to pay for this game that they have to buy this game without the you know with money out of other their pockets so I I don't feel like this should be celebrating like oh yeah we won the the market deal the marketing deal for GTA like yeah so what like what are you gonna do like what are you gonna do with this this so weird this is so weird bro did did um did they get something exclusive for Grand Theft Auto 5 I don't know who cares we don't remember I think online they might have gotten some maybe like the online version they might have gotten some [ __ ] but I mean that would be the only thing that they would be trying to do like obviously on Call of Duty that's what they used to hold over Xbox right they would get exclusive [ __ ] um but Xbox bought that [ __ ] right it all matters at the end of the day right it's marketing it's putting yourself out there it's it's it's putting your your console out there for with something connected to something that people are looking to buy right so but the the question is is it a smart investment for someone who's had so many failures back to back to back right does this money kind of Suits better to trying to figure out what you should do to move forward in your own space like maybe figuring out what type of games your consumer may possibly want that you can possibly deliver and how you can move forward they're in a they're in a situation and that's the problem so I I get it if you have games releasing and you have your [ __ ] going on yes throw freaking the the the marketing rights to Grand Theft Auto and it's like the the frosting on the cake right but if everything else is lacking and this is what you're investing in what does that mean for the rest of your games what does that mean for you know your your your Studios your first party games what are we what are we talking about here do they even have any I mean we haven't seen like sign of life outside of these fck we haven't we're going to take a year off and after these these problems that took place and the the the losses that they've had how do you not H how how do you not pass whatever it is you have going on true it's true uh the homie eeman 2537 thank you brother for be here man2 super chat says PlayStation 5 Pro comes with a six-pack for that pisser tech oh my God yo that's that what a [ __ ] name I still don't understand how that passed like how did you end up with pisser as your acronym it's like they're trying to fail like like did they not do they not look over things do they not talk about things do they not gather up like what is happening in there and who's making and approving these decisions like what is going on it's it's like self- sabotage at this point or they're just trolling yeah they taking the piss British taking the peace mate oh my God can you imagine like maybe piss like maybe that's just an American thing and in these other countries pisser doesn't sound like anything but Mark cery he should have known better you know what I'm saying he should have known better you want me to say what the homie JD gamer J gamer what's up baby thank you brother for being here thank you for says still recovering from the Usher concert o my lady passed the Kiki test the [ __ ] the Kiki test the hell is the Kiki test K the Kik test there so soon so the soon to be married life is great oh is that what it is is that the song yeah yeah I think it's that that song yeah I don't know that's not Usher that's Drake but he the Drake song or something right that's why he meant I don't know I don't know W weird reference whatever all right all right we get it we get it we get it I don't know is if you know what it is let us know k k yeah I don't know what that is but let us know let us know Kiki I I I felt like it was someone who had gone I forget her name her exact name but she went to yes okay all right EJ yes saving me over here that's her name Kiki Palmer she went to the Usher concert and there was you know some dancing going on between her and Asher it was it was um very very tense got it got it okay well I mean listen you know got gotta do you I mean EJ Jackson was all over that he was oh I know what K is I know I know I know I I swear I know right now he was ready he not [ __ ] around Q EJ Jackson with the save yes I knew I was like hold on I can't get no you got it now I didn't know about that so you know thank you for the knowledge uh Angry hippie the homie my dud brother for being here man appreciate you thank you for that $5 Super Chat says unfortunately for ponies Khan won't be heading the FTC by then I mean [ __ ] even witcon just really nothing that they were going to be able to do to stop this [ __ ] there's nothing about this deal that would be a problem it's going to be listen they're GNA announce some [ __ ] what it is we don't know but early next year They will announce an acquisition I know it I just feel it they're on this Cadence right they're just knocking it out every couple years and we're still waiting to see what that double down means you know what I'm saying so double down means do something big I'm feeling it uh the pause I don't know how that came out so let me just backtrack that [ __ ] real quick I don't know how exactly how I just said that so let's just let's just let's just stop the homie Cas feeling my dude than up for me than for that Super Chat love in a month ponies be crying because they paying us for COD they will be yeah it's So Glorious um they they don't like cod anymore they don't even care about it right yeah that's what he's number one every freaking week every freaking week is number one of PlayStation dude you won't believe it but they had a whole little session talking about it I have the clip where they were saying that ah people are going to just walk away from Call of Duty so fast oh yeah yeah it's not worth it not good we'll see we'll see how it goes they definitely they definitely crying see I knew I knew we need kills already see money expecting big things out there leave me alone okay nobody's expecting nothing big all right leave it alone I don't want to know you lucky I missed it I would have been messing with you no no no I'm good amck Kumar says according to J Bar Concord is better than uh Call of Duty of course where's Concord again you know what's for sure better than my gosh what what happened get bule tell me no hold on cuz I want to show them I want them to see I don't want to tell them I want them to see hold on all right keep going keep going no you got to show them to me no go ahead go ahead hold on let me see if I can find it all right I think I sent it to you though well because I was gonna so what I was gonna say which you ruin my transition when I said you know what's better than Concord I was going to say our next round of the giveaway but oh let's go let's go all right so let's do our next round let's go ahead and see if we can get a a winner winner chicken dinner yes uh over here so I think um maybe we should maybe we should tighten it a little bit what do you think do you think you want to do like 2 to 800 right now 200 to 800 let's go yes let do the 200 to 800 now all right so we're going to do 200 800 then 400 to 600 and then if nobody wins there we'll do the closest two number and that'll be for members only so all right I already have my number oh my God you asked for it you just set yourself up oh my God yep money you are going to transition when is this happening that F you is not nice okay that's not nice you should not be using any words against me God all right so you guys 30 seconds shout out to Bunty he is gifting yes three months of Game Pass ultimate let's go I'm so excited whoever gets this let's freaking go all right you have number right see I have the number you guys got to guess 200 to 800 to 800 yes as many guesses as you want as soon as she says start all right all right three two one get I need a music there we go all right let's see as many listen you only got 30 seconds probably like 15 seconds by now as many guesses as you can make 200 800 let's go can we get a winner can we get a winner I'm feeling it we've had a lot of round two winners right I think round two the timer is up you guys let's see Road stop let's see I don't know I don't know you know the deal I'm going to click your name if you're close if you see your name G it's not a good thing it's not a good thing let's start it off right here oh right youart with 248 who's going to get it 248 and Mac with 254 let's see anybody going to pop the Cherry is anybody going to about the Cherry I don't know getting close to the stop I love how Nate Johnson said [ __ ] it let's go 65 let go man are we going to be eluding the number M Max said [ __ ] it I'm just going to double down same number same with his chest all right he said I believe it this is my number this a big deal it's three months of Game Pass ultimate you guys is a Game Pass is the gift that keeps on freaking giving let's go a lot of you put in a number and a lot of you were wildly wrong man and Ma you were so close bro so close oh I got to the stop I got to the stop all right see what was the number it was 2 257 oo what did he have 258 254 oh he doubled down on the same number man that was close that was close not close enough not close enough that's right oh listen this is this back to back that he's been dancing around the actual numb so we'll see we'll see see that was a good good attempt good attempt do the next round in a little bit all right so let me get my chapter so I can go ahead and go here let me queue up the next thing um actually this is just a little it's a little side note but it's a preview of what's to come for PlayStation ponies um excuse me uh let me just get this T that real quick okay so you know that these uh the ponies are going to be talking about oh man everybody wants this [ __ ] it's the dopest [ __ ] out there well Insider gamer puts out a little bit of a message here and says scalpers are going hard on the PlayStation 5 disc drives but sources say we aren't cooked I don't know what that means but the point is that in this little clip right here they go ahead and they show the PS5 disc debacle hits a new low scalpers are attempting to resell PlayStation 5 disc drives on multiple sites like eBay but sources say we shouldn't need to worry about availability the communication works of America otherwise known as that's the stupidest [ __ ] that I've ever heard by the way that I shouldn't have to worry about availability the very definition of the scalper is that they're going to buy as many as exist so that they force people to have to go to eBay so if you thought you were going to be in a good place you're not you're going to be sitting there crying it's going to be pretty funny I'm not gonna lie um but unless they made that many like man oh yeah yeah yeah because that's that was one of their highest selling uh accessories they just they just love that [ __ ] all right so our next topic all right well you know what before we move on let me just make sure any anything else on the on the PlayStation 5 Pro situation right now anybody any last words is that all inclusive is in like the reveal thingy that they had what reveal thingy that they had their 9 Minute stupidity thing I guess we're kind of done right I don't know whatever well we did the well we did the breakdown of the 9 minute thing on Tuesday no yeah yeah wasn't here he wants to [ __ ] he wants to he wants to bury these [ __ ] yo let's go H where you want where you want to bring this to we here God here I got something to say though about the PS5 Pro go ahead go ahead DOA DOA PlayStation Pro 700 bet DOA DOA yo well listen if only if only they had the marketing rights for Call of Duty if only you know actually this right here is another little wrinkle because I saw this and I forgot that I had this here um but Tom Warren and John linman right so let's start with John linman so he's innocent enough says wow yeah ff7 rebirth looks a lot better on the PlayStation 5 pro Night and Day difference I actually put off playing it due to other things happening at the time of release but the pro will finally push me to enjoy it image quality was just too awful on a normal PlayStation five um I wonder how many times he tweeted that statement out before the PlayStation 5 Pro existed by the way you know like before there was any word of the PlayStation 5 Pro coming out did he go out there and say man the PlayStation 5 version of this game is Just dog [ __ ] I don't know if he did that I don't know if he did that and then he really some images which this is just a cut scene which I don't understand why they're showing cutcenes um this is also a cut scene because homeboy is not in this picture so um which by the way this is not a flattering picture so I don't know no like this is a ugly [ __ ] picture look at the floor yeah this is not the one to show like 360 Graphics yeah like what the [ __ ] look at that deer like what am I looking at here but the thing is that you almost you you kind of don't make it out like you have to like focus and to see the the detail find the freaking deer and by the way it's like makeup like makeup so like like somebody ug with makeup on yeah yes you get really close to the face you you like goddamn you kind of ugly you actually kind of ugly bro on Tik Tok on Tik Tok dudle showed me some videos of people who got I promise promise you yeah they look like actual monsters right like actual monsters that live underground and mutant like [ __ ] mutants and then they take like 48 different product and just like splatter on their face and those [ __ ] look like they're [ __ ] like pick a pick some chick like some some famous person like what the like it's crazy what these people can do it's insane uh but no this here honestly I look at this like this is the first time I looked at it on a bigger bigger screen here and this looks ass and this is their this is their like non crushed image right this is digital Foundry taking their image and be like yeah look this is the purest most purest version uh this looks like [ __ ] so this was a bad bad thing to try to sell looks like he got bit by the chupaca oh my God guys do me a favor look at this [ __ ] game right now he said this looks miles better what what did he say he night and day if this is day what the [ __ ] was night yep look at look at the chick what who's that Tifa EA no that's the P that's the girl the picture in the beginning it's like it doesn't look okay okay look at her look at and then go back father selling it right look at her here we go can I select a part of the [ __ ] screen to zoom in that would be nice because I'm seeing no details I feel like this is ghost on this [ __ ] I feel like I'm looking at Ghost Face from freaking um uh what's the movie I'm freaking thinking about scream yes bro we can't see you zoom it in but he did get it zoomed in you guys you me you can't see this I [ __ ] cracked the nut what damn you what cracked the nut you know I'm saying solve the case Okay solve the problem I I am super zoomed in right now it sucks that uh is man that blows okay well so much for my I thought I just yeah I thought I slammed that all right well oop either way you look close to that bit that is crazy this looks so whack yeah soak this should not have been gassed up like that bro this should this is not I already see people talking [ __ ] crack nuts no that's a saying man all right it's like I cracked the case you know what I'm talking about never heard of that never heard of it crack I've never heard that one I've heard of another one where you bust but I'm not going to I'm going to you know what Tupac said mama told me never stop until I crack a knot you know what I'm saying it's just the way it is um but understand guys like dead ass dead ass all right aside from the jokes this is a PlayStation 5 Pro Image wa wait hold on right you at once location in in Jersey like where are you cracking these nuts you why you want it no a saying from the 1920s maybe damn Duke damn that's cold damn damn wow Le bur says first he money's transitioning now he's cracking nuts very suspect this is uncalled for let's focus here okay guys let's focus let's FOC we can be giving uh smoke in this direction up here not like down in you know what I'm saying godam you know what I'm talking about bro the screen the screen look at this [ __ ] okay this is a PlayStation 5 Pro Image guys yeah yeah it's freaking [ __ ] like dead ass you telling me this you look at this that's a 4070 to you this is a 4070 right you look at this and you're telling me you're saying to yourself bro I need God bless you my love you're saying to yourself I need I God bless you my love you need a PlayStation 5 Pro this is it this is the [ __ ] that makes you say [ __ ] this [ __ ] sign me the [ __ ] up guys come on man I don't know man what do you guys think when you look at this right now what's your honest opinion of this image over what you remember the PlayStation 5 version looking like I don't know but confirm Doodle's allergic to nuts oh my God no bueno no those some SE I don't know if you guys heard through his mic but [ __ ] there was some feeling behind that for sure for sure um so you go first right so what do you I mean again demo you look at this now again I'm not saying don't look at this like a oh this looks like a fine game you got what I'm asking you this versus if you does this look like a PlayStation 5 Pro game to you ah it looks like a whatever game like any game out there it doesn't look like anything special to be fair it looks freaking basic basic FX it looks like it's from the freaking PlayStation three times and or or or the freaking the 360 like come on what are we talking about here you guys this is this is a failure be and I hope that these damn ponies go out there with their [ __ ] ass narrative and buy this [ __ ] they know damn well they're not going to waste their money on this trash right but they want to go out there and cap and act as if they've got a freaking stronger than a 4090 situation going on over here so you know they should have been saving their money because they're going to go ahead and what spend it on this trash go ahead spend your money and good on you everybody should spend their money how they want to I hope a lot of ponies get set up and then they sit around roaming around crying because Sony got you again yeah selective hearing they have selective hearing selective Vision exactly so if that's what they want good go ahead and get screwed don't come crying listen I'm sorry but I cannot look at this and say with any real sincerity that this looks like a night and day did you hear what he said yeah does he know what things look like at night versus the morning time like does he know what the phrase night and day looks like maybe he lives in alasas yo that was a good one doodle crazy uh to be fair we don't know how bad it looks on the B yo you should all tweet at John L under this thing and be like so do you live in Alaska okay let's find out that is hilarious bro oh my God that was amazing sorry go ahead yeah I was just saying like to be fair we don't know how bad it looked on the PS5 right so we have watch problem no I anything about okay so on the PlayStation 5 in performance mode it looked like Vaseline got smeared on it remember um this is going to be easy um Red Dead Redemption 2 you remember the Xbox One X version versus the the PS4 pro version okay crispy and Vaseline similar but again on Fidelity mode this is what it looks like anyway okay but meaning this is really like the graphics on this game are not like look at her bro like Zoom this [ __ ] in like [ __ ] get your face up on the screen you know what I'm saying like just get up in there she does not like hold on let me I gotta [ __ ] look look at this man you know how sales work right they they save it for after you buy right is that not it that's wild come on man I have to where where oh here we go cord wayer what is up bro thank you for rocking out happy Friday look at the realistic Shadow wow he made me look there that [ __ ] looks ass oh my goodness what are we talking about here I can't even but see these are some of the things that you kind of can't even entertain right you can't like what who are we talking to what are we talking about I'm just saying like what was even the purpose of showing this image why would you show us this as if this somehow represents what the game looks like this is a cut scene soon as you come at immediately the next one what is this [ __ ] I think it's being sarcastic or something I don't know bro that's what it looks like hope yeah dude not John lman this dude is this is he's dead ass this is what he believes in his heart that this is a night and day difference that that's that's that's the key right there is seeing this with his heart it's not seeing it with his eyes because his heart is with PlayStation it's all that pony Love From Within you know dancing G filling it up with butterflies you know making like you know the the skin go like you know brother oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] yo yeah no this is a uh this is a problem this is a problem this is not [ __ ] how can you look at this and say yeah I'm gonna pay 850 for this I'm gonna pay 850 for this Primo says no way pay 700 for that trash yep the homie Kate fieler I did not see this I wonder why I didn't see this what happened want see if you were gonna catch it oh yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure they don't know who clicked on it I clicked on it says see money I've sat on a nut terrible always my left one that is abuse you need to give your check bro oh you got to do something to handle that situation I'm just saying go sit on the right one every once in a while you know what I'm saying balance out the homie Kate feeler man back to back with that super how many times has his he says always like MTI you gotta be like all right let me just be aware of that left one yeah like you should probably buy like a nut pouch or something you know what I'm saying keep your keep your nuts in check you know what I'm saying they can't be [ __ ] wild like this out here always sitting on them shits oh my God a pouch let's go cage with that $2 appreciate you f says C money traded syrup for Vaseline run doodle no no no it's always syrup you know what I'm saying it's always syrup on the doodle delicious that's just just the way it' be um but yes right so uh Primo Jake did say he w't spend $700 for that uh Roberto says sometimes you feel like a nut you know I mean I feel that sometimes Mr nobody says PlayStation 5 Pro is a ripoff I see why Xbox skipped a refresh shaking my head I mean listen this is not the first time right think about this okay we all like we are treating this like this hasn't happened before PlayStation 4 Pro came out before this the 1X a year before and we saw the difference that was between the 1X and the pro right the onx slapped that [ __ ] up right but this time they said you know let's give it another year okay so now you got the pro coming then you have a year break and then you're gonna have Boom the next year where they're gonna really [ __ ] oh it's gonna be vicious it's gonna be beautiful uh Veron Kai said to be fair the Final Fantasy 7 remake PC Port is dog [ __ ] so I wouldn't be surprised if it looks like this this on the PC too I mean that would just be embarrassing at this point but then why even talk about this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying yeah like why even bring it up if it doesn't look like this why make such a big deal for this T Bone says the switch looks better than this LOL honestly like this picture over here yeah if you told me this was a picture from [ __ ] Zeno blade uh or Zeno gears whatever the hell that one the last one part three that came out yeah I wouldn't be like oh get the hell out of here no I think that looks pretty close to what the switch is capable of doing in this scene right here like that's that's wild and it's a cut scene too so it makes it even worse exactly Reggie bones said this it looks 720p that's wild listen it's true man uh damn good says I want to see the Xbox series X version of rebirth it's probably going to look the same as the pro I mean think about that what's the point of the pro like if you're going to get the same why are you spending money on a pro why would you ever right makes no [ __ ] sense um let me see space shot says it's brilliant Sony can release one trailer for games that will accurately show how the visuals will look on PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Pro it's a real money and time saver right they whing they whing the fact that they feel like they don't need to make any extra effort it's it's baffling yeah it it's I mean look at the end of the day it's just I saw this and I was like really like you're this is what you're showing right this is the way that you're showing it now he did he to be fair to John Lyman he did go ahead and quote tweet this and say should I delete this tweet because it didn't come out right and blah blah blah blah blah and apparently what he was referencing is like the the the edges right not looking Alias not the quality of the graphics itself but either way you're still showing this [ __ ] to us and it looks like dog [ __ ] right I mean just kind of is what it is um but Tom Warren goes ahead and uh obviously our favorite Pony bot um and he goes ahead and says this is what I want to see more of a lot of people have dismissed the PlayStation 5 Pro because of the price tag and Sony's weird presentation but pisser could be a big deal for consoles like dlss was on PC first of all that's really ballsy to say that Sony on their first attempt is going to do what dlss has done right that's crazy um and then this is where unnecessary right because it's just stupid Sony has beaten Microsoft a company focused on AI to bring this Tech to consoles now I don't know I I'm I'm not sure I'm not quite sure maybe I who knows uh but these consoles came out in 2020 so is he trying to what shame Xbox because they're not releasing a mid gen because if I remember correctly the buildup the buildup to all this idea of a midgen was that nobody needs a midgen nobody's actually making the use of the consoles that are out now so on one hand this was not necessary why are these midg happening right that's what the media wanted to tell us so much of it's proven by PlayStation why why is it's necessary right 100% shouldn't be doing this so but now they're trying to say What Microsoft is a loser because they're not releasing a midgen console with PlayStation but this is what they want to do they want the reaction they want to entice they want to see how much power they have to go ahead and try to make it seem like they should they did something stupid and have freaking Twitter up in arms about the fact that now Xbox is not releasing a freaking console a freaking um a refresh they Phil was very clear if you guys think that you're GNA create any type of freaking wave about this you're not um the focus here is how shitty the PlayStation 5 Pro really is and the fact that it doesn't even it can't even do what the x is doing now so I mean you can throw whatever you want and try to take the focus away from that [ __ ] but it it it lives on right because this [ __ ] is going to release on November 7th and it's gonna be just another failure for PlayStation it is what it is agreed I'll take my my 2026 console and handheld thank you very much bars uh Hari what do you think you think uh that we're crazy we're talking [ __ ] about this but I don't know it seems like unnecessary for Tom War to come out here talking [ __ ] about Microsoft bringing AI I don't know what do you think yeah I mean look it's it's hard to tell if it's going to be very different or not but remember there is this thing called Autos Sr right that is going to be part of the Microsoft uh Suite of capabilities uh that includes you know Windows as well as Xbox and part of rdna 2 was they waited so they would have machine learning which does give you some AI capability so is it possible that they could do something within Hardware they could it's not dedicated Hardware specifically for that but uh they could take away some compute units and do AI upscaling um you know Autos Sr is supposed to go like 1080 to 4 okay right that's the the thing but I don't know how well that's going to work we'll find out right so and I don't know if it's available yet I think it might be available in Windows now uh but that's the kind of thing so I think they're going to try to do their own a lot of what they do with their capabilities is based on DirectX right it's whatever you know the windows gaming infrastructure is they basically just replicate that into the console uh or vice versa there might be features that come in from console that go to Windows right um so I think that's kind of what what they're looking at so now will that show up in the next like year on on the series X and S that's a possibility right we also just heard about FSR 4 right that's also a possibility so we don't know right you know those folks talk at the internal level like AMD and Xbox they're talking PlayStation and AMD they're talking right and as far as Windows and what they're doing with Autos Sr obviously that's part of the Xbox ecosystem I'm sure they're uh they're looking into that as well right so I we don't know where they are in this uh potential so to just presume that they've kind of beating them to the punch well again we just heard about FSR 4 and what if that is implemented in Xbox first those things usually come to Xbox first right so if it if it does come out in Xbox say early next year is it really beating them to the punch because you didn't have to pay more you just get it it's an upgrade it's just there right and so even your series s will take advantage of that so just thinking about that right and then let's say you know six months later it comes to the PS5 as well you know hey you you just got a built-in feature that you don't have to do anything about it's just there and you already own it and you just you know you don't have to pay the 700 bucks to upgrade to it now that doesn't mean that they wouldn't get better performance maybe they do right we'll have to see what it looks like I'm just waiting for an actual Tech briefing that shows me what the differences are right so it like somebody in the chat said that how it looks in Fidelity mode on the PS5 okay so really you're not getting much except for frames right okay but have we seen I me if that he didn't show he didn't show anything about frames in this picture yeah is this at 60 frames do we know that right so yeah like again I'm I I want to wait and see right it it like there's a lot of jumping the gun on the cery presentation of [ __ ] and like we don't know what this is really going to be until we see it right so it was very obvious we talking though if we are talking we're talking about what was shown to us right everything all the other conversations that are having imaginary everybody else these Ponies are having conversations about dreams yeah it's as powerful as a funny 70 that's a dream there's no anything here there's no proof because we haven't seen it now if they come and show some amazing [ __ ] [ __ ] ey melting [ __ ] that you say to yourself God damn that is [ __ ] amazing and then you show me the PlayStation 5 version and I look at it and I'm like damn that [ __ ] looks D yeah then it's like wow that's impressive but outside of that we have not seen that so go ahead I'm sorry continue no no but that that's exactly right and so like if the Autos Sr capability comes over and that's just you know it leverages the capabilities that nobody's taking advantage of yet on the series SN X right then hey they have that too and then you suddenly have pretty much parody and you're like all right well how well did that do for you you have to pay 700 bucks for that but again the problem is it's going to come to the PS5 right whatever is happening there is going to come to the PS5 so if FSR 4 works and it takes advantage of those things without having to upgrade your Hardware like why do you need a PS5 proo it just it doesn't make any sense so I I like what he's saying fair enough maybe they did beat him to the punch but again we don't know when that stuff just shows up Hey what if they announce you know hey in November uh November what is it 6th 7th when this is comes up oh November 7th we're releasing an update to the series snx to bring Autos Sr what if they do that or FSR 4 now what now what the fake concern is is [ __ ] [ __ ] though it's just put something out there to make Xbox look bad right I don't see anybody concerned with the amount of Studios that PlayStation has versus Xbox right or the amount of games that PlayStation's releasing versus Xbox right if anything we're out here they're out here capping for ashraa so I don't understand where the concern kicks in if Phil doesn't need like it's necessary to go ahead and have a [ __ ] mid gen freaking console and we're we're talking that possibly in 2026 we're getting a freaking console and Playstation stuck with this old technology that can't even reach the X like what are we talking about here what are we trying to entertain how is Xbox always brought to the situation whether they're somehow a part of it or not I just I would love to see where we can talk about PlayStation and all of their [ __ ] problems on its own but the world doesn't want to face that [ __ ] dude it's true it's true uh M Kumar has a really good uh point over here says my question is why is square inex wasting resources on this pro version they've already maxed out on players over there ponies didn't support it they should be hurrying up to port to PC and Xbox let's wait for two weeks and find out right TGs is around the corner and you imag that would be [ __ ] hilarious actually um but you know the the worst part about it though is if you see this [ __ ] like if you watch the um uh the like the replies and [ __ ] people uh talk to him about it right and he's so caught up in trying to like devalue what anybody else is saying about it um you know FSR saying no it's not like dlss uh you don't know what that does and it's like okay great um and then he says somebody else I saw somebody else say some [ __ ] um there's also a lot of Mark Cy glazing in here people say Well when Mark cery speaks you know it should be done uh you know this is another thing I saw this and this kind of annoys me right Xbox 36 says Tom series X has had resolution boosts and FPS boost since 2021 gears Awards 2 a 720p Xbox 360 goes up to 4K thanks to resolution boost and then he says none of those compared to D lsss sure okay great it's not the same type of Technology right sure the point is is that he's trying to [ __ ] glaze PlayStation and say ah Microsoft got beat to the punch and this is what they do it's like bro PlayStation offers none of the [ __ ] that Xbox offers when it comes to any of the old [ __ ] any old game by default runs and looks better on the series X by default no trying no trying to see oh well maybe we got to do a little code here or there no by default they get that uh the the texture filtering Whatever Gets T time 16 like it's huge huge boost on these on these uh on the console if it's an older game so like but this this is what we're trying to glaze them on the fact they've released a new console to do something a new console they didn't go back and make the PlayStation 5 versions better this is a new console with new expenses more Hardware more Hardware f [ __ ] crazy uh listen before we move forward I'm sorry that doodle didn't see this yo the homie Illuminati 85 Illuminati what's up love thank you for rocking out thank you for that super chat2 super chat says uh $700 to play games you already maxed out is nasty work it is ABS [ __ ] lutely it's ridiculous and I agree with you and what's even worse it's entertaining the fact that this is okay to do agreed like they're concerned they want to put out there that because of Xbox they can charge PlayStation can come out here and charge this no because you guys are acting as if this is acceptable is what they come out here and they do this right because you guys are okay with it because you guys are okay with them not releasing games and giving you another freaking Hardware another piece of Hardware that you don't need that's why it's acceptable agreed agreed and our boy will let's go broke boy [ __ ] Lewis goddamn [ __ ] dude thank you so much man appreciate man will bro boy went ahead and gifted five on point for gamer memberships man that's super [ __ ] dope of you very much bro appreciate you homie absolutely y'all what to do come on baby put the [ __ ] welcome to the family Emoji in the chat welcome our newest members man we appreciate each and every one of you guys thank you so much man appreciate Y and of course will brokeboy Lewis all dude thank you brother appreciate you my man I do see Phoenix Freestar uh you got Shinzo 86 got cord wayer you got royal Bole 78 let's go and you got Derek skiss yes thank you guys for rocking with us man we appreciate y thank you guys and welcome to the Ono family will broke booy Lewis thank you so much bro appreciate it thank you so much brother and you know what to celebrate yes let's get into our next round yes all right this one's the this one's the last one before let's go the member round now historically this is where it's won okay we we've only gotten to the last round once right yes sir yeah only once all right this is the last round this is between 400 and 600 so 400 and6 600 and this is for three months of Game Pass ultimate courtesy of bounty shout out to bony thank you our homie Bounty went ahead yes three months Game Pass ultimate for Xbox it's going to be glorious yes better than getting just one game you're getting access to hundreds of games yes it's going to go down let's go again the rules are simple between 400 and 600 I'm picking a number Doodle's going to say start you guys are going to start guessing what number I picked and you're going to guess multiple times not just one you can guess 50 times it doesn't matter keep picking different numbers 30 seconds you got 30 seconds to do it when she says start the numbers count when she says stop the numbers no longer count everything in between the two counts all right so let's do it let's get a [ __ ] W here are you ready ready you have a number I got the number number's got three two onesies got to get the music going let's change it up yo that guitar I made that beat I know wow perfect time we're ended perfect you could stop trying I'm trying my message wouldn't go through you guys are fast did it yes it's in there all right let's see all right did you o Mick Kumar digging your beat spicy Beaty money let's go oh thank you thank you thank you all right all right let's all right guys let's see if we have a winner all right remember I will click your name if you are close to the number if you see your name being clicked this is not good news for you okay that means you lost all right this song is too short all right while I look let's see o space shot 471 a m co with 425 433 with 444 oh oh my my God we have oh my God a winner no no not yet I'm still going I'm still going I haven't gotten to stop yet let me see damn Trent you ain't going to be happy you are not going to be happy I'm not seeing anything I'm not seeing anything oh my God Illuminati just copied your number I not copied but guessed the same number as you man is this the way it's going to go down is this the way it's going to go down you guys put in a lot of guesses dova also guessed the same number let's go a lot of 444s in the building oh [ __ ] NOA 43 4 43 DOA and he abandoned and went super high God damn it DOA God Dam it DOA DOA you were so so close what's the number I need to know I'm still going down you guys all I got to stop get my my message in St you guys is so freaking good I had to keep pressing it for it to register and go through that was officially officially uh no one got it in the time of when du said stop DOA was at 4:43 what the number oh my gosh 442 442 oh all right guys that damn I thought somebody was going to get it I thought so too was going to get it listen turn off the beat turn off the turn it off 98 says Sony G to steal these sick beats for as remake I love my people you guys are aming hit me up you guys are amazing fair price freaking is fair price for they out there getting what they can get all right so nobody won this round okay guys which means the next time we do the round it's going to be the final round it is there is guaranteed to be a winner because we are doing closest to higher or lower doesn't matter closest to and everybody who partakes gets to do one guess oh my God now this is the this is the the the little caveat oh you have to be only a member win round brokeboy Le will brokeboy just got five people a chance can you imagine if one of them wins can you imagine that'll be wild that'll be wild but yes so this last one is for members when we do that round so it's closest to there's guaranteed winner um but we will uh we will see that's going to be exciting all right um I have to I have to go here SP shot say they'll call it the last stroll bot of us just to get more ponies to buy oh my God it says nice beat thank you so much oh my God Max 380 says Dam it Dam it listen all right so let's go ahead and uh uh get to the next get to the next topic vaka no this was for um that round that just happened was for everyone and then when it comes down to the last round we do members only the last round is members only why is he trying to say that he uh wait yeah 442 no 442 wasn't in there after wasn't in there after she I mean before before she said stop it wasn't it's between start and go I see 40 I see 442 after the fact um I mean listen Maybe I'm listen I'm I wear glasses so if somebody can show me again I have no problem going over going over again I'm not I ain't trying to rob nobody I want you guys to win so let's see how about I go back and you set yeah you you you look you look through all right you look you're a separate set of eyes all right so go find your start go through it it's between the start and the Finish oh he's not live that's why oh yeah yeah he's not Al yeah so if you're playing if you're if you're here now so I don't need to uh I I looked through it myself I did not see um I did not see anybody do it before uh with these games you got to make sure that you're live when we're doing these giveaways guys because you're gonna be you're GNA be in the past bro you're never gonna catch up to to Doodle stop um so yes make sure you are up to up to uh up to the time um but if you know if you ever if I I'm not saying I'm perfect if I ever miss it you know just let me know the Magnum says I demand a recount oh my God oh my God that's hilarious um so I saw hold on I was gonna didn't know this that's pretty dope what didn't you know okay so Duke says that um you can just click on the name and channel activity and it takes you to the is that what it is Duke that's pretty dope on streamyard no no maybe on YouTube oh Channel activity oh oh oh [ __ ] Dr VOD yeah okay let me see check it out check it out I mean I don't think it's G to help us in this situation but but it's pretty dope to know oh Duke says yes um it's like their um message history that's pretty dope yeah I did not know that good job Duke appreciate that D that is awesome um I did not know that uh yeah I cool thank you love yeah like I I definitely if you want to go like scroll up yourselves to verify and see if you can see it between the start and the stop that it was there but when I looked through it I didn't see it um but that sucks Dr vakka because you would have won if you were if you were alive that sucks bro I apologize um yeah see 80s cartoon villain was the same but you're not live either right God damn it now I feel like I have to do a recount why because 80s cartoon villain said the same thing go go ahead and do the recount you go do the recount while I move forward okay okay it's between the stop and go yeah yeah between the Stop and Go has to be between the stop and go but go check and see um I don't think I missed it but just in case you know some people said that uh 442 was there you know if it was there great no problemo um the homie JD gamer says uh Tom Warren has said PlayStation beat Microsoft with dlss type AI assisted upscaling on Console but Autos Sr is already out on Windows and isn't Xbox based on Windows I mean so theoretically Microsoft has done something on Windows that works but it's not on Xbox yet right so it's just whether or not they bring it to Windows uh they bring it to Xbox at some point right uh and then he had another one here uh says the the PlayStation 5 Pro isn't even out yet so Xbox could deploy Auto Sr on Xbox tomorrow I mean that's true that's true oh my God will Brook booy Lewis says this isn't flow rder no recounts oh my gosh ow I love it oh [ __ ] it is Flow Rider uh that's funny that's funny um all right all right all right let me get my let me get my chap this so that I can no I see uh 242 not 442 yeah just double check it's okay I'm fairly certain I didn't I didn't [ __ ] the bed um all right so the next topic okay so we we've covered this topic for a while so I think we're uh I think we're good um the next topic that I wanted to bring out which I couldn't believe when I heard this [ __ ] guys I swear swe to God I heard this [ __ ] and honestly it's like they've they've reached a new like point in their in their lives as ponies um where they somehow live in like this backwards world that they are somehow a victim of some sort okay you're you're not going to believe it it's just it's it's the PlayStation tax guys the PlayStation tax I they kidding this is wild bro the the PlayStation tax now they don't say the words I don't think but the the talk is what is what they're trying to what they're trying to say okay you ready all right here we go uh why are people so hellbent on what Sony and wanting Sony to fail and not just being a healthy consumer that's a good question isn't it though I mean fellas why is it everybody just wants this generation it seems like from the G it's been like well the the PlayStation 5 is going to be horrible you heard it here first it's not going to do well the whole n I'm so sick of the Doom and Gloom bro it really done the industry the media has told you not to get it the PlayStation 5 launch they told you the librar good enough don't get it PlayStation VR don't get it PlayStation du Edge don't get it portal don't get it PS5 Pro don't get it um why are people so hellbent on what Sony and wanting Sony to that's freaking wild did you hear that [ __ ] do you no 442 there's no 442 right there's a lot of uh uh 424 444 like the numbers just not as 442 bro are we live in the same world yo they make yo is in the Multiverse they in the Multiverse bro come on man are you [ __ ] hearing these [ __ ] people are you hearing this [ __ ] har come on in what world does a [ __ ] Pony have any [ __ ] legs to stand on and they when they walk into a room and say we're treated so unfairly this is not fair they just want us to fail who the [ __ ] are these people let me see I want to follow them let me I need to know the names of all these people oh my gosh we're following the wrong people that the media the media is telling you wrong people godamn wow I mean what else can you say like wow uh I I thought Xbox is dead that's not doom and glue I I thought Xbox has no games that's not doom and glue are they kidding every time there's a game oh Xbox can't perform the tools all this like come on really every game that comes out that Xbox puts it sucks it's terrible don't know what they're doing they can't manage their Studios like come on there's a layoff at Xbox oh there was layoffs everybody else oh wa want talk about that but there's Xbox layoffs that that's industry changing death come on give me a break every stupid thing like what where are these guys living what the it's in their pony land yeah the entire industry revolves around PlayStation what the heck are they talking about like what bro they guzzle PlayStation [ __ ] on a constant basis yo any bad news that happens is forgotten in two days max the first day it comes out it's a it's the news next day people finally heard the news and are reacting to it third day something horrible Xbox is revealed without fail and then the new cycle changes and it's over it happened just again now same thing no matter what always something right how do they feel like they have attacks if anything there's the PlayStation bump they just get automatic you know better things happening to them like I how like whatever like I don't know how how do they even think that that's just so ridiculous dude you heard that dude say the [ __ ] Doom and Gloom I just saw gun Griffin says I'm so tired of the Doom and Gloom bah this the Doom and Gloom what [ __ ] Doom and Gloom happens over there what are you [ __ ] kidding me yo big Kumar says uh stop it guys the media loves Xbox Jeff key is constantly tweeting positive Xbox things PlayStation tax is real oh my God the PlayStation tax is real I cannot believe that I can't believe they're trying to take that away from us I know I swear to god dude that's the only thing we had going godam bro oh [ __ ] if you're GNA take it away it should be real you know what I'm saying like that's hilarious oh my goodness guys I'm I'm just trying to wrap my head around this idea like you know I just saw space shot say uh XYZ game is skipping Xbox in the meantime every Sony franchise is skipping the entire PlayStation five generation damn wow oh [ __ ] that was a good burn that was a good Burns mkumar says we can't even be the victim I know freaking claim victim in this situation oh my God man you know what's funny their level of Tolerance even though it's not like really full force in any way shape or form it's wild these Ponies are weak they're hearing oh you don't like my PlayStation 5 Pro PlayStation's in trouble you T that we don't have any games like they were just dancing around about getting Indiana Jones in Spring 2025 what happened to that right but now they're victims right now they're they're pain and suffering needs to be recognized this is ridiculous one of the most ridiculous things I've heard this is crazy bro that show we watched on Netflix uh of those those uh like those rich kids that were sent they thought they were going on like this luxurious snowflakes snowflakes that's what the ponies are they now these these ponies out here they're snowflakes they think they have it rough they have it rough they they send them to the freaking wild for the the hardock life and listen they can whine and cry just like these Ponies are doing right now over nothing oh my God that's crazy go ahead demo you gonna say something yeah I was going to say this is crazy man they like oh my God they the this bunch is they so entitled that when something is not going their way they automatically become the victim like where where where when is Sony PlayStation been the victim of the media when one instance like even if they have no games the media uh what you say no not you I'm po that D to will it has been no no no wait don't don't do it yet no no no he's gonna demo is talking I'm just bringing your attention Okay do it do it I'm go ahead continue no it's okay we we're gonna get to it right after but this is not this is not telling me to write my wrongs to write my wrongs no I was telling you look I was laughing because the police you guys were fighting you guys were fighting no I was looking for the 442 number so I haven't been paying attention oh there you go that's what they say that's well anyways bonyx all right go ahead sorry Pony Dax it's cool it's cool I like it I like that it has a nice ring to it the pony tax don't even entertain this shito don't even try to say it no pony tax there's no PlayStation tax don't entertain this [ __ ] is that's how I feel who are you dudo to being are you inside their bodies how you feeling like they're feeling huh how can you relay when you're not the same D dare you how dare you these are real people with real feelings show me the receipts are they are they demo have you seen these people put their face on the [ __ ] screen okay they all hide they all hide they could all be AI for all we know okay these all be vtubers I think we got to be more nice we got to be nicer to the ponies because at the end of the day they bro they so little like the H honestly there're so there's so few ponies right there's not that many ponies they really think they a lot they really think they are a lot and the reality is they really not a lot of ponies this is like they they about to go extent and it's going to happen soon you want to see it you're GNA see it we're seeing it now like 80% I mean they already had like their their little Civil War you know what I'm saying yeah and like 80% of them P PS5 Pro let's keep it real the the community in general the the the P like if you go into this post you're GNA see a lot of people like Oh I'm a PlayStation 5 users and this is unacceptable I don't want this a lot of them that the actual sentiment is like this is a ripoff you know but we got the high-profile ponies out there who were like oh I'm well off I got money you know what I mean I like this you know a nice product something High skill a luxury item for myself right they fill their mouth with this and in reality not everybody feels the same way they're like everybody's going through it like like I was giving people today the example of like Grandma going to the store and buying you know a PS5 for for for their son or grandson or whatever and you know you boy like oh Grandma I want a PS5 Pro and he's you know how much is darling you know $700 oh kick the baby you know what I'm saying it's a kick kick the baby moment because $700 the baby moment yeah you you hang you you down to to spend money in your kids especially in the holidays but you know you have to find reason it cannot be crazy like that $700 in this style that already have a PlayStation like what what are we doing like it's not it's not fair like parents I mean it's a lot of money man it's a lot of money 7 $800 $800 because Grandma you know Grandma need need to like you know go cook and stuff she can be holding your PS5 while you play so you need this stand and you love physical media so you need the the you know the the CD player and they selling it to you for $80 CD player in 2024 like this is 1992 like and the CD players just came out like what what's going on what is Sony PlayStation ridiculous and they feel like they're being attacked they feel like they're being attacked no bro we've been trying to save your ass we we were trying to save ponies from from spending money in [ __ ] that they don't need like the portal too yeah like the portal like PlayStation portal totally unnecessary no nobody needed that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that that is not even good to take it to the bathroom it's not even worth it to spend $200 so that you can take your Playstation to the bathroom no piss there noiss no pisser there's no pisser for sure because you need emotional support you know your dookie can can L your butt oh my God emotional damage facts oh my God Kumar right here with the facts Sony is the only one taxing these ponies and they love it and they love it they love it so I I seen somebody in a podcast bro saying bro saying about time Sony PlayStation did something like this so they can really show the world how strong the brand is somebody said that that's brainwash is f fin is they're brainwashed yeah that's wild that's crazy that's wild you know what G maybe thank you for bringing this to my attention maybe I've been overlooking would don't you read that over there see money you know C money has been putting doodle out FR Street too much tonight maybe maybe C's about to have a problem listen I'm watching the streets okay I'm watching these streets and people are like yo what's going on and I'm like that's a good question what is going on you know what saying kind of keep wandering keep wandering I'm just just listen you know what maybe we should get maybe we should click the button oh the homie wait wait did he the side step and kept going with the [ __ ] what are you talking about no no no we're doing the next answer right here yeah we don't want to make them wait longer it's going to be rough see money got to get it guys please send your goodbyes say about to see money in the chat listen at least I got to get one of these off one more time my dude will broke boy thank you my brother not only did he gift five all point for gamer memberships but he himself has become an on point for gamer member man thank you so much brother we appreciate you y'all know what to do tell them baby yes What the [ __ ] welcome to the family Emoji in the chat welcome our newest member the homie Will brokeboy Lewis let's go like I'm gonna [ __ ] win that code he's like yo yes I feel it he yo how crazy would it be if he won you know what I'm saying like that would be wild um and then he's back to back man with another $5 Super Chat man appreciate homie says has the gaming media even done any articles in regards to Concord since they shut the servers down bro the day they shut it down they released astrobot and that's all anyone speaks of one place uh I think it was Euro gamer actually and it was the podcast that said the the the uh the high scores of astrobot or the rumors of the PlayStation 5 Pro cannot um bury the the failure that was Concord and they spoke about it but outside of that no not really no I don't remember did you baby see anybody talking about this [ __ ] on Twitter in these streets no aside from us you know we had the funeral and all it was it was um something special we had to say our goodbyes um but yeah aside from that not not really not much out there I mean these ponies moved the [ __ ] on that pony powder I told you guys is strong they were freaking crying over Concord and laughing and smiling over freaking astah within seconds Concord did not get the respect it deserved you you know what I wanted to say something you know what what happened with the Sony PlayStation F booys that they finally realizing that Sony PlayStation is been [ __ ] the bed all this time and it makes him feel like oh you know people are like you know criticizing Sony but it's actually Sony [ __ ] up and and people realizing it people realizing that son's messing up they messed up like how many mistakes can you make in one month what criticism yeah we who the [ __ ] aside from like you know Xbox people are calling out freaking PlayStation for their [ __ ] you know what's happening the ponies are finally realizing hey we Ain getting [ __ ] you know who's doing that to you it's not the PlayStation tax it's [ __ ] PlayStation screwing you for years and years and you guys have been taking it and you're finally like oh [ __ ] this hurts this this [ __ ] hurts [ __ ] I just realized that I'm in pain oh shoot oh my God yeah it's like uh you know may like go when the the my god um this hurts oh [ __ ] this hurts yeah oh my God like the just like got dry up yeah what happens is they start it started small you know what I'm saying like the problem started small but then it got bigger and bigger and then finally reached the PE they can't take it no more my God to the oh these mother went to the sabana to study the ponies maybe they're just sick of Jim laughing at them yeah oh my God oh my God that is [ __ ] glorious oh my God oh my God oh my God that's a problem that's a problem that was [ __ ] like realizing how [ __ ] up PlayStation 5's generation I mean some of them are like if you listen to feeling it themselves if you listen to bitcloud he's like he said I want to be go go get PC like he's like [ __ ] all this [ __ ] he's sick of it blah blah blah and I don't know like I'm used Xbox people saying that [ __ ] all the time so I'm really desensitized to that idea but I feel like you don't feel like you don't see it often over on the pony side of things where they start saying I'm out let me go get a PC and blah blah blah blah blah some people are especially after that $700 sticker shock y it's true man A lot of people are considering Xbox now too yep absolutely what happened are you still remembering the harder and harder that it got and the bigger and bigger what we talking about pause that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up that was wild that was wild that was wild my God uh space says the that the PlayStation 5 Pro is the PlayStation tax we are that's the truth they didn't know they know now uh Dr vodka says the Xbox Civil War started on on boy for gamers Maybe all right you my god listen lines were lines were drawn and lines were crossed be what it be fil more Pockets my dude says the pony tax is the PlayStation Pro PR uh PlayStation 5 Pro price yeah I mean for sure pay up ponies yeah the mechanic says they're all paid to pretend it didn't happen yeah I me [ __ ] Dan Lazaro says gamers are weak as [ __ ] it's wild seeing all of the RDX guys join up with the Enemy just because the community calls them out can you dealer needs to come back and get revenge on the bloodline remember Harge did not fall victim yes to the to the pony way of life hardge is the LA the last of the moans yeah I mean to be fair I think so shady is also who somebody was on for little bit and he's stillo dude what was that who the hell was that he was on for a little bit on RX uh he clashed a bit with u with fond so he got sort of so he got the boot away but uh but yeah he's still look at that look at dealer look at the Choice how life would have been different if he would have just swapped who got the boot and then you probably would have real Xbox people still there you know what I'm saying that's wild I don't know man oh man it's crazy but danaro you ain't lying dog you ain't lying uh the homie JD gamer thank you Bel for be here it says remember when ponies got down on Xbox One X when it released with no new games I wonder how it will feel when it happens to them this is the thing JD these [ __ ] are the professional self sus okay they are they will justify this to themselves and they will say this is not the same because it's a different generation okay it's not the same now no they will they will self soothe that you will see no one crying you already see it you already see John linman saying night and day night and day for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth bro again he must live in Alaska like dudle said I love that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was beautiful I'm waiting for somebody to say night and day again and some [ __ ] like this [ __ ] should live probably living in Alaska right now that's where you live don't you [ __ ] that was hilarious that was so good oh look see Mani trying to fix his WR wrongs right his wrongs I like it I like it it was good it was good really really good uh robertto Z says Ponies are a bunch of horses asses damn I mean this is this is the reality of what it is um you know listen I can appreciate um them trying to take the the only thing that uh the Xbox Community has now which is we know we're being tax we know we're getting played like [ __ ] clowns um and then they walk in like what do you mean it happens to all of us do nah that's wild that's that's crazy 50th asks whatever happened to PlayStation is a luxury they're getting hit with the PlayStation tax right now so so it ain't a luxury no more yeah no no no no luxury no more nobody would ever consider it that it's a it's a clown show guys it's a [ __ ] clown show that they did but honestly I saw this and I I just I lost I was I was dying listening to this [ __ ] bro like I was dying seeing these people actually go ahead and talk as if the world has been against PlayStation those Battle Scars man you know what I'm saying through it oh my God I don't know man hold on is this true Duke tole says I heard someone on ILP say ashab made them smile from ear to ear word for word and it made me think of your guys podcast yeah it was F of course it would be [ __ ] F of course of course from ear to ear really from ear to ear God like one of those like Joker like Joker Joker coming out new movie new movie coming that's funny as hell I yeah I don't know bro it's crazy as hell I mean listen honestly think about like be real be real with yourself in your entire life life okay I just I want the chat to get involved with this let let me know and I want you guys on the panel to be dead ass honest with me in your entire life have you ever played a game alone by yourself in your room okay any game in your entire life did you honestly smile from ear to ear the entire time you were playing it bro no breaks no breaks just smiling ear to ear that's craer you know you know what what what what that reminds me of we happy few he wasn't that P that we happy few the sugar per no honestly honestly I need I want to know for real entire time no breaks give me a game that you played alone alone in your room by yourself and you were smil the entire time look there are games that are comedic right that are just pure comedy playing one of those smiling not laughing but then there's pauses between the jokes right um so there definitely games like that where you're just like they did that oh my God that's hilarious like like things like that so but uh it's like you know and I will and then it changes I I when Mario Galaxy came out um Ratchet and Clank for PS3 came out I got both I played Ratchet and Clank for a little bit and I'm like I'm just not feeling this and I decided to go to Mario Galaxy which I knew I was gonna love and man I just felt like I was at home yeah I was smiling for the beginning of that game sure there were Parts where it was a little challenging like God dang it and and the smile went away okay the smile went away which by the way supposedly this game is is not that easy okay so it supposedly the game is astrobot is not that easy right supposedly there's challenging [ __ ] in there so just so I know not only is he a [ __ ] psycho smiling when they're walking and just doing crazy [ __ ] but when it gets hard and he's losing he's just like that pony powder making everybody crazy bro making everybody crazy yeah bro God like you're grown as I get exactly what you're saying the freaking the the words the choice of words it's just such happen was such [ __ ] come on my was happy playing the game right that like he enjoyed the game it was very fun enjoy the game yeah there you go that's what I'm taking it as but whatever well that's like that's like when you were in school saying yeah dog I went I hit it you know what I'm saying we went out and I hit it and then but you you actually didn't you know what I'm saying you just sat next to her for [ __ ] 45 minutes on a bus ride home and she didn't even say your name and she just walked away when it was over and then you go tell your boys you hit it like that's that's crazy right that's a lie you didn't [ __ ] smile from ear to ear grin to grin you had a good time with a game and I guess what I bet you if he was being recorded I bet you that if you take any game that this dude likes or any of these people like and you were recording up I guarantee you he smiled for the same amount of time for that game as he did for any other game that [ __ ] play going to play a game that you are looking forward to it's very different than sitting there saying that you sat there and you smile from ear to ear not not just all these [ __ ] all these puffers out there that are all claiming what brought me back to my childhood like the [ __ ] Ratatouille [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I just ate this [ __ ] I felt like I was five again come on man come on let's stop let's stop okay let's stop [ __ ] you're talking to grown [ __ ] people you're not talking to a child you little buddy you're gonna have so much fun on the roller coaster it's gonna be so amazing no mother shut the [ __ ] up the [ __ ] are you talking to yeah a grown ass [ __ ] you're a grown ass [ __ ] stop God can you imagine being with your boys right you just talking yo dog yo swear to God yo you you play this [ __ ] DG you're gonna smile like you never smiled before dog you're GNA stay smiling it's going to be yo that your going to hurt because you ain't G to you ain't going to know how to stop you ain't going to know how to bring it back like your face going to freeze up there like come on man don't talk like that out here you know you [ __ ] capping dog you lying man get out of here with that [ __ ] bro it's true just embarrassing yourself yeah [ __ ] talking like this it's crazy crazy uh I got this one ABAB abacab 72 my dude thank you for being here thank you for that 22 CH thank you so much just got in to say hi healing from neck surgery oh [ __ ] oh my gosh abacab I'm sorry my friend thank you for stopping by we hope everything is okay the fact that you're writing to us makes me feel like the next surgery went well so I hope that's the case um so thank you for stopping by and I uh hope we we send our love and positive energy thank you get better soon man speedy recovery brother yes shout out our homie Will brokeboy Lewis my dude thank you for thank you for that follow superat thank you so much says just pulled it up black myth Wukong came out on Playstation August 19th almost a month ago and still only 12 critic reviews for that platform what's up with that well I mean first of all good job going over there and [ __ ] exposing the [ __ ] right this is the PlayStation tax right right the PlayStation tax ex this where they say you know what we're not even gonna review the PlayStation version we'll just let PlayStation players read the PC review and think that it's going to be the same so they'll be fine right that's like cyber punk I mean it's not I know it's not that bad but that's like if cyber Punk was like hey that's what they did right they didn't have anybody review the regular one only the PC one it's kind of disingenuine right to do that right like why are you doing that just [ __ ] let people review it or go back and review it if you're like IGN went ahead and re-reviewed the game on the PlayStation and the Xbox when cyber Punk finally you know like when once they realized that it wasn't the same right but obviously they don't think it's worth it doing here right I don't know that's wild and will broke boy my dude back to back man thank you brother appreciate you so much man thank you for that $2 Super Chat says penth house strip poker on my Commodore 64 did that see like there could be some weird game like that right possible even that after you you know once you got to that moment you were [ __ ] smiling you were you were spazzing out at that age bro and your com 64 you're like and you just [ __ ] knocked out like then the smile was gone you know what I'm saying yeah I think that's so cringe that the the the choice of words is what really gets me because I mean you could tell like you said like you could say that a game you know I mean it was fun to play I I had that a similar feeling the smile to my the the ear to ear smile with games like I don't know I was playing uh South Park I think the the the S of truth and that that was like one of those games that you play and you're laughing throughout the whole game so you're laughing to back you're laughing things here and there make you smile but I'm not like you know sitting in my house somebody with mental problems like bro yeah that's thing the C is ridiculous not afraid to go out there and sound freaking stupid I think he just put a little bit too much uh sprinkle right he haded too much a little bit too much sprinkle oh Pony powdered in there yeah yeah but they don't realize it feels like when you when you hear some [ __ ] like that it feels like a overcorrection right like it feels like you're being extra to you know make it sound better or feel better and again just to be clear like you're trying to sell something right like listen chill out you want people to go and buy this maybe have a genuine conversation about it when want to go ahead and bring it to the extremes like that it's like a bad salesman right you're just you're like all right back up you know it's just like with AST it felt like okay like this this game looks cool he doing a couple of cool things and [ __ ] but like everything's been done before like one way or another we saw we seen the the the comparison video and I I got it right there I don't know if you want to play whatever and it just where is it oh I have to find it boy I got it I got it somewhere in there I could look for it but it's just like um I don't know man it just feel like uh they blew it out of proportions and make it seem like the this was like the last Coca-Cola of the desert that's how it makes me feel I like that that's how it made me feel like you know last glass of water in the desert uh I don't know the last olive uh in this from the salad I don't know I don't know it's so weird that they that they just G this game up like that man what the hell is thiser D said ponies talk like they work at Best Buy trying to sell you a 90 in oh my god oh that's wild that's wild um I mean and and look dude like I I again the game I have no doubt that it's a fine game you know I'm sure it's fun I'm sure it's a you know a solid you know eight eight and a half um you know experience right um you know I we platinumed the first one really my our daughters Platinum it I just I finished off like the last few that they couldn't get um so I mean we've experienced it it's fine there's nothing wrong with that game it's cute game you know it's it's fine so many people out there who who claim that you know these games are for little kids right and now they're just like so excited with love for little ashraa it's such [ __ ] um the what happened no I just saw 50th I think that that's uh from our our movie Don't Go full is that Tropic Thunder oh my gosh oh my gosh yo 50th exactly exactly don't Tropic Thunder the situation it's just that simple thank you perfect exact never go full for sure for sure um but yeah rockan isue oh my God yeah yeah these are just games you guys these are just games look Callen C says first of all thank you for being here homie says new Super Lucky sale is hands out one of the best Platformers I've ever played plus it was all original I was blown away um you know that game was a good game man uh I I do uh think that it was it was fun I don't know if the girls did the girls play that I think they were a little too young when that one came out they didn't really catch them like that it might be something cool for them to go back you see how you can get your point across so this was well said oh like what Colin just said yeah yeah yeah yeah and it doesn't sound like you're you're gonna have to remove like 18 inches of that game out of your mouth yeah for sure for sure you know how did we get to 18 oh wow venom venom venom you remember yeah you guys don't you don't remember the 18 inches ofen the statue yeah yes you know what I'm saying 19 oh was it was 19 saying one in is one inch oh my God that's wild counts you are fake news no oh my God that's hilarious oh my God oh my God all right all right all right so listen obviously the uh the pony tax is real you know they're in bad bad situations we all have to you know pour one out for them because they're they're down bad they're in bad yeah bad the real funny is there's no tax but they are down bad right like they are like everything that's been happening is not a good look for them right not not and we're not talking about like Gamers that have that are playing all the games and doing all that [ __ ] we're talking about the ponies who want to be out on the battlefield C for their first party and then all of a sudden their first party doesn't matter you know what I'm saying get out the [ __ ] out of here man get out of here with this [ __ ] all right any last words on these [ __ ] before we move on with our lives bro enjoy as enjoy what was that what is that you that's uh well it's from diao but um it's oh no it's Alex you know him right oh yeah yeah yeah of course yeah so every time he says the word [ __ ] he uses that instead oh gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah it's it's wild like dude if you can you if you took if you like took all the youth of this generation that's very sensitive to a lot of words and you just kind of like push them back into like the 90s these [ __ ] would like die like they would not survive it was a very different world man very very different world oh my God all right we're GNA move on to uh some uh some other [ __ ] I have't over here where's my thing let me get my chapter real quick well actually let me go here oh oh oh yes I remember this [ __ ] of course this has to come back with some [ __ ] and it's the [ __ ] the [ __ ] PlayStation test the [ __ ] out of here with that [ __ ] of course there's always going to be more nonsense coming so let me grab this and then I'll take my stamp and here here we go here we go all right so I got my chapter here let me do this boom bam oh wait we didn't do the [ __ ] giveaway yet we're gonna do the giveaway right now all right sorry about that I completely forgot we got to we're at the last one all right so listen this one here this is the final one there will be a guaranteed winner there is no oh shoot un mut it there we go oh so there's no missing here but the caveat is this one is for members only so only members will be able to be their numbers are the only ones that will be counted okay now the prize good question I was about to I was just about to say it the homie Bounty yes was dope enough at the beginning of the show to go go ahead and send us a code for three months of Xbox game pass ultimate so shout out to B huge huge gift that we're gonna be giv away thanks to our boy Bounty man that's so dope of him so gotta be a member though we done three rounds for everyone we're on the last no one's gotten it we're on the last round the last round is for members only so now remember this one is closest to and it's back to zero and a thousand okay so it's between zero and a thousand and you only get one shot we Eminem this [ __ ] okay so it is you got one guess your first guess is the only one that will count okay so you can't be like oh I changed my mind no no no one guess yes let's keep it clean one guess members only one guess let's do it members only between zero and a thousand who is Ever closest to my number higher or lower they will win okay you ready I already got my number you got your number I got my number I don't need a timer for this one right um go you guys you still well yeah I mean well put still Press Start okay you start um yeah I mean I put the timer in just yeah yeah stop it somewhere yeah exactly so one opportunity only whoever's closest will win it oh there's no music God damn it oh let's see if I can Thea DOA all right these are not mine stop here we go someone's going to win it all right let's see all right well I can see the winner oh there's people who were behind oh so what do we do let's give everybody a little more time let SC cuz I think somebody some people were behind so let's give it a little bit more time so that um one guess it's only one guess and only your first guess will count okay all right I think we're good put a put a 30se second timer from now from now yeah yeah 30 second timer from now second timer so you still have 30 seconds to put in a number let's get it I have I I have a feeling that somebody's going to get so close that it's going to be a so fulfilling are we at the 30C Mark yet almost right now stop right now members only you guys okay push stop yes all right this this was a bad choice of music I don't know where the [ __ ] this music came from I'm feeling it I'm feeling it that was a little too much that was a little too much ring I was raving yeah you you you're I I get that I feel that I feel that all right so let's see where's the start where the hell the start go okay um bro the start there we go found it thank you all right okay one guess so I can see someone who who has done it O Let's Go someone has done it are you ready yes I'm so excited so I saw the words over here double check the winner of the three months of Game Pass ultimate given by the homie Bounty way has a number I see has a number that oh my God is close we need a drum roll yes 726 and the winner is the one and only click it I see it give away killer the killer himself razor [ __ ] ulton [ __ ] what let's go congratulations bro and thank you so much for being a member shout out to Bonte thank you so much that's an awesome freaking gift three months of Game Pass ultimate I love it let's go he did it yes he did it again he says okay it's definitely RA bro that's the beauty shout out to bony yes shout out to bony this is the beauty of doing it like this sometimes it's like questionable it's like okay really but we write down a number whoever gets it got it it's not some random anything that you guys cannot see so it's nice and simple and it's fun so we hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do and it's so exciting um when we get to the winner so that's really our boy razor [ __ ] conratulations bro just got three three months of Game Pass ultimate Razer I don't remember did I send it to you on Twitter or Discord from what I remember but please confirm it racer Ultron if you can just confirm it shout out to buy look at him in the chat thank you so much Bonte this was so awesome thanks brother uh so this is what I'm gonna do because this he sent it to me on Xbox and it does not let me um it does not let me copy and paste and I ain't about to write all those numbers down so I'm gonna send you a picture Razer where the hell is it um in um Discord I believe right racer Ultron it's possible uh let me check oh racer Ultron says thanks at Bunty and C money and Doodle for making chat so much fun thank you love thank you so yeah absolutely player thank you for rocking man appreciate you Hey listen you've won a bunch of them but you're always here yes yes we appreciate that bro appreciate you man appreciate you um all right all right all right uh where where did he say Discord he says yes Discord there we go God damn it wait why is your name what name is it over here wait wait wait nope not that that one I don't want to send it to wrong person why is your name what's your name on Discord bro I feel like I'm blanking out yeah oh there you go yes that's it there it is just [ __ ] put your name in parenthesis like razor or some [ __ ] you know what I'm saying godam to link it to link it exactly all right I'm gonna I'm gonna send you the picture there we go so you can type CU that's a work let's go thank you Bunty and enjoy racer Ultron thank you to everybody who participated this is so cool that was super dope man that's super dope love happy Friday look at that Friday the 13th Friday the 13th man well oh you won on the 14th you w on the 14th you w on the 14th that was look at that see it was bad luck for everybody else who was trying to win on the 13th you know what I'm saying but it's the 14th now um all right all right all right so yo shout out to you guys we love the community man the community is so giving here we've given away so many games at this point um and now a ultimate uh thre Monon uh subscription which is so [ __ ] dope uh last night we had the homie uh EJ Jackson come in and gave away uh the the Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 on Xbox which was [ __ ] phenomenal like that's so dope so we really really appreciate you guys [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] awes awesome um and you know we do we do appreciate you guys greatly um now I do know that our homie our boy demo flow gaming does have to get going yes so before we hit up the demo thank you for rocking out we gotta get our time any time so uh yeah let everybody know what you got going on where to find you I know you had a show earlier today yes sir let know man all right man so you know your boy themma FL being busy as hell I got a lot of [ __ ] going on but I'll be back live I think it's going to be Sunday what time you guys cuz I know you guys go live on Sunday what time do you guys finish so we well wait when on Sunday so on Sunday yeah so we normally start somewhere between 10 and 11 supposed to be 10 supposed to be 10 we're doing our best but you know sometimes it is what it is uh so normally between 10 11 and then I mean typically probably around like two or three all okay it should be it should be 10 to two if if we get going right on time yeah 11 basically I'm having a show this Sunday is gonna be because I've been in touch with gaming island with Jay and he's gonna come and we're gonna do a show on Sunday around 3: 400 p.m. uh yeah but I think that's going to be like uh you know the closest time that we're going to get it's going to be either either 3: or 400 p.m. we're want to have a little show there we're going to like hang out a little bit talk games y'all want to come by y'all you know y already know and I might get ray R in there too I don't know we'll see so got something going on talking some games and hanging out making fun of ponies you know the usual uh yes yeah the usual so demlow gaming on Twitter uh same thing here on YouTube find me here every Friday with them boys and of course uh girl doodo uh we're going to be you know what I mean talking games and whatnot so yeah man happy to be here hanging out with you always a pleasure always uh so much fun so I can't wait to be back in here next uh Friday so yes I'm for rocking suay no problem man I have to go to sleep bro because my schedule change so now on Saturday I'm a little bit more like it's like a little bit more early in the morning that I got to wake up so it's like you know terrible but it is what it is you know you gota you gotta grind and sadly you know that's my job you gotta do what you gota do gotta freaking go Gotta Do It fam Yeah man so you gotta do it pleasure hanging out with you shout out to H shout out to chat I'll see you on the next one it's your boy demo flow chicken yes thanks appreciate you homie nighty night good night that's that's a homie demo FL absolutely demo flow appreciate you brother thank you so much man for rocking with us the Buster says sleep is for the week sleep is for the week sleep is for the week yeah you know we be we be running on some crazy sleep schedules but seriously listen you got to make time for the things you love to do right absolutely fortunately the things you have to do you have to do so you got to make time for the things you want to do uh the homie spoony love thank you brother for being here man appreciate you thank you for that $2 Super Chat man appreciate you uh says just saying what's up shout out to you guys shout out to you homie shout out to you appreciate you thank you for rocking now and I know you saw that PlayStation Pro price and laughed at the US people saying 700 and 800 you out here having to drop almost a g on this [ __ ] they wallet they are man all right I got my chapter let's [ __ ] go um this one I wanted to talk about because I'm you know these [ __ ] I don't know this [ __ ] always happens where they try to treat it like this is some some new [ __ ] because they want to bring it back up as a thing so I don't know if you've noticed or realized or paid attention you prob probably didn't because for most of us it doesn't affect us at all um XBox game pass standard finally dropped right like so it's finally a thing uh it just started a couple days ago or yesterday or the day before yesterday some [ __ ] like that and I don't know if you remember but they made it very clear right The Game Pass is changing and if you already had game p uh the Xbox game pass the original one the 1099 91 or whatever it is you still have it as long as you didn't let your you know subscription lapse so nothing has changed for you you have day and Day games all that [ __ ] nothing has changed but for new people for new subscribers or for people who have let their subscription laps and they want to jump back in there is a new standard it's called Xbox game pass standard that basically strips away the day and dates and puts in games that are basically more than a year old that Xbox drops and you get a collection of games that are in there and you get multiplayer right so I mean you pretty much have everything that you need for someone who doesn't have fomo right who doesn't need the the latest and greatest right so you get to have Game Pass for $15 versus 20 for ultimate but of course we all knew this right but our homie JZ says Xbox game pass standard is substandard games like Starfield Diablo fo Diablo 4 that was gangster Diablo 4 go retroactively missing for users moving from the mid-tier Xbox game pass console to Xbox game pass standard I don't know I don't know if he knows how things work uh and it's you know it can be confusing but if you if you pay for a tier that has something and then you lower the tier you will lose the things yes you would lose the things that were in the higher tier which is the reason why you had the higher tier before but let's see what uh what he says here all right so Microsoft Xbox game pass service takes a big dip in quality and value for money now again I you see something like that and it's like that's [ __ ] crazy to say the Xbox game pass service the whole service takes a big dip in quality and value for money okay just I would love to see the uh the alternative somewhere else right show me what the alternative is elsewhere that makes Xbox game pass look so shitty I'll be waiting uh says what do you need to know Microsoft new Xbox game pass console I'm sorry Xbox game pass standard tier just launched deprecating the old console tier Xbox game pass standard includes Xbox Live Gold multiplayer also known as Game Pass core but no longer comes with Day One games but Xbox Live Gold multiplayer was not in the old console tier yes yes okay just want to make sure I answered myself but that's okay I believe uh console users will be grandfathered in as long as they maintain their subscription and will retain day one Xbox games in perpetuity perpetu yes perpetu in peret in perpetuity God damn it that was close in perpetuity uh today users notied that Xbox game pass standard is actually miss Miss in a ton of games that previously existed in the Xbox game pass console tier including first-party Heavy Hitters like Starfield Forza and Diablo 4 it seems like a tacit admission that Xbox game pass of yester year wasn't business viable I I don't I don't think I understand where this reach comes from I think it's pretty simple I mean we've already gone through this right multiple times when this was first all announced right they're moving everybody to Ultimate if you want day and date why what was the big Catalyst what was the big change hary why don't you well I think the big change I think is really just now they're realizing that hey it's not going to have games that's the point right you're not going to get look they have to give you reason to go up to Ultimate and let's face it they really want you to be on Ultimate so uh and again it's available on discount I just don't see the point like it's 120 bucks a year if you get discount codes get ultimate for Pake it's just so much value I but that's really it I think they're they're just realizing now oh it's for real they really are going to take out the day and dates and you do have to wait for them to come in okay right so Starfield may hit in another few months maybe it comes back whatever right uh maybe you get some of these other ones right Diablo came in this year in June is that when it came in whenever it came in right you might have to wait a year maybe longer before that comes in to standard but hey you have the alternative you can get ultimate or if you're on PC PC game pass still has everything day and date so I mean I don't know the value thing because understand standard uh is a different value than console console Game Pass did not have Xbox Live Gold so you had to pay more if you wanted to play online and there are players that don't want to play online fine fair enough so they they they got rid of that feature if that's what you what you wanted but if you had it you still have it and you can continue to have it so you're good right so I don't know so for new customers they're really just saying look if you don't want to you know uh you know get day and dates we'll give you a cheaper but really we just want you to get ultimate so get ultimate I mean literally is isn't that though what everybody does that has a service right they try to L you in there's the ad version of all the services out there or there's the ad free you're welcome to watch the ads if you want or if you pay a few dollars more you can get rid of them it's like okay your choice that's the game that's the game they got too comfortable with when they were trying to just bring people in that wasn't going to last forever um there's a lot of value in Game Pass and you can either take advantage of it or you don't it's that simple um it is what it is but this is not something that we didn't see coming whether they took it seriously or not maybe you know people on Twitter thought that they were gonna go ahead and make a change by you know acting out and freaking out about it they still did what they did because they're making their moves doesn't matter what anybody has to say about it they need to keep on moving forward um that time has passed you know when when they were able to be up in arms and and have them shut down what they were planning to do um yeah there's no budging with this one no I mean it it's it makes sense right it does like thing if you're if you're not a look we we know for a fact that like first party games right that they're not actually the biggest selling point in the world right we know that so we know there's plenty of people right like again think about this like the games that come out on from Xbox on Game Pass not every single one of them are at 30 million or 40 million players right which means yeah the majority of of of Game Pass players don't necessarily line up to play those games yeah and look there's also a change that happened in between they bought a 70 billion dollar publisher and The Game Pass and it's like yo that's G to increase the price it's just the way it is they're they're taking a big hit by saying we're giving this to you for free as part of your service versus verus charging you 70 to 100 and whatever dollars which most people will pay right to get that game it's like you have to accept that that's going to change the market there's just no way around it like you don't spend $70 billion and it doesn't hit you in some way it's going to right this is a big game that's coming into game pass it is what it is it was GNA be a change we all knew it we all knew it right it's just the way it is right it was going to happen so they're trying to give you something something in between right you might get in here eventually it won't be day and date that's the way it is if you want to get day and date you have the tier ultimate gives you everything go for it or go PC PC game pass there you go have that option to you have options you have options we've talked and I remember before this came out we were we were talking about them potentially like what what if they do new tiers right we're entertaining the idea of what could work um for them to go ahead and and and add things or or take this is the route they took right um right even though they said oh it doesn't require us to change the game price game pass price like yeah it doesn't well it didn't lie require and desire are two different things right like Phil may have thought that but then the money people came in and said uh I don't care what you think Phil we gave you 80 billion do we want to increase the price of it I want more money it's like fine I mean but look again it makes sense right like we are in a situation where we're getting more in Game Pass than we ever have been getting in game pass right like it's it's nonstop like I remember back in the earlier days we were like when uh what's that name of that [ __ ] game out Riders the square game that came out that was like the first kind of like tripa a quote unquote triaa game that we got in day Game Pass day and dat and we're like oh my God like we're going to be getting a ton of of day one games like this and it didn't happen you know what I'm saying it it took a while before we started but now it's every month every single month without fail there is new games put into game pass that are day and dat releases every single month I I don't remember the last month we had that there was not a day and dat game that was released [ __ ] in July we had [ __ ] four or three in a week the same day you know day and like the day after and they were all big you know this month is uh supposed to have 19 right so 17 Day dates so we'll see right um we'll see what happens to TGs man I can't wait well that that 17 that's being announced not being dropped right no no that's this is the month is goingon to have 19 games coming into game pass with 17 day and dates that's what they're supposedly saying that's the that's that's the rumor so yeah and uh by the way out Riders was uh was Square Enix they were very happy with riders going into Game Pass they were they were absolutely very happy with that game and why because it was [ __ ] it's the first time that they got to see what it looked like when a big game went in Game Pass and I mean look that hasn't changed right these games come into Game Pass and they all do well right they're all happy with it right they all come out and put out their numbers and say stuff because they're pumped you know what I'm saying I mean that's just the reality of of what it is uh let me get my boy will brokeboy Lewis my dude thank you brother for being here man appreciate you for that5 Super Chat says FYI har the three to2 conversion is now gone as well for Game Pass core to Game Pass Ultimate Upgrade it is being reported that the conversion is now 2 to one which again still pretty good that is good for sure because you're getting more um but still like you had the time you know what I'm saying like they gave you a Runway and obviously at the end of the day this is what they're looking to do right they're looking to monetize this in a way that's healthy so that we can keep getting more that's it right you want those games to go ahead and be put into Game Pass and if they're not there then you're going to cry and complain but you also don't want to pay up and you don't want to go ahead and commit into freaking having Game Pass ultimate but you you still want those games it's it's a freaking crazy ass [ __ ] while you go out there on Twitter and you knock down the brand you can't make this [ __ ] up so yep and if you're a regular if you're a regular gamer that does like multiplay player and single player games like mixed well bottom line you need at least a $10 one right like that's just the reality of what it is so you're guaranteed to have to spend $10 if you want to do multiplayer so for really for $5 you're getting access to a [ __ ] ton of games that are still first party that are all those games but they're they're just you know older right and if you think about it right if you say to yourself man I really wanted to play Starfield well you can just go and spend $70 or you can say well I guess if I really want to spend you know buy or or play Starfield I can just have Game Pass ultimate for you know I don't know was it like 10 like 12 month that's basically what a year and change right was it 14 12 13 14 14 14 months you can have Game Pass ultimate instead of buying a $70 game so if you have meaning if you have the $15 subscription right and you have that and then you say I want to buy a game for $70 that is in Game Pass ultimate one the price of one game gets you 14 months of ultimate with that extra you know the $5 extra that you would been paying is it really that big of a deal it's like a no-brainer right like it makes no sense at this point to not have it unless you can wait right if you can wait you save yourself the five bucks a month but then if you're gonna wait don't cry about it right that's the thing exactly which the homie spoony love comes over here and drops the bars right now thank you so much bro appreciate you for being here thank you for that $5 Super Chat says thank you just because you're not the target audience for this tier doesn't mean that is not appealing for somebody absolutely one that works for you hash love that we actually pulled um our audience uh in uh you know in GameStop live I think it was like 40% liked it they wanted standard like okay fair enough so there's a market for it obviously they they you know they looked at the number somebody said yeah this is going to be worth it so like fine well Le let's let's not have to even look at let's not look too far what the [ __ ] does PlayStation do yep there's no D PlayStation rakas their users over the coal but uh but they still do it right so there's still people who subscrib to that show and they pay for premium which is still not day and dat games but they're paying almost $20 yep you know what I'm saying so the precedent is there people pay for these types subscriptions without getting day and date this situation they literally make it easy as possible bro it literally is you think about it if you're somebody who has it you only have to pay $5 more to get ultimate and that's if you pay like monthly you know if you actually like I'm telling you just use the discount codes like they don't have those on Playstation right they don't have the discount codes but if you you do the the uh like you know CD keys or Ana you just literally 120 bucks a year you get ultimate 120 bucks a year and and like even if you get a discount on uh core which you're going to need for say Call of Duty online it's like 40 45 bucks right game is 70 bucks you paid the same amount you might as well just get ultimate you get the game with it and you get everything else like it's just worth it it really is makes sense yeah it really really is and of course you get the game on PC and you get it on Xbox right you can it's just it's so much like more why not but anyway whatever yeah I mean you know again you know I could appreciate uh the article and bringing it up but it like what this should have been is a reminder article right like hey I've been seeing a lot of people talking on Twitter you know bringing up why these games not here let me remind you what the different tiers are and what is it right like that would go ahead and make it where it's like okay like this is what it is is a refresher like don't cry but like to come at them as if you didn't know that this was happening you knew 100% that this was going to happen they're of course going to take out the games that are the big sellers right like the big tickets are going to be gone you're not getting the new [ __ ] you're getting the older [ __ ] that's what's there yeah right so I mean that that's just a reality I mean everything the phing of it is is ridiculous I mean they're putting a lot more games in there so technically you're getting a better better value overall so you know they still signed off to Game Pass though they did this is just a phrasing for the world to see absolutely absolutely yeah I mean look I did see something though um which I don't know how widespread this is or what this is maybe this is a glitch but I did see G maybe um the homie he said that so he says my monthly charge has been held in perpetuity for years but they still Chang me to the new price that doesn't sound that doesn't sound right right like even in the article they said that your grandfather then so if you still are you talking about well maybe what monthly charge are you did you have ultimate or did you have the are you talking about the uh Xbox game pass console because if you had ultimate the price is changing like doesn't matter whether you're not grandfather then right ultimate is just ultimate so the new price is taken over for ultimate um the only thing that's grandfathered in quote unquote is the console version of Game Pass so if you were literally they gave you to midnight yeah that day of the announcement so if you saw the announcement and you ran and you subscribed or re up you were good if you missed it you were asked out um but that's it like so I don't know I don't know exactly what you had um what you had to to like I don't know what you're referring to specifically um you got Edward ly Edward what time says uh G Game Pass s standard okay sorry sorry GPS is a new new uh acronym for me for this is still a better service than PSN and still offers Great Value and it includes access which console did didn't have this is just ponies trying to distract people away from Sony's L's facts facts 100% uh bouncy says didn't it didn't get it remember the zero is a zero oh wait hold on Razer Razer hit life hit me up on box Bounty oh I hope you guys got that sorted out let me check I'm sorry I I I sent you the code and didn't check um hold on I think there was a I don't see any zero on there maybe I had nothing to do with this I don't know what happened maybe they were just talking separately my bad I got involved on some [ __ ] all right I didn't know I just want to make sure there was no technical difficulties oh no no no no no that's not what it's about um oh they were adding he was adding him yes and the the um the O is a zero not a no I was just trying to make sure there was no problem with the code you know what I'm saying so no that's a a different conversation General Spartan says I'm on Game Pass ultimate until July 2027 Dam let's go so G gri says okay so what are the benefits of Xbox standard uh Game Pass standard I mean the benefit is that you get uh multiplayer included uh in it and you still get access to a large number of games so remember the the core gives you like 25 games and multiplayer right this gives you hundreds of games and the multiplayer um you just don't get day one and then obviously and you don't get EA access right so you don't get EA access you don't get Cloud PC game pass why I'm saying 120 bucks it just makes so much sense just get Game Pass ultimate 120 bucks a year it's so hard to beat that yeah 10 bucks a month just go get a discount code CD Keys anybody you're good to go it's just so much better less than two games less than two games yeah am Amit Kumar has a great point he says you can also just pay for standard most of the time and then upgrade whenever a game comes out that interests you again it's just options for people most will just un sub will just up to Ultimate anyway I mean that's really smart right like you just rock the $15 version until the game you like comes out [ __ ] pay your five bucks extra then dip out play your [ __ ] I'm not seeing by the way any discount uh codes for standard I was looking to see if there is a standard discount but there isn't one so it's like literally just paying more to get what you get cheaper if you just pay on a discount card you can get at 10 bucks a month you get ultimate like why not I just don't I don't get it like there's just no good reason not to just get ultimate like people do you just go get a whole bunch of it for a couple years you're good to go don't even have to think about it I mean it's so true exact I really we should really probably try to look into it we never do it if you're not doing it you should definitely just do go to CD keys or it's literally like under 30 bucks to get three months now what do they do do they just give you so you're just getting three months multiple a redeem code you can just get a couple every now and then and just go redeem them and then that's it just Ta on your your uh account that's how you get up to how long can you stack it now three years you've always been able to up to three years oh somebody I thought somebody I thought that lowered I thought so too they they lowered the one for the Whatchamacallit the core sorry not the core the console you can't stack that more than a year I think that was what they did something like that uh so you can still get console discount codes or whatever you can do that you only stack for a year for that one the other what they're saying is that even if you're grandfathered in you could once you're grandfather in you only stack for a year buying them yep that makes sense that makes sense but for for ultimate you're good you can keep stacking core you can still keep stacking all the way through three years right so just buy some codes the other thing to do is look for discounts like sometimes you can get it down to 20 bucks for three months so you just look for like sales especially during the holidays they'll have sales right so look for some sales if you can get like 20 22 24 in that range pick up a couple of codes just keep them scroll have to keep us posted hary when you find it please yeah if you see them let us know yeah we got a lot of them we got [ __ ] three game passes so uh three ultimates um JD gamer actually dropping some bars let's go look this this is why JD gamer doesn't [ __ ] around okay doesn't [ __ ] around says Microsoft didn't take Jack [ __ ] from anyone I added that that's not what you said uh Game Pass standard didn't exist until now so people got to keep what they had and only new subscribers equal standard yep facts unless everyone let's go exactly unless they want ultimate um or people who had the console version Let It skip you know let it let it slip and then they had to come back to a standard but that was a personal decision everybody knew okay I'm gonna be yes hii you gota you got to keep us in check yeah yeah there will be they will definitely need discounts yes next couple months you'll see some discounts okay all right good I'll try to find some and let you know thank you please send us a text or something we can good question from duke Togo when was the first time doodle heard of the term Pony was it when you guys interviewed dirt man that's a good question remember I feel like Pony has been around for a long time but I'm not quite sure well obviously Pony the horse has definitely been around for a long time but no no I know that but Pony Sony Pony Sony Pony Sony Pony thing I love that's where it comes from Sony Pony no but um I really don't remember where when the first time do do you Rie do you remember the first time you've ever this has come around it's probably like Pony six seven eight years I mean it's got to be at least that much uh enough so that people like there was one person in the community wanted to change it on the PlayStation side to Pegasus Nation instead of ponies because he thought that was going to be better like okay cool whatever but Pegasus Nation pegas crazy [ __ ] um but like it's it's been around a long time at least like you know the mid 2010s it's it's been around so probably long no it would have been way before it would have been way before yes but I didn't I didn't do Twitter like that like I didn't and I still don't I I don't go on Twitter um much but I really it wasn't like a a spot for me to go and really I didn't find it you know entertaining so I didn't know how much [ __ ] was said in there um in some of the videos that I I saw um towards the Xbox community so I um it was last it was some sometime last year where I found out about all the [ __ ] that was really talk yeah the Xbox one gen was when it was really bad like they were really coming after Xbox you know Xbox from the PlayStation side PS3 they had to shut up because the 360 was spanking it was killing him yeah that [ __ ] was wild that [ __ ] was wild Kumar said go ahead no it's okay I remember being on on Webb Dave's show and they played a video and that [ __ ] was wild that [ __ ] was wild go ahead yeah I think it was the guy with the face what's his name Dreamcast guy yes that that mumar says see money always being nosy I was trying to be kind all right I was trying to make sure there was no no weirdness you know what I'm saying want to make sure everybody got their Cod to be good uh gamar says I honestly don't notice the monthly charge $20 is literally equal to the cost of two number one combos I mean that's a problem like you spend $20 on such stupid [ __ ] that trying to say that for your hobby the the ultimate package don't make sense to you I mean it's fine if it does it I mean it is what it is that's why there's options right um but it is an I mean M Kumar kind of nailed it right you just [ __ ] the month you need it you pay an extra five instead of buying a game right just yeah makes more sense Duke yeso always be to Dreamcast guy that's the guy with the face listen uh JD Gamer's back with some more bars says Xbox has done something right not wrong by rewarding their loyal customers has always been the way of businesses nothing to see here of course I mean that's that's the whole big thing nothing to see here that was the whole big thing that we made a big deal about when this was all first dropped like get the [ __ ] out of here I don't care about these fake imaginary people who are going to show up later like [ __ ] where were you this whole time you know what I'm saying like no you pay them more money okay if you're if you're a Xbox dude and you've been having it then you get rewarded look they also just fixed kind of an odity right Game Pass uh console didn't have like Game Pass core and now how do you get both you can't and it's like well so that means you're choosing console without multiplayer or you're choosing multiplayer or you go to Ultimate they're like okay fine we'll just fix that tier so for people who want it you can get a tier that has not the day and dates but it does have online well at that price it made sense because you would look at it and be like well I could pay $10 for ultimate but then I also have to pay $10 for core that's $20 and I'm getting you know ultimate for at the time what $15 right um in the beginning right so it's kind of like a just spend $5 more and you get it right now they have that same idea it's just now at 15 you know what I'm saying just spend $5 more and you get it makes sense so yeah it's kind of what they did it's it's different but whatever hey look for anybody who wants those day and dates it's still available you just you know get a discount code you're good to go yeah that's funny that's funny um all right I think we have one more but it'll be quick it won't be long what she said oh that be S no bueno no bueno um let me take my let me take my chapter here 442 all right so last thing that I wanted to bring up and we talked about it a little briefly but I just I had to I had to bring it up because I saw it and I was just like come on man this is just [ __ ] this is crazy town all right ready yes Joey yes the homie says oh my God Mario has been killing it for 40 freaking years you ain't teaching jack [ __ ] to the king of Platformers Astro copied everything from Mario what are we doing here and he's referring to uh the podcast from Nintendo voice chat saying can Mario learn anything from astral bot what I don't know man I don't know I don't understand you see what I'm talking about you see this [ __ ] what was their conclusion I don't know we didn't watch it uh the question itself I mean I guess theoretically that question can go either way right like they can be like yeah exactly um they could be like there's nothing that it can learn from it um but even the idea the idea of it like just to even put that out there um and maybe that's what they were thinking was like what why are you guys saying that Mario can learn anything from astrobot so let's just talk about this just to debunk it it's stupid right so I don't know I don't know what their discussion was right because if I hear this I'm like uh okay um um for me this was a bigger deal because this seems like a this is something that's out in the the pony land this is the belief that they hold right yeah so they're trying they just don't buy the game that's a separate story exactly what what can Pony what what can astrobot learn from Mario uh it could learn to get a fan base who actually buys the [ __ ] game that's what it can learn okay what what Mario can learn from astrobot is that Mario still Reigns Supreme and that if they ever put a Mario game on PlayStation y'all [ __ ] won't buy it it's true it's true my God I mean it really is it really is crazy um and they say that a is cute look at Mario do you what Luigi and Toad all sorts of I want I want to see I don't man I wonder where the hell I have that thing do you guys remember the um the videoo that's there you go that's been going around of um somebody actually did the side by side and they did the video of uh Mario and astrobot and how astrobot basically cover stolen from Mario yes oh my god did we ever play that here I don't know if we did here but I've definitely seen it they they've stolen from seen it I don't think we played it we also had the one from um um f guy yeah yeah that one we played I know for sure because that one was part of uh when we were showing that guy's thing uh God damn it pause the guy's video we're showing that guy thing the video the video video on not the God damn it damn damn was that yeah that is not oh boy look look look you made R you are come out he's like wow wow pause all right see unnecessary unnecessary you know what that's about hopefully you know who that's about oh my God no what's about Tommy Lee Tommy Lee isn't that Pamela Anderson's ex and they had a fun times tape oh did they they made a show about it I I wanted to watch it I didn't see it um but yeah the the sex tape you wanted to watch the sex tape not the [ __ ] they made a show about them not the sex tape that's not what I heard you just say you are sex tape and they made a show about it there you go interesting interesting just thank you for reminding me by the way we look that up no the show damn it see about their love about their love he used to beat the [ __ ] out of her [ __ ] no that's why I gotta watch the show I find out I mean I only know what the only thing I know about the relationship is Eminem oh okay all right all right yeah yeah that's the only thing I know so if you see on screen you can see why we've been talking about Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee's sex tape that dud wants to watch um I never said that never said that on tape it's on tape um yeah so they show you somebody made the video just showing you all the [ __ ] Ryan Ryan go doesn't have you better shut the [ __ ] up why would I want to see yo just kidding so side by side huh side by side that's how all six tapes are watched this [ __ ] oh my god oh [ __ ] y see look at everybody how dare you wow God ah Trey bone says he beat something on her let go oh my God God oh Friday nights huh Friday night indeed oh my God uh look Bounty bouny did watch the video that was playing I'll put it again oh oh the video Mario okay my bad sorry you brought out Brian Gosling I didn't bring up ran God damn go ahead ah so yes when you watch you do see just like all the different things that they took from Nintendo right oh my God arms yes yes get the F out of here it's like that like ashot is just Nintendo's greatest hit so fun yeah all their ideas are just taken directly from Nintendo see that's why the switch 2 needs to come out and be powerful because it's clear that PlayStation has realized that they can't cop C Xbox because they can't afford to copy Xbox this so now they want to copy Nintendo so Nintendo has to protect their [ __ ] and show them do the end of day you know PlayStation's copying somebody 100% 100% W yo ain't that some [ __ ] that's some [ __ ] it's crazy that they uh it's just so blatant you know what I'm saying like it's just so blatant that they will go ahead and do that I did have um I had another one yep right here so let me take off the volume right let me go back over here so I'll leave this on all right come on hry go so this just literally the well actually hold on wait all right I'm just going to let it be let's go back from the beginning this is a uh literally a astrobot versus Super Mario Odyssey right this dude this dude went in and broke it into like physics animations even showing how dead ass the Mario Odyssey looks better in a lot of different things that they do and it's the attention to detail that these people just can't [ __ ] with like immediately you see the water doesn't look anywhere near as good as it did on [ __ ] Mario and that's on the freaking ridiculous switch look at how they made Mario got wet from being on in there the robot dry as a whistle right like this is what I'm telling you like these people gassing up yeah [ __ ] astrobot come on man look at this scene it's like yo this is wild highly disrespectful I wish there were like achievements because then I could go like Mario I I could check the uh you know like the receipts did you finish Odyssey did you finish Galaxy right cuz or or Sunshine cuz like literally They're copying everything every time I see anything as about M yep copied yep copied yepop did you see the reflection of Mario through the ice and how perfect it was where this is all just jacked up way different way different dude like and when did Mario Odyssey come out 17 dude 2017 seven years before astrobot on the then brand new Switch this is what they do I mean Nintendo they they they're just crazy like I mean they're good at what they do I mean listen whether you like the type of game or not that's a that's a different question but um if like there's no denying it right like you just look at what what they are capable of doing with such little power bro like how you g to take a switch and make it like this is a switch game versus a PlayStation 5 game yep and you're still seeing that on that Nintendo switch what they were able to do with that [ __ ] the animation everything that they did look at how the water reacts to this [ __ ] it's crazy do we think that the Mario movie changed anything for them with how they kind of see things moving forward like because it did so well it's so well received um and and maybe that made them gave them that itch to want to go ahead and and but yeah they you know they they're taking the money they got from the Mario movie and expanding the graphical Fidelity of the next 3D Mario so we'll see what that means right but they want to make it look like the movie that'd be awesome you hear that c let's go that's what I want man that's where that's where we need to get to this of space to do it this is a switch look at what they were able to do giving smoke to this little [ __ ] rob now now uh like watch the grass the the scenery here on the switch and then show me that picture of Final Fantasy 7 oh my God oh my God and tell me that that's better or worse bro yeah dude it's it's serious man it's serious look at that [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] look at that like ass but this is this is this is the problem like listen you can't go ahead and try to compare Astra to freaking Mario is so again it's not about the game is the lens that they're willing to go to cap asraa that's the problem it's so blatant hary it's it's it's quite is quite a lot Y and I know I'm probably gonna like Astro when it comes to PC I'll give it a chance but it's like you know the the two things why is this game so much better than every Mario that's just baloney especially since it's copying them and then why isn't you're willing to play the kid game when it comes to PlayStation's Astro versus the original freaking awesome franchise Mario like ICT either you just don't like these games fair enough fine right then you're consistent if if you do like the you know Astro then please go play all the Mario games I want to see receipts show me finishing fre your whole life is about to change righty exactly is that I know see that [ __ ] Cactus it's not a cactus you know what I'm saying it's not look like something else it's crazy bro that's embarrassing that's embarrassing how like this is what I'm telling you bro like don't like I can't be hearing these dudes talk about this [ __ ] like it's the greatest [ __ ] [ __ ] ever dude like no man no it's like these dudes that they were trying to cap for [ __ ] uh Kill Zone thinking that it used to be [ __ ] good and [ __ ] like get out of here uh the Animal House Triple A look at that chat where that one astrobot should have been named Grand Theft PlayStation astral zler the game that stroke Mario's Peach oh [ __ ] wow wow holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] goddamn and you know what uh Derek [ __ ] Nails it we talked about this before I told you they had the weekend I said if Monday you didn't hear something you knew that it was gonna be good wa ER skiss says it's been a week it's freaking Friday it's been a week it has it's crazy it's been a week and no sales numbers officially released what does that tell you it didn't even do a mill it didn't even do a Mill and it probably didn't meet sales Target so any who I mean look at that shift F away that's so whack that's so whack PlayStation 5 Pro are we really not not not pro are we really at the time on Playstation in these [ __ ] cons that you're going to have uh something happen and then it just disappears like arbitrarily you know what I'm saying like come on man like that that's just whack like it's insane it's insane look at this a Oho it's on another level man like you again you know we're talking about something wow they didn't even bother to animate it oh my wow no you just disintegrate okay yep it definitely beats Mario uhhuh yo I'm telling you oh I'm telling you makes no sense it makes no oh look they even put the elephant you saw the elephant over there from Wonder yes oh the little bunnies that used to run around all the time in Mario interesting interesting God there's no yo I love that they went ahead and did this bro this is Yo talk about being exposed man talk about being we have to play it exposed there you go there you go perfect perfect yes there we go this is like cool like who this one was one that I saw so wild like look at how Mario my god let's go Mario Mario like look at how drawn out the animations are for Mario like he's really trying to tell you like all right man what's going on oh my gosh don't not even they copied exactly what he's doing yep like come on like seriously there is no originality to they copied it but then even they couldn't even do it at the same level look it Mario look he's getting more comfy like this is just basic [ __ ] dog oh my goodness Astro not like this Astro what what are we looking y That's the dude man ain't that some [ __ ] that's embarrassing man like again like people like to say that we're we we just talk [ __ ] for the sake of talking [ __ ] but like again they they're the reason for everything that happens they can't just say oh this is a dope game you guys should check it out this is a fun game you should check it out wow astrobot is a lot better than I thought it was going to be you should check it out no no no they go to Game of the Year greatest thing ever brought me back to my childhood did it bring you back to your childhood when you played Mario Odyssey were those the words that we heard out in these streets no no not even Nintendo fans are such [ __ ] to say [ __ ] like that Nintendo fans are like yeah that was a [ __ ] hardcore game [ __ ] Super mar it was awesome with these [ __ ] people out here with this oh my God oh my God this is so amazing oh my God you know what I'm saying like come on man come on dude the creativity oh man this was a really good game I don't really I normally like all those other games like you guys love I know Galaxy supposedly like one of the greatest games ever my son our son loves it um awesome supposed I hate I hate it I love them hate I it's you what I can't I can't say that I think my mind remembers I hatte it I ended up as I played it more it was okay for me yeah I definitely hated the beginning um as I played it more it was okay but like I'm just it's not for me but this Odyssey I I loved it I played the [ __ ] out of it I played like there's multiple moons I did multiple moons I couldn't finish the game because my switch died yeah literally that was dead lost everything had 100 God knows how many hours in Zelda breath of the wild I was waiting for the DLC I bought the DLC and it died did you have Cloud save no oh there was no Cloud save he had to yeah he had to send in the um the switch I had to send in the it was all reset hary it was so annoying that was crazy yeah so bad um but yeah I mean look I I wanted to uh I wanted to show this because it's just it's just so stupid this idea like again enjoy the game talk about how good the game is don't don't tell me that it's Game of the Year okay number one after just playing that game and ignoring all the other good [ __ ] that came out this [ __ ] astrobot like let calm down um and then don't [ __ ] start comparing it to like the best thing ever like calling it like the greatest [ __ ] thing ever known to mankind like get out of here bro come on man like how disrespectful are you to your own legacy as a PlayStation like all those games you that made you love PlayStation are worse than this game like you got dudes like Jeff grub saying that this was the greatest game that PlayStation has ever made that's wild I'm sorry according to Herman Hol the best games they made is is Concord it is it is it is it is for the entire future as well for the entire future as well dude that's crazy that's crazy oh my God so and and the second best is uh is horizon horizon that is more important the other one was their best this one was their most important what were you saying baby girl the right here um Miss K TV oh what's up what's up love how we doing I like asraa having fun playing it but it's no Mario exactly which is that simple enjoy the game without [ __ ] glazing it so hard you know what I'm saying like you don't have to right like it's not Mario like bro like this this game gave you these worlds to explore and find all these nooks and crannies and when you found those nooks and crannies they added new [ __ ] for you to find and the different nooks and cran like it was bro you can play this game for so long and keep finding new [ __ ] and figuring out different ways to do [ __ ] come on man this like you're come on just stop you know what I'm saying if the comparisons weren't there right because that's what they want to do then no one would be looking and comparing right because nobody saw astrobot and got confused and said oh my goodness is this Mario so you know and until they started saying it's better than Mario exactly you know what I'm saying and it's like all right that's because they don't play Mario that's really all that is and that's why I told you that that's why when I said it I said they're all really just closeted Nintendo fans who've been stuck on the PlayStation that's why they don't buy no games right they're just stuck on the PlayStation said the same thing though he said go try Mario if this is what you're gonna have a field day with freaking Mario go try that out oh exactly interesting did not Mario have this literal same [ __ ] where you go into the wall and do a sideways little 2D section interesting yes with the little mushroom too when he get turns um tiny the big mushroom gets really big oh yo I don't know I don't know listen at the end of the day it is what it is um I'm just I I wanted to show this because I feel like we've talked a lot about it we have and we haven't like showed the receipts right like as to what we've been kind of referring to right so if people never experienced you know Mario and they're sitting there you know following the crowd saying that it's better than Mario it's like fam come on like you you can't even can't even front bro don't don't say stupid [ __ ] right and if you don't know Mario then you shouldn't you shouldn't speak on it right because you've never experienced it so what are what what are you comparing it to right I I don't think that is suited it's part of the problem honestly when out they hear something they run with it agreed agreed and they just like blindly follow the idea um when I saw that battle right there I could have swore that that was Mario before I noticed the little robot like they just literally took his steo you know what I'm saying like they CT his style because he was not around on the PlayStation so they're like oh well if we just make a game that's just like it maybe they'll they'll love it the same way I mean listen this is the hard pill to the hard pill to swallow was that they loved it the same way but they don't buy it the same way you know I'm saying and you know we we saw we we were watching freaking Concord and you know we said oh look this looks like this game that looks like that game Guardians of the Galaxy here and there the the but it wasn't that right it wasn't that it was just elements that they took from other games in worst Concord now and the same thing with astrobot say what you will the sales just aren't there so it be what it be nope it be what it be indeed indeed thank you so much for rocking out with us today absolutely this has been pretty dope was a [ __ ] fun show man we had a lot of good times we thank you all for coming to rock with us guys I think we slapped up some ponies today I think we did oh God bless you my love you can't say Pony she's allergic to she's allergic allergic to pony that's hilarious oh my God guys thank you all so much for rocking with us man we appreciate each and every one of you thank you for rocking with us thank you for being here live in the building with us for so long these names I see so many of these names the whole show like you guys are [ __ ] fire man that's amazing thank you guys for being here absolutely so guys remember um you know we'll be back on uh oh Miss K thank you so much thank you love uh we will be back on Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. eastern for morning quest with do see money yes and we're going to have some fun it'll be either 10:00 a.m. or somewhere around 11: we'll see aim for 10 we aim for 10 it's always the aim for 10 um but yes so we'll be back with that we'll see what fun little things spring up from now and then let's see what pony teers are given I'm very excited to find out um but yes man we'll be back so thank you all appreciate you of course we got to thank our homies who are rocking with us demo flow gaming he obviously had a go night night you know what I'm saying so yes shout out to our homie Derek says thank you for taking the time to do the show appreciate you Fam thank you for coming man here Derek um and of course you know you got our homie the Wise One the author the Patriot yes and of course the pony and pony bot Slayer Harish rocking out with us man appreciate you brother thank you for being here man making it second second day this week right you were here with us on Tuesday yeah I think I was right yeah yeah yeah it was a fun night fun fun night so yeah for Vlog says I'm winning that free cold next time see money let's go I I want you to win man I want you to win you know just it's just think about it like Game Pass if we get to the last round just sub for sub for oh that's funny uh but no man listen every most of the time it gets one in the normal round so you wi and every just got to be here man you the problem is you never know when it's going down I know like I said the the one last night literally happened three hours into the show EJ Jackson just showed up like here Space Marines give it out Give It Away sounds like a plan so dope listen DJ Jackson That's the homie yeah that was that was super duper dope but uh but yeah hary let everybody know uh you know what you got going on you got your book they need to go buy the book put the link in the chat yes there oh yeah Spartan I see you f appreciate you homie so yeah if you want to pick up my book it's uh shop. chin. us I just threw the link in hopefully it shows up and then uh if you want to subscribe to my channel I'll just pick up the link from a web page it's hary chan1 on YouTube uh so check that out I'll be on with web Dave on Sunday uh so check that out I think we have dirt on I I think MAV maybe like I think it's dirt and MAV but um so yeah check that out on Sunday at 700m us Eastern Time on web chel so and here's my it's already Saturday you guys I know right that's it that's it it's happened guys thank you again man we appreciate y'all thank you to everybody who super chatted you guys are [ __ ] dope thank you to uh the homie will broke booy LS for becoming a member and gifting five memberships man that's really really dope we really do appreciate that [ __ ] so thank youart love you love appreciate you f thank you for rocking with us hey guys big big thing to take away from the show please please please remember Ry you are wants to don't forget don't forget the pony tax ta you guys don't forget the pony tax that's a good one you don't want to forget that for sure for sure absolutely guys we're going to end the show The Way We End every single doodle yes we're done we are until next time you're intruding you're intruding a