How Tony Romo Ruined Super Bowl LVIII

here are my thoughts on all the things that took place at Super Bowl 58 over this week on jg9 news new content dropping every single day on that channel and now all with our Feature Presentation Tony Romo is the most scrutinized announcer in the NFL heck I've done a video on him before criticizing one of the worst calls of his career which you learn more about by clicking the card in the upper right corner when during a game this season between the New England Patriots and the Las Vegas Raiders and the Patriots trolling the Raiders 19 to 16 after a touchdown with just over 3 minutes left in the contest he suggested that the Patriot should go for two points to make it 1918 instead of kicking the extra point to make it 1917 which uh doesn't make any sense if you stop to think about it for more than 5 Seconds the number one guy on any network is going to be scrutinized especially when it's someone like Romo who started off his broadcasting career so strong and so promising his breakdown during overtime of the 2018 AFC Championship where he was accurately predicting everything that the Patriots are going to do based on the way the chief's defense was lining up was one of the greatest works of broadcasting of all time but ever since it's been a downward trajectory the further he's been out of the game the more he's relying on Natural Instincts and just getting really excited without any substance behind it heck sometimes he'll just say blatantly incorrect information during this Super Bowl when Chief Center Creed Humphrey delivered a series of low snaps he called it uncharacteristic even though this was a problem oh I don't know the last freaking game of the Chiefs played it low snap momes has to escape Mahomes takes us out it's another low snap it actually hits the ground too wide another low snap and that's a backwards pass to Kelsey Kelsey looking to throw it himself he's going to pick up five on a first down but again oh man that is B to B it's happened a lot now it's happened a lot Humphrey they got to get this sorted out especially with this being the most watched Super Bowl of all time there was going to be a ton of attention drawn to Romo and he had to deliver in the moment CBS Executives were not too happy with Romo last year according to reports and with Greg Olen a very good number one commentator on Fox soon to be available seeing as Tom Brady is taking over that number one job Romo enter this game probably knowing that he was fighting for his job and honestly for the first four quarters of the game Humphrey missed SK aside I thought it was fine not great but fine there was one moment in particular where a penalty was called Patrick Mahomes started walking back thinking that it was on the Chiefs but Romo was adamant that it was on the 49ers and explained what it was before the referee said anything and he was right that felt like vintage Romo that's why he got the number one job if the game ended in regulation honestly I'd probably give him a B for the performance solid job that won't be talked about one way or the other which is a pretty good thing and then overtime happened and everything fell apart okay you know the person that goes up there in karaoke and does a song and you think to yourself hey they're not half bad that was a decent rendition of an ' 80s song instead of leaving the bar at at that point they signed up for another song only this time they had three more drinks than they did the first time they went up there and this time in a more drunken State they go up there and do Sweet Child of Mine yeah that's what Tony Romo was in overtime the first four quarters of the game he was fine and then when overtime came along he ruined the Super Bowl seriously this performance with the whole country watching was a firable offense that might cost Romo his job and for that matter Jim Nance deserves a ton of blame too for reasons I'll get into in just a bit we cannot let Jim N off the here because this is a breakdown of how Tomy Romo with his overtime performance ruined the Super Bowl there's two things in particular that we need to talk about I'm sure you know what the second one is but I'll talk about the first one leading up to the final play when you listen to Romo in overtime you wonder if he has ever watched football in his life because every play has the significance of being the final play of the game there are apparently 15 or 20 different final plays in a game sometimes you can just tell when the moment is Big you can give the audience more credit than you think you might have to give them when you say that a play is for the Super Bowl the play that comes to mind is Harrison bucker fuel goal attempt at the end of regulation if bucker misses that kick that's the ball game and the 49ers win the Super bowl or in overtime if the 49ers scored a touchdown the Chiefs scored one and went for two that plays for the Super Bowl but you know what's not for the Super Bowl I'll tell you what every single freaking play of the game it's crazy Tony Romo on multiple occasions during the overtime period said that a play was for the Super Bowl when it was not for the Super Bowl imagine if you're watching wimbl then and the announcer says on Match Point that this is for the match that's totally fine imagine watching Wimbledon and the announcer says when the fourth set is tied 33 and this point is 1515 that this is for the match you think they were insane you think they just love to hear themselves talk and you think they have no idea what tennis was and Romo did this over and over again take this play the 49ers go three and now but there's a flag on the field that should extend the drive for San Francisco listen to Romo's analysis that's a huge difference from punting or getting a first down for the Super Bowl all right big play yeah of course you don't want to be punting it back to the Chiefs but for the Super Bowl last time I checked with or without the flag the game is still tied at 19 all last time I checked the game is still going on you can say that something is a big play without saying that it's for the game especially if it's not for the game because guess what maybe the Niners can stop the and then that play that he said was for the Super Bowl turned out to not be for anything at all but okay he did it one time that seems like a nitpick surely he didn't do it again right I want you to watch him this is for the Super Bowl no Tony no it's not that play is not for the Super Bowl if Chris Jones doesn't break up this pass the chief still get the ball back do you not know the overtime rules like honestly you had 2 years to learn the OT rules while making millions upon millions of dollars how do you not know there is no Universe where that play is for the Super Bowl if the ners score the Chiefs still get a chance to answer it is not like the bills Chiefs divisional round game it is not like suable 51 a touchdown on the first drive does not end it you still like Kansas City's chances of winning even if that play is a touchdown unbelievable but okay just don't do it again Jennings wins for the Super Bowl right down there are you kidding me Tony HS doesn't win for the super bow the chaines still get the ball back the chaines still get the freaking ball back this is like if in basball there's a runner on third and it's the top of the 10th and it's a tie game and I say that this is for the World Series like no it's not the bottom of the 10 still has to be played CBS can't allow Romo to to be on after this scaff they just can't especially with all the criticism that he's gotten your job as an announcer is to make things easy to understand your job is to not confuse them even more millions of people heard Romo's comments and said to themselves wait I thought the Chiefs get the ball back why is Romo talking about this like it's with the Super Bowl and like it's a walkoff especially because this is the first ever game under these overtime rules you had a duty to make it easy to understand and you didn't by blatantly screwing up the interpretation because the Chiefs would get the ball back and they would win it on a walk-off touchdown and oh man we need to talk about this this is the moment that will live on in infamy one of the greatest plays in NFL history and Romo had to make himself a part of the moment with the worst call in the history of the big game an announcer is an important part of the game much like a referee is an important part of the game however much like the referee you never want the announcer to be the part of the game it's never good when I say the Mike Goldberg game and you know exactly which game I'm talking about which you can learn more about by clicking the card in the upper right corner when a big moment happens that ends the game you let the crowd take over you let the broadcast breathe that's one of the number one rules of broadcasting silence is powerful silence is sometimes the best call you can make and and everyone knows this Jim N had a great call on the Hardman touchdown where he said jackpot fitting call for a veg Super Bowl up there with one of n's best skulls and if that's where it ended we'd be good but oh no because without even letting the broadcast breathe for one minute Romo had to interject and do this there Hardman jackpot Kansas City and this was the end Andy re special they literally didn't even finish the first cup Romo was already talking about the X's and O's of display as if to say look how smart I am guys look I do watch film I know the player is on this team I'm credible and I'm not saying that the breakdown wouldn't be appropriate later in the broadcast but does Romo have any knowledge of a broadcast and how it works he called it like they were about to sign off the air 5 seconds later it's the walkoff touchdown in the Super Bowl they're going to show a gazillion different replays you'll have time once the crowd noise subsides and the moment sing in to analyze and break down the play but to do it right away 2 seconds after the play was done to step on an's toes to step on the toes of the play itself downright shameful and one of the most selfish things I've ever seen a broadcaster do I want to show you exactly what I mean here are just some of the greatest moment in NFL history in the 21st century you'll notice a common theme with this listen to the announcer and wait how long it takes for one of the color commentators to interject or for the play-by-play person to start speaking again we'll start with James White's walk-off touchdown at serow 51 for the Patriots he's in Patriots win the Super Bowl Brady has his fifth what a comeback [Applause] another look to make sure all right 15 seconds and it would have been longer if the director didn't cut to a replay which they had to just because it was close enough where you didn't know if his knee was down but everything before the replay was dead silent the way it should be speaking of great joobu calls and maybe the greatest call of all time what about the Minneapolis Miracle between the Vikings and the Saints in the 2017 divisional what Dres sideline touchdown unbelievable Vikings win it [Applause] to see Marcus Williams here he has a shot 33 seconds Troy been wait since a the replay to start talking instead letting the crowd take over and describe what just happened but it doesn't have have to be a neutral sight game or a home game what about a r game what about the miracle of the new metal lands with the a sea Jackson pun return to complete a miracle comeback for the Eagles against the Giants [Applause] unbelievable No Time Left Eagles [Applause] [Applause] win perfect about 13 or 14 seconds with that one at one of the most famous moments of them all the saints Falcons block punt by Steve gleon and the return to the Superdome in 2006 on Monday Night Football talk about letting the moment speak for itself listen to this a KCK block by Steve GLE it is stooped and scored by ctis Del touchdown New Orleans oh John Carney for the extra point 36 seconds 36 seconds in between Too Sing a touchdown for the Saints and the extra point taking place and it probably would have been longer if not for the fact that this wasn't the final play of the game so there was a 42nd play clock and they had to do it and now rewatch Romo's call with n there Hartman jackpot Kansas City and this was the Andy Reed special two seconds you notice the difference right you notice a difference Romo had to inject himself into the moment he had to make himself a part of one of the greatest moments of all time he just had to imagine this imagine if your child is taking their first steps it only happens one time in their life that they take their first steps and naturally you want to have it on video there's three of you in the room alongside the kid it's you your significant other and let's say your cousin that you're not super close to but he's there because it's the holidays or something and as the kid is walking and you're crying and encouraging them the cousin starts making himself on film a part of the Moment by cracking jokes like he'll be suiting up for the Carolina Panthers soon or not as good as my 40 time but still pretty good Monumental moment that happens only once and your cousin comes in and ruins it with his unnecessary commentary when there's plenty of time for him to comment afterwards the number one criticism I've had of Romo for a while is that he refuses to let the broadcast breathe and Views silence as a bad thing it was a criticism last year after the AFC Championship where Harrison bucker get the game-winning field goal the crowd was going nuts and Romo just had to insert himself into the mix right away by talking about what a great season Cincinnati had and he clearly hasn't improved because because if anything based on this game it's gotten worse and even though the jackpot call was great this is where Jim Nance deserves a ton of blame for how this came out and look I like Jim Nance I think he's a coner professional I think he's a very good broadcaster a very good play byplay man but he deserves as much blame as Tony Romo for how that call ended when I'm play byplay and I've done play bypl for a long long time and I want to let the moment breathe and I don't want anyone saying anything I throw up the stop side I throw my hands up like this as if to say do not say anything once I put my hands down you're good but I put my hands up like that to restrain him and say look do not say anything until I put my hands down don't say a word and Jim Nance either didn't do that he didn't give the stop sign which in that case I blame him or Tony Romo has such little respect for Jim Nance that he blew by the stop sign Jim Nance acts as a play-by-play guy he acts as the third base coach he didn't give a sign and for that I have to give him a ton of criticism especially because that is part of the job of a play-by-play person Mike too famously in 2006 during that Steve gleon block pump that I showed earlier he said that one of the things that he did was he threw up the stop sign look at this article he said that for 36 seconds that stop sign was up and he knew the moment it happened say touchdown New Orleans and then get out of the way and he had to throw up the stop sign just so that everyone got the message Jim Nance he had to know he had to throw up the stop sign he didn't and for that he deserves as much way Miss Tony Romo does for Romo stupid comments Tony R blew it plain and simple he blew it he had a chance to do the best thing of his broadcasting career and something that every broadcaster does and hopefully gets a chance to do and that is get out of the way and let the moment speak for itself but nope he couldn't even do that right this is going to be an interesting offseason for a lot of parties from Sunday's game for the Chiefs what do they do with Chris Jones for the 49ers what do they do with Brandon auk and for CBS what do they do with Tony Romo because I don't know after this if you can bring him back I don't know Jim get your official Jabar gear9 merchandise by going to jj9 and be sure to like And subscribe as it really helps the channel out a lot join me every Wednesday night where we'll play NFL tribia for cash prizes at 9:00 p.m. Eastern over on Twitch to learn more about the history of college football subscribe to jagar Gator 8 to learn more about the history of Major League Baseball subscribe to javar Gator 7 also special thanks to all of our patreon supporters for helping out the channel your support is greatly appreciated see how you can become a patron and request future video topics in the description below

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