Welcome Home, Texans! 125 Years of Excellence at Tarleton State University.

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:01:55 Category: Education

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[Music] hello Texans at long last we're back the beginning of a new Academic Year we could not be more excited for what's to come there's nothing we love more than seeing our students back on campus and this year we're doing more than just welcoming our Tex and family home we're continuing a tradition of Excellence as many of you know this year Charleston State University is celebrating our 12 5 th anniversary as an institution of Higher Learning John torlon arrived here with nothing more than a suitcase and a dream this week many of you have done the same you've taken a huge step towards your future ready to pursue your passions and discover what lies ahead and the experiences you will have along your journey will become part of our storyed history you'll take part in so many Traditions that Texans have enjoyed for decades some of my favorites are homecoming family week and Founders week you'll create new traditions and make memories that will last for Generations you'll see our University grow in ways unimagined we're building state-of-the-art facilities adding Innovative programs and increasing access opportunity and affordability for all Texans it's just a few of the ways we continue to live out John tarlton's Vision because celebrating our 125th anniversary isn't just about where we've been it's also about where we're going and creat creating the most special place possible to ensure another 125 years of Excellence so I hope you're ready for what's going to be an exciting year it's going to be amazing once again welcome home and as always may you forever bleed purple

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