Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:22:54
Category: Sports
Trending searches: sp 500
hey everyone hope they're having a good day my name is Andy my channel is finding value today we're going to go through Twitter see what people are sharing on social media uh generally related to three different topics wealth building Commodities Andor Financial topics uh so we're going to dive right in there take a look see what people are sharing you'll get my opinion as we go through it uh if you want to follow me on Twitter it's _ Finance if you want to join our community finding heyen where I dive deeper into all of these topics I dive into potential investment opportunities you can follow what I'm doing for this commodity bull market you can see the cycles and how I read the Cycles in terms of yield curve uh real estate cycle a whole bunch of different cycles that we look at and obviously we dive deeper into technical analysis so starting with Ryan here Ryan dri he says Friday was a 9090 day at the New York Stock Exchange 90% of the stocks were up and 90% of the volume was higher first since the end of the bear October 22 so ndr research has data back to 1980 for common operating companies only so no bond stuff bullish returns going out up 89% of the time a year later and it is up 14.3% on average and that's what that 9090 day so 90% of the stocks 90% of the volume higher uh on that day there's the S&P log scale and those are the signal dates here here you can see where those signal dates are um obviously there are some before uh big crashes as well but um that's the data you want the data John Quake says what's exciting uranium Market analysts and commentators the most today and driving uranium mining stocks significantly higher is that Kaz Adam prom Kap telling you that they expect production to remain lower for longer taking the extraordinary step of making application to K Kazan kazakhstan's mining regulatory Regulators to reduce the permitted production levels in veral of their operations with joint venture partner for years to come so I I was more interested in this chart here it says changes to Kap production profile and you can see the proposed changes are have a much steeper decline here uh starting in 2030 uh so we have a steeper Decline and then you've got 35 at the top here this is 30 here so they've lowered the entire chunk here down it's harder to see that so we have steeper declines and they're not as high already coming back AR Burman says you need to take an introductory class in reality at Future Luke there is no energy transition it's a political theater Ponzi scheme wake up before you're dead so he's saying I disagree France's ambition renewable energy targets and policies are already showing promising results and I believe we can achieve a beneficial energy transition with careful planning and investment and this is what it looks like over the years of fossil fuels dominating that move and wind and solar making up basically nothing now if you listen to people that have really dove into the data they will tell you in their opinion that we cannot have an energy transition into wind and solar because the minerals do not exist the projects uh for copper and a lot of these other areas they're they're not here and they won't be here for another 10 or 20 years so how is it possible that we transition if the minerals and the projects are not in the pipeline because we can't and in my opinion because of those minerals not being in the pipeline I am betting on fossil fuels over the next 10 years to dominate I see that as a pretty easy layup um especially with the under investment that we've gotten in Commodities already so I don't know to me it seems fairly obvious and it doesn't mean that every day will go up it do doesn't mean that every year we go up we will have cyclical pullbacks in a secular bull market and I don't think people understand that they can't comprehend that for some reason and I'll I'll show you what I mean by the outperformance uh that we've gotten already I'll show you we when we get a couple of different things coming up here so here's floating oil storage is close to fiveyear lows production is up but geopolitical risks are high energy prices could rise influencing inflation the barring that inflation will be low in August and likely in September as well says Bill Hamlin and this is floating storage is approaching zero I don't I don't know if we've ever had this go that low I'm not sure in history but floating storage is incredibly low here here's the metals weekly price and performance we've got aluminum zinc lead silver tin nickel all doing quite well manganese and padium uh are our laggers maganese was down but padium was basically flat everything else was up we have an all-time high at Gold 2546 an ounce uh Andrew says 9 to5 jobs with high salaries benefits and paid days off are better than owning a business a low stress job plus investing is all most is all most people need become a millionaire entrepreneurship is great but your time is worth more than you think well if your time is worth more than you think then why would you subject yourself to a 9-to-5 job who says that opening your own business or owning your own business is going to be more work than doing a 9-to-5 job it may require more work at the beginning setting it all up getting everything um basically laying the foundation but there's a lot of benefits to owning your own business and I don't know what he defines as high salaries there's a lot of people and and their personal traits that will not do well in a 9 to-5 um I am one of those people that does not do that well in a 9 to5 I don't think for for a lot of positions uh there are a lot of people that I know and have met that do incredibly well in nin to-5 positions they're more of the military type the ones that need to be told what to do uh how to think this is what we need to do follow this plan and this program and this strategy follow follow follow follow I don't like doing that so I'd rather spend time regardless of how much time it is following something that I can do that I develop my own plans and strategies I don't like following other people's plans especially if I disagree with them I'll still do it when I was younger but when as I got older I I couldn't take it guys uh if it that that's just myself and that's kind of where I diverged it started in my 30s um it is low stress no doubt about that for most 9-to-5s um there are benefits too if you start your own company uh there are a lot of tax benefits and there's a lot of things that you can do with retirement savings that you cannot do working at a 9 to-5 job so even though you may have a high salary at a 9 to-5 position in a high salary let's say you make $200,000 I would consider that to be a high salary um you can only put so much into a 401k uh pre-tax if you own your own company you can uh do things a little bit different you can open up a self-employed you can rotate it move it whichever way you like you can also pay yourself uh more pre-tax money because you can go on the employer side if you have an ESC Corp and you can put in 25% of what you're paying your salary uh as pre-tax money as an employer contribution you don't get that with a 9 to-5 and you can obviously do all the employee side stuff as well uh you can also deduct a bunch of expenses so there's a lot of things in your job that may cross over into a business and you can use them uh for expenses like you can expense a truck uh you can expense computer stuff your internet uh there's a lot of things that you can expense um as long as they're legal expenses that you can deduct reducing your total income but also um you may use some of those things at your house if your business is at your house so there's a lot of positives to having your own business and obviously there are are some negatives too dividend diplomats he says what's the longest you've ever held on to a car both my wife and I I've had the same car since 2013 2015 nothing beats not having a car payment um my wife's car we purchased that brand new in 2004 well actually she purchased it I I didn't start dating her till 2005 I purchased my car brand new 2005 for8 ,700 Chevrolet Veil I still we still own both of those cars and those are the longest ones that we've held on to um I was 24 when I purchased my car at the time it was my first brand new car that I purchased and I still own it and use it today uh so I'm beating the I'm beating them by about 10 years on their car um car runs good and I can fix basically anything on it uh and I don't really care to buy anything else as long as it runs okay um if I have to spend a lot of time fixing things that's when I will eventually give up on it but right now I'm okay with fixing what it is but they are getting towards the end of their life and one of them is really beat up uh Grant martiz says Bitcoin update as mentioned we could see a back test of secondary trend line it's a process pattle being groomed for the 12 fleecing in his opinion now I don't just look at these charts and take them for granted the question I ask myself is is why why would Bitcoin go down what is the reasoning how could this play out um one of the possibilities that this is right is that we are in a big Tech bubble and Bitcoin is just an extension of technology so that could be the case um what are some things where it could be wrong um well we've got the dollar dropping like a rock and this is priced in dollars so the denominator could fall quite a bit and Bitcoin could be held up by a falling dollar I also think that with declining yields uh we could see more stimulus enter the market maybe more loans too potentially uh and maybe we get a move higher and the market isn't as slow and as weak as what we think so maybe Bitcoin liquidity and the weakening of the dollar um sends Bitcoin higher that's a possibility there Adam cou says there's always something to worry about your success as an investor depends on your ability to ignore the worries of the world long enough to allow your Investments to succeed and these are the reasons to sell and there's all sorts of stuff of reasons to sell but you have to hold through it all and that's from 2009 2009 to 2021 this is the SPX is the final fifth wave position of the higher deegree fifth wave um once price has reach 5900 6100 targets and remains below exactly 6118 a higher deegree crash phase is expected to begin in his opinion that is because the fifth of the fifth wave will terminate the impulse from the 2009 low likely to retrace that amount of that 15 so we have a big pullback I do think that this is going to happen why do I think that it's not about the wave count that is why I think that it is it it's more about um us coming towards the end of this big wave yes but it's it deals with the real estate cycle inflation and commodities it's all switching and swapping around here so that's why I think it's going to go down it's it's at the end of this impulse move and the cycle and that's it's it's the market conditions that are driving it the wave this fifth wave correlates the herd correlates with that thought and that cphon here's equi is a nearly every other asset class rallied on Friday because Federal Reserve chairman poell basically promised rate cuts to arrive soon this will put even more emphasis on will there be a recession debate as the great chart of Callum Thomas shows a recession is the ultimate decider on whether rate Cuts deserve higher stock markets and the Outlook is mixed us manufacturing seems to be in recession services are weakening and the Som rule is flashing red yet other recession indicators like personal income ex government transfers and residential investment which collapsed in early 2022 look less worrisome in addition Claudia believes this time may be different oh my goodness not that all this combined with what happened Late July weak us macro numbers in early August the Yen carry trade volmageddon geopolitical tensions leads me to believe that if the FED wants to stay ahead of things it should cut rates by 50 basis points what do you think this is if the econ says medium when the economy does not enter recession within 12 months it's up about 133% 14% if the median when the economy enters a recession within 12 months it's down about 15% 14% that's that's the outcome there depending if we have a weak or a strong economy history Rhymes so this is the 2007 headline we all know what happened next markets soar after fed Cuts key rate by half a point September 18 2007 it fell after that so they were cutting rates because the economy was weak already that's your crash scenario that's the down 14 15% here are we weak or are we strong what I would do to measure that is if they cut rates I'd watch housing starts housing starts go up and construction employment is up then we're strong if those continue to fall we are weak and we'll probably get a pullback recession here's in price to sales ratio LTM versus sales estimates the three big waves here and could this potentially go lower like lots lower yes that's my guess that would also correlate with the fifth wave peeking out and heading lower sometime soon here's natural gas he says Steve kangos have often marked major Bottoms in natural gas here we are are again at major bottom and then the forward curve all in alignment for a move higher for natural gas coming back up let me hit refresh I think I one didn't get on here maybe I didn't add it well anyway there was one that said that there was a micro strategy um call and that call is um micro strategy was the best performing stock since 2020 I just wanted to dispute that um so what I have here and I pulled up is one of the this is one of the companies that a lot of us had purchased uh it's crew energy it's a natural gas company up in Canada I'm sharing this because it was like tormal I purchased this back in um where the start of this pattern is um I bought it in September of 2020 which is this guy right down here this is where I purchased a whole bunch of crew energy you can go back and look at some of my YouTube clips of when I was purchasing a lot of these companies and when I opened them up to the public uh some of them I didn't open up all of them but I talked about a lot of them um not every one of my companies was a success uh but I have about 10 to 15 companies from 2020 of September number where they've gone up over 10x um I'm just using this one as an example micro strategy is this company right here that's the one that's flicking on and off Bitcoin is this one here and everyone's been telling me how Bitcoin has outperformed the other Assets Now yeah maybe from this point forward of February 20124 that's probably the case um maybe maybe not um this is what it would look like from that period there so yes it's gone up quite a bit in the short term um I'm playing the long term from the September 20 oops September 2020 which is that right there how you put it up um I've got about 10 or 15 companies that are up over 10x since September of 2020 that I've invested in this one here is an example it's up 2000 87 so 2 87% um so if you had put $10,000 uh into this uh you'd be up 21x roughly so it' be 210,000 so every 10 grand that you put in it is now 210,000 for every 10 grand uh that's what the return would be since September of 20120 these are the types of returns that I'm looking at and micro strategy has not outperformed a lot you know 10 or 15 of the companies that I purchased in 2020 from that time frame so um I have a lot of companies my biggest returner is up more than even that it's almost double that 4,000% I think um which is like 40 times your money so 10,000 would have turned into 400,000 if you had invested when I had purchased at that time so I have a bunch of those in the portfolio I'm not using this to brag or anything like that and obviously not all my companies are like that but that's what I'm going after for my investments um it's those types of returns uh and the way that I did that is using those three pillars that I created uh it is a way to identify when something's cheap objectively and then going into it and I am deploying that right now currently um I think that we have potential investment opportunities in gold and silver they're very cheap and I think that the returns can be something similar to this I don't know the exact time frame but the entry points are very similar to those of oil and gas back in uh September October of 2020 so um there's still a lot of opportunity out there um I I'm not willing to buy overvalued assets like in Nvidia and stuff like that so I don't play in those those Waters if they're that overvalued I look for undervalued um companies and then I look for the chart setups and the patterns and gold and silver are looking pretty good and that's where I think future investment opportunities a lot but that's what I've got for today thumb up for the content subscribe to the channel uh and thanks for listening this is finding value