Packers and Life with Aaron "Big D" Davis

Published: May 21, 2024 Duration: 00:44:03 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] [Music] up [Applause] [Music] what's up everybody Welcome to the cheese Talk podcast I'm your host Brian Rego where I'll be talking Packers in life today with my guest cheese head nerd AKA Aaron Davis aka Milwaukee and Green Bay fan um before I get to him just want to give a shout out to the network for giving me the chance to do the podcast under their umbrella and uh yeah they are 74 followers away as of 5:45 this evening from reaching their goal of 523 followers on Twitter or X once they hit 523 followers they will be giving away an 8 by10 sign Jer Alexander 8 by10 picture Aon what's up You' been on before right who me no yeah it's been a bit but yeah a couple times yeah the last time we talked we were just right before the draft the draft has happened since then what are your thoughts on the draft I thought that it very well for what we for what we needed and uh we got we we got a bunch of o line depth we added we added a bunch of safety Hub which is going to be huge some a couple solid linebackers linebacker that I was really hoping we were gonna get Cooper uh that was one of my favorite that was my absolute favorite pick yeah I like Cooper and I like Javon Bullard SW to go along with mckenny and Jer so I think Jordan Morgan's G to be key on the line I think he'll be starting this year well I think so think they'll have him at left tackle I think so he wants to play left tackle so I I can see him gunning for that yeah and we need to have size protecting Jordan M's backside like we had Bach tiari protecting uh Aaron Rogers but Cooper is quick off the edge I like him Bullard he's a ball Hawk and he's he's a hard hitter uh Marshon Lloyd I'm excited about him I think he's a version of Josh Jacobs they have kind of the same style like Run game same kind of build yeah I mean the safeties are huge offensive line depth is huge it's kayin king I think he's gonna be a steal at corner from Penn State oh wow oh yeah he he should have gone off the board earlier than he did yeah he was going to go out I thought he's going to go to the draft after his junior year last year but I don't he didn't go obviously but I think the Packers got a steal there I really do I'll take it and even the quarterback Michael Pratt from tane he has he's tall he has an arm he has legs he can run so that's that's good he also beat sorry I I was to say he beat Caleb Williams too in college did he yeah right surprise and uh I think he'll take over this quarterback number two roll from Clifford he could I I think I think it'll be a good battle yeah I like I like Clifford I like Clifford he's hell athletic good ball he's a good ball skills I like him both I I I wouldn't be surprised if we keep both of them or at least keep one of them on the practice squad at least well we'll keep one as a backup one his practice squad because uh now I can't think of his name the m m or whatever his name was he switched to a receiver that we had from the yeah so so you said your favorite pick was Cooper wow he was most he he was most um obviously we need we needed a we needed a new linebacker after after losing uh dandre Campbell we needed someone to fill in that spot and Cooper was obviously the best line backer going into the draft they knew he wasn't going to go first round but second round for sure and then such an amazing athlete knows for the ball great tackling skills great rushing skills and he's fast he's fast for a linebacker he's like uh some type of version of Clay Matthews if we can get the production out of Cooper if not more than we got out of clay it'll be huge and I think we will too you know hoping he stays healthy and you just get those safeties that come up on special packages and put him at linebacker and have him Blitz and I mean and from what I saw two of the safeties are good open field tacklers too line linebackers are as well they can run with the with the receiver you know so I think going to this 43 defense we definitely drafted what we needed so absolutely what do you after seeing I mean obviously they haven't played as a team yet but what are your expectations for this year for the Packers I can see us competing for the division against Detroit this year honestly no I I get the hype and I get why Bears fans are excited but they still have no room to talk they haven't done anything in recent in recent years so I I I get it Caleb Williams he looks talented and all that I get it but I think I I think for them it'll be a battle between them and Minnesota for last place we'll see there with Detroit as well it's I just I'm just I I mean I wish football started tomorrow I just you know just knowing what we have assembled and um what were the strengths and weaknesses from last year do you think I think I mean definitely o line I definitely o line dep I think that was for sure a big a big need and we definitely addressed that in the draft so another good master class in the draft in my opinion with that for sure um definitely needed safety addressed that the linebacker spot addressed that uh I figured we were going to draft a running back at some point and we took what some experts called to be the best running back in the draft and we got him in the third round yep that's that's a steal I'll take it so hopefully we can fix up our Run game on defense that is a rund D because that was killed us last year that's been us the last couple years hopefully we don't see any linebackers out on receivers either no no I could see a lot of I can see a lot of sub packages bringing in either Bard or Williams and playing playing nickel slot to to cover guys yeah okay so when you hear Green Bay what do you think of obviously you you lived in Northeast Wisconsin for a little bit and you've been up in the area you know how know what this what the city or the towns like or the city The Village or whatever is like what do you think of when you hear at Green Bay the city or the team it's just what I mean what do you think of like anytime I think of Green Bay I think about the team I mean it's I get it's it's the smallest it's the smallest professional City in country but it's still it's it's it's it's crazy you think Green Bay you think you just think great football you think you think you think you think Legends you think greatness um that's what the that's what the G that's what the G stands for not everyone knows it the G doesn't stand for Green Bay it stands for greatness yep yeah I mean you just think of like a small town with a a big heart or small city with a big heart and it's just like I said before it's crazy I've been been across the us at different in different states and as far as you out in California there's a Packer bar out in California uh just this thinking of I think there's actually one in Denver too I'm at mistake and there's a Packer bar in Denver but yeah it's just they're loved everywhere you know it's I mean other teams are too but it's just I haven't really Dove the other teams as far as you know they other different states and everything but um yeah small town big heart I mean you drive Lombardi Avenue is not even that long of a road you know and people think like Lombardi is like some huge long long road and it's like not even a mile long I would say from 41 to Ashland it's like if you blink too quick you're already you know at the end of it I mean as you know I drove buy it a couple days ago was it yesterday I think I drove buy it I think so yeah pretty sure you always take you always seem to take a picture and post it every time you go by yeah it's it's it's kind of fun so I if you're going into a game and you're gonna go to a tailgate what are you bringing to a tailgate I me you gotta have you got to bring the grill obviously first off that's that's that's one of the most important things um I mean I think it's important to check the weather too uh can bring you you could bring one like one of those pitch tents to bring to have over put over to the grill uh chairs obviously like lawn like those uh foldable those foldable chairs um cornhole I think that's a big one I think cornhole is a must that and you gota you got you got to bring your beer and your soda gotta bring the snacks I'll pass them the beer no that's it's not for I know it's not for everybody but but uh now you got you got to have your drinks and your snacks you gotta got gotta have all your pregame everything everything pregame stuff um even bring a football absolutely yeah Burgers BRS chips dip uh bring a football to toss around even because I mean the football game why not right so okay name a sport you can't stand to watch uh there's a couple I can think um golf I can't do golf like I respect I I I respect anyone that's an I I respect any sport any athlete doesn't matter what sport it is I can't watch gol go I can't do it it's too boring it's just it's not exciting like it's it's an individual sport there's no like team competitiveness there's no like real action you're just watching guys hit a ball yeah and it's such a big a big wide open field big wide open field and such a big like Gap in between the action unless they're going from like different holes during the I don't know it's I've played golf a handful of times and I it's fun like it was fun like when I was drinking because I guy was all about getting drunk and driving the golf cart but it's I don't know if I could even do it anymore that and golf and I I mean I guess tennis is okay to watch it's constant back and forth you gota serves are coming 100 plus miles an hour you got to hit it back within the certain parameters and yeah golf golf is pretty boring to watch I don't know there's other stuff I could be doing like like surfing on Twitter or you know playing video games or something yeah scrolling scroll or scrolling through Tik Tok or something just yeah what sports did you play when you were a kid I played almost anything I mean I I I even tried golf One Summer just to give it a try and I sucked at it so um but I've done anything from that to I've done I I I used to take tennis lessons when I was younger too I did uh I did I did soccer for a few years when I was younger I did I I went from Pop Warner to eventually I did football in high school I did baseball baseball I did I did t-ball when I started off in t-ball when I was five I remember that um um I've done so many sport I was I was in wrestling in high school too um and basketball I did basketball in middle school yeah I I I did about I I did about any pretty much all the main sports that I can yeah pretty you think back and it's like wow you know all the stuff you did when you were a kid compared to like now your body couldn't handle any of that you know m going for sure I'd be I'd be in a wheelchair yeah I did the soccer football baseball basketball I did football from like Middle School through high school basketball through Middle School soccer through up until I think I was maybe in Middle School just before I started Middle School baseball the same so yeah I mean yeah it was pretty busy Summers you know and Falls so favorite movie of all time ah H that's oh it's hard because I I I use I used to have a favorite until a certain individual that like to [ __ ] on beds ruined that for me and that was and that was the movie Never baged down I thought it was a very I thought it was a very cool very inspiring movie it kind of inspired me to do uh MMA training uh but unfortunately the female lead in that was uh amber turd so unfortunately that ruined that for me so I don't really like watching that movie anymore but yeah otherwise I mean there's I'm I'm a huge fan of of watching like uh like any superhero movies I grew up watching a bunch of superhero cartoons growing up like Marvel yeah love the Deadpool movies those are really I they've done a fantastic job of the the Deadpool movies I can't wait for the third one to come out later this year right so um I'm such a movie buff too so it's but it's hard because I'm such a movie buff I watch so many movies it's it's hard to pick just one there's so many good ones out there right so yeah also too I see there's 33 people watching if you guys have any questions feel free to send them we'll get them answered live on air so go to the comment section and send send comments and we'll answer alrighty this is kind of a strange question but don't ask me where I get these questions from I just come with weird stuff that's all right what is the strangest thing in your refrigerator what is let me think I mean I'm not I'm not always looking in there but let me think um I don't I don't get a I don't get I don't get too many weird stuff I um um that kind of that is a bit of an odd one but I me I don't know that's I'll go for me I have a freshly cut up block of ghost cheese Pepper or ghost pepper cheese that's really good probably if anything the weirdest thing I probably have is uh um wallberg sauce you ever you ever you ever have Wall Burgers no I've heard of it though it's that the restaurant that was started by the wallberg brothers like uh Mar Mark Marky Mark and and and and his brother and his dad they um they they they I think they have I think they have a wallberg somewhere around Green Bay and they they also have one at the mall the mall America I got to go there uh last year and actually try it out their burgers are really good are they yeah and they they they actually have a they they sell they um they put out the burgers and wall burger sauce in stores too um I actually got I actually got my fiance cooking them right now and the wall and I'll get the wall bger sauce that's that's so good yeah thanks for the invite [Laughter] um I know we were talking before we went live about um DeAndre Campbell's latest comments about how how he like lost his love for the game his last couple years in Green Bay now he re he refound his love for the game apparently in San Francisco what and and I saw you going back and forth on Twitter with somebody about that what are your thoughts about that I mean on his comments that is I think I think most people would guess this it's probably more geared towards Joe Barry because he obviously what whatever he was doing the the system that he was having the system he was running with us last three four years clearly wasn't working and I think I I think dandre Campbell was getting pushed to do things that he wasn't comfortable doing maybe that's where he lost again that's just a guess but that's I think that's where he lost the love for the game a bit and I I remember him talking about on Twitter too about um having having to push through the injury that he suffered last year yeah so I don't I don't haror any ill feelings toward towards anybody he if if if this is how he feels I don't think it's against Green Bay particularly I know he loved his time here I think I think it's just the coaches he had to deal with yeah Joe Joe Barry being one of them yeah his position yeah so I don't not nothing against the guy loved his time here I wish him the best in San Fran obviously gotta roote against him week 12 when he comes to Green Bay when he comes back so isn't it week 11 it's week 12 what that's week 12 we we we have our bye think week N I don't think by we in there I'm we we bye week nine or 10 and then yeah week 12 week f um what do you think about the schedule do you think we have a fa favorable schedule I think we got a pretty decent schedule I know it's one of the toughest ones we have yeah one of the toughest ones in the league but I mean we proved last year and what was a rebuild year that we could still hang with the top teams right so I think and we I think we obviously drafted pretty well we we fed the needs that we needed to fill I think we have a very good team I think we picked the right guy for our defensive coordinator I love I love this guy's attitude that him and the the new linebacker coach we got these guys are he was from Miami right and and they're pissed because you got to Green Bay right yeah yeah then that that's where Joe Barry went was to take that guy's job yeah so it's crazy we'll take it right yeah I I mean I see 12 and five as a pretty doable record um I could see 14 and three yeah I've seen that a lot too on on Twitter and Facebook um I I think we I think we take week one though against Eagles I think we're going to win that game I really do I I think it's going almost it's going to almost be like a home game from what I from what I've seen ever since the ever since they announced that we had the Brazil game so many Brazilian fans coming out like in support for Green Bay apparent apparently Green Bay is the most popular team in Brazil yeah so that's it's gonna be almost like another it sounds like it's going to be home game for us which that would give us that HomeField Advantage yeah that'd be nice that'd be awesome I'm excited yeah same here I know we we mentioned uh your favorite movies do you ever watch like what's your favorite TV series to get into I I was always I don't really watch too much too many series now but I could think back to like I remember like the show numbers I used to like watching that and like the CSI shows like Miami was it Los Angeles or no NCIS NC Miami but NCIS and with like LL Cool J and the other guy that that resembled uh Derek Carr a yeah whatever Callahan whatever his name was I I like and I like to watch I'm a big fan of watching the cops cop series I've watched it ever since I was a kid I don't know what it is about it I just like to watch watch those older shows but what about you uh I kind I kind of like watching the like the original NCIS with Gibbs yep that's that's to me that's such an iconic character honestly um but also I like I like she was like Supernatural for me because I'm I'm a I'm a bit of a horror fan so like the The Ghost and the spooky stuff and werewolves vampires I kind of my both my fiance and I were both pretty well into that stuff so okay yeah now with with having kids I mean I I typically only thing I watch on a regular basis is sports like basketball now when football's on I'm watching football you know college basketball and or else it's big city greens or SpongeBob or you know stuff stuff like that you know I grew up on you're talking to a guy who grew up on SpongeBob SpongeBob came out when was seven yeah so I all all the all the all the ear all like the earlier stuff too was just the it was the best yeah I I just think like I mean I still like watching SpongeBob I think it's hilarious I say I say I'll still pull I'll still pull it up sometimes too when just going just scrolling through the TV channels and it'll be up it'll be up all right up yeah we have par we have Paramon so it's uh you can watch every every episode it's every I mean it's just you can play it from beginning to end you know and catch myself during the day sometimes or at night I'll be up like binge watching SpongeBob I've seen the episode a million times but it's just funny it's just something that takes your mind off nor off of life you know and it's just I think it's all um this this past week too I mean I I I had I had my niece's birthday so my my my fiance and I we went shopping at the the fox Mall here in Appleton and we stopped at Spencer because we're looking for a couple things um my my niece is big into Tupac so we're looking for like Tupac stuff and and as I'm looking at the posters my my fiance pointed out some SpongeBob shirts and one of them was the is mayonnaise an instrument Patrick one of my my fiance say that all the time yeah all the time your your your niece has a good taste in music he's my favorite artist of all time so it's that's I don't I I don't personally listen to him too much but I like that but I do like his music yeah I respect it so if you had a theme song what would it be the the the one that set as my alarm clock which is uh it's a song uh Kingdom by downstate which is Cody rhod's theme song okay I figured it' be a wrestling theme song I I wake up to that every morning and and I listen I listen to it at least once or twice a day at work so it's it's it's a big it's a big pump up song for me love it favorite besides Appleton where's your favorite place in the world L Lambo field obviously that's like a second home to me yeah well I'd say that too but I mean if I could pick the world I'd I've never been there but I'd pick Italy I want to go to Italy F and I have it'd be cool to do some digging on my family tree over there because I know I have ancestors that came from over there so over there if I had unlimited resources this to find and look up and whatnot and eat their pizza and you know absolutely that's that's like me that's like my dream vacation is to go to Italy I love I love I love the culture I love the food the history all that yeah man you see what we're gonna get hit by yeah that's crazy better go out and put my car neutral so I can get a new car Let It Blow [Laughter] Away oh I know put it on Twitter earlier today you see like a guy do you like cheese curds I love cheese curds where do you get your cheese curds from Simons I normally I honestly I I prefer going for like fried cheese curds more than regular like squeaky cheese CDs personally okay so you get them like at a bar or yeah I love but I also uh I love Culver's cheese Curts too they have some of the best cheese Curts yeah there a I I'm always posting like you know cheese some scures which is like a one minute drive from my house so probably about a 10 15 minute walk but every once in a while like every summer I think they have like this Drive-In where you can drive in and they're like frying fresh cheese curds oh so good and like there's like four days a week where they have fresh cheese curds and it's they're just so good and you get them in squeaky and man I I could go broke at that place yeah um you ever you ever go to um walkie burger no oh they have they have a they have like golf ball siiz cheese curs I'm not kidding what yeah and they have them in like regular they like uh they have like cheddar mozzarella and pepperjack yeah these the place I go to they have cinjun they have dill pickle they have they have I mean they have bunch of different seasoned ones there but it's the last time I was there they brought up a big they brought up a big case of fresh cheesec curs that were made that day of course I had to get some and now they had this Memorial Day thing where you can get like three three blocks of cheese and a and a thing of sumers sausage for like 20 bucks it's like holy crap so I'm gonna be going there tomorrow and do some shopping nice nice but they're they're the ones that I've also added to my my decoration on my back window in my car I was in there last time and they recognizing me because the last time I was there I was wearing my cheese Talk podcast shirt and they go aren't you the guy that came in there one time with that with that that podcasting on your shirt I'm like yeah here put this on the back of your car I'm like okay all right it's on my car oh yeah that's cool let me see here do you have a life model like what do you what what do you go like what's the favorite saying you say about life for me I like to say live love make a difference or Live Laugh Smile you know something like that you know life life is for me it's life too life is too short to hold than you regrets like I I don't I I think I I think like for like I I've had it too I've had too much where I've had regrets or past stuff hold me back or hold me down I'm like that that that that and it's like what what's what's life if you can't laugh a little about it yeah that's that's kind of like me it's go to work and I'm there to do my job make people laugh and go home you know [Music] um you're in the valley what's your favorite what's you okay I'll start including your fiance in some of these because you a lot of the stuff that you you involved here so what's what is your favorite spot with your fiance to eat at in the valley Victoria you ever go to Victorious very rarely it's it's a little pricey yeah it's good though I've had it it's really good but it's pricey right um we like uh we like going to Good Company sometimes downtown um there's also a place called home Burger Bar they have like specialty Burgers so good they're so good um you ever go to you ever go to Mary's Kitchen also also rarely and it's it's it's more just because it's it's I mean it's just not it's on a different part of town it's not really our thing it I haven't been probably only been there like once in the last couple years all right but it's not bad right not bad just don't go over raing um we we just went we we just went to San grias this last weekend I think I've been there before it's a smaller place right yeah B it's it's a restaurant that's basically a house yeah I've been there before it's it's it's really good it's we we got to go to we we had a we had an outside table too when we went and it was very nice out yeah that's awesome got nice got myself a nice chimmy changa with some steak in it and it was really good some margaritas not for not not for me but my fiance had a couple yeah she like she had like some kind of blueberry margarita drink yeah okay I already asked you about Lambo what are you passion besides the Packers what are you passionate about I mean Sports in general honestly I've I've always been big into sports since I was a little kid that's why I did so many sports because just I love playing I love I love the fun I love the competitiveness and it's just it's fun to watch right it's it's fun to get it's fun to get into that the movies Mo like I said before um I'm a huge movie buff I quote I quote movies and TV shows all the time on a day-to-day basis so yeah how long does it take you to make a Tik Tok video that depends on the video and when are we gonna collaborate to make one for for the op Network we gotta do that one of these days definitely and it it varies on the on exactly what kind of video I'm making like if I'm making like a like a like a SK if it's like a skit video it's going to take a bit because I got to make sure I get it right if it's just so there's sometimes where I just post memes on on the on the page and it's it's like that because like just the meme just gotta make a caption for it add some music done yeah so it varies yeah we gotta we gotta get something together to uh to make one collaborate I wonder if if I could even like if you need like a video I could send you a video or his meet up somewhere and do one maybe like at Lambo we we got definitely got to do one at Lambo one of these days we should do one at Lambo by like the by the lambo leap Statues by by by the Lombardi and the by lombardian uh the what's the other stat the other Statue I think it's l it's curly and Curly it's Curley and Vince L and Vince lomart yeah yeah yeah definitely I know we probably I know I did get message I did have the Packers did get they did get back to me and I asked him if we could do something in there and they said no because of copyright issues so it's understandable I get it get it is what it is yeah you how you're 28 years old not I appreciate that who oh I think I my last why how was I thinking you're 28 years old never mind how old are you I mean I know I look younger but I'm 32 okay that was close ish yeah I'll take 28 I turned 42 last week so I feel like I'm 90 so um what do you what are you proudest of in your 32 years of life I'm proud of of where I've gotten myself I'm proud of how much work I put into to get to where I am now because I I can I can admit you know we we we we've all made mistakes in life we've all we know we're human we're not perfect um I've had I've had anger issues I've had to work through personal issues [Music] um some separation issues that I've had to um like I'll even say this I I I I grew up with an alcoholic mother so that was and and with that I had separation I had a I had a dad I had a a d my dad separated for a while too I had to live with my mom by myself and then so when I got to adulthood I just had I had a I I had a lot of issues when I got to adult so I had I had a lot I had a lot to work on that I didn't I didn't think you don't you don't think about these things when you're a kid you don't think you don't think they're going to affect you into adulthood and then you get there and I just I got I got whacked in the face by adulthood right so I had I had to learn I had I had to learn a lot but but I I put in I I I I even took a I took a I took a life skills class up in Green Bay um thanks to my uh soon to be father-in-law who also took the same class um to help me through my personal issues learned a lot about myself through that um I've tooken plenty of anger management classes when I was younger too and I I put in a lot of work to get it's it's hard to admit sometimes when there's stuff bothering you and um especially when you're a guy and you're you're taught your whole life you got you got you got to be a man you got to be tough and to a point yeah to a point yeah it's like you got you got to you got to do what you got to do in life to pay your to you know to work pay bills and succeed you know we we all have stuff that we have to take care of right but even as even as men like we still we still feel things we still we go through all the emotions and just um I believe in you know everybody everybody taking time for their themselves to even just take a break just to relax because like we all go through a lot yeah definitely yeah yeah what's your morning routine like what time you what time you you you wake up to your theme music then you go to work and you yell at people or what drink are you a coffee drinker no I'm I'm a I'm a I'm an energy drink guy personally I I can't do coffee I just can't but no for me it's yeah get waken up get waken up by Kingdom uh I I get up I I I grab what I'm going to eat I go into my I go into my gam room here put something on the TV I close the door so I don't wake up my fiance because she doesn't get up until later in the morning so she gets up you can give her a stone cold stuner and put her back to sleep give her a nice give her a nice RKO be like he you just just sleep sleep sleep the tombstone or just do do a do a CM Punk go to to sleep go back go back to sleep oh yeah well you can't see [Laughter] me yeah I always I always get up I always get up earlier than she does so I I have to be quiet when I get up yeah so she's a bit of a light she's a bit of a light sleeper too so I have to be quiet I have to turn the volume down on the TV even and yeah I I work at and I work at 7 so typically I leave home and I work in right toown so I'll typically I'll get up around 5:30 eat my breakfast watch some TV whatever I usually watch YouTube videos um while I'm eating and then I leave probably around and then I get and I get ready and I leave probably around like 6:30 to go to work Dam R is down the road from me it's only it's only like 15 it's only like a 15 20 minute drive from where I live so yeah you could just take yeah I mean if you get on if you get on ZZ and caught across the 57 you take 57 North that's right right by me it's crazy do you put ketchup on a hot dog I don't eat hot dogs oh that's a no that's that's no but I mean I I put I put ketchup on my burger okay not let me see here did I miss any questions I asked you quite a bit of questions didn't I through quite a bit yeah one last question then then I'll let you get to your your wallberg yeah second can smell it yeah Y what last question here what makes you smile every day what makes me smile every day um knowing kn knowing I still got knowing I still got a life like I'm God woke me up today so clearly I'm still meant to be here sure so yeah I I just you know you just glad to you know wake up every morning and and able to enjoy my kids and my wife and just like you said think of all the [ __ ] you've been through and to where you're at now and I'm a big firm believer everything happens for a reason so Absol abolutely um but yeah definitely well listen we'll have to set up a time to do a Tik Tok video we'll get an idea together and we'll make it and we'll just flood social media with it oh yeah sounds good I'll let you get back to to eating um where can people find you at now you can find me at cheor nerd on Twitter or you can find you can find me I make Tik Tok videos at Ohan Packers on Tik Tok perfect well Aaron thank you and uh in about another month I'm pretty sure I have you on my schedule to be on so yeah could be some appearances in between but we'll see what happens we'll see all right take care man go packo go packo thank you for having me Brian y have a good night you too thank you later

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