2nd And 10 Tribute Gm for Joe Schmidt

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:15:29 Category: Sports

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hey there Heather H Jeff C welcome you to another U classic second of 10 game we are having a tribute game because unfortunately we had a tragic death well it not really Unexpected death but anyway we're doing the Joe Schmidt tribute game in Detroit at Brick Stadium the reason why is for this guy Joe Schmidt American football linebacker for the Detroit Lions from the from 1953 to 1965 a legend in Detroit when Detroit in the 50s were actually good and that was the last time the Lions won in NFL Championship SL Super Bowl was 1957 so anyway he was pretty good defensively named to the all decades 1950s and was named to the Pro Football H Fame in 1973 um he was actually head coach of the lions from 67 to 72 and did okay I mean the Lions finished second place four straight years in their division they played for the University of Pitts in the 50s so you went University of Pittsburgh they actually won six games in 1952 and actually beat noran which was shocking he actually had a concussion and Hemorrhage that was hospitalized for 10 days to NFL titles even in his rookie campaign seventh rounds he actually helped them win the NFL title then 57 the NFL title game against the Browns the later moments where Joe Schmid great player all that 13 years and then rebuilding and all that he got them pretty well he actually made some major picks Len Bernie Greg Landry and Charlie Sanders were all pretty good players we year final year 7172 of course that was when Chuck Hughes passed away so yeah head coaching got to the divisional round in 1970 lost to Dallas it was that 5 nothing game if me right and went to the Hall of Fame which was great one of the greatest Lions ever in 1969 but that was schitz number 65 retired by the University of pet you know that's St marinal all that war 56 is numbers retired by the Lions Pat swelling were 56 but you know Mar had five children died 92 years old wow 92 years old so we are going to do Cleveland Detroit in a quote unquote green match now we are not going to do Detroit's offensive Play Because Schmidt is a linebacker so here we go stum you know as they said we the defensively so they have to pun so Tommy OK at quarterback look I blind that's supplying linebackers to Pap m p Rosa was on line bar all right Campbell D defensive line right hand side Jo the Big Bob long Roger s Jack CHR he BR and my wer at I know defense first par they miss play offense offense my Play Hands defense first down first that's course you just tell P play false start offense offense black play the offense first Elbo has not had t oh and John for a touchdown ping up in b offsides kicking team offense time yes yes I no makes a great cover he did first s five that four and five they're going to go for go w good and 14 nothing and a bumble oh that again down touchdown rounds Def kicking 10 my play pass appear defense defense first bring offense l 14 and so typical Lions they were 14 the lead OK 10 for 172 two picks l 10 for 20 123 it was good for Detroit defensively Schmidt haded two tackles and that was it two tackles right L had eight tackles Christian had two PS but nothing they help Jim BR 5 yards it's pretty good I think but yeah wi this game 2414 bad luck for Detroit scen so typically Lions but anyway rest in peace Charles Schmidt I'm Jeff Diamond I do

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